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City of Miami Beach
Cultural Arts Council
Cultural Arts Masterplan
June 1998
It:f Introduction and Goals
Page 2 - 3
~ 1 Year Workplan: FY1998
Pages 4 - 9
~ Implementation Budget: FY1998
Page 10
It:f Staffing Plan
Page 11
~ Appendix "A" - The Public Masterplan Process
Pages 12 - 17
~ Appendix "B" - Sample List of Arts Groups
Pages 18 - 19
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1998 Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council
L Stanley Levine, Chairman
Pauline Winick, Vice Chair
Betty Capote + Diane Heller + Roland Kohen
Craig Robins + Dennis Scholl + Steve Sauls + Raquel Vallejo
( r),
IiI Introduction and Goals
. The Cultural Arts Masterplan Process
Establishment of the Cultural Arts Council and Its Prerequisite Work: Created by the
City of Miami Beach Commission in March of 1997, the Miami Beach Cultural Arts
Council was formed with the mandate of first developing a Cultural Arts Masterplan for the
City. This Masterplan is a prerequisite for the Council's work and for the strategic
investment of municipal resources in developing the arts and culture on Miami Beach.
The Mission of the Cultural Arts Council: The Council shall have the purpose of
developing, coordinating, promoting and sustaining the performing and visual arts of the
City of Miami Beach, for the enjoyment, education, cultural enrichmeJ:1t, and benefit of its
residents and visitors.
The Vision of the Cultural Arts Council: To achieve greatness as a City, it is essential to
incorporate the arts as an integral part of the social and economic fabric of Miami Beach.
Therefore, strategic investments in the arts can position the City as a world-class cq~unity
for residents and businesses and a culturally rich and unique destination for visitQ(S.
The Masterplan Process: Since November of 1997, the board members of the ~fami
Beach Cultural Arts Council have held a series of public town meetings in cultural v~ues
throughout Miami Beach. At these sessions, Council board members heard directly from
hundreds of members of the City's cultural community and from other municipal ~gencies
and boards with a stake in the City's cultural future (see Appendix A for a scheoule of the
meetings completed and a summary account of input received).
The Masterplan Products: With the professional guidance of the Miami-Dade Cultural
Affairs Council and with staff, consultant assistance from the Office of the City Manager
and volunteer professional consultants, the Masterplan Process has begun to prioritize this
community input and has produced the following materials for the City Commission's
review and approval: a 1 Year Workplan; an Implementation Budget; and a Staffing Plan.
The Guiding Goals for the Workplan: From the Masterplan's series of community-wide
town meetings, a number of central goals were identified as essential to sustaining and
advancing the remarkable accomplishments to date of Miami Beach's cultural community.
The urgent need to invest strategically in these goals has arisen from several recent
phenomena which could jeopardize the future of Miami Beach's young arts community.
These factors include crowded commercial and residential development, rising real estate
values, and increased arts and entertainment competition from other local municipalities
across the South Florida region. The Council's goals address these factors and serve as the
guiding force for the programs proposed in its Workplan:
Page 2 / Cultural Arts Masterplan
o Maintaining the Cultural Grants Program in order to continue the effective strategy of
providing financial support and incentives for keeping non-profit arts groups and artists
headquartered and working on Miami Beach.
o Developing a Joint Marketing pilot program to better connect Miami Beach's vibrant,
year-round schedule of arts activities to the City's residents and visitors (audiences),
while at the same time, continuing to promote Miami Beach's unique image as a
City-wide cultural district; and
o Investing in Facilities development so as to ensure the availability of accessible and
affordable places for the arts to be performed and exhibited on Miami Beach.
Page 3 / Cultural Arts Masterplan
o 1 Year W orkplan: FY1998
Objective: invest CAC resources in prioritized program areas to produce
the maximum returnfor Miami Beach's cultural community.
