File Ref. #094 r;/~ /~ H P"?Y-Jtp/6N(k/(. ~/f1J CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DATE: September 8, 1998 TO: Sergio Rodriguez, City Manager Harry S. Mavrogenes, Assistant City Manage~ MigUeI~~~ Housing Coordinator VIA: FROM: SUBJECT: SHIP Program Annual Report Attached for your signature is the City's Annual Report for the State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Program for state fiscal years 1995/96, 1996/97, and 1997/98. The Annual Report is a requirement of the Florida Housing Finance Corporation which funds the SHIP Program. The SHIP Program Annual Report is to be submitted by September 15, 1998. HSM/MDC/SKC Attachment cc: Steve K. Cumbo, Housing Specialist SHIPAR98.MEM ,) (\ CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL t700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER TELEPHONE: (305) 673-7010 FAX: (305) 673-7782 September 9, 1998 Steve Bennett. Administrator State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Program Florida Housing Finance Corporation 227 North Bronough Street, Suite 5000 Tallahassee, FL 32301-1329 Re: SHIP PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT FISCAL YEARS 1995/96, 1996/97, and 1997/98 Dear Mr Bennett: The City of Miami Beach hereby submits the State Housing Initiative Partnership (SHIP) Program Annual Report for Fiscal Years 1995/96, 1996/97, and 19997/98 (as of June 30, 1998). If additional information is required, please contact Miguell Del Campillo, Housing Coordinator, at (305) 673- 7260. e 0 Rodriguez City Manager SRlMDC Attachments c: Harry S. Mavrogenes, Assistant City Manager Randolph Marks. Assistant Director, Community/Economic Development Department Miguell Del Campillo, Housing Coordinator Steven K. Cumbo, Housing Specialist CM090398.L Form 1: SHIP DISTRIBUTION SUMMARY Section 420.9075(9), F.S. Submittal Date: September 15, 1998 FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY - SHIP PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT for State Fiscal Year: 1995-96 NAME OF_LOCAL ENTITY: City of MiamiBeach TABLE A: SHIP FUNDS SHIP FUNDS UNENCUMBERED STRATEGY EXPEN OED ENCUMBERED SHIP FUNDS DESCRIPTION A B C Proposed Proposed Amount Units Amount Units Amount Units 1 Rehabi I itation $245,459 18 - - --- - 2 Rehabilitation & Down Payment 52,286 0 - - -- -- --- 3 New Construction 0 0 --- - _n . --..- 4 Qown Payment Assistance 0 0 - - 5 ----- un _ _ _.._ - 6 -------------- -- --- 7 --- ------------ ------- - -- -------- .. -- - ----- un ~---- -- 8 Subtotal * $297 745 18 $0 0 $0 0 Home Ownershio Counseling 6763 Admin. from Program Income 0 Administration 33 636 TOTAL $338 144 18 $0 0 $0 0 · This figure must equal the amount for "SHIP Funds Expended" on Form 2, Table B. TABLE B: Total Revenue (actual and/or anticioated) for Local SHIP Trust Fund A B C Amount Percentage Source of SHIP Funds of Funds of Funds State Annual Distribution _ _~$3~~,3G~ 99% ~u___ I-------~- -----..------ _ ____u .er:.C>.gI..~_ll1come uu________uu_ __ __u____J278 1% 1--___________ ______u_______ Recaptured Funds 0 ----- -- -----~--~~------- -------------_.- ----..------ -- -_._-----_.._-~ Other Funds 0 -------_.._-----------~~._- ._~-~._--_._~--- "--.---..--- -...-- - -.--.--- (~_clr:ry__()ver funds _fr:()0_e..r~~~()~~.Y~?r:.___ 0 -- --- ------------ ___u______ - __....___.__._n_ Total Funds Deposited into Local Affordable Housing Trust Fund* $338 144 TABLE C: ~~_~~(r()tal $$_J~()!T1__T '!~J l:!_!\_5=...<:>luf1'l_n s A,_B, & C: $33l3.,1<l4 - ***Enter amount to be carried forward to next year: 0 TOTAL $338 144 .. Must equal Total from Form 1, Table b, Col. B. .. 'Carry forward is used only in a closeout year when the amount of funds remaining are not sufficient to fully assist one unit. The unit assisted is counted in the next fiscal year. SHIP AR/97-1 FORM 2: Rel1tsand Compliance5ummary Submi"al Date: September 15, 1998 Section 420.9075Ibl. (c). Id), Ig). F.S. FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION. SHIP PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT For State Fiscal Year: 1995-96 Name of local Entity: City of Miami Beach Table A: Rental Unit Information RENTAL RATES - ACTUAL (If rents vaT for the samt- unit, enter f(~atest amount) 1 2 _...~._._------- 3 4 5 STRATEGY DESCRIPTION N/A Eff. 1 Bed 2 Bed 3 Bed 4 Bed Table B: Reca of Fundin Sources for Units Produced Source of Funds for Units Produced throu h une 30th ~HJf_funds Ex~en~~~ ~~blic~on~~ Exp~nd~ ~r~~~_F_u_n_<!s~~I>~~~__ Owner E uit Total Value of All Units Amount of Funds Ex ended to Date $297,745 587,459 572,200 75 607 $1 533 011 Percentage of Total Value 19% -~-----------------_.- 38% _____". _____n_____ 37% ____uno_on _u_ 5% bl C r S H o h' IC IR h b Ta e C: SHIP Proe:ram omollance ummarv - orne wners 101 onstructlOn e a A B C Fl Statute ComDliance Catel!orv SHIP Funds ~o of Trust Fun Minimum % HOME OWNERSHIP $297,745 1--------- 88% 65% ---.....------...- -- ----- CONSTRUCTION/REHABILITATION $297745 88% 75% Trust Fund equals Distribution plus Recaptured Funds Table D: Program Compliance. Income Set-Asides I b f I (1) Prol!ram Compliance lV Units (I Appl icable) A B C Column B / Column C Income Category Units Grand Total Unit Total % of Units ~y-Low_I_~om~_____ ----~ f--- ---- -~._------~ Low Income ---~ ~- ----~ Moderate Income TOTAL t (2) Proe:ram ComPI iance t>v Fun s Expended (If Applicable) A B C % of Total Trust Fund Income Catee:orv SHIP $ Expended/Budl!eted Total Trust Fund Distribution Distribution ~,<Jw Income -~~~~ -- --------- $297,745 40% -- -.