File Ref. #073 FMURRAY H. DUBBIN City. Attorney OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY F L O R I D A Via Facsimile 305-531-0150 August 20, 1998 Telephone: Telecopy: (305) 673-7470 (305) 673-7002 Kent Harrison Robbins, Esq. 1224 Washington Avenue Miami Beach, FL 33139 Re: Warren Harding Hotel; DRB File No. 9817 (the "DRB File") Dear Mr. Robbins: I am in receipt of your letter dated August 19, 1998. This letter shall confirm that the meeting on Monday, August 24, 1998 from 9:30 - 10:00 a.m. will be held in the Planning, Development and Historic Preservation Department's conference room. By copy of your letter, your request for the attendance of Mr. Rodriguez, Ms. Gavarrete, and Mr. Mooney at the meeting has been communicated. It is my understanding that Mr. Grandin will represent the Administration with respect to the DRB File and the related issues you have raised. With respect to your comment regarding the public records request, please clarify whether you intend to inspect and examine the documents, in which case those documents which have been accumulated as of the date of the meeting will be available. Altematively, in the event that you seek copies of such documents, the copies shall be furnished upon payment of the fee provided in Section 119.07, Florida Statutes, but all of such documents may not be available by the referenced meeting date. Please provide the requested clarification as soon as possible. First Assistant City Attomey CC: Murray H. Dubbin, City Attorney Donald M. Papy, Chief Deputy City Attorney Sergio Rodriguez, City Manager Janet Gavarrete, Assistant City Manager I/R'6bert Pareher, City Clerk Dean Grandin, PDHP Director Tom Mooney, Senior Planner cL) Lucia D ugherty, Esq. via facsimile) · 1700 ~onvention ~enter Drive - Fourth Floor- Miami Beach,