File Ref. #026 P ?6-- J}; tv If! /9'1 J City of Miami Beach City Clerk's Office SEPTEMBER 22, 1993 C-3. COMMISSION COMMITTEES ASSIGNMENTS A. LETTER TO COMMISSION NO. 157-1993 (DATED SEPTEMBER 13, 1993) SEPTEMBER 22, 1993 REFERRAL TO THE RULES & SPECIAL EVENTS COMMITTEE - PROGRAMMING FOR CABLE TELEVISION CHANNEL. ACTION: Referred to Committee. (Vote: 5-0; Commissioner Eisenberg away from table; Commissioner Resnick absent from Chambers.) Also see related item R-3K. ---ztJ City of Miami Beach City Clerk's Office SEPTEMBER 22, 1993 K. COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. 516-93 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING MIAMI BEACH ORDINANCE 86-2500 ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, GRANTING AS THEREINAFTER SET FORTH TO ALL-RITE SATELLITE, INC., ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, A NONEXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE FOR THE INST ALLA TION AND OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF A CABLE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH; ESTABLISHING CERTAIN CONDITIONS THEREFOR; PROVIDING FOR ACCEPTANCE OF THE FRANCHISE; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCES OR PARTS THEREOF INCONSISTENT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE", SPECIFICALLY AMENDING THE SECTION REGARDING DEFINITION OF GROSS REVENUE, CABLE RATE REGULATION, CUSTOMER SERVICE STANDARDS, AND ESTABLISHING A NEW SECTION GOVERNMENT PUBLIC ACCESS CHANNEL; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCES OR PARTS THEREOF INCONSISTENT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (RIFKININARRANGANSETT SOUTH FLORIDA CATV LIMITED PARTNERSHIP D/B/A GOLD COAST CABLE) 1. CORRESPONDENCE FROM MATTHEW L. LEIBOWITZ, WITH COMMENTS TO THE FCC. SEPTEMBER 22, 1993 2. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING. SEPTEMBER 22, 1993 (FIRST READING 9/8/93) ACTION: Hearing held and concluded. Ordinance No. 93-2876 adopted, to become effective 10/2/93 (customer service standards to become effective 1/1/94). (Vote: 7-0.) Commissioner Gottlieb suggested City representation (possibly including special counsel Mr. Leibowitz) attend the Dade League of Cities' 9/30/93 workshop regarding cable TV. Also see related item C-3A. ORDINANCE NO. 93-2876 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING MIAMI BEACH ORDINANCE 86-2500 ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, GRANTING AS THEREINAFTER SET FORTH TO ALL-RITE SATELLITE, INC., ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, A NONEXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE FOR THE INSTALLATION AND OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF A CABLE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH; ESTABLISHING CERTAIN CONDITIONS THEREFOR; PROVIDING FOR ACCEPTANCE OF THE FRANCHISE; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCES OR PARTS THEREOF INCONSISTENT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE; SPECIFICALLY AMENDING THE SECTION REGARDING DEFINITION OF GROSS REVENUE, CABLE RATE REGULATION, CUSTOMER SERVICE STANDARDS, AND ESTABLISHING A NEW SECTION GOVERNMENT PUBLIC ACCESS CHANNEL; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCES OR PARTS THEREOF INCONSISTENT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on February 5, 1986, the City adopted Ordinance No. 86-2500 awarding a non-exclusive cable television franchise to All- Ri te Satell i te, Inc. for a period of 15 years ("the TV Ticket Franchise"); and WHEREAS, the city authorized the assignment of the TV Ticket Franchise to Rifkin-Narragansett South Florida CATV Limited Partnership d/b/a Gold Coast Cable, (the "Franchisee"); and WHEREAS, the city Administration, with the assistance of special counsel, has currently engaged the Franchisee in negotiations with respect to modifications of the terms and conditions of the TV Ticket Franchise to include terms and conditions including customer service standards, rate regulation, and other pertinent issues; and WHEREAS, the Federal Communications commission ("FCC") new rules and regulations with respect to rate regulation are incomplete and not final, and since these new rules and regulations will provide authority to the city for rate regulation and will restrict the Franchisee with respect to rates, the Administration has determined that it is not reasonable to conclude cable renewal negotiations pending detailed review of these rules and regulations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and city commission of the city of Miami Beach, Florida: SECTION 1. section 2(1) entitled "Gross Revenues" is amended as follows: (1) "CrOE:C Rovonuoc" chall moan all rO'.'onue derivod dinwtly or indiroctly from cubE:criborc and ucerc of tho