File Ref. #036 -J.:!.; -- 1 ,'4-; III 'fl,' ?EB-17-sa 11.27 FROM.LOCKHEED MARTIN 10.3053778558 PAGE 2/11 CITY Of= MIAMI BEACH CITy HAll. 17C1) CONVeNTION CENTER CRlvE UIAMI BEACH FlORIDA J:J 139 O'!I~I 01' YHf. CITY M4U1AGlR TlLII'HONI= 1*1 IlNOII 'All: I_I t"-171Z COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO.ld 1.92. TO: Mayor Seymour Glib<< ~nc1 ..,embers of die ClIy ~ RogerM. ~ All CJ ..;....;.... ClIy Manager~~ DATE: October 8, 1992 F~O~; SUBJl:CT; ACBI~NG A CONVENTION ftEADQO~Tga8 KOTEL(S) B~CKGROUN[) The Ci.ty of Miami Belcb has not enjoye<l the benefit at a new convention headquarters botel for approdlllatel.y 2S y~~r5. In pa7:t, this situation related to the qeneral decline ot touriSM in South Florida as veIl a5 competitive taoto~~ $uch as the. Disney phenomenon in Centra.l Florida. Kiall! Beach its.lt experienced negative imaqery due to a high crime rate after the Mariel influx, an inability to focus touriSM-related .arketing due to numerous competitive advertising prograDs and the perceptIon that our City was a place to ret!~. and not vacation. Pur~b.r, the conven~ion- related co~ponent at tourism tocuse<l on the ~a1nland because nav hot~l$ vere located on the other 5ide Of piacayn. aay .s downtown Miami vas un4erqoing an extraordin~ry renaissance. cur co..unity was completelY ineffective in capturing cruise line related business due' t.P It lack of shoppinq opportunities and tourist Attractions to till empty. periods bGtwecn cruise departures and a ir line tl iqhts. When the local factors delineated above Were coupled with unavailability of financing, a business community wbich was lukewarm at best to new hotel development, and a perception tnat sites would require extre.ely controverpial demolition ot historic properties, it is not ditficult to understand vhy the twenty-five year <lry period for hotel development e~iated. This introduction may denote that a hopele~s milieu of probl.m. has evolved ruqardinq the development ot a now notel. In tact over th- past decade an el(cltin9 critical. mass of factors has c:ollle t0gether tor the t hOISt time to p~ovid. a real opportun t ty to develop a convention headquarte~p ~otel in the near term. The main f~ctors which a~Q now in place are: . The Hiallli Be~ch convention Center hAIS baen expanded to over one ldlllon square teet and is viewe<l by the industry as being a ti~st-clas$ f~cili\:y that ili able to handle more than 9S percent ot a~l convention.. The e~traordinary evolution ot the Art peco Oistrict as a world-wide magnet for touriSM, an image creat!nq clynaJlo lor the City ot Miami Beach and a local "happening" place ha5 created intersst by the hotel development co..unity internationally ~hich 15 the t~rat ingredient in achiev!ng the goal of iI new convention headquarters hotel. ~4 continued. . , AG~~:~~~,&-I DAYll -Ii}. 'b ,.- 9 2- . 1/1 iJ ~E8-17-88 11.28 FROM.LOCKHEEO MARTIN 10.3053778559 , . ' COKNISSIOH KEHOIANDUX aCHIlNIMG A COHVIII'l'IOH IBADQUAR'!ERB ROTBL (II J 'AGB no BACKG80U~O (continued) . The maturation ot the eXisting hoteliers in their realiaation that a new convention headquarters hotel wo~ld not be competitive, bUt would provide the ability to book additional conventions and c~eate .o~. business tor all hotels. . The beach has been ~enour:ished providing an expansive tropical shoreline neco~sary for any ocean-oriented resort destination. The demographic changes experienced by Miami Beach hAve t"s$ulted in a younger, Dore ethnicallY diver.e citizenry which ma~B visitors from !UrOpa and South America feel welcome and comfortable in our community. A ~Bnawad and vigorous entrepreneurial group has tnv..ted in hotal renovations, service and support tlUsin....s, re5taurants, Jf"ight