File Ref. #079 B , if 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ,/ ',\ \ ~F U-''1- ~ lil~ ''I, 1'('( () C!:J flf{l.L -e..., L- 1 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH PLANNING, DESIGN & HISTORIC PRESERVATION DIVISION DESIGN REVIEW/HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD DESIGN REVIEW BOARD IN RE: PORTOFINO GROUP ORIGINAL City Commission Chambers Miami Beach, Florida Tuesday, January 6, 1998 1:00 p.m.- 5:45 p.m. Taken before CARLA A. BRANCATO, Registered Professional Reporter and Notary Public for the State of Florida at Large. H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 2 1 MR. GROSS: Let's get the staff report for 2 the Ocean Parcel. We're going to hear this is 3 File 9193 which is the Ocean Parcel. 4 MR. MOODY: While the applicant is setting 5 up, I'll go ahead and read the staff report. 6 The applicant is requesting Design Review 7 approval for the construction of two 54-story 8 apartment towers with a total of 580 units. 9 This application originally came before the 10 board on September 2nd and was continued to a 11 date certain of November 17th, and then 12 consequently continued to a date certain of 13 January 6th today. 14 The applicant, as you will note in the 15 staff report has made more changes to the 16 project, particularly in the areas of most 17 concern to staff, and that is with regard to the 18 design of the pedestal and the circulation 19 elements. As the applicant I'm sure will take 20 you through, they have made substantial changes 21 in terms of the ramping system and the proposed 22 connection from South pointe Drive to South 23 pointe Park. 24 Notwithstanding these changes, staff still 25 has some concerns with regard to the circulation H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 3 1 elements, the design of the pedestals, and how 2 the project in general addresses the street. In 3 light of these design concerns and in light of 4 some concerns expressed by the planning and 5 zoning director relevant to the joinder of the 6 application as well as the issues surrounding 7 the lot split for the entire master parcel, 8 staff is recommending that this matter be 9 continue to a date certain of March 10, 1998. 10 And I just want to reiterate on behalf of 11 the planning and zoning director that due to the 12 fact that the issues surrounding the joinder of 13 the application as well as the master parcel 14 issue the staff is strongly recommending that 15 the board continue this matter and not take any 16 type of affirmative action until this matter, 17 these two matters have been resolved. And I 18 would like to make the staff report a permanent 19 part of the record. 20 MR. GROSS: All right. Thank you, Tom. 21 Can we have quiet here, please? 22 Okay. Thank you. 23 Mr. Schulman? 24 MR. SCHULMAN: Mr. Chairman, members of the 25 board, my name is Cliff Schulman with offices at H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 4 1 Brickell Avenue, Miami, Florida, and 2 representing the applicant. 3 Mr. Chairman, there are two matters before 4 you today dealing with the Ocean Parcel, Item 5 9193 and 9486, and our comments at least in the 6 presentations that are going to be made, many of 7 them will be for both those items, so if the 8 Chair wishes to at least combine for purposes of 9 some of the discussion of those items that we 10 won't have to repeat them. When we get to 9486, 11 we will try to refine our comments as to that 12 matter. 13 MR. GROSS: Okay. 14 MR. SCHULMAN: On a couple of housekeeping 15 matters before we get into the substance, I do 16 want to incorporate obviously the testimony of 17 the prior hearings and all exhibits that have 18 been presented to the board and which are here 19 today that Mr. Jahn will be referring to. 20 I also wanted to bring to the board's 21 attention that as we have gone through this 22 process the City has been supplying us with 23 additional data. In certain aspects what we 24 would do today and what we did yesterday is we 25 would submit formally into the record some H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 5 1 additional traffic data that was given to us by 2 the City as to additional traffic counts that 3 were taken in 1997. We have analyzed those 4 counts. Our professional expert Trey Pollack 5 from Kimley-Horn whose resume is in the record 6 has done a report. We have met with Joseph 7 Johnson of the City's, I guess, Public Works 8 Department, submitted the data to him, but for 9 purposes of the record we would like to submit 10 the revised report including the most recent 11 traffic data that the City had available. 12 As a last housekeeping matter, Mr. 13 Chairman, I just wanted to correct one of the 14 staff's statements in their report. The staff 15 has indicated in their report the number of 16 units which have been requested and I wanted to 17 straighten that out. In November we submitted 18 revised plans and I just want the record to 19 reflect that the actual number of units that 20 have been requested are 295 time share units, 21 580 condo units and 234 hotel units as opposed I 22 believe the staff showed a lesser amount and 23 those have been in the plans for quite 24 sometime. 25 In all candor, some of the problems that we H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 6 1 have had is even data that we have submitted, 2 and this data was submitted back in November, 3 have not been adequately analyzed up to this 4 point and we are going to go through that more 5 specifically as we go through. 6 Rather than repeat myself, which I'm sure 7 the chairman and the members of the board would 8 like me not to do, what I would like to do is 9 ask Mr. Helmut Jahn to come up and take the 10 board sort of where we were when last we met. 11 As the board knows, there have been five 12 scheduled hearings on this. Two of them have 13 been substantive. One of them took place at 14 12:45 at night. One took place at nine o'clock 15 in the morning. We are now at one o'clock or 16 should I say quarter to 4:00. 17 MR. GROSS: We're trying to give you a 18 variety of venues. 19 MR. SCHULMAN: We've seen Miami Beach at 20 all hours of the day or night. 21 MR. GROSS: Mr. Eichner wasn't present at 22 the last meeting that we had where we did 23 apologize for the late hour of the earlier 24 meeting and we had scheduled a separate meeting, 25 so I'm sure that was conveyed to him, but I just H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 7 1 wanted to do that personally. 2 MR. SCHULMAN: We do appreciate that, Mr. 3 Chairman. With me today is -- 4 MR. CYPHEN: If I'm not mistaken, the board 5 sort of wanted to adjourn that time and he 6 insisted even though it was 2:00 in the morning 7 he insisted we heard that. 8 MR. GROSS: I understand. We try not to 9 arrange our calendars so that it appears that 10 2:00 in the morning for a project. That is of 11 interest not just to us but to all the citizens 12 here who want to follow this project and many 13 are here to be heard. 14 MR. SCHULMAN: And we appreciate it and we 15 did express at the last meeting our appreciation 16 to the board for doing that. 17 With me today of course is Helmut Jahn of 18 the firm of Jahn & Murphy in Chicago who has 19 been previously introduced to you. Also Joe 20 Pollack from Kimbley-Horn, our traffic expert, 21 is here. We have representatives of Danes and 22 Moore on any issues or questions the board may 23 have regarding concurrency and our concurrency 24 report which was filed November 12th with 25 staff. Mr. Jose Suarez is here of H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 8 1 Seiger Quintrel Associates to answer any 2 question that may come up on zoning issues. 3 But right now I would like Mr. Jahn to come 4 up and address the issues that the board raised 5 the last time and some of the additional plans 6 and details which have been submitted to staff, 7 and then I would like to basically try to refine 8 some of those elements when Mr. Jahn gets done. 9 MR. GROSS: Okay. Thank you. 10 Helmut? 11 You've got to be very skinny to make that. 12 MR. JAHN: Afternoon. I want to -- 13 MR. GROSS: Just introduce yourself for the 14 record. 15 MR. JAHN: I'm Helmut Jahn. I am the 16 architect of the project. 17 I want to not take too much of your time. 18 I think you are very familiar with this 19 project. I want to just reiterate the things we 20 changed since we presented the project I think 21 in November. I think the three major issues was 22 the continuation of Ocean Drive, the retail 23 front, and the balconies. 24 As you can see, most of you can see on the 25 model, on this board here which shows the view H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 9 1 from the -- I think it's better to leave it 2 forward here. The We have changed the ramp. 3 ramp is now moved out totally out of the 4 right-of-way. The right-of-way continues 5 through at the narrowest point at a little over 6 51 feet wide between the edge of the parking 7 garage and the green wall which defines the 8 landscaped wall which defines the edge of our 9 project which is now the edge of the ramp which 10 is behind, so we have about a ten feet width on 11 that green wall which is a structure, as I 12 explained before, with vines growing in it. In 13 front of that green wall is a row of palm trees 14 and it is complemented by another row on the 15 side which continues all the way to the park 16 from the property line. And in that open space 17 which is where the rest of it there is adequate 18 space for two tennis courts which complement the 19 tennis courts which are on the parking garage of 20 the South Pointe Tower. And as you can see on 21 the model and on the photograph, those tennis 22 courts are screened by trees. There is no 23 obstruction in terms of that they impede the 24 view corridor. 25 Beyond that 51-foot open right-of-way there H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 10 1 is green (inaudible) that delineate the 2 contonation of Ocean Drive and the paving itself 3 is a pattern which reflects the geometry of the 4 whole assembly. The ramp itself is a three-way 5 ramp up and two-way ramp down. Two-way ramp up, 6 two lane and two lane down, and then the ramp 7 itself is separated by a five-foot wide green 8 strip and then it's accompanied by a very gentle 9 stair with a lot of pedestals which goes from 10 here in the immediate level from here to the top 11 level, and that stair is itself ten feet wide, 12 so it makes that podium very much accessible for 13 the inhabitants and the public, especially 14 people who go up to the hotel. 15 I should also point out because this was 16 the staff there was some mention asked about 17 this in the staff report which I received only 18 yesterday, you can also see that that stair has 19 through the landscaped area an access without 20 crossing any vehicular drive. Also in this 21 portion, and in this portion obviously to some 22 degree it's like I said, it's very difficult to 23 continue here. You obviously have to cross this 24 driveway. This is the entrance, to repeat that 25 again, to the condominium tower on the north. H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 11 1 This is the entrance to the hotel. Here is the 2 entrance to the time share, and here is the 3 entrance to the Condominium South. 4 This is an additional entrance to the 5 parking garage. The other entrance to the 6 parking garage is here. And that entrance to 7 the parking garage obviously accommodates, 8 especially for the hotel that people can park. 9 This is how they drive back to the street, or 10 people up here if they drop somebody off they 11 can end at the garage here without having to put 12 additional traffic load and impede with 13 pedestrians at the street level. 14 This one didn't make it on the board, but I 15 think you maybe can pass it around maybe you 16 will see it. This is actually the view we 17 showed originally down Ocean Drive. It's a 18 computer montage. We chose that as an unimpeded 19 view all the way to Fisher Island. 20 MR. GROSS: That would be on File 9193 but 21 not on File 9486, right? 22 . MR. SCHULMAN: That's correct, Mr. 23 Chairman. 24 MR. JAHN: This is sometimes the model 25 photographs show it a little better because we H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 12 1 get the right height here we've tried this is 2 just different lighting conditions. But we try 3 to really be an access of Ocean Drive. And you 4 see that 51-foot right-of-way. You see the 5 landscaped area to the right. What that 6 landscaping very well achieves, it totally 7 eliminates kind of the unwanted impact of the 8 parking garage which comes out in this for what 9 we do right now is an undesirable angle, but 10 it's an urban condition like in so many urban 11 conditions you can't lift this. You can't 12 change it. You can't tear this parking garage 13 down. You have to mediate and you have to 14 improve its impact. 15 You see the ramp, and then this is trees up 16 here. You see also what has been done on the 17 model, the retail development for Portofino has 18 been added. This is still the existing ramp and 19 there's a landscaping combining this retail 20 portion with this is retail portion. You see 21 that very well here. That is that retail 22 portion here. That is that retail portion 23 here. 24 This is done trying to go a little bit 25 closer with the computer rendition of it. H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 24 25 13 1 Obviously it hasn't got all of the necessary 2 detail. This is the This is the green wall. 3 ramp, and this is the retail development. 4 MR. CYPEN: Can you leave the camera on 5 that one? 6 MR. SCHULMAN: Can the camera focus in on 7 that poster before you take it down. 8 MR. CYPEN: I haven't seen it. 9 MR. SCHULMAN: Why don't you put that one 10 up. 11 MR. CYPEN: Okay. 12 MR. JAHN: The architecture added to the -- 13 MR. CYPEN: That is Portofino Tower right 14 there on the picture? I'm looking on the TV 15 screen. 16 MR. GROSS: No. That's the new building, 17 and then you see the green wall. 18 MR. JAHN: This is the view right here. 19 MR. CYPEN: What angle is that? I don't 20 see it. Oh, I got it. That's looking 21 southeast? 22 MR. JAHN: It's looking southeast. 23 MR. CYPEN: I got it. You can't see Portofino Tower. MR. SCHULMAN: It would be to the right. H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 14 1 MR. JAHN: This is the hotel and the time 2 share tower on the left with the apartment tower 3 north. That retail portion is just a glazed 4 area. This is a more detailed drawing of it. 5 This is the floor area. This is the ramp. 6 That's the landscaping. This is the stair. 7 This is the one retail block. This is the other 8 retail block. This is the entrance to the 9 parking garage. This is' a diagramatic 10 elevation. 11 It didn't make it on the board, but I do 12 have another drawing here, which this shows the 13 sections through it. The second floor is held 14 back to create a bigger entry area. The retail 15 front is essentially a glazed wall, very minimal 16 construction to allow the retail to expose 17 itself. This is a glaze railing like the 18 language is on the rest of the tower. And there 19 is an awning, a retractable awning at about the 20 second floor height which protects people from 21 the sun or from the rain. It can be obviously 22 pulled back. And there is a little base here to 23 give kind of a little solidity on the street 24 level. And this is really the architectural 25 language from here all the way here with the H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 25 15 1 exception here. This actually didn't get 2 changed on the model. This thing has been also 3 at the request of the staff the green wall has 4 been put back and it's now in the plan of the 5 base of this wall here. 6 So I think we really have answered I think 7 all the questions in terms of, you know, what 8 that retail front looks like when it's something 9 which I feel doesn't have to be in the language 10 of the retail area to the west. It's like any 11 street in the city. It doesn't have to continue 12 the architectural language. I think the retail 13 development as it relates here with the language 14 and the colors of the tower relates here to the 15 language and the materials of this particular 16 development. 17 MR. GROSS: Maybe you could take one moment 18 and go around to the other side and tell us how 19 the project relates to South pointe Park on the 20 south side. 21 MR. JAHN: Right. This was a question, 22 too, and let me get a model photograph because I 23 can't turn obviously the model around. 