File Ref. #068 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139 http:\\ci,miami-beach.f1.us I-Ii( tc.er ~- ~ ::>U;" 7 7 q lO Planning, Design and Hlstortc P....ervatlon Division Telephone (305) 673-7550 Facsimile 673-7559 July 29, 1998 Mr. Ray Eubanks, Planning Manager Plan Processing T earn Bureau of State Planning Division of Resource Planning and Management State of Florida Department of Community Affairs 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 Re: Transmittal of 1998 Package of Large Scale Amendments to the City of Miami Beach Year 2000 Comprehensive Plan Regarding the Hebrew Academy and Par 3 Golf Course Dear Mr. Eubanks: The City of Miami Beach is transmitting and requesting that the Department of Community Affairs review the enclosed 1998 Proposed Amendment to the Miami Beach Comprehensive Plan. This amendment is a large scale development activity and is submitted according to Chapter 163 of the Florida Statutes. Pursuant to the requirements of Sections 163.3184 and 163.3187(l)(c)(4) of the Florida Statutes, and Rule 9J-11.006 of the Florida Administrative Code, I am pleased to provide you with six (6) copies of these amendments. Enclosed are six (6) copies of the amendment package which include the following required backup documents: (a) A response to the checklist provided by the Department of Community Affairs pursuant to Rule 91-11.006, F.A.C. (Attachment A); (b) Analysis of the availability of, and demand on, public facilities (Attachment B); (c) Analysis of the compatibility of the proposed land use change with the land use element goals, objectives and policies, as well as those of other affected elements (Attachment B); (d) A map illustrating the boundary of the subject property and its location in relation to surrounding streets and thoroughfare networks; and the present land use designations of the property and abutting properties (Attachment C); (e) A copy of support documents on which the amendments are based (Attachment B); Mr. Ray Eubanks, Planning Manager July 29, 1998 Page 2 (t) A copy of Volume 1 Goals, Objectives and Polices of the Comprehensive Plan, as amended through October 9,1996. This volume contains all of the adopted Comprehensive Plan elements (Attachment D); (g) A copy of Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map Amendment and text Draft Ordinances as adopted on first reading, (Attachment E); (h) A copy of the transmittal letter to DCA for the City's Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) (Attachment F); and (i) A copy of the cover letters transmitting the above mentioned documents to: Executive Director, South Florida Regional Planning Council; District Director for Planning and Programming, District Six, Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT); Executive Director, South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD); Florida Department of Environmental Protection; Director of Historic Resources, Department of State; and, Director of Planning, Development and Regulation, Miami-Dade County. As per your staffs telephone discussion with Richard Lorber of my staff on July 27, 1998, we are requesting that this amendment be included in as part of the 98-1 amendment package, which includes the EAR-based amendments submitted to the Department earlier this month. If you have any questions or require clarification or any of the enclosed documents, you may contact me at (305) 673-7550. s~~ Dean Grandin, Planning and Zoning Director Attachments cc: Robert Parcher, City Clerk I Debora 1. Turner, First Assistant City Attorney Adrienne F. Pardo, Esq. ATTACHMENT A PLAN AMENDMENT - CHECKLIST Submittal Requirements: 9J11.006, F .A.c. (revised 11/96) Amendment No. 98-1 to Comprehensive Plan 1. The proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment ("Plan Amendment") was approved by the City Commission on first reading on January 21, 1998 for transmittal to the Department of Community Affairs ("DCA"). The proposed amendment was recommended for approval by the Local Planning Agency (i.e., the Planning Board) on April 29, 1997. 2. This is the first plan amendment submitted to DCA for the 1998 calendar year for which no exemption from the twice per calendar year limitation on comprehensive plan amendments is claimed. (As per telephone discussion between City of Miami Beach staff and DCA, we are requesting that this amendment be included in the 98-1 amendment package, which includes the EAR-based amendments submitted to the Department earlier this month). 3. This Plan Amendment is not in an area of critical state concern. 4. This Plan Amendment does not apply to the Wekiva River Protection Area pursuant to Chapter 369, Part III, Florida Statutes. 5. This Plan Amendment qualifies as a large scale development activity pursuant to Section 163.3187(1), Florida Statutes. The cumulative effect of this activity for this calendar year (1998) is 6.57 acres. 6. This Plan Amendment is not proposed to be adopted under a joint planning agreement pursuant to Section 1634.3171, Florida Statutes. 7. The local contact person is: Dean Grandin, Planning Director City of Miami Beach, Department of Planning 1700 Convention Center Drive Second Floor Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Telephone (305) 673-7550 Facsimile: (305) 673-7559 8. This Plan Amendment amends the text of the City's Comprehensive Plan by creating a new Future Land Use Element category known as the "Special Public Facilities Educational District" ("SPE"), and by changing areas of the Future Land Use map from PFE (public Facilities Educational) and PF (public Facilities) to SPE, and amending 2.49 acres from PFE to ROS (Recreation & Open Space). 9. On July 8, 1998, the City submitted its Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) to DCA. F:\PUN\SPlB\MISC\EAJ.\HE.BaEW'\EUBANU,A 1T \ CITY OF MIAMI BEACH :liY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH. FLORIDA 33139 1ttp:\\ci.miamH>each.n.us A TT ~HMENT "8" ~ ,~ COMMISSION MEMORANDUM No,..!d:-' -g ~ TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Sergio Rodriguez ~"^ i~ City Manager ....{{}j. ~. DATE: January 21, 1997 FROM: SUBJECT: Ordinances Adopting Amendments to the City of Miami Beach Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance No. 89-2665 by Creating the Special Public Facilities Educational Land Use and Zoning Designation and Text Changes to Effectuate the Creation of Said District for the Properties at 2400, 2530 and 2425 Pine Tree Drive and Adoption of a Resolution Transmitting the Recommended Changes to the State of Florida Department of Community Affairs and Government Review Agencies. RECOMMRNDA TIO~ Adopt the Ordinances and Resolution. It should be noted that the amendments to both the Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning Ordinance have been modified to reflect a maximum floor area ratio (FAR) of 2.5 for the Hebrew Academy Elementary School parcel, a 1.0 FAR for the Mikveh parcel and a 3.0 FAR for the Fana Holtz High School parcel. BACKGROUND This hearing ~or this matter was opened and continued by the City COmmission at its meeting of October 21 , November 19, and December 17, 1997. At the December 17, 1997 meeting, the COmmission granted a six-month extension of time to the Settlement Agreement, to allow the matter to be further continued and be resolved by all parties. . The Greater Miami Hebrew Academy (hereinafter the "Hebrew Academy") and the City of Miami Beach have filed an application to amend the Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan to comply with the terms of the Settlement Agreement which was executed on October 17, 1995 betWeen the Hebrew Academy, the City of Miami Beach, the Citizens for Greenspace, Inc. and the Daughters of Israel, Inc. The Hebrew Academy owns the elementary School located at 2400 Pine Tree Drive and currently leases from the City of Miami Beach the land for its High School which is located at 2425 Pine Tree Drive. The Hebrew Academy also currently owns the land (approximately 3.87 acres) to the north of its Elementary SchooL . AGENDA ITEM f(Sc '-2)-g~ J) 421 DATE On June 7, 1989, the City of Miami Beach and the Hebrew Academy entered into an exchange of land, whereby the ~ebrew Academy transferred to the City of Miami Beach the property located at 2425 Pine Tree Drive which is known as the Fana Holtz High School. In exchange for the transfer of land, the City transferred to the Hebrew Academy approximately 3.87 acres of land which is located directly north of the Hebrew Academy Elementary School and adjacent to and directly south of the Scott Rakow Youth Center. The Hebrew Academy, in conjunction with the Daughters of Israel, Inc., built a facility containing a mikveh and other educational uses on approximately 0.38 acres of the original 3.87 acres. The Mikveh is located at 2530 Pine Tree Drive. Subsequently, a lawsuit was filed by the Citizens for Greenspace seeking to reverse the exchange of lands (See Map A). Pursuant to the terms of the Settlement Agreement, the Hebrew Academy will deed back to the City of Miami Beach approximately 2.49 acres which the City bad previously deeded to the Hebrew Academy pursuant to the 1989 exchange of lands, and the City will deed back to the Hebrew Academy, the High School property. In addition, the parties agreed to support zoning text and map and comprehensive plan text and future land use map amendment applications to be filed with the City of Miami Beach which would create a new land use and zoning district entitled SPE (Special Public Facilities Educational District), and which said new district would be designated on the properties to be owned by the Hebrew Academy (See Table 1 for a synopsis of the proposed changes). On April 29, 1997 the Planning Board held a public hearing regarding the amendments and voted unanimously (7-0) to recommend their approval. The Hebrew Academy has, since the December 17, 1997 meeting, offered to further amend the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan, by reducing the maximum FAR for the elementary school site to 2.5 from the originally proposed maximum FAR of3.0. The Fana Holtz High School site would have aFAR of 3.0 and the Mikveh parcel would have aFAR of 1.0. Pursuant to State Statutes, no further amendments to the Comprehensive Plan may be adopted until the Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) of the Comprehensive Plan are found to be in compliance. The second reading public hearing would be set at a future date after comments have been received from the required governmental agencies which also must review this application. . ANALYSIS In order to effectuate the terms of the Settlement Agreement, it is necessary 1) to amend the Comprehensive Plan text and Future Land Use Map (FLUM); and 2) to amend the current Zoning Ordinance No 89-2665 and Official Zoning Map. These proposed amendments are in furtherance of the terms of the Settlement Agreement For convenience and in order to help readers understand the proposed changes, each part is analyzed separately below. Ordinance Amendments to the City's Year 2000 Comprehensive Plan. These amendments contain four primary sections which are discussed below: . A. Future Land Use Map Amendments ., 422 Section I. This section amends the Future Land Use Map of the City's Year 200 Comprehensive Plan (hereinafter called "FLUM") by creating and including a new Future Land Use category to be entitled "SPE (Special Public Facilities Educational District)" to the list of future land use categones. Section 2. This section amends the FLUM by designating the Hebrew Academy Elementary School Parcel, the Mikveh Parcel and the 1.1 Acre Parcel from PFE (public Facility Educational) to the newly created SPE (Special Public Facilities Educational District) future land use category. TIlls section would also change the Fana Holtz High School Parcel from PF (public Facility) to the new SPE category. The final change to the FLUM would involve the 2.49 Acre City Parcel which would be changed from PFE back to the original land use designation for the Par 3 Golf Course which is ROS (Recreation and Open Space). Table 1 sets forth the proposed changes in available acreage for properties affected by the proposed FLUM amendments. The recreation and open space amendments will reflect approximately a 2.49 acres increase in Recreation and Open Space for the City. Currently, the total 1,156 acres of recreation and open space (ROS), citywide, includes 224 acres in ornamental open space and 206 acres of ocean beach conservation area (430 acres of open space). Using the recreation and open space total acreage of 1,156, this indicates there are 10.6 acres of total ROS facilities per 1,000 persons (permanent population plus 20 percent of seasonal population = 109,500 persons). Pulling out the 430 acres of "open space" from the total, and adding back the 2.49 acre (City Parcel) increase as a result of the proposed amendments, the remaining 728.49 acres results in a proposed "recreation" level of service acreage of 6.65 acres per 1,000 population. The adopted