life and professional ottic.. to support the ~naissance of HiaDi Reach.' - . Hunictpal government 1111$ "reinventli!dM itselt at both the administrative and political level. While the.p~ocess should never be over, our citizens have ~egained faith in the City and 8ee~ ready to support bOld initiative5 $uch a5 an induce~t package to att~act a neW conv.ntion he~dquarter& hotel as lon9 as the selection proc.ss f~ the hotel i5 open and competitive and the ~an.action demonstrates ~isk and reward parity for the City of Mia.i Peach. . . . perh<lps 1II05t il11portant 18 that we have arrived at a balance bo~ween the historic preservation interests and the nsw oonvention headquarters hotel develop..nt advocates. Utiliting the vehicle at the Wallace ~oberts TOdd (WRT) Hi$toric Convention Village Hotel Study Citizen'e Advisory Technical Committee, hotel 81tes have been unanimously accepted. These sites inclufje the required il19redientlO of proxildty to the convention Center and peach acces~ as well as creative plans for preservin9 existing historic buil~in9s in the context ot creating sufficili!nt new roo.. to beeo.e . viable convention headquarters hotel. UCO~plDED APPROACH TO ACl:llfNZ A NEW CONVENTION HDl,X>UAR'l'!RS J:lO't'~L: There a~e a number of steps to achieve a new convention headquarters hotel. The first ~tep has been 4~hieved. This step ~as to regain credibility tor: Miami Beach A$ a unit of government on the part of our citi%ens, busine$s loaders and potential hotel developers. The second step i~ to achieve a palance between the nistoric preservation interests and tne new hotel development advocatss as to sites. This process ~as also been completed. The third step has been initiated with City COlDl'Aission approval of PhasQ 2 of the Wallace Robe~ts Todd St~dy w~ich will provide the economic analysis neCe55ary for the City commission to make the decision re9arding expan$ion ot the Hi~toric District and creation ot the Tax Inc~elllent Distriot. continued. . . 25 PAGE 3/11 FE8-17-S8 11,28 FROM,LOCKHEED MARTIN ID,3053??9559 C01QfI88IOR KEXORAHDUK AC~I~IMQ A CONVENTION HEADQUARTERS KQT~L(SI I'AGB ~HKBB RECOHMEND~p !PPROACH TO ACHI~~ )\ NEW COt;lYENTYON HEADQUAR'l'nS HOTEL: (Continued) City Commission approval ot the Historic District expansion and the sill\ultansou5 initial approval. of the Tax Increment Dil!ltr;1ct is critical to ~.intAininq the tra~11e coalition t~at exists between groups that have traditionally Men at odd5. In tut'n, this coalition must support the next step in the process which i$ to develop the funding sources necessary to provide the induce..nt pacxage fOr the new convention headquarters hotel. The inducellent package necessary to achieve the new conventton ~eadquarters hotel requires approxl~ately $50 lIill10n 1n total or $5 million annually to amortize a bond 1$5ue. ~he induc..ent vill be utill~ed to lower the cost ot the hotel through a variety ot methods possibly includin9 acquisition ot land, parklnq garage construction, meeting spaces and lobby area development and ott- site intr"/itnacture needs usually funded by developers. The co~i~nt by the City -of Miami 8aach to fund the induc.ment 1s nQcGssary to ~ke the ~~ convention headquarter$ hotel financially feasible ~ith at least 1,100 new roolU. E5sentially tile inducement fun~s the pe~centage of the develop.ent cost which i. too high riGk tor the private sector in the current econo~y. The City raceives in return an equity share in the hotel and other compensation for the inve$tllcnt, iUS well as various indirect cOlUlunity and Umsncial benefits such as increased touris~~r.l.ted taxe., iaproved utUhation of the Convention Center, jOb creation and urban radevelop~ent in a