File Ref. #083 (2) o!'3-/lUtntJA-1 ').<// Il('{o /ddtW JNAA 1" If Z I) ;)-- City of Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council 1998-1999 Cultural Arts Grant Program ("") ~o C) :::u -< ;):>> "..- rn C) "'=; T- O 1"'1'1 , ;::J W m :A - . -0 < U) :x 0 ~ rn .." 0 "T'I U1 n '" fT1 City of Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 phone: (305) 673-7577 fax: (305) 673-7063 '7/1~ Contents GRANf GUIDEUNES · Program Description · Program Goals · Levels of Funding · Grant Timeline · Eligibility · How to Apply · Grant Review Panels · Public Information and Funding Dis-claimers OPERATING GRANf CATEGORY · Eligibility and Funding · Emerging Arts Organizations · Evaluation and Selection Criteria · Established Arts Organizations · Evaluation and Selection Criteria · Project Support for Individuals and Organizations · Evaluation and Selection Criteria GRANf APPUCATION · Project Information ~ Budget · Grant Request GRANT GUIDELINES Program Description The CAC supports the development of petforming and visual arts and culture in the city of Miami Beach. As the city's cultural arts advisor, the CAC provides funding for widespread public access to cultural programming through the Cultural Arts Grant program. In Addition the CAC Provides · Technical assistance and professional development services to the arts community · Partnership with community groups for special arts programs and events · Marketing and promotional support for arts and cultural activities in the Miami Beach area · Advocacy support for arts and cultural programs which meet the changing needs of our city · Access to a wide range of arts and cultural experiences to the citizens and visitors of Miami Beach Cultural Arts Grant Program The CAC established the Cultural Arts Grant Program with annual funding from the city of Miami Beach. The Cultural Arts Grant Program provides the citizens and visitors of Miami Beach access to outstanding arts and cultural programs, while encouraging the professional development of arts organizations and individual artists in Miami Beach. Program Goals - · Encourage arts and cultural activities in all communities and neighborhoods · Promote long-term cultural programs for the community · Challenge Miami Beach arts organizations to adopt best practices in nonprofit arts management · Encourage artistic excellence . · Promote the community's participation in all aspects of the city's cultural life · Encourage the development of new audiences and challenge existing audiences · Promote arts education and training opportunities · Provide support for professional artists based in Miami Beach · Encourage involvement of youth and strong educational components Levels of Funding To further the goals of the Grant Program, the CAC has established three funding categories. The different levels of funding correspond to size, development and purpose of eligible not-for-profit organizations. The CAC Grant Program shall not be considered the sole source of funding. Applicants should thoroughly explore other funding sources prior to seeking support from this program and indicate procured funding sources in the budget portion of the application. Each level has specific requirements, eligibility and review criteria. The three levels are as follows: I. Emerging Arts Organizations (Category I and Category II) II. Established Arts Organizations III. Project Support for Individuals and Organizations Page 1 Grant Timeline July 24, 1998 Grant orientation workshop, 10:00 AM City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, 1st Floor conference room, Miami Beach August 21 . Deadline for applications 4:00 PM in Cultural Arts Council City of Miami Beach Office, 1700 Convention Center Drive, 4th Floor, Miami Beach August Site visits and Grant Review Panel Meetings September Recommendations to City Commission Announcement of Grant Awards October Contracts Signed by Awardees February 1, 1999 Interim or final reports due to the. Cultural Arts Council as addressed in contract The following guidelines are designed to assist you in applying for funds through the Cultural Arts Grant Program for 1998-1999 in the three categories. All applicants should note that the confirmation of available funds for the program will be made following CAC recommendations and adoption by the city commission in the fall 1998. Applicants should contact the CAC for questions or the grant program and schedule. In order to be considered for funding, all applicants must complete the attached grant application and submit one (1) original and fifteen (15) single-sided copies. This application is available on disk and can be obtained at the office of the Cultural Arts Council Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Applications must be received in the CAC office no later than 4:00 p.m. on August 21. This is not a postmark deadline. Late, incomplete, disk or faxed applications will not be accepted. Please deliver or mail to: City of Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council Cultural Arts Grant Program 1700 Convention Center Drive, 4th Floor Miami Beach, FL 33139 Eligibility Who is eligible to apply? · Not-for-profit organizations based in the city of Miami Beach with IRS 501(c)(3) tax exempt status · Organizations that