--- ~-Income~- __ 180,1.23______ _________29]', 7 45 _~_____~_ 60% -------. "---.----- - H' __...__ - Moderate Income 0 297745 0% TOTAL $297745 b d ~Total Trust Fund Distribution~ equals Distribution + Recaptured Funds + Program Income + Carry Over Funds. T bl E P F d' a e : rOlect un rng Value of N umber of I ncome Category Mortgages. Mortgages. Value of Number of loans &. DPls loans &. DPls Grants Grants Ye!y-L()\VI~o~ $11 Z,~p 6 - ..-- - -- --- - -. - -- --- - Low Income 18(),123 12 .-- .-.---------.. --- - - ----- -.- -- -- -- Moderate Income 0 0 TOTAL $297745 18 bJ II bl d . . 'd f Ta e F: A owa e A mrnlstratlon Set ASI e rom PrOl!:ram Income Total Amount of "5% ""10% Total Program Income Proe:ram Income Maximum Maximum Allowed for Administration $1 778 $88.90 $177.80 0 . Counties and Eligible Municipalities which receive more than the minimum distribution. .. Counties and Eligible ,\dunieipaliries which receive the mmirnum distribution or less. SHIP AR/97-1 0 0 0 0 0 w ex> -" ao 6 ao ~ M 0 0 0 M w - -" '" '0 :5 .Q E -t:l '0 ~ ..t: 0 '" ~ 0 0 0 0 '" '" :l w '" Z 0 1 ;,; u.. .. J: -;; 'u '0 0 '" ." 0. ~ '" '" 0 0 0 '" .., ~ ?2 ~ 'E 0 :1 ..Q <5 :l '" 0 0 0 0 0 ~ w ~ >- is U -s 3: z I- ~ 0 0 0 L.U ~ ~ ClQ w <.:l 0 -" <: ~ >.&I 'E :5 a"> L.U L.U I ~ --- ~~.__._._..- ~ l1'\ ~ 0 0 0 0 0 U ....l Q'l ~ ~ Z a"> .... ~ <: <: ,... 0 '0 -( ::l .e- '0 z ..t: _._-----_.~--------- ---.---- --~--~---. i:: Z ~ iJ '" 0 0 0 0 0 Z to '" ~ .~ ~ :>.: <.J 0 <' <.:l <: :>- L.U '" J: Z I- '" '0 ----~--,,_. -..---..---------- ~ ~ ;:: u M 0 0 '1" trl <: \,j ~ ." .~ '" ::l <II '" 9- ~ tz: ~ 0 <.:l .... i ~ U --_._~----~_._.- -------'--- :I: 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 - u ~ to 0 ~ <: - <ii ~ trl .... ----- -_._---------_.__.~,.. --_.'-,----'.--_.. 0 ~ ... L<.. w M 0 0 0 M 0 0 :.c ~ :I: - 3: 0 .... ....l trl :E 0 0 0 0 0 u.. ~ + '" ~ '" "', 0 0 0 '" 0 'E " ~ '" Vi ... c N 0 0 M ~ ~ Q. + or O' 0 0 '1" '" '0 N '" .. '0 ~ ---'---_..._- ----------- ..t: '" 0 0 0 '" :1 ~ "I :l :;: 0 U J: --_._-------~- 0 "" 0 0 '" ti '0 'T '" ~ ~ ." '" ..t: '" N 0 0 0 N \,j ~ '" N 6 'ti {j 1'-. 0 0 CO IE -;; a c. '" f- ~ ." ." ~ '0 '" ..t: <.J 0 0 0 0 0 w ~ :l ;1 .0 ." w :l 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ cc J: 0': -B '0 '" ~ 0 0 N ~ - 'c s '" '" :::J V) ~ ..Q ..0 0 0 0 ..0 E u.. i;;, :l ~ ~ a Z w a ~ 0: > 0 ~ u ~ '" ;: ~ ~ 1'-. .E 0 0 c: ~ '" ""' "'" .S! ~ c c- O '0 0.. ~ ." :~ := 2! N - :~ c 0 c ::; '1" 0 .& .;: t: '" 0 .9 c ~ <.J <( il -= oll ti 1: '" <Il "@ c: 1: ", Q 0 '" <: QI '0 .~ .9 c ~ '" '" 0 0 >- ~ '" E Q, u I .~ c: Eo ~ E >- <lJ >- .2 e -;; ~ >- C '" <;; V) bl) Q. '" 0 0.. c: QI -;; c .~ :0 :0 0.. \,j c: g " .E ~ -,; <.J 'c 'c '" '" := := '" :;., 0 :l ..t: ..t: i5 .~ ... -' ~ '" '" '" 0 .... '" ~ ~ Vi ~ '" '" Z 0 < -0 <( 3 '" """ '" '"' ~ c '" "" ..,. 0 2 0: """ './0 FORM 4: Program Summary Section 420.9075 Submittal Date: September 15 1998 FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION SHIP PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT - STATE FISCAL YEAR 1995-96 1. Please provide information on the status of the implementation of the Local Housing Incentive Plan or Incentive Strategy adopted by the local Affordable Housing Assistance Plan. A(I). Incentive Strategy: The Affordable Housing definition in the appointing resolution. B. Adopting Ordinance or Resolution Number or identify local policy: Resolution No. 96-21939 C. Implementation Schedule (Date): Upon approval of the Housing Incentives Plan by the City Commission. D. Has the plan or strategy been implemented? If no, describe steps that will be taken to implement the plan. Yes, on April 2, 1996 - see attachments E. Status of Strategy - (Is the strategy functioning as intended, I.e., are time frames being met, etc.) The strategy is functioning as intended. A(m. Incentive Strategy: t The expedited processing of permits for housing projects. B. Adopting Ordinance or Resolution Number or identify local policy: Strategy was enacted by administrative action. C. Implementation Schedule (Date): Development of the process to implement this strategy was recommended to take place within nine (9) months of approval of the Housing Incentives Plan. D. Has the plan or strategy been implemented? If no, describe steps that will be taken to implement the plan. Yes, on February 24, 1997 - see attachments E. Status of Strategy - (Is the strategy functioning as intended, I.e., are time frames being met, etc.) The strategy is functioning as intended. a A(III). Incentive Strategy: Process by which the City considers, before adoption, procedures and policies that have a significant impact on the cost of housing. B. Adopting Ordinance or Resolution Number or identify local policy: Strategy was enacted by administrative action. C. Implementation Schedule (Date): Development of the process to adopt this strategy was recommended to start upon approval of the Housing Incentives Plan. D, Has the plan or strategy been implemented? If no, describe steps that will be taken to implement the plan. Yes, on February 24, 1997 - see attachments E. Status of Strategy - (Is the strategy functioning as intended, I.e., are time frames being met, etc.) The strategy is functioning as intended. 