. A Blueprint: Priority Program Areas for FY1998
· Cultural Grants Program: Maintain Baseline Funding Support to Miami Beach's Cultural
Groups through the Resources of the Miami Beach Yisitor and Convention Authority
(YCA) to Sustain the Presence and Growth of Arts Groups and Artists on Miami Beach
· Joint Marketing: Develop a Pilot Program to Promote the Image and Awareness of Miami
Beach as a City-Wide Cultural District and to Increase Earned Revenue for Miami Brach's
Cultural Groups
· Facilities: Select a Key Project(s) and Invest Significant Resources for Capital
Improvements to Help Address the Pressing Needs for Accessible and Affordable Spaces
for the Arts and Audiences on Miami Beach
· Advocacy and Planning: Prioritize Long-range Issues Affecting Miami Beach's Cultural
Growth and Forge Action Partnerships to Address Them
Revenue Development: Develop a Strategy to Ensure the Availability of Sufficient,
Recurring Revenues for Miami Beach's Continued Arts Development
Page 4 / Cultural Arts Masterplan
Masterplan Worksheet
1 Year Workplan
A Blueprint: Priority Program Areas for FY1998
Cultural Grants Program
Maintain Baseline Funding Support to Miami Beach's Cultural Groups through the Resources of the
Miami Beach Visitor and Convention Authority (VCA) to Sustain the Presence and Growth ~f Arts
Groups and Artists on Miami Beach
o Funding Transition Process: Work cooperatively with the new VCA to create a funding transition
plan with the following objectives:
o Maintenance of the current levels of funding support to Miami Beach's major cultural
institutions and medium- and small-sized cultural groups from revenues granted by the VCA
(i.e., $500,000)
o Establishment of guidelines, criteria and a review process for the grant funds provided by the
VCA to the CAC for cultural groups' support (e.g. quality of project, marketing and audience
impact, financial feasibility and administrative capacity)
o Identification of tourism and special events historically supported by the VCA
o Board and Staff Collaborations: Develop cooperative systems and initiatives between the CAC
and the VCA to coordinate city-wide cultural and tourism development efforts, including, but not
limited to:
o Exchange of members on funding panels and board committees
o Coordination of Cultural and Tourism marketing initiatives
o Scheduling of regular, joint board meetings
o Sharing and/or coordination of staff resources
Page 5 / Cultural Arts Masterplan
Masterplan Worksheet
1 Year Workplan
A Blueprint: Priority Program Areas for FY1998
Joint Marketing
Develop a Pilot Program to Promote the Image and Awareness of Miami Beach as a City-Wide
Cultural District and to Increase Earned Revenue for Miami Beach's Cultural Groups
o Umbrella Cultural Marketing Campaign: Create a pilot, paid media campaign to promote the
image and awareness of Miami Beach as the nation's most exciting city-wide cultural district and to
increase attendance (and earned revenue) for Miami Beach-based cultural groups and their
activities. Campaign components can include:
o Development of a media campaign (e.g. "banner," logo, umbrella copy) promoting the
city-wide cultural district theme
o Creation of "doughnut" ads to allow ongoing drop-in of current arts events
o Establishment of a Media Plan, determining placement strategies (local, regional, national,
international) and matching financial resources to print and broadcast media opportunities
o Scheduling of a revolving cultural events calendar for the specific purpose of ongoing ad
development and placements
o Coordination of targeted research to assess campaign effectiveness (e.g. surveys at promoted
arts events, added questions to GMCVB visitor surveys, etc.)
o Co-op Marketing Initiatives: Pursue opportunities to extend the reach and impact of the Umbrella
Cultural Marketing Campaign by forging co-op ad partnerships. Current opportunities include:
Greater Miami Convention and Yisitors Bureau cultural tourism ad placements and general,
ongoing co-op advertising opportunities in regional, national and international tourism media
Lincoln Road, South Beach and North Beach marketing initiatives
Cultural groups' existing marketing budgets, pooling these resources city-wide (and
county-wide) to leverage media buys, ad placements, PSA's, etc.
Dade Community Foundation $600,000 Lila Wallace Readers Digest New Audience
Development Program (pursue a targeted joint municipal marketing initiative and investigate
opportunities through this grant's market research component to help assess the umbrella ad
campaign's effectiveness)
Arts and Business Council American Express Grant for Arts Marketing and Audience
Expansion (pursue opportunities through the technical assistance component of this grant
initiative to improve Miami Beach-based groups' marketing skills)
Corporate sponsorships and ad placement adjacencies (ranging from "traditional" ad
sponsorships to joint ad development)
Media sponsorships and "non-profit" ad placement agreements (e.g. discounted placement rates,
preferred ad positioning, etc.)