use qualified artists or arts professionals in program planning and delivexy · Individuals and unincorporated groups may apply for program grants under the sponsorship of any not-for-profit, tax exempt organization. (In such cases, the application must be submitted by sponsoring organization) · The program/project takes place within the City of Miami Beach and is offered to the general public · The program/project starts after October 1 and is complete prior to September 30, 1999 Who is not eligible to apply? · CAC staff or members of the CAC Board · Non-arts community organizations which cannot provide evidence of an established arts and cultural program and budget · Programs/projects that occur outside of the October 1 through September 30, 1999 period Allowable Grant Expenditures: What the CAC Funds · Project support for qualified organizations, facilities or programs that provide evidence of an established arts and cultural program · Uteraxy, audio, video or fIlm projects with approved publication/production and distribution plans · Publicly accessible presentations of all art forms by professional artists which take place in the City of Miami Beach · Arts programs utilizing paid artists or other arts professionals to provide arts opportunities to Miami Beach Residents Page 2 What the CAC Does Not Fund: . Events not open to the public, unless the event serves to benefit Miami Beach government, specifically . Programs located outside the city of Miami Beach . Purchase of permanent equipment, lands, buildings or construction (capital improvements/expenditures) . Hospitality or food costs . Travel or transportation . Debt Reduction, penalties, costs of litigation . Individuals and organizations not based or perfonning in Miami Beach . Benefits of organizational fund raising Contract Period A City of Miami Beach Cultural Grant carries no commitment for future support beyond the time of the program or project. Funded activities must take place within the city's fiscal year. All funded activities must provide equal access and opportunity in employment and services and may not discriminate on the basis of handicap, color, creed, gender, religion or sexual preference. The City of Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council supports and requires compliance with the mandate of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975. How to Apply 1. Consultation with Council Staff is required at least one week prior to submitting application. All applicants should contact Cultural Arts Council at (05) 673-7577 to schedule an appointment. 2. Attend the grant orientation workshop. 3. Complete and submit the appropriate application at the CAC office by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, August 21,1998. This is not a postmark deadline. Refer to the application materials checklist for information required. Please submit to: City of Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council Cultural Arts Grant Program 1700 Convention Center Drive, 4th Floor, Miami Beach, FI 33139. Late, incomplete, facsimiles, e-mail and other electronic submittals will not be accepted. 4. Grant applications must be submitted on one single-sided original (not stapled), and fifteen (15) single-sided copies (stapled upper left hand corner.) 5. Since artistic merit is the most important component of the selection criteria, documentation of artistic quality is extremely important to the application process. All presenting, producing and exhibiting organizations may submit one (1) audio/visual sample to complete the application. The review of submitted audio/visual materials is limited to five minutes or fewer. If submitting a longer video, please cue tape to the most pertinent five minute segment. The entire tape will not be reviewed. Attach a brief, typed description of the material submitted, including the venue and date to the video. If you are submitting slides, include no more than twenty in a plastic slide sheet. Attach a typed slide list. What Happens After Your Application is Submitted? 1. All applications are initially reviewed by CAC staff for eligibility requirements and application completeness. If an application is late, incomplete, or faxed or otherwise ineligible, CAC Staff will contact the applicant. 2. In August, the applications are forwarded to the appropriate grant review panels. One grant review panel is appointed by the CAC for each category. Page 3 3. Grant Review Panels convene to interview applicants, review artistic support materials and site visit reports, and to rank applications according to evaluation and selection criteria. Panels formulate funding recommendations. 4. The CAC reviews grant review panels funding recommendations and forwards a final allocation recommendation to the City of Miami Beach Commission for ratification. 