File Ref. #061 /) ... I \ / I jJ CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE TELEPHONE: 673-7411 kWJv ~ e~ VIA. I (. C/[~t- f q /WLJ"A-A./~ ~U~tJ- 1 \ ~\\L1<t: Af/#6/-rfft /0/ If 17 , Lj /,.j: J flt'/') /99~ ~[~: , 82 , ~G4846 ;- / jC'. . fiJ.{1V ./ 93R37gg63 1998 AUG 03 ~,):'27 Prepared by: Carter N. McDowell Bilzln Su:nbcrg Dunn Pri~ & Axelrod 200 South Bbcayne Boulevard, Suite 2500 MiIUIlI, Florida 33131 Telephone: (305) 374.7580 MTInGATIONAGREEMENT This Agreement is entered into between RDP Royal Palm Hotel Limited Partnership . ("Developer"), and the City of Miami Beach ("City"). WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 22-3 0(3), Miami Beach Zoning Ordinance (the "Zoning Ordinance"), and Rule 9J-S.OOSS(3)(cX3) Florida Administrative Code, the City is authorized to enter into mitigation agreements; and WHEREAS, the Developer and the City state that: A. Developer is the long term lessee of property located in the City of Miami Beach, Florida, and Developer bas proposed new construction and redevelopment of existing buildings on the land and the project is mere particularly described in Exhibit A to this Agreement; and B. The Developer has proffered to the City and the City bas reviewed and accepted this mitigation plan to address traffic concurrency issues for 16th Street between Collins A venue and Alton Road associated with the Project, as herein defined. Tbe proposed signalization improvements and other improvements that constitute the Mitigation Plan are described in Exhibit B attached hereto (the "Mitigation Plan"). C. Based on thc rcprescntatio~ set forth in the David Plummer and As90ciates lettcrs which comprise the Mitigation Plan and the City's review of the Mitigation Plan, upon completion Q:\OMS\7JJ'S\10Jil\0187572.0! 7/8/98 1 ~ft: 18216r~4847 of the modification;; listed in the Mitigation Plan, the City has determined that the existing public infrastructure, together with the Mitigation Plan, will accommodate the traffic impact of the Project, as required by the City's Concurrency Management System codified at Section 22.3 et scq.. Miami Beach Zoning Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the covenants contained herein, it is hereby understood and agreed: 1. The Developer agrees to implement the Mitigation Plan including, without limitation, preparation of nil applications and studies. all engineering expenses, labor, materials, and permit fees at Developers sole cost and expense. Developer agrees to prepare all required studies and applications as soon as reasonably possible after issuance of building pennits for the Developer's. project; and within ten (10) business days ofthc City's notice to the Developer, Developer agrees to fund the full cost for the signal timing modification and to implement the striping modifications, in coordination with the City, County and State, at the Developer's sole cost and expense. The City agrees to request the signal timing modification turn the County and to act as the permittee for any required County Of State permits, subject to the City's final written approval of any and all such applications and plans. Notwithstanding the foregoing, it shall be the Developer's responsibility to effectuate: the timely commencement and completion of the Mitigation Plan. 2. The Mitigation Plan improvements shall be: "open to traffic" prior to the issuance of Certificates of Occupancy for the Project; provided, however, the City in its sole di::lcretion may extend the time for commencement or completion of construction of any of the improvements described in Exhibit B consistent with the reqUirements of Rule 9J~S.0055(3)(c)3, Florida Administrative Code, and any applicable City Ordinances. I G:\DMS\7JJ45\lOJ&S\0187S72.05 7/1/18 2 ~t~: 182 , &~4848 j. Assuming the Developer is in compliance with this Agreement, Developer's project. as described in Exhibit A (the "Projectll), will be entitled to receive permits and certificates qf occupancy in accordance with the City of Miami Beach Zoning Ordinance and the South Florida Building Code, based upon the City's detennination that this Mitigation Plan will meet traffic concurrency for the Project. Modifications of the Project will be permitted so long as the total number of trips in the peak hour periods generated by such project, as incl1cated by Exhibit A, does not increase. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Developer acknowledges and agrees that the certificate of occupancy may onlr be issucd by the City upon the Developer's compliance with this Agreement and relevant Miami Beach ordinances. 4. The tenns and conditions of this Agreement shall be a covenant running with the Developer's leasehold interest and shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the heirs, personal representatives, and successors in interest of the parties hereto during its lifetime unless modified or released by the parties. The City agrees that upon full and satisfactory completion of the improvements contemplated in this Agreement that it will execute a notice of completion and release in a form acceptable to the City Attorney's office upon request from Developer. S. The date of execution of this Agreement shn11 be the date that the last party signs and acknowledges this Agreement. 6. This MitiiatioD Agreement shall be in effect for a period consistent with the time p:riod provided in Rule 9J-S.OOSS(3)(c)3, Florida Administra.tive Code unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. Q:\DMS\73J4C\lD3'.\0187S72,D5 7/1/,. 3 Wtt: 18216P~4849 DEVELOPERS: ~ . RDP ROYAL PALM HOTEL LIMITED PARTNERSHIP By: P ADC Hospitality Corporation I, General Partner By: ~~ Richard~. Matlof, Se . or Vice President STATE OF FLORIDA cOUNTY OF DADE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this g day of July. 1998 by lUehard A. MatJof, Senior Vice President ofP ADC Hospitality Corporation I, Partner of RDP Royal Palm Hotel Limited Partnership. He is personally known to m r due identification. Ill~~'iif.;:~':. LlZETTE M. RIZO J No: :~ MY COMMISSION' CC 669368 I ~i~ ",~~i EXPIRES; AugUll 5. 2001 I -'P.r...", . IlondId T1IIu Holary Pu!lIIc Uncletwrllln (if any) My commission expires: . a,\DMS\7334'\~0368\Ol"S72.D5 7/8/'111 4 ~ft: 18216Pr48SO CITY O}' MIAMI BEACH '\ l~ 1- . u",- ". By: ~ - /1 Attest: ~ C i,<A...{./ City Clerk ,. .0. , L .." li'A. C' ,).. '-. ~\", ~-" , . 5T A TE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE The oregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this I O~ay of ]1./ 0.. . 1998 by . ' Manager of City of Miami Beach, on b~ the City. 1!.elSba is petS ally known to c or has produced as ideft1i6eatieft. ~b~k Serial Number (if any) . My commission expires: ~I f ~ w 0 L- , , OFFICIAL NOTARY SEAL LILLIAN BEAUCHAMP NOTARY PU13L:C 5T ATE Or !-LOR IDA COMMISSION i\;O CCi'3S372 _ ',1 V Cm1M!SSlON EXP, .'>.:Of(. 29.20(12 APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION jp /M~ '7lyIJ 2 ~Attom.y ... ~ OiL ~ C;/flf G:\DMS\13J4'\lC]68\0187172.05 7/8/PI 5 REi:: lOt. I or~40J I EXHIBIT A Parcel I (Royal Palm Hotel site) The South 12.65 feet of Lots 7 and 14, all of Lots 6 and15,and the North 10 feet of Lots 5 and 16, all in Block 56, FISHER'S FIRST SUBDIVISION OF ALTON BEACH, according to the Plot thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 77, Public Records of Dade County, Florida together with that certain parcel of land lying East and adjacent to the above described parcel, said parcel bounded on the South by the South line of the above described parcel extended Easterly; bounded on the North by the North line of the above described parcel extended easterly; bounded on the East by the Erosion Control Line of the Atlantic Ocean and bounded on the West by the East line of the above mentioned Block 56; said lands containing 0.9941 acres more or less. ALSO KNOWN AS: BEGIN at the Northwest comer of the South 12.65 feet of aforementioned Lot 14, Block 56 and proceed S07040'50"W, along the Easterly right of way line of Collins Avenue as it appears on the said Plat of FISHER'S FIRST SUBDIVISION OF ALTON BEACH, 73.69 feet to the intersection with the South line of the North 10.00 feet of aforementioned Lot 16, and 5, Block 56, 400.00 feet to the intersection with the East line of said Lot 5; thence continue N88 00 l'17"E, along on Easterly extension of the South line of the North 10.00 feet of said Lot 5, Block 56,190.47 feet to the intersection with the Erosion Control Line of the Atlantic Ocean as recorded in Ordinance No. 856, , Section One, City ofMiarni Beach, Florida; thence N03 031'44"E, along said Erosion Control Line; 72.98 feet to the intersection with an Easterly extension of the North line of the South 12.65 feet of aforementioned Lot 7, Block 56; thence S88001'17W, along said Easterly extension of the North line of the South 12.65 feet of aforementioned Lot 7, Block 56, 185.10 feet to the intersect with the East line of said Lot 7; thence continue S88001'17"W, along said North line of the South 12.65 feet of said Lot 7, and of Lot 14, Block 56, 400.