File Ref. #078 ftff- tJ7r-/I(I~ 101/19/ X -^1 O,J{- M P-tf 2-1>/ ,1Q r CITY OF MIAMI BEACH City Manager's Office Interoffice Memorandum To: Mayra Diaz-Buttacavoli, Assistant City Manager Harry Mavrogenes, Assistant City Manager Richard Bender, Executive Assistant to the City Manager Ronnie Singer, Executive Assistant to the City Manager Richard Barreto, Chief of Police Robert Parcher, City Clerk From: Janet Gavarrete, Assistant City Manag~r/f Patricia Walker, Finance Director . >. Date: August 18, 1998 C) \..0 co ~ '- ".., -p~ -( r-' rl""j ..,..., .....- :.:::~ co ;0 m () nl < rn o t~_' " (f) :x o ""', N ..,., (..,) n (..,) ", Subject: Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) The following material is a summary of follow-up actions needed in order to complete the CIP pursuant to the Special Meeting of the Finance and Citywide Project Committee attended by interested members of the public, the full commission, department/division directors and executive staff on May 16, 1998. Please review each Program Area below as well as all of your CIP Project Sheets (distributed in a draft book at the May 16 meeting). Make any and all necessary changes to your projects in your area of responsibility and provide a hard copy and disk to Lupita Ramos no later than August, 28, 1998. A special meeting of the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee will be scheduled shortly in order to review all follow-up items regarding the CIP. You will be advised as soon as this meeting is scheduled. PARKING Provide current up to date revenue projections and operating expense projections for remainder of FY97/98. Provide revenue projections and operating expenses projections for FY98/99. Above information is requested for on-street and off-street Divisions according to meter, lots, garages, etc... Explore the expenditure of funds for capital projects over a longer period of time. Describe above options, pros and cons. Explore use of parking impact fees to fund provision of parking. How do parking RFP's recently acted upon by the City Commission alleviate the parking bond fund. What other parking needs should be met. \..-t I I PUBLIC SAFETY Study long-term plan for meeting public safety needs citywide, i.e. moving old stations, new stations, renovation due to outdated facilities, etc. Over $5.5 million was identified in needs and only $500,000 is funded. This is one program area where funding to meet needs may be obtained by the issuance of a general obligation bond. Fire Station No.4 has additional funding available. Remove Electronic Imaging from CIP PARKS AND RECREATION Provide new updated CIP Project Sheets to reflect most current information. Middle Beach landscaping funding amount appears to be incorrect. Review and reVIse as necessary. Funding needs for Collins Avenue Park appears very high, Review North Beach Recreational Corridor. PUBLIC FACILITIES Provide revised CIP Sheets for each component of the Cultural Center Campus: Library, Ballet, Parking Garage, Collins Park and Streetscape (include books). Provide revised CIP Sheet for the Public Works Yard and Property Management Yard with options to the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee as part of possible general obligation bond. Remove the Child Care Facility from CIP. Convention Center and TOP A review and revise the spending program over a ten- year period; identifying sinking funds for future improvements. TRANSPORTATION Many worthwhile projects are identified. Not enough funding for all is available. Review operations cost of Electrowave and try to reduce as much as possible. Consider impact fees, fare charges, grants etc.,. to increase funding sources. Coordinate the Electrowave 10 year plan with the Municipal Mobility Plan. Keep the Intermodal Facility on the CIP for Federal funding only. PUBLIC WORKS Streetscapes Sidewalk/curb/gutter/street paving IS a priority, describe scope of needs for possible general obligation bond. Review and revise 41st Street Beautification to show as two different projects and two separate CIP Sheets. North Shore Streetscape, Lincoln Road, and Allison Island CIP Sheets are to be revised to reflect the most current numbers so that we can proceed with Special Assessments. La Gorce Island Planting is to be revised to reflect most current information. Marseilles is to be put on hold for implementation; there is no funding at this time. CIP Sheet is to reflect that is does not have funding. Venetian Causeway CIP Sheet is to be revised to reflect the most current City Commission action. Identify all funding sources. Meet with community before bringing back to the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee. Washington Avenue and Bay Drive are to be revised to show the most current planes). Consider CDBG for Bay Drive. Collins Avenue (Malecon) and Espanola Way: revise and provide a scaled back plan in the CIP. North Bay Road closure CIP Sheet is to reflect most recent study and recommended action. Flamingo Park Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements/Espanola Way is to be reviewed and a CIP Sheet submitted to reflect proposal for the area for review before the Finance and citywide Projects Committee. South Pointe Streetscape, review and revise identify unfunded projects. Convention Center Drive, North Bay Road/West Avenue Streetscape is to be removed from the CIP. Orchard Park/42nd Street Plan is to be added to the CIP. Incorporate the proposal for Altos del Mar/DPZ Plan in the CIP. FDOT List only projects funded with FDOT funding (Alton, Collins, etc), no funding from the City of Miami Beach. Include all traffic calming projects and 63rd Street fly-over. Utilities Replacement of Water Lead Services is to be prioritized to maximize funding opportunities. Sanitary Explore and report possibility of 5th Street, Alton Road, Michigan Avenue construction of new booster pump station that may be appropriate for inclusion in South Pointe bond issue. Storm Drainage Storm Drainage needs is higher than shown in CIP. Identify additional needs for $35-$38 million bond. Normandy Shore Drainage should be explored as part of a possible bond issue. Lighting Explore street lighting needs for funding from possible general obligation bond. Bridges Explore all bridge needs for funding from possible general obligation bond. Seawalls Develop a multi-year rehabilitation program for seawalls; explore and include various sources of funding such as federal and general obligation bond. Look into programs by other cities; explore "special assessments." Environmental IdentifY projects with mandated deadlines, safety is a priority. Bring back plan with recommendation to Finance and Citywide Projects Committee. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY All IT items are to be funded/paid by line item charge backs to departments on an annual basis. REDEVELOPMENT AREAS List all RDA projects under South Pointe and City Center. Upon receipt of new information from each department, we will advise you of a meeting to set priorities and make recommendations for funding prior to these items going before the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee of September. If you have any questions regarding deliverables, please contact Janet Gavarrete at extension 6067. JG/jag C: Sergio Rodriguez, City Manager F :\CMGR \$ALLlJ ANET\cip.Memo.doc