LOS requirement for the City within the adopted Comprehensive Plan is 6.0 acres per 1,000 population and the current level of service acreage is 6.63 acres per 1,000 population. The existing and proposed Level of Service figure is considerably higher (more than double) than the commonly used national standard of 3.0 acres per 1,000 residents and are in excess of the . adopted LOS of the City's Comprehensive Plan. Therefore, the proposed amendments would not decrease the adopted LOS for Recreation and Open Space, in fact, the amendment would increase the total acreage by 2.49 acres. (Note: The above calculations for the Recreation and Open Space LOS are independent and separate from any other pending Comprehensive Plan amendments.) B. Text Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan Section 3. TIlls section creates the SPE within Pan II: Goals, Objectives and Policies of the City's Year 2000 Comprehensive Plan. Specifically the new SPE land use category would be included within Objective 1: Land Development Regulations of the Future Land Use Element. The new category ... i23 purpose, permitted uses ana intensity limits would be listed. The category purppse would be "to provide development opportunities for existing and new educational and religious facilities". Permitted uses would include public or private schools, educational or classroom facilities from preschool through graduate and religious facilities including milevehs. Intensity limits would be limited by setback, height, floor area ratio and/or other restrictions as the City Commi~ion determines appropriate to effectuate said land use category and otherwise implement complimentary public policy. The maximum floor area ratio would be 2.5, except the Fana Holtz High School Parcel and the Mikveh Parcel would be limited to the existing - floor area of the existing building( s) as of January, 1997 (Note: This FAR restriction for these two properties is a specific requirement in the settlement agreement). c. Transmittal of Amendments (Resolution) Section 4. 1bis section would instruct the City Commission, as recommended by the Planning Board (sitting as the Local Planning Agency), to approve the transmittal of the proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan (text and FLUM changes) and the corresponding changes to the Zoning Ordinance (text and Zoning Map changes) to the Florida Department of Commtmity Affairs (DCA), the South Florida Regional Planning Council (SFRPC) and any and all other affected state and local agencies. D. Last Sections Sections 5. 6. 7 & 8. These final sections provide for a repealer, severability, inclusion in the Comprehensive Plan and an effective date. Ordinance Amendments to ZoDiDr Ordinance No. 89-2665 aDd the Official ZoniD: Map 1bis ordinance is divided into two primary divisions which would amend the City's Official Zoning Districts Map to include the newly created zoning district (SPE), delete references to the original exchange ofland between the Hebrew Academy and the City and codify the development regulations for the new zoning district category (SPE) within the Zoning Ordinance. A. Official Zoning Map Amendments Section 1. This section would amend the Official Zoning Map for the City of Miami Beach by including a new Zoning District category to be entitled "SPE (Special Public Facilities Educational District) to the list of zoning districts within the City. Section 2. .. This section would amend the Official Zoning Map by changing the zoning district category for the 4 424 specific sites pursuant to the ~cn1ement Agreement as follows: 1. the "Hebrew Academy Elementary School Parcel" from RS-4 (Residential Single Farlllly) to SPE District; , 2. the "1.1 Acre Parcel" from RM-I (Multiple-Family. Low Intensity) to SPE District; ... oJ. the "Mikveh Parcel" and from R1vf-I (Multiple-Family. Low Intensity) to SPE District; 4. the "Fana Holtz High School Parcel" from GU (Government Use) to SPE District. As previously stated, the 2.49 Acre Parcel would automatically Convert to the GU (Government Use) zoning classification upon its ownership being transferred back to the City. B. Tat Amendments to Zoning Ordinance No. 89-2665 Section 3. This section deletes the previous reference to the land swap executed on June 7, 1989 between the Hebrew Academy and the City. Section 4. This section would include the SPE District within Section 21-8 entitled "Explanation of Symbols", as required for a newly created zoning district and confirms the zoning district designations for the subject parcels. Section 5. This section creates a new subsection 6-20.1 that would be created for the new zoning district category (SPE). Specific definitions and legal descriptions are given for each subject site. The purpose and uses of the district are depicted in a table format on page 5 of the amending ordinance. Main permitted uses would include a school, educational or classroom facility from grades early childhood through graduate. Of special interest are the Proposed Conditional Uses which would include any main permitted use or Conditional Use in a RM-3 or CD-2 district, excluding all commercial uses. Accessory Uses would include those uses customarily associated with any of the Main Permitted Uses or Conditional Uses. The development regulations for the SPE district would comply with the Settlement Agreement and the corresponding site plan (see attached). The proposed development regulations as now amended, would include a maximum (2.5) FAR, restrictions regarding maximum FAR for the Fana Holtz High School and Mikveh buildings, at 3.0 and 1.0 respectively, setback requirements, parking requirements, "grandfathering" of existing buildings with re-building provisions (notwithstanding the regulations within Section 13 of the Zoning Ordinance entitled, "Nonconforming Uses and Structures"), height restrictions and a reference to the Settlement Agreement and sjte plan (dated 10/17/95) as the definitive documents for purposes of permitting development on the above 5 425 described parcels of land. Section O. 1" This section of the amending ordinance would add the SPE zoning district symbol to Section 21-8 entitled "Maps" of the Zoning Ordinance. C. Last Sections Sections 7.8.9 & 10. These last sections would provide for a repealer, severability, codify the above changes to Zoning Ordinance No 89-2665 by the City Commission and an effective date. In reviewing a request for an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance or a change in land use, the City Commission and the Planning Board consider the prescribed review criteria., when applicable, for such changes. Since the amending ordinance would change the zoning district designation for the subject properties, the review criteria were determined to be applicable to this amendment request In reviewing a request for an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance which involves a change in zoning district boundaries, the City Commission and Planning Board shall consider the following: 1. Whether the proposed change is consistent and compatible with the Comprehensive Plan and any applicable neighborhood or Redevelopment Plans; Consistent - As contained within the conditions of approval detailed within the Settlement Agreement, the application would be consistent with the Goals, Objectives and Policies of the Comprehensive Plan. The amendments to the FLUM would be consistent with the existing land uses on the various sites, ie., educational facilities and the golf course (GU). There would be no increase in population densities. The subject properties are not located within a Redevelopment area. 2. Whether the proposed change would create an isolated district unrelated to adjacent or nearby districts; Consistent - The Zoning district change to SPE is based upon and consistent with the existing land uses of each site. The existing land use categories for the subject sites are already PFE and PF. The amendment would change the existing zoning district classification to be consistent with and compatible with the FLUM. The surrounding zoning districts are GU and RM-l. The Hebrew Academy is zoned RS-4 (Single Family) which is not an appropriate classification for an educational facility. The Fana Holtz Parcel is zoned RM-l (Residential Multiple Family Low Intensity) which is also not an appropriate zoning classification for an educational facility. 6 426 3. Whether the change suggested is out of scale with the needs of the neighborhood or the City; Consistent - ,.. The changes are consistent with the surrounding scale of development permitted pursuant to the existing built environment and specified within the Settlement Agreement The amendment contains specific height and setback requirements based on the surrounding scale of the neighborhood. For example, the height restriction would be generally 60 ft. above grade or 5 stories above one level of parking which would prevent any new development within the SPE from dominating adjacent properties; the front portion of the academy site would be limited in height to 40 ft above grade. The RM-l already has a height restriction in place of 50 ft. 4. Whether the proposed change would tax the existing load on public facilities and infrastructure; Consistent - In sta.ffs opinion, the application would not exceed the established LOS for the area public facilities and infrastructure. 5. \Vbether existing district boundaries are illogically drawn in relation to existing conditions on the property proposed for change; Consistent - The existing RS-4 (Hebrew Academy site) and RM-l (1.1 Acre Parcel) are surrounded by GU zoning classifications (public golf course and municipal facilities). The RS-4 does not permit an educational facility as a permitted use; RM-l allows such a use through the Conditional Use procedures. In staff's opinion, the RS-4/RM-I zoning classifications appear to be inappropriate. 6. Whether changed or changing conditions make the passage of the proposed change necessary; Consistent - Pursuant to the Settlement Agreement, the change is part of the terms of that agreement 7. Whether the proposed change will adversely influence living conditions in the neighborhood; Consistent - The proposed change should not negatively affect living conditions or the quality of life for surrounding properties. There are several conditions within the Settlement Agreement to ensure that these issues are mitigated satisfactorily. 8. \Vbether the proposed change will create or excessively increase traffic congestion beyond the Levels of Service as set forth in the Comprehensive Plan or otherwise affect public safety; Consistent - The LOS for Traffic Circulation and public safety should not be affected by the amendment. .. 7 427 9. Whether the proposed change will seriously reduce light and air to adjacent areas; Consistent;. The Settlement Agreement already addresses the issue of the provision of adequate light and air to adjacent properties by the provision of appropriate setbacks and height restrictions. - 10. Whether the proposed change will adversely affect property values in the adjacent areas; Consistent - Staff is of the opinion that property values, in adjacent areas would not be negatively affected by the proposed amendment. 11. Whether the proposed change will be a deterrent to the improvement or Development of adjacent property in accordance with existing regulations; Consistent - The proposed amendment would not change the development regulations for adjacent sites which must comply with their own site specific development regulations. Furthermore, the proposed change should not affect the ability for an adjacent property to be developed in accordance with said regulations. 12. Whether tliere are substantial reasons why the property cannot be used in accordance with existing zoning; Consistent - The RS-4 zoning designation permits single family residences as the main permitted use; educational facilities are proluoited. The RM-l classification permits educational facilities as a Conditional Use only. 13. Whether it is impossible to find other adequate Sites in the City for the proposed Use in a district already permitting such Use. Consistent - The lengthy negotiations for the Settlement Agreement explored all posslole alternatives for the subject sites. Pursuant to the Settlement Agreement, the SPE zoning classification was determined as the appropriate zoning designation for the existing sites CODntining educational facilities and the foreseeable redevelopment of these sites. BENEFITS OF THE PROPOSAL The Administration believes that the followiIig benefits would ensue, in the event the City Commission adopts the proposed Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance amendments: I. The City of Miami Beach will acquire 2.49 acres of recreation and open space land; . , 2. There will be a decrease of 29,838 square feet of potential development on all the 8 428 properties; 3. The City of Miami Beach may continue to use the 1.1 acre parcel for recreational p~ses (golf play) until the Hebrew Academy uses the land; 4. The federal litigation will be eliminated; and, 5. The adoption will provide for mutual agreement and completion of the settlement agreement among the Greater Miami Hebrew Academy, the Citizens for Greenspace, Inc., the Daughters of Israel and the City of Miami Beach. CONCLUSION Based on the foregoing, the subject ordinances, as amended, and resolution should be approved with the understanding that the following actions must occur prior to final consideration of these ordinances by the DCA and the Commission: 1. At today's meeting, the Commission will also be setting a hearing to adopt and transmit the Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) and EAR-based amendments to the Comprehensive Plan to the appropriate government agencies, including DCA, on February 18, 1998. 