Page 6 / Cultural Arts Masterplan
Masterplan Worksheet
1 Year W orkplan
A Blueprint: Priority Program Areas for FY1998
Select a Key Project(s) and Invest Significant Resourcesfor Capital Improvements to Help Address the
Pressing Needs for Accessible and Affordable Spaces for the Arts and Audiences
throughout Miami Beach
o Innovative Facilities Program: Identify a cultural facility project(s) which once completed, can
make a significant difference in Miami Beach's cultural development, and invest capital
improvements support to ensure the project's completion
o Determine the criteria for selecting the cultural facility (e.g. impact on artists and cultural
groups, service to audiences, track record of cultural programming, financial feasibility of
project, matching funds committed, timetable for completion, etc.)
o Establish a process for facility selection (e.g. by invitation, by RFP, etc.), considering facility
projects which surfaced during the Masterplan process (e.g. the "Black Box" theater, the Colony
Theater, etc.)
c Ensure that CAC funds supplement, not replace, other government and private support
o Facilities Challenge Grants Program: Create a competitive program which provides venture
capital for facilities improvements to cultural organizations which can identify and secure new
and/or under-utilized spaces for arts activities, with emphasis on encouraging facility development
in under-served areas of Miami Beach (e.g. North Beach)
c Determine the criteria for selecting cultural facility projects (e.g. number of years space can be
committed to arts activities, impact on artists and cultural groups, service to audiences,
geographic location, track record of applicant organization, financial feasibility of project,
matching funds committed, timetable for completion, etc.)
o Establish a process for facility selection (e.g. RFP-styled grants application process and panel
review system)
o Ensure that CAC funds supplement, not replace, other government and private support
o Cultural Facilities Developer: Continue to assess and make recommendations to help the City
prioritize its cultural infrastructure needs so as to ensure that balanced, economical and effective
investments of public funds for capital improvements occur.
c Ensure that these facility investments support the City's overall cultural policy goals
c Follow-up on initial facilities planning issues that surfaced during the Masterplan process,
including ways to facilitate communication about the Miami Beach Cultural Campus planning
and design (e.g. coordinated development of the "performance" spaces planed for Miami City
Ballet, the new regional library and the Bass Museum), the potential for adapting school
auditoria as performance venues, and the need for a municipal facilities directory to promote the
availability of existing facilities
Page 7 / Cultural Arts Masterplan
Masterplan Worksheet
1 Year W orkplan
A Blueprint: Priority Program Areas for FY1998
Advocacy and Planning
Prioritize Long-range Issues Affecting Miami Beach's Cultural Growth and Forge Action Partnerships
to Address Them
o Advance Cultural and City Development Through Ongoing Action Project and Planning and
Partnerships: Develop and/or follow-up on opportunities surfaced through the Masterplan process
for collaborations to improve the cultural environment in all parts of Miami Beach for the arts,
entertainment industry, business and tourism. Partnerships can be pursued with
c The Film, Fashion, T.v. & Recording Advisory Board (e.g. Joint Fundraising Event, Economic
Impact of the Arts and Entertainment Industries, etc.)
c The veA & the Greater Miami Convention and Yisitors Bureau (cultural tourism initiatives)
o The City's Art in Public Places Board (e.g. city-wide urban aesthetics initiatives)
c Convention Center Advisory Board (e.g. CBC funds for senior citizens' programs and TOP A
marketing programs)
o Economic Development Corporations on Miami Beach (e.g. North Beach)
c Miami-Dade Cultural Affairs Council (e.g. local, state and federal advocacy issues and resource
o Survey Miami Beach's Arts Community Regarding Cultural Priorities: Use the issues surfaced
through the Masterplan process to develop and issue a survey to help prioritize long-range issues
not currently in the W orkplan for the attention of the CAC
o Continue the Town Meeting Action Planning Process: Test the 1 Year Workplan and the survey
results in the town meeting format and design and implement a series of annual town meetings to
assess the effectiveness of the CAC's policies and programs and to update cultural and community
Page 8 / Cultural Arts Masterplan
Masterplan Worksheet
1 Year W orkplan
A Blueprint: Priority Program Areas for FY1998
Revenue Development
Develop a Strategy to Ensure the Availability of Sufficient, Recurring Revenues for Miami Beach's
Contimled Arts Development
o Secure New Resources to Sustain Long-term Investments in Developing the Arts on Miami
Beach: Consider the following, as well as other, strategies for securing sufficient resources to
ensure the long-term stability of Miami Beach's vibrant cultural life:
o City Funding Sources (e.g. current CDT funds, growth in bed tax funds, TIF financing, etc.)
