File Ref. #053 tJ~3~ ~ 5"/19ft CITY OF MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY RECEIVED 98'~:H21 Pi14:25 MEMORANDUM :':ITY CLERI\'S OFfiCE TO: Robert Parcher City Clerk ~ Diana Grub Frieser First Assistant City : 0 '. ey -J FROM: SUBJECT: Di Lido Development Agreement DATE: May 21, 1998 In connection with the above-referenced matter, attached hereto for your records are the following documents: 1. Resolution, form approved by the City Attorney, authorizing the execution and recordation of the Agreement; and 2. A copy of a letter from David Plummer and Associates dated March 23, 1998, regarding concurrency (Section 18 of the Agreement specifies that same is on file with the City Clerk's office). I am expecting receipt of the revised Agreement executed by the Owner in the next day or two. Upon my receipt of same, I will forward the original to you for execution by the Mayor and subsequent recordation in the Public Records of Miami-Dade County, Florida. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions or comments. DGFlkw F:\A TTOIGRUDIMEMOSIDILIDO.RPJ Attachments cc: Sergio Rodriguez, City Manager Harry S. Mavrogenes, Assistant City Manager Murray H. Dubbin, City Attorney Lawrence A. Levy, First Assistant City Attorney (all w/o enclosures) t(J RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT TO BE ENTERED INTO BETWEEN THE DI LIDO BEACH HOTEL CORPORATION AND THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE FLORIDA LOCAL GOVERNMENT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ACT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 155 LINCOLN ROAD, MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA AND AT 1653,1655,1657,1661,1663, AND 1669 COLLINS AVENUE, MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO RECORD THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT WITH THE CLERK OF THE COURT FOR THE 11TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Florida Local Government Development Agreement Act authorizes local governments to enter into development agreements with developers in order to encourage a stronger commitment to comprehensive and capital facilities planning, to ensure the provision of adequate public facilities for development, to encourage the efficient use of resources, and to reduce the economic cost of development; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach deem it in the best interest of the City to enter into a development agreement with the Di Lido Beach Hotel Corporation with regard to properties located at 155 Lincoln Road and at 1653,1655, 1657, 1661, 1663, and 1669 Collins Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida in order to, among other things, facilitate the development of a five-star 400 room hotel, to obtain a pedestrian easement connecting, for the first time, Lincoln Road to the beach, and providing funds to improve Lincoln Road east of Collins A venue; and WHEREAS, in order to comply with Section 163.3225, Florida Statutes, the development agreement between the City and the Di Lido Beach Hotel Corporation requires consideration at two public hearings; and WHEREAS, the development agreement was considered and approved, with amendments, at two public hearings held on May 6, 1998 and May 20, 1998, respectively; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the terms of the development agreement, the Oi Lido Beach Hotel Corporation has agreed, inter alia, to be responsible for all recording fees and costs related to the recording of the development agreement with the Clerk of the Court for the 11 th Judicial Circuit in and for Miami-Dade County, Florida, and the delivery of the recorded development agreement to the State of Florida's land planning agency within fourteen (14) days of its recordation. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOL VED BY THE MA YOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the development agreement, as amended, between the City of Miami Beach and the Di Lido Beach Hotel Corporation for property located at 155 Lincoln Road and at 1653, 1655, 1657, 1661, 1663, and 1669 Collins A venue, Miami Beach, Florida is hereby approved, the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to execute the revised development agreement, and the City Clerk is hereby directed to record the revised development agreement with the Clerk of the Court for the lIth Judicial Circuit in and for Miami-Dade County, Florida, at the expense of the Di Lido Beach Hotel Corporation, within 14 days after the revised development agreement is executed. PASSED and ADOPTED this day of ,1998. ATTEST: MAYOR CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION DJTbfgw FIA TTO\$ALLIBEVlDILID02.RES 2 1Itff~ ~f9r DAVID PLUMMER & ASSOCIATES ..,..:- :~~..L: :'.. :.. . ..:.:..'~ .;.:',,,=':.......!. '-. April 24. 1998 Paul Kanav05 Prcic1cm flag r1IW1O: and hrtestmcnt. Inc. 1370 .-\YCnUC ot the Americas ~ew York. ~ 1001~ at: Ilm..l"Jarftn. Tr.aftill! Stu~~ ~nllmi Be::ld1- "IUO Dear Mr. Kaaavos: We ms vfttl the Ctty of Miami Beadl plarnring satf to cD1el1SS the above ref'erenc:ed proja;t. It was established. at the meetiDg that the proposed project would dOt be subject to a concummcy review. However. a site access aDd drcuWioa ~_ was n:quiRd. The purpose of tbis Icucr is to provide a 9'mm2tY aithe project aip paerarioa analysis and our ~,.rumt of the site acc=ss md. cira1Iation. Project B4ckpond The propoMd &ir:;-Clrlcm projc= iD the City of Miami Beach is a reaoWliaD aM. ~OJI of 311 existUlS hotll (DeidD Hotel). The proposed project is !cated 1& tile nol'tbas carDa' of me imenc:ctiOD or CoDial Av~1a Road. n.. ~., uses at the pmject site caDSiIt of a 334- roam boteI. ...,.~-~ 36,000 square teet of oflice space, aDd approximately 11,000 sqwR .. at raaillresanat spuL-lhD propcsed ~ wauJd ar-"" tile batel by ..ainti~ die .;.nw oi6ce space.. The flI'I!IlJ~ usa at the me would be 380 botel rooms and tile emrmlll,OOO ... feet or rctaiJIn:sraunm spac:e. 17Sl oct ae l!CN IClUHIO c::c:lIW o..IUS. fI. 3~ 1 34 3CJ""~ Ml JOS ~ e.... 4--)f --- ~ qQl ~f~. urE 108 WIST -.aM 1I.IOt. ~ 3~ stl 6860IXlO ~ !61 "110 "-" Jp. ... ...- ( ~ P'00 'ON I SJ I HENClI'r STlfET fOII'MMIS. FI. J3oo' 0.' J:l2.:1611 fAll .,.., J,j';! :::.&\ E 4ldlt -...~~,.._ _ '. ( 6SSl~9se~ ~ 'J6S~ ~ ~3WWnld aI~~a 00:91 ~ BS/se/Se Ria-Cartto. Trame Srudy. ~Iiami 8uth . #I 91120 April 24. 1998 Paae2 The existinl retaillrestaW'lllt space will be renovated under the proposed plan. The size of the n~ rcttWIrcstaurant space would r.nain unchanged. Therefore. usina the lTE nip rates. the number of trips generated by the renovated retail/restaurant space is not ~ected to c;hanse. Trip GeDeradon ImpaCI . The trip gcnermcm analysiS of the existing ~d propo$Cd U3CS was performed based on the lastiUlte of Transportation Engineers (!TE) Tria. Ger-llCldlion.. 6~. EditiolL The summary of trip generation __ is sbowft in Embit 1. Basai on rTE. the proposed '*' would generate few.. tript tbaa the e:cistina uses on the subjea property. The S8D1e C01Idusicas ..". reIdIed usiD& aver380 trip pneradOll rues publi5bed by the City of Miami Bcadl (see s..cbsOit 2). t Emaoit 1: Sn....."rf of Trip GeDera1ioll ADaIysis 1TE Trip c.-sUOd PM p..ac Hour T,..,. Way Tripi 14-Haur r__way trieS L1ad U. E.'CisIm, p,~ &d:IdDS 1',......,.