5. Final grant awards are based on panel and council recommendations and the amount of available funding for the Cultural Arts Grant Program. Grant Review Panels Grant review panels are convened by the CAC and consist of representatives from the CAC Board and community and regional arts professionals/activists. All grants will be reviewed by a grant panel in public meetings. CAC maintains a pool of panel applicants. If you are interested in nominating an individual, please contact the CAe. Panels convene to interview applicants and to rank applications based on grant program criteria and goals. Panelists formulate funding recommendations based on application rankings and available funds. Based upon the panel recommendations and the available funding, the CAC will approve a fmal allocation recommendation prior to the fall City Commission Meetings. The procedure is as follows: 1. Grant review panel members individually review grant proposals in advance of the scheduled Grant Panel meetings in August. 2. The CAC Staff schedules site visits and interviews applicant organizations to discuss the application and answer panel questions. The interviews will be scheduled by the CAC Staff after the applications have been received. 3. The evaluation and recommendation process consists of the following steps: a. Each panelist scores each application based on the selection criteria. b. Averaged scores for each application are ranked. c. Rankings will be utilized in determining allocation of grant awards. d. The CAC will keep a record of panel recommendations, a summary of which will be included with each applicant's Notification letter and kept in Cultural Arts Coundl Grant Program files. Site Visit Program All applicant organizations are asked to accommodate a site visit. The site visits, comprised of grant review panel members and staff, are for the purpose of conducting administrative and artistic site reviews. Contract with CAC Upon final approval by the City of Miami Beach Commission, organizations who are approved for funding enter into a contract with theCAC to provide the programs or services proposed in the application and must verify the ability to meet the match requirements with cash revenues, or other sources. All grant recipients are required to verify the cash match from private contributions, other government grants or earned income at the time of the grant award. In addition, operating grant recipients must verify that the organization meets the contributed income requirements for the applicable eligibility category. It is required that on all printed materials regarding an operating grant funded project, the CAC logo and/or credit line must be included. Interim or final reports must be submitted to the city in February, 1999 or as addressed in the contract. Payment and Reporting Schedule Funding shall be allocated according to the contract negotiated with the CAe. A payment and reporting schedule shall be established in the contract. Page 4 CAC Conflict of Interest Policy 1. No member of the CAC Board or Staff shall sign a grant application. 2. No staff or council member. who is on a applicant's board shall serve on the grants panel for the category in which the organization submits an application. 3. Any CAC or panel member who has a potential conflict of interest must disclose it to the CAC and the Grant review panel prior to the panel review dates. PubUc Information and Funding Disclaimers The Cultural Arts Council Grant Program is a public process addressing the allocation of public funds. In the course of this process, applications are reviewed by peer grant panels. The merits of the proposals and the accomplishments of the artists and organizations are thoroughly discussed and may be compared to other proposals within the same category. The CAC is governed by the Florida Sunshine laws and applicants should assume that there in no confidentiality as to any of the responses, deliberations, evaluations, or results. Grant Review Panel recommendations will be fOlWarded to the CAC Board for review and the Board will then fOlWard fmal recommendations to the City of Miami Beach Commission for ratification. The CAC will enter into contracts with successful applicants. All applicants should note that the city's confirmation of available funds for the program will be made following city budget hearings and adoption of a budget in the fall, 1998. Applicants should remain in contact with the CAC to stay updated on funding for the grant program. There is limited funding available for distribution. Many worthy projects, organizations, and artists cannot be funded. Neither the recipient of funding in the past, organizational fiscal need, nor the merit of an application is a guarantee for funding. The CAC staff is willing to discuss panel review comments with applicants after the process is completed. Page 5 OPERATING GRANT CATEGORY The Operating Grant program provides support to arts and cultural organizations with a history of programming in Miami Beach that require a secure funding base to meet ongoing program and administrative needs. Operating grants recognize the need to offer support for the nurturing, development, and sustainability of arts organizations. Eligibility and Funding The CAC's operating Grant program is designed to provide appropriate support to organizations at different stages of organizational development, as detailed below. Allocations are based upon a formula that takes into account the budgetary size of applicants eligible for support. General Eligibility · Miami Beach-based nonprofit arts or cultural organizations with 501(c)(3) status · Involvement of qualified artists or arts professionals in planning and