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL II (Shorecrest Hotel site) The South 40.00 feet of Lots 5 and 16, and the North one-half of Lots 4, and 17, all in Block 56, FISHER'S FIRST SUBDIVISION OF ALTON BEACH, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 77 of the Public Records of Dade County Florida, together with that cetain parcel of land lying East of and adjacent to the above described parcel; said parcel bounded on the South by the South line of the above described parcel extended Easterly; bounded on the North by the North line of the above described parcel extended Easterly; bounded on the East by the Erosion Control Line of the Atlantic Ocean, and bounded on the West by the East line of the above mentioned Block 56; Said lands containing 0.8849 acres more or less. All lands described above located, lying and being in Section 34 TO\ffiship 53 South, Range 42 East, City of Miami Beach, Florida. ALSO KNOWN AS: . BEGIN at the Southwest'comer of the North 10.00 feet of aforementioned Lot 16, Block 56 and proceed SOyO 40'50"W, along the Easterly right of way line of Collins, A venue as it appears on the G:\DMS\73346\10368\0196345.01 6/26/98 ~~~: 18216r~4852 said Plat of FISHER'S FIRST SUBDIVISION OF ALTON BEACH. 65 97 feet to the inte!"secticm Vvith the South line,pfthe North 1/2 of aforementioned Lot 17, Block 56; thence N88 oOO'47"E, along said South line of the North 1/2 of Lots 17, and 4, Block 56, 400.00 feet to the interesection with the East line of said Lot 4; thence continue N88000'47"E, along an Easterly extension of the South line of the North 1/2 of said Lot 4, Block 56, 195.27 feet to the intersection with the Erosion Control Line of the Atlantic Ocean as recorded in Ordinance No. 856, Section One, City of Miami Beach, Florida; thence N03 031'44 "E, along said Erosion Control Line, 65.25 feet to the intersection with an Easterly extension of the South line of the North 10.00 feet of aforementioned Lot 5 Block 56' thence S88 0 0 1'17W, along said Easterly extension of the South line of the North 10.00 'of said Lo~ 5, Block 56, 190.47 feet to the intersect with the East line of aforementioned Lot 5, Block 56; thence continue S88001'77"W, along said South line of the North 10.00 feet of said Lot 5, and of Lot 16, Block 56, 400.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Metes and Bounds Legal Description for Parcels I and II Combined BEGIN at the Northwest corner of the South 12.65 feet of Lot 14 Block 56 of FISHER'S FIRST SUBDMSION OF ALTON BEACH as recorded in Plat Book 2, at page 77 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida and proceed S07040'50"W, along the Easterly right of way line of Collins Avenue as it appears on said Plat of FISHER'S FIRST SUBDIVISIO OF ALTON BEACH, 139.66 to the intersect with the South Line of the North 1/2 of Lot 17, Block 56 of said Plat of FISHER'S. FIRST SUBDIVISION OF ALTON BEACH; thence N88000'47"E, along said South line of the North 1/2 of said Lot 17, and Lot 4, Block 56, 400.00 feet to the intersection with the Easterly line of said Lot 4; thence continue N88 000'47"E, along on Easterly extension of the South line of the North 1/2 of said Lot 4, Block 56, 195.27 feet to the intersection with the Erosion Control Line of the Atlantic Ocean as recorded in Ordinance No. 856, Section One, City of Miami Beach, Florida; thence N03 o31'44"E, along said Erosion Control Line 138.23 feet tot he intersection with an Easterly extension of the North line of the South 12.65 feet of Lot 7 of aforementioned Block 56; thence, S88001'17"W, along said Easterly extension of the North line of the South 12.65 feet of said Lot 7, Block 56, 185.10 feet to the intersect with the East line of said Lot 7; thence continue S88 0 0 l'77"W, along said North line of the South 12.65 feet of said Lot 7, and of Lot 14, Block 56, 400.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Parcel III Easement for the benefit of Parcels I and II as contained in that Garage Easement Agreement, over and across the following described lands: Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13, Block 57, FISHER'S FIRST SUBDIVISION OF ALTON BEACH, according to the Plat thereof. recorded in Plat Book 2, page 77 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida together with that portion of 16th Street (Avenue "C"), lying West of the West Right of Way line of Collins Avenue, as shown on said Plat, less and except the following described parcel: BEGINNING at the Southwest corner of Block 54 of said FISHER'S FIRST SUBDIVISION OF ALTON BEACH; thence North 88000'53" East, along the South line of.said Block 54, a distance of G:\DMS\73346\10368\0196345.01 6/26/98 2 ~tb: 18216f~4853 443.08 feet to the Southeast corner of said Block 54, thence South Or35'04" West, a distar.ce of 96.26 feet to a poi~t of cusp with a tangent curve, concave to the Southwest; thence, along the arc of said curve to the left, having a radius of 25.00 feet and a central angle of 90000'00", an arc distance of 39.27 feet; thence South 88000'53" West, along a line 8.00 feet North of and parallel with, as measured at right angles to the North line of Block 57 of said Plat a distance of 3 82.18 feet to a point on the Easterly Right of Way line of Washington Avenue; thence North 0 1 0 59'11" West, along said Easterly Right of Way line, a distance of62.00 feet to the Southwest corner of said Block 54 and the POrNT OF BEGINNING; said lands being in the City of Miami Beach, Dade County, Florida. Parcel IV Easement for the benefit of Parcels I and II contained in that Reciprocal Access, use, Development and Eastement Agreement, over and across the following described lands: All of Lots 1, 2, 3, 18, 19, 20 and the South 1/2 of Lots 4, and 17, all in Block 56 of FISHER'S FIRST SUBDIVISION OF ALTON BEACH, according to the Plat therof, recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 77, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. AND A Parcel of Land adjacent to and immediately East of the above described lands and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the S.E. corner of said Lot 1, Block 56 of FISHER'S SUBDIVISION OF ALTON BEACH, thence North 07035'20" East, along the Easterly line of said Block 56 for a distance of 177.47 feet to the Northeast corner of the South 1/2 of said Lot 4, Block 56; thence North 88000'23" East, along the Easterly extension of the North line of said South 1/2 of Lot 4 for a distance of 195.26 feet to a point on a line known as the Erosion Control Line as recorded in Plat Book 105, at page 82 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; thence South 03 026'45" West, along said Erosion Control Line also known as the Bulkhead Line as described in Ordinance No. 856 Section 1 of the City of Miami Beach, Recorded in Plat Book 74, page 4 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, for a distance of 175.78 feet; thence South 88000'21" West, along the Easterly extension of the South line of said Lot I, Block 56, for 208.14 feet to the POrNT OF BEGfi\.0rING, lying and being in the City of Miami Beach, Dade County, Florida. G:\DMS\73346\10368\0196345.01 6/26/98 3 ~ft: 18216r~4B54 EXHIBIT "A" (coGtinud) ~ . The "Project" is more particularly described in that certain Certificate of Appropriateness and Design Review Approval for the renovation, alteration and partial demolition of two (2) existing hotel structures and the construction of a fiftet:n (15) story addition to the Royal Palm Hotel and a sixteen (16) story addition to the Shorecrest Hotel for a total of 412 rooms along with other associated meeting and restaurant facilities substantially as shown in Design Review File No. 80851, including the traffic study and other relevant documents contained therein. ~tc: I bZ I bn4tm EXHIBIT B (19 Pages) DAVID PLUMMER & ASSOCIATES ~ . ':..' .~:;.~~ ': ..; I . ;,.;""('.'....".:.:, . .'" (r":" ~ :' ... Apnl 29. 1998 \!r Chris A. Bruch, CF\1 Development Director Donohoe Development Company 2101 Wisconsin Avenue. 'SW Washington DC 20007 Re: Roval Palm Hotel Traffi(: :vtitiption - #98143 Dear Mr. Bruch: Pursuant to Mr. Carter McDowell's request, our finn has prepared a preliminary estimate of the project contribution towards the improvements on 16 Street recommended in our April 21 lener. . Ylr. Joseph Johnson concurred that the recommended improvements would mitigate the existing' defici~ncies on 16 Street, as well as accommodate the Royal Palm Hotel trips that would travel on 16 Street. Based on field observations and evaluation of the existing signal plan and traffic volumes, the following improvements were recommended: . Signal. retiming at the Jefferson A venuell6 Street and Meridian A venuell 6 Street intersectlons during the afternoon peak period. . Pavement restriping on the westbound approach of the Alton Road/16 Street intersection to provide an exclusive left-turn lane and a shared thru/right-tum lane. This would include restriping the eastbound approach, if necessary, for proper lane alignment Additionally, our firm had also presented a conceptual cost estimate for the recommended mitigation improvements at the Jefferson Avenuel16 Street. :v1eridian Avenue!16 Street, and Alton Roadl16 Street intersections. The conceptual cost estimates included the constrUction costs, construction contingency costs, engineering costs and permitting. costs. The cost for i.mplementing the Slgn.al retiming improvements at the Jefferson Aveouel16 Street and Meridian Avcnue/16 Street intersections was estimated at $6,500. The cost for pavement restriping at the: Alton Road/l 6 Slrtet intersection was estimated at 527,000. Therefore, the total conceptual cost estimate of implementing the: recommended improvements would be S33,500 1750 PO,,",CE CE ~ON 8Cl..lEV....O QC I 'lGRTHPCM rr;oNV SL:'~ ; ca eOtAl G.l.SlfS. Fl J3 I 34 WEST '...,.,. aEJ.CId Fl JJ4C7 JCS 447.c900 ~AJ. 305 44,4.4Q80 50: cBb-: Joo fU so I 000-0i70 ~ll cpeOdpl~m""'CCI'l . E1"IQ" ::lpawllb~'" """ 1531 ...e...cR" sraEE" FCiiW yeaS Fl J JQO ~ ~41 332.2017 fA). Q41 332 204.5 :....cll "~Q"''''I rE J'_ _ ~t~: 18216r~48S6 ~rr Chris A. Bruch Re: Royal Plllmc-H9teJ Traffic :\'litigarion -,. 