2.. If the Commission adopts and transmits the EAR on February 18, 1998, DCA has sixty (60) days (or approximately until April 18, 1998) to find the EAR sufficient and provide findings back to City of Miami Beach. Based on the above, the second ~tfing public hearing on the subject amendments could possibly be scheduled in May, 1998, assuming that the EAR is found sufficient by the DCA. s4/D~ F:\PLAN\SALL\CC _MEMOS\I292CMS I. I02/REV2 . 9 429 MapA ". PROPOSED FLUM AMENDMENTS w U') 0:: => o u u.. --J o C> M 0:: ~ ~ 1. MetInIw ~ Swrleoiltal.,. School ~ 6'om PFE to SPE 2. .. 1.1 AGe fIaceI tan fIfE to SPE 3. .. 2.A9 AGe CIy fIaceI tom "' 10 ItOS 4. "~~tanfIfEtoSPE 5. .. Fano Holtz tIgh Sc:hoclI Parc.t frcm ,., to SI'E <II 430 ~ ~ W Go ~ I ! :I: II: If m Go W :I % 0 o .. , HI .. . ; ~ ~ q I ,.; , J~ , ... . II ~ ! f t I r I c . . . It ! t t IL t t c &. m;~ ! .~ .. f ; I I ~] I .... ::. !. if ~ J jJ ~ft f s JI! ~ ! ~ ! ~ i i .. - I' II! ., ( ., ( C! f : (( !)r ~F .. e. ~ e. ~~i l l . ~ i B iiI ! ! i . i N II ( ( ( ( ( ( ~ = = q q . A .. ... ] I . ~ l . . I .. : c !" !! A g Z .. .. .. I III . 'I " fI :: N .. . f .r I J j , IJ I J .. I J ] I ] I I I J l! I, z n Ie I I 'I ~ '" t I i I H " f il I i ~J J :6 I . 431 1" i ~ f 8 i C ! I 1&1 I . . ~ I I :) i e i i 8 0 J 1i f~ i i i i i .. . 11 I .. i I I <II I 40 .' f ,. R5C Ordinances for Informational Purooses Only Ori2inals in LC2al Pendin2 Form ADDroval 433 . t" ORDINANCE I AMENDMENTS TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN " Agenda I~em~ Date \ \- \ a... -<\1- 434 ORDINANCE NO. ~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP CATEGORY OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH YEAR 2000 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN BY ESTABLISHING A NEW FUTURE LAND USE MAP DESIGNATION CATEGORY TO BE ENTITLED 'SPE (SPECIAL PUBLIC FACILITIES EDUCATIONAL DISTR/CT)"; AMENDING THE FUTURE lAND USE MAP FOR THE PROPERTIES KNOWN AS THE -HEBREW ACADEMY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PARCEL" LOCATED AT 2400 PINE TREE DRIVE FROM PFE (PUBLIC FACILITY EDUCATION) TO SPE (SPECIAL PUBLIC FACILITIES EDUCATIONAL), THE -MIKVEH PARCEL" LOCAteD AT 2530 PINE TREE DRIVE FROM PFE (PUBLIC FACILITY EDUCATION) TO SPE (SPECIAL PUBLIC FACILITIES EDUCATJONAL)AND THE -1.1 ACRE PARCEL- LOCATED ADJACENTLY TO THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF THE HEBREW ACADEMY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PARCEL FROM PFE (PUBLIC FACILITY EDUCATION) TO SPE (SPECIAL PUBLIC FACILITIES EDUCATIONAL), BY AMENDING THE -FANA HOLTZ HIGH SCHOOL PARCEL- LOCATED AT 2425 PINE TREE DRIVE FROM PF (PUBLIC FACILITY) TO SPE (SPECIAL PUBLIC FACILITIES EDUCATIONAL), BY AMENDING THE '"2.49 ACRE CITY PARCEL" lOCATED ADJACENTlY TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF THE MIKVEH PARCEL FROM PFE (PUBLIC FACILITY EDUCATION) TO ROS (RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE); AMENDING PART II: GOALS. OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH YEAR 2000 COMPREHENSIVE PlAN, AS AMENDED, BY ADDING A CATEGORY TO BE ENTiTlED .SPECIAL PUBLIC FACILITIES EDUCATIONAL CATEGORY- TO POLICY 1.2 OF OBJECTIVE 1: LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS OF THE FUTURE lAND USE ELEMENT, ALL PARCELS AS lEGALLY DESCRIBED IN T1;E ATTACHMENTS TO THE ORDINANCE; DIRECTING TRANSMITTALS OF THIS ORDINANCE AND AlL APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS TO AFFECTED AGENCIES; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, INCLUSION IN THE COMPREHENSIVE PlAN AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on June 7, 1989 the City Commission approved an option with the Greater Miami Hebrew Academy, Inc. (Hebrew Academy") to exchange private land for a portion of the Par 3 Golf Course; and .. 1 435 WHEREAS, the Citizens for Greenspace, Inc., filed a lawsuit challenging the exchange of land between the City and the Hebrew Academy; and WHEREAS, in an effort to amicably resolve the litigation, the City, the Hebrew Academy, the Citizens for Greenspace and the Daughters of Israel, Inc., entered into a Settlement Agreement dated October 17, 1995; and WHEREAS, the Settfement Agreement provides for the exchange of certain lands between the City and the Hebrew Academy and specifies certain development rights with respect to certain Hebrew Academy properties; and WHEREAS, in order to effectuate the settlement between the parties, the proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance have been applied for by the Hebrew Academy and the City; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board, at its meeting of April 29, 1997, by a unanimous vote RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of the amendments to the Future Land Use Map, and the amendments to the text of the City of Miami Beach Year 2000 Comprehensive Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA; SECTION 1. The Future Land Use Map of the City of Miami Beach Year 2000 Comprehensive Plan, as amended, is hereby amended by including a new Future Land Use category to be entitled .SPE (Special Public Facilities Educational District)". SECTION 2. The Future Land Use Map of the City of Miami Beach Year 2000 Comprehensive Plan, as amended, is hereby amended by changing the land use designations for the properties known as: 1. the -Hebrew Academy Elementary School Parcel" located at 2400 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, Florida from PFE {Public Facility . 2 436 Education), hereafter to have the land use designation of SPE (Special Public Facilitjes Educational) and which is legally described on Exhibit "A. attached hereto and made a part hereof; and 2. the "Mikveh Parcel" located at 2530 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, Florida from PFE (Public Facility Education). hereafter to have the land use designation of SPE (Special Public Facilities Educational) and which is legally described on Exhibit "S" attached hereto and made a part hereof; and 3 the "1.1 Acre Parcel" located adjacenUy to the north property line of the Hebrew Ac<ldemy Elementary School Parcel from PFE (Public Facility Education), hereafter to have the land use designation of SPE (Special Public Facilities Educational) and which is legally described on Exhibit "C" attached hereto and made a part hereof; and 4. the -Fana Holtz High School Parcel. located at 2425 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, Aorida from PF (Public Facility), hereafter to have the land use designation of SPE (Special Public Facilities Educational) and which is legally described on Exhibit "0" attached hereto and made a part hereof; and 5. the '"2.49 Acre City Parcel- located adjacently to the south property line of the Mikveh Parcel from PFE (Public Facility Education), hereafter to have a land use designation of ROS (Recreation and Open Space) and which is legally described on Exhibit "e- attached hereto and made a part hereof. SECTION 3. The Commission approves amendments to Part II: Goals, Objectives and Policies of the City of Miami Seach Year 2000 Comprehensive Plan, as amended, as follows: .. 3 437 "FUTURE UNO USE ELEMENT . . . OBJECTIVE 1: LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULAnONS .. .. .. Policy 1.2 .. .. . PublIc FacilIty: Education.' (PF (E)) .. .. .. S~lJtJon,1 c.teoo~fM!EJ , I I pumose: To D~rMnt ODDOr1unitiM for existinn and new edu~Qnaf at')'J ~~tjic or DriviIe ~ Qf ~=':lkvr:rnn'll ~m Qres~ araduatl 8ndJ1LlaiouS fiaciJlti~~ Intensllll: ~eQ~lIV ~ llIJimilasl pv such ~ ftoor =~~~ oth<lr res~s a.lba,g,IY ~ion ,cIina i1aleqilKllllll ca~,a,~ ;;; doaIstll tm gu~ at...JlIL..JIiI, use ""'IIIIgrv .~ ~';~~';;; ~mentarv DU~r. In no C8SA ~ Int area !'!tUo of 2.5 ~ examim.= 1l1li 8l1li a~ d~~ ptv~ Mlami .IltlF ZQDirIa QgliDI~ 8Q ~=,R,~I"B': maximum1Joof8nt8ratlOa(3aOandT_ . m a ratio of 1.0. .. .. .. SEcnON 4. The Administration is hereby instructed to transmit a copy of this Ordinance and all applicabfe documents immediately upon approval on First Reading and again after Its adoption on Second Reading to all agencies as provided by law. The City Commission hereby requests that the state land planning agency review the plan amendments transmitted herewith and Issue a report of its objeCtions. recommendations and comments regarding these proposed plan amendments. SECTION 5. REPEALER. That aft Ordinances or parts of Ordinances In conflld herewith be and same are hereby repealed. SECTION 6. SEVERABIUTY. If any section, subsection, clause or provision of this Ordinance Is held invalid, the remainder shall not be affected by such invalidity. oJ 4 438 SECTION 7. INCLUSION IN COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. It;s the Intention of the City Commission, and it Is hereby ordained that Sections 1, and 2 are made part of the Future Land Use Map of the City of Miami Beach Year 2000 Comprehensive Plan, as amended and , Section 3 of this Ordinance shall become and be made part of the City of Miami Beach Year 2000 Comprehensive Plan Part II: Goals, Objectives and Policies, as amended; that the sections of this Ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intention; and that the word "ordinance" may be changed to .section- or other appropriate word. SECTION 8. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall become effective U days after the date of its enactment; however, the effective date of any plan amendment shaff be in accordance with Section 163.3184, Florida Statutes. , PASSED ON FIRST READING the 1997. day of . , PASSED and ADOPTED ON SECOND AND FINAL READING this - day of . 1997. MAYOR ATTEST: e! ~!"~ ~"'n I~h ~"! ~~. ~"~~~ :~ ~~~~~9n~~~~~:~3~~~~= ~~.. - r'_ MWoM>"'~1S'.''''''LOOt"''''"~ 5 . 439 1" EXHIBIT "A" ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Lelsl Des~ription A ponion of the land in the S.E. I/. of Section 27, Township 53 South, Range 42 East, Dade County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: From a point on the Easterly line of Pine Tree Dri~ at the intersection with the Northerly Line of West 25* Street, as shown on the plat of FLAMINGO TERRACE EXTENSION recorded in Plat Book 38, Page 61 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida., nm Southerly along the Easterly Line of Pine Tree Drive for a distance of 736.S7 feet to a point; thence run Westerly, at right angles to the said Easterly Line of Pine Tree Drive for a distance of I SO feet to the POINT OF BEGINNThlG of the tract of land herein described; from said Point of Beginning continue WesteI'ly along the last course extended at right angles to the said Easterly Line of Pine Tree Drive for a distance of 206.02 feet to a point; thence deflecting to the right 67017'00", run Northwesterly for a distance of 328.S0 feet to a point; thence deflecting to the right 48054'00", run Northeasterly for a distance of 71.46 feet to a point; thence deflecting to the right 63049'00", run Easierty a distance of 299.03 feet to a point, said point being 150 feet Westerly of the Easterly Line of Pine Tree Drive; thence deflecting to the right 90000'00", run Southerly parallel to aDd ISO feet Westerly of the Easterly Line of Pine Tree Drive for a distance of361.61 feet to the Point of Beginning. ' . 440 ,. MIKVEH PARCEL EXHIBIT 668'" . Commence (P.O.C.) at a point on the Easterly line of Pine Tree Drive. at a point of intersection with the Northerly line of West 25- Street extended West. as shown on the Plat of Flamingo Terrace Extension, a subdivision recorded in Plat Book 38, at page 61 of the public records of Dade County, Florida and run Due South along an Assumed Bearing, along the Easterly line of said Pine Tree Drive, a distance of 374.96 feet; thence run Due West across Pine Tree Drive, a distance of 100.00 feet to the Westerly line of said Pine Tree Drive; thence run Due North along the Westerly line of Pine Tree Drive, a distance of 527.00 feet to the Point of Beginning (p.O.B.) of the parcel of land hereinafter described; thence continue along the last mentioned course, a distance of 80.00 f~t; thence run Due West, a distance of 174.25 feet; thence run S.22031'27"E., distance of 86.607 feet; thence run Due East, a clistanc:e of 207.427 feet to the Point of Beginning, (p.O.B.) . The land described contains 15,267 square feet, or 0.350 acres, more or less. ~ 441 1 !" 1 . 