24 MR. GROSS: We can see it in the camera. I don't think you need to turn it. H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 16 1 MR. JAHN: But let me maybe get up over 2 here. This board is from the southeast corner, 3 and you see that -- let me also get an 4 elevation. I think, again, this did not make it 5 on the board because we only got this report 6 yesterday. I do have a 7 What is the road behind? MR. GROSS: Is 8 that the service drive? 9 MR. JAHN: The road behind, back here is 10 the service drive. Back here is the service 11 drive. 12 MR. GROSS: No, but I mean the road -- 13 MR. SCHULMAN: That is an existing roadway 14 in the park, Mr. Gross. 15 MR. GROSS: That's the cars drive down that 16 road to go to the restaurant? 17 MR. SCHULMAN: Right, that presently 18 exists. 19 And beyond. MR. CYPEN: It goes all the 20 way almost to the boardwalk. 21 MR. GROSS: Uh-huh. 22 MR. JAHN: I have this partial map here. 23 This shows the service drive here. 24 MR. GROSS: I'm not really focused so much 25 on the service drive as how the garage and the H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 17 1 podium are going to relate to the park. 2 MR. JAHN: The language of the podium, the 3 podium is at that point four and a half stories 4 high, almost five stories. 5 MR. GROSS: About 50 feet above. 6 MR. JAHN: About 50 feet above grade and it 7 has the stainless steel mesh, which is a very, I 8 think it's on the material board back there. 9 Maybe you can pull it up. 10 It's heavier than I am. MR. SCHULMAN: 11 It's this mesh here, which, MR. JAHN: 12 depending on how the light and the sun hits it, 13 both by and night assumes a very interesting 14 kind of quality. It's It's like a fabric. 15 woven, and it has kind of an inherent beauty, 16 especially in a climate like this. It ages very 17 well. It doesn't have to be maintained, and 18 it's 19 MR. SCHULMAN: Has everybody seen this 20 enough? 21 MR. JAHN: You don't want to get a hernia. 22 MR. GROSS: So that's what is going to 23 screen the garage? 24 MR. JAHN: It's screening the cars. And we 25 feel, again, that this is a much better way to H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 25 18 1 screen the cars then to make a solid wall 2 because it's better for the people in the garage 3 and better first for the people who look at the 4 garage, because there's always something 5 happening. You always, depending how the light 6 hits it, you get a glimpse on it at night, it's 7 lit up, so the whole garage will actually look 8 not like a solid mass, but it look like 9 something living, and something which has 10 activity. Activity always is interesting. 11 MR. GROSS: Where is -- I am not oriented 12 that well. Where is the band shell in relation 13 to the garage? 14 MR. CYPEN: The band shell is torn down. 15 MR. GROSS: It is? I haven't been there in 16 a while. Where was the band shell, though, in 17 relation to that? 18 MR. CARY: West of the restaurant. It's 19 where the tennis courts are going. 20 MR. GROSS: Further west. 21 MR. CYPEN: Right just west of the 22 restaurant. I thought it was still there. I 23 saw it the other night. I must have been 24 imagining it. There's still like an awning or something. H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 24 25 19 1 MR. CARY: Ocean Drive lines up almost with 2 the center of Smith & Wollensky's restaurant. 3 MR. CYPEN: Ocean Drive lines up with 4 center of Wollensky's. 5 Okay. MR. GROSS: Right. I see. So this 6 is to the east. This will be to the east of 7 it. 8 All right. Let's get some public comment 9 now. 10 MR. SCHULMAN: Mr. Chairman, what I wanted 11 Helmut also to do, if he would, is the board had 12 previously also wanted us to focus in on the 13 detail of the facades of the building and the 14 balcony treatment, and I wanted Helmut to do get 15 into that because I know you had questions about 16 that other. 17 MR. JAHN: I mean, the major objection on 18 that it ( inaudible). As you see on the model, 19 they are not eliminated. We are candidly 20 running the balconies out right now, and I think 21 they are in compliance. I think staff has seen 22 those and they have it (inaudible). We pulled 23 down a corner of the screen wall slightly back to actually keep the screen wall in line with the facade of the building. We obviously did H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 20 1 not have time to change this on the model. That 2 also allows people on the corner to have a 3 double exposure without a screen wall. That was 4 a marketing thing also, but we did enough 5 studies to confirm that this is architecturally 6 possible. 7 This is a drawing of it. You see it keeps 8 the edge of the building. It makes the edge to 9 some degree more interesting and more lively. 10 And then we -- this is the view from the other 11 side in more detail. This is the view when you 12 look in the building in front. This is 13 essentially what you see in the model just in a 14 larger context. 15 And then we also I think we are always 16 talking about the inside of -- the outside of 17 the building. Obviously it's for the people who 18 build the building it's very important for 19 themselves the inside. That's why these 20 buildings get built. And this is actually a 21 view of a typical balcony. You see that the 22 effectiveness of the screen in front which gives 23 us another -- 24 MR. BLITSTEIN: Would you pass all those 25 down when you're done, Tom. H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 23 24 25 21 1 MR. JAHN: (Inaudible) This is -- screen. 2 the regular balcony. And then we did a little 3 walk-out on this corner balcony. This is when 4 you are on the inside ?f the apartment and you 5 look towards the corner. And then when you go 6 outside, then this is the configuration. That 7 post is only every second level for structural 8 reasons and then every other level there's no 9 post. The balcony actually projects about 22 10 feet from the corner of the building out there. 11 It's like being on a bow of a boat. 12 So this is essentially, you know -- I mean, 13 there is a side of this architecture is not just 14 kind of a vicious statement. It's also kind of 15 creating a totally different environmental 16 condition on the inside of the building. And I 17 think what this drawing is actually very well 18 show is that that the character of this building 19 is very much appropriate to its location. You 20 know, such a balcony is not feasible anywhere 21 else but down here because it wouldn't be used 22 and everybody would rather enclose it. It takes up living space. Whereas here you would rather have it open because they can live out a good type of H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 24 25 22 1 MR. CYPEN: Are these high wires holding up 2 these balconies? Is that what these is? 3 MR. JAHN: Yes, because as I said, the 4 column spacing is about 18 feet, and that 5 balcony, candidly, was out about 22 feet. 6 MR. CYPEN: Is there a power shoot to keep 7 on the side in case this doesn't work? 8 MR. JAHN: So it's a hangar and then it's a 9 prop. That's why I don't need that prop every 10 floor. 11 And you also have got to realize, with 12 hurricanes there are winds up to 100 miles an 13 hour obviously trying to flip these balconies up 14 and down. This, by the way, since the last 15 time, actually since this question with the 16 balconies came up the client has also asked us 17 to work with the engineers where they have 18 actual calculations by the engineers for this 19 cantilevering balcony structure plus in a 20 typical condition, and plus at the corner we 21 have also calculated the glass sizes which get 22 substantial, very significant through the upper 23 parts of the building, so quite frankly even in Germany where they are very thorough I have never had to do so much work up front like I had H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 25 23 1 to do in Miami. 2 MR. SCHULMAN: Miami Beach. 3 MR. JAHN: Miami Beach, sorry. 4 MR. SCHULMAN: Let me, if I might, Mr. 5 Chairman, sum some of the other things that have 6 been done because I might just take this down 7 for a moment. 8 This has been somewhat of a frustrating 9 process for Mr. Jahn and for the owner, 10 especially if you read the staff's 11 recommendations it would appear just at first 12 blush when you read the staff's recommendations 13 that we have not done a very good job of giving 14 the staff the level of detail that they felt was 15 appropriate, and that is of great concern, 16 because as Mr. Jahn just testified to, Number 1, 17 the initial submittal that was made to the board 18 back in July was -- we were told at the time 19 that it was the most complete DRB submittal that 20 had been made at the time. 21 Second, we have been supplying even as late 22 as in the last couple of weeks additional data 23 as requested by staff. We have met with staff 24 approximately four or five times with Mr. Jahn or Mr. Jahn's associate. And, unfortunately, as H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 20 21 22 23 24 25 24 1 we read the recommendations, instead of getting 2 better, although I will admit there are some 3 good things in this recommendation as to some of 4 the changes that have been made, it appears that 5 they sometimes get worse. And that gives us 6 great concern. 7 Just let me give you, if I can, some of the 8 major changes that have been made in addition to 9 what Mr. Jahn has talked about. As he 10 indicated, the driveway was originally blocking 11 the view corridor. It has been partially moved 12 initially, completely removed now, out of the 13 corridor. We have made it into a pedestrian 14 promenade 51 feet wide at its narrowest point. 15 We have designed it in a pedestrian friendly way 16 and included a landscaped facade, if you would, 17 and a very very pleasant pedestrian promenade to 18 that. It doesn't presently exist obviously, and 19 would be the first, for lack of a better term, decent access into the South Pointe Park that has been underutilized and underemphasized, so we believe that that has been well looked at by staff and I think that they have indicated some degree of satisfaction. We have enhanced our landscaping on the H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach ( 3 0,5 ) 3 7 3 - 9 9 9 7 23 24 25 25 1 beach side extensively and submitted new 2 landscaping drawings. We have provided a recent 3 retail facade and a level of detail that was 4 requested by staff. We reduced the number of 5 curb cuts from four to two. We have eliminated 6 the balcony posts and changed the balconies to 7 make them even more open to change the facade of 8 the building to show that it is not industrial. 9 It is not office. It is truly a unique project 10 unique to the site. II We have indicated to the staff and shown 12 them different colors of materials and agreed to 13 change the color of some of the materials, and 14 nonetheless staff continues to indicate in their 15 recommendations we haven't given them enough 16 detail. We haven't given them enough plans. 17 Hundred and hundreds of drawings have been 18 submitted, and I will admit the client and Mr. 19 Jahn are exceedingly frustrated because we don't 20 know how much more level of detail we can get. 21 And every time we meet with staff some new 22 issues arise and those are in your recommendations today, and let me deal with a couple of them which are troublesome. Number 1, the tennis courts for the H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 25 26 1 facility as Mr. Jahn indicated are on the west 2 side of the pedestrian promenade. They were 3 moved from an upper level parking garage because 4 staff asked us to remove the parking garage 5 because it was blocking the visual access 6 through the Ocean Drive promenade. 7 So we moved it and we put the tennis courts 8 at ground level. They, we believe, are an 9 interesting pedestrian amenity insofar as there 10 is activity adjacent to, although it be 11 landscaped, from the pedestrian promenade. It 12 gives life to the promenade. Activities take 13 place and obviously we would like to keep the 14 tennis courts where they are at. Staff for the 15 first time has told us they would like us to 16 move them. We have no place to move them. The 17 only other place we could move them would be on 18 the ocean side, and on the ocean side staff's 19 recommendation already tells us they think that 20 these buildings and these structures go too far 21 toward the ocean and that should be considered. 22 And plus I don't know many people that want to 23 put tennis courts directly adjacent to the 24 lovely breezes of the Atlantic Ocean. It's real hard to playa lob when you're right adjacent to H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 27 1 the ocean. 2 The tennis courts we believe cannot, will 3 not, be moved and we completely disagree with 4 staff's recommendations. Again, this is the 5 first time that recommendation came about. We 6 had discussed with staff how to relate the 7 tennis courts so that the people would be 8 crossing pedestrian promenade from our project. 9 It moves toward the integration of the sites 10 that the staff has asked us to do by having 11 people move between them. Nonetheless, staff 12 wants us to move them or eliminate them, and we 13 we believe that that's unacceptable. 14 For the first time staff in this report 15 indicates that they would like our loading docks 16 totally enclosed within the parking structure, 17 and we have indicated that we would have our 18 loading totally enclosed within the parking 19 structure. We have no objection to that. 20 Staff has requested that we have a 21 full-time dock master at all times when loading 22 docks will be used. We have agreed to that. We 23 have no problem with that. 24 They do not want stacking of loading 25 vehicles on the pedestrian promenade at any H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 28 1 time, and we have no objection to that. But 2 staff then tells us also they want us to 3 restrict our loading hours from 8:00 a.m. to 4 1:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday. With all due 5 respect, I can't tell you, Number 1, that anyone 6 else in the City of Miami Beach is so restricted 7 as to when their loading can take place. If 8 it's totally enclosed, so what's the difference, 9 and why should we be asked to restrict our hours 10 of loading? We cannot guarantee that. We would 11 not be willing to accept that. 12 Third, staff continues, and this is a 13 continued echoed song and dance, to want us to 14 combine our driveway with the driveway of 15 Portofino Tower and South Pointe Tower. Now, 16 that, we agree, was shown on the original 17 concept plan that I showed you at the last 18 meeting, and we believe this is bad planning 19 from both a planning point of view, 20 architectural point of view, traffic point of 21 view, as well as the complete antithesis of what 22 staff and the board has been pushing us to do, 23 and that is make this less vehicular oriented in 24 the Ocean Drive corridor. 25 We believe that staff's recommendations to H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 25 29 1 put 1,500 cars or the cars from 1,500 units in 2 one entranceway would basically kill the entire 3 idea of the pedestrian promenade, because then 4 you're going to have dual ramps one going east, 5 one going west, or you're going to have a 6 flyover over this lovely pedestrian promenade 7 that we've just worked six months to create the 8 first truly pedestrian entryway into this park 9 into this park, and instead staff now gives us a 10 contrary recommendation, well, let's put dual 11 entranceway driveways. 12 Mr. Pollack is here, and he can testify if 13 the board wishes to hear that testimony that 14 that's just bad from a plain traffic planning 15 point of view and also the South pointe Master 16 Association has indicated in a letter dated 17 today that they support keeping the Portofino 18 Tower and South Pointe Tower entranceway as it 19 presently is designed as-is and with the 20 existing driveway providing convenient, safe and 21 efficient access to the residents of South 22 pointe and Portofino Towers, and, therefore, 23 that driveway should be left where it is, at 24 least according to the master association. We would submit that letter into the record. H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 22 23 24 25 30 1 We read the staff report and were told that 2 we have not addressed concurrency. We are 3 stunned. This concurrency report that dealt 4 with issues over and beyond traffic; solid 5 waste, water, sewer, was submitted to staff for 6 review November 12th of last year. And staff's 7 report still indicates that data has not been 8 received. We are surprised. Surprised would 9 probably be the lesser adjective that I could 10 use, if surprise is an adjective. So we are 11 somewhat frustrated. 