ChTV syctem by the Company, itc affiliatee, cubcidiariec, parent and any porcon iR uhich tho company hac a financial interect, or i tc cucceccorc, aceignc or tranE:ferooc, frO"1i1 or in connection with tho operation of a cablo communicationc cyctem purcuant to thiE: ordinance and .Ji thin tho city: provided, hmmver, all revenuee ehall include, but not be limited tom bacic cubccriber cervice monthly fees, pay cable feee, inctallation and raconnection foec, leased channel fece::, convortor rontale, studio rental, production equipment and perconnel feec, cecurity corvices, advertising rovonuee and including any eubccribor rovenueD from cubccriborc .:ithin tho city oven if such cervice ic pro~ided by lacer transmicsion, or light or optical tranemieeion and oven if subscriberc recida in one or moro multiple-unit dwollingc under commen ewnerchip, control or management: and that thic shall not include any taxee on carvices furniched by the Company herein impoced directly upon any eubecribor or ueer by the stata, city or governmental unit. SECTION 2. (1) "Gross Revenue" shall mean all revenue includinq cash, credits. property of any kind or nature or other consideration (includinq barter) recognized directly or indirectly bv franchisee (includinq to the extent applicable. its Affiliates, as hereinafter defined subsidiaries, or anY person or entity in which the franchisee has a financial interest) from any source whatsoever arisinq from. attributable to. or in any way derived from the sale or exchanqe of cable services or the operation of a cable system bv the franchisee within the city, in accordance with qenerallY accepted accountinq principles. Gross revenues includes, but is 2 not limited to. fees charqed subscribers for any optional premium. per-channel or per-proqram service; fees charqed subscribers for any tier of service other than basic service; installation. disconnection. reconnect ion and chanqe-in-service fees; leased access fees; fees. payments or other consideration from proqrammers for carriage of programminq on the cable system; revenue from equipment rental or sales; revenue from studio and studio equipment rental; advertisinq service: revenues derived from the sale of products or services advertised or promoted on the cable system. includinq home shopping channels; the sale. exchanqe or cablecast by the franchisee of any proqrarnrninq developed on or for access channels or institutional users; the sale of the siqnal or any portion thereof to unlicensed operators; any revenue received throuqh any means which avoids payment of compensation that would otherwise be paid to the city for the franchise; and all other revenue. Gross revenue shall not include to the extent consistent with qenerallY accepted accounting principles. consistently applied. bad debt write-offs; taxes and fees of a general nature imposed by law on subscribers of any state. county. city or other qovernmental unit and collected by the franchise on behalf of such governmental unit and which the franchisee passes on in full to the applicable tax authority or authorities (provided. however. that the franchisee fee required to be paid by the franchisee in accordance with its franchise shall not be considered to be such a tax of a qeneral nature. as referred to above). For purposes of this section. the term "Affiliate" shall mean any person or entity which. directly or indirectly. owns ten percent (10%) or more interest in the franchisee: or any person or entity in which the franchisee. directly or indirectly. owns ten percent (10%) or more interest; or any person or entity with at least ten percent (10%) common interest with the franchisee. SECTION 2. section 9(a) and (b) entitled "Rates" is amended as follows: 3 SECTION 9. RatoE. (a) Tho city rotainc tho right to at any timo rogulate tho ratoE that may bo charged by the Company, which regulation Ehall bo in accordance with the RegulationE adoptod by the FCC purEuant to the Cable Communicationc Policy Act of 1984. (b) The detormination of the Company'E ratec Ehall algo bo gubject to rogulation purcuant to Sec. 8A-1J of the Dade County Code, and to the ruleE and regulationc of any State or Foderal authority r.:hich may cubcequently, by duo prOCeEg of la'.