program delivery · Organizations must have as their primary purpose the presentation performance, awareness and/or exhibition of the arts Emerging Arts Organizations Pur:pose The vitality of the arts in Miami Beach depends on a community of strong, professionally-directed arts organizations. The goal of CAC's support for Emerging Arts Organization is to <!evelop arts groups that are working towards meeting the eligibility standards for Established Arts Organizations. The mission is to stabilize, sustain and nurture the small and medium sized organizations. Minimum Eligibility · One year of programming history in Miami Beach · Demonstrated ability to raise matching funds · Active Board of Directors · Project must stimulate resident interest and provide publicly accessible programs · Potential to become Established Arts Organization · Organizations must submit an annual fmandal review performed by an independent auditor Category I Organization budget under $100,000 · Provides funding and technical support to small emerging arts organizations with a year round presence in Miami Beach, presenting and performing or exhibiting a season of cultural activities. The organizations total annual operating budget including the project for which funds are being requested must be under $100,000. Category II Organization budget $100,000 to $499,000 · Provides funding to small and mid-size developing professional arts organizations with a year round presence in Miami Beach, presenting, performing or exhibiting a season of cultural activities. The organization's total annual operating budget for which funds are being requested must be between $100,000 and $499,000. Funding Grants will not exceed 200Al in category I and 15% in category II of the total 1997-1998 budget of each organization. All grants must provide a minimum $1 cash, in kind, or combination of both, match for each $2 requested. Grant awards are subject to funds available and the numbers of qualified applicants. Page 6 Evaluation and Selection Criteria Applications for the city's emerging grant program categories will be reviewed according to how effectively applicants can demonstrate how they meet.the evaluation and selection criteria. Each emerging grant proposal shall be evaluated and ranked based on the following criteria; Artistic Merit, Program Quality and Achievable Budget 35 points . Encourage the development of long-term, quality artistic programs . Support the development of innovative and creative projects or programming which challenge audiences and participants · Provide appropriate support and documentation to achieve budget for program/project · Diversified funding base Organizational Management 25 points · Support the use of best practices in the management structure of the organization, including long term planning accountability fund development, appropriate qualifications of board and staff and other professionals, and overall fiscal health · Capacity to attract fmancial support from other private and public sources · Encourage the involvement and compensation of qualified professional artists Impact 20 points · Encourage the development of programs that provide ongoing cultural education and outreach opportunities to the community · Support the development of new audiences · Provide support for organizations which are able to identify community needs, identify target audiences, and how commitment and ability to meet needs through planning and program delivery · Encourage the development of programs that meet the needs for a wide variety of cultural programs in Miami Beach · Evidence of efforts to promote and/or foster cultural tourism in Miami Beach Community Representation 20 points · Encourage organization to provide programs which are accessible to a broad range of interests of Miami Beach · Encourage the use of the strategies and mechanisms to ensure community representation in leadership, planning and program diversity Established Arts Organizations Pm:pose The Established Arts Organizations category is designed to provide a stable base of operating support to a growing number of arts organization. Minimum Eligibility · Three years of programming history in Miami Beach · Total annual organizational budget of $500,000 or more · Active Board of Directors · Project must stimulate resident interest and provide accessible programs · Demonstrated ability to raise matching funds · Organizations must conduct an annual audit performed by an independent auditor · Organizations must operate year-round with full-time administrative staff Funding Grants will not exceed 15% of the total 1997-1998 budget of each organization. All grants must provide a mini- mum $1 cash, in kind, or combination of both, match for each $2 requested. Grant awards are subject to funds available and the number of qualified applicants. Page 7 Evaluation and Selection Criteria Each operating grant proposal shall be evaluated and ranked based on the following criteria: Artistic Merit, Program Quality and Achievable Budget 35 Points · Artistic quality of programs and artistic standing in the field · Overall artistic achievement · Innovative and creative projects or programming · Activities which further the applicant's overall organizational mission, goals, and