12 Legal issues were raised by Mr. Grandon to 13 us in letters in November, late November. We 14 addressed them by letter December 5th on the 15 issue of whether there is a proper lot and 16 whether we are a proper applicant. Remarkably, 17 this application was deemed to be complete by 18 the planning director when it was filed in 19 July. We were the proper applicant and this was 20 a proper lot, we believed then. We were deemed 21 to be complete. We were responded to a subsequent question that was asked over a month, or at least a month ago, and we are told now to delay and defer this matter even further for that determination to H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 22 23 24 25 31 1 finally be made. 2 In the utmost of candor we believe that we 3 have been done everything within our power to 4 meet and greet, if you would, staff's concerns 5 and the board's design concerns, but nonetheless 6 these recommendations come out and say, just 7 give us more plans, give us more detail, give us 8 more, give us more. I don't know that we have 9 that much more to give. 10 We would appreciate if the board would 11 consider approving this project to move forward 12 at this time so that we can move forward with 13 the process. This has been lengthy, time 14 consuming, costly, and, as I said, somewhat 15 frustrating. We are not here to deal with the 16 issue, as we indicated before, of the intensity 17 of the development or the height of the 18 development. Again, those are not issues before 19 the board. This is a design review board, we 20 would hope, and we believe the board knows to 21 review what we believe has been a masterful design presentation by Mr. Jahn and a design exercise trying to substantively address those design concerns each and everyone that the board has made. We stand ready to answer any H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 24 25 32 1 questions you may have in regard and would like 2 rebuttal if one is necessary for any comments 3 that are made by the public. 4 MR. GROSS: I want to say two things. 5 First of all, I know that you are an attorney 6 and sometimes attorneys by nature adopt somewhat 7 combative stance. We are here. We are all 8 volunteers. We have a paid staff. I don't 9 think it helps you to bash, if that is the maybe 10 not the right word, but that is the sense I get, 11 the staff. 12 These folks work very hard. They have some 13 30 projects that they are reviewing. They are 14 not solely focused on this project. This is not 15 a three-story small project off somewhere. This 16 is a very very major project, and if the staff 17 is taking the time to carefully review it, I 18 think they are doing that for the benefit of the 19 board and of the citizens at large, so I 20 understand some of your frustration and, you 21 know, maybe there are materials that you would 22 rather have reviewed more quickly, but I know 23 that the staff is doing their utmost to try and review this along with all the other work that they have. Now they may be underworked -- I'm H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 33 1 sorry, overworked, and they may need additional 2 personnel or whatever, but we are protective of 3 our staff, and if you bash them, I think that 4 that's not going to help. 5 MR. SCHULMAN: I want the record at least 6 to be clear, and I understand what you are 7 saying, Mr. Chairman, and clearly we have worked 8 as closely as I have ever worked on a project 9 with your staff on this project and they have 10 been exceedingly responsive, but I have a record 11 as a lawyer that I have to protect. 12 When I read, for example, a staff 13 recommendation that says concurrency analysis 14 hasn't been done, and it was submitted in due 15 course, then I've got to at least preserve the 16 record that that was, in fact, submitted. 17 MR. GROSS: Okay. I don't want to get into 18 a debate. You are preserving your record. I'm 19 just defending our staff a little bit. 20 What I would like you to do for a moment 21 because you haven't really touched on it, and 22 this is, you know, gets a little bit legal, but 23 the staff has outlined a list of seven ways in 24 which the application is inconsistent with the 25 city zoning ordinance, and one of them I'm sure H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 22 23 24 25 34 1 jumps out at you as it did to me, which is 2 Number 6, and this is operating under the 3 assumption that it's not going to be -- the lot 4 is not going to be split but this is one 5 project. Number 6 says Due to the height of the 6 proposed new towers, the existing tower setback 7 of the South Pointe Towers becomes nonconforming 8 and consequently a variance shall be required to 9 retain the existing South Pointe Towers 10 building. Are you in agreement with that 11 analysis? 12 MR. SCHULMAN: For this application, which 13 is No. 90 -- I apologize. I don't have the 14 number at the tip of my tongue. 15 MR. CYPEN: 9193. 16 MR. SCHULMAN: Let me tell you what 17 happened and why we did it. The initial review 18 that was done by staff raised the exact same 19 points that are in this review on the zoning 20 issues, and, again, normally at least in the 21 past sometimes the zoning issues were bypassed and the staff has chosen to deal with them up front, which we believe is great, because sometimes you get surprised at the end and the entire idea was not to surprise an applicant. H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 22 23 24 25 35 1 So what we did was we filed a second 2 application after our initial July filing and we 3 called that, for lack of a better term, our as a 4 right plan. That is the one that is before you 5 next on the agenda and some of what we have been 6 discussing. We asked our architects and Mr. 7 Jahn to redesign the project to bring it within 8 all of those comments that staff have in the 9 application which was just discussed. And you 10 will see that there is a substantial difference 11 in the plan. What we have done in this one 12 clearly requires a board of adjustment variance 13 or a series of variances to make this happen, 14 notwithstanding this board's approval. We filed 15 also at the same time we filed the as a right 16 plan applications for the board of adjustment 17 for variances to be granted so that this plan 18 could be built. 19 So from a procedural point of view and, by 20 the way, that was scheduled for Friday, to be 21 heard this next Friday. But that meeting was dissolved and you know better than I do the problems with the board and the membership of the board of adjustment, but we presently have pending a board of adjustment application to H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 21 22 23 24 25 36 1 address each and everyone of these issues that 2 were raised by the staff and those zoning 3 comments. 4 The as a right plan meets the setbacks, we 5 believe, meets the height restriction created by 6 the existence of the existing Portofino Tower. 7 There is lower buildings. They are 8 approximately 420 feet high. As a result, 9 because what controls the height on the building 10 according to the zoning code is the setback of 11 the existing building. So, therefore, it goes 12 to the 54-story building to approximately 13 42-story building plus or minus on the as a 14 right plan with the same basic amount of use but 15 basically more tight configuration. 16 In point of fact, then we pull the 17 buildings back toward Portofino Tower and South 18 Pointe Tower in the as a right plan which 19 basically brings them in the view corridor, if 20 you would, that staff desires and the board has indicated a preference for in order to meet the zoning code. So the as a right plan which will be before you has basically the same look of the towers. It's the same and it's different. It's different -- H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 20 21 22 23 24 25 37 1 MR. GROSS: I understand. 2 MR. CYPEN: The staff has zoning comments 3 on those, too. They said there's three things 4 that don't comply, don't they? 5 MR. GROSS: The point I just wanted to 6 bring out now is that under this particular 7 application if you did not receive a variance 8 from the zoning board, due to the height of the 9 proposed tower, then either you would have to 10 abandon the project or tear down the South 11 pointe Towers building, which obviously __ 12 MR. SCHULMAN: But with an as a right 13 plan. 14 MR. GROSS: -- you are not going to do, or 15 change the plan. 16 MR. SCHULMAN: Correct. 17 MR. GROSS: Okay. The only other issue 18 that I wanted to get out on the table and I'm 19 not sure where it stands before we take public comment is the issue of the lot split and whether or not this is one project because some of the staff comments are directed to that and I am a little -- I would like some clarification maybe from Debra about that. Is it up to this board to determine, because we've had other H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 21 22 23 24 25 38 1 applications where there was a larger lot and 2 there was existing buildings on that lot, for 3 example, with the Weston. That's another 4 appli,cation that's in front of us, and we have 5 been advised by Dean and the planning and zoning 6 department that one of the things that we had to 7 do was to make sure that this project is 8 compatible with the balance of the project on 9 that same lot. In this case it would be with 10 South Pointe Tower and Portofino Tower. So I 11 know that we are charged with making -- if it is 12 one project, which is the way the application 13 has been submitted to making sure that it's 14 compatible with the balance of the project on 15 that site. What is it that Dean is supposedly 16 doing that Mr. Schulman said he hasn't had a 17 chance to do yet? Is Dean here? 18 MR. MOODY: Dean is in another meeting. He 19 said he was going to try to come in if his 20 schedule allows him to, but basically there's two issues. There is the issue that deals with the joinder of the application and there's the issue that deals MR. GROSS: The joinder? MR. MOODY: Yeah. Apparently there's been H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 39 1 some correspondence 2 MR. GROSS: By the condominium owners. 3 MR. MOODY: Exactly, of the South Pointe 4 Towers and Portofino Towers, and then there's 5 the issues of the lot split. Dean told me 6 before this meeting started that he had not 7 rendered a decision relative to the joinder of 8 the application or relative to the lot split 9 issue. Because of that, he's strongly 10 recommending that the board continue action on 11 this project and not render a decision until 12 those two issues have been resolved. He still 13 wants to speak to the city attorney regarding 14 those matters before he has made a decision. 15 Beyond that, I couldn't tell you much. 16 MR. GROSS: I guess the clarification I'm 17 looking for, is that a legal determination or is 18 that a design determination? 19 MR. MOODY: Well, it's a legal 20 determination, but Dean has told me it will 21 impact the design of the building and how the 22 design is presented to the board, and that's why 23 he strongly recommending that the board continue 24 action until those two matters have been 25 resolved. H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 ._~,.,~-~'~~" 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 40 1 MR. SCHULMAN: Mr. Chairman, may I respond 2 to that? 3 MR. GROSS: Yeah. 4 ,MR. SCHULMAN: We have an application that 5 we submitted under Chapter 18 of your code when 6 deemed to be complete, there is a -- deemed to 7 be complete, Mr. Grandon, in fact, wrote us a 8 letter at the time we filed and deemed us to be 9 complete. In fact, your code then says I can't 10 even be on your agenda unless the planning and 11 zoning director has determined that I have been 12 deemed to be complete. So I'm deemed to be 13 complete, okay? I am here. If, as and when the 14 city attorney and/or Mr. Grandon wants to change 15 the legal rules of that ball game, there are 16 remedies available to us to do that, okay. We have submitted an application. For example, when Portofino Tower was before this board, the application was in the name of the 10 Collins Avenue Company, okay. At that point in time, South Pointe Towers Condominium was in existence. They did not join in the application. At that same time the remainder of the site was owned by Marquesa Development Company. They did not join in that application, H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 22 23 24 25 41 1 and this board went forward and approved 2 Portofino Tower, and went through the whole 3 design review process. We believe that that is 4 consistent. 5 We have met with Mr. Grandon. With all due 6 respect to him, even though he has had our 7 letter since the 5th, the holidays did 8 intervene, and I know that it made it difficult, 9 but in the event that this board chooses to 10 approve the project from a design point of view 11 and Mr. Grandon chooses to make a decision which 12 he may make (inaudible) that says this 13 application shouldn't have been before the 14 board, if the board wants to condition it upon 15 that, then we would challenge that or take 16 whatever actions are necessary. Right now as 17 this record stands we believe we are a complete 18 application that is properly before you and 19 consistent both with the law and we address that 20 at great length, and I won't do it here, that 21 Mr. Grandon wants to talk to the city attorney about, but, again, we have been in the process for quite sometime and we would like to move forward to the -- MR. GROSS: Okay. So the position of the H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 24 25 42 1 administration, then, is that the specific issue 2 with respect to the lot split is a legal issue 3 that the staff is going to determine, but the 4 issue that is properly before this board is that 5 this is one overall project, Portofino Tower, 6 South Pointe Tower and the new development, and 7 we are supposed to review it to make sure that 8 it's compatible on the full site. 9 MR. MOODY: No, that's the issue that Dean 10 has yet to rule on. He needs to rule, make a 11 formal determination as to whether or not this 12 will be reviewed as one master parcel or if the 13 lot, in fact, does have to be split. 14 MR. SCHULMAN: That's not compatibility. 15 MR. GROSS: Excuse me. It's been presented 16 to us today as one application, one parcel, so I 17 think we have no choice but to review it in the 18 way in which it's been submitted as one overall 19 project, one overall parcel, which gets into the 20 issues that we discussed at the last meeting as 21 to whether there is too much massing on this 22 sliver of the project and perhaps not enough on 23 the other piece and that it's not balanced, which is the issue that you raised in the staff report that the applicant disagreed with, but H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 43 1 that was the subject of discussion at our last 2 meeting. Debra? 3 MS. TURNER: I want to support what staff 4 has said in the determination on the lot split 5 issue is critical before a final decision can be 6 made by this board. At this point the board can 7 only give and offer guidance as to the project 8 and we would recommend as counsel to you not to 9 render any final determination until that 10 decision is made by Dean Grandon. 11 And I also just want to bring to your 12 attention also that many months ago we were 13 under a prior development agreement which is no 14 longer in place. 15 MR. GROSS: I know that, but what I don't 16 understand is the issue of the lot split. Right now the lot has not been split, right? MS. TURNER: But depending on that opinion it will affect what can be approved or what can be built on the site. MR. GROSS: As to whether they will be required to split the lot? MS. TURNER: That's correct. MR. GROSS: You're saying that that would be determined by Dean. He could say to them, H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade *. Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 21 22 23 24 25 44 1 you have to split the lot, in which case this 2 would be a different determination that we would 3 make because we would be reviewing it strictly 4 on its own lot and not in relation to South 5 Pointe Tower and Portofino Tower. 