\T, acquiro juriEdiction over thic type of induE:try or onterpriEe. SECTION 9. Cable Rate Requlations. (a) To the extent permitted bY applicable law. the City shall requlate rates of the Cable System. (b) The city shall requlate the Cable System's rates and charqes in a manner consistent with all applicable FCC rules and requlations. Before adoptinq any order with respect to the rates of a cable system. the city shall provide a reasonable opportunity for consideration of the views of all interested parties. including but not limited to. the views of the franchisee. SECTION 3. section 13, entitled "Operations and Maintenance System; Service Standards" is amended as follows: SECTION 13. Standards. (a) Tho Company E:hall rondor operation and maintenanco purEuant operation and Maintenance of SYEtem; Sorvice to tho E:tandardE: of tho Fodera I Communicationc CommigEion and in full complianco 'lith tho Cable Communicationg Policy Act of 1984. (b) Tho Company haE and will continue to havo during tho torm hereof an offico in Dado County, Florida which of fico iE: currently located at 945 Crandon Boulevard, suite 22, Key BiEcayno, Florida 33119, and which offico8 shall bo open during all uEual bucinocE hourc, and which local cuctomerg 8hall at all time 8have accecc to by a local (Miami Boach) tolephono numbor, 80 that cUEtomorE may rogiEter complaintc and roquoEtE without chargo to tho cuctomor. 4 Company chall, at all timeE:: keep and maintain E::ufficient phone line~ so a~ to enablo a cub~cribor to roach Company and regictor a complaint after a reaE::onable timo and effort, except in caE::e of a cubctantial failuro of the E::YE::tem or a E::ubstantial portion thereof. (c) Company chall diE::patch poreonnol to inve~tigato all E::ervico complaint~ and equipment malfunctionE:: within twenty-four hourc and ~trivo to recolvo cuch complaintEl ac promptly aE:: pOE::siblo. Plannod interruption of eervice ~hall be only for good cause. Insofar as poccible, plannod ~ervice interruptionc E::hall bo precodod by notice, be of briof duration, and occur during minimum viewing hourc. Company chall at all times havo in itE:: employ maintenance persone who chall recido in Dade County. (d) Company ehall maintain a complete list of all complaintc not reE:olved \,,rithin coven dare received and the Hleasurec taken to recolve them in form to be approved by tho City Managor. This liet chall be supplied to the City Managor on a monthly bacic. (e) Company shall maintain a list of all complaints recoived, which lict will be available to tho city Manager. (f) Company shall pormit tho City Manager to inspect and tOE::t the cyetem'c technical equipment and facilitios upon reaE::onablo (twolve to twenty-four hourE:) notice. (9) The Company chall octablich a grievanco procedure which E::hall be fair and equitable to all subscribers and shall filo copioE:: of all complaintE:: and final docisions with tho city Managor, monthly. SECTION 13. Consumer protection provisions: office and telephone availability. ill The franchisee shall maintain a local business office within the existinq cable system's service area. but not more than five (5) miles from the city or within the city that is adequately staffed and open to the public. Monday throuqh Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. This office may close for any holiday observed by the U.S. Government. 5 lQl Each franchisee shall maintain a telephone system with a publicly listed local telephone number. Knowledqeable. qualified franchisee representatives will be available to respond to customer telephone inquiries. Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.: one weekday night until 8:00 p.m.: and on Saturday from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. lrl Under Normal Operating Conditions. all customer service and repair calls shall be answered within thirty (30) seconds. includinq wait time and within an additional thirty (30) seconds to transfer the call during the hours between 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. each day of the year. The rate of lost calls. includinq incominq calls abandoned. shall be less than ten (10) percent of all incominq calls. Customers shall receive a busv signal no more than three (3) percent of the time. These standards shall be met no less than ninety (90) percent of the time measured on a quarterly basis based upon the most recent quarter. with respect to those calls received prior to 8:30 a.m. or after 7:00 p.m.. Monday to Friday: prior to 9:00 a.m. or after 5:00 p.m. on Saturday: all day sunday and on all national holidays the franchisee shall use reasonable efforts to assure that its outside answerinq service comply with the standards set forth above. iQl Franchisee shall maintain or contract for at least one (1) billing payment and customer eauipment location located in the city which will be open for transactions Monday throuqh Friday from 8: 30 a. m. to 5: 00 P. m.: at least one niqht Monday throuqh Friday until 8:00 p.m.; and on Saturday 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. ..Ltl When the franchisee's offices are closed. and at times not included in subsection (a) above. franchisee may use telephone answerinq services or automated answering and distribution to meet the