File Ref. #089 ~[EI~IBER OF FLORIDA BAR, FEDERAL BAR ASSOCIATION, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA BAR August 25, 1998 DENNIS G. KING, P.A. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT MIAMI, FLORIDA (3o5) RECEIVED 98 15,1JG 2 8 11:18 CiTY CLER ,'S To: POST OFFICE BOX 330735 COCONUT GROVE STATION MIAMI, FLORIDA 33233-0735 City Clerk, or Duly Authorized Officer City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 Re: Phillips v. City of Miami Beach doa 3/15/98 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This letter will serve as Notice of the claim of Ricky E. Phillips pursuant to Fla. Stat. 786.28. Failure to respond within six (6) months shall be deemed a denial of this claim subjecting the City to suit therefor. On or about 10:30 A.M., Sunday, March 15, 1998, Ricky Phillips was riding his bicycle on Collins Avenue when a City of Miami Beach police vehicle driven by Officer Andrew J. Kuncas was so negligently driven so as to collide with the claimant at the intersection of 13th St. causing him to be thrown to the payment and suffer serious injury. Claimant sustained three fractures of the leg and ankle, and suffered permanent injury, scarring, property damage to the bicycle, and has been damaged incurring medical expenses, and loss of income due to inability to work. We hereby demand $100,000 in settlement of this claim. Ricky E. Phillips was born October 31, 1959 in Washington County, Virginia, City of Bristol. His Social Security # is 227-02-5897. He owes no money to any state, agency, officer or subdivision. Please provide pursuant to Fabre v. Martin, 623 So.2d 1182(1993) ~_~,~ ~ names of any and all witnesses, and the names of any persons or entities who you contend are responsible for claimant's injuries. Failure to do so will constitute an admissie '? such ;~t. We await your response. e Certified P 062 451 510 V r~g_~ cc D . YKIYN~ ~ A. Fla. Dept of Insurance Certifed P 062 ~51 537 '- _ Ricky Phillips Zeller & Keihner, L.L.P.