File Ref. #056 O~b- ~ )..~119 '1' CITY OF MIAMI BEACH PLANNING, DESIGN & HISTORIC PRESERVATION DIVISION m To: From: ROBERT PARCHER, CITY CLERK RICHARD LORBER, SENIOR PLANNER tJ-. June 30, 1998 Date: Subject: Mailing Labels - Bert J. Harris Act Claims Enclosed are mailing labels for two Bert J. Harris Act claims: 1) Dennis O. Morin RE: 1766-1776 Michigan Avenue - 1769 Lenox Avenue - 1026 18th Street - has only two contiguous parcels, 1 each on Michigan and Lenox Avenues. 2) South Beach Ocean Parcel, Ltd & Portofino Real Estate Fund RE: 50 Biscayne Street is the large set of labels (South Point Condo) plus Penrod's. Please contact me at extension 61 21 if there are any questions. RGL\rgl F:\PLAN\$ALL\GEN CORR\INTEROFF\RL-PARCH.WPD cc: D. Turner, City Attorney's Office 30/.:1.:10 s, ;1H::rn ), r LJ 00 : III1V J..e NAi86 I Aln..t 03^/303ti ~ 1/zJ ~~ ~. 'Ii. .J"'''''~ Ilf, Ill'll MEMORANDUM RECEIVED 98 JlIN , 8 PM 2: 2 , CITY CLEHWS OffICE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY TO: Dean Grandin Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Robert Parcher City Clerk DeboraJ. Turner~ First Assistant City Attorney SUBJECT: Notice of Harris Act Claim Filed by Dennis O. Morin Regardin2 Propertie~ located at 1766-1776 Michigan Avenue, 1769 Lenox Avenue and 102618th 'Street, Miami Beach, Florida. · r---- DATE: June 17, 1998 Attached please find a copy of the claim filed by Mr. Morin with regard to the above- referenced properties. Also attached, please find a copy of the appraisal which was submitted in conjunction with the claim letter. Pursuant to Section 70.001(4)(b), Florida Statutes, the City is required to provide written notice of the claim to all parties to any ~dministrative action that gave rise to the claim, and to owners of real property contiguous to the owner's property at the addresses listed on the most recent County tax rolls. The attached notice should be sent to all persons falling within the above categories. Although the Florida Statutes do not specifically provide when the notice to the parties to any administrative action and to owners of contiguous properties is required to be sent, said notice should be mailed on or before Tuesday, June 23,1998. ,.. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. F:\A1TO\TIJRN\Mf.MOSIMORINZON.lXl