File Ref. #060 ~b~: ~6tJ-~ ~~ /ffJ' RILZIN St.JMEI&:~G DUNN PRICE & AXEL.ROD LLP A ~A~Jt't;;"'''''''' Or "~O"'[S~IO"AI. A:lIlOCIAr,ON>j ~wVt.,.l F IlotuT U '''Of4 I~ 1t~",'...~I",,1. '..a.: NT!." ,olo.1.,1~tt O. .AA.LLHUU, .. A,. t,j"'I~U '" !llZIN,... . ,ol,.ldt.."f l!.. Cl..;I{bUh, .JH'l P.A "'h.~,"'AkU U\JNN, ~,A. ""l,UIlU:::1 "". &1..1,1::1. ,..,.... ~''''...." .I. I,fll'n..t:.H, ...,..... LC~Ta::H I. .JO\.,!;iQILI,.,.. fIt.A RIC;:H",-.C tot, OtJoL-O.TIrIf., ~.,... ,"~""'N.,J, "'A~l'f. tl"..... ......VIN O. l.OUUJU, ~.",... I'a....,....'~ N ""oQaOW~L~~ P.A, I,t,,-..N ...~ l M".'''. ".... Ut"':RM.A.N.lto Me:&("':H~IT.I:','~ ....... ....ew..RD fo. .H'I Y(')N, ~ .. M.~JII C. N~- Ai ON, .. A f:dANlE'r" PRH';~. ~ A MARriN '" ~Cl'i'fNAALZ. r>>...... J()MN C. &Ut-U:IEHG. _.A,. OA",O 'II 'I;tN"~, P..... MI1't.:HE~ ~ E WIOOM. ~.^. ",UU ,.\JUIH IlI!!CAYrll:. IhJULt''''HLI . MIAMI. f~ORIOA. ,\.131."'1"11 ILi.&.~tIU"C.; \~cs, .3,... I!!eCl. . I'll" OGtsIL.LIN.I,..Uht A.NNQl.D ..... .nOWN (";~HII"fO'h4111l1i O. ."'0"',,", THOMA. F". r..AR,.. SHE_AIL Iool c.OLCMaO .JI'FRE:V O. OEe....LO NANe;y I!L OLlltolCIoo4ER ...."'OU€L M. UUNXA1..EZ SC;OTt D. KRAVETZ ~OH~ ... ~\IHN "'CH.a.El W. LARKIN .4.. VICtC" 1.F.;IV,oI\ 3lJS...1Il .l. PDNl"I<3A!3 .lER"'" ., "ReCTOR C~j'd:tLE5 H. IItATNER CHalsrOPHER H. SAIA ::n"'<;ET L. !;;Ill,Vt.HMAN r~"I;.", oJ. U,",OA Ln'f" o. .......rb:tfMA... "'AX; t:;IO~) :j'4-1~~LJ . 8ROWARO: (9~41 4152-e8Cla Jltu;..M...."'''' .;l, M....''tWMl:... ,..,.....10 tol....tt~ J, ':"'1r.,t.C, ,..,.... 01'- ~L;IJI...:Jt:L.. ApriI2~, 1991j loA" &0 ^ """~U..H i,Jf NEw '{ORK ~"'ill ..AL:iO A I'4&!:."'.C"t 0' ~u; ."'R "he H()nol'ablt: Neist:n Kagdin Mayor City lIt Miami Heaeh 11110 ( 'nil vent inn ( 'entt!r I )riv~ Miami Hea(~h, HOrJ{tl'l ,n I W ke: C laritlcation of! lesign BMlI~ Isstlt's Dear Mayor Ka!ldln: rh~ plUpose ut'[his It:uer is (() ask tile City Commission to clarity the City's position in regard ltllh~ uppliUthllllY ur the Cltarrt:r Am~ndm~lIt to pmjl~r.rs lUilizing design honuses. As everyone i~ aware, un Junt: J, 191.)7. It Charrer Amendmc:m WH."l I'ass~d. This Charter Amendment provided a.~ lulluws: "[I)I1~ l1uor urea ratio of any planed prnperty....adjflcent [0 the [WIJLCr 1....~h~J1l1o( be: inc.rtast:d hy zoning. transfer or any other means tium ils L:urrCIlL luned floor ttrt:a ratio that exists on the date of the aduption urthi:l Charter Amendment..." F/Um JW1~ l. '997 \lulil FcbruiifY 4, 19Y8. the CitY. through its administration, consistently allll dcarly JclellllilletllltaL Iht: \11>(: ufdc::sign honuses wen: a part of the "zoned FAR" arplicable to it picl",c uf I'IUI1C!ty ulllj then:tillc JiJ l1ul n:ph::sent an il1rreus~ in th~ "zoned FAR," As you are aWMe, at tlit: tilllc [Ildl [he:; JUlie 3uJ rdbeuJulIl WiJ:-i pas~d. t:iKh of the zoning districts in