o Other Local, State and Federal Funds (e.g. foundation grants, state and federal grants, etc.)
o Private Sector Funding for Specific CAC Projects (e.g. Corporate Underwriting of Targeted
CAC Initiatives, Private Sector Fundraising Events for Small and Medium-Sized Groups, etc.)
o In-Kind Services (e.g. City services such as printing, staff support, public relations, office
space, economic development funds, etc.)
c Joint Fundraising Event(s) (e.g. with the Film, Fashion, Television and Recording Advisory
Board Featuring Commercial and Non-Profit Artists, with the hotel industry, etc.)
o Develop a Long-range Business Plan for the Arts on Miami Beach: Create and secure City
support for a Business Plan for the Arts on Miami Beach that identifies and quantifies cultural
needs and ensures a smooth transition from current funding sources, as necessary, to long-term
financial resources committed to arts development on Miami Beach
Page 9 / Cultural Arts Masterplan
o Implementation Budget: FY 1998/1999
Objective: invest CAC resources and revenues in an expenditure budget that
supports the W orkplan 's prioritized programs
. Revenues
· CAC Interest Earnings
· VCA Grant for Cultural Grants Program
· Supplemental Funds (through grants, fundraising
events, etc.)
. Expenditures
· Cultural Grants Program
· U mbrella/Co-op Cultural Marketing Campaign
· Innovative Facilities Program
· Facilities Challenge Grants Program
· Administration (full year)
Overhead (Equipment, Supplies, Mailings,
Publications, etc.)
Special Projects Related to Advocacy & Planning
· Special Projects using Supplemental Funds raised
by the CAC
$ 75,000
( 7%)
(10% )
* At recent meetings, the VCA has resolved: 1) to recommend that beginning in
FY1998-99, the City allocate to the Cultural Arts Council the $200,000 in municipal
funds historically budgeted for the VCA; and 2) to grant $300,000 of VCA funds to the
Cultural Arts Council for arts granting purposes.
Page 10 / Cultural Arts Masterplan
o Staffing Plan
Objective: Provide adequate, professional arts administrative support to
implement the W orkplan and Budget effectively
. Phase I: Current CAe Activities
· City Staff: Utilize existing City staff to cover logistical support for CAC board and
committee meetings
· Miami-Dade Cultural Affairs Council: Utilize MDCAC staff to complete masterplan and
to help design implementation phase
· Cost: Determine costs to date of City staff assigned to CAC and identify the amount of
administrative budget necessary to implement Workplan in FY1998
. Phase II: Workplan and Budget Implementation
· City-proposed Staffing Plan: Consider the structure of the City-proposed staffing plan in
regard to the specific qualifications and experience needed to implement the CAC's
W orkplan and enter into a limited trial period to ~est a staffing plan
· Cultural Support Program: Evaluate the options for implementing the grants program(s)
with the funds provided by the YCA, including City staff and/or contracted staff
· Cost: Determine costs of City staff services to date and costs for implementing the
Workplan for the balance ofFY1998 (these should be "partial year" costs through the end of
the fiscal year -- now to September 30, 1998)
· Sample Annual Administrative Budget
City Staff Support (based on City Manager's staffing plan)
Overhead (one-time equipment and office costs)
Overhead (recurring costs of supplies, mailings, publications, etc.)