2. Attach a concise description of the support services that are available to the residents of affordable housing. The following support services are available to the residents of affordable housing: youth services, child care, health services, home delivery of meals, and employment training. 3. Attach such other data or unique affordable housing accomplishments considered significant by your Agency. (Success Stories, newspaper clippings, etc.) " 4. Describe how the Annual Report was made available for public inspection and comments. Attach copies of all comments that were received and provide the local government's response. A draft of the SHIP Program Annual Report was made available for review and comment at the office of Community/Economic Development Department, 3rd Floor, City Hall 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139, beginning September 1, 1998 through September 8, 1998. See copy of Advertisement announcing its availability. This advertisement was published as follows: SHIP Annual Report announcement appeared in English in the Miami Herald, Neighbors Section, on August 27, 1998. (Copy attached) SHIP Annual Report announcement appeared in Spanish in the Art Deco Tropical, on August 27, 1998. (Copy attached) No comments were received. 5. Since State fiscal year 1992-93, ~ mortgages have been made to very low income households with ~ in default. b Since State fiscal year 1992-93, 12.... mortgages have been made to low income households with JL in default. Since State fiscal year 1992-93, ...Q. mortgages have been made to very moderate households with ...Q. in default. 6. Describe how eligible sponsors (if applicable) that employed personnel from welfare to work programs were given preference in the local selection process. Not Applicable c CERTIFICATION On behalf of City of Miami Beach , I hereby state that the information presented (/'iAiHE OF LOCAL GOI'ERNilvfEVT) herein is true and accurate as of the date of submission. ;;j2-f~J. Itness " . ~'" __ /7/:7',~ If-~~#!J --- 'Witness I A~lr ~M ~ Date tf I;!t J A test (Seal) Date~ Da71$ Sergio R~driguez. City Manager Date (Type) Name and Title -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION Name of Person to call regarding the Annual Report Form: Miguell Del Campillo Telephone Number: (305) 673-7260 SHIP AR/94-1 Form 1: SHIP DISTRIBUTION SUMMARY Submittal Date: September 15,1998 Section 420.9075(9), F.S. FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY - SHIP PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT for State Fiscal Year: 1996-97 NAME OF_LO_CAL ENTJTY:_Cityof Miami Beach TABLE A: SHIP FUNDS SHIP FUNDS UNENCUMBERED STRATEGY EXPENDED ENCUMBERED SHIP FUNDS DESCRIPTION A B C Proposed Proposed Amount Units Amount Units Amount Units 1 Rehabi I itation $28Z,093 10 ---- ----...-----------..---..- ---- - --- 1-- 2_ New Construction 0 0 -- -----'--'-----' -"-- ---- - - -- ---- - - 3 [)o"YnJ)~ym_ent 49!380 2 ------- -. ----- - -- 4 ------- --.--- ----- ----- -- -- -- -----.,- .---------- ---- -- -~-- - - 5 : f------------ ------ --- ---------- - -.---------- -- ________n...-___ - - --- -----...-....- ..-.-.- --- .._~._,-.-- --- _..._-- - -.---...------.-- --------- -------- -.-&. ~-------~~--- --- ----- --'- -. ---------.----.----. --- n - n __.________________ ___._________n__ --- --------------- ---- --- --"-'-. 7 f--------------- ----------- ---- ___.__n__ M_______.____..~____._ .,.---- n -- - --~----- ..~--------------_._--- -.-- --.- ---------- ---.--'-.'--. .,. .----- ------ 8 Subtotal * $0 0 $336 473 12 $0 0 Home Ownershio Counseline 7 597 Admin. from Proeram Income 0 Administration 35 779 0 TOTAL $35 779 0 $344 070 12 $0 0 * This figure must equal the amount for "SHIP Funds Expended" on Form 2, Table B. TABLE B: Total Revenue (actual and/or anticiDated) for Local SHIP Trust Fund ABC Amount Percentage Source of SHIP Funds of Funds of Funds ~tate Annual Distributian _________ __~~357 293_ ~u_2.io,to_____~___ Pragram Incame 22,056 6% ~~~pturegF~~____~_______ ___-=~-_=_=_O+- - ..~_~=_~_=-= ~ Other Funds 0 ----._..._----~---------------_._---_. -----.- -------- -.-..-.---.-.----..-.- -. --- -.-. '--'-----'-' .---- Q!!ry aver ~.!1js fram previ.c?~~.Y~_<l~__~~_____~__Q____________~__ Total Funds Deposited into Local Affordable HousinQ Trust Fund* $379849 TABLE C: Enter Tatal$$ frorn_Ia~~u~-'- Calumns A, B,_ & C: ------.- - $379,84CJ. ** * Enter amount to be carried forward to next year: 0 TOTAL $379,849 ** Must equal Total ham Form 7, Table b, Col. B. * **Carry forward is used only in a closeout year when the amount of funds remaining are not sufficient to fully assist one unit. The unit assisted is counted in the next fiscal year. SHIP AR/97-' FQRM 2: Rents and Compliance Summary Submittal Date: September 15, 1998 Section ..20.907 Sib). (e). (dl. (g), F.S. flORIDA HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION. SHIP PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT For State Fiscal Year: 1996.97 Name of Local Entity: City of Miami Beach Table A: Rental Unit Information RENTAL RATES - ACTUAL (If ff~nts va, for the same unit, enter (patest amount) STRATEGY DESCRIPTION N/A Eft. 1 Bed 2 Bed 3 Bed 4 Bed 1 2 3 4 5 Table B: Reca of Fundin Sources for Units Produced Source of Funds for Units Produced throu h une 30th SH !"-F_ulld.