File Ref. #074 B . " j(I:-'F (J 7 V - 8 - . ,,-*.. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT ELEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT APPELLATE DIVISION . APPEAL NO. 97-410AP ,') ., (,J LIQUID, INC. L_ "' J 1 ..J 2,:, '_.1 J ,_...' _ J ~.: . ..;:J. . :.:~\A ".1 ," (::J...::J '"I c ~. r' APPELLANT, :...~..' V5. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION APPELLEE. ORIGINAL RECORD ON APPEAL FROM THE CITY SPECIAL MASTER, MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA LOWER TRIBUNAL CASE NO. JAH97228 ROBERT L SWITKES, ESQ PENTHOUSE SOUTHEAST 407 LINCOLN ROAD MIAMI BEACH, FL 33139 MURRAY H. DUBBIN CITY ATTORNEY OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FL 33139 ATTORNEY FOR APPELLANT ATTORNEY FOR APPELLEE VOLUME 1 DATE OF FILING INDEX TO RECORD ON APPEAL KIND OF INSTRUMENT PAGES VOLUME 1 August 10, 1997 Notice of Violation and Fine 1 August 10, 1997 Door Log 2 (Marked Appellant's Ex. #1) August 10,1997 Notice of Violation and Fine 3-4 (Copy front and back marked Appellant's Ex. #4) August 20, 1997 Request from Liquid, Inc. for an 5 Administrative Hearing August 20, 1997 Copy of Check for Administrative Fee 6 August 26, 1997 Memo to Chief Krug re: Administrative 7 hearing request No Date "Patron Occupiable Second Floor Plan" 8 (Marked "Appellant's Ex. #2) October 27, 1997 Order of Special Master 9-10 November 12, 1997 Notice of Appeal to Circuit Court 11-12 VOLUME 2 December 26, 1997 Copy of Transcript of hearing of October 22, 1997 \Sl NO 97-Mot..:t 9 CITY OF MIAMI BEACl-! FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION (305) 673-7123 ........................................**.***........... NOTICE OF VIOLA TlONS AND FINE -A. ;', ,.\ BUSINESSNIOLATOR NAME: ;' 1/; 1/ \ /.',1 .,)' /1 VIOLATION/BUSINESS ADDRESS: /9.:3 tCl V[~..,;:. /;'1.1.(, ("/ . VIOLATION ISSUE DATE 'i{ I 1(.) //1 TIME: ~' ;' t.., Z A~m 't;i.. OVERCROWDED CONDITION IN EXCESS OF PERMISSIBLE OCCUPANT LOAD. ( ) LOCKED, BLOCKED OR IMPEDED EXIT. LOCATION OF INFRACTION: INSPECTION OF THE ABOVE PREMISES THIS DATE REVEALED YOU ARE IN VIOLATION OF SECTION 14-3.1 OF THE MIAMI BEACH CITY CODE BY: CAUSING OR PERMITIING TO ORIGINATE FROM TIIE REAL PROPERTY YOU CONTROL AN OVERCROWDED CONDITION IN EXCESS OF PERMISSIBLE OCCUPANT LOAD CRITERIA AS DEFINED IN THE SOUTH FLORIDA FIRE PREVENTION CODE AND NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION ENTITLED "LIFE SAFETY CODE 101", AS AMENDED FROM TIME TO TIME OR A LOCKED. BLOCKED OR IMPEDED EXIT, WHICH IS A VIOLATION OF THIS SECTION. GENERAL LEDGER ACCOUNT 011.8000.354.009 FIRST OFFENSE SECOND OFFENSE & SUBSEQUENT [ \ THE FOLLOWING STEPS MUST BE TAKEN TO IMMEDIA TEL Y f CORRECT THE VIOLATION: I FINE ( ) $200.00 )($500.00 DENY FURTHER ENTRANCE TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OR IF DIRECTED BY A FIRE INSPECTOR, VACATE PATRONS UNTIL PROPER OCCUPANT LOAD CRITERIA IS MET. IMMEDIATELY UNLOCK AND CLEAR IMPEDIMENTS TO EXIT. OTHER FIRE INSPECTOR: '-> I~/;/ , . /. J; I' .t. ;:/ A'j')../I liAr; I. Ij . SIGNA fuRf' .r . I RECEIVED BY: pOSITION: IDENTIFICATiON: FIRE INSPECTOR: ,-r L - ". / (/, .: > :::i. ~ r v_ .-(:(.y, ...-) . TIME: ,-. '-\ i_' I-~vl PRINT NAME: 8 DATE: / . PLEASE SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR IMPORTANT INFORM"- A ~'y;:::>e \ IQ~ e \~ ~)< I . ,-/ j A- \-\ C'\"i ;Ld ~ DOOR LOG DAY: Sc,,\ \A 'v l~CA-'~ DATE: ~\\O \'\1 STAFF: BACKDOORENTRY FRONT DOOR ENTRY ROPES ROPES G.:-'Z(~V GUEST LIST GUESTLIST Lc '1\ \ e.- CASHIER- CASHIER Ve''-L . OTHER- OTHER TICKET TAKER- TICKETS \jf\r. '-1-\. ,'G\r) SECURlTY - SECURlTY~~) A \ ~ ~ - GENERAL INFORMATION: CLICKER # 1 COMPS USED REDUCED USED CLICKER #2 %7 CaMPS USED \L\1 REDUCED USED 1'2.- COMMENTS: ~' ,r v'^r-) '^~ ~'+ \Q~ ~~'~~ \cvr,<, C'l-ec ~. ~._ C"IC {\C\"V' L.;\r..C \ ~ ?It>......... L' Ll '. A Pp€ k\ ~f> ') C( x ~ . JA-tJCj( Jd-~ .