-.1 0iIi:n:aA PMpaH O~ ~ (.IGtiel 314 3m 204 230 +-26 2,709 3.031 +-322 .... ~ a-.I 36.000 0 119 0 .119 606 0 .a 06:c -..tt. RdIiJI lB.OOO 11.000 No No 0 No No 0 R.tsaurd tq.l. Jll,a. ~ CblaF'D o.pu c.pn T.... m %31 .93 J.J15 3JIJ1 .214 Na.: (1) net:dllial-I"~Sza ~Iba ~ 1..a41&11t....w NIIUia....... LA_ its trip ~ impII;t..w II1II..... The trip ge:aeration impacts ot me proposed projecc were also e,aP'8t<<l usiDI CIte City of Miaml 8eKbts publilW taleS &r d8iIy trip pnentiOIl (see Atbclunenl A). The summary of'trips senerated by the project is shown in Exhibit 2. PB \ (. ~ POO"ON 6Q;1.f:l.9SOC +- ':sst:f '8 ~ld all'll:K! 60:91 es/~0/S0 RJa-Carkon Trame Study, MialRi Beach - i# 98UO April 24. 1998 page :3 Exhibit 1: SUI1Im2ry of Trip Generation Analysis City or ~ianli Bacia Trip Generation Rates A vcrap Trip 2~Haur Two-W~ Trips L..md{j~ E."CiSUI1I Proposed Galc::rarion be E.-astiDg ! Propasccl Oiff~ Hotd 3~ Rgams 380 Rgoms 8.70 !rips per :'615 ~.973 ?360 accupied rOOIft GeDeral Oftk:c j~OOO 0 2l4o.60 aips per 886 0 -886 sq.ft. 1.000 ~'-fl RctIiII l89000 18.000 40.61. per 732 732 0 Rcsaunm sq.ft. sq.fl 1.000 sq. ft. T_ un 3.707 ..526 t E:cbibils t and Z siww t.ba the traiEc ~ by the proposed RiU..carlt011 nmovaUoa mcl ~aosiQD would be less tbm the ttaBic generated by the ezisti. OHite uses. Based 011 tl1I::5e tmdinp. the City ail ~ tbat a ni1ic impact SIWly. Cot the purpose at COacurreDCy detemination. would QOt be required for the proposecl Ritz-carttOD project. Site Accea aad C1nuIadoa The project site is located at tbe aat'tIIeast cacner of the ColUn$ Av~ ReId iatenect:ial (1M &bibit 3). V~II- KC&II taltiom the project wiD be providecl 011 t.mcoIn load. Tbe boteI maiD lobby will be iCcessed cbrouP lone-way cira&Iat drMway 011 t.iacola lload. A seMce driveway, just east of the IDIia circular driveway oa LiacoIn Road, is also proposed. A rl....wm idrigbt..tum out driveway will provide ~ to/i"om tbc pukiIla ..... ~ A'YCII.IC (Sa A-I-A) in c.be immediate vicinity of the project Sit is a 4-_ two-way. tmdMdcd arteriaL On-stteet parkiIlg is not allowed in this panlon orCoDins Avenue. The imc:no:tioa otLiacoIn RaIdICoDins Avenue is signalized. No driveways are proposed on Collins Avenue uncier ea ( ( V0lI Pee 'ON 6S;S;1.~9S;13~ ~ .JSStI '8 ~ld aI~ 60:91 E6/S;13/S0 llia-Carttoa Tnffic: Study. Miami Beach -II '1'20 April:24.1991 P~cS the propo* d......opment plan. The sidewalks on Collins Avenue in front of the project would remain uncbanged c:xcept fOf additionallllldscaping. Lincoln RaId. east of Collins Avenue. is c:urrendy a 2.1an.e. two-way. undiv;ded roadway. It cul-de- sacs approximately ~ feet east ofCoUins Avenue. The eastern end o(Lincoln Road (cu1-<le-sac), which is fa1ced. is adj~ to the beach line. This portion ofLincoln Road mainly pro.ndes vehicular a=as tOIttom the existing 0eIid0 Hotel (the subject sa) aad the Oecop!agc CondomiDiM~ (ffom:iD& .... Oft the saudl side of1.Uu:oln Road). A toal of sixteen. (16) on-street. metered. anglo-parkiq spaces exist OIl Lincoln Road. t . . Under the proposed develop1D8llt plait. Lincola Road utould be imr:Jnwed to a 4-IaDe. rwo.way. div;ded roadway with a Ilddv~ median. !be oo-streIt paddng anugemem all L.im:oID ao.i would be adjusted from msJe to perallel parkins to crate tbe secoad traVel_ ill adI diRcIioG. However. the number of metered par1ch1S spaces would ramin the same. As. the Ciq's n:quac, ~ ilY&l~ed the b_etiu of the proposed park:iDa amaaemeat VtnJS the ~ amngaMDt. Under the proposed coaditioas. if. vebide is bl~ Ule outside travclllDe to GeCUbr a pdikia& ~. dIrousb wbic:Ms wauId be able to by-p8a that \lebida. wIi.dt wauld mini..~n dIe.poremia1 cpms bllia& ill me ~,.. !ant. Uader tile QD1'IIII c:oadidoas. wbcre a l.iUgj):._tiog or OIIC Ir&"#C IIae ... .... patiug edits. the poteIItia1 af ~J~~ is sreaz- wbeDewr I vehicle blacks me tmel 1Iae to execute me parltiDs 1IIaIIIUWI'. lbe ad<litiOaal wtdm c:reated ~.