6 MS. TURNER: That's correct. And you may 7 want to have staff elaborate on what the 8 differences may be. 9 MR. CYPEN: It's just as you said before, 10 it's like the Weston. Are you going to get the 11 benefit of having one site with different 12 setbacks and height limitations or is it going 13 to be a separate parcel. I mean, that's a major 14 difference. 15 MR. GROSS: Right. Right now it's one -- 16 that's what I don't understand. 17 MR. MOODY: Right now it was submitted as 18 one master parcel, and what staff is trying to 19 convey is that may not be the case depending 20 upon what the planning and zoning director ultimately determines. MR. CYPEN: Well, if it's submitted as one parcel, how could you have a submission without the joinder of some of the owners of the parcel? H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 22 23 24 25 46 1 to be sure that this project can be as carefully 2 reviewed as possible and can be as good as it 3 can possibly be. But, Mr. Schulman, I think 4 that you will find that we are just as rigorous 5 in our review of all projects that come before 6 the board because the board demands that and 7 requires it. And so I accept that as a 8 compliment rather than as a personal criticism 9 which has been levied. 10 Also I would like to ,respond to your 11 comments relative to the highly negative nature 12 of the staff report and analysis. Contrary to 13 your personal opinion, I believe that Tom Moody 14 and I have had an extremely good working 15 relationship with the architect whom we hold in 16 very very high regard. Whether we personally 17 would prefer to have very high-rise construction 18 on this site or not is another matter relative 19 to the project that we are reviewing. We 20 believe that a superb job has been done. This 21 architect and his staff have been extremely responsive in addressing all of the issues that have been raised by staff or raised by the board. Those responses are very carefully documented in our staff analysis. I can go H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 45 1 MR. MOODY: That's the second issue that 2 has to be resolved. And, again, that's up to 3 the ultimate decision lies with the planning and 4 zoning director, and unfortunately for better or 5 for worse I don't have that decision right now. 6 MR. CYPEN: Let me ask Cliff, are you as a 7 matter of right on the second application if 8 it's a separate parcel? 9 MR. SCHULMAN: No, sir. On the second 10 application it's still considered one parcel, 11 and all of the setbacks -- 12 MR. CYPEN: You answered the question. 13 MR. GROSS: Let's get some ,feedback from 14 the public. They have been waiting patiently. 15 Anyone who would like to speak, please come 16 forward. 17 MR. CARY: Can I address Mr. Schulman's comments briefly? First of all, I would like to thank Mr. Schulman for noting staff has reviewed this project very rigorously. That is perhaps because when and if it is built it will have the most major impact on the City of Miami Beach of any project that has been built to date in this city, so certainly staff has a very major responsibility to the citizens of this community H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 20 21 22 23 24 25 47 1 through and point them out to you one by one. 2 Originally there was a serious concern 3 identified relative to the weak urban 4 relationship between the parcel and the South 5 pointe Park. Then we say as reconfigured, the 6 project master plan for the Ocean Park partial 7 portion begins to significantly address and 8 acknowledge the public importance of South 9 Pointe Park as arguably the most scenic point in 10 the city. 11 We also went out to point out, which you 12 indicated that we did not, that the proposed 13 promenade which would be 51 feet in width at its 14 narrowest point would intersect the park at 15 approximately its mid-point creating the 16 pedestrian friendly park gateway that is missing 17 today. 18 We also went on to compliment the 19 applicant. The applicant is to be commended for removing the previously proposed two-level parking garage along the west side of the pedestrian quarter that is enabling the esplanade to be significantly expanded. Likewise, the applicant's architect should be complimented for relocating the vehicular H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 48 1 entrance ramps for the proposed ocean parcel 2 towers further eastward. I can go on and on. 3 Relative to the character of the 4 structures, the result is tower structures that 5 will be more lighter, smoother, more elegant in 6 appearance than the neighboring South Pointe 7 Portofino Towers. 8 Relative to the permanence of material and 9 the quality of the project, the permanence of 10 the structure has also been designed into the 11 proposed towers relative to vistas. The site 12 has been laid out so as to maximize vistas 13 relative to curb cuts. It goes on and on. And 14 I think it's really unfortunate that a highly 15 negative and combative picture has been 16 presented between the staff and the architect, when from my personal experience that has been exactly the opposite of the relationship that this staff has had with this architect. And I note that the architect, and I can say this right in front of him, does not support Mr. Schulman's presentation, and I think that you will find if you ask him personally, you can ask him here right now if you like, if he's had a good working relationship with staff, whether H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 20 21 22 23 24 25 49 1 he has found staff to be responsive and whether 2 we have been responsive to him. I think that he 3 will affirm that. So I think it's unfortunate 4 this highly personalized attack was made for 5 whatever reasons. But I think you will find 6 this report is certainly rigorous, very balanced 7 and very fair given the magnitude and complexity 8 of this project, and I am proud that we are 9 associated with it. 10 MR. GROSS: Okay. Thank you, William. 11 Anyone who would like to speak from the 12 public, please come forward. 13 MR. WORTH: My name is Don Worth. I am a 14 resident at 1390 Ocean Drive. I have been up 15 here before relating to issues of traffic 16 concurrency, and I would like to again briefly 17 summarize some of the points that I think are 18 significant. 19 First of all, I think we all agree that we have a growing problem on Alton Road between 5th Street and Dade Boulevard. We may not be at concurrency now, but we are brushing up against it. Secondly, the baseline data as to the current problem is still in its very early H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 50 1 stages. We are just getting it now. I 2 understand we have just gotten some data from I 3 think November and December, so we've got a 4 little bit, not a lot. We don't have real 5 existing data for the season. 6 As bad as the baseline data is, we have no 7 trend data, and that is very significant because 8 this is a project with a four- or five-year time 9 horizon so the rate of growth on traffic on 10 Alton Road is really going to affect this 11 project. 12 Now, we have several different types of 13 assumptions. We have the Kimbley-Horn study 14 which assumes a one and a half percent trend 15 over a six-year period on Alton Road, which is 16 four additional cars a year. And then we have 17 the new study which is done by the City's consultant Plummer & Associates for the Loews Hotel. They assume a five percent growth rate. I think the five percent annual growth rate is a lot more reasonable than the one and a half percent six-year growth rate which you were told several months ago was gospel. But, frankly, we don't know if either of those is true. In addition to that, we really have no H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 51 1 understanding of what is fueling the traffic 2 growth. I voiced concerns about things like 3 demographic factors and tourism and the 4 convention hotel, but we really don't know what 5 has gone into that. And, in addition to that, 6 we don't have any traffic studies done maybe 7 five to ten years ago projecting traffic now to 8 see if all of that is accurate. So what I'm 9 saying the result of all this is it's 10 confusing. Nobody really knows exactly what is 11 going on. The data we have are primitive. We 12 have no real concurrency plans. And even if you 13 had concurrency plans, another issue that this 14 board would have to grapple with, assuming 15 there's just a certain amount of traffic you can 16 allow as defined by concurrency, if you allow it for projects like this, what happens in four or five years with all the inch fill properties. Washington Ave. is half vacant. Does this mean you are going to allow no renovation on Washington Avenue because you already filled up that plot with projects like this? These are big issues, and I don't really think with respect to the current developer we really have adequate answers. H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 23 24 25 52 1 Two final major points. First, the public 2 is told the City in the last several elections 3 that it's very concerned with traffic, with 4 development, with meeting concurrency, and with 5 adhering to its comprehensive plan, which is 6 something which is one of your charges to do. 7 Secondly, unfortunately the nature of the 8 way this works is you are asking us, the public, 9 to walk the tight rope without the net. The 10 developer can get up here and in a very 11 impassioned way tell you this project meets 12 concurrency, but the fact of the matter is if in 13 six or seven years all of this stuff is wrong, 14 he doesn't pay. We do. We have heard about 15 mitigating damages, but we are the ones who 16 pay. 17 I can imagine a conversation in six to ten 18 years with a developer or the attorney, and it 19 might go something like this: Gee, I thought 20 you told me the traffic on Alton Road wasn't 21 going to increase. You said four cars a year. 22 This place is a parking lot. What happened? Response: Gosh, I guess we were wrong. I guess our traffic engineering study was wrong. Well, who knew? Huh, but you've got to remember, you H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 24 25 53 1 agreed to the study, so it's your study just as 2 well. You don't have to agree to the study, and 3 my main point is that because you are asking us 4 to walk without a net and because the 5 information base we have is so little, you have 6 to be extra cautious. It's not enough to drop 7 two boxes there and say hey, it's done. 8 And I think the only thing I would like to 9 say is that the prudent thing to do would be to 10 wait for the municipal mobility plan is complete 11 to involve those of us in the public, and there 12 are a lot of us, who question the methodology of 13 all of these traffic engineering studies and 14 work with city staff to make sure that our 15 concerns are heard so that we can really have a 16 city that works for us. Thank you. 17 MR. GROSS: There is, as you know, a member 18 of the city staff that is reviewing' all of the 19 traffic studies that have been submitted I 20 gather that -- I don't know, whether he is open 21 to conversations with the citizenry. 22 MR. MOODY: A final concurrency 23 determination is made at the building permit stage. That's why in this application as well as every single application that come before you H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 54 1 you will very rarely see a statement that says 2 concurrency evaluation complete and finalized. 3 In this particular application, I have not 4 received anything from Mr. Johnson which 5 acknowledges that all of the traffic studies 6 submitted have been reviewed and a formal 7 compliance determination has been made by him. 8 As the applicant's attorney has correctly 9 alluded to, all the data has been submitted to 10 Mr. Johnson and he is reviewing it at this time, 11 but to the best of my knowledge no formal 12 determination has come forth. 13 MR. GROSS: Is Mr. Johnson available to 14 meet with the public at all? 15 MR. MOODY: If the public wanted to speak 16 to Mr. Johnson, you can certainly call him at 17 our office and discuss any concurrency data or 18 concurrency issues with him. 19 MR. WORTH: I've met once and on the basis 20 of the latest study I've got more questions, but 21 I also think you are putting Mr. Johnson in an 22 excruciatingly difficult position. I mean, 23 these are huge issues with vast numbers, and to 24 put it all on him to say yeah or nay, and 25 frankly it's not clear-cut. It really really H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 23 24 25 55 1 isn't. Somehow there's got to be a larger scope 2 of individuals involved in the process. That's 3 not to say to make it totally political. That's 4 .not right, either, but I couldn't sleep at night 5 if I was that guy. He's going to get it from 6 one side or the other. 7 MR. GROSS: Thank you. Next speaker please 8 come forward. 9 MR. SCHAAB: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. My 10 name is Charles Schaab. I live at 301 Ocean 11 Drive. 12 I would like just to comment on a couple of 13 matters upon which the discussions today are 14 focusing before I go any further and ask a 15 couple of questions. I would like to commend 16 the chair for pointing out the rear of this 17 project. Unfortunately, the problem with the 18 rear of this project is that in many ways it's 19 the front of the project. And we had had a 20 shred (sic), I think perhaps some people will 21 remember, over what to do with South Pointe 22 Park. And I think it was perhaps with the exception of the Portofino developers, but I think even they began to see some of the wisdom of it. The consensus of the shred (sic) was the H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 25 56 1 park needs to be bordered with some sort of 2 habitable space. It needs to have a front. 3 I'm not so certain, with all due respect to 4 the staff, that we can really commend a facade 5 which is basically a five-story garage with some 6 sort of metal filigree on it as being the proper 7 facing to a park. There is no more important 8 public amenity that we have on this beach than 9 our parks, and in particular there is no more 10 important public amenity than we have at South 11 Pointe Park. 12 With all due respect to the architect, he, 13 in his description of this filigree on this 14 garage, is basically making a silk purse out of 15 a sow's ear. It's an absolutely and 16 unquestionably inappropriate way to face South 17 Pointe Park. And I think if for no other reason 18 than just what they have done relative to South 19 Pointe Park, and I must be somewhat critical of 20 the staff for letting this transpire, this board 21 should deny the application. 22 I also, if I understand properly, it would 23 seem to me that the so-called first good access 24 pedestrian access to the park is basically the other side of the wall with some sort of green H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 22 23 24 25 57 1 grid and some date palms. I don't find that 2 appropriate either. South Pointe Park is 3 It's small. And probably in all of narrow. 4 South Florida it's unique, and I think that this 5 board and this city must do a better job than it 6 has done to date in protecting this park. 7 We have a horrible condition existing at 8 Portofino Tower. We have a horrible condition 9 dealing at South Pointe Tower with our park, and 10 at least one would hope that on the east edge 11 that we would have better design than we have, 12 and I would again urge this board and commend 13 the chair for pointing out that it is in reality 14 an inappropriate facade and use or perhaps lack 15 of use facing the park. We are going to condemn 16 this park to the backside of the beach, to the 17 backside of Miami Beach if we permit this 18 project to be developed, at least in the way 19 that it faces the park. 20 If I might just then make a comment upon 21 the project all together and then I will end. I think this board realizes and the City realizes that at large the residents of Miami Beach are appalled by this project. They are appalled by its arrogance. They are appalled as to how H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 58 1 inconsiderate it is and inappropriate it is. 2 Everything about this project is wrong. We 3 can sit here and comment about how beautiful the 4 buildings are, and perhaps they are beautiful. 