1 ACRE PARCEL EXHIBIT · C · LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Co~ It a poiDt on 1be ~ liDe of Pille Tree Driw . the iDrmectiOll with dae Nortbcrly tiDe of WcIt 25th Sired. u IboWIl oa die PIa or PLAMINOO l"ERRACE EXTENSION. recorded ill Plat Boot 31, at Pace 61. Public Recank of Dade Couaty. Florida; 1hCDCC rwl Southaty. aIoq the Easrerty!iDe oIPiae Tn:e Orne tor. di~ of 374.96 feet 10 · poim; 1bc::Ia I'UII Warafy. . riabt .... to Slid Eu&af)' .. 01 PiDe Tn. DEiw tar . di~ od 150.00 feet 10 die POINT OF' BE.aINNJNO; dace o-.:...~ writ 11), aIoaa tile ~OII of dac ... ~ couae .. . ~~ rC~ ot 299.03 &cI; "-ce ~ . 1M . 161 ecn.W IDlI na Nor""- Jtedy ... . 4U' a~ of 131.14 .. to . puiaI; ..... deaect to die left 71 -oJ '09- .. lUll N4.6.aI, few a ~. -(.f of 207.42 feet .. . poa.; tIaac.. C' ~ -1). ., . ...,.. to 1110 EaferIy IDe oIPiDe T.. DrM b . A\.. ~ of 17S.00 feet 1D. poiDt; tIreacc fUll Soudaedy, pIIdd to 1be Easaaty liDe ofPiDc Tree Ddw Jar a 6t-- al2S0.00 feet 10 1bc POINT OF BEGINNING. Slid J.II Ie r rt t II. .,.. .. beiD8 ill 1M City of l6ai Beada aDd rnmmni"I46.391 tqaare feet men or"" J.0650 IlCI'CS men or Jess. No\E~ Po o.e. ~ FE1i '1t) f:lC)\~ O~ co..tt1 t!M~~ ~o.~. Re.Fe2. ~ PCtW"t Of: ee<;,..."uo. ~Iw t..~lt -ro 2\a.cT - ()t' -V/4'( ).c.. This ~KeTCH TO ACCO\...-\?A~'( A LEGAl '\)ESCR\P\\~ d~ not repr?5enk- 0 field ~\J~. Anqies and d\~tonc~_ refer- to proposed ~'te plonJGAM6ACH- S\(LAA tRC. l.otAW'~G A-2 A.~t> peAW(~G ~MGOBI crt'< Of: MlAH\ ~E.Ac\ot 1l.ecoeOS t--i4.~~ 20. 1~!>5 ClT'( OF "" \l\M' eeK\-\ CSh- 4 5 CQ.. 442 EXHIBIT wOw Les:al Description or Fatml Boltz H1&h School Site I. )l3, Block I, FLAMINGO TERRACE ADDmON, according to .the Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 34, at Page 6, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, addressed as 2425 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach. Florida. 443 . 2.49 ACRE PARCEL EXHIBIT "Eft Commence (P.O.C.) at a point on the Easterly line of Pine Tree Drive at the Point of Intersection with the Northerly line of West 25. Street extended West, as shown on the Plat of Flamingo Terrace Extensio~ a subdivision recorded in Plat Book 38, at page 61 of the public records of Dade County, Florida and run Due South along an Assumed Bearing. along the Easterly line of said Pine Tree Driv~ a distance of 374.96 feet; thence run Due West across Pine Tree Drive, a distance of 100.00 feet to the Westerly line of said Pine Tree Drive and the Point of Beginning (P.O.B.) of the parcel of land hereinafter described; thence continue Due West along the Nonherly line and its extension Easterly, the property occupied by the Greater Miami Hebrew Academy, located at 240Q Pine Tree Drive, a distance of295.00 feet; thence run Due Nonh, a distance of 110.00 feet; thence nm Due West. a distance of 40.00 feet; thence run N.14028'39'W., a distance of 40.00 feet; thence run Due North, a distance of 46,54 feet; thence run N.2203I'27"E., a distance of 359.13 feet; thence run Due East. a distance of 207.427 feet to the Westerly line of said Pine Tree Drive; thence nm Due South along the Westerly line of Pine Tree Drive, a distance of 527.00 feet to the Point of Beginning (p.O.B.). The Area described contains 153,304 square feet, more or less, or 3.519 acres, more or less. LESS AND EXCEPTING: THE LANDS DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "B" COMMONt Y KNOWN AS THE 0.38 ACRE MlKVEH PARCEL; AND THE LANDS DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "C" COMMONty KNOWN AS THE 1.1 ACRE PARCEL, .. 444 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH NOTICE OF NEW FUTURE LAND USE CATEGORY AND CHANGE OF LAND USE DESIGNA nON AMENDMENTS TO THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP AND AMENDMENTS TO PART II: GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH YEAR 2000 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The City of Miami Beach proposes to adopt the following Ordinance: AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP CATEGORY OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH YEAR 2000 COMPREHENSIVE PlAN BY ESTABLISHING A NEW FUTURE lAND USE MAP DESIGNATION CATEGORY TO BE ENTm.Eo -SPE (SPECIAl PUBLIC FACILITIES EDUCATIONAL DISTRICT)-; AMENDING THE FUTURE lAND USE MAP FOR THE PROPERTIES KNOWN AS THE ~EBREW ACADEMY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PARCEL- LOCATED AT 2400 PINE TREE ORNE FROM PFE (PUBUC FACILITY EDUCATION) TO spe (SPECIAl PUBUC FACILmES EDUCATIONAL), BY AMENDING THe -MIKVEH PARCEL- LOCATED AT 2530 PINE TREE DRIVE FROM PFE (PUBUC FACILITY EDUCA TlON) TO SPE (SPECIAl PUBUC FACILITIES EOuCA TlONAL. BY AMENDING THE -1.1 ACRE PARca- LOCATED ADJACENTlY TO THE NORTH PROPERTY UNE OF THE HEBREW ACADEMY ELEMENTARY SCHOOl.PARCEl FROM PFE (PUBUC FACIUTY EDUCATION) TO SPE (SPECIAL PUBUC FACILITIES EDUCATIONAL), BY AMENDING THE -FANA HOLTZ HIGH SCHOOL PARce: LOCATED AT 2425 PINE TREE ORNE FROM PF (pUBLIC FACIUTY) TO SPE (SPECIAl PUBUC FACIUTlES EDUCATIONAL), BY AMENDING THE -2.49 ACRE CITY PARCel- LOCATED AOJACENTl Y TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF THE MIKVEH PARCEL FROM PFE (pUBUC FACILITY EDUCATION) TO ROS (RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE); AMENDING PART II: GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES OF THE CITY OF MIAMI. BEACH YEAR 2000 COMPREHENSIVE PlAN, AS AMENDED, BY ADDING A CATEGORY TO BE ENTITLED -SPECIAL PUBLIC FACIUTJES EDUCATIONAL CATEGORY" TO POUCY 1.2 OF OBJECTIVE 1: LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS OF THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT, All PARCElS AS LEGAU. Y DESCRIBED IN THE ATTACHMENTS TO THE ORDINANCE; DIRECTING TRANsMITTALS OF THIS ORDINANCE AND All APPUCASLE DOCuMENTS TO AFFECTED AGENCIES; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER. SEVERABIlITY, INCLUSION IN THE COMPREHENSIVE PlAN AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. A public hearing on the ordinance Will be held by the Miami Beach City ComtrUssion on Tuesday, October 21, 1997 at 5:03 p.m.. in the City Commission Chambers, Third Floor. City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida. This item may be continued, and under such circumstances, additional legal notice would not be provided. Any person may contact the City Clerk's office at (305) 673-7.11 for information as to the status of this item as a result of the Commission meeting. If the prOposed Ordinance passes on first reading, a second reading public hearing will be held and separately noticed for a future date. . 445 The areas affected by the proposed changes to the future land use map are shown on the map within this advertisement. Proposed site SpecifIC Future Land Use map designation changes w '" ~ ::>> o (J u. ..... o C> ('I') ~ ~ -- ~--"""""""'''fIFE.FE 2..1.1 AaI ,......"'... 1. 2AAaI ~""'_flllE. RQI 4... ...,............ s...,.. HIlIE.........,...._ PF. FE All persons are invited to appear at this meeting or be represented by an agent. or to express their views in writing addressed to the City CIert. 1700 Convention Center Drive, 2nd Floor, City Hall, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. InqWies concerning this.em shoukf be directed to the City Clertt, (305) 673-7411. Copies of the proposed changes are available for inspection during normal business hours in the City CIett's Office, 1 st Floor, City HaD. Pursuant to Section 286.0105, FIa. Stat. the City hereby adYises the public 1tlat: "a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any I'Mtter considered at this meeting or hearing, they must insure that a verbatim record of the prOCMCfmgs is made, wtUch record includes the testimony and eYidence upon which the appaJ is 10 be based. This notice does not constitute consent by the City for the introduction or admission of oIhetwis. inadmissible or irreievant evidence, nor does it authorize challenges or appeals not otherwise allowed by law. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. persons needing special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contad the City Clerk no later than four days prior to the proceeding, telephone (305) 673-7411 for assistance; if hearing impaired. telephone the Florida relay service numbers (800) 95S-8n1 (TOO) or (800) 955-anO (VOICE), foe assistance. J 446 ORDINANCE (( AMENDMENTS TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE 447 Agenda Itein Date ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 89-2665 BY AMENDING THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH OFFICIAL ZONING MAP TO ESTABLISH A NEW ZONING DISTRICT MAP CATEGORY TO BE ENTITLED "SPE (SPECIAL PUBLIC FACILITIES EDUCATIONAl DISTRICT)"; BY REZONING THE PROPERTIES KNOWN AS THE "HEBREW ACADEMY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PARCEL" LOCATED AT 2400 PINE TREE DRIVE FROM RS-4 (RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY) TO SPE (SPECIAL PUBLIC FACILITIES EDUCATIONAL), BY REZONING THE "MIKVEH PARCEL" LOCATED AT 2530 PINE TREE DRIVE FROM GU (GOVERNMENT USE) TO SPE (SPECIAL PUBLIC FACILITIES EDUCATIONAL), BY REZONING THE "1.1 ACRE PARCEL" LOCATED ADJACENTLY TO THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF THE HEBREW ACADEMY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PARCEL FROM GU (GOVERNMENT USE) TO SPE (SPECIAL PUBLIC FACILITIES EDUCATIONAL), BY REZONING THE "FANA HOLTZ HIGH SCHOOL PARCEL" LOCATED AT 2425 PINE TREE DRIVE FROM RM-1 (MULTI FAMILY, LOW INTENSITY) TO SPE (SPECIAL PUBLIC FACILITIES EDUCATIONAL); BY DELETING IN ITS ENTIRETY SECTION 21- 8E REGARDING THE 1989 OPTION BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE HEBREW ACADEMY AND CLARIFYING AND CONFIRMING THE ZONING DESIGNATIONS FOR THE PROPERTIES KNOWN AS THE "MIKVEH PARCEL" FROM RM-1 (MULTI FAMILY, LOW INTENSITY) TO SPE (SPECIAL PUBLIC FACILITIES EDUCATIONAL), BY AMENDING THE "1.1 ACRE PARCEL" FROM RM-1 (MULTI FAMILY, LOW INTENSITY) TO SPE (SPECIAL PUBLIC FACILITIES EDUCATIONAL), BY AMENDING THE "FANA HOLTZ HIGH SCHOOL PARCEL" FROM GU (GOVERNMENT USE) TO SPE (SPECIAL PUBLIC FACILITIES EDUCATIONAL), BY AMENDING THE "2.49 ACRE CITY PARCEL" LOCATED ADJACENTLY TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF THE MIKVEH PARCEL FROM RM-1 (MULTI FAMILY, LOW INTENSITY) TO GU (GOVERNMENT USE), ALL AS LEGAlLY DESCRIBED IN ATTACHMENTS TO THE ORDINANCE; ESTABLISHING SECTION 6-20.1 TO BE ENTITLED "SPE SPECIAL PUBLIC FACILITIES EDUCATIONAL DISTRICT' AND PROVIDING DEFINITIONS, PURPOSES USES, AND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS FOR SAID DISTRICT, BY AMENDING SECTION 21-8A1 TO INCLUDE THE SPE DISTRICT; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, INCLUSION IN THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on June 7, 1989 the City Commission approved an option with the Greater Miami Hebrew Academy, Inc. ("Hebrew Academy'") to exchange private land for a portion of the Par 3 Golf Course; and WHEREAS, the Citizens for Greenspace, Inc., filed a lawsuit challenging the exchange of land between the City and the Hebrew Academy; and .,; 448 WHEREAS, in an effort to amicably resolve the litigation, the City, the Hebrew Academy, the Citizens for Greenspace and the Daughters of Israel, Inc., entered into a Settlement Agreement dated October 17, 1995; and WHEREAS, the Settlement Agreement provides for the exchange of certain lands between the City and the Hebrew Academy and specifies certain development . rights with respect to certain Hebrew Academy properties: and WHEREAS, in order to effectuate the settlement between the parties, the proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance have been applied for by the Hebrew Academy and the City; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board, at its meeting of April 29,1997, by a unanimous vote RECOMMENDING APPROVAL to establish a new zoning district entitled .Special Public Facilities Educational District" in the Zoning Ordinance, to amend the Official Zoning District Map of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, to effectuate the change of zonings pursuant to Section 21-8E of the Zoning Ordinance. and recommended amendments to the text of the City of Miami Beach Zoning Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MA VOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. AMENDMENT TO ZONING DISTRICTS MAP OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE. That the Mayor and City Commission hereby amend the districts referred in the Zoning District Map of the City of Miami Beach Zoning Ordinance No. 89-2665 by establishing a new Zoning District category to be entitled .SPE (Special Public Facilities Educational Districtt. SECTION 2. AMENDMENT TO ZONING DISTRICTS AND ZONING DISTRICTS MAP OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE. That the Mayor and City Commission hereby amend the Zoning Districts and Zoning District Map of the City of Miami Beach Zoning Ordinance No. 89-2665 by rezoning the following properties: 1) the "Hebrew Academy Elementary School Parcel" located at 2400 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, Florida from