$ 78,500*
$ 10,000
$ 11,500
* Assumes City Staff's "in-house" administration of Cultural Grants Program
Page II/Cultural Arts Masterplan
0' Appendix "A" - The Public Masterplan Process
Objective: to hear directly about Miami Beach's arts needs from hundreds
of members of the City's cultural community and from other municipal
age,!-cies and boards with a stake in the City's cultural future
. Completed Schedule of Public Town Meetings with Cultural and Community
Partners throughout Miami Beach
· Small & Medium-Sized Cultural Groups - November 10, 1997NCA Conference Room
· Major Cultural Institutions & Events - November 13, 1997/Wolfsonian Museum
· Cultural Facilities - December 11, 1997/art center*south florida
· Visitor & Convention Authority - January 14, 1998/Miami Beach City Hall
· Individual Artists - March 10, 1998/Miami Beach Women's Club
· Film, Fashion, T.V. & Recording Advisory Board - March 12, 1998/Colony Theater
· City Art in Public Places Board - April 9, 1998/Sanford L. Ziff Jewish Museum
· The Mayor's Cultural Affairs Committee - April 9, 1998/Sanford L. Ziff Jewish
· Community-Wide Roundtable/Masterplan Review - May 13, 1998/Miami Beach
Women's Club
. Input from Town Meetings
o Funding
o Sustain Municipal Grants Support (Fund Administrative and Staff Costs)
o Create Greater Access to Corporate and Individual Givers
o Provide Information About Other Funding Sources (Foundations, etc.)
c Fund the Development of New, Risk-taking Work and International Cultural
o Encourage Children, Fa~ily and Outreach Activities (Subsidies for Reasonable
Ticket Prices)
o Facilities (See Facilities Section Below)
o Marketing and Cultural Tourism
c Create and Promote a Discount Ticket Operation
o Develop a Co-op Marketing Program with Partial Subsidies for Participants and
Negotiated (Lower) Ad Rates
c Expand the Concierge Program to Smaller Groups (e.g. Annual Lunch Meeting)
o Establish a Central Clearinghouse for Cultural Event and Tourism Information
o Entertainment Industry
c Create and Promote a Talent Pool and Employment Clearinghouse
c Publish a Services DirectorylProduction Guide (Including Fees and Charges)
Page 12/ Cultural Arts Masterplan
o Long-Range Planing
c Coordinate Cultural Activities and Resources with Economic Development and
Tourism Promotion Efforts
o Funding
o Sustain Municipal Funding
c Develop Long-term Financial Stabilization Strategies (e.g. Endowment Building,
Increased Earned Revenue, Working Cash Reserves)
c Attract Corporate and Other Private Sector Support for Joint Marketing Activities
o Facilities (See Facilities Section Below)
o Marketing and Cultural Tourism
o Develop, Promote and Widely Distribute Collateral Materials Promoting the Array
of Miami Beach Cultural Attractions/Events
o Utilize Collateral Materials to Increase Ticket Sales (e.g. Packages to Groups, Hotels
and Transportation Companies)
o Integrate Cultural Attractions/Events into Tourism Promotion (e.g. the Philadelphia
D Use a Professional Advertising Firm to Create an Umbrella Marketing Campaign
o Programming Collaborations
c Encourage Joint Activities and Events
c Strengthen International Cultural Exchange
· CULTURAL FACILITIES - December 11, 1997
o From Small and Medium-Sized Cultural Groups Meeting
c Develop a Facilities Masterplan to Identify Venues and Assess Needs
c Improve Existing Facilities and Build New Ones for Affordable Solutions for
Administrative, Rehearsal, Networking and Performance/Exhibition Needs
c Encourage New Facilities Collaborations (with Developers, Hoteliers, etc.) and
Promote Non-Traditional Yenues (e.g. Beaches, Parks, Stadia, Schools, Clubs)
c Establish City Policies Conducive to Cultural Facility Development (Planning,
Zoning, Permitting)
o Provide Subsidies for Facilities Rent and Marketing
o Provide Live/Work Space for Individual Artists
c Keep the Colony Theater Affordable/Develop a New 300-500 Seat Yenue
o From Major Cultural Institutions and Events
c Support Expanded/New Facility Development (e.g. Bass Museum
Renovation/Expansion, Miami City Ballet Headquarters/School/Studios, New World
Symphony's Technology/Recording Facility, Concert Association's Colony Theater
c Develop Outdoor Venues to Help Build New Audiences
o Advocate for Solutions for Parking And Transportation Issues
Page 13 / Cultural Arts Masterplan
o From Individual Visual and Performing Artists
o Support the Development of Facilities for Affordable and Accessible Space to
Rehearse, Create and Present New Work, Conduct Educational Programs and
Provide Offices (e.g. a Performing Arts Yersion of arts center*south florida)
c Develop a 200 - 250 seat Performance Space(s) to Fill This Critical Gap in the
City's Cultural Facility Inventory (e.g. Black Box Theater)
o Develop and Promote the Easy Use of Outdoor Spaces (e.g. Lincoln Road, the
Beach, Parks)
c Consider Other (Under-served) City Locations for Facilities Development (e.g.