5 It should be in Houston. They should be 6 someplace where people don't care about 7 walking. This is the beach. 8 The architect of this project talks about 9 it being a unique site. It is, and I think he 10 has been uniquely destructive on this site, and 11 I think it's time for this city to stand up and 12 say, you know, this just isn't a good project. 13 I think the reason the staff has taken so long 14 is because the staff doesn't know what the hell 15 to do with the project either. It's just so 16 wrong. And I think that that's really what 17 needs to be faced. 18 We can have all of the legal arguments. We 19 can be told about we can have this enlarged 20 three by five card up about compatible again, 21 all of the other dog and pony show that seems to 22 come every time Greenberg, Traurig appears. 23 But in reality this project is wrong. It 24 is incompatible. Look at the neighborhood. 25 There's little buildings here. And look at H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 25 59 1 this. You are going to see these buildings 2 everywhere. 3 The public is now appalled by the Yacht 4 Club. They are beginning to understand that. 5 They are appalled by Portofino. This just 6 completes it. 7 You know, you have ten stories all the way 8 down to what was or maybe now is still Biscayne 9 Street. And it just seems to me that this is 10 not a good project. It is in every, every, 11 every way incompatible. It's incompatible to 12 the neighborhood, to the city, to the site, to 13 the beach, to the park, and I would just hope 14 that this board would determine that this 15 project is not acceptable and deny it its 16 application. Thank you very much, Mr. 17 Chairman. 18 MR. GROSS: Thank you. 19 MR. ROBINSON: Randall Robinson speaking 20 for the Miami Design Preservation League. 21 I guess it's fair to say that the improved 22 view corridor is commendable. However, as 23 Charles eloquently pointed out, the frontage on 24 South pointe Park is far less than desirable and it is too tall, but obviously we can't talk H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 20 21 22 23 24 25 60 1 about that. It's too massive, and we can't talk 2 about that. But I would like to touch on the 3 issue of style which the previous speaker 4 touched on. 5 I would like to quote from a book on 6 architecture and about this particular style of 7 architecture. And it says We stripped our 8 buildings to the bone and now we say bravo. But 9 what is happening is that the man in the street 10 sees only an ugly skeleton. Nobody can say that 11 in order to be modern our buildings must be 12 cold, rectangular, barren simple plains. Nature 13 didn't stop at the skeleton when she made man, 14 nor with muscles and sinews. She gave us skin 15 and pigmented it and hair and colored that and 16 we added things of our own and the whole thing 17 ended up as one decorative ensemble. 18 If the architect stops at the skeletal 19 stage, 99 percent of the human race is going to be unhappy. You can't create a steel and glass grid and expect people to be happy with it. It is a lovely laboratory concept. As pure design it's wonderful, but it leaves people cold. Thank you. MR. GROSS: Thank you, Randall. Next H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 21 22 23 24 25 61 1 speaker, please. 2 MS. WISS: Good afternoon. My name is 3 Ilona Wiss. I am president of the South pointe 4 Citizens Coalition. I just have a couple of 5 brief comments and one of our other board 6 member, Arthur Marcus, has other remarks as well 7 for you. 8 It took me 45 minutes to get across 9 McArthur Causeway to attend this meeting. There 10 was one lane that was blocked. It wasn't a 11 serious accident. It wasn't a lot of recovered 12 vehicles. It was a simple fact of the traffic 13 that we already have. 14 That puts a real face on what those of us 15 who live and work in South Beach know from day 16 to day that the smallest inconvenience makes our 17 lives intolerable. And I think that when you 18 consider this project, you need to consider the 19 reality of what many of you do know but some of 20 you are being misled by the traffic studies. I think we all do know the reality of the situation from our own experiences. Some of you this may be your last board meeting and you can leave a legacy that you finally stood up to the developers who really H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 62 1 don't care about the future of the quality of 2 life in our community. You can take a stand and 3 say yes, we recognize the design guidelines do 4 allow us to address compatibility with the 5 surrounding neighborhood in a meaningful way. 6 It's really clear it doesn't take a rocket 7 scientist to see that this is not only 8 incompatible but it will devastate the 9 surrounding neighborhood as we are all coming to 10 see has already started to happen with the 11 buildings that have now sprouted from the 12 ground. Most recently now we are watching with 13 the Yacht Club. Some people say to me, Why do 14 you care anymore? The reality is that this 15 borders what remains for us our solace,. and that 16 is South pointe Park. And we would ask that you 17 deny this project and deny any project that 18 decimates this most valuable part of our city. 19 Thank you. 20 MR. GROSS: Thank you, Wilona. 21 MS. WISS: This comes from the board of 22 directors of South Pointe Citizens Coalition. 23 Arthur has asked me to read it for you. 24 This project engenders serious 25 architectural and urban design concerns which H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 63 1 staff has already indicated that the board 2 should take into consideration in this 3 decision. A much lower Scale and massing. 4 scale development would fulfill the developer's 5 desire to maximize the FAR while being far less 6 intrusive on the entire city of Miami Beach. 7 These buildings are just too big. 8 Height. This project should be no taller 9 than the next door, South pointe Tower. This 10 height is enough of a wall. So what if the site 11 is completely filled up? There is still maximum 12 potential for views outward from the buildings 13 while the effect upon the rest of the cityscape 14 will be minimized. 15 Urban design. We should not be building a 16 mini downtown skyline here. This is not what 17 Miami Beach is all about. There are certainly 18 other ways of siting the proposed uses on this 19 tract of land. And you as board members have 20 the right to tell an applicant that this is not 21 the correct plan for this land. There are other 22 solutions possible. 23 Compatibility. Our main concern here as 24 shared by staff comment is the overwhelming 25 visual assertiveness of this looming 60-story H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 64 1 glass wall. This project is not compatible with 2 anything. 3 Local color. Although architecture 4 responsive to its time is well encouraged in 5 Miami Beach, this project is more a reflection 6 of Madison Avenue in New York City or the 7 Miracle Mile in Chicago. And despite the 8 sophistication of these designs, in plain 9 language this project will look like an alien 10 corporate invader fortress overwhelming 11 everything around it. 12 The joy of Miami Beach architecture. The 13 joy of Miami Beach architecture is the 14 continuous thread of whimsy which is present 15 throughout our history. We are a very 16 particular place and we certainly have the right 17 to ask new kids coming into our neighborhoods to 18 respect us. This is complex of proposed 19 buildings does not respect its neighbors. 20 Continue to a date certain. This project 21 should be continued and redesigned as a 25-story 22 maximum height urban design village which would 23 have far less visual impact on the entire city 24 of Miami Beach. Thank you. 25 MR. GROSS: Thank you. Next speaker, H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 65 1 please. 2 Erica Brigham. I own a MS. BRIGHAM: 3 building at 735 Second Street, which is now. in 4 the shadow of the Yacht Club, although it is 5 four, five blocks away. I don't know if you can 6 see this, but this is the Yacht Club and this is 7 the building that I own here. And the Yacht 8 Club is half built and it is now at 4:00 in the 9 afternoon in the shadow. 10 I keep taking pictures of shadows and I 11 think you can probably project from what I have 12 just handed out what this project is going to do 13 to the beach. At 12:00 at this time of year 14 there is a shadow. The first picture that I'm 15 handing out to you is taken at 2:15. You can 16 see that the shadow is about one and a half 17 times the height of the fence. That means if 18 you take those buildings lined up, the shadow at 19 that time will go up to the park between Second 20 and Third Street. And then it will sweep down 21 the beach. 22 People have said, well, there's slots. 23 Those slots are totally meaningless because the 24 buildings basically overlap and the entire beach 25 is going to be in shadow and that is a portion H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 66 1 of the beach which is an enormous amenity. It 2 is, you know, the entrance to the channel, and 3 it is... 4 To continue, a few people have said some 5 cliches, we are killing the golden goose and we 6 are filing our own nest to allow something like 7 that to go up there. 8 The model also shows very well if you 9 project it with lights what would happen. I 10 mean, it's not an exercise that nobody can 11 understand. And it will probably be a quarter 12 of the mile of the beach will be rendered 13 unusable for most of the season. 14 A couple of attorneys have said in the past 15 it must be some legal thing about sun lines at 16 2:00 in the afternoon. Most people go to the 17 beach from 2:00 to 4:00 or after. Because the 18 harmful rays of the sun some people don't even 19 want to go until 2:00, but from 2:00 on nobody 20 will be able to use that beach at all. And the 21 Portofino Tower shadow does cast a -- Portofino 22 shadow does go up to Penrod's at this point. 23 I think that in any future projects like 24 this there should be a requirement that people 25 do real sun studies, real shadow studies, and H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 67 1 they should be done for every 45 days during the 2 year, not just at the equinox and the solstice. 3 They should be done every two hours of the day 4 and they should show the impact both to the east 5 and to the west, because there is also going to 6 be an enormous impact to the east both in the 7 summer and the winter from these buildings 8 during the early part of the morning. 9 MR. GROSS: West, I think you mean. 10 MS. BRECKAM: To the west, yeah. And even 11 though the attorneys say, well, the shadows are 12 going to be on the ocean, they are going to hit 13 the beach before the ocean. You can't be that 14 simplistic about it. So I think because that 15 affects the tourism industry, it affects every 16 resident of the Beach, it affects our image, it 17 affects our world status, that it should be 18 taken into consideration and that, as was 19 previously stated, there should be a new concept 20 for this site. That is a low-rise concept. 21 MR. GROSS: Thank you, Erica. Next 22 speaker, please. 23 MS. KELSTEIN: Bea Kelstein, and I don't 24 want to get into the formal details of this 25 because the whole thing is a lot of nonsense. H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 25 68 1 Everybody knows everywhere we don't need special 2 people to come in to tell us that a 50-foot 3 story building, 50-story building is going to 4 cast shadows on all the little buildings around 5 it. You don't have to be a genious for this. 6 You don't have to be a consultant. You don't 7 have to be a connoisseur. Let's be honest about 8 this and quit playing games. 9 This is detrimental to everything that 10 exists on the Beach, the entire image that the 11 Beach ever created. We were a tourist city and 12 this is where we were at. Anyone wants to come 13 and be part of our tourist city, let them 14 conform to the rest of the community. There is 15 no reason for this nonsense to be going on and 16 this foolish conversation to go on. 17 Everybody knows it's taxing to every supply 18 that we need to live with here, be it water or 19 sewage or garbage or police or fire department 20 or anything else. You don't have to be a 21 genious to know that or be told that. 22 I just came across the causeway. The 23 McArthur Causeway is so overcrowded with 24 traffic. A ride that should take five minutes, ten minutes max, took over an hour. What is it H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 69 1 you are doing to this community? Don't you 2 people have any interest or any care about 3 what's going to happen? Don't you have any 4 foresight? Don't you exercise any foresight? 5 What is wrong with you? I am not interested in 6 all this legal gobbledy-gook. I don't care what 7 it's supposed to be. I don't want to hear any 8 of this. 9 I see people sitting here that I have never 10 seen before. How I don't know their names. 11 much do they know about the city, and they are 12 making decisions for 90,000 people out here. We 13 are only 90,000, even though you are told it's a 14 hundred, but 90,000 people have to live and have 15 their lives destroyed and their investments 16 destroyed and their homes destroyed because of a 17 handful of people that are doing things that are 18 totally out of line. A chairman who sits here 19 and is a lobbyist across the street, come on, 20 give me a break. Quit it. 21 MR. GROSS: Thank you, Bea. Next speaker, 22 please. 23 MS. KELSTEIN: I know you appreciated 24 that. 25 MS. TURNER: Mr. Chairman, if I may, I just H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 70 1 wanted to make a comment for the record and 2 remind the board, I'm sure you've heard it many 3 times before, but height in and of itself is not 4 a criteria of what this board must consider or 5 the criteria set forth and as stated the zoning 6 ordinance. 7 MR. GROSS: Okay, thank you. 8 Mr. Kaye? 9 MR. KAYE: Henry Kaye, president of 10 Kaslov Condominiums. There is only one area 11 that concerns me, and it's a generic one once 12 again. I have been informed that this board 13 must not give any approval unless there is 14 absolute concurrency, and I have been sitting 15 here and reading somewhat on some of the details 16 where there are questions of concurrency, and I 17 would like to have that answer given to me now. 18 Can this board make any decision when there is 19 not absolute concurrency on a project? Can 20 anyone answer that? 21 MR. GROSS: I think that the answer that we 22 have been given is that as long as the final 23 determination of concurrency is made at the time 24 the building permit is issued because some 25 projects that are on the board now mayor may H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 71 1 not get approved, so you can't make that 2 determination now. The determination gets made 3 at the time the building permit is going to be 4 issued. We have taken the position and the City 5 I think just revised its zoning ordinance to 6 provide that where remediation is required, 7 because a project will not meet concurrency, 8 that there has to be a remediation plan in 9 effect that the commission approves before it 10 can move forward. 11 MR. MOODY: Before the building permit is 12 issued. 13 MR. GROSS: Before the building permit is 14 issued. 15 MR. MOODY: Historically this board has 16 almost every project it has approved has 17 technically not met concurrency at the time that 18 the project is approved, but it does have to 19 meet concurrency before a building permit is 20 actually issued. 21 MR. CYPEN: Every project we have has -- 22 MR. GROSS: What he meant is that every 23 approval we give is subject to concurrency. 24 MR. CYPEN: That's not what he said. 25 MR. GROSS: I know. H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 22 23 24 25 72 1 MR. CYPEN: The way I understand it is if 2 it's clear there is no concurrency when it's 3 before us, we don't approve it, or at least I 4 don't approve it. 5 MR. GROSS: Unless there's a plan of 6 remediation. In other words, if the consultant 7 came and said, this is out. This is not within 8 the bounds of the com plan, then there would be 9 a remediation plan that would be agreed -- 10 MR. CYPEN: Let's assume somebody came 11 before us and there was no concurrency and no 12 remediation plan. We don't approve it. 13 MR. MOODY: You have already approved 14 three. 15 MR. CYPEN: Maybe over my objection. 16 MR. GROSS: No, I don't think we have. 17 MR. MOODY: Morton Towers, Venetian 18 Tower and -- 19 MR. CYPEN: With no plan of remediation? 