RS-4 (Residential Single Family), hereafter to be zoned SPE (Special Public Facilities Educational), which is legally described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof; and 2) the "Mikveh Parcel" located at 2530 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, Florida from GU (Government Use), hereafter to be zoned SPE (Special Public Facilities ~ .J9 Educational), which is legally described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof; and 3) the "1.1 Acre Parcel" located adjacently to the north property line of the Hebrew Academy Elementary School Parcel from GU (Government Use), hereafter to be zoned SPE (Special Public Facilities Educational), which is legally described in Exhibit "e" attached hereto and made a part hereof; and 4) the "Fana Holtz High School Parcel" located at 2425 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, Florida from RM-1 (Multi Family, Low Intensity), hereafter to be zoned SPE (Special Public Facilities Educational), which is legally described in Exhibit "0" attached hereto and made a part hereof. SECTION 3. ZONING TEXT DELETION The Commission approves the deletion of Section 21-8E of the City of Miami Beach Zoning Ordinance No. 89-2665, as amended, as follows: E. On June 7, 1989 the City CemmiGsion 3flflroveG an optieF'l vAth tho Hebrew Academy to eXQhaAge pFivote laRe fer a parlieR ef tAe Par :i Gglt Cel;lFGe. I\t the exercise of the aptioA tAe a#eGtee pertieR 9f #le Par :i Galt C9l;1FSe sh::lll automatically be zones in the RM 1 Diemel ZOFliFlg classmsation. The pmpeFty that tho City will ob1::1in shall Be zoneG GU G9vemFFleRt UCEl." SECTION 4. ZONING DISTRICT AMENDMENTS PURSUANT TO SECTION 21-8E OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE. The following confirms the zoning district designations for those certain parcels referenced above: 1) the "Mikveh Parcel" from RM-1 (Multi Family, Low Intensity), hereafter to be zoned SPE (Special Public Facilities Educational); and 2) the "1.1 Acre Parcel" from RM-1 (Mufti Family, Low Intensity), hereafter to be zoned SPE (Special Public Facilities Educational); and 3) the "Fana Holtz High School Parcel" fmm GU (Government), hereafter to be zoned SPE (Special Public Facilities Educational); and 4) the "2.49 Acre City Parcel" located adjacently to the south property line of the Mikveh Parcel from RM-1 (Multi Family, Low Intensity), hereafter to be zoned GU (Government Use), which is legally described on Exhibit "E" attached hereto and made a part hereof. . 3 450 SECTION 5. The Commission approves amendments to the text of the City of Miami Beach Zoning Ordinance No. 89-2665. as amended. by establishing the following new Section 6-20.1 to be entitled .SPE: Special Public Facilities Educational District- as follows: "6-20.1 SPE: SPECIAl, PUBLIC FACILITIES EDUCATIONAL DISTRICT A. Definitions For pm:poses of this Zonini Ordinance. the followini prQperties are defined as set forth below and are leially described in Ordinance No. .: 1. The "Hebrew Academy Elemennuy School Parcel" is located at 2400 Pine Tree Drive. Miami Beach. Florida. and comprises ~mximately 2.3 acres. 2. The "Fana Holtz Hi~ School Parcel" is located at 2425 Pine Tree Drive. Miami Beach. Florida. and comprises approximately 0.3 acres. 3. The "1.1 Acre Parcel" is located a<ijacently to the north pro.perty line of the Hebrew Academy Elemental)' School Parcel. and wnwrises apJn'Oximately 1.1 ~cres. 4. The "Mikveh Parcel" is located at 2530 Pine Tree Drive. Miami Beach. Florida. and comprises approximately 0.35 acres. J 4 451 B. Purpose and Uses 1. District Purpose 2. Main Permitted 3. Conditional Uses 4. Accessory Uses l&e.s This district IS Any use that IS a Conditional uses Anv use that is customarilv desi gned to school or shall only be associated with any of the accommodate public educational or c lass- permitted on the Main Permitted Uses or or private room facility. from Fana Holtz Parcel as Conditional Uses within educational ~des early follows: anv Main this district includini. facilities. childhood throuih Permitted Uses or without limitation, waduate. public or Conditional Uses In classrooms. administrative private. whether a RM-3 or CD-2 offices. auditoriums. nursery. pre-school. District exce(pt as cafeterias. ~asiums. k:inder~en. already permitted as ~rts and recreational elementaIy. middle. a Main Permitted facilities. dormitories. hi~h school. colleie Use in this Section. student. faculty or staff or university. Notwithstandin~ the housin&. parkine lots. includini mikvehs fo~oine_ pl'ages. perfonnini arts and houses of Commercial Uses and cultural facilities. art worships. and any shall not be and music facilities. related combination of any permitted as reli~ous facilities and uses. of the Conditional Uses. aforementioned ~ C. Development Regulations These develo.pment rezulations shall be applicable to uses in the district. 1. ? _. Maximum FAR is 2.50. Notwithstandine parasrraph 1 above the ma.'"(imum FAR for the Fana Holtz Hi~h School Parcel shall be 3.0 and the maximum FAR for the Mikveh Parcel shall be limited to ;~.o For each setback area within the Hebrew Academy School Parcel and the 1.1 Acr~ eel which is acijacent to muni~al owned land or a public ri~t-of-wav as of the effective date of this Ordinance No. . the front side and rear vard setback mav be zero (0) feet from the 3pJ)licable property line. With res.pect to the Hebrew Academv Elementazy School Parcel and the 1.1 Acre Parcel. parkini shall be permitted within the public $Wale adjacent to any public road provided that a minimum 10 feet setback shall be provided from the curb ~r ed~e of said road pavement. Nothwithstandini the foregoing. parkini in the $Wale area is only permitted to the extent allowed pursuant to the Settlement Agreement dated October 17. 1995 and entered into between the City. the Hebrew Academv. the Citizens for Greenspaee and the Daughters ofIsraeL Inc. 3. 4. .. 5 452 5. ~~~~.j:~~~~~~:e~~~I~:U~;~~b~:i:~e~~~~~iC~~;l:tl~jl j;; ~ &;;~t: :;S:~::edW~C~~6a~~~O~~: ~~~k~;:i~i~~ ~:C:~ : ;~~d: i;~:~: ~~ow. 6 ~;~5:;j}:~l~~;~;~~~:;!:1f~!E ~~:;~~~S~: :r.~ ~~~%~}~~5!i~~~n l~il~~~l ~D~V:~~~~:~~;~t:];~i~ tt ~!.:.?e~ ~ E~: sb;ll ~ tb;'I':~; -:~4& ~~ m.:~ ~~J:: , ;~ above a slIl,i1e level of parkin~\ 7. ;?.,:~-:n7i,~~:;;o~~~ ~~~ct':~~l~~~ ~~<;;'.:!=~ac~e j)~ t~ ;;:~~i;ajr~1:~~:~:~~:~ro~=:i~;p~E~~ t~=~~ ~~ t~:~~~:: ~:~~r7il ;:~;!::;s~~~;cc~~~~~ ~:v~;~~~~~ ~~i::~~:~ forth here~ 8. ~li!mwlin~& tg' th;;' ~~ CQntai1)ed in the Zag Ordinao!lE. ~ e~~ =:::t"s~O:h~; ~~~:r::. : :~rt:ii :One laod-~~-:': ~~ ~~~:r~~:2t21;::n:n~~:ni1;~~~~~~E~ }:~= ~1,?~~=::; P~viSio~.nol"(jih:;~;di;~ :~~;'~f~: ~ .Q;~ Zonm.~_Qnbnan~ 9 ~::tr:'a.~:~~ ~~?::i:ro~ ::..~ ;:_~:~:~~~ th~~J =~~;:=1;:~10ri~V~~i:.~~; ~~:TQg~~~eDf~~~ ~:P~~=iV:':~: 10. ~1~ ~5Q:o~g4 ;:ttl:,,::~ =~~~V~,:2~ef=~~:;: ?E~::~;:i~j~~:~::i~~:~';:~~~:!~e:E;l;~ ~~:;~:-:~fi::; r:S:tion 6.20.I.A . . ." SECTION 6. The Commission approves amendments to the text of Section 21-8 entitled "Maps" of the City of Miami Beach Zoning Ordinance No. 89-2665, as amended, as follows: "21-8 MAPS. ~ 6 453 A. Designation of Zoning Districts and Overlay Zones shall be on the Official Zoning Map. The Official Map shall indicate the location of Zoning Districts and Over1ay Zones. The below tables explain the symbols used for each designation: 1. Explanation of Symbols. Symbol ~ . . . RM-PS 1 SPE . Residential Limited Mixed-Use Development Soecial Public Facilities Educational . - SECTION 7. REPEALER. That all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith be and same are hereby repealed. SECTION 8. SEVERABilITY. If any sedion, subsedion, clause or provision of this Ordinance is held invalid, the remainder shall not be affeded by such invalidity. SECTION 9. INCLUSION IN ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 89.2665. It is the intention of the City Commission, and it is hereby ordained that Sections 1,2, 3, 5 & 6 of this Ordinance shall become and be made part of the City of Miami Beach Zoning Ordinance No. 89-2665 as amended; that the sections of this Ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intention; and that the word .ordinance" may be changed to .section- or other appropriate word. SECTION 10. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect the same date as the effective date of the companion ordinance amending the Future Land Use Map of the City of Miami Beach Year 2000 Comprehensive Plan, effectuating the amendments to the Comprehensive Plan consistent with amendments to the Zoning Ordinance herein. PASSED ON FIRST READING the _day of ,1997. . oJ 7 454 PASSED and ADOPTED ON SECOND AND FINAL READING this _ day of ,1997. MAYOR ATTEST: w~~~ ~n~~r fiaure~ ~tMcken thraulil.h ~h~1I be ~el;led ~ ~.!1der.li~r~ ~1 :~~~ fi~~r~ ~II ~ added. The remalnlno oravls n ar ,ow In ff< ct n r 16 unchanoed. Asterisks indicate omitted and unchan~~ ;;teri~'t . 8 455 EXHIBIT"A" ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Lqal Description A portion of the land in thc S.E. ~ of Section 27, Tov.nship 53 South, Range 42 East, Dade County, Flori~ being more particularly described as follows: From a point on the Easterly line of Pine Tree Drive, at the intersection with the Northerly Line of West 25* Street, as shown on the plat of FLAMINGO TERRACE EXTENSION recorded in Plat Book 38, Page 61 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, run Southerly along the Easterly Line of Pine Tree Drive for a distance of 736.57 feet to a point; thence run Westerly, at right angles to the said Easterly Line of Pine Tree Drive for a distance of 150 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the tract of land herein described; from said Point of Beginning continue Westerly along the last course extended at right angles to the said Easterly Line of Pine Tree Drive for a distance of 206.02 feet to a point; thence deflecting to the right 67017'00", run Northwesterly for a distance of 328.50 feet to a point; thence deflecting to the right 48054 '00", run Northeasterly for a distance of 71.46 feet to a point; thence deflecting to the right 63049'00", run Easterly a distancc of 299.03 feet to a point, said point being ISO feet Westerly of the Eastcrly Line of Pine Tree Drivc; thence deflecting to the right 90000'00", run Southerly parallel to and 150 feet Westerly of the Eastcrly Line of Pine Tree Drive for a distance of361.61 feet to the Point of Beginning. .. 456 MIKVEH PARCEL EXHIBIT "B" Commence (P.O.c.) at a point on the: Easterly line of Pine Tree Drive. at a point of intersection with the Northerly line of West 25. Street extended West, as shown on the Plat of Flamingo Terrace Extension, a subdivision recorded in Pial Book 38, at page 61 of the public records of Dade County, Florida and run Due South along an Assumed Bearing, along the Easterly line of said Pine Tree Driv~ a distance of 374.96 feet; thence nm Due West across Pine Tree Drive, a distance of 100.00 feel 10 the Westerly line of said Pin. Tt= Drive; tbetx:e nm Due North along the Westerly line of Pine Tree Drive, a distance of 527.00 feet to the Point of Beginning (p.O.B.) of the parcel of land hereinafter described; thence continue along the last mentioned course, a distance of 80.00 feet; thence run Due West, a distance of 174.25 feet; thence run S.22031 '2T'E., distance of 86.607 feet; thence run Due East. a distance of 207.427 feet to the Point of Beginning, (p.O.B.). . The land described contains 15,267 square feet, or 0.350 acres, more or less. . 457 1 . 1 ACRE PARCEL EXHIBIT · C .. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Commence 11 . poiDt OD the Eucerty llDe of PiDe Tree Drive ., tbe iDt.enecticm with the Northerly !iDe of West 25th Street. u IbowD OIl me Plat of FLAMlNOO TERRACE EXTENSION, recorded in Plat Boot 31, ., Paac 6J, Public Records of Dade CouDty, Florida; 1hcnce roD Sou1bcrly, alona 1be Easterly !iDe of PiDe Tree Drive fot . cti-.cr of 374.96 feet 10 · point; lbeace nm Wesaaty, . riPt qJa 10 - ~l) IiDc of riDe Tree Ddw for . dj~ Gel 150.00 feet to 1be POINT OF BEGINNINO; dIc::acc M-.t:noJe we~ldy. aIoaa die ext~<liOll of the lilt cSeIc:ribed counc far . ~ of 299.03 ~ dIaa ~ to 1M ript 161-o3'W ad rua ~ far a ~ of 131.14 feet 10 . poim; dIaa cIe&ct 10 1bc left 71-03'09-. IUD Nor6edy lor. di~ of 207.42 feet to. poiIII; thrace nIB Easterly, ., rigbl qJa to tile EuIed, line ofPiDc Tree Drive far . di...,~ of 11$.00 feet to . poim; tb=ace nm Southerly, pmJld 10 the Eucerty liDc of PiDc Tree DIiYe for a cIifb- of 250.00 feet to 1bc POINT OF BEGINNING. Said JaadI ~.,td.lyiDa md beq in 11>> City of MiImi BachIDd comainina 46,3911q1me feet more 01' Jess or 1.()6SO aaa more or Jess. No\E ~ P.O.C. RE~"tO ~\lo('\ o~ COl-1Ht:tolC:-' ~o.~. Rt!.Fe2. \0 PO\\ll Of eeou~"uo. Rlw !.ti.~_~.,.o 2\~ - Of' .VI~'< c. This c:,\(ETCH TO ACCO\...-\?~\..1,( A LtGA\. 'DfSCP. P\lO~ d~not rep~nr 0 iekl ~U~. ^nq~ Qnd - d,~tanc~. te~r to pfi SEd ~'te plonJGAt16AC:l-l- S'<L.~R \NC. J.otAW'~G' A-2 A~t> D~AW\~G' ~H~OB, Cft\( O~ MlAH\ ~eA.C\-t ~EC:OeoS "'''.fl.