deteriorated area of our co..unity. To achieve the $' million annual debt service requirement tor tbe indup~ent p~ckage requires the following steps: · ~pp'rQval by the voters of the one-cent tncrease,in the "beeS-tax" on Novembel:' 3, 1992. The City COllUllia5Joon has determined that 50 percent of the projected available revenue. annually ($1 ~illiQn) will be utilized tor the inducement package and the b.lance ($1 .illion) will be utilized for "quality of life" illprovellents throuqbout the City. The P~Opo$.d "quality of liteM expenditures and other commitments necessary to 94in City-wide support for the referendum on NoveMPer 3. 1992 will be detailed l~ter in this .emorandu.. · AppX"oval ot the Tax Increment District by the City of Miami Beach and Dade County. The Tax Increment Di*trict is anticipatod to gene~.te $2.3 million annually wh~ch CQuld be allocated to the induce.ant pac~ge. While the Tax Increment Pist~ict could be adopted independently ot the Historic District expan~ion, Jot is my firm beliet that the ultimata development and $ucc;:ess of .th(~ new convention headquarte~s hotel will require the existing coalition to stay toq.the~ tor an extended period inclucUng the "Request tor Proposal" precess, developer sGlection proces~, contract negotiation process, ae$1qn review process and openin9 ~ctivitie~. All th.s~ phase. have &utfic:ient landl1lines to scuttle the new cOllvilntion headquarters hotel and a schhilll in the existing coalition will severely limit the ability ot the Administ~atlon to ultimately deliver the 90al. . The new convention headquarters hotel will produce approximately $1. 2 million annually in resort tax revenue which would be committad to th$ induce~ent paekaqe. continued... 2..~ PAGE 4/11 , FEB-17-8a 11.28 FROM.LOCKHEEO MARTIN 10.3053778558 C:OKKU8IOH XtJlORAJlDOX ~CRIEVIMC a CO.vZHTXOM H~ADQQAR~lRa BOTBL(B) PAOt': ron RRCOMMnfDF:D APPROACH TO AC!fI~!'.: A N~ CONVnfTIOH IJ~DOOAR'l'ERS ~ (Continued) · ~he three reVenue sources enumerated above equal $4.5 mIllion annually. The Greater Kia~i Convention and visi~org Buroau has been ehall.~ge~ to develop . ~venu. source at not le.~ than $500,000 annually to brin9 tho total tunas available for ~ha induceaent packaqe to the t"Gquirecl $5.0 llIillion annuillly. Tne 80ard ot the Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau and its president should clearly understand that tbis C.1ty "anager will not recommend renewal at the lnt.rloeal A9ree.ent tor Fiscal Year ':13/'" lInd beyond it t:he tunds requ1rea tor the inducellent package are not lllade available froa a bondable source includinq the potential of a reducUon in the current level of fund in') for the Cre<lter Mi...i Convention and Visitors Bure.q i! no other sources become . reality by the end of the next leq~slat1ve session. I Concufrent with tbe achievement ot the inducement pacJcage, th41 Requslit for proposds will be prepared and adopted lJy the city commission a5 an ilCJenc;So J.tem w!-th tqll opportunJ.ty to~ public input. The Admini$t~.t!on will r.co~.nd that the propos.l. be reviewed by . citi;GI'\S I comlllittee that 15 reflective of the eKperti~e n.eQ4d !-n eonjunction with co..unity coneerns. vurth.r, the Adlllin1stntlon will recolDlllencl that .n accounting- fil"ll be retained to vedty the financial projections tor the various proposed convention headquarters hotel(s). The ultimate selection will be made by the City Co~.1s.1on in a public aeetLn9' SL.J.lar proc~sses will be utilized throuqh the contract negotiation stage to ensure that the public interest will he represented in the prgc;~~~, CRITICaL. DfC;SIOtlS TO BE MADE: During the next" thirty days, the City Co~i$slon and' our citizens will be ~a~in9 tour