20 MR. MOODY: and the remediation plan is 21 still in the middle of being approved. They will not get a building permit until the -- MR. KAYE: If I may have your attention for a moment, I think that perhaps inadvertently, not inadvertently, I put my finger on something H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 73 1 that has been missed, and that is the what, 2 where and when. Is this board does this 3 board have a mandate not to approve anything 4 that doesn't have the proper background and the 5 proper base and the proper foundation? And if 6 it doesn't, and if it doesn't, then the items 7 should not be brought before the board. 8 Otherwise, it is confusing. 9 The people, if I were sitting there, I 10 would assume that everything or at least be 11 inclined to assume that all those elements have 12 been examined and are in place, but ostensibly 13 they are not. And this is why it may be very 14 confusing to all of you and the burden of guilt cannot be necessarily placed, but I do implore you that you pay attention. MR. GROSS: Henry, I'll tell you why it can't be done that way. There are 50 projects that are presented to this board. 20 of them or 15 16 17 18 ten of them may get built, so you don't know which ones those are. And different ones move forward at different speeds, so at the time that they want to get a building permit, it's at that time based on what people actually are going to get a permit to build that the determination H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 74 1 ultimately has to be made. You can't make that 2 determination. If we based it on all the 3 projects that were submitted to this design 4 review board assuming that they were all built 5 nothing would happen, but that's not the 6 reality. People present projects to us all the 7 time that don't get built. This project may not 8 get built. 9 MR. KAYE: I concur, but wouldn't it then, 10 what you just said at least to my logic follows 11 that your work would be that much easier if you 12 were to deal only with those projects that are 13 substantially committed to build that have all the possibilities and likelihood to be built, your work would be -- MR. CYPEN: There's no way to know that, but I disagree. I think that concurrency is a two-step procedure. I think it has to get over us preliminarily and if at the time of the building permit there is no concurrency, they don't get a building permit. MR. KAYE: There are too many what if's. When people come to a very significant decision that this board has to make, it seems to me there are too many what if's. What if they H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 75 1 don't build? What if there is no concurrency 2 and they don't get a permit, then they 3 definitely don't build, et cetera, et cetera, 4 and there are tens and hundreds, thousands of 5 hours a year dedicated to things that probably 6 will never happen because 7 That's possible, Henry. They MR. GROSS: 8 may not get financing either. I mean, there's 9 lots of things -- 10 Half the projects don't get MR. CYPEN: 11 built even with concurrency. 12 I don't want to take up that MR. KAYE: 13 much more precious time, but it has been my 14 impression recently that unless there is 15 concurrency, that this board may not or must not 16 give approval and then wait for the permit. 17 Thank you. 18 Thank you. MR. GROSS: Next speaker, 19 please. 20 MR. BASS: Mr. Chairman, members of the 21 board, Jeffrey Bass is my name. 46 S. W. First 22 Street is my address. I am here representing 23 today Mr. Jerry Blair individually; who is the 24 owner of real property located at 300 South 25 Pointe Drive. H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 76 1 I would like to begin by reincorporating 2 into this record, as Mr. Schulman did, the 3 comments from the previous hearing, particularly 4 those comments made by my partner John Shubin. 5 I am going to speak clearly now so that he can 6 hear me on his vacation wherever he may be if 7 he's watching. And I appreciate him leaving me 8 with this. I would also like to not repeat many 9 of the other comments made today by the other 10 members of the public but adopt them. 11 Basically I think the most prudent piece of 12 advice or statement anybody made today were 13 those comments made by your staff that they 14 should be deferred to a date certain in order to 15 first resolve the threshold issues regarding the 16 joinder and the lot split. Threshold issues 17 should always be addressed first because they 18 will fundamentally change everybody's 19 assumptions about this project. So today really 20 we want to reiterate the concerns raised by your 21 director Mr. Dean Grandon through 22 correspondence, and I would like those 23 correspondence to be part of the record and I'm 24 sure they already are, on the issue of whether a 25 lot split is needed, because if it is, we may be H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 77 1 faced with entirely different assumptions and 2 whether joinder is needed by the balance of the 3 property owners, because if that is, our 4 assumptions may be different. 5 We believe you need to take these into 6 account before you deliberate today because the 7 conditions which you impose may be impacted by 8 those and it would be really putting the cart 9 before the horse to take any definitive action 10 before any part of those issues be resolved, so 11 thank you, and I would urge that this matter be 12 deferred for those reasons. 13 Okay. Next Thank you. MR. GROSS: 14 speaker, please. 15 MR. RESNICK: Good afternoon everybody. As 16 you probably -- 17 Just introduce yourself for the MR. GROSS: 18 record. 19 Edward Resnick. MR. RESNICK: I live in 20 South pointe Tower. I am presently the 21 president of the South Pointe Tower Condominium 22 Association. As of today I am still the 23 president of the South PointeMaster 24 Association. And the attorney that just 25 appeared before you represents the president of H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 78 1 the Portofino Tower Condominium Associates. 2 I think all of you probably know me. And 3 contrary to public opinion, I think I can get 4 re-elected in my building and everybody that is 5 on the east side of my building will vote for me 6 almost I think, and I just want to read to you 7 something. 8 For those of you who are not politically 9 attuned, the reason I am telling you this is 10 because there is a rumor spreading in town, has 11 been since last April that I am on the payroll 12 of Portofino and probably now on the payroll of 13 Bruce Eichner, but I can tell you I didn't get 14 my check for the last seven months, but 15 nevertheless I am here today. 16 I worked on the Portofino transaction for 17 this city. I was the chairman of that 18 committee. At the request of two commissioners, 19 one of who is now the mayor, the other a lady is 20 Nancy Liebman, we hired Elizabeth Clader 21 Zeiburt, who is the dean of architecture of the 22 University of Miami. Even if they hadn't 23 suggested her, we would have. When I say "we," 24 I mean South pointe Advisory Committee, because 25 I was the chairman of the South pointe Advisory H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 79 1 Committee for almost six years. And together 2 with Elizabeth and Sasaki Associates and Richard 3 ~.. Galehouse, we worked up some model design 4 guidelines for the then property on Alton Road 5 and South Pointe Drive that were part of the 6 Portofino-transaction. Had nothing to do with 7 the Ocean Parcel at that point. And Nancy was 8 very involved in this. 9 And I just went back into my records and I 10 want to read to you architectural standards of 11 style. Building design including the building 12 character building configuration, scale and 13 building materials shall be designed to promote 14 the city's specific character and shall be 15 compatible with Mediterranean, Art Deco and 16 modern styles. 17 A structure of our time should be 18 encouraged. And that was a plan that was 19 modeled, worked on by planning and zoning, and 20 hopefully we were going to build that design 21 guideline as a model into the city. And we 22 would have required that every apartment house 23 have habitable space around it, and Charles 24 Schaab said something today and he and I have 25 never agreed about anything, and I agree about H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 80 1 this, which is any structure that has habitable 2 space instead of garages fronting on the street 3 is much nicer, much more friendlier. 4 Now, I think these build~ngs are beautiful, 5 the three of them. And when I read the staff 6 report, it tells me even if I didn't know who 7 designed them that that's as good as it really 8 gets and we probably have one of the ten or 20 9 top architects in the world that has designed 10 this. Now obviously he had to design a lot of 11 square footage, but he designed it I think in a 12 very sensible, sensitive way. 13 Look at my building, South pointe Tower. 14 The floor plate on that building is 12,000 feet 15 per floor. Now look at the building next to it, 16 which is almost twice as tall. It is 17,000 17 feet per floor. And I think it's It's massive. 18 gorgeous and I live right next to it. And it 19 doesn't bother me a bit and it really doesn't 20 bother most of the people that live where we live because i1 it did they just wouldn't be 21 22 there. 23 Now look at these three buildings. The 24 floor plate on those three buildings are 12,000 25 feet, same as South Pointe Tower. I don't think H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 81 1 you can build a building with high priced 2 apartments with a floor plate really less than 3 12,000 feet unless we go to Fisher Island and we 4 take one of those last buildings and the 5 building that is right on the tip of the cut. 6 That's got a floor plate of over 30,000 feet. 7 So let's say that we do what some of the 8 people here wanted us to do. Only have a 9 building 20 or 24 stories and it's 30,000 square 10 feet of floor plate. And they build a million 11 seven, a million six. I'm going to be totally 12 blocked. My apartment faces Not just me. 13 east. I am one of those hundred people in South 14 pointe Tower that is most impacted by this. I 15 know that in this design I as much as I can 16 minimize the impact against me. My building is 17 20 stories tall. 18 Hold on a .second. MR. GROSS: They need to 19 change the tape. 20 MR. RESNICK: My building is only 23 21 stories tall. Whatever gets built there. 22 Everybody in South Pointe Tower is impacted, 23 blocked off. Portofino Tower, if you get above 24 20 stories, then everybody above that can see 25 it. Probably never happen. They will be open. H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 82 1 We are more impacted by them. 2 Next thing, this -- well, let me start this 3 way. I promised I wouldn't trash anybody 4 today. I promised my wife when I left today. 5 I used to be a member of the South Pointe 6 Coalition. They I am not, obviously, anymore. 7 were going to save Miami Beach and save our 8 neighborhood. And Save Miami Beach chairman was 9 also going to save our neighborhood. And the 10 present commission was elected primarily on 11 controlled growth, which sounds to me like a 12 code word for really no growth, but we won't go 13 into that. And the next thing is that they were 14 supposed to save my neighborhood. And most of 15 the people won't agree with me in this room, but 16 if I could get the people in my building to come 17 down, and, believe me, they won't because they 18 don't get involved that much, but if I could get 19 them to come before you, you haven't done 20 anything as a board for our quality of life in 21 my building or in Portofino Tower. You people 22 have insisted and I think William Cary and Dean 23 Grandon are fine people. They are' 24 professional. I I agree with them generally. 25 absolutely disagree with Dean on this one. H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 83 1 We don't want a pedestrian walkway into the 2 park. It's not a walkway. It's 50 feet wide. 3 It's a speedway. Talk to somebody that lives 4 overlooking the park on Friday night at 1:00 or 5 2:00 or Saturday night or Sunday night and watch 6 the teenage gangs in the park partying, throwing 7 bottles and racing, and then watch the 8 frustration when they wake you up at night and 9 you call the police department and generally 10 they will tell you, well, it's noise, call code 11 compliance. When you finally convince them it's 12 not code compliance, it's police, you're lucky 13 if you get 24 minutes for them to get there. I 14 don't think you have helped us one bit. 15 That park is a crap hole. I'm sorry to 16 tell you that. It should be the most gorgeous 17 piece of land on Miami Beach and nobody will go 18 there. And the only thing that might save it 19 right now is the fact that this city had the 20 good sense to work out an arrangement for Smith 21 & Wollensky to open a restaurant and they put in 22 security guards and are helping. 23 But I can tell you, if we had a pedestrian 24 walkway, it's erasing the area. We don't want 25 more access into the park. Ten years from now H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 25 84 1 if I'm still here will still be saying there is 2 not enough police and all you are doing is 3 creating another entrance into the park. We 4 have got one entrance at Washington Avenue. You 5 want to make it nicer, make it nicer. We don't 6 need any more entrances into the park. We don't 7 need pedestrian access into the park. 8 Last thing, I bought South Pointe Tower in 9 1988. I was shown a piece of property that 10 stretched from Washington Avenue to the ocean. 11 I was shown, as was everybody else, five 12 buildings, all high-rise, one next to me where 13 Portofino Tower was and three on the Ocean 14 Parcel. They were varying heights. I liked 15 it. I think everybody that moved there liked 16 it. 17 This is one lot. I'm not talking legally. 18 It should be designed as one by creating a 19 road. To me 50 feet is a road. You have 20 divided it. One side doesn't relate to the 21 other. What have you done for me and my 22 neighbors and friends? Why don't you do away 23 with the driveway. Let me speak to Portofino 24 and Bruce Eichner. I have tried to do this with Portofino H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 85 1 Tower but we just don't seem to be able to 2 communicate. I want to expand our garage to the 3 south where our tennis courts are. Just look at 4 the tennis courts. If we now expand duplicate 5 those two tennis courts just to the south, I 6 will add two more tennis courts so there will be 7 four tennis courts for all these buildings. 8 Believe me, it works. We have two for our two 9 buildings. It works. And if I do that, on the 10 third floor I will add a hundred and four 11 parking spaces. And if you do that for us, you 12 have really done something for us, but otherwise 13 you really haven't helped us. You have made our 14 situation worse. 15 Okay. MR. GROSS: Thank you, Ed. 16 Any other statements? 17 MR. BASS: I just need to clarify something 18 for Mr. Resnick because he made comments about 19 all of the other people in his building. I just 20 want it to be clear on the record whether he was 21 here as an individual citizen or in 22 representative capacity representing all of the 23 unit owners in the building where he lives. 24 MR. RESNICK: I am here as an individual. 25 MR. GROSS: Thank you. H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 .~. 86 1 MS. WISS: Saul, I would just like one 2 moment to respond to something else that Mr. 3 Resnick said and that has to do with Elizabeth 4 Clader Zeiburt, whom we all very much respect. 5 I had the good fortune of meeting with her this 6 summer on I believe several occasions, and I 7 think one time was after Portofino had 8 terminated the agreement, and at that time we 9 talked about the experience that she had had and 10 we had had, and she said, you know, this is a 11 great opportunity we have now, because now we 12 have a building and now we can assess what we 13 only saw on paper and in models. Now we have 14 Portofino Tower and now we should revisit what 15 to do with the rest of it, and I think that 16 that's very good advice and I hope that that 17 most recent comment would be taken to heart. 18 Thank you. MR. GROSS: Other comment? 19 Gil Zirney. MR. ZIRNEY: 327 Jefferson 20 Avenue. 