Section K Financing Statement
NOTE: This is a two-part form. Send both parts to the Department of State for filing. If a copy of this form is needed prior to filing, make photocopies for your records.
,-: 8 u 9 2 IMPORTANT: Read instructions on back before filling out form.
Seminole Form UCC-I
FORM UCC-1 (REV. 1993)
This Financing Statement is presented to a filing officer for filing pursuant to the Uniform Commercial Code:
1. Debtor (Last Name First if an Individual) 1a. Date of Birth or Ei#
RDP a1 Palm Hotel Limited partnershi tnershi
1. IngAdress
701 Brickell Avenue SUite 2040
2. Additional Debtor or rade Name (Last Name Irst if an Individual)
3. ured arty (Last Name irst if an Individual)
Miami Beach Redve10 , a
38. IIIng Address
1700 Convention Center Drive
4. Assignee of Secured Party (Last Name First if an Individual)
2b. Mailing Address
rate and Politic
3c. Zip Code
41. IIing Address
5. This Financing tatement covers the following types or items or property (Include description of real property on which located and owner of record when
required. If more space is required, attach additional sheet(s)].
See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof.
6. Check only if Applicable: D Products of collateral are also covered.
D Proceeds of collateral are also covered.
D Debtor is transmitting utility.
7. Check appropriate box: D All documentary stamp taxes due and payable or to become due and payable pursuant to s. 201.22 F.S., have been paid.
(One box must be marked) 0 Florida Documenta Starn Tax Is not ulred.
8. In accordance with s. 679.402(2), F.S., this statement is filed without the Debtor's signature 9. Number of additional sheets presented'
to perfect a security Interest In collateral: .
D already subject to a security Interest In another jurisdiction when It was brought into this
state or debtor's location changed to this state.
D which Is proceeds of the original collateral described above In which a security interest was
D as to which the filing has lapsed. Date filed
UCC.1 file number .
D acquired after a change of name, Identity, or corporate structure of the debtor.
This Space for Use of Filing Officer
and previous
; )
trL P.
I Stuart K. Hoffman, Esq.
Holland & Knight LLP
701 Brickell Avenue, Suite 3000
Miami, Florida 33131
1. Building Equipment described as follows:
all installations incorporated in, located at or attached to and used or usable in
the operation of, or in connection with, the Premises and shall include, but
shall not be limited to, machinery, apparatus, devices, motors, engines,
dynamos, compressors, pumps, boilers and burners, heating, lighting,
plumbing, ventilating, air cooling and air conditioning equipment; chutes,
ducts, pipes, tanks, fittings, conduits and wiring; incinerating equipment;
elevators, escalators and hoists; washroom, toilet and lavatory plumbing
equipment; window washing hoists and equipment; and all additions or
replacements thereof, excluding, however, any personal property which is
owned by Subtenants, licensees, concessionaires or contractors (except to the
extent aay of the foregoing are Affiliates of Debtor) FF&E and Operating
2. FF&E described as follows:
all furniture, wall, floor and ceiling coverings, fixtures and equipment (other
than Building Equipment and Operating Equipment) located at or used in
connection with the Hotel, including (without limitation): (a) all furniture,
furnishings, built-in serving or service furniture, carpeting, draperies,
decorative millwork, decorative lighting, doors, cabinets, hardware, partitions.
(but not permanent walls), television receivers and other electronic equipment,
interior plantings, interior water features, artifacts and artwork, and interior
and exterior graphics; (b) office furniture; (c) communications equipment; (d)
all fixtures and specialized hotel equipment used in the operation of kitchens,
laundries, dry cleaning facilities, bars and restaurants; (e) telephone and call
accounting systems; (f) rooms management systems, point-of-sale accounting
equipment, front and back office accounting, computer, duplicating systems
and office equipment; (g) cleaning and engineering equipment and tools; (h)
vehicles; (i) recreational equipment; and U) all other similar items which are
used in the operation of the Hotel, excluding, however, any personal property
which is owned by Subtenants, licensees, concessionaires or contractors (except
tc the extent any of the foregoing are Affiliates of Debtor).
3... Oper~ting Equipment described as follows:
all chinaware, glassware, linens, silverware, uniforms and menus.
4. All products and proceeds from items 1, 2 and 3.
Any reference to the Premises means the Land described on Exhibit A attached hereto and
made a part hereof and the Improvements thereon which include a Hotel to be constructed on
the Land in accordance with that certain Agreement of Lease between Miami Beach
Redevelopment Agency and RDP Royal Palm Hotel Limited Partnership and any buildings
(including footings and foundations) and other improvements appurtenances of every kind and
description now existing or hereafter erected, constructed, or placed upon the Land (whether
temporary or permanent), and any and all alterations and replacements thereof, additions thereto
and substitutions therefor.