98143 .~pril 29. 1998 Page 2 Due to the uncertainty of the 16 Street extension berween Collins A venue and Washington A venue at the time of the initial traffic study for the Royal Palm Hotel. no project tnps were assigned to the 16 Street roadway segment. Given the City's current plans for the 16 Street extension, the project rnps were reassigned to travel on 16 Street. It INBS estimated that 20% of the project trips would use 16 Street upon completion of the extension. The methodology used to estimate the project contribution for 16 Street improvements was based on comparing its eXIsting and future (with recorrunended improvements) two~way service volumes at level of service D. These service volumes were calculated using FDOTs ART_TAB software (see attached worksheets). The City provided the existing 24-hour machine traffic COW1ts on 16 Street These raw traffic counts were adjusted to reflect peak hour peak season conditions using FDOT seasonal factors. The following tabulation provides the project contribution calculations. Exbibit 1: Preliminary Projea Contribution Calculation Existing Peak Hour Peak Season Two~way Volume 923vph 1 I Existing Two-way Service Volume at LOS D 520 vph I Furure Two-way Service Volume at LOS D 1140 vph , ! Additional Service Capacity Created 1140 - 520:;:; 620 vph Existing Deficit 923 . 520 =: 403 vph Remaining Excess Service Capacity 620 - 403 = 217 vph Project Trips on 16 Street 62 vph I Project Trip Consumption of Remaining Service Capacity 621217 ~ 29% \. BlUed on City of MIami Beach Traffic Counts on NovembcT 6. 1997. ~: Peak Season Peak Hour Volume = Raw Count · (Week.ly Volume FactorfMOCF) · Weekly Axle Adjustment Factor. Raw COWll = 923 "'ph. Weekly .volume Factor = \.0 (Coun~ide). MOCF ., 0.98 (CountyWide). and Axle Adjustment Factor = 0.98 (Alton Road). MOCF '" Model Output ConversIon Factor "Ph = vehicles per hour As is evident from the tabulation. the recommended mitigation would significantly improve the ex.isting traffic condhions on \ n Street. It should be noted that the project trips would consume only @B ~ It -. --- "'0:..,- .~tt: 18216r~4857 \1r. Chris A. Bruch Re: Royal Palm Hotel Traffic Mitigation. ., 981..3 4" . Apri119. 1998 Page 3 :0% of the additional service capacity created on 16 Street. Therefore. a 19% project contribution towards L.1e 16 Street improvements would not only mltigate the project traffic impacts but also mitigate some of the existing deficit in service capacity on 16 Street. It has been a pleasure working with you and Carter on the Royal Palm Hotel project. If you have questions or need further information, please call me at 447-0900. irish Kumar, PE Project Engineer E-mail: giri.sb.kumar@dplummer.com cc: Mr. Caner McDowell File 042898_:! LET @B ~ n ~fr 18216r~4858 J"'_ _ ART - T AS Version 2.0 ArterlalleV'llI of SerV1C11 Vclu,.,e Tab!1l'S Based on CP'\aPf;er 11 of ~e ~ 994 H,gnway :acac:ty Ma~\..31 _:x::or.e ~ . Florida Department of Transportation Al,IClUst 1995 DESCRIPTION ~OAO NAME. Hi St F"lm' AIlIln Rd T!): W~i"gtlln Av PEAK ~'>>>Hnn ,,~ CIRECTlON W8 Sllocy Ti.- PetICld: PM PEAK -'natysll Caw: April 21, 1"1 'II1.I,.,ber 01/ un.: 2 M!fT' 12100 User NalIr.I. E.lSlilllJ CcmhllO"' TRAFFIC CHAR.lC~RIS"CS I( FACTOR: o FACTOR: ~F: ^"J. SATUAAl'1CN F1.OW RArE: .. TURNS FROM EXCl.USrw t.>>IES: ---R.ang~ 0.070 ( O.sa (0.50 - TOOl 0.1110 (0.70. TOO) , ,110 (1..00 - 2000) . ., , ROACWA If CHAAAC~RIS"CS URBAN. T'RAN$ITlONlNO. OR RU!V.L AREA fY1SE: AR~RW. CL.ASS: ~Ee FLOW SPEED (mp"): -OTAL. L.ENGTl-l OF ~RW. ,mi): '-4EClANS (YIN): n I.EFT TURN BAYS : " . SIGNAl.JZA TICH CHARACTeRlS'nCS U (U. T or Rl Z (, Z. or J) 30 (40.3S.JO.25'l O.ST NO. SIGNoAUZEO INiERSECT1ONS: 5 AARNAL T'YF'E. lIEN< CIRECTlON; 4 ( C'JI!J) TYPE SIGNAl SYS'TEM: S (P, S. C'JI A) (~"., S...s_~. A=~ SYS~M CVCU; LENGTM (I0Il:): 10 (80.' 8C) w '~Tlo<A M NT 0.47 0 20 . 0 ~ . ,"eAK MOUR ~ OIIU:CTIOfoi VQ.UMe ) I (lfIC/t.ClN ~ ''I em~ rum ,.,.,/ ! I a.1Z.1s:3 '- 0IIf ~,:... , ~ ~ 7 s.w.. ~~l I --v. ES A a ~ 0 I "- 'eJA ~.. NlA 2!90 . 2 "",. ~A NlA S1C . :-0/ I 1 3 "",. ~A NlA 92C .~. .1 ~ ~ 'uA ~A NlA 1.23C 2.-Jl : '"EN< MOl.. R 'f'ICWllIE (lOT'" DlREC T"IONS I (lnr:I_ ..-- III &Klu,s.. IIdn IM>>SJ ! t1l1.IJ ~ -~ "" ~ ~foe L , ___ ~ SeMee I ~"'ES A B c 0 - I 2 NlA ~A NJA 53l . .:za 4 NJA ~A N1A , .07'0 2.'3D 5 NlA ""A NlA 'S3D 3.:CI S N1A "ilA N1A 2,,170 .Z!l " IfIMi&J (/f1CA1det6 ~ lit u~ 1IIft__ a.n..l3I !~ ~ mi;. :....l ~ s.rva lJ\N6S A i C 0 - 2 NJA NlA NtA 7.G ~ . 3:ID 4 NlA "4IA NtA lS.JClO :Jlcm 5 NJA ""A NlA Z3 .2a:l 4i 31) 8 NlA ~A NJA J l.CCO " La N1A .-ns lI'Ie ,...,. ,. __ IS ... ~* .-ua Hour lleall CiniI::lIrlft ~m Yle ~ Iar ~ ..... :....-l ctI s...oee :..ANrS " ~ C 0 - I 1 NlA ~A NJA 0.42 U') 2 NJA NtA NtA 0.... ~ J NlA NlA NJA 0.404 :.31 4 NJA ~A NJA 0404 :3lI (\ .. ~~~., 82 , 6r~48S9 J~_ = ART-TAB Version 2.0 Attenal Level =t S8!'VlC8 VOll.l"!'e Tae.s Based on Chapter 11 of tt1e 1994 Hlgh'way ':aPllC:t1 Man\,jall.. pdare C' . Florida Department of Transportation A.UQust 1995 . OESCRIPTlON rEAK ))>>>>>>>> ROAD ~E. ,. 51 F"Cr?l. AItDn Rd '0. Wcnl"gllln Av "EAK DiRECT10N we SIl.lCly Ti",. >lllf1od: PM ~ MIIySl$ 0alIt: Aptll 21. 19S8 "Iumtler dun"' 2 MOT. 12600 Uwr NalIlIS: Signal .-ajlUlIN:nt3 & R..lI"tping (1f'CJ..ae" ~ VI ~ I1Jrn /.fne.J} a.zzm 11'!t1~ ~ "!ll~ '-"'-,,[S I 2 3 4 LeYel d s.- A a C 0 N./A "tIA N/A GSO N./A NtA N./A 1 370 NlA N./A "tIA 2.' 20 NlA NiA "UA 2.S30 E a401 , 740 r Z:sec i J 5SO 'TRAF FIC C MAlUC fERIS T1CS I v ( C) 11171:1,., ve'M;les If' ~~ IlJm ~J 1l1.1.9.3 ,."..-..".. r.- !\'Ii III I( ~ I'ICTOR : o ~ACTCR: ~F' AOJ SA'T\JFtATION F1.0W !tATE: " T1.JRNS ~M EJtCLUSM LANES. ; lROADWAY CMARACTERlSnCS l L.RBAN, ~NlNC.O~ ~UAAl. ~EA ~e: ""TERlAL CLASS. ~~eE FLOW SPEEO (mpl'l): TOTAL. LENGTH OF ~w. (,"I): MEOIANS ('r1N): It LEFT T1.JRN s..YS : " ~lnG- Cl.g'TO (tuX;. O.ZO) i...evOll Dr s.-.- UII (0.50. 1 00) _1..""fS " B ... w O.IIG (0.70.' .00) 2 '4IA "UA "-'A ',Ull ,'G.2000'l . ItJIA "IIA NlA U 0.100 6 "IIA N./1. ~A !l "4JA "UA NtA u (U. .. of ~1 2 (1. 2. or J) 10 (40.3S.J02S) 0.$7 A ( (/ltC/udN ~_ "'~ Ium__J ~ ~rMI.....&...!>::I._m1l4l I :SIGNALJZATION CHARACTElUSnCS Il1O. SIGNotoUZEO INTERSECTIONS: 5 ARR~AL.~. ~ DiRECT1ON: . (1.2,::1...5 C'/I51 TYPE S:GNAI.. SYSTEM: S (1'. S. rII"') rfAa~med, S-SetmecUle.d. A.Ac::w~ SYSTEM CYCLf L!NGTH (S<<): 8G (80.' SO) WEIGHT ~RU "'ENT 0.53 0.20. O.!lO :.I.."ES 2 4 8 e A NI... NlA NlA "II'" I.wel 01 s.w. 6 C .'IIA NlA "4J1. NJA NlA "'I. "111. NJA o , 6.:JOO 34. .&a> 53.400 7" CO I E212OD1 C.Bml &i.D' !l9 .2a21 NlA ~ h lewl of ~" r1lltll:fwntlie Pea ~ Pmll CirectiCn ~ VIe !bUD Dclr Fill Hllur I....-.t d s.rw:. 1 I ~""(5 A B C 0 E 0.871 , NI... N.JA NlA 0.67 2 N.JA Nt... NlA 0.71 090 3 N.JA N./A "'II>. 0.13 032 4 'NIA 'lI1>. NtA on 092 ~. r', ~t~: 18216r~4860 C' . DAVID PLUMMER & ASSOCIATES -(,.:......)r'C~TAi:C"" . ':'-"l . Si~\"'C.~""'l . ~"""'.,':~C'M~'.:...~ April 21. 1998 R~vised April 28, 1998 ~1.r. Chris A. Bruch, CFM Development Director Donohoe Development Company 2101 Wisconsin Avenue, NW Washington DC 20007 Re: Roval Palm Hotel Traffic Miri~ation - #98143 Dear Mr. Bruch: J" Subsequent to our meeting with Mr. Joseph Johnson on April 15, 1998, we have developed a' conceptual traffic mitigation plan for the four (4) signalized intersections of Alton Roadl16 Street, Jefferson Avenuel16 Street, Meridian Avenue/16 Street, and Washington Avenucl16 Street. It was established.. in consultations with the City, that signa! plan adjustments at these four (4) intersections would improve the overall servke capacity of the 16 Street corridor from Alton Road to Washington Avenue. Six.teen Street, between Alton Road and Washington Avenue, is a !VIo-way, two-lane, undivided roadway. On-street parking is allowed on both sides of the street. Off-peak vehicle running speeds of25 to 30 mph were observed in the field. The travel lanes on 16 Street arc approximately 14 feet- 18 feet wide. Tum lanes in the east-west direction at the intersections are lacking on 16 Street. However, field observations of the eastbound and westbound traffic on 16 Street indicated that the righc-cum.ing vehicles frequently positioned themselves along side the through or left-turning vehicles to take advantage of the wide pavement at the intersections. Our firm obtained the: existing signal timing and phasing plans at the subject intersections from the Miami-Dade Public Works Traffic Control Center. The tra.ffic signals at the: subject intersections are semi-actuated with a two-phase operation. Exhibits 1 A, 2A, 3A and 4A depict the existing signal 1750 PONC! O! .feN BOl.JlfVAiC COl.o\l GABLES. Fl 33' 3. J05 447.()QOC FlU: 305 4.4A-4Q80 : ... I .......,...,~' _-." ~ Q() I NCI"PCIM p~ Sl..I~ 1 ca WEST ~AJ.M BEACH. Fl J3407 50 I oe~ 1 Joo FAX 56' ~8~aa70 1'...".I~"",",~"'c:.o'" 1531 t"ENCRY smET celT MEYERS Fl ]]QOI Q41 JJ2-20 17 flU Q41 3JHtl45 E<"Ig,1. ~"., "., . @a J'_': ~tt: 182' 6f~486' \1r Cr_-1s A Bruch Re: Royal PalJDcHotel Traffic ~iriglltion . # 98143 .