21 There is a club in South Pointe. It's 22 called Club Amnesia, in case you have 23 forgotten. Ha ha. 24 They had a very successful opening. It was 25 complete gridlock because South Pointe does come H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 .~ 87 1 to a point. Everything that It's a cul-de-sac. 2 feeds in and out of South Pointe goes on 5th 3 Street. 4 I saw someone injured on the beach when we 5 had a kite gathering, kite flying gathering. It 6 took 45 minutes for paramedics to get to this 7 unconscious person that was hit by a kite. For 8 this developer to say that there is no problem 9 with traffic is ludicrous. We have problems 10 with traffic and we have buildings that have 11 been built that have caused problems with 12 traffic. 13 Let's talk about something else that's been 14 built. One of the last times I was here talking 15 about the Portofino Tower. We talked about this 16 tall slender structure that wasn't going to look 17 as massive as South Pointe Tower. That building 18 that's almost hidden by it for most of the 19 beach. South Pointe Tower should not have been 20 built and this tower should not be built, but 21 I'm voting for it. 22 MR. GROSS: You mean Portofino Tower 23 shouldn't have been built? 24 MR. ZIRNEY: I'm quoting Mr. Ed Resnick 25 when he said South Pointe Tower should not have H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 .~ 88 1 been built. This tower, Portofino Tower, should 2 not be built but I am voting for it. 3 How many of you have been to the beach 4 during this holiday? I mean the beach, the 5 place with the sand. Any of you hit the beach 6 this weekend or this holiday season? Not a 7 single person going to the beach looks for 8 shade. That's enough. 9 MR. GROSS: Thank you, Gil. Next speaker. 10 I would like to take board comment and then 11 I will give you a chance at the end to respond, 12 Mr. Schulman. 13 Board comment? I know you have taken to 14 drinking coffee to try to stay warm, but we are 15 open for comment. 16 MR. BLITSTEIN: Before I was on this board, 17 I had the opportunity to work on a project 18 across the street which for me was very 19 important. As I watched Portofino Tower go up, 20 notwithstanding the size I always said to 21 myself, how did they allow that particular 22 building to be built and I didn't know much 23 about it. So as a critic of what was going on I 24 said well, if the chance ever came, maybe I 25 would have the opportunity to voice my opinion. I H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 ~ 89 1 And I was appointed to this board, and 10 and 2 behold I have had a chance to voice my opinion. 3 It's very difficult for any architect to 4 react to someone like Helmut Jahn because he is 5 a man of world reknown and of very high stature 6 and has designed some of the most important 7 buildings in the world and to hear him speak and 8 to be able to sit on the other side was 9 something that as I watched him build his 10 projects I never thought that day would come 11 certainly not for me to be able to comment on 12 his work because I have always loved his work, 13 but from the first time I have seen these 14 building even though they are beautifully 15 articulated and I absolutely love his work, I 16 have always felt that contextually these 17 buildings don't belong in Miami Beach. And 18 although the drawings are absolutely beautiful 19 and the model is beautiful and the urban 20 solution, whether we pick at it and whether we 21 find it, we need to do an item or not an item, 22 the main issue here for me as an architect is do 23 I accept the design of these three buildings, 24 notwithstanding the height and the massing and 25 so forth, do I accept them as a design premise? H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 ~ 90 1 And for me as somebody who has lived in this 2 city and lived in South Florida all my life, I 3 cannot. 4 I find it very difficult even though they 5 are absolutely beautiful and elegant, I find 6 them totally out of context with Miami Beach, 7 and it's very difficult for someone to who has 8 admired someone else's work the way I have for 9 so many years, to make that opinion it's very 10 difficult, but I cannot. You cannot give a 11 specific remark, change the balcony or do this 12 or do that because it's all sort of irrelevant. 13 It's a composition. And I would not be so 14 arrogant as to ask him to change the 15 composition. I just don't agree with this 16 composition on this site. 17 MR. GROSS: Thank you, Peter. 18 Other board comment? 19 I will make a comment. The part that's 20 troubling me, and I know I have been advised by 21 the city attorney that I'm supposed to be silent 22 on the issue as to whether this is a single lot 23 or whether the lot should split or whatever, but 24 it seems to me right now the way it's been 25 submitted it's one project. There's one H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 .~ 91 1 applicant. It's we have to look at these new 2 buildings as they relate to the balance of the 3 site, which is Portofino and South Pointe Tower, 4 and it seems to me that the massing of the 5 project is overly concentrated on the east end 6 when it's viewed as one entire site. I think if 7 someone were master planning this as a site from 8 the beginning, the mass of the project would be 9 more evenly distributed over the site. And 10 viewed in that light I find it overly weighted 11 on the east end of the project, and so, you 12 know, I can't approve it in this stage because I 13 don't think that it's equally distributed over 14 the project. 15 Francisco? 16 MR. GARCIA: I think probably the easiest 17 thing to do is, in fact, to continue it pending 18 the resolution of this issue. However, and 19 having heard I think unanimous praise for the 20 design and site planning of this particular 21 project, that notwithstanding, it might be that 22 in this situation unlike in many situations the 23 fairest thing to the applicant might be to tell 24 them unequivocally that this project as it has 25 been presented to us based on the design premise H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 ~ 92 1 it is based on and given that I think to a 2 largest extent we all agree it is really not 3 contextual, the fairest thing might be that one 4 of us, and I would be happy to do it, move to 5 deny the project as it has been presented 6 letting them know how we feel and letting them 7 take stock then and follow suit as they will. 8 If it considers the board as such, I would be 9 happy to make that motion. 10 MR. GROSS: First of all, I want to give 11 Mr. Schulman a chance to respond before you made 12 that motion, but expand upon why you feel that 13 you would possibly make a motion to deny. You 14 are talking about the factors that Mr. Blitstein 15 was discussing and terms of the design fabric? 16 MR. GARCIA: I think again this is an 17 unusual situation. I know we typically don't do 18 this because we tend to feel appropriately so 19 that it is not constructiv~ to do so. I think 20 the evidence before this board tonight has been 21 overwhelming, and I think most everyone is on 22 point and I happen to agree with many of the 23 comments that were made with regards to this 24 particular issue. The evidence again is 25 overwhelming that this project fails to capture H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 .~ 93 1 the essence of what Miami Beach is all'about. I 2 feel that that being the case and not wanting to 3 be redundant and reiterate what everyone else 4 has so eloquently said, that being the case, 5 really our duty is then to let them know to deny 6 the proposal as it presently stands and move 7 forward. 8 MR. GROSS: Okay. Just for the record's 9 sake, I would like you to repeat some of the 10 items which you find most compelling that you 11 might find as a basis for that statement. 12 MS. TURNER: Mr. Chairman, if I may just 13 elaborate upon that if you were going to move to 14 deny as opposed 15 MR. GROSS: I'm not saying that's what we 16 are going to do. I'm just trying to -- 17 MR. CYPEN: Let her make her point. I want 18 to hear her point. 19 MS. TURNER: If that would be the motion as 20 opposed to a continuance or something, then you 21 would need to set forth specifically the exact 22 reasons following the criteria as set forth in 23 the code the reasons why the denial is 24 appropriate. 25 Right. MR. GROSS: That's what I'm trying H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 ~ 94 1 to find out. 2 MR. GARCIA: I think you can simply take 3 care of that by, A, incorporating into my motion 4 every single comment staff has made in their 5 analysis, I support it, I agree with it fully, 6 and I think that in and of itself would be 7 sufficient to support a motion of denial. Above 8 and beyond that and if you want to capture it 9 all in its very essence, this proposal as it is 10 presently before us simply is not conceptual and 11 all that entails, and I won't presume that I am 12 in any better position to explain it better than 13 the applicants themselves who I'm sure are aware 14 of all the designers involved. And that being 15 the case again, and any iterations, derivations, 16 revisions of this project as they stand if the 17 premise is these will be three gigantic, 18 monolithic fairly and articulated as one views 19 them in context structures, then I simply as one 20 member of this board cannot stand for it and 21 that is the reason why I would make such a 22 motion. 23 MR. GROSS: Okay. Other board comment? 24 Steve? 25 MR. CYPEN: I would second that motion if H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 ~ . 95 1 you want to make it. 2 MR. GROSS: Well, not yet. Suzanne? 3 MS. MARTINSON: I mean, I want to comment. 4 what I have to say is pretty redundant as far as 5 the other members in holding Helmut Jahn in very 6 high regard and coming from a modernist 7 background and finally having somebody of world 8 caliber presenting us with a building that Miami 9 could call its own, but it's unfortunately in 10 the wrong site and the wrong location. If it 11 was across Biscayne Bay and downtown Miami, I 12 would be jumping with glee, but I have been 13 wrestling with this since we first saw these 14 buildings come before us and I just I can't vote 15 in favor of them because of it's a scale issue 16 and a contextual issue and the amenities that 17 are destroyed for the citizens and users of the 18 beach and air quality, life quality, et cetera. 19 MR. GROSS: Okay. Mr. Schulman, I want to 20 give you a chance to rebut. 21 Mr. Chairman, members of the MR. SCHULMAN: 22 board, I don't think deferral ever looked so 23 good to me. We in the best of good faith put 24 together what staff indicated in their report, 25 which I strongly agree with -- see how quickly H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 ~ 96 1 he changes -- a vision of the future. And what 2 we did with Mr. Jahn, who I will be the first 3 one to tell you is one of the ten best living 4 architects in the world, not ten to 20. We put 5 together the best team that we could to look 6 toward the future and recognize that a viable 7 entity that is living, living, grows, evolves 8 and develops; that when you fail to look 9 forward, when you fail to live and you fail to 10 grow and challenge yourselves to the future, 11 then you have committed yourselves conceivably 12 to death or atrophy. And Mr. Jahn, I think, and 13 I don't think he would say it, but I will, 14 looked to the future and tried to say what the 15 future of this particular parcel should be. He 16 looked uniquely at a piece of proper and it is 17 unique and I will tell you right now and I will 18 testify for him, he would not build or design 19 this for Chicago, for New York City or for 20 downtown Miami because this project is unique. 21 It takes advantage of the ocean and all of the 22 breezes. But I understand the board's 23 concerns. But, again, the vision of, if you 24 will, compatibility is a vision that this board 25 not necessarily each and every member that is H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 ~ 97 1 now presently here determined was Portofino 2 And that was a compatibility contextual Tower. 3 approval of site which is zoned for high-rise 4 CPS III, 3.5 FAR development. That's what was 5 determined to be it. 6 On the balance of the site issue, the 7 original plan for this site I indicated to you 8 balanced it in a unified plan of development 9 with 68 percent of the development on the ocean 10 side and 32 percent on the west side. This plan 11 before you is 64 percent less on the east side 12 than was originally approved through the design 13 review process and the city commission and, 14 therefore, really does balance the site. 15 From a concurrency point of view, we have 16 submitted the data in reports that we believe 17 are voluminous. We have submitted data not only 18 from our own traffic consultant but David 19 Plummer & Associates on traffic indicating 20 concurrency is met as well as all of the other 21 concurrency standards. We clearly have 22 addressed those issues. 23 We have tried to address again 24 architecturally every issue that the staff and 25 the board has raised regarding trying to bring H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 ~ 98 1 the people to the park, and I think we have done 2 that well, if not in Mr. Resnick's opinion, too 3 darn well. So we understand that concern, but 4 we understand there was movement toward that. 5 This site is going to get developed, folks. 25 6 stories or 44 stories of high-rise multiple 7 family development. 8 We did the shadow studies. We showed you 9 any building on this site is going to throw a 10 shadow, and we showed you the shadow studies. 11 Any building on the ocean is going to throw a 12 shadow. If shadow was the criteria, and the 13 Supreme Court of Florida has said you cannot use 14 shadow as a criteria, but if that was a criteria 15 then nothing that presently exists in Miami 16 Beach would be there on the ocean. And, by the 17 way, some people might applaud that. I. 18 understand that, but it is. So nothing would be 19 built here. 20 Shorter, squatter buildings make fatter 21 shadows that last longer. Skinnier buildings 22 make taller shadows or longer shadows but they 23 move quicker. So we addressed that in our 24 shadow study and we did, in fact, submit shadow 25 studies to the City and the board. H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 .~. 99 1 We are obviously looking for board action 2 but we want the ability to reflect upon the 3 board's comments which have been exceedingly 4 directed and very specific and evaluate those 5 comments in light of our presentation and, 6 therefore, we would respectfully request that 7 the board do continue this matter until March 8 10th at which time we would anticipate Mr. 9 Grandon's final opinion will be done and we will 10 have our final answer on what other changes, if 11 any, in the design of the plan that the owner is 12 willing to make in order to try to address the 13 board's concerns. But clearly we believe we 14 would hope that the board believed that this is 15 not a vision of the past. It is not a look 16 merely across the street. It's a look beyond. 17 And whether Miami Beach likes it or not, we are 18 going to be entering the 21st century. I mean, 19 it's going to happen. It'S going to be there. 20 And the real question is is Miami Beach going to 21 be there. We would Thank you for your concern. 22 respectfully request that the matter be 23 continued to March 10th. 24 Thank you. MR. GROSS: I don't think the 25 question is whether we are going to be entering H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 ~ 100 1 the 21st century. I think the question is what 2 the vision is for the 21st century. There's a 3 difference of opinion perhaps as to what that 4 might look like. 5 MR. CYPEN: I would like to make a motion. 6 Since this may be subject to some legal 7 challenge, could I take a shot at it? And I 8 don't think it's fair to continue it when I 9 think anything along the lines that's been 10 presented is not going to get approved. I think 11 continuing it to come back and start allover 12 again is really not fair. I agree with 13 Francisco. 14 I move that the application be denied on 15 the following grounds: Number 1, that the 16 application is inconsistent with the city zoning 17 ordinance as listed in Numbers 1 through 7 of 18 the staff report and that inconsistency exists 19 whether there is one parcel or it's split. 20 Either way, we have been told it's inconsistent 21 with the zoning ordinance, at least this 22 particular application. 