Lots 6 and 15, th Nth' 10 f t f LOts 5 and 16, 'and the South 12.65 feet of Lots
14 and 7, in Bloc~ 560,r of FIS~R?S FIRST SUBDIVISION, OF ALTON BEACH,
'according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 2, at page 77, of the Public
Record~ of DADE County, Florida.
~ ~ ~/2 at Lot: ~ ~ tba Sou~ '0 ~ect o:f. ~t 51 .and SOI.a:h ,(0 t'ee~ o~ Lot: J.5 ~
tha 1:ort:h '-/~ of Lot: '-7, B10CX !S6,' FJ:SIDm5. FIRST. SUBnIVrSID:{ or M..'ta.t ~, )(1A1t11 Beaer
. 'Flor.1cla., occcrding co tM 1?J.ct cheroot ntJ. reCXlrd~d. in P10.t: Beok:; 2. Pllge 77,' or tone Publ i
~ at Dwe c~, florida,. .. . . ." _ .
'1" pOU'Csl ot l~"d adjacenc 1:0 ~ 1Tllllled1l1tely Eacr: or t.b<: Llbovn zrtanUOncd ilnd t.'ot'l::l1Oir
dCIIC:::ipt.:i.on at t==opc:rc:y aod mo.reparC.1c:u.l..a.rly d.e!;cribdd as f:ol101ol:J% _
~~1:>Ui~ ht:. .. poi~t: wh.1ch is the .:Lntonection ot the =ntc..rl~ of Lot. 4, nlOt:k: 55 (U;
:shov:: on ~ Plnc recorded in Plat Bocl:: 2, ['age 77,. of t:h.e Public R.ocO~ o( Oade Coun~,
Fla::'~da,Dnc L'":..e E.:.:st line ot said Lot: -i, Bleck 56, run Northerly along t:he Ea~t line 0:
Bloc~ ~G l\ di~t.c....,cc. at: 65.91 !c:et to a point; thence- run Basterly along 1:.ha Uortherly
line o!: tr.e S~'::~ <'0 feot. o~ Lot ~, ot nlo~ 56' produced Hllllcr::rly l1 at 60 rc:ot
TOO=~ c::=- lQ.r;=. t.c the mean high \6/atar ~ine or cn~ Atlnntic <X:cnnr r::.hcnce .sOUt.hcrly.
t:\ea.nC.ering CTle sa i.d mcnn high wat:er line a cHnt.=c of 66 fee.t, Tllore or 10:3/5 to e polnl;
t:.h.acce l-iesc:crly ~lCing the Cer"!!:er line ol oald Lat -<, Bloc.'<. !S6, prodUced I:"9~rly a
d~ t:.a=.----;: a ~ 60 :::: e C::, rr.ot'c or less to t.he point. of
NOTE: This is a two-part form. Send both parts to the Department of State for filing. If a copy of this fol'n1 is needed prior to filing, make photocopies for your records.
'8690 IMPORTANT: Read instructions on back before filling out form.
Seminole Form UCC-I
This Financing Statement is presented to a filing officer lor Iiling pursuant to the Uniform Commercial Code:
1. tor (Last Name First if an Individual) 1a. Date of Birth or FEI#
RDP al Palm Hotel Limited partnershi
1. II ng ddress ode
701 Brickell Avenue, SUite 2040
2. Additional Debtor or rade ame (Last Name First If an Individual) 2a.
2b. iIIng Address
5. Is nanclng Statement covers the following types or Items or property [Include description of real property on which located and owner of record when
required. If more space Is required, attach additional sheet(s)).
See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof.
6. Check only If Applicable: 0 Products of collateral are also covered.
o Proceeds of collateral are also covered.
o Debtor Is transmitting utility.
7. Check appropriate box: 0 All documentary stamp taxes due and payable or to become due and payable pursuant to s. 201.22 F.S., have been paid.
(One box must be marked) 0 Florida Documenta Starn Tax Is not ulred.
8. In accoi"dance'wlth s. 679.402(2), F.S., this statement Is filed without the Debtor's signature 9. Number of additional sheets presented:
to perfect a security Interest In collateral:
o already subject to a security Interest In another jurisdiction when it was brought Into this
state or debtor's location changed to this state.
o which is proceeds of the original collateral described above In which a security interest was
o as to which the filing has lapsed. Date flied
UCC-1 file number
o acquired after a change of name, ide
This Space for Use of Filing Officer
and previous
Stuart K. Hoffman, Esq.