objectives · Artistic training and experience of the artistic personnel · Qualifications of staff and or artists · Provide appropriate support and documentation to achieve budget for program/project · Diversified funding base Organizational Management 25 points · Evidence of strong fiscal controls and accountability for the expenditure of resources · Management structure and decision-making process · Short and long-range planning capabilities · Fiscal health as demonstrated by surplus/defidt position and a diversity of funding sources · Demonstrated ability to match the grant request · Qualifications and effectiveness of board and staff in relation to practices in the field Impact 20 points · Commitment and ability to address the community needs through the arts in organizational planning and programs · Demonstrated need for the organization, given the audiences, geographic areas, groups or communities served · Accessible programs for residents of Miami Beach · Short and long-term impact of the organization on the identified audiences or communities served · Impact of programs on the artists and the organization itself Community Representation 20 points · Organization demonstrates use of administrative and artistic personnel that represent the diverse components of the community · Organization makes use of strategies or mechanisms (i.e. advisory boards) to ensure broad community representation in planning, leadership, and programs Project Support for Individuals and Organizations The project support for individuals and non-profit organizations category provides support to individual artists, non-profit organizations, schools and neighborhood associations for programs and/or projects that recognize and celebrate the cultural diversity of the Miami Beach Community, and enhance cultural tourism. General Eligibility · Miami Beach based individuals and non-profit organizations, schools, or neighborhood associations · Primary purpose of the project, presentation, performance and/or exhibition of the arts · Applicants will only be considered under one category for August 21 deadline Funding Grants will not exceed 15% of the total budget for the project. Grant awards are subject to funds available and the numbers of qualified applicants. TIlls category has a August 21, November 20 and February 15 deadline. Page 8 Evaluation and Selection Criteria Applications for the individual and non-profit organizations category will be reviewed according to how effectively applicants can demonstrate how they meet the evaluation and selection criteria. Each project support application shall be evaluated and ranked based on th~ following criteria: Artistic Merit, Program Quality Achieveable Budget 35 points · Qualifications, background, and experience of artists involved in project · Support the development of innovative and creative projects or programming which challenge audiences and participants · Evidence of efforts to promote and/or foster cultural tourism in Miami Beach · Provide appropriate support and documentation to achieve budget for program/project · Diversified funding base Community Support 30 points · Audience development efforts reflect the individual's or non-profit organizations' ability to reach the community of Miami Beach · Provide support for organizations which are able to identify community needs, identify target audiences, and show conunitment and ability to meet needs through planning and progranuning delivery · Encourage the, development of programs that meet the needs for a wide variety of cultural interests in Miami Beach Impact 30 points · Encourage the development of programs that provide ongoing cultural education and outreach opportunities to the community · Support the development of new audiences · Provide support for individuals or organizations which are able to identify community needs and identify target audiences Page 9 City of Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council 1700 Convention Center Drive 4th Floor Miami Beach, FL 33139 FY 1998-1999 Grant Program Date (please check one) Emerging Arts Organization o Category 1- Organizational Budgets under $100,000 o Category 11- Organizational Budgets $100,000-$499,000 o Established Arts Organizations-Organizational Budget over $500,000 o Project Support for Individuals and Organizations APPLICANT INFORMATION Applicant Organization (name as it appears in articles of incorporation) Mailing address City State Zip Phone: Home or Office Fax E-mail Year Legally Established State Federal ID# Type of Organization (please check one) 0 Performing arts o Visual Arts Presenter (necessary for receipt of check) CONTACT INFORMATION Pre-application Consultation Date Time Executive Director Page 10 Grant Contact Person Mailing address (if different from above) Phone: City PROTECT INFORMATION Project Title I:>irector of Proposed Project: Project attendance (t.e. audtence/parttctpanlS served) Cultural Discipline of Project (check one) 0 Dance o Visual Arts 0 Media Arts 0 Interdisciplinary Home. or Office Fax State E-mail Zip Project Start Date Project End Date o Music 0 Theater o Literature 0 Scientific/Historical Budget Summary Amount Requested Total Organizational Budget Fiscal Year (check one) 0 1998 Total Project Budget Percentage