the City uf Miami Ot:adl c~tal ,lillla;d <I IllaxillllJlIl ~CHlljllcd FAR and i:1 base:: fAR. AI>plicanrs were 1l0l only p~l1llittcd, but cm;o\l(~gc;d lu illl",Ul JJlJ1I1Lc Jc~i~lllc~lun;:l c:!ltthlishal in [hI;: d~::iigll bonus schedule into their projeCl:i, 11Idl,;I.:J, till; enlire;: pllfpU~ \11' 1.1Ie de~ign bl.lllus\::) was W t:m;oLlrag<: better design lhrough the utilh:c.lion of Jl::)igll !JOllu.s<::). Bctwccll JlUU;), 19iY7 ami FdJluwy uf 1998, tht: City has continued to correctly i:;:>\Ic builJin~ p~rlllil;j tin plt)ic\:t~ iuduJillg ut:sigulJuJluscs. ) -} /0 #:0~LL S~9 SO~ . IVLl' ~)~::ruI\IIS . N I Zll g: f~dO ~ ' ~ lJG-l'~- ~' lV'13'O~3a~nS'NIZ1la;^a ~~3S II 81LZIN ~UMBF."AG DUNN P"UClt So Axrn.ROC L.LP 'nl': Ilonorablc Nd:i~1l K41:,uiu April 24, t 998 I'agt: ;2 In Decell1her, 1997 aJl(1 January, I Y98, the City Commission, uncI' extensive hearing:> und wurk~hllps. adllpl~d "rdi Ilanee lJK.] I (rJ el1ntiUll(ing the design bonuses from the Miami Beach ZUIlUtg Cud~ in its tlllircry ([he" f)ownzol1lng ()rc1inl1nce"). l)uring the hearings and workshops on (hltl uJdinafll':t, th\;w was eXI~t1sivtJ lestimony (h,H viltllally every pr~iect in Miami Beach utilized dc:-,igll bUllullc~ ami that vinually every pro.le~l was ahle [0 adlieve the maxi ilium FAR through the \Itilization of uc~igJl b\)J1u~c:;. A:i a rlC:sult. tht Commission took :lction to l~l1nttnate the de~ign IxIIlUb\:5, but allhe :'UlIlC lilll\,: Ih~,y ilJ\;u:ascd <1l1owablt: FAR ahove the previously stated base FAR. Atkr D"embel\ 1 ')lj7 lIew prujC:!;I:i huve been prohibil~d from utilizing d~sign bonuses; however, a!i you arc all too awUlC, tll\;l'= w~n: many proj~cls that had previously been granted ORB approvals, permits or which 11l1d ~ul'lIJilll:d D/{B applkaLiun~ relying on the design bonus provisions of the ordinance, In February of thb yew, the: City COlllIllitlsion heard an appeal of a project lo(~ated at 20 V cuctiun Way. Aftt:r dB dlmost duee hour hearing, the City Cummission moved to uphold the appeal uno overturn the DRD approval of thilt pm;ecl emu illlh~ IU:Sl [tW sl;:conds of the hearing, a somewhat contilsing amendment to the motion was onen:d Ly COUHllissiom::r D~rmer which was accepted and approved unanimously lIS part <.Iflh" Conuuisi'Jiuu's urJ~[ U!l the VCflt'lian project. As finally reduced to writing, that Order, among oLherthings, lilates Lhat the DRB failed to comply with the e~sclltud requirements of law in part tor its "HliluftJ tu appruvt: th~ project subject to a cityvJide reter~I1dllm rogarding the approval uf dn iJlcr~as~ ill FAR thfOUgl1 tJlt utiliation of design bonl1s~~ and hOIlWl FAit" This ,,"ction by the: Cornmi:ssion lla:! L;<1u::;c:d confusion in the application, or pottlntial application, Qfthl,: Chwter Amendment to design bOll11tit::s. Having witm:ssed lhe hetU'il1g