~00l ~O~ ,~~ C\T,,{ Of H'''Nl eE~\-\ '5M-4S ~~ 458 EXHIBIT "0" Legal Dcs.cz;PtiOD or FaD.Dl Boltz H.ith School Site 1. II 3, Block I, F'LAMINoo TERRACE ADDnlON, according to .the Plat thereof recorded in PI" Book 34, at Page 6, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, addressed as 2425 Pine Tree Drive, Mia.rn.i Beach, Flor1d3. . 459 2.49 ACRE PARCEL EXHIBIT ME" Commence (P.O.C.) 81 a poinl on the Easterly line of Pine Tree Drive at the Poinl of lnlerseclion with the Northerly line of West 25. S_t extended Wes~ as shown on the Plat of Flamingo Terrace Extension, a subdivision recorded in Pial Book 38, at page 61 of the public records of Dade County, Florida and run Due South along an Assumed Bearing, along the Easlerly line of said Pine Tree Drive, a distance of 374.96 feet; thence run Due West across Pine Tree Drive, a distance of 100.00 feet to the Westc:rly line of said Pine Tree Drive and the Point of Beginning (P.O.B.) of the pareel of land hereinafter described; thence continue Due West along the Northerly line and its extension Easterly, the property OCCupied by the Greater Miami Hebrew Academy, located at 2400 Pine Tree Drive, a distance of295.00 feet; thence run Due North, a distance of 110.00 feet; thence run Due West, a distance of 40.00 feet; thence run N.14"28'39"W., a distance of 40.00 feet; thence run Due North, a distance of 46,54 feet; thence run N.22OJ 1'27"E., a distance of 359.13 feet; thence run Due East, a distance of 207.427 feet to the Westerly line of said Pine Tree Drive; thence nm Due South along the Westerly line of Pine Tree Drive. a distance ofS27.00 feet to the Point of Be sinning (P.O.B.). The Area described contains 153.304 square feet, more or less. or 3.519 acres, more or less. LESS AND EXCEPTING: TIiE LANDS DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "B" COMMONL Y KNOWN AS 1lfE 0.38 ACRE MlKVEH PARCEL; AND TIiE LANDs DESCRIBED IN EXHiBIT "C" COMMONLY KNOWN AS TIiE 1.1 ACRE PARCEL. .. 460 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, TRANSMlITING AMENDMENTS TO THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH YEAR 2000 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, CREATING THE SPECIAL PUBLIC FACILITIES EDUCATIONAL LAND USE CATEGORY AND ZONING DISTRICT DESIGNATION AND A TEXT CHANGE TO EFFECTUATE THE CREATION OF SAID DISTRICT FOR THE PROPERTIES AT 2400, 2530 AND 2425 PINE TREE DRIVE, TO THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS AND ALL OTHER REQUIRED STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTAL REVIEW AGENCIES, WHICH AMENDMENTs ARE PURSUANT TO THE SElTLEMENT AGREEMENT DATED 10/17195 BETWEEN THE GREATER MIAMI HEBREW ACADEMY, THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, THE CITIZENS FOR GREENSP ACE, INC. AND THE DAUGHTERS OF ISRAEL, INe. WHEREAs, the Greater Miami Hebrew Academy (hereinafter the "Hebrew Academy") and the City of Miami Beach have filed an application to amend the City of Miami Beach Year 2000 Comprehensive Plan to comply with the terms of the Settlement Agreement which was executed on October 17, 1995 between the Hebrew Academy, the City of Miami Beach, the Citizens for Greenspace, Inc. and the Daughters of Israel, Inc; and WHEREAs, pursuant to the terms of the Settlement Agreement, inter alia, the parties agreed to support Comprehensive Plan text and future land use map amendments, which amendments are set forth in the attached Appendix, which would create a new land use category and a zoning district entitled SPE (Special Public Facilities Educational District), and which said new district would be design~t~ on the properties to be owned by the Hebrew Academy at 2400, 2530, and 2425 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, Florida; and \VHEREAS, on April 29, 1997, the City's Planni"g Board held a public hearing regarding the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments and voted unanimously (7-0) to recommend their approval; and WHEREAS, on October 21, 1997, pursuant to Section 163.3184(15), Florida Statutes, the Mayor and City COmmission held a public hearing to consider the transmittal of the above- ' . .. referenced Comprehensive Plan amendments to the State of Florida Department of Community Agenda Item RSC .3 J }-I'1-'17 461 Date A.lfairs and to all other required state and local aovemmentaJ review agencies and detennined that said amendments should be transmitted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the City Administration is hereby authorized and directed to transmit to the State of Florida Department of Community Affairs, and to all other required state and local governmental review agencies, the amendments to the City's Year 2000 Comprehensive Plan as set forth in the attached Appendix, along with such other documentation as may be required. PASSED and ADOPTED this day of October, 1997. A TrEST: MAYOR CITY CLERK on-... '.IATTCl\~ ~fIROVB) AS 10 &FOI&~ 4AI~ Otof AtIDiI...., LPIIfit1 . 2 462 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH NOrlCE OF ZONING MAP CHANGES AND PERMITTED AND CONDITIONAL USE CHANGES The City of Miami Beach proposes to adopt the following Ordinance: AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA. AMENDING CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ZONING ORDINANCE NO. ag.2665 AND AMENDING THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH OFFICIAL ZONING MAP TO ESTABLISH A NEW ZONING DISTRICT MAP CATEGORY TO BE ENTm.Eo -SPE (SPECIAL PUBLIC FACILITIES EDUCATIONAL DISTRJCTr; BY REZONING THE PROPERTIES KNOWN AS THE -HEBREW ACADEMY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PARCEL- LOCATED AT 2400 PINE TREE DRIVE FROM RS-4 (RESIDENTIAl SINGLE FAMIL Y) TO SPE (SPECIAL PUBLIC FACILITIES EDUCATIONAL), BY REZONING THE ~IKVEH PARCEL- LOCATED AT 2530 PINE TREE DRIVE FROM GU (GOVERNMENT USE) TO SPE (SPECIAL PUBLIC FACILITIES EDUCATIONAL), BY REZONING THE .,., ACRE PARca- LOCATED ADJACENT TO THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF THE HEBREW ACADEMY aEMENTARY SCHOOL PARCEL FROM GU (GOVERNMENT USE) TO SPE (SPECIAl PUBUC FACIlInES EDUCATIONAL), BY REZONING THE -FANA HOlTZ HIGH SCHOOl PARca- lOCATED AT 2425 PINE TREE DRIVE FROM RM-1 (MULTI FAMILY, LOW INTENSITY) TO SPE (SPECIAL PUBLIC FACILmES EDUCATIONAL); BY DELETING IN ITS ENTIRETY SECTION 21-8E REGARDING THE 1989 OPTION BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE HEBREW ACADEMY AND ClARIFYING AND CONFIRMING THE ZONING DESIGNATIONS FOR THE PROPERTIES KNOWN AS THE ~IKVEH PARCEL- FROM RM-1 (MULTI FAMILY, LOW INTENSITY) TO SPE (SPECIAL PUBLIC FACILmES EDUCATIONAl), BY REZONING THE -1.1 ACRE PARCEL- FROM RM-1 (MULTI FAMILY, LOW INTENSITY) TO SPE (SPECIAL PUBLIC FACIlmES EDUCATIONAl), BY REZONING THE rANA HOt TZ HIGH SCHOOL PARca- FROM GU (GOVERNMENT USE) TO SPE (SPECIAL PUBUC FACILmES EDUCA TlOHAl), BY REZONING THE "2.49 ACRE CITY PARCEL- LOCATED ADJACENT TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF THE MIKVEH PARCEL FROM RM-1 (MULTI FAMILY, LOW INTENsITY) TO GU (GOVERNMENT USE), AS AU ARE LEGAlly DESCRIBED IN ATTACHMENTS TO THE ORDINANCE; ESTABLISHING SECTION 6-20.1 TO BE ENTm.eo -SPE SPECIAl PU8Uc FACUnES EOUCATlONAl DISTRICT" AND PROVIDING DEFINITIONS, PURPOses AND USES, AND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS FOR SAID DISTRICT. BY AMENDING SECTION 21-aA1 TO INClUDE THE SPE DISTRICT; PROVIDING FOR REPEAlER. SEVERABIlITY, INClUSION IN THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. oJ 463 (BBARING 01 JBD AND CON'TIJIUlU) TO 11/1~..J7 5:02 P.M.) The areas atfectecl by the proposed ordinanCe .. shown on the map below LIgIIIII 1. .........., ....., ~........ JtS.4 ...e cu m.I Z. 1IlI 1. t Aaw,.... ... ....t .. R 111l12..Aaw ~........ .,. GiU 4. ....... hraf... ~1 II R fUI-.) 5. .,.. HaIlZ HgII SdIaII........t " R (lU m.I A public hearing on the Ordinance will be held by the Miami Beach City Convnission on Tuesday, October 21, 1997 at 5:04 p.m., in the City Commission Chambers, Third Floor, City HaJJ, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida. This item may be continued, and under such cirannstances, additional legal notice would not be provided. Arty person may contact the City Clerk at (305) 673-7411 for information as to the status of this item as a result of the City Commission meeting. If the proposed OnfNnCe passes on first reading, a second reading public hearing will be held and separately noticed for a future date. AI persons are invited to appear at this meeting or be represented by an agent, or to express their views in writing addressed to the City Conmssion c/o the City C1erk. 1700 Convention Center OrNe. 1st Floor. City HaD, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. Inquiries concerning this item shoukf be directed to the City CJer1(, (305) ~7411. Copies of the proposed OnrNnCe and sa related doc:urnents are avaIabIe for inspection during normal business hours in the City Clert(s Office. 1 st Aoor, City Hall. Pursuant to Section 286.0105, Fla. Stat. the City hereby advises the pubic: that: If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter consicIered at this meeting or hearing, such person must insure that a verbatim recotd of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and fMdence upon which the appeal is to be based. This notice does not constitute consent by the City for the introduction or admission of othetwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence. nor does it authorize chaDenges or appeals not otherwise allowed by law. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing special accommodation to patticipate in this proceeding should contact the City Clerk no later than four days prior to the proceeding, telephone (305) 673-7550 for assistance; if hearing impaired, telephone the Florida relay seMce numbers (800) 955-8n1 (TOO) or (800) 95S-8no (VOICE). for assistance. J 464 ATTACHMENT "E" . ORDINANCE NO. ,. AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP CATEGORY OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH YEAR 2000 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN BY ESTABLISHING A NEW FUTURE LAND USE MAP DESIGNATION CATEGORY TO BE ENTITLED "SPE (SPECIAL PUBLIC FACILITIES EDUCATIONAL DISTRICT)"; AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP FOR THE PROPERTIES KNOWN AS THE "HEBREW ACADEMY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PARCEL" LOCATED AT 2400 PINE TREE DRIVE FROM PFE (PUBLIC FACILITY EDUCATION) TO SPE (SPECIAL PUBLIC FACILITIES EDUCATIONAL), THE 8MIKVEH PARCEL" LOCAtED AT 2530 PINE TREE QRJVE FROM PFE (PUBLIC FACILITY EDUCATION) TO SPE (SPECIAL PUBLIC FACILITIES EDUCATIONAQAND THE -1.1 ACRE PARCEL- LOCATED ADJACENTLY TO THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF THE HEBREW ACADEMY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PARCEL FROM PFE (PUBLIC FACILITY EDUCATION) TO SPE (SPECIAL PUBLIC FACILITIES EDUCATIONAL), BY AMENDING THE -FANA HOLTZ HIGH SCHOOL PARCEL- LOCATED AT 2425 PINE TREE DRIVE FROM PF (PUBLIC FACILITY) TO SPE (SPECIAL PUBLIC FACILITIES EDUCATIONAL), BY AMENDING THE 82.49 ACRE CITY PARCEL" LOCATED ADJACENTLY TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF THE MIKVEH PARCEL FROM PFE (PUBLIC FACILITY EDUCATION) TO ROS (RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE); AMENDING PART II: GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH YEAR 2000 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, AS AMENDED, BY ADDING A CATEGORY TO BE ENTiTlED -SPECIAL PUBLIC FACILITIES EDUCATIONAL CATEGORY" TO POLICY 1.2 OF OBJECTIVE 1: LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS OF THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT, ALL PARCELS AS LEGALLY DESCRIBED IN THE ATTACHMENTS TO THE ORDINANCE; DIRECTING TRANSMITTALS OF THIS ORDINANCE AND ALL APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS TO AFFECTED AGENCIES; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, INCLUSION IN THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on June 7, 1989 the City Commission approved an option with the Greater Miami Hebrew Academy, Inc. ("Hebrew Academy") to exchange private land for a portion of the Par 3 Golf Course; and 435 WHEREAS, the Citizens for Greenspace, Inc., filed a lawsuit . r . challenging the exchange of land between the City and the Hebrew Academy; and WHEREAS, in an effort to amicably resolve the litigation, the City, the Hebrew Academy, the Citizens for Greenspace and the Daughters of Israel, Inc., entered into a Settlement Agreement dated October 17, 1995; and WHEREAS, the Settlement Agreement provides for the exchange of certain lands btl~een the City and the Hebrew Academy and specifies certain development rights with respect to certain Hebrew Academy properties; and WHEREAS, in order to effectuate the settlement between the parties, the proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance have been applied for by the Hebrew Academy and the City; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board, at its meeting of April 29, 1997, by a unanimous vote RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of the amendments to the Future Land Use Map, and the amendments to the text of the City of