File Ref. #093 f&I #~7'3-~r~~ ~ /91r C I T Y 0 F M I A M I B E~ 8 J1v E D http:\\ci.miami-beach.f1.us OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER f"",-\/ '""i t"[;I,{'" OFFICE \,j1 I l./'.. 1\1\ ~ Telephone 673-7010 Facsimile 673-7782 .tJO MT~J.I~T, August 18, 1998 Mr. Dean J. Grandin Historic Preservation and Urban Design Director 1 700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 ( Re: Design Review File No. 9802; 520-540 West Avenue Dear Mr. Grandin: In reference to the above noted matter, please be advised that I, in my capacity as City Manager, have accepted the additional developmental conditions for the above referenced file, as provided in the attached letter from Carter McDowell, dated August 18, 1998. Specifically, said amended conditions shall be as follows: 1 . The proposed pedestal shall incorporate an increased setback from the east side of the property, in order to lessen the impact of said structure on the sidewalk, in a manner to be approved by staff. 2. The proposed driveway entrance on the north side of the property (to the immediate east of the north tower) shall be substantially reduced in width in order to incorporate a larger landscaped area on both sides, in a manner to be approved by staff. 3. The applicant shall submit a streets cape plan for both sides of West Avenue which incorporates sidewalk extensions with full canopy trees; the applicant shall be required to facilitate and install said streetscape improvements on that portion of the west side of West Avenue, fronting the subject site. 4. The addition of any pedestrian walkway on top of the canopy in between the subject towers shall be subject to the review and approval of staff; this shall include, but not be limited to, the quantity, dimensions, design and location of any vertical support columns, as well as the height and location of any rails. 5. The east elevation of the proposed retail storefronts shall be simplified in a manner to be approved by staff. August 18, 1998 Page Two Accordingly, I hereby withdraw the June 26, 1998 request for a review of this matter by the City Commission and hereby request that the Final Building Permit plans for DRB File No. 9802 incorporate the amended conditions herein. Sincerely, r io Ro riguez City Manage~ SR\JG\~\ TRM F:\PLAN\ $ALL\CM _ RESP\9802-W AP. WPD Attachment cc: J. Gavarrete W. Cary T. Mooney R. Parcher I (' (TIf Llt:7Zt:...... C. McDowell DRB File No. 9801 BILZIN SUMBERG DUNN PRICE & P ALAN O. A.XEI...ROO. P...' _"IAN L. aILZIN. P.....- AL.~"T t. OOTSON, JR., P..... lIItIC........O OUNN. P..... AuOJltEv A. ELLIS. P..... ,JACO. J. OIVNER. "..t... LEST':" L. GOLDSTEIN, P."". "ICMA"O M. GOLDSTEIN. P..... ALAN..I. KAZAN, P..,- STEVEN O. LE"'III. ~..... ALVIN D. LOCI.H, P..... C...IIITEIII N. "COOWELL. P..... EILEEN ....LL ..EHT.... P..... NOIII.....N .... ..OSCOWITZ. P....... HOW...III0 E. NELSON. P..... NAlIIt,JIE C. NEALON. P..... ST"'NLEY.. "IIIICE. P..... M.A.(lIIIITIN A.. SCHWAATZ, P.A.. .JOHN C. SU".EIIIG. P...... O...VIO W. TIIIENCH. P..... MITCHELL E. WIOOM. P..... ... P...RTNERSHIP 0" PRO,.ESSION...L ...SSOCI... 2500 ,.,AST UNION "'N...NC''''L CENTEr:; 200 SOUTH BISC...YNE BOULEV"'RO . MI...MI. F'LORIO... 33131 2336 TELEPHONE: 1305) 37.-7580. INF'OOBILZIN.COM F'AX: (305) 37.-7593 . BAOW...FlD: 195.) 462-6808 August 18, 1998 ."IAN S. ADLER SUZANNE M. ...M.OUCCI "'ANOLO .... eROWN CHRISTOPHER D. eROWN THO.....S ,.. C"'RR SHEAAIL M. COLOMBO JE,.,.REY O. DeC"'RLO ..I. RONALD DENMAN NANCY.. GLIMCHl:A "AQUIEL N. GONZALEZ SCOTT D. K.....VETZ JOHN ... KUHN MICH...EL W. L"'''KIN .... VICKY LEIV... SUS"'N .J. PONTIG...S JE""Y e. P"OCTOR CH"'''LES H. R"'TNER CHIII'STOPHE" H. SA'''' ST"'CEY L. SILVE".....N TERES'" J. U"O'" LYNN S. WATERMAN ",CH...III0 O. "ONORE. P...... ""'..IIte..l. STONE. P...... 0" COUNSEL -.LSO lit. 1l41:....E. 0" NEW YORK ...." .....L.O... MEN.IE" 0" OC ....1IIt Mr. Sergio Rodriguez, City Manager City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 Re: Settlement of August 10,1998 Appeal of June 9th 1998/DRB Approval of DRB Application # 9802 510-540 West Avenue Dear Sergio: On behalf of Riccardo Olivieri, the applicant for the above-referenced DRB application, in return for your agreement to settle and withdraw your appeal as described above, the applicant agrees to incorporate further modifications to the approved elevations for the project as shown on the drawings attached to this letter as Exhibit "A" and enumerated hereto as Exhibit "B". These modifications are subject to further and final review and approval by DR/HPB staff. The pedestal and site plan portions of the modified plans and conditions herein shall control wherever they are in conflict with the development order particularly with regard to setbacks and other requirements. Further, the applicant agrees to prepare final hardline presentation drawings of the changes outlined on the plans attached as Exhibit" A" and to file them with the City within ten (10) days. .y"ery tnl~ .'-----\;.,~~ ,-, , ~ A--.!..' '-,..,.v \,,- Carter N": cDowell cc: Janet Gavarette, Assistant City Manager (without Exhibit A) William Cary, Historic Preservation Coordinator (without Exhibit A) Diana Grub Frieser, First Assistant City Attorney (without Exhibit A) Mr. Riccardo Olivieri (without Exhibit A) G:\DMS\72S43\0984S\02031470l 8/17/98 EXHIBIT "B" 1. The proposed parking pedestal shall incorporate an increased setback from the east side of the property, in order to lessen the impact of said structure on the sidewalk, in a manner to be approved by staff; this may include a slight reduction in the rear pedestal setback. 2. The proposed driveway entrance on the north side of the property (to the immediate east of the north tower) shall be substantially reduced in width in order to incorporate a larger landscape area on both sides, in a manner to be approved by staff. 3. The applicant shall submit a streetscape plan for both sides of West Avenue which incorporates sidewalk extensions with full canopy trees; the applicant shall be required to facilitate and install said streetscape improvements on that portion of the west side of West Avenue, fronting the subject site. 4. The addition of any pedestrian walkway on top of the canopy in between the subject towers shall be subject to the review and approval of staff; this shall include, but not be limited to, the quantity, dimensions, design and location of any vertical support columns, as well as the height and location of any rails. 5. The east elevation of the proposed retail storefronts shall be simplified in a manner to be approved by statT. G:\DMS\72543\ I 0088\0203 148.01 8/17/98