File Ref. #072 # 0 72 - M 6r /7, /I 7 0 METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA ..II>> ...... ,.. ~. ,..., ,- I' I ~.~ -, : \ ".' -';' <, i .' 1'- .- , .""'!! . ,-,__II *1';~ lIi:aa ~W. . 'jl~ METRO-DADE CENTER OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS SUITE 1910 111 NW 1st STREET MIAMI, FLORIDA 33128-1962 (305) 375-5553 S'J,J!,~~~_.2D r;~lC:ott Mailing Address: P O. Box 012241 Miami, Florida 33101.2241 ;j __ 1_. I : _~; I : July 28, 1998 Mr. Michel Magliore ADA Coordinator Public Works Department 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 Dear Mr. Magliore: Attached is a copy of the plan of action developed by the Miami-Dade County Office of ADA Coordination. The list of polling places which require ramping has been sent to their office. We will jointly be going to polling places to determine the best method to make polling places accessible. We will not be making corrections to city owned facilities such as the North Shore Recreation Center. In addition, the Elections Department has developed a process by which a voter can be accommodated at his /her car should he/she find that the polling place is not accessible. Very truly yours, ~ tif/ . /... /" /?' / 4'>><-~. (::A..:~~ James 1. K hanek Assistant Supervisor of Elections '..")f -..{ ......:. ~ 0:> r:; ;:;') , ()1 ?J rn () rn - <: rn o (-:' JJKJfs Attachment ,-' r'l -:n ",",: (/) o ""'T1 .." -::- :::.J: a .. - '" C"> (T\ Oi/Oi/98 10:34 '6"305 3i5 5i53 ADA [4]003 ,. of pa;es · DRAFT POLLING PLACE ACCESS: fUll Phone II 3.75'- )"bb F=8I # Dept. General: The Americans With Oisabil1ties Act (ADA) requires program access. By providing absentee ballots. an accessible polling place at the Metro Dade Center where people from any precinct can vote on election days. and curbside voting at sites that are not wheelchair accessible. Miami Dade feels confident that no person with a disability is being denied the right to vote. While it is the position of the Elections Department and the Office of ADA Coordination that all polling places should be fully accessible. conversations with Department of Justice staff indicate that the Miami-Dade Elections Department is probably meeting the program access requirements of the ADA. On the other hand, that will not be certain unlil there have been appropriate rulings by the courts. Florida law is more clear. It requires all polling places to be accessible regardless of whether the program has been made accessible in other ways. All changes that are made will be done to satisfy ADA requirements for alterations and Florida Law. There is currently a $47,000 allocation for ADA surveys a.nd removal of architectural barriers at polling place sites. While all agree that the work should proceed as quickly as possible, permanent solutions are generally favored over temporary ones. A. Elections to review list ofpollillg places that have non-conforming ramps and that need ramps: 1. To determine if there are non-structural methods. such as propping open a non-compliant door. that can be used to provide appropriate access. 2. To determine if there are alternate sites that are accessible and to change to alternate sites where feasible. 3. To determine approximately how long polling places that are inaccessible and can not be relocated to an accessible site are likely to remain as sites. 4. To determine priority order for sites to be made accessible 5. To report inaccessible polling places to the Board of County Commissioners in accordance with state law. Target date B. Elections will provide ADA Coordination with a prioritized list of sites to be made accessible witb estimates of how long they will be used as polling places. Priority will be based on the following: 1. Whether complaints have been received regarding the site:. 2. Whether polling place personnel have observed people with disabilities having difficulties uSlng the site. 3. Whether non-structural procedures will be effective in providing equal access. 07~07/98 10:34 'a305 375 5753 ADA l4J 001 4. The difficulty of the needed structural changes. 5- The likelihood of the continued use of the site as a polling place. Target date C. The Office of ADA Coordination will work with the Elections Department to develop a scope of services for surveys of the prioritized polling place sites. The follo'Wing will be included: 1. Survey ofthe site to identify barriers, as defined by the ADA and State law, that would deny equal access to people with disabilities. Examples would include lack of accessible parking, too narrow or too steep walkways to the building, curbs or stairs, narrow doorways, etc. 2. Develop both temporary and permanent solutions with sufficient detail that working drawings can be developed without a further site visit. 3. Develop cost estimates for both temporary and permanent solutions. Target Date D. The Office of ADA Coordination will provide contract management for the survey process. E. The Elections Department will assign a staff person to serve as a liaison between the site owner and the survey and construction teams. The Elections Department will: 1. Arrange site visits for the survey and construction teams. 2. Anend the initial site visit ofthe survey team to explain how the site will function as a polling place. 3. Be available to answer any questions that the survey and construction teams or the Office of ADA Coordination may have regarding how the site will function as a polling place. Target date D. The County Attorney's Office will determine: 1. Whether Capital Outlay Reserve Funds can be spent to improve private property. 2. Whether GSA Shops can pertorm work on private property -3. What kind of use agreement can be developed between the Elections Department and polling site ovoners to insure ongoing use of the site for a reasonable period of time. 07~07/98 10:34 '6'305 375 5753 ADA I4J 002 Target Date E. The County Attorney's Office and the Elections department will work together to develop a standardized use agreement between the Elections Department and polling site owners. Target Date F. The Elections Department and the Office of ADA Coordination will review surveys as they are completed to determine the following. 1. Whether a temporary or permanent solution will be utilized. 2. If a temporary solution is to be utilized for expediency, whether it will be replaced by a permanent solution. 3. If the cost will require a large portion off the available funding or will take an inordinate amount of time. whether to give the project a lower priority so that a larger number of sites can be made accessible in this funding cycle. Target Date G. The Elections department will negotiate with the site owner to obtain a use agreement, permission for changes and a contact person to coordinate construction with site activities. Target Date H. The Office of ADA Coordination will provide construction management for the project. Target Date