\Sl NO 97-~ ~ 9 (!) CITY OF MIAMI BEACH FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION (305) 673-7123 . ......................................................... NOTICE OF VIOLATIONS AND FINE _,. : I .1 BUSINESSNIOLA TOR NAME: .I.! VIOLA TION/BUSINESS ADDRESS: 14:3 ~I tj[)~): // I I:~t;.,. VIOLATION ISSUE DATE: ,S{ I / l.} I '/7 TIME:;:: 5 Z GPm <)( OVERCROWDED CONDITION IN EXCESS OF PERMISSIBLE . "OCCUPANT LOAD. ( ) LOCKED, BLOCKED OR IMPEDED EXIT. LOCATION OF INFRACTION: INSPECTION OF THE ABOVE PREMISES THIS DATE REVEALED YOU ARE IN VIOLATION OF SECTION /4-3.1 OF THE MIAMI BEACH CITY . CODE BY: CAUSING OR PERMITTING TO ORIGINATE FROM THE REAL PROPERTY YOU CONTROL AN OVERCROWDED CONDITION IN EXCESS OF PERMISSIBLE OCCUPANT LOAD CRITERIA AS DEFINED IN THE SOUTH FLORIDA FIRE PREVENTION CODE AND NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION ENTITLED "LIFE SAFETY CODE 101", AS AMENDED FROM TIME TO TIME OR A LOCKED, BLOCKED OR IMPEDED EXIT, WHICH IS A VIOLATION OF THIS SECTION. GENERAL LEDGER ACCOUNT'OI1.8000.354.009 FIRST OFFENSE SECOND OFFENSE & SUBSEQUENT FINE ( ) $200.00 )($500.00 THE FOLLOWING STEPS MUST BE TAKEN TO IMMEDIATELY CORRECT THE VIOLATION: DENY FURTHER ENTRANCE TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OR IF DIRECTED BY A FIRE INSPECTOR, V ACA TE PATRONS UNTIL PROPER OCCUPANT LOAD CRITERIA IS MET. IMMEDIATELY UNLOCK AND CLEAR IMPEDIMENTS TO EXIT. OTHER F1FEfNSPECTOR"I2j//~ Jr;${L~\ ff ... .:.... SIGNA uRE' I / ( ....-:- .(2/ j RECEIVED BY: POSITION: IDENTIFICA nON: PRINT NAME" "jq LL\'AvV\ DATE: 811lJ_~7 FIRE INSPECTOR .'S ~p.cG,t,~ TIME: '?:. ~ b ~ . ---...-/"'--- fJrl I C' U \ bn} ~;.- Z,,/r I J f}\-t q 1 d-dca' IMPO~T ANT FINE(S) MUST BE PAID BY CHECK. MONEY (~RDER OR CASH WITHIN JO DA YS OF THE DATE ENTERED ON THIS NOTICE OF VIOLA TION AND FINE, EITHER IN PERSON OR MAILED TO: CITY OF MIAMI BEACH LICENSE SECTION 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FL 33119-2032 MAKE CHECKS OR MONEY ORDERS PAYABLE TO "THE CITY.OF MIAMI BEACH". FINES MAYBE APPEALED WITHIN TEN DAYS AFTER THE DATE PRINTED ON THIS NOTICE OF VIOLATION TO THE CLERK OF THE SPECIAL MASTER LOCATED AT 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE, MIAMI BEACH, FL 33139. A $75.00 CHECK TO COVER THE COST OF THE HEARING MUST BE INCLUDED. FAILURE TO PAY THE FINE OR APPEAL IN THE MANNER INDICATED ABOVE SHALL CONSTITUTE AN ADMISSION OF THE. VIOLATION AND A WAIVER OF THE VIOLATORS RIGHT TO CONTEST THE CITATION. THE CITY MA Y INSTITUTE PROCEEDINGS IN A COURT OF COMPETENT JURISDICTION TO COMPEL PAYMENT OF CIVIL FINES. A CERTIFIED COpy OF THE ORDER IMPOSING CIVIL FINES MAYBE RECORDED IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS AND THEREAFTER SHALL CONSTITUTE A LIEN UPON ANY REAL OR PERSONAL PROPERTY OWNED BY THE VIOLATOR AND MAYBE FORECLOSED UPON BY THE CITY. J REPEAT VIOLATIONS AND / OR UNPAID FINES MAY RESULT IN THE IMPOSITION OF LARGER FINES AND MAY ALSO RESULT IN REVOCATION OF. OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES AND/OR CERTIFICATE OF USE AND/OR THE IMPOSITION OF INJUNCTIVE PROCEEDINGS AS PROVIDED BY LA W. " L-/ \ \ \ t( 7- c:Jd S- 1439 Washington Avenue Miami Beach, FL 33139 305.532.9154 Facsimile: 305.532.9980 E-mail: liquid@thenet.net August 20th, 1997 To: Clerk of the Special Master Re: Fines Appeal I am writing to appeal fines issued by Code Compliance against 1439 Washington Avenue on August 10th and August 17th for overcrowding. I am requesting a hearing with the special master, if you have any questiobns please call me on the number above. SinCerelY: c:v1 fL-, U~~ Ian Maley ~ RECEIVED AUG 2 0 1991 CLERK OF THE SPECIAL MASTER . -5 ~.~: ,.. "'1 .. ,,' . . ,. . , .. , , ~ , ~ O'll ~?( . ~ --l" , ,,0, o--l "T1.':l: '11 ,~.~.. .....-.-;;.;0.. ,- , -...J . ..~ C) ,~ ... o . 0, n.J Lii CJ ru 0 " .f. . 'OIl. ~,. .. ' ,0 "!po 'lP GJ. .0 ."r,'. ~U-,l . , . . .- .. .. .. , ., . " . .' . . . . . . 0, ' ,'." ~. p1 ~ ;. ..' '''; : ~.;;~ ~,. 