reauirements of this section. The franchisee shall meet the standards specified in subsection (c). SECTION 13.1 Consumer protection provisions: Consumer 6 complaint procedures. i9l Subscribers may lodqe complaints concerninq cable service with a franchisee bv (i) writing franchisee at its local business office; (ii) by telephoninq franchisee at its local business office or (iii) visiting franchisee at its local business office. iQl Franchisee shall maintain a written record of each customer complaint received. For purposes of this section, a customer complaint shall not include normal service calls or requests includinq billing or proqramming inquiries unless the subscriber does not receive a satisfactory response or service from the franchisee within a reasonable period of time, not to exceed fifteen (15) days, after the service call or other request has been made. The record shall include name of the customer, the date of the complaint, the nature of the complaint and the date of the response. ~ Customers dissatisfied with a franchisee's response to a complaint may appeal to the City Manager within seven (7) days of the franchisee's response. The City Manaqer and the franchisee, or their representatives shall meet to resolve the complaint to the mutual satisfaction of the parties within thirty (30) days. The franchisee shall use reasonable efforts to resolve these complaints. i9l The franchisee shall notifY its subscribers in writinq at the time of initial installation and at least annually thereafter that if a subscriber is not satisfied with the franchisee's service the subscriber can contact the City and County offices requlating cable television. The franchisee's written notice shall include the telephone number and contact person for the city and the County's cable offices. igl The franchisee shall, within seven (7) days after receivinq written request from the city, send a written report to the City with respect to any particular consumer complaint. The 7 report to the city shall provide a full eXl'lanation of the investigation. findings and corrective steps taken or in process by the franchisee. SECTION 13.2 Installations outaqes and service calls. ill Under normal operatinq conditions. each of the followinq four (4) standards will be met no less than ninety-five (95) percent of the time measured on a quarterlY basis. ill Standard installations will be performed wi thin seyen (7) business days after an order has been placed; provided the franchisee has been able to obtain any necessary easements or other consents necessary to complete the installations. "standard" installations are UP to one hundred fifty (150) feet from the existinq distribution system. (ii) The franchisee will respond to service interruptions promptly and in no event later than twenty-four (24) hours after the interruption becomes known. other service problems will be responded to promptlY and in no event later than forty- eiqht (48) hours. Notwithstandinq the above. the franchisee shall not be required to respond to service interruptions or service problems on Sunday. All service interruptions and service problems within the control of franchisee will be corrected within 72 hours after receipt of a complaint. (iii) The appointment window alternatives made available for installations. service calls. repairs. and other installation activities will be (a) morninqs. and (bl afternoons. Monday throuqh Saturday; or (cl at the election and discretion of the subscriber. "all day". (iv) If at any time an installer or technician is runninq late. an attempt to contact the customer will be made and the appointment rescheduled as necessarY at a time which is convenient for the customer. lhl The franchisee shall not miss a service or 8 installation appointment scheduled with a particular subscriber unless rescheduled one (1) day in advance. iQl Franchisee may intentionally interru~t service only for good cause and for the shortest time possible. Franchisee shall use its best efforts to insure that such interruptions shall occur only durinq the hours of 1:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. A written loq shall be maintained for all intentional service interruptions. ~ In the event that service to any subscriber is interrupted on all channels on the basic tier which shall mean the service tier which includes the retransmission of local television broadcast siqnals or thirty percent (30%) of the channels on any other proqramminq tier or any sinq1e a la carte premium channel (hereinafter for purposes of this section referred to collectivelY as the "Base Channels") for twentv-four-hour (24) or more hours due to the fault of the franchisee and not due to acts of God or other circumstances beyond franchisee