~.E~pended PUlJli<:~_oneys_.Expended (Jr!vatj!Funds Expended Owner E uit Total Value of All Units Amount of Funds Ex ended to Date o o o o o Percentage of Total Value o o o o bl C r S h / h b Ta e C: SHIP Pro!!:ram omDllance ummarv - Home Owners ip, Construction Re a A B C FL Statute Comoliance Catel!orY SHIP Funds Wo of Trust Func Minimum % HOME OWNERSHIP 1-_.!336,~L_ 94% 65% ~--------- - - ---_.~---_.... CONSTRUCTION/REHABILlT A TION $287.093 76% 75% Trust Fund equals Distribution plus Recapwred Funds Table D: Program Compliance - Income Set-Asides (1) Prol!ram Comoliance by Units (If Aoolicable) A B C Column B I Column C Income Cate20rv Units Grand Total Unit Total % of Units ~y!~_~_~n_com~____________ ~---_._.,. -.--- ---- -------'-'- ---------------- -- ..--- ._._.._..._---~------- Low Income ---- ~---------_.._..__._-".._-- __u_________ -- - -----------_.- -..----. .-.. ---- Moderate Income TOTAL (2) Prol!ram Comol iance lY Funds Exoended (If Aoolicable) A B C % of Total Trust Fund Income Catel!orY SHIP $ Expended/Bud2eted Total Trust Fund Distribution Distribution ~ery:..Low J!1come.__ $112,158 _ ___E~-,84_~____________ 30% - ----- ------- --- ----- Low Income --~~~---_. __----.lZ~8~2._.___ 30% -~---- -----.-...- ----- .-..--- Moderate Income 112157 379849 30% TOTAL $336 473 b -Total Trust Fund Distribution" equals Distribution + Recaptured Funds + Program Income + Carry Over Funds. bl d Ta e E: Proiect Fun iOl~ Value of Number of Income Category Mortgage~. Mortgages, Value of Number of toans & OPls Loans & OPLs Grants Grants Very-Low_'Ilc,Orne un__ ._ - ... Low Income _n -- Moderate Income TOTAL 0 0 0 0 T bl F All bl Ad . . S A'd f P a e : owa e ministratIon et Sl e rom r02ram ncome Total Amount of .. 50/0 .... 1 00/0 Total Program Income Prol!ram Income Maximum Maximum Allowed for Administration $22 056 $1 102.80 $2,205.60 0 " Counties and Eligible /'\flunicipalities which receive more than the minimum distribution. "" Counties .:md Eligible Municipalities which receive the minimum disrribution or less. SHIP AR/97-1 0 0 0 0 00 0; '" 6 '" - '" 0 0 0 0 - ... ~ ell .l:l .::0 5 E "0 ~ '" "C oS: ell ell ~ 0 0 0 0 ell ~ '" z ~ 0 -,; ~ u.. ;;; J: E -;; 'u '0 .2 CI ell C. "C ~ '" '" 0 0 0 0 ell "tJ ;; -,; ~ 'E > j .~ .l:l co 0 ~ '" 0 0 0 0 ~ ..1 >- 5 U "'6 ::: Z i- 111 0 0 0 0 U,j ClI::: Q./ \J 0 Cl:l ~ -C '" 'E c < Q.. a"I U,j U,j I 111 ClI::: ...:l ~ 0 0 0 0 U a"I ~ c -l .., Z < a"I ,.., .::0 E ] < .... C <<: Z :) .c- "0 Z ~ oS: u:: 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 Z ~ ~ ;; Q; ell 0 ~ \J < >- ;;.: U,j v J: '" Z ~ ~ co: '0 -~-_.^ ~ j::. u 0 0 0 0 III < I.J ~. "C .~ '" :J ClI::: .~ l.I,j ell E- O \J u.. .... ;; Q; 0 .__________0.. J: 0 -'" 0 0 0 0 - :os ClI::: ~ 0 < - co 0- III ...: --- -_.. ---~------_.~-- -_._--~-_.- C Q.. ... ~ '" 0 0 .0 0 ClI::: 0 0 ~ 0 J: - ~ -l III 0 0 0 0 u.. ~ + '" .~___ .._n_. _.. ____ ____. _______._ ~ ell 0 0 0 0 c 'E N ;.\ '" Vi .... 0 0 0 0 c S< 0; a. + 0 0 ClI .::0 N O<l "0 '" ~ oS: - ~--_._------- _.___._.___._-1__ _..___~_~_.___ '" ~ 0 0 0 0 :~ ~ :f U 0 ~ J: --. -----~_.._._~._--- ---- ---_.~._-_.__.. -------------- - ti '0 ::; 0 0 0 0 '" "C ~ ~ '" ------------ ___n_______" ___. oS: ClI 0 0 0 0 u ;; '" N 0 -0 0 0 0 0 ~ ;;; iiJ '" ;5! Q. "C "C lj "0 ClI oS: v 0 0 0 0 iiJ ClI ~ -0 ~ '" "C 0 .0 ~ 0 ;:;: ~ 0 ct CQ J: '" '0 '" ~ 0 0 0 0 ~ '1: 0 ... ..: ClI ::l V1 .l:l 0 0 0 0 .., E u... "" ~ >- 6 0 z <; ~ 0: ? > is S v "tJ Lrl '}; ] '" -2 ~ 0 c:: ~ C'> 2 .S: ~ ~ c: 3: 0 - '0 C. :~ ." :~ 0 c: N c CI "T is ;;; .;: \:i .. .. .S:! c >- l' u <( 1: -= c: .., ti C <II :; C ell 0 5 .2 ill '0 "i .S:! c: ~ < Cl 5 .S:! ClI E U .2 .9 c: a. ~ .~ E >- 5 ~ c: '" a; ~ ~ .... .S:! u ,. >- 0 Q" V1 ~ -;; c .~ :Q :Q '" u ...:. E " ill 'S Q" c: '"' ~ ~ -; v :l "" '" '" 3: 3: 0 " oS: oS: 02 .= -' ::E ClI ell ClI 0 ~ ~ co: co: z CI <( V'l ~ a. 2 2 N "" ~ I o. o. <fJ FORM 4: Program Summary Section 420.9075 Submittal Date: September 15.1998 FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION SHIP PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT - STATE FISCAL YEAR 1996-97 1. Please provide information on the status of the implementation of the Local Housing Incentive Plan or Incentive Strategy adopted by the local Affordable Housing Assistance Plan. A(n. Incentive Strategy: The Affordable Housing definition in the appointing resolution. B. Adopting Ordinance or Resolution Number or identify local policy: Resolution No. 96-21939 C. Implementation Schedule (Date): Upon approval of the Housing Incentives Plan by the City Commission. D. Has the plan or strategy been implemented? If no, describe steps that will be taken to implement the plan. Yes, on April 2, 1996 - see attachments E. Status of Strategy - (Is the strategy functioning as intended, I.e., are time frames being met, etc.) The strategy is functioning as intended. AlII). Incentive Strategy: The expedited processing of permits for housing projects. B. Adopting Ordinance or Resolution Number or identify local policy: Strategy was enacted by administrative action. C. Implementation Schedule (Date): Development of the process to implement this strategy was recommended to take place within nine (9) months of approval of the Housing Incentives Plan. D. Has the plan or strategy been implemented? If no, describe steps that will be taken to implement the plan. Yes, on February 24, 1997 - see attachments E. Status of Strategy - (Is the strategy functioning as intended, I.e., are time frames being met, etc.) The strategy is functioning as intended. a A(lm. Incentive Strategy: Process by which the City considers, before adoption, procedures and policies that have a significant impact on the cost of housing. B. Adopting Ordinance or Resolution Number or identify local policy: Strategy was enacted by administrative action. C. Implementation Schedule (Date): Development of the process to adopt this strategy was recommended to start upon approval of the Housing Incentives Plan. D. Has the plan or strategy been implemented? If no, describe steps that will be taken to implement the plan. Yes, on February 24, 1997 - see attachments E. Status of Strategy - (Is the strategy functioning as intended, I.e., are time frames being met, etc.) The strategy is functioning as intended. 