critical decislona. The first relates to the acceptance of this report by the City col'lllllission as to the distribu~ion ot the $1.0 1lI.i1.l.1.on to be generated anmll,llY tor Hq~Ali~y ot 1it~. i.p~ov.m.n~8 ~hrOQ9ho~t th. ct~y of Kia.i a..en. The recO~end8d distribut10n h~5 been developed ar~er consu~t.tJ.on with community leaders th~ou9~out the City. Oete~ination of the distribution of the "quality of liteM funds will give our voters a clear \Jndersbn<tin9 ot the benefits to be received trom thei~ gUPpo~t in advance of the Nove~ber 3, 1992, election. Tne ~econd decl~lQn ~el~tBs to the oc;tgbc~ 21. 1992, tirat r~.din9 PUblic he~rin9 re9arding the .xp~nsion ot the Historic oistrict. Taken in conj~nction with the third decision rGqardin9 the initial approv~l ot thG T~~ r~cr..ent Oistrict, the opportunity presents itself to continue and build upon the coalition that has supported ~he one-cent bed tax and the site selection for the nau convention headquart.ars hotel. It $hould be clear in -'I advocacy or both apprQvals t.hat the rights ot property owners w1th1n tne expanoea Historic District ~nd the concerns ot thB Lincoln Road inta~.st. should be addressed. To that end, a cOMpreheosiva public in'o~~atton document ~c9D~din~ ~~. .~&naiQn o~ ~h. Distri?t .nd ~he econQmic il1lpact$ on property owners al'ld busineS5e& ..,1.11 be lnailod to all affected ontities prior t.o the October H, 1992, first readinQ public hearing on the expansion ot tho Historic District. continued... 27 PAGE 5/11 FEB-17-98 11.29 FROM.LOCKHEEO HARTIN 10.3053779559 COKHISSION XBMORAXDUH ACU%IV:XG A ogftV~xon aEAPQCAaTER8 KOTeL(S) PAGB ptyZ CR!TICAL DECISI9~S ~ BE HAQ,: (Continued) The ~oure~ c~itical decision ~elate5 eo the clty'G future rehtJ,onshlp wIth the Greater Hialli convention and Visitors But:e.~. He.bers of the City CO~is5ion are awa~. that an extension to tbe QAte in which th8 co.mlssion IIUSt d8te~1ne ~o pUllout tro. the Interlccal A9re...nt in Fiscal Year 92/93 WAS .pproved durin9 the september 2, 1992. City Commission meeting. This extension is in effect until Nov.~~r 1. 1002. CO~i5sioner Eisenberg ha$ made it clear that the Greater H1..1 Convention and Vis1tcrs8uraau .us~ assist the City 1n providing tul; funding for the inducelllent package. In response to that posItion, the Board of Directors ot the Grebter "lalli Convention and Visitors 8ureau has aqreed to establish a ta8~ torce to achieve the 9041. Th.~etor., it will b. .y reco_endat.lon that tlle C!ty or Mh1ll1 Beach continu. the t:nterlocal Agree...nt: th~oU9h Pbed 'feu 92193 b.1sed ~pon Olllendlle.,ts which provide th_ additional funds re~ue.t:.d from touri#l9-~.lat.d pr09ra_tn9 by tlua vtsH:(Ire and convention Authority 'Ild a cOllllll!tJlent to p:,ov!de- no lus 1:han $500,000 for the inducement PACk4ge tro~ either the existing City of Miami Beach tou1':"ist tax Inco..e or a new source ettec:tive October 1, 1993. CITY-WIDE UTILIt~TXOI1 OF THE "QUALITY OF LIFE" P'UNDS PROM Ttl!; ADDITIONAL 8ED ~AX: Subsequent to placinq the one percent additional bed tax on the ballot, the Admini5t~.tion .et with leaders throuqhout Kia.i Beach to discuss ope~.tional and capital projects tor which funding is currently un~va11abl. and which WOU1~ .ccelera~. ~. proc... 0' putt in9 thB apa1':"kle back on Mia.i Beach. Tfle cantext of these discu5sjons was that the $1 million ~utd be equitably distrL~ted thrQU9hoyt H1a~1 8eaan and that: alte~nato tundin9 soure.. .i9ht be made available to ...t the needs expressed. Tbe following is . eo~pilation of th~ requests made durin9 the investi9ation proce~. and the propo5ea solutions: ~id-~each RBquests~ . Provide street cle.n!nq and maintenanc~ on 41st St~..t: This need will be lDet thl"oU9h . cont~llct with the 41st St~..t H.rehan~~ As.ociation in w~ich the merchants hire a private entity to clean .lst Street daily. T~. City will as~ist the Merchants Association with developinq the contract and hirinq the fiJ"lIl. . provide street decoration5 tor various events and holidays: This request requires ~ one-time expense fo~ acqui.ition and an annual commitment to inatall Gnd remoVe decoratione. . Increase supply of public parkinq on the south side ot 41st Street alonQ the westerly portion of the co.