-\pril 21, 1998 (RevIsed Apnl 28, 1998) Page 2 timing and phasing plans, and also include schematics of the existing lane arrangement at the subject intersections. Based on field observations and evaluation of the existing signal plan and traffic volumes, the following improvements are recommended: Signal retiming at Jefferson Avenuel16 StIeet and Meridian Avenue/16 Street intersections during the afternoon peak period. . Pavement restriping on the westbound approach of Alton Road/l 6 Street intersection to provide an exclusive left-turn lane and !l shared thruJright-tum lane. This would include restriping on the eastbound approach., if necessary for proper lane alignment. ExhIbits 1 B, 2B. 38 and 4B provide the proposed signal plans and proposed intersection improvements, as applicable, at the srudy intersections. Additionally, the City of Miami Beach is currently finalizing the intersection improvements at Washington Avenuel16 Street. This mitigation plan incorporates the 16 StIeet extension between Washington Avenue and Collins Avenue. The 16 Street extension plan would provide a shared thruIleft turn lane and an exclusive right-turn lane on the new westbound approach. Those improvements also include the creation of exclusive northbound and southbound left-turn lanes. Our firm has also prepared a conc~ptua.l cost estimate for the recommended mitigation improvements at Jefferson Avenuel16 Street, Meridian Avenucl16 Street, and Alton Roadl16 Street intersectIons. The conceptual cost estimates includ.e the construction costs, constrUCtion contingency costs, engineering costs and permitting costs. The cost for implementing the signal retiming improvements . . at the Jefferson Avenuell6 Street and Meridian Avenue/16 Street intersections was estimated at $6,500.00. The cost for pavement restriping at Alton Road/16 Street.was estimated at $27,000.00. Therefore, the total conceptual cost estimate of implementing the recommended improvements would be $33,500.00. ea ~ . - - - -- -,,,,-' ~ ~t~: , 8216n4862 .'-fl". Chris A. Bruch Re: Royal Palm- Hotel Traffic :\litigatioD - # 981-43 April 21, 1998 (Revised April 28, 1998) Page 3 If you have questions or need further information. please call me at(305) 447-0900. Sincerely, ~ Girish Kumar, PE Project Engineer E-mail: giroh.kuDlIIr@dplulDmer.com cc: Mr. Carter McDowell File CB04219UET ~ ..".. ~ . i~ ':::i;)=:::'T .v ....,. .t',_i...--. / /' +- ... : i II I, , : I ' II I ; II i ' I! i I II I i ,I I '~ C\ <:(, ai ~! <:! a! ~~ -.ll <! C = Cycle LeDgtb. Q = Green Y = Yellow A.R = AllIU:d see = SecoDds - On-5cr= Parking ~ <JOt> Traffic 5igual 'V ~f~:' 8216r~4ffi3 I I .~ I ----. I I i =1 I I .... -s. IJ' + ~ ~! t t I \ ~ ! :' ii, I Iii I : I I I I'; i I i Ii I I II , I " I II y I i ~'~ i,..itiJ. I i I 6 < iC> V I I rl : I I , EXIS'm-iG SIGNAL PLA..'-l .-J + ~ Existing c= 90 see 3:15 pm to 3:45 pm 3 o t-dHL L r) ltt-r G-J3.0_ Y .. 4.0 _ G.- 4'.0 _ Y . 4.0 _ .. .... J._ ~ ~ ~C:TI ROY AL PALM HOTEL TRAFFIC Ml'TTGA"MON '11\41 ALTON ROAD /16 STREET FJtil5TING . EXHIBIT 1A J,~'~~ t't ~ 4' . LJ '{:., --; ~ - r::;- i "-' ~ i 4~:=':.-1 --.J I I I I ... I I -f+ II I I I I I I I I , Q <( ~ a c:: ~h C -= Cydc Lengt.b G = GreeD Y==Ye1low AR = All Red see = Seconds ~ OtrStreet Park:iDg 6. <JO C> Tn.ffic Sipal 'V f.tim"l C= 90 see 3:1S pm co 3:45 pm fJ;;;l "lOJlCT, ROYAL PALM HOTEL TRAFFIC MrrIGATION ~f~: 18216P~4864 ~, ....~ 6 <J~> V \ ~ I I I' I I i I ; ! II i ii ~ I! I' .r -. i I ~ i~lt I i I t.1 I i n PROpOSED SIGNAL PLA...'l -.J ~ .-JJHL L + r .'. .~ (, ltt-r - G.33.0_ Y · 4.0_ ~. 49.0_ Y . 4.0 _ rlT~ ALTON ROAD /16 STREET P~POSED. . J. . '\ EXHIBrr lB +- ... C = Cycle Length G = Green Y = Yellow All = All Ra1 $Ie: ::;; Sec:oDd.s - On-Sa=r Pa1't:iDg L <1::> Traffic Signal v '\ I <i <I __ 1 Q.! -I f'V , :-: !-- ~I ~i . ~ EJicrilll c= 80 see 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm 2 ! .. ~ r,.J n~l ~U" ~ -- -' - - - J...:.. -...... ~ft: 18216Pb4865 ..--- I I I I , ~ ,r.:r.. 6 <JO[> V -. , I I I ( i I I ! i ~ I~ I ~ i i I I i I ! i i I ...-- i I , I I I ~ EXISTI:SG SIG='AL PLA..~ I~ I + ~ (~ Q .45.0 Ja: Y - 4.0 -= Q... 27.0 ICe Y -; .0 lilt ROY AL PALM HOTEL rl'~Li EXHIBIT MERIDIAN AVENUE / 16 STREET 1:&1 ~TT'1\J n 2A ~~~: 18216n~866 -- . Ii I I I , I ! i I i I r- I , , , I ~ I I ~i t \ I /6 ST REET ~ ! , C = Cycle LcDgtb G = Green Y = Ycllo~ AR ::: All Red see = Seconds - On-Stn:el Parking t::.. <:QC> TBftlc: Signal \] rdpEll ~"T. ... D. <:JO[> V 'I ... II I, II ! I ! '\ <:1 ,,' ~ j j i '----' I I "- I, I' 'i 114 I, 1 IL:~ .... ~I~ I I , I I I 1 I h - a - ~ -- --- ~i ' ~' I ~ , I PROPOSED SIGNAL PLA..'l ~ L~-iL L . + ~'. ~. (~l}-r- Existing C= 80 see 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm Ci ,. n.o-= y = 4.0 see 'I'.." ~ . ~T"'" ,",~r." 'T"'I'r...,,,. ROYAL PALM HOTEL c - 19.0 IK Y = 4.0 see MERIDIAN AVE I 16 STREET aIOPOSED. J. _ , EXHlBI1 2B ~tt , 82 16r~4867 h i . , 1+ ----.. I I I : I I -----i I I t /6 ST REET ) J .... 6. II <JCJ> II V -1+ I i I II I! II (' ~ I I ~I ~ . ~h I rl ~ I tJJ 1 ' I ~L i I I i ~ I I ! C = Cycle Length G = Green Y=Yellow AR = All R.ed see = Sec:oDds ---, OD-Street ParkiDg 6 <J 0:> Traffic Signal 'V EXISTING SIGNAL PLA..~ J.- """ ...~~ I "'- I .. ... I ' --" ~ -r ~ L~+ + +r ..(~ ExisUni C= 80 see 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm Q . 46.0 sa:: Y - ..0_ G '"' Ui.O- y - 6.0 _ z .. Q i '- - o ! fdpal ...wtt' , f ;.lo.Lt EXHIBIT ROYAL PALM HOTEL """" 40 C"1:'T,... u: M"'T ~ & ,.., n" JEFFERSON AVE I 16 STREET jrlISTING . 3A ~ . 16 ST .REEl +- ~tt: 18216r~4868 ~ I i I I r+1 i I ) t 6 <JOe> V i I I' ... Ii I I : I i I J ,J, a, ~I I.o-J s:-n ~I \ ~h C "'" Cycle Length G = Gn:c1 Y = Yellow AR = All Rcci see = Secoads - OD-StreCl Parting 6 <J 0 r> Traffic Signal 'V -. .::c_ J~: \ H I l , I I I I I I I I I I ( I: Ii .. ' I I] ~ ll.'~. ~ , I I , ( I I I . I I o i I PROPOSED SIGNAL PLA.~ -.J L~+ L ~ ~1 +r Existing C = 80 see: 3:30 pm to 6;30 pm " u o frlot:ll ..uul. ROYAL PALM HOTEL c - '3.0 SIC Y - '.0 lee: 'I'~l, -.... .. ..-..-. .. . ~- ,.. -- ..... ... - - ,C = 19.0 If:C Y" 4.0-= EXHIBIT JEFFERSON AVE I 16 STREET rpPOSED . ~B .. . 16 5T REET I ... -{ C = Cycle Length G = Green y = Ye110w AR = All bi see : Sc:coods On-Street Parking .6 <0 Traffic SigDa! ? ~ ~tt: 18216r~4869 i I I , 11 ~ I j i i i II I' <~ o ~ u ~l ~ ~ I : :::s I i t t I I ~ 6. <JD V Cl: 0 ... < 4 ~ cz t < Il. LU "'l U ~ IL < lIi: ... EXISTING SIGNAL PLAN --l ~ , ~ Existing c= 90 see 3:15 pm to 6:00 pm Ci - 21.0 scr:: Y .. ..0 ICC AA .. 2.0 -= ~-H --, -{t (j = SO.O lie Y ":' 4.0.: M = 2.0 :III: i I I Y I "'T.~ J._ EXHIBIT ~ "lGJltlo TI'UJ ROYAL PALM HOTEL. TRAmC~GA nON WASHINGTON AVE / 16 STREET I ~STING. . ~.O\ '...._ _l... :;_ -- - -" -..:-=-. - - ==- '-. I:ltl: -. - J. .- '. ~[~'. , 82 , 6?~4870 4' . I I ~ I I I I I , , , L....j '6 "''''r"R'''''''''- j .) J t::.c J ! I ~ I I ~ , I I ..t! ~II_' ~+I ,I i . I U t t .... .s. ... 6- <JOC> V i I ... II I " ~i; < o ClC ~I ~'~lll~ tit. I V)n 1,i:i: I I <( I ~ ' ~ . ! l::i I n 1 ,: ~! C = Cycle Length G = Gn=n Y = Yellow AR == All bd see = SecoDds ,....---., Qn-Sttcet Parking ~ <:OC> Traffic Signal 'V PROPOSED SIGNAL PL~~ ~ ~~-HL L =t- ;= 1 llt-r .;, ." t ... Existinc c= 90 see 3;15 pm to 6:00 pm G.. 3.5.0_ Y .. 4.0 see All. .. 1.0 3CiC G ... 43.0-=c y = 4.0 see All. .. l.O -= ~ o ! ~ r~~~l TIII.I.. EXHIBrr OIlll.I((T. . - ~ .-'.... WASHINGTON AVE 116 STREET QD.l') roSF-D 4B ROYAL PALM HOTEL ~~t 18216rr4871 DAVID PLUMMER & ASSOCIATES "<"",,,S.'(:<TATiCN . ('Ill . S1'~UCt..RAl . E~JVIRCNME',TA, ~ . 1750 PONCE DE LEON 80ULEYAJlD CORAl. GAalfS. FL 33134 305.447.0900 FAX; 305 '""'4986 E-m",l: dpaOdplum"-.a>m June 25, 1998 Mr. Joseph Johnson Planner - Planning, Design & Historic Preservation Division City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Re: Royal Palm Hotel Traffic Miti&atioD - #98143 Dear Joseph, In a previous letter dated April 28, 1998, we proposed traffic mitigation on 16 Street between Washington A venue and Alton Road. Those improvements, if implemented, will mitigate the existing deficiencies on that segment of 16 Street, as well as accommodate the Royal Palm Hotel trips that would travel on 16 Street. This assessment was based on a mutually agreed upon methodology. The detailed traffic mitigation plan for the proposed Royal Palm Hotel presented to you in our April 28 letter, along with intersection schematics, signal timing, and phasing plans for existing and proposed conditions, was approved by the City staff. Subsequently, the City of Miami Beach Commission, at their May 6 hearing, concurred with the staff's approval of the improvements. For your convenience, we are summarizing the mitigation improvements below: · Signal retiming at Jefferson AvenueJ16 Street and Meridian AvenueJ16 Street intersections during the afternoon peak period. · Pavement restriping on the westbound approach of Alton Road/16 Street intersection to provide an exclusive left-turn lane and a shared thruIright-turn lane. This would include restriping on . . the eastbound approach, if necessary, for proper lane alignment. CORAl. GA8ll:S · FT. MYiRS . PALM BEACH . TAMPA ef3 ~t~: 182 , &~~8n Mr. Joseph Johnson Re: Royal Palm Hotel Traffic Mitieation - # 98143 June 25, 1998 ~. Page 2 Please call me if you have questions or need further information. Sincerely, ~ irish Kumar, PE Project Engineer E-mail: dpa@dplummer.com cc: Mr. Carter McDowell Mr. Chris Bruch Mr. Michael Larkin File JJ062498.LET @E3 .af;/J~/:;.t:;l 1 (: ~4 DAVID PLUMMER. & Asse. ~ 305 374 7593 so. 601 ~05 Btt: f 821 ol~4873 4" . ceSCRIPTION QTY. COST 16 Street Signal retiming (Jefferson Av, Meridian Av) Signing and Pavement Markings (16 Street 1 Alton Rd) LS LS 1 1 $2,000.00 $16,400.00 SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY (15%+/-) SMALL PROJECT SURCHARGE (20%+1-) TOTAL CONSTRUCTION OESIGN, ENGINEERING, C.E.I. & PERMIT FEES (35%+/-) $.18,400.00 $2,700.00 $3,700.00 524,800.00 $8,700.00 -i'EC~Z;~ ;;~' '~"'~'LI""L ,~c~;..., G.