2. Attach a concise description of the support services that are available to the residents of affordable housing. The following support services are available to the residents of affordable housing: youth services, child care, health services, home delivery of meals, and employment training. 3. Attach such other data or unique affordable housing accomplishments considered significant by your Agency. (Success Stories, newspaper clippings, etc.) 4. Describe how the Annual Report was made available for public inspection and comments. Attach copies of all comments that were received and provide the local government's response. A draft of the SHIP Program Annual Report was made available for review and comment at the office of Economic and Community Development Division, 3rd Floor, City Hall 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139, beginning September 1, 1998 through September 8, 1998. See copy of Advertisement announcing its availability. This advertisement was published as follows: SHIP Annual Report announcement appeared in English in the Miami Herald, Neighbors Section, on August 27, 1998. (Copy attached) SHIP Annual Report announcement appeared in Spanish in the Art Deco Tropical, on August 27, 1998. (Copy attached) No comments were received. 5. Since State fiscal year 1992-93, -2... mortgages have been made to very low income households with JL in default. b Since State fiscal year 1992-93, 12... mortgages have been made to low income households with JL in default. Since State fiscal year 1992-93, ...Q.. mortgages have been made to very moderate households with ...Q.. in default. 6. Describe how eligible sponsors (if applicable) that employed personnel from welfare to work programs were given preference in the local selection process. Not Applicable c CERTIFICATION On behalf of City of Miami Beach , I hereby state that the information presented (NAME OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT) herein is true and accurate as of the date of submission. Date ~ c cted Official or Designee Date ;1/7 y , Date ;/;/j./ S rgio Rodriguez. City Manager Date Witness (Type) Name and Title ~~~rfh~ate 1/r/q; Attest (Seal) (t -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION Name of Person to call regarding the Annual Report Form: Miguell Del Campillo Telephone Number: (305) 673-7260 SHIP AR/94-1 Form 1: SHIP DISTRIBUTION SUMMARY Submittal Date: September 15, 1998 Section 420.9075(9), F.S. FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY - SHIP PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT for State Fiscal Year: 1997-98 NAMEQFLO_CAL ENTITY: City of MiamLBeach TABLE A: SHIP FUNDS SHIP FUNDS UNENCUMBERED STRATEGY EXPENDED ENCUMBERED SHIP FUNDS DESCRIPTION A B C Proposed Proposed Amount Units Amount Units Amount Units 1 Rehabi I itation $ 26f>,OJ6 9 $20,169 1 ~- ---------- -- ~ - I~ ------ 2 New Construction 0 0 m _____u_ ~.. 3 Down ~ayment 4f>,S4f>_. 2 ------------- ------- ----- n ~ ~ 4 ---- --~ .. ~ - .. 5 --------- .------- - ------_._-~---_..._-_. -,--_.._------ ~- --'-------..-----,---. --- ---- _ _. ..'- -- --------~------- ---~- - '.- .'-- 6 -- -------..-- --.-.--- .-,--.--.------- ______.._ ..._ ____n..o____ _.._ --- - -- 7 -~ --- -------------- - _________..___..____n____._ -- -------'- u_ _ ------- - -------------------- --- ------- ---------------.- -~- 8 Subtotal * $0 0 $312 582 11 $20 169 1 Home OwnershiD Counseling 6 720 Admin. from Program Income 0 Administration 33 599 0 TOTAL $33 599 0 $319 302 11 $20,169 1 * This Figure must equal the amount for 'SHIP Funds Expended" on Form 2, Table 8. TABLE B: Total Revenue (actual and/or anticiDated) for Local SHIP Trust Fund A B C Amount Percentage Source of SHIP Funds of Funds of Funds State Annual Distribution ~j335,9_~'L 90% - -_.~~--_.. -------- ~~g~~rl].1 ncome~___~________ un_____ -~~- -..-- ~_uJl,OZ.~ 10% -..---.-----.---."--..-- ----------- -. -_._------- ~cap!U..r~~~L FuI],9_~_.... --- a -------------- - - -- ----....- --.--- ." --_._._~" --_.-- ------- Other Funds 0 ~__.______________________._________.__ _..0. -- -------- -- ---- --...--- ------- .... 0"-'- ---..--- c;.arry over funds from previous year 0 .--- -------.- ------ ___u_ ------ ---- ----.....---...- Total Funds Deposited into Local Affordable Housing Trust Fund* $373 070 TABLE C: Enter Total $$fr()Il1Table,A.! <=()Iumns.~-,B!