I s control. the franchisee shall provide a credit or rebate to affected subscribers equal to twenty (20) percent of the monthlv fees for each twenty-four-hour period durinq which the subscriber is without service not to exceed one (1) month subscriber payment. In the event that service to any subscriber is interrupted on the Base Channels including loss of siqnal complying with the technical requirements specified in this franchise or under applicable federal law for six (6) or more hours. the franchisee shall provide a credit or rebate to affected subscribers upon request by the subscriber. equal to one-thirtieth of the monthly bill. However. in the event that service to any subscriber is interrupted on the Base Channels. includinq the loss of signal complvinq with the technical requirements specified in the franchise or under applicable federal law for twenty-four (24) or more hours the franchisee shall provide a credit or rebate to affected subscribers equal to one-thirtieth of the monthlY bill. For purposes of computing the time of interrupted service. the time shall begin when a complaint for interrupted service is received 9 by the franchisee or when the franchisee has actual or constructive notice of the interruption. whichever occurs first. of this section. service interruption shall mean For purposes the loss of picture or sound. In addition, with respect to cable service offered in multiple dwellinq units. no rebate or credit shall be required unless the franchisee has actual or constructive notice that the Base Channels are not in compliance with the technical requirements of this franchise or under applicable federal law, and if the franchisee has commenced any and all necessary repairs within thirty-six (36) hours usinq its best efforts to correct the quality of the siqnal. In addition. no rebate or credit shall be required for cable service offered in multiple dwelling units if the failure to provide the required signal or the ability to cure is beyond the control of the franchise, and within the control of the manaqement or owner(s) of the multiple dwellinq unit. Nothing in this subsection limits the franchisee from applyinq a rebate policy more liberal than these requirements. igl In all situations where cable service is disrupted to five hundred (500) or more subscribers for a time period qreater than six (6) hours, the franchisee shall notifY the city Manaqer or his desiqnee immediately. iil All field employees must carry identification indicatinq their employment with the franchisee. i9l Upon termination of service to any subscriber, the franchisee shall remove all portions of its system. facilities and equipment from the subscriber's premises within 14 days of subscriber's request. Where removal is impractical. such as with buried cable or internal wiring. facilities and equi~ment may be disconnected or abandoned rather than removed. SECTION 13.3 Communications. bills and refunds. ~ The franchisee will provide written information in each of the fol1owinQ areas at the time of installation and at any 10 future time upon request bv the Subscriber: ill The products and services offered; l1il Prices and service options; (iiilHow to use the cable service; iiYl Installation and service policies; iYl The franchisee's procedures for the receipt and resolution of customer complaints. the franchisee's address and telephone number to which complaints may be reported. and the hours of operation; (vil The telephone number and address of the city's office and the County's office designated to handle cable television complaints and inquiries; (vii) The availability of the "lock-out" device; (viii) The availability of an input selector. or A/E switch. and identification of those local broadcast stations not carried on their system; (ix) The franchisee's information collection and disclosure policies for the protection of a subscriber's privacy. The information in subsection (vl-(ix) above will be provided to each subscriber at least annuallY. J..Ql In addition. a franchisee shall provide written notice in its monthly billinq. at the request of the city Manaqer. of any meetinq reqardinq requests or applications by the franchisee for renewal. transfer or modification of its franchise. The city Manaqer shall make such a request in writinq. no less than fortv- five (45) days prior to the mailinq of any billinq bv franchisee. Said notices shall be made at franchisee's expense and said expense shall not be considered part of the franchise fee assessed pursuant to section 8 and shall not be regarded as the term as defined in section 622 of the Communications Act. 47 U.S.C. Section 42. lQl The franchisee's bills will be clear. concise and understandable. 