North Beach)
o Identify "Non- Traditional" Working and Presenting Spaces for Artists (e.g.
Nightclubs, Hotel Spaces, Libraries, etc.)
o Utilize the Electric Shuttle to Create Greater Access to Artists' Work (and/or Solve
the Parking Problem)
o From Film, Fashion, Television and Recording Advisory Board
o Develop New and/or Adapted 500 - 1000 seat Performance Spaces with
State-of-the-Art Acoustics as Concert Venues for Artists in Town for Recording
Sessions (e.g. "off-nights" of Colony Theater, Convention Center Space, Hotel
Ballroom, Space in Masterplan for the Miami Beach Cultural Campus, etc.)
o Establish Miami Beach High School as a Magnet School for Film, Fashion,
Television and Recording
o Funding Support for Tourism and Arts Events
o Divide the VCA Funds by Percentage to Fund Arts and Tourism Events/Projects
(Proposed: 65% for Arts/35% for Tourism)
Sustain the Current Level and Objectives of YCA Funds to Arts Groups Through the
Share of VCA Funds Allocated to the CAC
o Continue Funding Special and Tourism Events Yia the Share of Funds Allocated to
the VCA
c Research Legal Issues Related to Financial Autonomy Regarding Bed Tax Funds
(e.g. Would CAC Funding Decisions Using VCA Funds Need to Be Approved by the
City Commission and/or the VCA?)
o Cultural Tourism
c Establish a Fund Administered by the VCA in Coordination with the CAC to
Encourage Cultural Tourism Activities (Proposed: $50,000 Annually)
o Administration Costs
c Maintain Current Level of Support to YCA for Its Administration Costs
o Draft Agreement with Terms
Page 14 / Cultural Arts Masterplan
· INDIViDUAL ARTISTS - March 10, 1998
o Funding
o Create More Fellowships for Artists of All Disciplines (e.g. Choreographers, Visual
Artists, Storytellers, etc.)
o Establish Projects Assistance Grants (e.g. New Forms "Miami Beach")
c Reduce the Cost of City Services for Outdoor Events
c Develop More Private Sector Support By Demonstrating the Impact of Artists on
o Facilities (See Facilities Section Above)
o Marketing, Communications and Cultural Tourism
o Increase and Expand Media Coverage of Individual Artists Through Different Media
(e.g., Miami Herald, Ocean Drive Magazines, Ft, Lauderdale Sun Sentinel, Sun Post,
c Develop a New and/or Distribute an Existing Newsletter as a Clearinghouse for
Individual Artists Opportunities (e.g. "Yoices and Yenues")
o Emphasize and Support Cultural Diversity to Promote the City's International
Character Establish Stronger Links with the Hotel Industry (e.g. Concierge
Information System, Hotel Room TV Channels for Arts Activities, etc.)
o Include Artists in Tourism Marketing Efforts
o Provide Exposure for Individual Artists in Co-op Ad/ Marketing Campaigns
o Promote the Availability of Opportunities and Information More Effectively (e.g.