-ero!al district: City statt will immediately investiqate the availability ot land and the potBntial tor deckinq surface lot5. Available parking ~evenUQS will be utLli~Bd tor a t~asibility study with a report rGqaralnq SOlutions to be ~aae no lQtc~ than June 30, 1993. continued.. . :l.8 PAGE 6/11 FEB-17-9a 11.30 FROM.LOCKHEED MARTIN 10.3053779559 COJCHI8SION JlElCORAffDUK ACK1BVINO A COHVBNTION B~DOOARTEJ8 KOTEL(S) llAGB SlX . Hid-~each Req~ests: (Continued) . Increase the wattAge on the decorative lights in the dist~ict: ~pparent~y, wronq.bul~B w~r. placed in the lights during the lnitial 1nstAllAt~on. Th~s sieQation ~ill be re~edied within 60 daY5. Improve the condition of existing pa~kinq lots and g~rage.: A.b8autit~cation, r8$urfac!nq, restriping and upgrading ot h/lhtinq 1n the parkinq lota will be initiated in fiscal Year 91./93 on A CitY-Wide basis. The selection ot . new Parking Oepartment Director will be made within the next 30 days thereby creating 4 new energy toward lIl&intenance of parking structures. Develop additional ~ach access parkinq in the areA bordered by 46th Street on the nortb and 41st Street on the sout.h. This 'problem could be 80lved through 0 co>>bination ot strategies such AS deckinq the parking lot at the 46th street beach; the secondloUld be the relocation ot colUns Av..nue at app~e~ia~tely 43~ St~eet, thereby .ak1nq the :ight,ot way on the south .ide of the Fontaln.bl..~ .v~ilable tor a co~binatlon of additional parking ~nd hotal develop.ent as described in the wal~ace Robert~ Todd convention Village Hotel Study. The tunds to complete the feil8ibility study tor these various projects Could !:Ie ..de available trom "quality ot Ute'. tunds, state/taderal hiql\way proqrams, and parkin9 revenue bonds. . . North Beach Requests: . Implementation ot an updated North peach Kaster ~lan, 1neludin9 the PUblic/private redevelopment ot the North Shore Pa~~s/Ocean Te~acB. a~ea: Th.. October 8. 1992, City Co~ission aqenda includes the recoDa8ndatlon to torward t~is prbject to the capital Improvements coaaittee for determination reqardinq financing to achieve this qoa1. The establishment of .10 assesslIIent district sillilar to the vehicle which achieved the Ocean Drive 1111p~ove.ent$ 1$ acceptable to the leaQBrsh!p ot the North &each cevelopa.nt corporation. Additional funds could be made available fro. the "quality of lite" source& a. well as ~he S~at.e ot "lorida. . C~elltion ot II southern qateway for North seaeh with the following 81e~ents: (a) paintinq and beautitication ot the 63rd Street fly-over into Indian creek Drive; (b) rehabilitation of Brittany 8ay PArk along the west Bide of Indian creek prive ~t 63~d Street; (e) palntinq and peautitication of the drawbridge at 6Jrd Street and its gate house: The road projects will be achieved throu9h the State of Florida live-year road proqrall. Particip~tion 1n the Metropolitan Planning Organization by the City ot Miaai Beach, through Commissioner Gottlie~, will help to achieve the read projects. The Brittany Park beautification progra~ will be achieved with "quality ot lite" funds. . Financial assistance to the World Trade Center/Carillon Hotel by the construction of public/private p.