11 iQl Refund checks will be issued promptlY. but no later than the earlier of thirty (30) days or the customer's next billinq cycle followinq the resolution of the reauest. or the return of the equipment supplied by the franchisee if service is terminated. 1.tl All customers and the city will receive written notification a minimum of thirty (30) days in advance of any rate or channel chanqe. SECTION 13.4 Customer Service Compliance certificate. The franchisee shall certifY in writinq to the city on January 1 and June 1 of each year based upon internal due diliqence by the franchisee that to the best of its knowledqe it is in substantial compliance with the customer service standards set forth in Sections 13-13.3 within thirty (30) days of receipt of the certification. At the reauest of the city. the franchisee shall submit such documentation. as may be reauired. to demonstrate such compliance within thirty (30) days of receipt of such reauest. SECTION 13.5 Customer Service - Penalties. (a) In addition to any other remedies provided herein. the City may (in accordance with provisions of this section) impose the followinq penalties for any violation of sections 13-13.3. hereof: Customer Service Section Description of violation Penalty Failure to Maintain Local Business Office $300 13 (a) 13 (b) Failure to Maintain Telephone System $300 13 (b) Failure to Make Qualified Franchisee Representatives Available $300 13 (c) Failure. Under Normal Operating Conditions. to Meet Phone Answerinq Time $300 13 (d) Failure to Maintain Billinq Payment and $500 12 13 (d) 13 (e) 13.1 (b) 13.1 (3) 13.3 (a) 13.2 (a) 13.2 (b) 13.2 (c) 13.2 (d) 13.2 (e) 13.2 (f) 13.3 (a) (ix) Customer Eauipment Location Within The City Failure to $500 Maintain Billing pavment and Customer Eauipment Office Hours Failure to Meet After- $300 Hour Telephone Standards Failure to Comply $500 with Record Requirements of Customer Complaints Delay in Sending $200 written Report in Consumer Complaint Failure to Notify $250 Customers at Time of Installation or Annually Failure. Under $300 Normal Operatinq Conditions. to Meet Installations. Outaaes and Service Calls within Reauisite Time Failure to Meet $100 Ser.vice or Installation Appointment Interruption of $500 Service without Good Cause Interruption of $500 Service Due to Fault of Franchise Delay in Notifv $200 city of Service Disruption Failure to ProperlY $100 Identify Field Personnel Failure to Provide $100 written Information as to Products and Services Offered. Prices and Service options. Use Cable Service. Installations and Service Policies: 13 Procedures for Customer Complaints. Telephone Numbers for County and city Cable Offices: the Availability of Lock-out Devices. Input Selectors or A/B switches 13.3 (b) Failure to Provide Notice of City Meetinqs $500 13.3 (d) Delay ia Refunds $250 For purposes of computinq these penalties. each day of a continuinq violation shall constitute a separate violation. (b) The City shall qive the franchisee thirty (30) days prior written notice of its intent to assess a penalty. identifying the reasons for such proposed action. During the thirty (30) day notice period the franchisee may file a written response to the Notice of Intent to assess a penalty with the city. (c) The city shall consider any justification. mitigatinq factor. including but not limited to rebates or credits to the subscriber, a cure of the "Violation. offered by the franchisee ?rior to assessinq such penalties. and the imposition of a penalty by Dade County. The City may. after consideration of such a response by the franchisee. waive or reduce the penalty. The city and the franchisee aqree that it is appropriate and necessary for the city to enforce the customer service standards contained in this franchise. The City will use reasonable efforts to coordinate with Dade County to avoid the assessment of mUltiple penalties for the same violation. However. nothinq herein shall prevent the City from assessinq penalties as a result of Dade County's action(s). if any. (d) Subsequent to the notice and consideration of franchisee's response. if any. as required in subsections (b) and (e) above. the city may issue an assessment of penalty. The penalty shall be paid within thirty (30) days of written notice to 14 franchisee. (el Failure of the City to enforce any requirement of the customer service standards or to assess any penalties for violations shall not constitute a waiver of the City's rights. (f) Any penalties assessed under this Section shall be considered liquidated damages. It is the intent of the city to determine penalties as a reasonable estimate of the damages suffered by the city. whether actual or potential. and may include without limitation. increased costs of administration and other