of Project Budget o 1999 Page 11 PROTECfIPROGRAM SUMMARY This section of the application provides an overview of important program features. Please try to answer the questions in the space provided using no smaller than 10 point font style. · Describe clearly and concisely the proposed project for which the funds are being requested Briefly describe your proposed project. Your description must be as specific as possible. Be clear and concise while providing all project details. Who is your target audience and principal participants? Why should this project be funded by City tax dollars? If your project is a collaboration, include a letter of support from the collaborating organizations. (Use this space only) Page 12 OUTREACH AND COMMUNI1Y ACCESSIBILI1Y 1. State the purpose or mission of your organization and its goals and objectives. 2. Describe your facility or program site(s). Indicate whether the site is reserved by contract or anticipated? Organizations will be expected to comply with all applicable City ordinances (noise, fire regulations, municipal codes, ADA accessibility, et cetera). Please contact the CAC for referrals to the appropriate City Department. 3. Briefly describe your current marketing plan (attach copy of detailed marketing plans, if available.) Page 13 4. Outline your method of evaluating the project's success (attach a sample of survey tool, if available) 5. Since it is unlikely that full program/project funding will come from CAe, please describe efforts to obtain other funds, include secured and pending funding from other sources. 6. Does this project have tourist appeal? If so, describe. Page 14 Provide the following information for your organization for the most recently completed year. Performance Indicators . a. Number of Productions or Exhibitions b. Total Number of Performances of all Productions c. Number of Educational Programs or Workshops d. Number of Festivals e. Other: Organizational Management Please attach list of Board of Director and Offices include names and addresses. Board of Directors a. How often does your Board meet b.NumberofBoardMembe~ c. Does your Board have a rotation policy? (check one) 0 Yes 0- NO Administrative Staff a. Number Full-time (check one) b.NumberPart-time(~eckone) o Paid o Paid o Volunteer o Volunteer Page 15 Project Budget Fiscal Year Begins (month) 1. INCOME A. Contributed Federal Government State Government County Government City Government Individual Contributions Business/Corporate Contributions Foundations Memberships Fundraising Events (Gross) Other Subtotal Contributed B. Earned Admissions Touring Other Contracted Services TuitionlWorkshops Project Sales/Concessions Investment Income Other Subtotal Earned Grand Total Income (A + B) II. EXPENSES A. Personnel Artistic Full-time other artistic Administrative Full time other administrative Technical Production Full Time Other Technical Production Subtotal Personal B. Operating Expenses Facility Expenses/Space rental Marketing Production Exhibition Travel Fundraising expenses Other (if greater than 10% of budget attach separate schedule) SUBTOTAL OPERATING INCOME (A + B) TOTAL EXPENSES (A + B) Surplus Income (deficit) at year end (Item 17 minus item 27) COMPLETEr CURRENT PROTECfED FY 96-97 FY 97-98 FY 98-99 Page 16 Budget Notes and Schedules NOTE: ALL TOTALS MUST EQUAL FY 1998-1999 TOTAL ORGANIZATIONAL BUDGET Below, provide your organization's fiscal budget for the year during which proposed project will take place (Current Fiscal Year- 1998-99). Round all figures to the nearest dollar. Additionally, please attach a copy of your organization's budget for the fiscal year directly prior to the one in which the proposed project will occur (Prior Fiscal Year- 1997-98). If your total fiscal budget or any specific line item is significantly larger or smaller (more than 10%), please explain briefly. Grant Amount Requested $ Itemize expenditures for which requested funds will be used. Please refer to the grant program guidelines regarding allowable grant fund expenditures. Grant Expenses: Personnel- Artistic $ Personnel Technical $ Personnel Administrative $ Space Rental $ Travel (local only) $ Marketing/Publicity $ Outside Personnel $ Other Costs (itemize below) $ Total Page 17 CERTIFICATION: I CERTIFY TIiAT ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED IN TIllS APPUCATION AND TIlESE ATIACHMENTS IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. NO CITY EMPLOYEE SHALL BE SIGNATORY IN BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZATION REQUESTING FUNDS FROM TIlE CULTURAL ARTS COUNCIL. ALL FUNDED ACI1VITIES MUST PROVIDE EQUAL ACCESS AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITY IN EMPLOYMENT AND SERVICES AND MAY NOT BE DISCRIMINATED ON TIlE BASIS OF HANDICAP, COLOR, CREED, OR REUGION. AUTHORIZING SIGNATIJRE DATE TYPED/PRINTED NAME TITI.E Projects which receive funding from the Cultural Arts Council's Grants Program MUST include the logo and the following credit line in all promotional and marketing materials related to the funded project; including public announcements, press releases, programs, print and broadcast media: "WI1lI TIlE SUPPORT OF TIlE CI1Y OF MIAMI BEACH CUL1lJRAL ARTS COUNCIL AND TIlE CI1Y OF MIAMI BEACH MAYOR AND COMMISSION." Page 18