23 Number 2, it has not been demonstrated that 24 the concurrency requirements of Section 22 of 25 the zoning ordinance have been met. H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 ~ 101 1 Number 3, that the following design 2 criteria have not been satisfied. 3 Slow down, Steve. I think you MR. GROSS: 4 are reading too fast for the people who are 5 writing. 6 There's a court reporter here. MR. CYPEN: 7 No, I know, but Tom has to.... MR. GROSS: 8 Okay. In addition, the MR. CYPEN: 9 following design review criteria have not been 10 satisfied and complied with: 11 Number 2, which is the location of all 12 existing and proposed buildings, drives, parking 13 spaces, walkways, means of ingress and egress, 14 drainage facilities, utility services, 15 landscaping structures, signs and lightings and 16 screening devices. 17 Two, the dimensions of all building 18 structure setbacks, parking spaces, floor area 19 ratio, height, lot coverage, and any other 20 information that is necessary for us to 21 determine compliance with the ordinance. 22 Four, the color design selection of 23 landscape materials and architectural elements 24 of exterior building surfaces and primary public 25 interior areas for developments requiring a H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 ~ 102 1 building permit in the areas of the city 2 identified in Subsection B of that section. 3 MS. TURNER: Excuse me, Mr. Cypen. You 4 just mentioned that as Number 4. I think you 5 are renumbering them, and that would be Number 3 6 under your system of numbering. 7 MR. GROSS: He means design guidelines 8 MR. CYPEN: I'm not listing them in my 9 numbers. I'm listing the design criteria 10 numbers so there won't be any confusion. That 11 is the Design Criteria No.4. It may be Three 12 on my list because One was satisfied. 13 Design Criteria No.5, the proposed 14 structure is not in conformity with the 15 standards of the ordinance and other applicable 16 ordinances, architectural and design guidelines 17 and plans insofar as the location and appearance 18 and design of the buildings and structures are 19 involved. 20 Design Criteria No.6, that the proposed 21 structure does not indicate a sensitivity to and 22 is not compatible with the environment and 23 adjacent structures and does not enhance the 24 appearance of the surrounding properties. 25 Design Criteria No.7, design and layout of H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 ~ 103 1 the buildings has been reviewed and does not 2 provide an efficient arrangement of land uses 3 and that we have paid particular attention to 4 safety, crime prevention and fire protection in 5 relationship to the surrounding neighborhood and 6 impact on contiguous adjacent buildings and 7 lands, pedestrian site lines and review 8 corridors. 9 Design Criteria No. 8 has not been 10 satisfied. pedestrian and vehicular traffic 11 movement within and adjacent to the site has 12 been reviewed, and it cannot be insured that all 13 parking spaces are usable and are safely and 14 conveniently arranged. Access to the site from 15 adjacent roads has not been designed so as not 16 to interfere as little as possible-- so as not 17 to interfere so as not to interfere as little 18 as possible with traffic flow on those roads and 19 to permit vehicles a rapid and safe ingress and 20 egress to the site. 21 Design Criteria No. 10, the landscaping and 22 paving materials do not insure an adequate 23 relationship with and enhancement of the overall 24 site plan design. 25 Design Criteria No. 11, buffering H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 .~. 104 1 materials. 2 Steve, I don't know that you MR. GROSS: 3 have to read each design criteria in its 4 entirety. 5 They are supposed to. If MR. MOODY: 6 you're going to set forth reasons for denial, 7 you have to set them forth in writing, so I 8 would suggest that Steve do it. 9 MR. CYPHEN: There are some administrative 10 law cases and so forth. Design Criteria No. 11, 11 buffering materials do not insure that 12 headlights of vehicles, noise and lights 13 obstructions are adequately shielded from public 14 view in pedestrian areas. That is Design 15 Criteria No. 11 has not been satisfied. 16 Design Criteria No. 12 has not been 17 satisfied. Storm drainage, sanitary waste 18 disposal and water supply are not considered to 19 be adequate for existing systems and need for 20 improvements both on site and off site to 21 adequately carry run-off and sewage and maintain 22 an adequate supply of water and sufficient 23 pressure has not been determined, has not been 24 satisfied. 25 Thirteen has not been satisfied. Garbage H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 ~ 105 1 disposal does not insure freedom from vermin and 2 rodent infestation. All disposal systems do not 3 meet municipal specifications as to installation 4 and construction. 5 Design Criteria No. 14, the overall project 6 does not comply with the City's comprehensive 7 plan or neighborhood plans that apply to or 8 affect the subject property. That 'is my 9 motion. 10 Okay. MR. GROSS: Steve, there are certain 11 items where it says in the staff report 12 concurrency evaluation required, you are saying 13 in your motion that they are not satisfied. Is 14 that the motion that you want to make or? 15 MR. CYPEN: Yes, because the burden is on 16 the applicant to show that those things have 17 been complied with. The applicant has the 18 burden in an administrative hearing to 19 demonstrate that. It's not that we have the 20 burden to demonstrate an absence of it. 21 MR. GROSS: They have said that they 22 submitted that and the City said that they 23 submitted it but haven't had a chance to 24 evaluate it, so I just want the record to be 25 clear. Are you saying that in your opinion H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 J...,; 106 1 based on what has been submitted that it's not 2 adequate? 3 MR. CYPEN: Yes. 4 Okay. MR. GROSS: But you haven't 5 personally reviewed it, so I'm not sure how you 6 can say that. 7 MR. CYPEN: I am the finder of fact. That 8 is my opinion based upon what I have heard and 9 what I have read and what I have seen. 10 Okay. MR. GROSS: That is Steve's motion. 11 Dogs anybody want to add to it or second it? 12 MR. GARCIA: I would like to make a brief 13 statement and then second it, if I may. The 14 architect has done an excellent job. In fact, 15 he has done -- the team, I imagine, has done 16 their best. The attorneys have done their job. 17 They have done their best. This board and 18 particularly staff have done their best in 19 working with the applicant. It is with respect 20 that I second the motion to deny this project. 21 Okay. MR. GROSS: Any further discussion? 22 All in favor of the motion signify by saying 23 aye. 24 THE BOARD: Aye. 25 MR. GROSS: Opposed? H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 .~ 107 1 (No verbal response) 2 MR. GROSS: The application is denied. 3 MR. SCHULMAN: Mr. Chairman, we would ask 4 that after the meeting if the clerk could mark 5 all of the boards and exhibits here with her 6 file number for preservation of the record so 7 that we may have that recorded. 8 Secondly, I've got another project. 9 MR. GROSS: I know you do. 10 MR. SCHULMAN: Mr. Chairman, we would 11 incorporate the presentation that was made to 12 you into, what is the number? I'm sorry. 13 MR. CYPEN: 9486. 14 MR. SCHULMAN: Okay, which is the as a 15 right plan. As I indicated to you from a review 16 of the record, you will find buildings which are 17 not as high. The highest building in the as a 18 right plan is 420 feet. Let me just make sure 19 my exact number. 20 MR. MOODY: 432. 21 MR. SCHULMAN: 432, which is permitted by 22 existing zoning. We have indicated and designed 23 the plan in such a way that the side setbacks 24 and the rear setbacks are in compliance with the 25 zoning code as presently exists. We believe the H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 ~ 108 1 FAR and we have submitted data to the City 2 indicating compliance with the other zoning 3 criteria of the code. We have submitted 4 simultaneously a concurrency study, both traffic 5 and all other concurrency elements. The major 6 difference in the plan is the buildings are 7 shorter. They are closer to Portofino Tower and 8 the South Pointe Tower in order to~eet the 9 setback criterias with the rear setback. 10 MR. CYPEN: And it blocks the view 11 corridor. 12 MR. SCHULMAN: It blocks the view corridor, 13 correct. There's no view corridor at the 14 It's a vacant lot. moment. It does not create 15 a view corridor. What it does, it is a zoned 16 plan meeting the city code, which, by that 17 matter, mandates that there be no view corridor 18 because the buildings have to be closer than 19 they are now because of the rear setbacks. We 20 would submit that plan to you for your 21 submission. 22 We have the same experts here. They can 23 answer any concurrency questions Mr. Cypen may 24 have goes to that data in the record. With the 25 utmost respect, it is uncontradicted in the H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 ,~ 109 1 record and, therefore, we would request your 2 approval of the project. 3 MR. MOODY: Mr. Chairman, staff would also 4 make the staff report for File No. 9486 a 5 permanent part of the record. 6 MR. SCHULMAN: We would incorporate the 7 same exhibits just so it's all one ball of wax 8 where we're going. 9 MR. GROSS: Debra, do we need to take new 10 public comment on this file or can we somehow 11 incorporate the comments? 12 MS. TURNER: I would open it for public 13 comment. 14 MR. CYPEN: I think we can tell the public 15 that we would incorporate that we have already 16 heard but they are not precluded from saying 17 something else. 18 Okay. MR. GROSS: Let's do that, then. At 19 this time we will take public comment. 20 MR. BASS: Just in an abundance of clarity, 21 Jeffrey Bass, 46 S. W. First Street representing 22 Jerry Blair in his individual capacity, and I 23 would like to reincorporate the comments made in 24 the previous item and the previous hearing into 25 the record of this. Thank you. H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 ,~ 110 1 MR. GROSS: Okay. Other public comment? 2 I would like to make the same MR. CYPEN: 3 motion but I would like to ask Mr. Schulman for 4 the sake of brevity based on those cases which 5 require administrative bodies to make specific 6 findings if you would consent to the fact that I 7 would make the same motion and I would go 8 through the staff report and read those same 9 things that do not comply opposed to doing that 10 in its entirety. Just as to form. 11 MR. SCHULMAN: I would stipulate as to the 12 form, obviously not the content. 13 MR. CYPEN: Fine. 14 MR. GROSS: And don't you want to add the 15 additional item, which is that the view 16 corridors, that this project doesn't create a 17 view corridor down Ocean Drive as an addition? 18 I think that that's MR. CYPEN: let me 19 just see here. I think that that would be 20 covered by at least one of the, let's see.. 21 MR. GROSS: I mean, it wouldn't hurt to 22 state that with specificity because that is one 23 of the major factors that differentiates this 24 plan from the other one. 25 MR. MOODY: Well, condition No. 7 addresses H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 ~ 111 1 it because it says the towers, proposed siting 2 of the towers 3 Look at the last part of Seven, MR. CYPEN: 4 Saul. I'm It has the view corridor in there. 5 going to make the same 6 Okay. MR. GROSS: Before you do that, I 7 just want to ask a question because you read 8 certain sections of the staff report which you 9 made a part of your prior motion that did not 10 generally incorporate the staff comments. 11 MR. CYPEN: He had already done that. 12 MR. GROSS: Who had? 13 MR. CYPEN: He had already made the staff 14 report in the beginning a permanent part of the 15 record. And what I want to do now is with the 16 concurrence, pardon the expression, by Mr. 17 Schulman, the consent, I want to make a motion 18 to deny without reading the particular substance 19 but following exactly the form I just did 20 insofar as following the staff report and the 21 particular items that make up the staff report 22 to deny on those grounds without having with his 23 consent the necessity of the reading all of 24 those things again. He agrees to the form but 25 not the substance, obviously. That's my motion. H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 .~ 112 1 MR. GROSS: 2 that? 3 MS. TURNER: 4 Debra, are you comfortable with Yes, as long as opposing 5 counsel has agreed that that's sufficient form. MR. GROSS: 6 MR. CYPEN: 7 Okay. Then that's -- He's not opposing counsel. We are not adversaries. 8 MS. TURNER: 9 counsel agrees. 10 MR. CYPEN: 11 MR. GROSS: 12 Cypen's motion? 13 MR. GARCIA: 14 MR. GROSS: 15 Well, whatever. Applicant's Fine. Okay. Is there a second to Mr. Second. favor signify by saying aye. Seconded by Francisco. All in 16 THE BOARD: 17 MR. GROSS: 18 Aye. Opposed? (No verbal response) 19 MR. SCHULMAN: 20 Would it be possible for the board to take a One last favor, if I might. 21 short break so that the clerk can initial and 22 number each one of these so we can get them out 23 of here and if we could be entrusted with the 24 custody or we will leave them with the clerk. 25 MR. CYPEN: That's a problem. That's a H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 .~ 113 1 public documents problem. That's a Chapter 119 2 problem. They're not going anywhere. 3 I understand. I will do MR. SCHULMAN: 4 whatever you want. 5 MR. CYPEN: No. That is the law. 6 MR. GROSS: Tom's the custodian. You 7 always take custody of the exhibits? 8 MR. MOODY: The only time that we take 9 custody of the exhibits traditionally is when 10 the board has approved a project subject to any 11 exhibit being submitted. In other words, if the 12 exhibit is contrary to what the plans before you 13 are. Like if they submit elevations that are 14 different than the elevations that we have in 15 the file 16 MR. CYPEN: That's a compliance issue. 17 This is a little bit different. 18 MR. MOODY: This is different because this 19 is something that was denied. 20 MR. CYPEN: He is entitled obviously to 21 make sure that they are in the record. We are 22 entitled under Chapter 119 and obligated not to 23 give them up. They can be reproduced. 24 MR. SCHULMAN: I believe what you can do, 25 Mr. Cypen, and, again, you have been a city H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 ,~, 114 1 attorney I think longer than I was a county 2 attorney, I think with the consent with the City 3 they could entrust the exhibits to us once they 4 are marked and identified and then they would 5 still be a public record wherever they may be 6 located. So it is not unusual when the City has 7 private experts or the consultants -- 8 MR. CYPEN: It's up to Debbie.' Chapter 119 9 doesn't say that. 10 MR. SCHULMAN: I don't care if you want to 11 keep them,in your room here. All That's fine. 12 I wanted to do is if we can before we leave just 13 mark them and identify them and then -- 14 Yeah, but the board -'doesn't MR. CYPEN: 15 have to be present. The clerk can do that is 16 what I'm saying. 17 I understand. I was just'" MR. SCHULMAN: 18 hoping. 19 I have got to go. MR. CYPEN: We only have 20 one more item. 21 MR. SCHULMAN: Never mind. 22 23 24 25 H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997 25 ,~ 115 1 CERTIFICATE OF REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL REPORTER 2 3 STATE OF FLORIDA: 4 SS. 5 i COUNTY OF DADE: I, CARLA A. BRANCATO, ~!" .. " 6 Registered Professional Reporter and Notary Public i. ;..t. 7 for the State of Florida at Large, do hereby certify 8 that I reported stenographically the foregoing ..,:'(4- ..~ ~t 9 meeting at the time and place hereinbefore set forth; 10 that the witness was duly sworn by me; that the ~ 11 foregoing pages, numbered from 1 to 114, inclusive, 12 constitute a true and correct transcription of my '~ 1 13 shorthand notes of the proceedings at said time and ~ 14 place. 15 WITNESS my hand and official seal in the City 16 of Miami, County of Dade, State of Florida, this lith 17 day of January; 1998. 18 FlOAL NOTARY SEAL ' i CARLA A BRANCATo NO't'ARYPUBUC STATE OF FLO COMMISSION RIDA (] 8~:k.~' 19 & 20 21 22 Notary Public, State of Florida at 23 Large; my commission expires 24 September 16, 2000. Bonded through General Insurance Underwriters. H. ALLEN BENOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dade * Broward * Palm Beach (305) 373-9997