~king to serve the area; Statl 1s working with developers to achieve this project. The key win be designation by the World Tra~. Center organi:ation, Which is not yet certain. Theretore, ~t is difficult to eo~~it to this project at this ti~e. continued. . . ~9 PAGE 7/11 FEB-17-se 11.30 FROM.LOCKHEED HARTIN ID.305377S55S COHHUS1:0lf KDOU!fDOX ~CHIBVI.G A CONVJH7tON RJAnQUARTEaS KOTBL(S) PACiI SBVDJ Mid-~each Reques~s: (continued) . Provision ot a qround-based beach walk alon9 the shore of ~h. NOl:'th lSuch area: This proj4!lct 15 achievable on a phaaed basis usinq "quality of Hte" funds. . create a boulevar~ entrance co tne north part ot H1aa1 Beach: This qoal is achievable throuqh state of Florida road funds with beautification enhancements to cOlle froll -quality ot life" lJoureea. Narth Beach Reauests: Develop G ..r~.ting plan tor North Poach hotol~ end .otels: ~8 Harth peach Development corporation has recently hired an 8xBc:ucIve dIrector, utl1lz1nCj COllllUn1t.y Develop.ant Block Grant funds. The new director will develop a sarketin9 plan which could be funded with "quality of lite" sources. Provide 1lllprovell~u tor' the North Shore co_unity center ftandshell: "Quality of lite II funds could be utilized tor this improvement. . P~ovid. stroat cleanin~ and maintenance in cODa.raia! are..: This need will be met through a contract with the North Beach Oevclopmcnt eO~E'.t.i'm in 'Ioth1Qh the eo~poret1on h1roD a private entity to clean the lIrea5 daily. '!he City will assist the Develop.ent Corporation with developing the contrac~ and hiring the firJI. . . South Beach Reauests: . provision of shuttle ~y&tell to tacilitate short trips within the dhtrict and .ncou~a9. 1lI0Velllent iro. parb1eter parking to ~~ aoeivi~y o.n~r8' This aarviea could ~ provided eiCher wit~ "quality ot lite" funds or with parking systea revenues. Tne ultimate recommendation as to the nature of service and costs will-~e made sub$eQQent to the cQ~plet1on of the parkinq ta$k fo~oe study and review ot proposals received pursuant to the ~.quest For Proposals process that was sent to Co..ittee by the City COllllllisslon during the septellber 16, 1.992, lIeetlng. , comnit p~kinq revenue gener_ted ,~o~ Sou~ BeaCh parkini to increase South Beach puldnq facllit1eli; Thi$ eODit..nt will be r.co.~en4.d ~y th. ~~~inl.t~.~lon ~o aonl.v. suttlaient funds to build the pa~kin9 taoilitie$ ~equir.d to ..rve south Beach. . Commie to provide p.~King '.cilitie5 at the p4!lri..ter of the OCean O~iv. areas (5th and 15th Streets), within the activity center (at 7~ and 10th St~eet$) ~nd th~oughout the ~1..in9o re.idential noi9hborhood: Thi~ Qo.~it.~nt will be .a40 and has already been started by the City Com.ission throu9h the Request For proposals process. The f'lamlnqo resident1a!. lot.c could be funded with the NquAlity of lile~ source. . Elimination of the PlIrkinCj Impact Pee Systell: The Administration is committed to ending the Pa~kinq Impact Fee ~Y5tem Cor ex!st!ng bu11aLng5 in toe Htstoric Oi.~~ic~ ~u~1n~ Fiscal ~ear 92/93. The oystem will re.ain in place tor new constX'Uction and the expansion of existinq buildings. The ~oear r~eoc ~nd monthly parkinq charCj.. ..Y hay_. to ,be increAsed to ~ake up lor lost revenue and to prov~de sufficient bondable cash flQWS to build the required parkin9- conUnutlld. . . 30 PAGE 8/11 FEB-17-98 11.31 FROM.LOCKHEED MARTIN 10.3053779559 COKM%SSIOIf HlMoauDUX ACJC:a...rNCI ~ COlt'VlSlrnOIr lI~U1UlT~ JlO'l'U,(B) nar: IIGH'l' Sout~ Beach Reauests: (ContinUed) . ReviaionG to the Sidew~lk C4te ordinanca related ~o the t.. st~cture separation of reVenues tor i.prov~ents to Ocean DrlVe and a thre..year IDOntoriulll tor Lincoln Road; '!'his request has been approved by the City Co.