8 August 1, 2005 CWA SCM AUGUST 1, 2005, SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING CONTENTS [~genda [] Time certain [] Supplemental Materials [] Speaker's list [] Invocator memo [] Presentations & Awards list [] Addendum [] Second Addendum [] Notice of closed executive [] session [] Afteraction [] Consent-Originals manila folder E3' Regular-Originals [dH Redevelopment Agency Agenda materials andouts folder >obbyist Log (See Handouts Folder) ublic Hearing Notice Ads [] Log of Proceedings electronically recorded notes Redrope files / of / CD Burned - (See CD File by Commission date) ,Original Contents list to City Clerk F:\CLER\$ALL\LILLS~xCONTENTSFLDX2005\080105cm ,doc