Theater League Page in The New Times, Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts, Medical
Insurance Coverage, Sources for Materials, Career Development)
o Publish and Distribute a Directory of Artists
o Collaborations
c Foster Joint Activities to Address Common Needs (e.g. Marketing, Insurance, Space,
c Encourage the Development of a Recurring Juried Fine Art Exhibition
o Develop a "Mentoring" Program Between Large Organizations and Artists
o Planning
c Solicit Needs from the Arts Community on an Ongoing Basis
c Create Opportunities for Artists to Gather Regularly for Dialogue
o Funding
o Jointly Develop a Fundraising Event Featuring Entertainment Industry Performers
with Non-Profit Organizations (Also Incorporate Fashion and T.v. Elements)
o Marketing, Communications and Cultural Tourism
c Jointly Develop and Promote Statistical Data on Economic Impact (With Statistical
Information Collected by an Independent "Outside" Entity)
Page 15 / Cultural Arts Masterplan
o Planning
D Exchange Needs Assessments to Determine Short-Term and Long-Range Areas of
c Continue Joint Board Planning Meetings to Develop Collaborative Projects
o Advocacy
o Jointly address the impediments to full implementation of the City's public art
program and develop an action plan to ensure capital projects' compliance with City
public art requirements
o Administration
o Consider shared staff to provide professional public art program administrative
support and to facilitate collaborative projects between the Art in Public Places
Board and the Cultural Arts Council
o Collaborations
c Provide support to sustain such successful initiatives such as the annual Arts &
Business Lunch (with the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce), the Concierge Arts
& Entertainment Resource Directory for Yisitors, the Jackie Gleason Season
Preview Arts Table and Corporate Reception, and the Kids' Cultural Calendar
o Invite members of the volunteer base established by the Mayor's Committee to serve
on Cultural Arts Council committees, panels and task forces
o Funding
c Ensure through grants program criteria that funding support is dedicated to Miami
Beach-based activities
o Sustain the overall grants funding categories of small-sized arts groups,
medium-sized arts organizations and major institutions
o Facilities
c Establish a balanced approach to facilities improvements projects addressing visual
arts as well as performing arts projects
c Utilize CAC facilities funds to leverage other capital funding support from sources
ranging from local government to private foundations
c Continue to work closely with the Miami Beach cultural community to prioritize
such diverse facility needs as a "Black Box" theater (in conjunction with the Cultural
Campus) and a business assistance center for the arts (which could include office
space for smaller non-profit arts groups)
Page 16 / Cultural Arts Masterplan
o Marketing
c Pursue corporate support for umbrella marketing efforts with the objective of
developing new sources of support for the arts (and thereby, avoid competing with
Miami Beach arts groups for the same business funding sources)
c Consider developing joint discipline-based marketing initiatives (e.g. a Miami Beach
museum campaign)
c Pursue joint marketing opportunities with the Greater Miami Convention and
o Advocacy and Planning
o Incorporate the arts in the City-wide economic impact study to be conducted in
conjunction with Florida International University
o Revenue Development
o Establish a long-term funding source to continue the programs of the CAC
o Consensus
o Present the Masterplan as proposed by the CAC to the Miami Beach City
Commission for their adoption as soon as possible so as to enable the CAC to
begin the time-sensitive work on the grants review process during the summer
(e.g. grant guidelines and application forms distributed by late June, grant
submission deadlines in late July/early August, and panel review meetings
beginning in late August/early September)
Page 17 / Cultural Arts Masterplan
o Appendix "B" - Sample List of Arts Groups
Objective: to provide a sample list of arts organizations which reside and/or
principally conduct their activities on Miami Beach and an overview of the
breadth and diversity of the Cultural Arts Council's constituents
· Over the past four years, funding support has been provided to
approximately 40 arts groups each year from the VeA grants programs
(averaging a total of $514,000 per year)
. Sample List of Arts Groups by Budget Size
· Major Arts Institutions
o art center*south florida_
o Bass Museum _
o Concert Association of Florida -
o Miami City Ballet .
o New World Symphony -
o Sanford L. Ziff Jewish Museum -
o The Wolfsonian
· Large and Medium-Sized Arts Organizations
o Alliance for Media Arts...
o Area Performance Gallery
o Arts and Business Council
o Ballet Flamenco LaRosa
o Bridge Theater
o Community Concert Association, Inc.
o Dade Heritage Trust
o Florida Dance Association
o Florida Grand Opera
o Florida Philharmonic Orchestra
o Freddick Bratcher & Co.
o Gold Coast Theater
o Miami Beach Film Society
o Miami Bookfair International
o Miami-Dade Community College/Cultura del Lobo Performance Series
o Miami Light Project
Page 18 / Cultural Arts Masterplan
o Miami Symphony Orchestra
o Momentum Dance Company
o Murray DranoffFoundation /'
o National Foundation for Advancement in the Arts';
o New World School of the Arts - Rising Stars Festival
o Rhythm Foundation, Inc.
o Story Theater
o Tigertail Productions, Inc.
o Twilight Music Series J
· Small-Sized Arts Groups
o Black Door Dance Ensemble
o Children's Cultural Coalition
o Cultural Arts Society of South Florida
o Greater Miami Youth Symphony
o Miami Beach High School Rock Ensemble
o Miami Hispanic Ballet
o PAN (Performing Arts Network)
o South Beach Film Festival, Inc.
Page 19 / Cultural Arts Masterplan