4 . . ~; ~ ~ 0' oo'~: " r-' ;_. ... I" .. > .. 0" , .~' ~ I' ), " gr'~' n :.. ~.. ~"? J G, w ~ i: i.._~ '. .-- .,1 .. - .~:' t ... , , ~; 01 CD, /\). SPECIAL MASTER CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DATE: 08/26/97 Q ,^, ~ \:- K \ V~ TO: FROM: Lisa R. Martinez Clerk of the Special Master SUBJECT: ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING REQUEST This office has received a request for an Administrative Hearing regarding: OVERCROWDING VIOLATION FV970029 Please indicate below if this request is timely. Thank you. Special Master Case No.: JAH97228 Date Request Received: 08/20/97 Business Name: LIQUID INC Property Address: 1439 WASHINGTON AV MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA Petitioner: IAN MALEY 1439 WASHINGTON AVENUE MIAMI BEACH FL 33139 Request Timely: Date: Signature: 7 IN AND BEFORE THE SPECIAL MASTER FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH Case No JAH97228 Overcrm'ldlng Violation No. FV97Ci029 UOUID INC, Petitioner a Florida Corporation 'IS CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, Respondent a Municipal Corporation / Property Address: 1439 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida Legal Oesc.: ESPANOLA VILLAS PB 7-145 W12.5FT LOT 3 & LOTS 4 & 5 BLK 2 B LOT SIZE 81.000 X 133 OR 141792942 & 430789 1 The Special Master of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, heard testimony at the hearing of this cause on October 22, 1997, and based on the evidence heard, the Special Master enters the following FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSION OF LAW, and ORDER. FINDINGS OF FACT: 1. That the portion of the ruling in Special Master case number JAH97165 that is relevant to this case is the issue of whether or not the language in the citation is sufficient to put the violator on notice as to his rights to appeal and as to contest the violation. I find that the language is sufficient. 2. That the most credible witness was Mark Stone, who appeared on behalf of the violator. 3. That there is a certain amount of agreement between the violator's witness and the City's witness. Mr. Stone, wl10 appeared for the violator, testified that there were 270 people on the dance floor, 150 people in a room on the second floor and 30 people at the conceSSion, for a total of 450 people, not including support personnel. 4. That the City's Witness, Lt Goldberg, testified that there were 300 people on the dance floor, 200 people in the room and 70 people at the concession, for a total of 570 people, which mayor may not have included support personnel. 5. That there is a discrepancy of 120 people. but the fact of th.e matter IS both numbers are well over the required occupa~t load of 416. <1 Page 2 JAH97228 Overcrowding Violation 6. That the other remaining issue'is how to deal with the issue of a temporary increase- I find that Section 9-1.7.2 of the 1994 Edition of the N.F.P.A. Life Safety Code alluded to by Mr. Switkes is totally irrelevant and not germane to the Issue. That section is for the purpose of a building which intends to increase the load and what might be the basis for that. In the absence of any testimony regarding the violator providing the necessQry aisles and exits, I find that this section of the Code is not relevant. 7. That there are inconsistences which need to be pointed out for the purpose of this record. It is inconsistent that the violator would go through the trouble of having <:1 count of people entering, a count of compo used and reduced used, but have no idea at what time how many people had exited the premises. There was testimony as to the large amount of people waiting outside during the period in question, but that is inconsistent with the testimony that there had only been a total of 852 people that entered the club all night long for approximately a six hour period. 