Miami Beach Year 2000 Comprehensive Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. The Future Land Use Map of the City of Miami Beach Year 2000 Comprehensive Plan, as amended, is hereby amended by including a new Future Land Use category to be entitled "SPE (Special Public Facilities Educational District)". SECTION 2. The Future Land Use Map of the City of Miami Beach Year 2000 Comprehensive Plan, as amended, is hereby amended by changing the land use designations for the properties known as: 1 . the "Hebrew Academy Elementary School Parcel" located at 2400 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, Florida from PFE (Public Facility 2 436 Education), hereafter to have the land use designation of SPE (Special Public.Faciliti,s Educational) and which is legally described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof; and 2. the "Mikveh Parcel" located at 2530 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, Florida from PFE (Public Facility Education), hereafter to have the land use designation of SPE (Special Public Facilities Educational) and which is legally described on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof; and 3 the "1.1 Acre Parcel" located adjacently to the north property line of the Hebrew A~demy Elementary School Parcel from PFE (Public Facility Education), hereafter to have the land use designation of SPE (Special Public Facilities Educational) and which is legally described on Exhibit "C. attached hereto and made a part hereof; and 4. the "Fana Holtz High School Parcel. located at 2425 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, Florida from PF (Public Facility), hereafter to have the land use designation of SPE (Special Public Facilities Educational) and which is legally described on Exhibit "0" attached hereto and made a part hereof; and 5. the "2.49 Acre City Parcel" located adjacently to the south property line of the Mikveh Parcel from PFE (Public Facility Education), hereafter to have a land use designation of ROS (Recreation and Open Space) and which is legally described on Exhibit "E" attached hereto and made a part hereof. SECTION 3. The Commission approves amendments to Part II: Goals, Objectives and Policies of the City of Miami Beach Year 2000 Comprehensive Plan, as amended, as follows:v 3 437 "FUTURE j..AND USE ELEMENT '* . . OBJECTIVE 1: LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULAnONS . . . Policy 1.2 . . * Public Facility: Educational (PF (E)) '* . . $R4~ubll'-.FacWJ/aSduC8tJonBI Cat~ ~vl~ODment ODoortunities for existina and new educattonal a~ =:!mm~.~~~rl~~~:lm~~:~Ql , g~.~~~~~~~:i?~~:S~Fi l ~i~lIbl~ ~:~ion~~ lIlIlII-;U= ll1l~~ ~ ~~ 1 9lea:~~~iQance as _~eJ~~~S~;rA~ ; ::'~t~r area ratio of 3.0 and th_ _ _===___= '* . .- SECTION 4. The Administration is hereby instructed to transmit a copy of this Ordinance and all applicable documents Immediately upon approval on First Reading and again after Its adoption on Second Reading to atl agencies as provided by law. The City Commission hereby requests that the state land planning agency review the plan amendments transmitted herewith and Issue a report of its objections, recommendations and comments regarding these proposed plan amendments. SECTION 5. REPEAlER. That all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances In conflict herewith be and same are hereby repealed. SECTION 6. SEVERABILITY. If any section. subsection. clause or provision of this Ordinance Is held invalid, the remainder shall not be affected by such invalidity. 4 438 SECTION 7. INCWSION IN COMPREHENSIVE PlAN. It is 1I1e Intention or 1I1e City Commission, and it Is hereby ordained 1I1at Sections 1, and 2 are made part of the Future Land Use Map of the City of Miami Beach Year 2000 Comprehensive Plan, as amended and , Sectlon 3 of 1I11s Ordinance shall become and be made part of lhe Cily of Miami Beach Year 2000 Comprehensive Plan Part II: Goals, Objectives and Policies, as amended; that the sections of this Ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intention; and that lhe word 'ordlnance' may be changed to "section- or other appropriate word. SECTION 8. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall become effective L--> days after the date of Its enactment; however, the effective date of any plan amendment shall be In accordance with Section 163.3184, Ronda Statutes. PASSED ON FIRST READING the 1997. day of . , PASSED and ADOPTED ON SECOND AND FINAL READING this - day of .1997. MAYOR ATTEST: :Et;~t]~i;1\!~~1~r:~J~a~~~~~~ ~~ "'tAAIL'P"~lU1~L~~/'~ 5 439 , EXHIBIT "A" ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Lqal Description A portion of the land in the S.E. ~ of Section 27, Township 53 South. Range 42 East, Dade County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: From a point on the Easterly line of Pine Tree Drive, at the intersection with the Northerly Line of West 25. Street, as shown on the plat of FLAMINGO TERRACE EXTENSION recorded in Plat Book 38, Page 61 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, run Southerly along the Easterly Line of Pine Tree Drive for a distance of 736.S7 feet to a point;. thence run Westerly, at right angles to the said Easterly Line of Pine Tree Drive for a distance of 150 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the tract of land herein described; from said Point of Beginning continue Westerly along the last course extended at right angles to the said Easterly Line of Pine Tree Drive for a distance of 206.02 feet to a point; thence deflecting to the right 67017'00", run Northwesterly for a distance of 328.50 feet to a point; thence deflecting to the right 48054'00", nm Northeasterly for a distance of 7 1.46 feet to a point; thence deflecting to the right 63049'00", nm Easterly a distance of 299.03 feet to a point, said point being ISO feet Westerly of the Easterly Line of Pine Tree Drive; thence deflecting to the right 90000'00", run Southerly parallel to and 150 feet Westerly of the Easterly Line of Pine Tree Drive for a distance of361.61 feet to the Point of Beginning. . 440 ,.- MIKVEH PARCEL EXHIBIT "8" I" . Commence (P.O.C.) at a point on the Easterly line of Pine Tree Drive, at a point of intersection with the Northerly line of West 25" Street extended West, as shown on the Plat of Flamingo Terrace Extension, a subdivision recorded in Plat Book 38, at page 61 of the public records of Dade County, Florida and run Due South along an Assumed Bearing, along the Easterly line of said Pine Tree Drive, a distance of 374.96 feet; thence run Due West across Pine Tree Drive, a distance of 100.00 feet to the Westerly line of said Pine Tree Drive; thence run Due North along the Westerly line of Pine Tree Driv~, a distance of 527.00 feet to the Point of Beginning (p.O.B.) of the parcel of land hereinafter described; thence continue along the last mentioned course, a distance of 80.00 feet; thence run Due West, a distance of 174.25 feet; thence run S.22031 '21"E.. distance of 86.607 feet; thence run Due East, a distance of 207.427 feet to the Point of Beginning, (p.O.B.) . The land described contains 15,267 square feet, or 0.350 acres, more or less. 441 1" 1.1 ACRE PARCEL EXHIBIT · C .. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Co~ at a poiat 011 die Eascr:rty l.IDe of PiDc Tree Drive . the iDta1ecti0ll with Cbe Nortbcrly tiDe of Welt 25th Street. u IboWIl OIl me Plat or FLAMINGO TERRACE EXTENSION. recorded in Plat Boot 31, It Pile 61. Public b:ards of Dade CoUDty, Florida; 1bcDcc l\IIl So\dberty. alcmc the EIsterty UM of riDe Tree Dri~ for a di~ of 31..96 feet to . point; 1bcDcc NIl Westaiy. at riPt qlea 10 _ EutcrIy tiDe of PUle Tree Drive far . di~ oct 150.00 feet to tbe POINT OF BEOINNlNO; dacacc ~Qe warcdy, aloaa tbe ext--OIl of the Jat deIcribe4 coune far . 41ft-- of 299.03 fecc; dJace ~ tD die ripa 161-03 '09" IDll I'D Nor- r utedy for a di~ or 131.1. feet 10 . ~ dace cIetlcct 110 tbe left 11-03'09- ad IUD Nardledy for a 4i~ ot2D7.42 feet to. poiIII; tbmce lUll Easterly,., risk .... to 1hc EaferlyliDe ofPmc TRIO DIne far . tft~ 0{ 17S.00 feet to . poim; ~ run SUberty, pIIdel to 1he Eastaty liDc of PiDc Tree Drive fix a ~ of 2SO.oo fi:ct 10 1bc POINT Of BEGINNINO. Slid IaDda Jc.r III lI.lyiJIIlDd bdaa ill the City of MiImi Bcadl aDd containin.46,391 tquare feet DXn or less or 1.06.S0 KRS more or less. No\E.~ p. o.c:.. Fa: F'E'2 "ro t=ae\~ Oy Cl::Ilo1H etol<:-. ~o.Q.. ~e.FE2. \0 POt\n O~ ~'N\".1Co ~Iw t..~ct.o 2\<:~ - Of' -V/"'( ).c. this ':,\(c1'"CH TO ACCO\-...!..?~'N.'< A LtGl\l \)ESC~\P\\O~ Q~ not rep~nr 0 (tek:l ~\j~. Arq\es and d\~ tanCe<::L refer to propoSEd s\te plan J GAt18ACk- S'<L~R \Re. J. O~AW\ ~G' A-2 A\-..\t:> DQAWtNG ~H GO B I C\'t\( .ot:: MlAH \ ~e.AC\4 ~Ecoeos 't--\la.~~ zo,' '='~ C\T'< Of "~\t\M \ 6E~\-\ 5h-45 C~ 442 EXHIBIT "0" uLtal Description or FSaml Boltz Rl&h School Site ". I. )t 3, Block: I, FLAMINGO TERRACE ADDmON, according to .the Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 34, at Page 6, of the Public Records or Dade County, Florida, addressed as 2425 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, Florida. 443 1" 2.49 ACRE PARCEL EXHIBIT ME" Commence (P.O.c.) at a point on the Easterly line of Pine Tree Drive at the Point of Intersection with the Northerly line of West 25111 Street extended West., as shown on the Plat of Flamingo Terrace Extension, a subdivision recorded in Plat Book 38, at page 61 of the public records of - Dade County, Florida and run Due South along an Assumed Bearing. along the Easterly line of said Pine Tree Drive, a distance of 374.96 feet; thence run Due West across Pine Tree Drive, a distance of 100.00 feet to the Westerly line of said Pine Tree Drive and the Point of Beginning (P.O.B.) of the parcel of land hereinafter described; thence continue Due West along the Northerly line and its extension Easterly, the property occupied by the Greater Miami Hebrew Academy, located at 2400 Pine Tree Drive, a distance of 295.00 feet; thence run Due North, a distance of 110.00 feet; thence run Due West., a distance of 40.00 feet; thence run N.14028'39nW., a distance of 40.00 feet; thence run Due North. a distance of 46,54 feet; thence run N .22031 '27"E., a distance of 3 5 9 .13 feet; thence run Due East, a distance 0 f 207.427 feet to the Westerly line of said Pine Tree Drive; thence run Due South along the Westerly line of Pine Tree Drive. a distance of 527.00 feet to the Point of Beginning (p.O.B.). The Area described contains 153,304 square feet, more or less, or 3.519 acres, more or less. LESS AND EXCEPTING: THE LANDS DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "B" COMM:ONL Y KNOWN AS THE 0.38 ACRE MIK.VEH PARCEL; AND THE LANDS DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "C" COMMONLY KNOWN AS THE 1.1 ACRE PARCEL, 444 ATTACHMENT "F" CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 1700 Con~ Cent8r 0rW, Mllml Beach, FIcMtd8 33138 http:\\cI.mlMn~.f1.UI Planning, DMlgn and Hlstorlc P~ervatlon Division Telephone (305) 173.7550 FacalmUe 173-7551 July 8, 1998 Mr. Paul Digiuseppe, Planning Manager Plan Processing Team - EAR Review Bureau of Local Planning Division of Resource Planning and Management State of Florida Department of Community Affairs 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 SUBJECT: Submittal of adopted City of Miami Beach 1998 EAR pursuant to 9J-ll.0 18 (3) (g). Dear Mr. Digiuseppe: Enclosed is a copy of the Miami Beach 1998 EAR. The following information is provided: I. LP A public hearings on the EAR were held on August 26, 1997 and December 16, 1997. 2. The City Commission public hearing on the EAR was held on February 18, 1998. 3. A copy of the adoption resolution appears behind Tab 1. 4. The City of Miami Beach planning staffbelieves that it has fulfilled the requirement that it send one copy of the LP A version of the EAR pursuant to 9J-I1.0 18 (2) when it sent DCA a "courtesy" copy of the EAR following the August 26, 1997 public hearing. This copy was sent under a cover letter dated October 10, 1997. 