& C: $373,070 * * *Enter amount to be carried forward to next year: $0.00 TOTAL $373070 .. Must equal Total from Form 1, Table b, Col. 8. .. *Carry forward is used on Iy in a closeout year when the amount of funds remaining are not sufficient to fully assist one unit. The unit assisted is counted in the next fiscal year. SHIP AR/97-1 FQRM 2: Rents and Compliance Summary Submittal Date: September 15, 1998 Section 420.9075(bJ, (e), (d), (g), F.5. FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION - SHIP PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT For State Fiscal Year: 1997-98 Name of local Entity: City of Miami Beach Table A: Rental Unit Information RENTAL RATES - ACTUAL (If ff~nts VoJ' for the samp unit, enter (patest amount) STRATEGY DESCRIPTION N/A Eff. 1 Bed 2 Bed 3 Bed 4 Bed 1 2 3 4 5 Table B: Reca of Fundin Sources for Units Produced Source of Funds for Units Produced throu h une 30th ~!i.I~_~ul1cl.s.~xJlel1<le<l "-u'!!i<: _M_oneysi~!'~Il.cl~d __ P!i.v..3_tlO...Funds !~p~l1d~cl._ Owner E uit Total Value of All Units Amount of Funds Ex ended to Date Percentage of Total Value T bl C SHIP P C r S H o h" IC IR h b a e : rOlZram omDllance ummarv - orne wners ID, onstructlon e a A B C FL Statute Comnliance Catel!orv SHIP Funds Yo of Trust Fum Minimum 0/0 !:f..q~E_OWNERSH!!'...__________ ..__ 1-_ $~32,751 89% 650/0 ---_.._-_._..._-~- _ _H ___ - __ _____non ----- . - ~~-_.._.._._. CONSTRUCTION/REHABI LIT A TION $286.205 77% 75% Trust Fund equals DisCflburlon plus Recaprured Funds Table 0: Program Compliance - Income Set-Asides (1) Prol!ram Compliance bv Units (If Applicable) A B C Column B / Column C Income Cateszorv Units Grand Total Unit Total % of Units Very-Low Income - --..- 1---- -~--------------- ~----~---- Low Income ------- --~-- f--------- .. -~--~_.. -----.-.------------- --------- Moderate Income TOTAL C r b F d E d d f r bl (2) Prol!ram omPllance tlV un s xnen e (I ApPllca e) A B C % of Total Trust Fund Income Catelwrv SHIP $ Expended/Budl:eted Total Trust Fund Distribution Distribution ~ery.Low Income -~--'---'- _ $11 0,_2J.z_~___ 373070 30% ..---.-..- _ ___. .._ '__.M'_"'__'" _.~ ""._____"_____ --------.- ---. ~l1co~_______ ~__1J~.!?: __ J23,.o 70.... 30% "-"-----..--- ------ ---- --- -- ------ ------- Moderate Income 110917 373.070 30% $332 -------- TOTAL 751 -Total Trust Fund Distribution. equals Distribution + Recaptured Funds + Program Income + Carry Over Funds. T bl E P F d' a e : rOlect un InSZ Value of Number of Income Category Mor1&a~es, Mortgages, Value of Number of loans & OPts Loans & OPts Grants Grants Very.Lo\V1nc.<Jll1e_ -- Low Income - ... Moderate Income TOTAL T bl F All bl d . . S A'd f P a e : owa e A ministratIOn et Sl e rom roszram ncome Total Amount of *5% **10% Total Program Income Prol!ram Income Maximum Maximum Allowed for Administration $37079.00 $1853.95 $3 707.90 0 .. Counties clnd Eligible MuniCipalities which receive more than the minimum distribution. .. 1< COflfllies and Eligible Municipalities which receive the minimum distribucion or less. SHIP AR/97-1 0 0 0 0 CO 1 '" 6 '" ,... '" 0 0 0 0 ,... ~ '" -'= ..c ~ 6 E "0 ~ '" "t:l ..c ---- ~_._----- -_.-----, 01 ~ 0 0 0 0 01 01 ::l :c Vl z 0 Q; ~ u.. ~ :J: E '" 'v '0 "' 0 01 Q, "t:l ~ Vl '" 0 0 0 0 01 '" ~ '" 'E '> ~ ..c ;, ::l 0 Vl 0 0 0 0 ~ >- " 0 U ..c:' :; Z ~ I.J !\S 0 0 0 0 w ea:: ~ '" (.,j 0 Cl:l -'= 00 's <5 <: 0.. a-. w w I 'll1 ea:: to.. ~ 0 0 0 0 U ...l a-. i .~ Z <: a-. ..... ~ E <: ... 0; 0( - :> .b "0 Z Z i.: ..c '. --..---"---- - ~ v ~ 0 0 0 0 Z tlS ::l :; QJ 01 0 ~ (.,j <: :>.: <..J >- W '" :J: Z ~ ~ co: '0 ---~.__.._-,_.__._---_._- -..... -- -------.-------- -------- -;; ~: u 0 0 0 0 V'l <: 1.1 ~ "t:l .~ '" :> ea:: .~ 01 s;- O (.,j u.. -.., ~ i 0! -~---------~_._---- J: 0 QJ "" 0 0 0 0 , - :;; <: ea:: tlS 0 co - 0.. Vl ~ 0 0.. ... 1.1.. ~ 0 0 0 0 ea:: 0 0 :;: 0 J: -- L.l.I 3: ...l V'l ~ 0 0 0 0 u.. ~ + ~: '" : 01 0 0 0 0 0 'E N ~ '" Vi ..... 0 0 0 0 c ~ '" a. + 0 0 01 '6' N OIl "0 ~ ~ ..c - - ----------_.__..__..~.._- --.-. 01 0 0 0 0 :~ '" 'I' ::l U 0 :J: 01 0 0 0 0 0 t: '0 'T ::: "t:l ~ '" '" ----~--~--- ..c 01 0 0 00 1.1 ~ '" N 6 ~ 0 0 0 0 -1j '3 c "'<;; 0 '" "t:l >- ~ "t:l "0 01 ..._-,----------- ..c <..J 0 0 0 0 ~ 01 ::l '" "t:l 0 .Q ::l e L '" 0 1 i:Q :J: ~ '" 0 0 0 0 '0 ~ ~ ';: 0 ... ~ "" 01 (/) ..c 0 0 0 0 '" E u.. ~ ::l >- ~ e ? z :> 0 ~ "- ~ u a It) s ~ "- -2 ~ 0 c: 5 cr-> ~ .S! :;- >- c: ~ 0 - '0 C. :~ '" :~ 0 c: ("'oJ :; 0 '1" a ~ .;: t: .2 c >- u <( ~ -= c: oll t: 'E '" 'i 'E ::l 01 .2 0 '" <: ~ '0 0 .2 c: ... E Cl .S! Cl.I ti a. ~ ~ E -:;; >- 1l .~ c: e ~ c: '" (]) ~ >- .2 >- 0 ~ (/) Oll ~ c c. :c :c '" u ..... " ~ 'c 'u ~ c: C\ ] ~ -; <..J 0 'c '" '" ~ ~ Q2 0 " ..c ..c Cl.I 0 ... .... :::;: Cl.I 01 '" {5 V; .- co: co: Z 0 <( '" ", ~ " '" 0 0 N M Vi 0:: 0:: FORM 4: Program Summary Section 420.9075 Submittal Date: September 15.1998 FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION SHIP PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT - STATE FISCAL YEAR 1997-98 1. Please provide information on the status of the implementation of the Local Housing Incentive Plan or Incentive Strategy adopted by the local Affordable Housing Assistance Plan. A(I). Incentive Strategy: The Affordable Housing definition in the appointing resolution. B. Adopting Ordinance or Resolution Number or identify local policy: Resolution No. 96-21939 C. Implementation Schedule (Date): Upon approval of the Housing Incentives Plan by the City Commission. D. Has the plan or strategy been implemented? If no, describe steps that will be taken to implement the plan. Yes, on April 2, 1996 - see attachments E. Status of Strategy - (Is the strategy functioning as intended, I.e., are time frames being met, etc.) The strategy is functioning as intended. A(II). Incentive