>>'\ OF O~OE :;OU,VT., c,_ JRJDA ~ECGRO VER,C ES HARVEY RUVIN CL:=P~: C/RCU/ r COUR'r ... \98 143\VI. \98143Ce 1. WK4 M 06/~ .III'-'! /D/ If1<1 Prepared by: Carter N. McDcwell Bilzln Sumberg Dunn Price & Axelrod 200 South BlscB)'ne Boulevard, Suite 2500 Mil1ml. Florida 33131 Telephone: (305) 374-7580 MITIGATION AGREEMENT This Agreement is entered into between RDP Royal Palm Hotel Limited Partnership ("Developer"), and the City of Miami Beach (!lCityll). WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 22-30(3), Miami Beach Zoning Ordinance (the "Zoning Ordinancell), and Rule 9J-S.OOS5(3)(c)(3) Florida Administrative Code, the City is authorized to enter into mitigation agreements; and WHEREAS, the Developer and the City state that: A. Developer is the long term lessee of property located in the City of Miami Beach, Florida, and Developer has proposed new construction and redevelopment of existing buildings on the land and the project is more particularly described in Exhibit A to this Agreement; and B. The Developer has proffered to the City and the City has reviewed and accepted this mitigation plan to address traffic concurrency issues for 16th Street between Collins Avenue and Alton Road associated with the Project. as herein defined. The proposed signalization improvements and other improvements that constitute the Mitigation Plan are described in Exhibit B nttached hereto (the "Mitiga.tion Plan"). C. Based on the representations set forth ill the David Plummer and AS90ciates letters which comprise the Mitigation Plan and the City's review of the Mitigation Plan, upon completion G,\OHS\1JJ&G\103GS\OlB7S12.DS '1/9/98 1 of the modifications listed in the Mitigation Plan, the City has determined that the existing public infrastructure, together with the Mitigation Plan, will accommodate the traffic impact of the Project, as required by the City's ConCUlTency Management System codified at Section 22-3 et scq.. Miami Beach Zoning Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the covenants contained herein, it is hereby understood and agreed: 1. The Developer agrees to implement the Mitigation Plan inc1uding~ without limitation, preparation of all applications and studies. all engineering expenses, labor, materials, and penuit fees at Developer's sole cost and expense. Developer agrees to prepare all required studies and applications as soon as reasonably possible after issuance of building pennits for the Developer's project; and within ten (10) business days of the City's notice to the Developer, Developer agrees to fund the full cost f'Or the signal timing modification and to implement the striping modifications, in coordination with the City, County and State, at the Developer's sole cost and expense. The City agrees to request the signal timing modification ft'Om the County and to act as the permittee for any required County or State permits, subject to the City's final written a.pproval of any and all such applications and plans, Notwithstanding the foregoing, it shall be the Developer's responsibilit)' to effectuate the timely cotnmencement and completion of the Mitigation Plan. 2. The Mitigation Plan improvements shall be "open to traffic" prior to the issuance of Certificates of Occupancy for the Project; provided, however, the City in its sole discretion may extend the time for commencement or completion of construction of any of the improvements described in Exhibit B consistent with the requirements of Rule 9J~5.00SS(3)(c)3, Florida Administrative Code, and any ~pplicable City Ordinances. I G:\DM9\7334'\lD36B\0187572.0S 7/B/98 2 3. Assuming the Developer is in compliance with this Agreement, Developer's project, as described in Exhibit A (the "Project"), will be entitled to receive permits and certifiClltes ~f occupancy in accordance with tbe City of Miami Beach Zoning ordinance and the South Florida Building Code, based upon the City's detelmination that this Mitigation Plan will meet traffic concurrency for the Project. Modifications of the Project will be permitted 90 long as the total number of trips in the peak hoUl periods generated by such project, as indicated by Exhibit A, does not increase. Notwithstan.ding the foregoing, the Developer acknowledges and agrees that the certificate of occupancy may onl:r be issued by the City upon the Developer's compliance with this Agreement and relevant Miami Beach ordinances. 4. The terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be a covenant running with the Developer's leasehold interest and shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the heirs, personal representatives. and sUccessors in interest of the parties hereto during its lifetime unless modified or released by the patties. The City agrees that upon full and satisfactory completion of the improvements contemplated in this Agreement that it will execute a notice of completion and release in a fonn acceptable to the City Attorney's office upon request from Developer. 5. The date of execution ofthis Agreement shn1l be the date that the last party signs and acknowledges this Agreement. 6. This Mitigation Agreement shall be in effect for a period consistent with the time period provided in Rule 9J-S.OO5S(3)(c)3, Florida Administrative Code unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. al\DMS\73346\1036B\OlB7572 ,os 7/B/9I 3 DEVELOPERS: RDP ROYAL PALM HOTEL LIMITED PARTNERSHIP By: P ADe Hospitality Corporation I, General Partner By: ~ ,.A\./ Richard ~~or Vice Pre,idenl STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE The foregoing instnunent was a.cknowledged before me this g day of July. 1998 by kichard A. Matlof, Senior Vice President ofP ADC Hospitality Corporation I, Partner of RDP Royal Palm Hotel Limited Partnership. He is personally known to m r roduc . identification. L1ZmE M. RIZO MY COMMISSION # CC 669368 EXPIRES: August 5, 2001 Bonded Thru Notary Public Underwrttors (if any) My commlssion expires: Q,\OMS\73346\1D36B\OlS1S12.CS 1/B/'J1 4 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH Attest: ~f~ City Clerk 8T ATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE th The oregoing instrun\ent was acknowledged before me this! 0 day of ~ ' 1998 by' Manager of City of Miami Beach, on be f of e City. ]i5/s=. is personall known to r has predueea as idcntifieano11. . ~ rintName: L . tV u t~--- - rtbhG Serial Number (if any) My commission expires: Op~ ~ 200t-- OFFICIAL NOTARY SE;';1 "- LILLIAN BEAUCHAMF NarARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA COMMISSION NO. CC738372 Y COMMISSION EXP. APR 29.2002 '\ - I., ,-'~_._.. , APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION ..- 7/1IJl- &fc./ ~ 1k/~ G:\DMS\73346\lD36B\0187572.05 7/B/'II8 5 EXHIBIT A Parcel I (Royal Palm Hotel site) The South 12.65 feet of Lots 7 and 14, all of Lots 6 andl5,and the North 10 feet of Lots 5 and 16, all in Block 56, FISHER'S FIRST SUBDIVISION OF ALTON BEACH, according to the Plot thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 77, Public Records of Dade County, Florida together with that certain parcel ofland lying East and adjacent to the above described parcel, said parcel bounded on the South by the South line of the above described parcel extended Easterly; bounded on the North by the North line ofthe above described parcel extended easterly; bounded on the East by the Erosion Control Line of the Atlantic Ocean and bounded on the West by the East line of the above mentioned Block 56; said lands containing 0.9941 acres more or less. ALSO KNOWN AS: BEGIN at the Northwest corner of the South 12.65 feet of aforementioned Lot 14, Block 56 and proceed S07040'50"W, along the Easterly right of way line of Collins Avenue as it appears on the said Plat of FISHER'S FIRST SUBDIVISION OF ALTON BEACH, 73.69 feet to the intersection with the South line ofthe North 10.00 feet of aforementioned Lot 16, and 5, Block 56, 400.00 feet to the intersection with the East line of said Lot 5; thence continue N88 00 l' 17"E, along on Easterly extension of the South line of the North 10.00 feet of said Lot 5, Block 56, 190.47 feet to the intersection with the Erosion Control Line of the Atlantic Ocean as recorded in Ordinance No. 856, Section One, City of Miami Beach, Florida; thence N03 031 '44"E, along said Erosion Control Line, 72.98 feet to the intersection with an Easterly extension of the North line of the South 12.65 feet of aforementioned Lot 7, Block 56; thence S88001 '17W, along said Easterly extension of the North line of the South 12.65 feet of aforementioned Lot 7, Block 56, 185.10 feet to the intersect with the East line of said Lot 7; thence continue S88 001 '17"W, along said North line of the South 12.65 feet of said Lot 7, and of Lot 14, Block 56, 400.