and hotving nl)W laud further time t~) rc1lc:ct Qll the meaning and implications of the Commission uction, I bl;!li~"e that it wlluld be upproprilltc, and I am hereby lcquesting (bat the; C.'ollunission fuJJy address lhis ;:;suc:. Prim 10 the r'ollll\lission's al~tion in February. the City had consistently detenl.li.l1cu tiull the de!lIgn hllOlIses wer~ part ot'the "L.ullt!d FAR" allU dutt the maximum FAR, as Set forth ill the zoning llrdinflllc~. WHS th~ "LlIUt:d FAR." 'I'hl: City COlllluission and the City administration clearly inlerpreted the ( :haJ1l:'r this way, as Iht!J'e would hav~ ~en littlt: or no rCO:;lon to eliminate the uC:lign hUllllses in January hHd Ihose same bllnusl:s already b~n effectively eliminated by the Charter Amendment. Pc~rhitpS mosl lIT1pClrtanlly <lnd most tdlingly, if one a~cepts the p01iition, espoused by John Shuhill, Ihill ,my IIlCI'I:':ise ahow lht' Buse FAR rl:quirl:s a n:ttmmdu1l1, then the City Commission's a~lI(lI1 approving fh~ I }()WlllOtllng Ordimml'e will not become tlflective until such time us that ol'dinanc~ is apprllved My reterendlllll I S<lY this because that ordinance increased the allowable FAR II!JUYI:: [lte ba~r.: FA R ill \iirtlllilly t':\'ery 4" 'IIIn!! cfj')lrkt, I ct:'rtainly do not believe that the Commission inlelll.kd Ihrough its 3l.:liulI ul [lie end 1I1lhe Vcnelian hem"ing, to in any way invalidate or effect the t II:.' If: (;8LL l:.'L~) !oOI:.' . -IV '.13 'UKffil\IIS 'N IKW.:J; f~d II. . t. \JG-\t(;-l' lV'13'~~3g~ilS'NIZ1lg;Ag 1~3S 8IL"-'N 5UMSERG DUNN PRICE & AXE:l ROC LLP Th~ Ifonornblc Nci~c.:1I Kasdiu April 14, 1998 Page 3 l)uwnwlIing Ordillance. Yet, if it hM.; h.t'f:Qme the offici,,1 position ofth~ City that <tIl il1l;r~(jse in FAR ah,)Ye the: btJ~<<= t,'AI{ It'quires a rd'erendllnl, rhat would I.H: th~ 31most inc::lcapdblc result oflhat policy. 1 Alllllu;II:IIJle It':spccllltlly relflJ~Slillg that Iht: ('ily Commission place an item on its May 6th agenda 10 di.scuslS Illj;) j.'lMII.: illl(J to rt:slllv.: thtl is~ul: In whichever direction that the City Commis~iol1 f~ds i<l nlOst Ilpprvpril1lc. (bdiC:Yt: dUll tht City's interl'rl:!tation of'tlle Charter Amendment trom .J llll~, 101)7 unlil h;;l,cuilry, 11198 Wt1~. in filet. Ihe I~tlally correct interpretation of the Charter AIlI~lHlmCllt, I would ask Ihdt yuu durj[y Ihis bSlIe so that all parties will understand the City's position un this isslIe. y ";JftPYO./ .u7rs 1 I II <:~:t~44 Carter N, McDowell .;;c: Viet: Muyor David Dernlt:r Commissioner ~illlon Cruz. Corrunissioncr StI:lan Gottlieb Cornmil:i~i0ncr Murlln Shapiro Commi!:lsion~r Jose Smith S~r~io Rodriguez, City Manager Murray Dubbin, c:;g, D~an Grandin, Jr. "NM/at!/llll1080 ~ d 1/: '(,'dLL l:L~1 ~nl: , IV ',Ll'~)a:IDf\llS 'NIZ'lIH: f~~I(;ri;~' 96-H;-~ ~IV '13 I !)~mn~ns I N I Zll ij ; Aij .L~3S