8. That the testimony of Mr. Marcello Guillen and Mr. MauricIo RodriSluez were limited to the sole task they had performed the night in question; clicking the number of people that entered and exited. 9. That the testimony of Lt. Goldberg was, at best, an estimate; therefore, I relied more heavily upon the testimony of Mr. Stone to come to a conclusion since ML Stone was able to tell me in a more articulate manner exactly how he arrived at the count. CONCLUSION OF LAW: That the Petitioner, Liquid Inc., did vioiate Chapter 14, Section 14..3.1 of the Code of th(~ City of Miami Beach. THE ORDER OF THE SPECIAL MASTER IS AS FOLLOWS: That the fine of $500.00 is upheld and shall be paid by November 28, 1997, or the fine shall serve as a lien on the property. DONE AND ORDERED this 22nd day of October, '1997 EXECUTsDthi;;</1"~y of October, 1997 // ' ~/'. By: il/tUvA / EUNICE L. M City of Miami @nn ~m OCT 2 7 1997 CLERK OF THf. SPECIAL MASTER 10 /k tL 1711/97 ftI:r . RECE\VEO fJ/r HARVEY RUV I N cq HO'J \ 8 PK \2: 43 CLERK J .- C I RClIl T AND COUNTY coua'Tft' ClEHNS or-net. APPELLATE DIVISION U ROOM 135 - BALCONY DADE COUNTY COURTHOUSE 73 WEST FLAGLER STREET MIAMI. FL 33130 .....r- , ~ ~: /",/un'j NOVEMBER 12, 1997 DATE NOTICE OF APPEAL FILED WITH COURT: NOVEMBER 10, 1997 CITY CLERK CITY HALL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 1700 CONVENTION CENTER OR MIAMI BEACH, FL 33139 Dear Mr./Ms. Clerk: Th I s I s to adv I se you of the f i I I ng of a Not I ce of Appea I f i I ed In the matter of: L I QU I 0, I NC . vs. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, from a hearing by the CITY SPECIAL MASTER, case number JH97228, and upon the order of the CITY SPECIAL MASTER from whose order dated OCTOBER 27, 1997 th I s Appea I I s taken. The case number ass I gned by the C I rcu I t Appe I I a te Court to th i s appeal Is 97-410AP. All future materials filed In this action must be filed with this office and Include this number In the style of the case. The names of the Appe I I ant, Appe I I ant's counse I and Appe I I ant's counsel's address on record are: APPELLANT: LIQUID, INC. APPELLANT'S ATTORNEY: ROBERT L. SWITKES, ESQ. ATTORNEY'S ADDRESS: PENTHOUSE 407 LINCOLN ROAD MIAMI BEACH, FL 33139 ASSISTANT ATTORNEY: Your office may be receiving directions from the Appellants' counse I as to the preparat i on of the Record on Appea I. P I ease review Rule 9.190 of the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure. If a LTR3 11 record Is required to be prepared by your office please read Rule 9-200 for the content, formatlng and binding of the record. Please do not rely on stapl ing record In one corner. Please find attached sam pie s 0 f the co v e r she e t ; I n d e x p age and c I e r k . s c e r t I f i cat Ion that are part of the record that you prepare. Shou I d you have any quest Ions that th I s of f I ce may answer, p I ease cal I 375-5955. Sincerely, HARVEY RUVIN CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT BY ~ THOMAS J. STEVENS Deputy Clerk 1~ LTR3 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE I, Lisa R. Martinez, Clerk, CITY SPECIAL MASTER, Dade County, Florida, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing pages 1 to 12 inclusive, contain a true and correct recital and inclusion of such original papers and proceedings in the case of: LIQUID, INC. APPELLANT, vs. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION APPELLEE as appears from the records and files of my office that have been directed to be included in said record. Volume 2, comprising Pages 1 to 164 embrace the transcribed notes of the reporter as made at the trials and certified to me by Rita Bernstein, and bound under separate cover. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and affixed the Seal of CITY OF MIAMI BEACH. ROBERT E. PARCHER CITY CLERK J~ /3, )9'i[J DATE OF NICE J BY: / tAIl- t 111ti/1 ~ L~A R. MARTINEZ a CLERK OF THE SPECIAL MASTER