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL II (Shorecrest Hotel site) The South 40.00 feet of Lots 5 and 16, and the North one-half of Lots 4, and 17, all in Block 56, FISHER'S FIRST SUBDIVISION OF ALTON BEACH, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 77 of the Public Records of Dade County Florida, together with that cetain parcel ofland lying East of and adjacent to the above described parcel; said parcel bounded on the South by the South line of the above described parcel extended Easterly; bounded on the North by the North line ofthe above described parcel extended Easterly; bounded on the East by the Erosion Control Line of the Atlantic Ocean, and bounded on the West by the East line of the above mentioned Block 56; Said lands containing 0.8849 acres more or less. All lands described above located, lying and being in Section 34 Township 53 South, Range 42 East, City of Miami Beach, Florida. ALSO KNOWN AS: BEGIN at the Southwest corner of the North 10.00 feet of aforementioned Lot 16, Block 56 and proceed SOy040'50"W, along the Easterly right of way line of Collins Avenue as it appears on the G:\DMS\73346\10368\0196345.01 6/26/98 said Plat of FISHER'S FIRST SUBDIVISION OF ALTON BEACH, 65.97 feet to the intersection with the South line of the North 1/2 of aforementioned Lot 17, Block 56; thence N88 000'47"E, along said South line of the North 1/2 of Lots 17, and 4, Block 56, 400.00 feet to the interesection with the East line of said Lot 4; thence continue N88000'47"E, along an Easterly extension of the South line of the North 1/2 of said Lot 4, Block 56, 195.27 feet to the intersection with the Erosion Control Line of the Atlantic Ocean as recorded in Ordinance No. 856, Section One, City of Miami Beach, Florida; thence N03 031 '44"E, along said Erosion Control Line, 65.25 feet to the intersection with an Easterly extension of the South line of the North 10,00 feet of aforementioned Lot 5, Block 56; thence S88001'17W, along said Easterly extension of the South line of the North 10.00 of said Lot 5, Block 56, 190.47 feet to the intersect with the East line of aforementioned Lot 5, Block 56; thence continue S88001'77"W, along said South line of the North 10.00 feet of said Lot 5, and of Lot 16, Block 56, 400.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Metes and Bounds Legal Description for Parcels I and II Combined BEGIN at the Northwest corner of the South 12.65 feet of Lot 14 Block 56 of FISHER'S FIRST SUBDIVISION OF ALTON BEACH as recorded in Plat Book 2, at page 77 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida and proceed S07040'50"W, along the Easterly right of way line of Collins Avenue as it appears on said Plat of FISHER'S FIRST SUBDIVISIO OF ALTON BEACH, 139.66 to the intersect with the South Line of the North 1/2 of Lot 17, Block 56 of said Plat of FISHER'S FIRST SUBDIVISION OF ALTON BEACH; thence N88000'47"E, along said South line of the North 1/2 of said Lot 17, and Lot 4, Block 56, 400.00 feet to the intersection with the Easterly line of said Lot 4; thence continue N88 000'47"E, along on Easterly extension of the South line of the North 1/2 of said Lot 4, Block 56, 195.27 feet to the intersection with the Erosion Control Line of the Atlantic Ocean as recorded in Ordinance No. 856, Section One, City of Miami Beach, Florida; thence N03 031 '44"E, along said Erosion Control Line 138.23 feet tot he intersection with an Easterly extension of the North line of the South 12.65 feet of Lot 7 of aforementioned Block 56; thence, S88001'17"W, along said Easterly extension of the North line of the South 12.65 feet of said Lot 7, Block 56,185.10 feet to the intersect with the East line of said Lot 7; thence continue S88001'77"W, along said North line of the South 12.65 feet of said Lot 7, and of Lot 14, Block 56,400.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Parcel III Easement for the benefit of Parcels I and II as contained in that Garage Easement Agreement, over and across the following described lands: Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13, Block 57, FISHER'S FIRST SUBDIVISION OF ALTON BEACH, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 2, page 77 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida together with that portion of 16th Street (Avenue "C"), lying West of the West Right of Way line of CoIl ins Avenue, as shown on said Plat, less and except the following described parcel: BEGINNING at the Southwest corner of Block 54 of said FISHER'S FIRST SUBDIVISION OF ALTON BEACH; thence North 88000'53" East, along the South line of said Block 54, a distance of G:\DMS\73346\10368\0196345.01 6/26/98 2 443.08 feet to the Southeast corner of said Block 54, thence South Or35'04" West, a distance of 96.26 feet to a point of cusp with a tangent curve, concave to the Southwest; thence, along the arc of said curve to the left, having a radius of25.00 feet and a central angle of90000'00", an arc distance of39.27 feet; thence South 88000'53" West, along a :line 8.00 feet North of and parallel with, as measured at right angles to the North line of Block 57 of said Plat a distance of 3 82.18 feet to a point on the Easterly Right of Way line of Washington Avenue; thence North 01059'11" West, along said Easterly Right of Way line, a distance of62.00 feet to the Southwest corner of said Block 54 and the POINT OF BEGINNING; said lands being in the City of Miami Beach, Dade County, Florida. Parcel IV Easement for the benefit of Parcels I and II contained in that Reciprocal Access, use, Development and Eastement Agreement, over and across the following described lands: All of Lots 1,2,3,18,19,20 and the South 1/2 of Lots 4, and 17, all in Block 56 of FISHER'S FIRST SUBDIVISION OF ALTON BEACH, according to the Plat therof, recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 77, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. AND A Parcel of Land adjacent to and immediately East of the above described lands and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the S.E. corner of said Lot 1, Block 56 of FISHER'S SUBDIVISION OF ALTON BEACH, thence North Or35'20" East, along the Easterly line of said Block 56 for a distance of 177.47 feet to the Northeast corner of the South 1/2 of said Lot 4, Block 56; thence North 88000'23" East, along the Easterly extension of the North line of said South 1/2 of Lot 4 for a distance of 195.26 feet to a point on a line known as the Erosion Control Line as recorded in Plat Book 105, at page 82 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; thence South 03026'45" West, along said Erosion Control Line also known as the Bulkhead Line as described in Ordinance No. 856 Section 1 of the City of Miami Beach, Recorded in Plat Book 74, page 4 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, for a distance of 175.78 feet; thence South 88000'21" West, along the Easterly extension of the South line of said Lot 1, Block 56, for 208.14 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, lying and being in the City of Miami Beach, Dade County, Florida. G:\DMS\73346\10368\0196345.01 6/26/98 3 EXHIBIT "A" (continued) The "Project" is more particularly described in that certain Certificate of Appropriateness and Design Review Approval for the renovation, alteration and partial demolition of two (2) existing hotel structures and the construction of a fifteen (15) story addition to the Royal Palm Hotel and a sixteen (16) story addition to the Shorecrest Hotel for a total of 412 rooms along with other associated meeting and restaurant facilities substantially as shown in Design Review File No. 8085J, including the traffic study and other relevant documents contained therein. GC, -,C -/,-> ....'-'.L,J 0Hv' . L- __L'i" ,Cr;. c.:... r--L:;~\""'. --. ~ '.... i :;'j....) 1'iL,. bb::J JL~ ... EXHIBIT B (19 Pages) DAVID PLUMMER & ASSOCIATES -~:;"'~I.;?Ci;TAr:;-='"" . '.. . 'j~~0C"'U~,Al . rt i<<O"lt.'.:-' :..... April 29, 1998 Mr Chris A, Bruch, CFM Development Director Donohoe Development Company 2101 Wisconsin Avenue, NW Washington DC 20007 Re; Roy-al Palm Hotel Tram~ Mitigation - #98143 Dear Mr. Bruch: Pursuant to Mr. Carter McDowell's request, our finn has prepared a preliminary estimate of the project contribution towards the improvements on 16 Street recommended in our April 21 letter. Mr. Joseph Johnson concurred that the recommended improvements would mitigate the existing deficiencies on 16 Street, as well as accommodate the Royal Palm Hotel trips that would travel on 16 Street. Based on field observations and evaluation of the existing signal plan and traffic volumes, the following improvements were recommended: . Signal retiming at the Jefferson Avenuell6 Street and Meridian A venuell6 Street intersections during the afternoon peak period. . Pavement restriping on the westbound approach of the Alton Road! 16 Street inten;ection to p.rovide an exclusive left-turn lane and a shared thru/right-tum lane. This would include restriping the eastboW1d approach, if necessary, for proper lane alignment Additionally, our firm had also presented a conceptual cost estimate for the recommended mitigation improvements at the Jefferson Avenue/16 Street, Meridian Avenue/16 Street, and Alton Road/I 6 Street intersections, The conceptual cost estimates included the constrUction costs, constrUction contingency costs, engineering costs and permitting costs. The cost for implementing the signal retirning improvements at the Jefferson Aveouell<5 Street and Meridian Avenue/16 Street intersections was estimated at $6,500. The cost for pavement restriping at the Alton Road/16 Street intersection was estimated at $27,000. Therefore, the to,tal conceptual cost estimate of implementing the recommend~d improvements would be $33.500 I {50 PONCe DE LEON 80UlEVA~D 001 NmTHPOINT fI"(;M, sum: ] 06 COItAL GABLES, Fl 33134 WEST ~ALM BEACH, Fl J3407 J05447.