5. The person for the local government who is responsible for ensuring that the EAR is complete or is supplemented with whatever material the Department of Community Affairs may desire in order to determine that the transmission is complete is: /' Mr. Paul Digiuseppe, Planning Manager July 7, 1998 Page 2 Mr. Dean Grandin Planning and Zoning Director City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Telephone: 305-673-7550 Facsimile: 305-673-7559 We are sure that you will be pleased to turn your attention to these enclosures. Yours truly, CI~W~1iH Dean J. Jdin, Planning and Zoning Director Enclosure CITY OF MIAMI BEACH to 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139 http:\\cl.miaml-beach.ft.us Planning, Design and Historic Preservation DIvisIon Telephone (305) 873-7550 FacsImile 873-7559 July 29, 1998 Ms. Carolyn Dekle, Executive Director South Florida Regional Planning Council 3440 Hollywood Boulevard, Suite 140 Hollywood, Florida 33021 SUBJECT: Transmittal of Proposed Miami Beach Comprehensive Plan Amendment Dear Ms. Dekle: Attached is a copy of: (a) A response to the checklist provided by the Department of Community Affairs pursuant to Rule 9J-l1.006, F.A.C. (Attachment A); (b) Analysis of the availability of, and demand on, public facilities (Attachment B); (c) Analysis of the compatibility of the proposed land use change with the land use element goals, objectives and policies, as well as those of other affected elements (Attachment B); (d) A map illustrating the boundary of the subject property and its location in relation to surrounding streets and thoroughfare networks; and the present land use designations of the property and abutting properties (Attachment C); (e) A copy of support documents on which the amendments are based (Attachment B); (f) A copy of Volume 1 Goals, Objectives and Polices of the Comprehensive Plan, as amended through October 9, 1996. This volume contains all of the adopted Comprehensive Plan elements (Attachment D); (g) A copy of Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map Amendment and text Draft Ordinances as adopted on first reading, (Attachment E); (h) A copy of the transmittal letter to DCA for the City's Evaluation and Appmisal Report (EAR) (Attachment F). IL-- Ms. Carolyn Dekle, Executive Director July 29, 1998 Page 2 As per telephone discussion between City of Miami Beach staff and DCA, we have requested that this amendment be included as part of the 98-1 amendment package, which includes the EAR-based amendments submitted earlier this month. If you have any questions or require clarification or any of the enclosed documents, you may contact me at (305) 673-7550. ~ Dean Grandin, Planning and Zoning Director Attachment CITY OF MIAMI BEACH m 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139 http:\\ci.mlami-beach.n.us PlannIng, Design and Historic Preservation DIvision Telephone (305) 873-7550 FacsimIle 873-7559 July 29, 1998 Mr. Gary L. Donn, Director of Planning & Programs Florida Department of Transportation, District 6 602 South Miami Avenue Miami, Florida 33130 SUBJECT: Transmittal of Proposed Miami Beach Comprehensive Plan Amendment Dear Mr. Donn: Attached is a copy of: (a) A response to the checklist provided by the Department of Community Affairs pursuant to Rule 9J-l1.006, F.A.C. (Attachment A); (b) Analysis of the availability of, and demand on, public facilities (Attachment B); (c) Analysis of the compatibility of the proposed land use change with the land use element goals, objectives and policies, as well as those of other affected elements (Attachment B); (d) A map illustrating the boundary of the subject property and its location in relation to surrounding streets and thoroughfare networks; and the present land use designations of the property and abutting properties (Attachment C); (e) A copy of support documents on which the amendments are based (Attachment B); (t) A copy of Volume 1 Goals, Objectives and Polices of the Comprehensive Plan, as amended through October 9, 1996. This volume contains all of the adopted Comprehensive Plan elements (Attachment D); (g) A copy of Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map Amendment and text Draft Ordinances as adopted on first reading, (Attachment E); (h) A copy of the transmittal letter to DCA for the City's Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) (Attachment F). Mr. Gary L. Donn, Director of Planning & Programs July 29, 1998 Page 2 As per telephone discussion between City of Miami Beach staff and DCA, we have requested that this amendment be included as part of the 98-1 amendment package, which includes the EAR-based amendments submitted earlier this month. If you have any questions or require clarification or any of the enclosed documents, you may contact me at (305) 673-7550. Sincerely, ~~ Dean Grandin, Planning and Zoning Director Attachment CITY OF MIAMI BEACH to 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139 http:\\ci.miami-beach.fl.ua Planning, Design and Historic PreselVatlon Division Telephone (305) 673-7550 Facsimile 673-7559 July 29, 1998 Mr. John Higgins, Senior Planner South Florida Water Management District Post Office Box 24680 3301 Gun Club Road West Palm Beach, Florida 33416-4680 SUBJECT: Transmittal of Proposed Miami Beach Comprehensive Plan Amendment Dear Mr. Higgins: Attached is a copy of: (a) A response to the checklist provided by the Department of Community Affairs pursuant to Rule 9J-11.006, F.A.C. (Attachment A); (b) Analysis of the availability of, and demand on, public facilities (Attachment B); (c) Analysis of the compatibility of the proposed land use change with the land use element goals, objectives and policies, as well as those of other affected elements (Attachment B); (d) A map illustrating the boundary of the subject property and its location in relation to surrounding streets and thoroughfare networks; and the present land use designations of the property and abutting properties (Attachment C); (e) A copy of support documents on which the amendments are based (Attachment B); (f) A copy of Volume 1 Goals, Objectives and Polices of the Comprehensive Plan, as amended through October 9, 1996. This volume contains all of the adopted Comprehensive Plan elements (Attachment D); (g) A copy of Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map Amendment and text Draft Ordinances as adopted on first reading, (Attachment E); (h) A copy of the transmittal letter to DCA for the City's Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) (Attachment F). Mr. John Higgins, Senior Planner July 29, 1998 Page 2 As per telephone discussion between City of Miami Beach staff and DCA, we have requested that this amendment be included as part of the 98-1 amendment package, which includes the EAR-based amendments submitted earlier this month. If you have any questions or require clarification or any of the enclosed documents, you may contact me at (305) 673-7550. Sill $a ~ Dean Grandin, Planning and Zoning Director Attachment CITY OF MIAMI BEACH m 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139 http:\\CI.miami-beach.ft.ul Planning, Design and Hlstortc Preservation Division Telephone (305) 673-7550 Facsimile 673-7559 July 29, 1998 Mr. Robert Hall, Environmental Specialist Office of Intergovernmental Programs Florida Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 47 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 SUBJECT: Transmittal of Proposed Miami Beach Comprehensive Plan Amendment Dear Mr. Hall: Attached is a copy of: (a) A response to the checklist provided by the Department of Community Affairs pursuant to Rule 9J-ll.006, F.A.C. (Attachment A); (b) Analysis of the availability of, and demand on, public facilities (Attachment B); (c) Analysis of the compatibility of the proposed land use change with the land use element goals, objectives and policies, as well as those of other affected elements (Attachment B); (d) A map illustrating the boundary of the subject property and its location in relation to surrounding streets and thoroughfare networks; and the present land use designations of the property and abutting properties (Attachment C); (e) A copy of support documents on which the amendments are based (Attachment B); (f) A copy of Volume 1 Goals, Objectives and Polices of the Comprehensive Plan, as amended through October 9, 1996. This volume contains all of the adopted Comprehensive Plan elements (Attachment D); (g) A copy of Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map Amendment and text Draft Ordinances as adopted on first reading, (Attachment E); (h) A copy of the transmittal letter to DCA for the City's Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) (Attachment F). Mr. Robert Hall, Environmental Specialist July 29, 1998 Page 2 As per telephone discussion between City of Miami Beach staff and DCA, we have requested that this amendment be included as part of the 98-1 amendment package, which includes the EAR-based amendments submitted earlier this month. If you have any questions or require clarification or any of the enclosed documents, you may contact me at (305) 673-7550. Sincerely, fljA Dean Grandin, Planning and Zoning Director Attachment CITY OF MIAMI BEACH lQ 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139 http:\\cI.miami-beach.ft.uI Planning, Design and Historic Preservation Division Telephone (305) 673-7550 Facsimile 673-7559 July 29, 1998 Mr. George W. Percy, Director Division of Historic Resources Department of State 500 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 SUBJECT: Transmittal of Proposed Miami Beach Comprehensive Plan Amendment Dear Mr. Percy: Attached is a copy of: (a) A response to the checklist provided by the Department of Community Affairs pursuant to Rule 9J-l1.006, F.A.C. (Attachment A); (b) Analysis of the availability of, and demand on, public facilities (Attachment B); (c) Analysis of the compatibility of the proposed land use change with the land use element goals, objectives and policies, as well as those of other affected elements (Attachment B); (d) A map illustrating the boundary of the subject property and its location in relation to surrounding streets and thoroughfare networks; and the present land use designations of the property and abutting properties (Attachment C); (e) A copy of support documents on which the amendments are based (Attachment B); (f) A copy of Volume 1 Goals, Objectives and Polices of the Comprehensive Plan, as amended through October 9, 1996. This volume contains all of the adopted Comprehensive Plan elements (Attachment D); (g) A copy of Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map Amendment and text Draft Ordinances as adopted on first reading, (Attachment E); (h) A copy of the transmittal letter to DCA for the City's Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) (Attachment F). Mr. George W. Percy, Director July 29, 1998 Page 2 As per telephone discussion between City of Miami Beach staff and DCA, we have requested that this amendment be included as part of the 98-1 amendment package, which includes the EAR-based amendments submitted earlier this month. If you have any questions or require clarification or any of the enclosed documents, you may contact me at (305) 673-7550. Sill At, Dean Grandin, Planning and Zoning Director Attachment CITY OF MIAMI BEACH lQ 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139 http:\\cl.miami-beach.".ul Planning, Design and Historic Pl'Hervatlon Division Telephone (305) 873-7550 Facsimile 873-7558 July 29, 1998 Mr. Guillermo Olmedillo, Director Department of Planning, Development and Regulation Metropolitan Dade County 111 N.W. 1st Street, Suite 1110 Miami, Florida 33128-1974 SUBJECT: Transmittal of Proposed Miami Beach Comprehensive Plan Amendment Dear Mr. Olmedillo: Attached is a copy of: (a) A response to the checklist provided by the Department of Community Affairs pursuant to Rule 9J-l1.006, F.A.C. (Attachment A); (b) Analysis of the availability of, and demand on, public facilities (Attachment B); (c) Analysis of the compatibility of the proposed land use change with the land use element goals, objectives and policies, as well as those of other affected elements (Attachment B); (d) A map illustrating the boundary of the subject property and its location in relation to surrounding streets and thoroughfare networks; and the present land use designations of the property and abutting properties (Attachment C); (e) A copy of support documents on which the amendments are based (Attachment B); (t) A copy of Volume 1 Goals, Objectives and Polices of the Comprehensive Plan, as amended through October 9, 1996. This volume contains all of the adopted Comprehensive Plan elements (Attachment D); (g) A copy of Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map Amendment and text Draft Ordinances as adopted on fIrst reading, (Attachment E); (h) A copy of the transmittal letter to DCA for the City's Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) (Attachment F). Mr. Guillermo Olmedillo, Director July 29, 1998 Page 2 Please forward to Robert U sherson, Chief of Metropolitan Planning Section. As per telephone discussion between City of Miami Beach staff and DCA, we have requested that this amendment be included as part ofthe 98-1 amendment package, which includes the EAR-based amendments submitted earlier this month. If you have any questions or require clarification or any of the enclosed documents, you may contact me at (305) 673-7550. Sincerely, ilJl Dean Grandin, Planning and Zoning Director Attachment ATTACHMENT -D- 1994 AMENDMENTS TO THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH YEAR 2000 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PART ll: GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES with Monitoring and Evalnation Procedures Adopted by Ordinance No. 94-2928 on June 2, 1994 Re-adopted pursuant to Compliance Agreement by Ordinance No. 96-3058 on October 9, 1996, pursuant to Sections 163.3184, 163.3187, and 163.3189, F. S. Prepared by Robert K. Swarthout, Incorporated Miami Beach Planning, Design and Historic Preservation Division Dean Grandin, Director