-iasio" durin; the Sep~ogb.r 16, 1"2, .eet1ng. . Imple..ntation ot a South a.aoh/Deco District Karketinq PrG;ram: The ~d.inl$tr.tion L_ p~.p~ri"9 ~o go..tt ~100,OOO durinq Fiscal Year i2/93, $20D,000 durinq 'i$col Year 93/94, ancS $300,000 annudly durinC] Fiscal Year g4/95 and beyond utilizinq the "quality ot life" tunds and other sources. The d.tail~ ot the ~mplementat10n of this proqralD, includin9 the establ.1ah.ent of .. lIarket resource qroup, collateral materials, support of Mialli Design Preservation Lea9Ue tours, Art a.co W..kend, Welc~o Center, d~velop.ont or . increased pa~icip4tion in FAM Tours, and media publicity, public relations ~nd adverei....nt pr09r~.8. intertaae w1th Greater Miami Coflvention and V!sitot"v BureAU',' Kbai !!eactl ReSort Hotal Associ_tion and Beacon Coune11, the visitor and convention Authority, and City .tatt will be developad ove~ the ne~t 90 days. Also included in this -.rtetinq plan will be the development of a centralized reservation systea and an 800 n~mber f~ the slIIall hotels. It should be clear that A~mini~tr~tiQn ~qPPQ~ for thi~ olloc4~lon i. ~.a.d ~pon 0 concensus betnC] aChieVed that the funds are not duplicative ot existing programs. Provide eaplt.l tund$ tor the Ocean Drive aUditoriulI And an , Art Deco Distriot interpretative 8ig0490 and beautification pr09ram: Tbe Ooean Drive AuditoriuD conver_ion to a conterence. meeting facility 5tudy has been approved by the City coamisslon .nd consultant selection is underway. Me~tin9S hAve been held with c~eatiY8 ti~ whiCh CDQld de.19n ~h. ai1n~9.. ~h. fvn4in9 for both proj.c~a and ~h. Pe~utit.C4tion cou~ be .vailable fro~ the "quality ot life" source as well as other sources. . Lincoln Road -- Planning, MatkeUn9, Cap1h~ I1aptoVellentEi; This project is a clear priority of the C1ty Commission and the Administration is workinq with the Lincoln Ro.d 1ask Force to achIeve the 90a1. Funalnq ha5 alreaay been prov1de4 to retain an executive dil'ector and to blple.ent additional phases of the study nece5saty to deterlll!ne the tutQre ot Lincoln Road. '1'h~ q1.t:i..t. $:ou~e... to.,. tuntl.in9 (!ap!~al illlprDVfi!ments will be a combination at. aSS8SlI1llent district, s1l\1llar eo Ocean Drive and 71sl: Street, &s well as Nialll Beach ~atchinq funds which could be provided from "quality of lite" funds. . MOdification to the existing hotel rehabilitation progra. to ~actlitate ho~ol cnd o~hcr QO.lIc~gl.l p~op~rty !.~oYe..n~& throuqh _ loan program: A meetinq was h.ld with Hi.lli Beach Pevelop~.nt corporation Executive Pl~.ctor Den!s Russ and City stall to discuss this concept. Agreellent wa~ re.ched Which will ~e presented to the City Co~lssion In the future. The Ilgre.llIent will requit"e participation for the "iallli s.ac:h Resort Hotel Association. Achieve Ocean Drive A~ulocia.tion reeommeneSation. incll.lclinq adoption of poliCY standards, . implellentation of sanitation/&.c~~i~y A.rvicQ& pr09~.~. s1qna?e/pl.Y9r~und and &tagin9/boach area concessions, elCperl.entatl.on with ru.qhttiae continued.. . :ll . PAGE 9/11 FES-17-8e 11.31 FROM.LOCKHEED MARTIN 10.3053778558 COKNl88XCM HBNORAMD~ ACKIBVtHG A CON'VIII'l'J:OIf HQDQUAR'r~ll8 BO'l'IIt. (IJ) PAGS Hnn~ Sout~ Qeach Request~: (Continued) street closing; The Administration 15 co..itted to achieve the$e reco..endations and will continue to develop .utually acceptable reco...ndat1ons tor approval of these concepts by the City Commission during Piscal Year 92/93. Addres$ Concerns regarding the responses ot the neW Departllent ot Development, De5iqn and Historic Preservation Services to historic preservation cOQunity need..; The Administration has acp..eed to a gO-day review of the structure to ensure that hIstoric p~eservation community needs are addressed and further will encourage participation in the selection process tor the Senior Planner position who will be responsible tor the.e t~ctions. . . ~pp~opriate use ot Old City Hall; The City Commission has given clear direction to the Ad.inistration to ma~i.ize revenue from private tenAnts in Old City Hall. SUbsequent to that direction, co.