()900 fAX 305 W.4Q1il6 561 6Il~1 JOO FAX 561 6il~IHl70 ~II dpoOdplumme;,eom .. E-n\ool dpaw~bOmI/l c.om 1531 HENOaY snm FO~T MtYE~S Fl J3QOI Q41 ~n.2t,l17 FAX 'lot I 3322t>4's E.",c.l n~cnel [1'81 ea l::6/3lV38 l(j:ag Dh0iJ ~~uMM~R & ~55C. ~ 374755] NO.D6S v0._) Mr Chris A. Bruch Re; Royal Palm Hotel Traffic Mitigation - # 98143 April 29, 1998 Page 2 Due to the uncertainty of the 16 Street extension bet\~;een Collins A venue and Washington A venue at the time of the initial traffic study for the Royal Palm Hotel, no project trips were assigned to the 16 Street roadway segment. Given the City's current plans for the 16 Street extension, the project trips were reassigned to travel on 16 Street. It was estimated that 20% of the project trips would use 16 Street upon completion of the extension. The methodology used to estimate the project contribution for 16 Street improvements was based on comparing its existing and furure (with recommended improvements) two~way service volumes at level of service D. These service volumes were calculated using FDOTs ART_TAB software (see attached worksheets). The City provided the existing 24-nour machine traffic COW1ts on 16 Street These raw traffic counts were adjusted to reflect peak hour peak season conditions using FDOT seasonal factors. The following tabulation provides the project contribution calculations. Existing Peak Hour Peak Season Two-way Volume 923 vph I Existing Two-way Service V olwne at LOS D 520 vph Future Two-way Service Volume at LOS D 1140 vph Additional Service Capacity Created 1140 - 520 ;;;; 620 vph Existing Deficit 923 - 520 -= 403 vph Remaining Excess Service Capacity 620 - 403 = 217 vph Project Trips on 16 Street 62 vph Project Trip Consumption of Remaining Service Capacity 621217 ~ 29% Exhibit 1: Preliminary Projed Contribution Calculation 1. Based on City of Miami Beach Traffi~ Counts on NQvembc:T 6, 1997. ~; Peak Season Peak Hour Volume'" Raw Count · (Weekly Volume FactorfMOCF) · Weekly Axle Adjustment Factor. Raw Count = 923 vph, Weekly Volume Factor'"' 1.0 (Countywide), MOCF '" 0.98 (Countywide), and Axle Adjustment Factor = 0.98 (Alton Road). MOCF "" Model Output Conversion Factor vph "" vehicles per hour As is evident from the tabulation, the recommended mitigation would significantly improve the existing traffic t:onditions on l6 Street It should be noted that the project trips would consume only @a .~ n 21t)/ 321/98 ld: lJ CAUI~ -~uMMER ~ RSSC. ~ 3747593 Mr. Chris A. Broch Re: Royal Palm Hotel Traffic Mitigation. # 981.-3 April 29, 1998 Page 3 10% of the additional service capacity created on 16 Street. Therefore, a 29% project contribution towards t...1e 16 Street improvements would not only mitigate the project traffic impacts but also mitigate some of the existing deficit in service capadty on 16 Street. It has been a pleasure working with you and Carter on the Royal Palm Hotel project. If you have questions or need further information, please call me at 447-0900. ~ Irish Kumar, PE Project Engineer E-mail: girish.kumar@dplummer.com cc: Mr. Carter McDowell File 042898_:.'. LET ~ n NCi.555 :;2,~ rTJ 86/30/98 18: 10 DRU:D FLUMMER & R55C. 4 3747593 iA3:_ NO. 555 - ART-TAB Version 2.0 Artel'1al Level of S~rVIl;1t Volume Tab/!lS Based en Chapter 11 of lt1e 1994 Highway Capacity Manl,;C!J I. XOte Florida Department of Transportation Auaust 1995 11 DESCRIPTION il iFEAK >~>>)o~,'>~)o ROAD NAME: 16 St Fro'll; Alb.1n ~d To: Wasningtcn Av PEN<: DIRECTlON W9 Study Time PMOd: PM PEAK M3lysjS DaI8: ApI'il 28, 1998 Number 01 Lan"": 2 MDT: 12600 U5eI' Notn. Elli!ti"'J Condition! r]' RAFFle CHARACTERIST1CS , K FACTOR: 1 0 FACiOR: FlHF: ADJ. SAT\JRATlON R.OW R,A,fE: 'lb ruRIIIS FROM EXCLUSIVE ~ES: -Rang- 0.070 ( 0.518 (0.50 - 1 -00) 0.850 (0.70.' -00) , ,8&0 (1400 - 2000) 6 0.1 RQA(lWAY CHARACTERISTICS URBAN, TRmSITlONING, OR RU!V.l AREA rvPE: ARTERIAL CLASS: FREE FLOW SPEED (ntph): TOT""-. LENG~ OF ARTERIAL (mi): MEOfAll'S (YIN): n I.EFT TURN BAYS : " U (U. T. or R) l (1. 2. Cf J) 30 (40,35,30,25) O.S7 'SIGNAl,lZA flON CloCARACTERISllCS NO. SIGNAUZEO INTERSECT1ONS: 5 ARRNAL. TYPE. PEAK DIRECTlON: 4 l1 ,2.J.4,5 or 8) TYPE SIGNAL SYSrEM: S (P, S, Off A) (PaPrwIIlmed, S~fJtTIi~. A=ActunIct) SYSrEM CYCLE L-ENGTH (-=r 80 (80 .180) W I I-l M NT 0.47 020.0 ~ ,. :<'~f.;} .. "eM HOOR I lVI'll y,^""""''' (/fTI;/lIde.s ~ in em~ rum /4n8Si ~ l~permtlB ~':i~ [.AN ES /II a c 0 - 1 NlA 'N/A NlA lSO ~ 2 NlA '4JA NlA 5'0 '1":0 J NJA ~A NlA ~ .~, 4 NlA '<JA NJA 1.230 2~ I i ,_.- I (Incl~ WIIhil::iII:J /11 tutlusioMlIIm 1iII>>s) a..IZ1JJ 1- pee mJl1l ~ rA SeMee l.ANEs A 6 c 0 - 2 NlA I'*IA NJA S2C U20 4 N/,.. NlA N1A 1.070 2-"30 S NlA Nt" NlA 1 .630 3.:AO 1.1 NlA 'iIA N1A 2..17'0 ..:!20 A ,TI_"".~ {/~.... in ~c~ /IIIt.-.s.l !lZZ.l!D 1- D<< mil4t I..lWIIl at SeMce l.AN6S A 9 C D - Z N1A NlA NlA 7,G , 4 3;10 4 NlA NiA NlA 15.300 3C.GI IS NlA NtA N1A Z3,200 4i-m 8 NlA ~A NtA 31.000 t1.D NlA IMIaM tne IIYII at .,... I!I "..~,. Pea Hour Peik Oir~ ~h1 vie ~ Jar FuI ~ t..a-l r:J s..r.a LANt:S A 3 C D - 1 NlA r>4IA NtA o_~ 1133 2 NlA NlA NlA 0...... ~ J NlA NlA NtA 0." ~ 4 NJA ~A NlA 0.... ~311 ('\ 05/30/98 :8: 10 DRUID ~LUMMER & R55C. ~ 3747593 NO. 555 c;2~ ART-TAB Version 2.0 At1erial Level of Sel'Vice Volume Tables Ba~ on Chaptef' 11 of ttle 1994 Highway CapacItY Manual Update !i ilL Florida Department of Transportation AUQUSl 1 995 J , : DESCRIPTlON 1 ~ rw>>>>>>>>>> --Rang........ 11.("0 (O,OG. 020) 0.588 (0,50 - t ,00) D.9GG (0,70.1,00) 1,150 (1400 - 2000) 24 0.100 (IncJud&3 vehit;m m ~ turn ~fJe'J) a.zzm Intlll'S8dlcns pet mile Level of SeMce l..,-"ES A B C 0 E , NlA NlA NlA ~ 840 2. NlA NlA NlA 1,370 1,740! 3 Nt" NtA NlA 2.120 2,660 4 NtA NtA NlA 2.S30 3,550 V ( I (frJCflJdN w:hIc;~ In eJGuisNe 111m iwJM) IL1119.3 1nt8~ '* l'IIilll L ev81 of 5erYIQB '- ~''-r:s A B C 0 c: 2 NlA NJA N1A l.tAO 1,480 4 N1A NlA NlA 2.410 3.080 6 NtA NlA f'4JA 3,730 4,680 s NlA NlA NJA 4.980 8.240 A ( (/1tt;/udN~" in~ IIIPf '--) a.zzm 1rft!~1Iaas per mli41 LIV.I 01 s.w:e i-\."ES A 8 C 0 E 2 Nil'. Nil>. NlA 16,300 21,200 4 NlA NiP. NlA 34,400 43.(1;1] 8 NlA NlA Nil>. 53.400 66.900 e NJA NlA NIP. 7UOO at .2tI.l ROAD NAME; 1& 51 Frorn;AIUm Rd To; Wmi"gtlln Av PEAK D1RECTlON: WB SllJdy Timt(l PBI1oQ: PM PeN< .\n1l1yS1$ DaIIt; April 2'8, '!I$8 Number at I...In": 2 MDT; 12600 USljr N~: Sjg~1 ~j~tment'J "R..tri , ~FIC CHAAACTERISTlCS KFACTOR o FACTOR: ~fO' ADJ, SAruRATION FLOW RATE: " TURNS FROM EXCLUSIVE LANES; ROADWAYCMARACTE~S~CS URBAN, ~NING, OR RUfW.AREA i'Y1'E: ~TERIAl. CLASS. FR~E A..OW SPEED (mpl'l): TOTAL LENGTH OF ARTERIAl. (1'111): ~ MEO\ANS (YIN): n i LEFT TURN BAYS : n ISIGNAUZATION CHARACTEUS~CS 1111, NO, SIGIIW;ZED INTERSECTIONS: ARRIVAL TYJ'E, ~ ClRECTlON; u (u.i.CJfR) 2 (1, 2, or 3) 30 (40.35,30.25) 0.57 ~A ~ \hi ~ of ~;, nGtlCfWnble Pl!oU Io4Iq' Pf5ail Ci~ ~ VIe IbtiD !lilt FIlM HllUr 1.""91 c:I s.-.,a l.A'll S A B C 0 E 1 Nt... N1A ~A 0.67 0.87 2 NlA NtA ~A 0.71 0.90 3 NlA N1A NlA 0.13 on 4 N1A NlA NJA 0,73 0,92 ~ (,~~,{,~:', r'\ db/Ju/38 ~ tj; ~..;. D~~UJ.LJ 1-'L.L~"'i~Y~t:.k 6, H~~L. ~ ...J'()4(::J'~,j ,',U. bb:J ",r:;, ,,"," DAVID PLUMMER & ASSOCIATES -";r-iS?CR1AfIO,, . CIVil . STRuCTlJ~l . ENVI~ONMt,'ilAl April 21, 1998 Revised April 28, 1998 Mr, Chris A. Bruch, CFM Develo?ment Director Donohoe Development Company 2101 Wisconsin Avenue, NW Washington DC 20007 Re: Royal Palm Hgtel Traffic Miti2anon . #98143 Dear Mr. Bruch; Subsequent to our meeting with Mr. Joseph Johnson on April 15, 1998, we have developed a conceptual traffic mitigation plan for the four (4) signalized intersections of Alton Road/16 Street, Jefferson Avenue/16 Street, Meridian Avenue/16 Street, and Washington Avenue/16 Street. It was established, in consultations with the City, that signa! plan adjustmenl'i at these four (4) intersections would improve the overall service capacity of the 16 Street corridor from Alton Road to Washington Avenue. Sixteen Street, between Alton Road and Washington Avenue, is a two-way, two-lane, undivided roadway. On.street parking is allowed on both sides of the street. Off-peak vehicle running speeds of25 to 30 mph were observed in the field. The travel lanes on 16 Street are approximately 14 feet- 18 feet wide, Turn lanes in the east-west direction at the intersections are lacking on 16 Street. However, field observations of the eastbound and westboW1d traffic on 16 Street indicated that the right"tuming vehicles frequently positioned themselves along side the through or left.tuming vehicles to take advantage of the wide pavement at the intersections. Our firm obtained the existing signal timing and phasing plans at the subject intersections from the Miami-Dade Public Works Traffic Control Center. The traffic signals at the subject intersections are semi-actuated with a two-phase operation. Exhibits 1 A, 2A, 3A and 4A depict the existing signal 1750 PONCE D~ lEON BOUlfVARD CORAL GAB\ES, FL JJ 1 :JA J05 447.()QOO FAX: 305 4,4A.41Q86 F..'.." I dr"ze.,lr,'v1T"''''w con't QOI NOR~POINT p~, Sl,JITf 108 WEST PAVA BEACH, Fl 33407 56 \ 68bo I Joo ~AJ, 561 686-8870 AI"" F...""d rlD<JWI)bOmYl...", 1531 H~NDIlY STRECT FORT MEYERS Fl :J:JQOl Q41 J32',O 17 FA]. 941 332-264.5 Emod, ~nernBI lL" l '~- "'--W'- ~ 0b/Jtj/Sb id:ll. DRviD ~~UMME~ & ~55C. ~ 3747533 NO. 665 Lrl.~(~' Mr. Chris A. Bruch Re: Royal Palm Hotel Traffic Mitigation. #. 