FIle Ref. #041 f:.d ~ '1/-11 j)f2- N'('d' CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. (_ C() - ~<; 1'\ ~ TO: Mayor Seymour Gelber and Memben of the City Commission DATE: July 26 , 1995 FROM: Jose Garcia-Pedrosa . ~J:/ City Manager /.1>,r" i.<' GUIDELINES FOR CONSIDERATION OF ADJUSTMENTS TO COSTS, RENT AND FEES AT THE MIAMI BEACH CONVENTION CENTER SUBJECT: ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: Center Advisory Board recommend consideration of adjustments Convention Center. -: The City Administration, SMG, and the Convention the City Commission to approve the guidelines for to costs, rent and fees at the Miami Beach BACKGROUND: The Convention Administration were asked by the and procedures in light of the consideration directly from the Center Advisory Board (Board), SMG, and City Commission to create this set of guidelines increase in the number of groups seeking such Commission. The Board, SMG, and Administration discussed the procedures at length and submit the following guidelines to be implemented. Any group seeking any adjustment to cost, rent, or fees, must first bring their request to the Convention Center Advisory Board and submit a completed application with all necessary information provided by SMG, if any consideration at all is to be given to their request. In no case will the Board approve or recommend use of the Miami Beach Convention Center at no cost. Reduction in cost, rent, or fees, will be addressed on a case by case Fasis but a minimum or floor for the level of reduction to cover the City's overhead and indirect cost must be maintained. . The group seeking adjustment to cost, rent, or fees, must be a bona fide non-prOfit or charitable organization or qualify as a major county wide special event. Requests cannot be granted if the booking will conflict with use of the Miami Beach Convention Center by a full paying client. Events that are most appropriately held in a hotel will not receive consideration. Reasonable efforts must be made by the group to secure corporate or private sector sponsorship before coming to the Board for relief. The event must have some positive impact on the city, county or buildingi. e. , significant hotel room nights, increased business profile, etc. organizer would be responsible to pay all reimbursable costs to the building to include Alc, labor, in-house security, police and fire watch, cleaning, trash removal, and equipment rental. 302 ) ") EXHIBIT nAn AGENDA ITEM c. -S-~ l-2tc-95 DATE ANALYSIS: These guidelines will provide an effective screening mechanism and allow the Board and the management company, SMG, and Administration to work with groups deserving support with consideration of relevant outside factors and theJ~ full impact of the event on the building and community. CONCLUSION: The City Administration recommends approval of the above guidelines. -: f 2 303 , Miami Beach Convention Center Jackie Gleason Theater MEMORANDUM TO: Mayra Diaz-Buttacavoli Assistant City Manager FROM: Douglas \V. Tober General Manager RE: 50th Anniversary Israeli Independence Day DATE: August 1, 1997 Based on your request, the following will represent a summary of the actual vs. at cost items which relate to the "50th Anniversary Israeli Independence Day" event scheduled to be held at the Miami Beach Convention Center on June 4-8, 1998. Details are as follows: RACK RATE A T COST Rent $16,200.00 A/C * Lighting 517.50 Labor * Equipment 500.00 $ 4,860.00 1,464.00 3,622.50 1,340.00 500.00 TOTAL $17,217.50 $11,786.50 * Cost are included in rent. NOTES: You will note that the cost difference to the group between the rack rate estimates and the at cost estimates is $5,431.00 or 32% total cost reduction. Please be aware that both columns represent preliminary estimates based on the most current information available. We believe, as with any event of this nature, they may inherently change. DT/gm Cc: William C. Overfelt Event File a:\doug\memo\50anniv.mdb 304 ., EXHIBIT "B"