2) Financing Statement c( ~ C-UM-U. f, (>> /Lt5F- # Sf 0 - ~(LO~ 4t)... , 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 STATE OF FLORIDA UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT FORM A. NAME &. DAYTIME PHONE NUMBER OF CONTACT PERSON CFN 20CI5H01.-;7'7706 OR E,k 23i05 F's 0702i (ips) REUJRDED 02/23/2005 09:43:41 HAf;VEY FdJVHh CLERK OF COUFa MIAMI-DADE COUNTY. FLORIDA LAST hiGE B. SEND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO: Name Stuart K. Hoffman. Esq. AU..... Hunton &; Williams LLP Address 1111 Brickell Ave.. Ste. 2500 CirvlStatelZio Hi ami FL 33131 THE ABOVE SPACE IS FOR FILING OFFICE USE ONLY la. INITIAL FINANCING STATEMENT FILE # Official Records Book 18170. Page 1182 2. CURRENT RECORD INFORMATION - DEBTOR NAME - INSERT ONLY ONE DEBTOR NAME Za OR Zb 2a.ORGANIZATION'SNAME RDP Royal Palm Hotel Limited Partnership 2b.INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME lb. This FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT i.1O be filed [for record] (orrccorded) in lhe REAL ESTATE RECORDS. 3. CURRENT RECORD INFORM A nON - SECURED PARTY NAME -INSERT ONLY ONE SECURED PARTY NAME a OR 3b 3a,ORGANIZATION'SN Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency, a Florida Public Body Corporate 3b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX and politic SUFm( . TERMINATION: Effectiv......oflh. Financin. Statement identified above is terminaled with _tlO ICCUrity interest(s) oflhe Secured Party authorizina this Termination Statement. s. CONTINUATION: Effectiveness of the FinancinS Scalement identified above wilh respecllO security intereSl(s) of the Secured Party aulhorizing this Continuation Stalement is continued for the itional videe! b a Iica I. Iaw_ ASSIGNMENT (full orpaltial): Give name ofassisnee in item 9a or 9b and address ofassill"cc in item 9c; and alsoaive oameofassilll1or io item II. 7. AMENDMENT (PARTY INFORMATION): This AmendmentlffeclS CJ Debtor ll[ ('JjSecured Party ofrccord_ Oleck only ~ ofth... two boxes. AIIO check one of the following three boxes .nd provide appropriate information In Items 8 and/or 9. 1r'..1, CHANGE name and/or address: Giv. current record name in item 8a or 8b; r DELETE name: Give record name r,r.. ..~ ADD name: Compl.te item 9a or 9b, U Also aive new name (if name chang.) in item 9a or 9b andlorn.w address ~. ) 10 be deleled in item Sa or 8b. C' and 9c; also complete items 9<1-98 (if (if address chanse) in item 9c. -..:;j ... applicable). 8. CURRENT RECORD INFORMATION - INSERT ONLY ONE NAME Sa OR 8b - Do Not Abbreviate or Combine Names Sa. ORGANIZATION'S NAME MIDDLE NAME 9b. INDIVIDUALS' LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX 9c. MAILING ADDRESS CITY ge.TYPE OF ORGANIZATION STATE II. NAME OF SECURED PA aulhnri7.ed hy a Deblllr. which coli lulhorizin Ibis Amendment Ila.ORGANIZATION'SNA ECORD AUTIIORIZING TIllS AMENDMENT (name or iII:!a:ioigll\H. iflhi~ i~ WI ~ifllllllt'::lll). 1f thiti is iU\ ArIlc:mlmem lW" add~ the lIuthnri7.ine f'lP.htnr. 1M" if thi. jff; II Trnnin.tim IIlIthnri:norl hy ,. OIohtnr. r.hrr.k hr.1'f! L Ann P.nIM nAmr: nf ORRTOR lIb. INDIVIDUALS' LAST Redevelopment Agency, a Florida Public Body Corporate and politic I'IRSTNAMI! David MIDDLE NAME 1Yry~r STANDARD I'ORM - FORM ucc-, (REY.IZI1OOI) "mOB om... Copy ApprOVed by [lie Secre.ary or s..... s.... or ..Ionaa 1111111 111111111111111 11111 111111111111111111 CFN 2005R() 1 77 7()7 O~: P..k 23105 F'gS 0703 .0 710; (8P9S) RECORDED 02/23/2005 09:43:41 HAf\:VEY RU\iHh CLERK OF CQUla MIAMI -DADE COUNTY. FLOIi'IDA Recording Cover Page Type of Document: Amendment to Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions First Party: Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency Second Party: RDP Royal Palm Hotel Limited Partnership Total Number of Pages including cover page: 8 Prepared by: Nathalie Legagneur, Esq. Hunton & Williams LLP 1111 Brickell Avenue, Suite 2500 Miami, Florida 33131 Record and Return to: Nathalie Legagneur, Esq. Hunton & Williams 1111 Brickell Avenue, Suite 2500 Miami, Florida 33131 File Reference: 61760.5 62851.000002 MIAMI 135337vl s-'