98143 April 21, 1998 (Revised April 28, 1998) Page 2 timing and phasing plans, and also include schematics of the existing lane arrangement at the subject intersections. Based on field observations and evaluation of the existing signal plan and traffic volumes, the following improvements are recommended: . Signal retiming at Jefferson Avenue/16 Street and Meridian Avenue/16 Street intersections during the afternoon peak period. Pavement restriping on the westbound approach of Alton Road/16 Street intersection to provide an exclusive left-turn lane and a shared thruIright-turn lane. This would include restriping on the eastbound approach, if necessary for proper lane alignment. Ex.hibits lB, 2B, 38 and 48 provide the proposed signal plans and proposed intersection improvements, as applicable, at the srudy intersections. Additionally, the City of Miami Beach is currently finalizing the intersection improvements at Washington Avenue/16 Street. This mitigation plan incorporates the 16 Street extension between Washington Avenue and Collins Avenue. The 16 Street extension plan would provide a shared tbruI1eft turn lane and an exclusive right-turn lane on the new westbound approach. Those improvements also include the creation of exclusive oorthboWld and southbound left-turn lanes. Our finn has also prepared a conceptual cost estimate for the recommended mitigation improvements at Jefferson Avenuel16 Street, Meridian Avenuel16 Street, and Alton Road/16 Street intersections. The conceptual cost estimates include the construction costs, coostruction contingency costs, engineering costs and permitting costs. The cost for implementing the signal retiming improvements at the Jefferson Avenue/16 Street and Meridian Avenue/16 Street intersections was estimated at $6,500.00. The cost for pavement restriping at Alton Road/16 Street was estimated at $27,000.00. Therefore, the total conceptual cost estimate of implementing the recommended improvements would be $33,500.00. ea -,.'''''''.", ~ 0E/:30/99 18: 11 DRviD ~,~uMMER ~ RSSC. ~ 3747593 NO.66S GieJJ Mr. Chris A. Bruch Re: Royal Palm Hotel Traffic Mitigation - ## 981"3 April 21, 1998 (Revised April 28, 1998) Page 3 If you have questions or need further information, please call me at(305) 447-0900. Sincerely, ~ Girish Kwnar, PE Project Engineer E~mail: girlsh.kumar@dplummer.com cc: Mr. Carter McDowell File CB042898.lET eB J-",",.;.. ~ Gb/,ju/~tj , "_i. , " l.U. l..-C iJHV ~...; r-"'L,.-..);'v1i"1t=K :S. h::J:::'~, -t ..)'(4'/~::;j NLI.bb~ Jl~ ~ r I I IJ ~ ~ 'a t t "'T~. ... [:;. <Jor> V .. /6 ST REET ~ ... ..... Q ~ a 0::: ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~h c = Cycle Length G = Green y ;:: y cUow AR :; All Rai see = Seconds r--l On-Strftl Park:i11g ~ <Joe> Traffic Signal \J EXI&TING SIGNAL PLAN ~ L~JHL L =\ ~1 llh-- Existing c= 90 see 3:15 pm to 3:45 pm G - 33.0_ Y ,. 4.D _ G - 49.0_ Y - 4.D _ 3 Q !'IlD.IP:l, TlfUI a ~rJp;l ROY AL PALM HOTEL TRAme MJ,J1GA nON ALTON ROAD 116 STREET F,&STING. EXHIBIT 1A ,jb/ -.5lJ/'::!d j.e; lC:: J)Hv,J -~'~ir:L~ & HS~,--. ... ~(4(~~:U /6 ST REET I -.-J +- ... Q "( a a::: ~ a t- --l < C ~ Cycle Length G = Green Y:::oYe1low AR = All Red see = Seconds r-"1 On-Street Parking 6 <l 0 l> Tt3ftlc SigDal 'V ~ I I i IJ.l-.l- ~ t't ~ Exisril\g C= 90 see 3:1S pm to 3:45 pm !; '" IS :~ I'IIlo.lt:CT. 6, <JOC> V ~1\t~ I \ I ~u.. ~ r ... PROPOSED SIGNAL PLAN ~ L.-JJHL L + F ,". ) (1 ltr-r G.33.0. y - 4.0_ "11..1. G.49.0_ Y - 4.0 see - ROYAL PALM HOTEL TRAme ~JrIGA nON ALTON ROAD 116 STREET PIiPOSED. NU.bb:J L1'.,LL EXHlBrr 1B 2J5/JlV9B 1B: 12 D~0ID PLuMMER & ~55C. ~ 3747593 NO. 665 c;lc: at ~ t "-T.~ 16 ST REET +- D .. -----<p"'[ <JOC> ... i i V -+ I I I ! 1 : I : i ; ~ ~ ~ < - a - ~ ~ ~ C = Cycle Length G '= GR:cn Y = YeUow All = All R51 SlCC ;:;; Secouds On-Strut Parting L <Jet> Traffic Signal "V EXISMNG SIGNAL PLAN ~ L ..--J-i L L + + ~ () It-r - Exisring c= 80 see 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm G .45.0 sa: y - 4.0 ~ G '" 27.0 lICe Y -; 4.0.1a: :t :3 tI',,~ EXHIBIT .. '" ~ frl n~l MCUUT, ';I ; ". ,"'" !''' :""tv', n ,. MERIDIAN AVENUE / 16 STREET ~STING . 2A ROY AL PALM HOTEL 06d0/g8 ~B: 12 DRU:D ~~uMMER & R55C. 4 3?475g3 ~O. 665 lI' ~ _~ i ~ t LT ..s.. /6 ST REET ... 6 <JD[> v .. ... -. ~ ~ ~ ~ - a - ex: l!.l ~ C = Cycle LeDgtb G = Green Y !;'! Yellow AR .: All Red see = Seconds On..strM ParkiDg D. <lOt> Traffic Signal \1 ~ + 1 PROPOSED SIGNAL PLAN L ~~ L L + ,', r 1 l t-r - Existing C= 80 see 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm o '" 5'3.0.c y = 4.0 see G ~ 19.0 lIeC Y = 4.0 see ;z l.) c: '" ~ r;T""l1'lll.l~1' f? Idpell ~ . pel., ~~,~~C~~~~~~ TIT~~ EXHIBIT MERIDIAN AVE /16 STREET aIOPOSED, ':' ~..-, 28 Jf/5lVSB lB: 13 DRU.O ~_~MMcR & R5SC. 4 374759] NO. 665 ~ \ .< J~"'" ~ t ILT~ 16 ST REET '~ 6 .. <JOC> -1+ v .... ::=: a V) C( llJ It.. Lt. LlJ ~ ~ . C = Cycle Umgtb G = Green y :=; Yellov.' AR ::;; All1lec1 see = Seconds c:I an..street Parking C::. <j 0 ~ Traffic Signal 'V EXISTING SIGNAL PLAN ~ L~+ L ~ ~I +r Existing c= 80 see 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm G iii 46.0 SIlt: Y - 4.0 sa: G ... Uj.[) ilIlC Y - 4,0 sa: ~ '" Q ~ rdpClIl -,,,, ROYAL PALM HOTEL. ij ': I '!'P ~" pp~('" .~rn~. TION 11 T l!J EXHIBIT JEFFERSON AVE /16 STREET ~ISTING . -- .,,\ 3A 05/312V98 IS: 13 D~0iJ ~L~MMER & hSSC. 4 3747593 NO. 665 [;lj 1- t Ill. T.:i. 16 ST REET +- 6 ~ <JOC> -1+ V ~ ~ , C = Cycle Length G "" Gteen Y = Yellow AR = All Red see ::: SecoIll1s r-::l On-Su= Parting b. <l 0 [> Traffic SigDa! \l < a V) n::: It.l It.. It.. ll.l ~ . ~ PROPOSED SIGNAL PLA..~ ~ + ) L L~+ + .'. r~ +r Existing C:::;: 80 see 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm z u '" rrlp~l .-", :~ ..l. "; G ... 53.0 xc Y - ".0 lIIlC G = 19.0 set Y ... 4,0 SI!C flf~~, 11 .!. - EXHIBIT I V"-' "t, .. .~'l. ~"..: "~,.-,:-';;-",, ROYAL PALM HOTEL . ""'~''''''~ "'1.- JEFFERSON AVE ! 16 STREET p-f)POSED 3B 6o/J,d/':jt:l 'cd: l.5 DRui~ ~L0~~:~R 6 ~SSC. ~ j'i4'!j~J NO. 665 lJoIi.:...J 1 ~ tit "'T.i. 16 ST REET -{ 6 <JD v ... < Q q: t- Q l0- G ~ 4 ~I ~ a:: t <: ~ II.. --. LlJ ::c "l u V) ii: <( ~ ~ C = Cycle Length G = Green Y = Yellow AR = All Rr.ci see ::::: Seconds r-, On-Street Parking 6- <10 Traffic Signal <y EXISTING SIGNAL PLAN ~ -1 ) ~-H - ) -{t Existing C = 90 see;: 3:15 pm to 6:00 pm o - 21.0 see Y "" 4.0 IICC AJ{ "" 2.0 -=c G = 5Cl.O IIlC Y "" 4.0 lICIC AB. ;0 2.0 sa; 3; '" ~ 0 ~ "'DoIfCT, ';! U f .., . . \ TI'~ EXHIBIT ROY AL PALM HOTEL TRAme ,M{MGA nON WASHINGTON AVE / 16 STREET ~STING . ~A 06/30/98 " 18: 13 DAUID PLUMMER & ASSC. ~ 3747593 16 ST REET +- -1+ C = Cycle Length G=~ Y = Yellow AR = All Red see = Seconds ,.-----, On-Street Parking D. <!Ot> Traffic Signal 'V ~ o NO. flt'5 [;W; <'jf 'j 1~~ tit ~r.s_ ... :! ~J D <10[> 'V < 0 Q: ~ ~ t. v <( ~ t ,:~! ~I ~ Qr:, :< <( jI Q. - (oj :c '" u V) il:: "' ~ ~ Q: i- .; f PROPOSED SIGNAL PLAN ~ t:: ~--HL L =t ;=1 llt-r ...t..I,I_,..... , " Existing C= 90 see 3:15 pm to 6:00 pm ... G '" 3S.0_ Y '" 4.0 ses; AR ~ '2._0 see G",43,O~ y *' 4.0 see: AR "" 1.0_ T1TI.(, ExtlIBlT I r::r.::::l _K" ROY AL PALM HOTEL ,> ~d~~. I: '" i:.~"i. '.',' 'il,'" W AS HlNGTON A VB 116 STREET ~9POSF.n .m DAVID PLUMMER & ASSOCIATES -RAi'IS?ORTATlON . eVil. STRUCliRAl . ENVIRor,MEi',TAl June 25, 1998 1750 PONCE DE lEON BOULEVARD CORAl GABlES. FL3313.t 305447- 0900 FAX: 305444-4986 E-mail: dpa@dplummer.com Mr. Joseph Johnson Planner - Planning, Design & Historic Preservation Division City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Re: Royal Palm Hotel Traffic Mitieation - #98143 Dear Joseph, In a previous letter dated April 28, 1998, we proposed traffic mitigation on 16 Street between Washington A venue and Alton Road. Those improvements, if implemented, will mitigate the existing deficiencies on that segment of 16 Street, as well as accommodate the Royal Palm Hotel trips that would travel on 16 Street. This assessment was based on a mutually agreed upon methodology. The detailed traffic mitigation plan for the proposed Royal Palm Hotel presented to you in our April 28 letter, along with intersection schematics, signal timing, and phasing plans for existing and proposed conditions, was approved by the City staff. Subsequently, the City of Miami Beach Commission, at their May 6 hearing, concurred with the staff's approval of the improvements. For your convenience, we are summarizing the mitigation improvements below: · Signal retiming at Jefferson Avenue/16 Street and Meridian Avenue/16 Street intersections during the afternoon peak period. · Pavement restriping on the westbound approach of Alton Road/16 Street intersection to provide an exclusive left-turn lane and a shared thruIright-turn lane. This would include restriping on the eastbound approach, if necessary, for proper lane alignment. ~ CORAl GABLES · FT. MYERS . PALM BEACH . TAMPA Mr. Joseph Johnson Re: Royal Palm Hotel Traffic Mitieation - # 98143 June 25, 1998 Page 2 Please call me if you have questions or need further information. Sincerely, ~ irish Kumar, PE Project Engineer E-mail: dpa@dplummer.com cc: Mr. Carter McDowell Mr. Chris Bruch Mr. Michael Larkin File JJ062498.LET eE3 136/313/98 17:134 DAVID PLUMMER & ASSC. ~ 3135 374 7593 NO. 661 [;1135 PAY ITEM NO DESCRIPTION UNITS QTY. COST 16 Street Signal retiming (Jefferson Av, Meridian Av) SIgning and Pavement Markings (16 Street I Alton Rd) LS LS 1 1 $2,000.00 $16.400.00 SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY (15%+/-) SMALL PROJECT SURCHARGE (20%+/.) TOTAL CONSTRUCTION DESIGN, ENGINEERING, C.E.I. & PERMIT FEES (35%+/-) $1 B,400.00 $2,700.00 $3,700.00 $24,800.00 $8,700.00 .. .\S8143\VI.\S8143CE1.WK4