-i.sioner Kasdin ha. requested discussions of proposals tro~ the Mi..i Light project and further proposals have ~urt.ced fro. Miami ae.c~ . Develop.ent Corporation and other qroups. The Adainist~ation believas that a blend between private tenants at .arket rAt.. and a lilllieed tlluabet" of touri511-development related tenants ~ould be achievecl without unclermininq the 90al ot ..axild~KJ.on of revenue. R4cOllUllendat1ons will be !Hde to achieve the 90a1 of a balanced use ot Old City Hall subsequent to the opening ot bids troll private tenants. UpdaUnCJ the 1981 Anderson Notter Pinegold "Art Deco Di&tt"ict; Preservation and Developllent Pbn": The scope ot work tor the 'WallAce Roberts Todd second ph.s. study could be expanded to incorporate the elements ot the 1981 study which have not already l)een updated. Fundinq will be lIade IIvdlable froll the "quality ot life" source as well as other sources. The allQunt of , funding is unknown until the requirements lire developed by concerned organizations th.t will work together to complete the study. Assurance that the convention Headquarter. Hotel Request tor proposals will inclucle rehabilitation options in conjunction with the 1, lOO-roo. convention headquarters hotel and that the inducements and incentives will be availabl. tor rehabilitation; The A4ministraeion ia c~!tted to achieve this qoal. . P~ovi&ion of jOb accessibility for MiaMi Belich residents in the new convention headquarters hotel: The Req~e$t FQ. ProposalS will include language that clellrly identities the 9041& ot the City to incruse job acceasibility tor Miaa! Beach ~esident&. lt may be necessary to include other groups based upon tundin9 sources for the in4Qcement package. Technical assistance and funding support fo~ the Mi~i Beach Oeve1opment corporation home ownerehip and atfordable housinq program, trom community Development Block Grants, HOKK, and the Metro-Dade Documentary surtax: Staff has met with Deniu RUss, Executive Director of the Miami Seach Dav.lopRent Co~poration, to discuss this 90al Which the Administration supports based upon aq~eement bV the Hia~i Beach Development Corporation to perfo~manee criteria for existing progra.s as well as the proposed acl4!tional funded housing units. . . . . continued. . . :l2 PAGE 10/11 FE8-17-S8 11.32 FROM.LOCKHEED MARTIN ID.305377S55S .' COMNIS8ION NIMOlAMDUM ~CRIIVINC A CONVIWTION ft8ADQDAaT!RS BOTEL(8) PAGa TIlN CONCLUSION; While the ~ain tocu~ of this memorand~ !~ the process tor aChieving a convention he~dq~arter~ botel ot not leaa than 1,100 rooms, the key issue is acceptance ot reco..endAtions tor utilization ot the "qu<<l!ey ot Ute" tunds to be gen.rated trom the one percent increase in the bed tax which will be determined by the voters in a reterendum on November J, l'92. The recommendations for the utilization ot funds were developed after discussions with community leader~. The qoal i~ to ensure that "quAlity ot liteM needs are met from South Beach to North Beach so that our citizens will clearly understand that approval of the referendua will not only provide the tir5t tanqible cOlllllitment to the induce..nt packaqe for the convention beactquarters botel, but a150 create progra~atie and capital improvement benetits throuqftout the City ot Miami Beach. Therefore, your acceptance is recommended. RHC; ap I :1;S PAGE 11/11