damaGes difficult to measure. (G) Any penalty assessed under this section shall not be considered part of the franchisee fee assessed pursuant to Section 8 and shall not be reGarded as a franchisee fee. as that term is defined in Section 622 of the Communications Act. 47 U.S.C. Section 542. Further. any penalty shall not be considered as an external cost as defined by the FCC and shall not be treated as a pass- throuGh or in any calculation of cost of service for rate reGulation to the extent provided by applicable federal law. (hl Further. any penalty assessed under this Section shall not be considered in any rate requlation proceedinq as a cost to the franchisee. nor shall it be treated as a pass-throuqh to the subscribers. SECTION 13.6 Violation of Customer Service Standards- Renewal & Transfer. Violations and penalties assessed as a result thereof of the customer service standards set forth in Sections 13-13.3 may be considered in connection with franchisee's franchise renewal application or any franchisee's transfer application. to the extent permitted under federal law. However. prior to such consideration. the City shall provide franchisee with notice of its intent to consider such matters in its evaluation and an opportunity to cure any violations. 15 SECTION 4. A new Section 30, entitled "Government Access Channel" is added as follows: SECTION 30. Government Access Channel. (a) The franchisee shall provide and maintain, without charqe, a cable channel on.a full-time basis to the City of Miami Beach for its use and proqramming. Said channel shall be included on the franchisee's basic tier of service as defined by federal law. .t'i:))-::$~.iJ.(:f.!:~Y~~~J:i!~?,m!:~1?<#.~~~;!;:m:~t.i.~~~~t~::~)l:~~:~~:;::?~~:!:!:::~~~~:::::;::~f!~:~tt.~I?!~:~ t6'tli~C~1iytiii.:$~1i~fi1ili~ti:::!q~#iii~?ym:;:!{J?i:i~i::~!~~~;~:; ;'C'2"':(:::;"i{F::~>>~;:;:;:~~i~tn~::::::.~:::::.ii~:?1I~t::::mlrl_li.w.&:::::_li::::I~Hbm~i! ~l?~~~~:!!'t?~:~!#1.~.~?!@#.??~!?!~U~~!8!Gi!~":!:!:!~i.,!i\~:?!:III!:::!:!i.;~PJI~~~'?!:!.'~:~::::::!:~i~~W?!:v.?J1 ~ll(:ili't:m::.,.ft:qm?!p.?:~9.;r;~ffi!:::~:;!~~:::::::::~1;i~~~:~jfi::Wfr:;l{~W~v~;r;:!Wl?:~l:r:~i;~~~~i:t.~1ig~~~tt.:~~!:::::::ti~'t: PrbqF~m~:n)f:c()inltt~li9~~$i~::t?#:?:p.~i5..iii()~*t?#~~i?!i.t~~lj~~~iti~!1~~!:.,.i!glf?:#i~~~#.~ii.$ gtit'1.ti9:'tJl~~s:i~m~~1: .r.~~...:.::::~!:i::!:$.I:\~.::;:@.y~~~:::rt;)P.~::::::!~!!~figg'm:::::\ii:;::!~!Il({fgiUfi9;?!;il9.lwi.~.~9:?:;$.#j #?Jii"~~f!e'i!ffiIit~ti#:?;~<#~~~~!:J~)l:~J:i~~:~:::~!:;::::;~~~::::~~:::~:~[i?t:;I~::~~~#~::::!:~~@~~~;r;~~~~'i::~~~ am6iirib.6f'.:~t~'p#()qji$litrii*ti9:~m::::::;~ti~!:!:::P.:ii~Y:::::!i.i.f:i~11[1i?:::i9':'f:Vr:p'1j~p:::~~i.Ji:i.~~~s~!~/::i*ffi ~WJ.~~IJSf~2Et:i.ii.?D~mij;(:jgl:::;:II{;liliIB\lr:::::II_I.ml::tti:.~:PflUl:i::::W~i.j}i!ti~n th,fi't'l":'r~~)';;:~~Y~:}~Jfi:~(j/\f~99.~W::::~~:::!::~t.i.~?;;.vl:!:;:::~n~:?~iipl:;::::~l.l..tjq~!::::::~~;::i*-,t:)~ti~ i~~pft~g#~~!n.~fig:~!:;::.:.::m:m?Yp~f1}:m:!:!!?:ii.9.~*p~m::::!::m~~:!:::!;!:?:~~~1.~?!i::!::i:~~:~@.~~J.t:::::::::!:::~~p.~~~::1!:::!:::!m!~!:#?J~ ~fiiifi<#.n.~~~:i)~1:i!~~~!m!?~~~;r~~~~t!:~#.Y::rp.i~Ji~D!iiR~:::::p~~~~~~Y.:F~f?!::::::ii~~~l#.~~~~~ ttie~iitfyt~:iii&~~t!9~9};l#IWm'i_wl~X})!ifllljjl::::::i.:m.Y:::::::::!::~:gJ::::::}liit~::~:: SECTION 5. The existing Sections 30, 32, and 33 are renumbered consecutivelyas Sections 31, 32, and 33, respectively. SECTION 6. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, then said holding shall in no way affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance. SECTION 7. Repealer. All ordinances or parts in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. 16 SECTION 8. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect ten (10) days after adoption on the 2nd day of October, 1993. Customer service standards contained herein shall become effective January 1, 1994. However, th~ city shall comply with all notice requirements for the customer service standards and rate regulation contained herein under applicable federal law. I PASSED and ADOPTED this 22nd day of .~ ATTEST: ( i/ i/' ~~,~~ ~ - ~~~ CITY CLERK 1st reading 9/8/93 2nd reading 9/22/93 FORM APPROVED LEGAL DEPT. ~L" By Y Date t:? 3. ~ ~ A:\ordinanc.908 17 SECTION 8. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect ten (10) days after adoption on the 2nd day of October, 1993. Customer service standards contained herein shall become effective January 1, 1994. However, the city shall comply with all notice requirements for the customer service standards and rate regulation contained herein under applicable federal law. / PASSED and ADOPTED this 22nd day of ATI'EST: (i"'" . V' ~vl.ov~ C - ~0V~ CITY CLERK 1st reading 9/8/93 2nd reading 9/22/93 FORM APPROVED LEGAL DEPT. By ~Ly Date q. 3. ~ ~ A:\ordinanc.908 17