Section J Special Warranty This instrument prepared by: Stuart K. Hoffman, Esq. HOLLAND & KNIGHT 701 Brickell Avenue Miami, Florida 33131 FOLIO NUMBERS: GRANTEE TAX ID# SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED FOR BUILDINGS AND IMPROVEMENTS THIS INDENTURE, made this ~\~~ day of October, 1997, between Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency, a Florida public body corporate and poli tic, whose address is \100 C-oi~"(NII [H\) ~T{;a.. :pl!.... _.. . ~1'A-Ml i>~H- kofl../bA 3'2.13Q (the "Grantor"), and the RDP Royal Palm Hotel I Limited Partnership, a Florida limited partnership, whose address is ,0 I 'F;QIC [l..fLL.. tit \J~I\lUE. , lAA I ~ I f:LO,l../l)A "'33/3; . I (the "Grantee"), WITNESSETH, that Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00), to Grantor in hand paid by Grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to Grantee, and Grantee's heirs and assigns forever, all buildings (including footings and foundations), building equipment, and other improvements and appurtenances of every kind and description now existing or hereafter erected, constructed, or placed upon the land hereinafter described, and any and all alternations and replacements thereof, additions thereto and subs~itutions therefor, located on the following described land, being in Dade County, Florida, to wit: See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Subject to matters as shown on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof. AND, Grantor covenants that at the time of delivery of this deed, except as described above,the property is free of any encumbrance made by Grantor, and Grantor specially warrants title to the property, and will defend it against the lawful claims and demands of all persons claiming by, through or under Grantor, but against none other. "Grantor" and "Grantee" are used herein in the singular or the plural, as the contex~ may require. T'lO IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has hereunto set Grantor's hand and seal on the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in our presence: - L ;. J 'I't ,-- <. ' "",~< j ...:... \ 7. J ,', ". 2 ' <;" ,.I.' ~ ;. '" ' <, '....: Miami Beach RedeYi!lopment .:' : Agep.cy, a F10~' da publi..~' b~dy .~:. f corJ>ora te and 01i tic I)'.' \'',r ',v ." ~ ~ _.,~: \ \ U I . " ) t. '. i, \' \. \,,\' B~ /Q.. I~\'\' p;rinjte Name: 5::E:'1M DUlL &' E:L.~.r'_ Tit 1 e : CA..1A I (2..M -AN APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE' - & FOR EXECunON WITNESSES: ss: AJ/ 1M1J:f1L .l?/t'7 F_~~~=~~ .... Gftn~' (/""""_! State of Florida County of Dade The ,Loregoing instrument was sworn to and subscribed before me this d/ S, day of October, 1997, by Serollr ~I b-t~ , as J.4 A 'tOr of Miami each Redevelopment Agency, a FlorIda public body corporate and politic, on behalf of the Agency, who is ~ersonally known to me or has produced as identification. (NOTARY SEAL) ~/3~ Name: 1..../11 ,"orJ ~eatJrha~ Notary Public, State o:E Florida Commission No. {!~3C/"?~j2- My Commission Expires: Fl L NOTARY SEAL ULUAN BEAUCHAMP MIA4-553727 Nal'ARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLOR!DA COMMISSION NO. CC347882 MY COMMISSION EXP. FEB. 1:1.1998 j ," OU2 2 EXHIBIT "A" PARCEL' I: Lots 6 and -15. the North' 10 feet of LOts 5 and 16. and the South 12.65 feet of Lots 14 and 7, in Block 56, of FISHER'S FIRST SUBDIVISION; OF ALTON BEACH, "acco):"ding to the Plat .thereof, recorded in Plat Book 2. at page 77, of the Public Record;:; of DADE County, Florida. PARCEL II: ~ Norc.h '1./2 o! Lot ..~. tha South Ao'~eat ~. %.at s, .;and SO\1~b "'0 f'eer. or Lor. :1.6 ~ tha 1:0rt:h 'J./~ of Lot: :1.7. BlOC); 2SG, F.ISH'ImS..PIRST. SUBDIVISl:D:{ 01' ALTa.l ~, Xb.m! Bebc;r 'P'J.O=icla. eccording to t:hG flet thereof CUJ. reoordl!d .1.0 PIc.t Book :2, Page' '7'7.' or the 1'ubl i ~ ot. Dl:.rle c~, Plorida, . " "1'hct p.u-cel of. land adjacent: 1::.0 And,'1nw.edictely Eatll: oJ: the Llbovo ll1Oru:...io~..D.nd. ~or~ao.ir: dcaC::ipt.;l.on ot t'=opc:rcy eoa more parC.1cul.D.rly d.:e~c:ri~d as follov:l2 - _ . ~"Glbo:N~ he. a. point: vtlich 1s the .:!.nton.cct::ion ot the center .l.i.n.e of Lot 4 r tl101:k 56 l:U; ~h.c:nm c..o .. PIlle recorded ic Plat Bocl: 2, Page: 77, of t:~ Public Rac:Ord.:r of Dade CDun~, Pla:.-ida,nnc t...'"le E~:s t line ot aaid Lo: ~ r BlocX 5'(;, run 1l0rtherly along the East lIne oie Bloc~ 5G ~ cHx;t.c-"'1ce or: 65.91 !c:et. to c l'oint; then.cr: run East~rly along 't:hs Uorthe.rly line o:! t:.r.:: Scu~h (,Q feot o:t. Lot: 3, at nlo~ 56 produced Bl1tJr:r:::rly a di::t.a.c.ce o%: 6Q reot more 0::- lQs:;. to t:1'";e mc:an high "'atar ~ine or ctu: Atla.ntic OccD.nz thence .sOU~rly. ~l1ndering cne said mco.n high wat:c:r line 4l. (Htlt.~e of 66 fec:t. lllore or lc:5~ to a po1nL; th.ac.c~ Wect:c:::-ly =.lung the: eetH::er line of said Lot .(. Block. !S6. prodUced l:ast:.=rly a d~~,,",:: a!: 60 ::cc-::. TrDre or 1C9S to t.he point of begir.ni.ng. t~' 003 EXHIBIT B TITLE MATTERS RP LAND AND SHORECREST LAND 1. Taxes for 1998 and subsequent years. 2. Plat Book 105, at Page 62, Re: Erosion Control Plat/Map. 3. The rights of the United States Government and/or of the State of Florida, arising by reason of the United States Government's control over navigable waters in the interest of navigation and commerce, and the inalienable-rights of the State of Florida, in artificially filled-in land which was formerly navigable waters. 4. Rights, if any, of the public, acquired by previous adverse use or by virtue of local custom with respect to the special nature of seaside beaches, to use any part of the land seaward of the natural line of vegetation or of the extreme high water line, as a public beach or recreation area. MIA4-531875 ,~. 004