Holland & Knight LLP
701 Brickell Avenue, Suite 3000
Miami. F'l or; n.::l i i11 1
1. Building Equipment described as follows:
all installations incorporated in, located at or attached to and used or usable in
the operation of, or in connection with, the Premises and shall include, but
shall not be limited to, machinery, apparatus, devices, motors, engines,
dynamos, compressors, pumps, boilers and burners, heating, lighting,
plumbing, ventilating, air cooling and air conditioning equipment; chutes,
ducts, pipes, tanks, fittings, conduits and wiring; incinerating equipment;
elevators, escalators and hoists; washroom, toilet and lavatory plumbing
equipment; window washing hoists and equipment; and all additions or
replacements thereof, excluding, however, any personal property which is
owned by Subtenants, licensees, concessionaires or contractors (except to the
extent any of the foregoing are Affiliates of Debtor) FF&E and Operating
2. FF&E described as follows:
all furniture, wall, floor and ceiling coverings, fixtures and equipment (other
than Building Equipment and Operating Equipment) located at or used in
connection with the Hotel, including (without limitation): (a) all furniture,
furnishings, built-in serving or service furniture, carpeting, draperies,
decorative millwork, decorative lighting, doors, cabinets, hardware, partitions
(but not permanent walls), television receivers and other electronic equipment,
interior plantings, interior water features, artifacts and artwork, and interior
and exterior graphics; (b) office furniture; (c) communications equipment; (d)
all fixtures and specialized hotel equipment used in the operation of kitchens,
laundries, dry cleaning facilities, bars and restaurants; (e) telephone and call
accounting systems; (f) rooms management systems, point-of-sale accounting
equipment, front and back office accounting, computer, duplicating systems
and office equipment; (g) cleaning and engineering equipment and tools; (h)
vehicles; (i) recreational equipment; and (j) all other similar items which are
used in the operation of the Hotel, excluding, however, any personal property
which is owned by Subtenants, licensees, concessionaires or contractors (except
to the extent any of the foregoing are Affiliates of Debtor).
3.-'. - Operating Equipment described as follows:
all chinaware, glassware, linens, silverware, uniforms and menus.
4. All products and proceeds from items I, 2 and 3.
Any reference to the Premises means the Land described on Exhibit A attached hereto and
made a part hereof and the Improvements thereon which include a Hotel to be constructed on
the Land in accordance with that certain Agreement of Lease between Miami Beach
Redevelopment Agency and RDP Royal Palm Hotel Limited Partnership and any buildings
(including footings and foundations) and other improvements appurtenances of every kind and
description now existing or hereafter erected, constructed, or placed upon the Land (whether
temporary or permanent), and any and all alterations and replacements thereof, additions thereto
and substitutions therefor.
Lot.S6 and 15, the North' 10 f t f LOts 5 and 16, and the South 12.65 feet of Lots
14 and 7. in Block 56. of FtS~R?S FIRST SUBDIVISION; OF' ALTON BEACH,
'according to the Plat.thereof, recorded in Plat Book 2, at page 77, of the Public
Record$ of DADE County, Florida.
~ ~ J./'2 ot Lac: <C. ~ tbcr Sout:h ~o.t'ect 0:. ILlt S, 'dnd. SOtu:h ,(0 t'eec c~ Lot: 1.5 dn-
th8 1:ort:h 1./2 of L::lt: 1.7, B.1.OCX 1St>>; ~. PJ:RST. SUBnIVrSIQ:f or M.~ D.!:A:CH, M1aJtll Bea
' occording co eha ?lot t:he.reot: CUJ. .reoord~c1 in Plo.t Beak. 2. P.!lge 77.' c~ t~ t"ub
~ o! D( C~-u:y, Plorida, . . . . .' _ _. .
"rh:lt: pou:-cal ot lend adjacent: to .:tnd 1nun.ed1ately faoe or t::.hc nbova znant::.ioncd .and ~ort:Q'O'
dCII<==.iption 01: t::=oDc:rey ac~ mo....-e parC.1cu1.D.rly d,elOcribdd as follov:lz _ _
Bl:GJ:~o;..z:; bot: ... poi:-:.t: I.fh1ch 1.3 t:h.e 01: the =nt.c.r .11.n.e of Lot. 4., tuock 56 c
:%hov:; 0..0 R flInt: recorded i'C Plat. Book 2, Page 77,. of t:he Public: R.QcO~ Of Dade Cou'n~.
Flo-=~d.a ,nI1c c...';.e E.:::s t line: at BlIi~ Lot: .{, Block 56 t run Northerly along t:h~ East c:
B1.oclr; ::3G ~ diGt.C-.."'\cc or 65.91 !t:et to c point; run saGtc:rly 'l:b.8 Uart.he.rly
line o! ~h:= Sou::;' t.a feot: at Lot: ~. ot 56 produced ElIer:!:rly a cH::t.ancc: ot 60 rcot
tt)O=~ c::::- lQJt:::. to tlie mean high '-iaCar 1.ine or cl1c Atlc..nt:ic Ocean: thence ~OUc:h.crly.
C\ en/: sa. l.c mcnn high water line a cHnt.d.."'tCe or 66 feet.. r:10re or 10:515 to & po1nL
t:1usc..::~ Wesr:c::::ly thc= Cel'\t:er line ot Baid. Lot .(. Bl.oc.'<. ~G. ~rodUccd l:a9't';.(:rly a
d~ t:.a.::.-----= 0 ~ 60 :: t.: C::. TrDrc or l.e~:l to t"-hc point. of beqir..ning.