- 01 cbc panDd ~ arnaaaerDlllt f.IciIiwes tbe creatioII. of a second traVel .. ill each diRdiGD OD LiIcoID laid. Two mediaa ~ ......NSpOtIdins to the c:itadar driveway apaiDp n proposed Od LiIH:oIn &old (see ~ )). erop..ofF(seJtor \'8let) vehicles. driving east Oft Uncola Road. would tutIl1eft at die median opcaing to enter me c:in:ullr dri"CWaY . the bocci main lobby. After dtoppUw dIeir ef3 l. ( se!I 1700 '(}l 6SSl.~9SOC +- .::sst:l '8 ~3J,.Wllc:l aI/'ll:jG 60:91 85/S0~ Ritl.carltOd Traffic Study, )tiami Beac:b -" '11%0 ^Pril 24, 1998 page 6 pauenprs of( thgSC vehicles would rum left at the .,at to proceed east. Uld. go around. the cui-de- SIC.. to the parlcing galliC eDIr'IID. Pick-up vehicles (self or valeI:) would emer me circUlar driveway. ad tbcD un rip II the exit to proc*d to the Collins AvenuelLincoln Road intersection. The hotel main circular drive provides three lanes, with the oUtside lane serving as a by-pass lane, l"IJe parking gar. right-turn intright-tutn out drivO'Nay provides two lIlInIlCe and twO elcit lanes. The parking garage would be tor projec:t use only md ~ be open to both self and 'I. parking vci1idcs. Ingn:sa vdric:les wou14 am drive east an Liftcoln Road to SO aroUlld the cul-de-sac aDd tbeD turD riP ioto die parking garage. The egress vehicles would CW"D ripe 0Dt0 LiDcolD Road aDd tbca proceed to tho hotel driveway or the Collifta Avenuellincoln Road iub!f!eCtion. t . As requested by the City plSDDiag staft: adequare signs would be installed III: &1)FOpriaelocaUolIS OIll.iG:oin Road. east gfcoWas Avcme. cd the project drivC'ways (see Exhibit 3). For example. on LiDcoIll Road. a "No U-turft" at the mediaD opeaing fer me emraace would be iD5a1led in the median At me Clty's requac. 1lte also CWN.... tile aeed tor aD ascbouDd left-tUttl storap laDe II tile dn:uJar clriw:way eatAJII:C. oma cbe 100000cm oltbe PfOpa8M IMCIJ- opIIIi,. ad the pawmem widIb...~ 1eI-an sconp_ CIIIIGt be KCO~ Based OIl me ~ volullla . die drMway ~ me 1c:tl-cuniDs '.Ibidcs wiD baYe adequate PI'S ill tile oppotifts ~md traflic ad LiDccID Road. furtba~ me tine laDes ill the circular drive provide I ~mbiDed oa-site ~rage of O~ 300 &:ct (~~o=.cly 12 vebid..). Alto, tbe ~ft ~ is located IP~O~:.Mf.ay 215 feet east ottbc ColtiDs AvenucILiDcolnRoad ~on. In our opiDion. siv= me 10caticxl ortbe mediaD opcaine. on-sa ...... _ the tnSe VQh~. a teft.ft1ftIlue to pmWle additioaal queue storaae would act be aceded at the subject loc3dOIL ~ ~ (. gelI Pee 'ON 6SSl.~9!;0~ ~ 'JSSt:1 '8 H3WW1ld aIf"lt:1(1 01:9't as/93~ 8e!I f700 'ON -----~ I '...__ I --- . I( ~ AGii0111!!!:i ~ @ = U~ ~ ~ ; ~ I t . ~ I I ! l ~~ ~ i ~ (,J ~ ~ I ! I I I I I I ~i I I -- "a.\ " sJlU7lCQ rn .. 6S~9SOC 4- 'JSSl::l '8 ~ld all''lt:KI 0~:9~ SS/Q3/S0 I<:l::Vl."::/':'t:l IO'=!: 4"( DAVID PLUMMER & ASSC. ~ 3056737559 NO.B52 002 .. . Ritz.Carlton Trame Study, Miami Beach - ## 98110 April 24. 1998 P~e7 Swnlllary In swnmary, ba.!Cd on the trip generation analysis presented to the City. the plannine staff determined that the proposed Rit2-Carlton project would not be subject to a concurrency review. An assessment of the site access and circulation of traffic on Lincoln Road east of Collins Avenue was also undertaken. The City's comments regarding site access and ciIcullWon have: been adequately addressed, and are inoorporated in Exhibit 3. A few minor turning radii and curb adjustments would also be needed. These adjustments will be provided to you under separate cover. PleasF call me if you have questions or need further infonnation. Sincerely, .. . ~~ Khaled Al-Sahili, Ph.D., P.E. Project Engineer E-mail: dpa@dplummer.com cc: Lucia Dougherty BiUMaden Peter Kanflvos 10seph Johnson File Enclosures STD"n_ Tlt.CMB ea