Strategy: The expedited processing of permits for housing projects. B. Adopting Ordinance or Resolution Number or identify local policy: Strategy was enacted by administrative action. C. Implementation Schedule (Date): Development of the process to implement this strategy was recommended to take place within nine (9) months of approval of the Housing Incentives Plan. D. Has the plan or strategy been implemented? If no, describe steps that will be taken to implement the plan. Yes, on February 24, 1997 - see attachments E. Status of Strategy - (Is the strategy functioning as intended, I.e., are time frames being met, etc.) The strategy is functioning as intended. a A(III). Incentive Strategy: Process by which the City considers, before adoption, procedures and policies that have a significant impact on the cost of housing. B. Adopting Ordinance or Resolution Number or identify local policy: Strategy was enacted by administrative action. C. Implementation Schedule (Date): Development of the process to adopt this strategy was recommended to start upon approval of the Housing Incentives Plan. D. Has the plan or strategy been implemented? If no, describe steps that will be taken to implement the plan. Yes, on February 24, 1997 - see attachments E. Status of Strategy - (Is the strategy functioning as intended, I.e., are time frames being met, etc.) The strategy is functioning as intended. 2. Attach a concise description of the support services that are available to the residents of affordable housing. The following support services are available to the residents of affordable housing: youth services, child care, health services, home delivery of meals, and employment training. 3. Attach such other data or unique affordable housing accomplishments considered significant by your Agency. (Success Stories, newspaper clippings, etc.) . t 4. Describe how the Annual Report was made available for public inspection and comments. Attach copies of all comments that were received and provide the local government's response. A draft of the SHI P Program Annual Report was made available for review and comment at the office of Economic and Community Development Division, 3rd Floor, City Hall 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139, beginning September 1, 1998 through September 8, 1998. See copy of Advertisement announcing its availability. This advertisement was published as follows: SHIP Annual Report announcement appeared in English in the Miami Herald, Neighbors Section, on August 27, 1998. (Copy attached) SHIP Annual Report announcement appeared in Spanish in the Art Deco Trooical, on August 27, 1998. (Copy attached) No comments were received. 5. Since State fiscal year 1992-93, ~ mortgages have been made to very low income households with Jl in default. b Since State fiscal year 1992-93, R mortgages have been made to low income households with ~ in default. Since State fiscal year 1992-93, ~ mortgages have been made to very moderate households with ~ in default. 6. Describe how eligible sponsors (if applicable) that employed personnel from welfare to work programs were given preference in the local selection process. Not Applicable c CERTIFICATION On behalf of City of Miami Beach , I hereby state that the information presented (N,-t'vtE OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT) herein is true and accurate as of the date of submission. c P--/ Date tt'1) "', Sergio Rodriguez. City Manager Date (Type) Name and Title Ji'Le1,\ r_~'H.l---Date ~ I c, / C;y At s (Seal) f .---=-- Date ~ ~.th~<1 Itness -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION Name of Person to call regarding the Annual Report Form: Miguell Del Campillo Telephone Number: (305) 673-7260 SHIP AR/94-1 RESOLUTION NO. 96-21939 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH LOCAL HOUSING INCENTIVES PLAN FOR TRANSMITTAL TO THE STATE OF FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY. WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach has identified the need for the rehabilitation of its existing housing stock; and WHEREAS, the City desires to provide home-ownership opportunities to its residents; and WHEREAS, in 1992, the William E. Sadowski Affordable Housing Act established the State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Program, administered by the Florida Housing Finance Agency (FHFA). Program funds derive from set-aside allocations from documentary stamp levies on real estate transactions and the City of Miami Beach was allocated $336,366 in SHIP for 1995/96, with a similar amount estimated for FY 96-97; and WHEREAS, on April 12, 1995, the Mayor and City Commission established the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee (SHIP Committee) as a one-year "sunset" committee through Ordinance No. 95-2989 and Resolution No. 95-21567; and . WHEREAS, the Committee's main function was to produce a Local Housing Incentives Plan for consideration by the City within twelve (12) months of passage of the Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee held public meetings during March 1996 and approved the attached recommended Local Housing Incentives Plan during an advertised public hearing held on March 21, 1996; and .. WHEREAS, meetings of the Committee were public meetings where citizen input and involvement was solicited and considered. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the attached City of Miami Beach Local Housing Incentives Plan be adopted, as submitted, for transmittal to the State of Florida Housing Finance Agency . Passed and adopted this 2nd day of April, 1996. Attest 8olu.t!- p~ ~ rry CLe~K - Rot3erz.-r PA1l..c=.H~ FORM APPRO;,n:u LEGAL DEPT. By 1/1 ~~ Date 1-2. f'- 'b { CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MEMORANDUM DATE: February 24, 1997 TO: Dean Grandin, Deputy Director, DDHP Phil Azan, Director, Building Department Luis Garcia, Fire Chief, Fire Department Julio Grave de Peralta, Director, Engineering and Construction Management AI Childress, Director, C0de Compliance ADA Coordinator Jose Garcia-Pedrosa, City Manager PI Harry S. Mavrogenes. Assistant ciJiAanager~ VIA: FROM: SUBJECT: Expedited Processing of Permits for Affordable Housing Projects I Review Process for City Procedures and Policies that impact the cost of Housing The Local Housing Incentives Plan, adopted by the Mayor and City Commission on April 2, 1996 by Resolution Number 96-21939, provides incentives for the development of affordable housing in Miami Beach. Incentive: Expedited Processing of Permits for Affordable HousinQ Proiects In accordance with this incentive, the City gives first priority to processing the plans and permit applications of affordable housing projects. The goal is to reduce the time involved in processing permit applications by up to fifty percent. In order to further expedite this process, the attached form has been developed to identify those projects reviewed by the Housing Section of the Economic and Community Development Division that meet the affordable housing criteria. The form is to be completed by the Housing Section staff and provided to the applicant for inclusion in the permit application package. Also in accordance with this incentive, when scheduling Pre-Design Conferences the City must give priority to affordable housing projects. This conferences should include all relevant agencies including but not limited to: Fire, Planning & Zoning, Building, Historic Preservation, Engineering and Construction Management, Code Compliance, ADA Coordinator, and the Housing Section of the Economic and Community Development Division. The Housing Section acts as liaison to coordinate and expedite the application process with all relevant agencies. (~ Incentive: Review Process for City Procedures and Policies that imoact the cost of Housing In accordance with this incentive, prior to the adoption of any proposed policy, procedure, Ordinance, Development Plan regulation or Comprehensive Plan amendment that might impact housing, the City is to evaluate the potential effect and cost on affordable housing. All such items are to be submitted to the Housing Section of the Economic and Community Development Division for review and analysis in order to determine if the effect is significant. The Housing Section may send the proposed legislation to applicable Boards and Committees for review. The resulting analysis is provided to the original sponsor of the policy. HSM/MOC Attachment cc: Miguel/ Del CampiI/o, Housing Coordinator [incentb.mem] ;:, --, ::;:;'-. [;;2] \0 r->r, ;..1 '-I ~4"- ~.::.: ~ ;..~::: =0 ::a i71 ,-. . ~ '-- t .;- .- ....~ ..... ,'71 o -.. ;,~'. fi f.~" . -'v Ct"';.;:.. =:.. 9_~..~ .--:-~.. ,:.:~:;' <:=? -'- -- . t& ~~i .::- -f. c-) :l"\ - .--.. i City of Miami Beach Development, Design and Historic Preservation To: Planning and Zoning Division Building Services Division Fire Department Engineering and Construction Management Code Compliance Department ADA Coordinator In accordance with the City's Local Housing Incentives Plan, the following project has been reviewed by the Housing Section of the Economic and Community Development Division and meets the criteria of Affordable Housing. Please expedite the processing of this permit application. Project Number: Owner Name: Property Address: lot'Block No.. Folio Number: Owner is an: 0 Individual o Corporation o Non-Profit Organization o Other Project is funced by the City of Miami Beach: 0 Yes o No Federal Assistance is being provided: 0 Yes 0 No Program: State Assistance is being provided: 0 Yes 0 No Program: County Assistance is being provided: 0 Yes 0 No Program: Type of property: o Single Family o Multi-family o Other Type of improvements: o New Construction 0 Substantial Rehabilitation 0 Moderate Rehabilitation 0 Other Housing Section Contact Person: Name Phone affrdhsg.frm w >- ex> a <( en en 0 en u. (j) ,.... a: ::l a: ,.... C/"J ::> C\l . I I-~ I- (j) :i ::> u CJ aJ ::> C/"J <( W ....I ~ >- z z ::> C/"J . m '."'=---.. - CITY OF MIAMI BEACH @ STATE HOUSING INITIATIVES ~=:IG PARTNERSHIP (SHIP) PROGRAM 01'_". ANNUAL REPORT e c: ~ ~: .- i i ~ The State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Program's Annual Report for fiscal years 1995/96, 1996/97, and 1997/98 (as of June 30. 1998) will be submitted to the fl.....rida Housing finance Corporation by September IS, 1998. This document will be available for review effective Tuesday, September 1. 1998, and comments will be accepted until Tuesday, September 8, 1998. at the Community/Economic Development Department, 3rd Floor. City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139. If you have any questions, please contact ffre Housing Division, Community/Economic ~ Develpp~ent D~p~a:rt~~l!fat,(;305). 673-7269; ...t :;' 53553873 ;~ ;Z 40( ....I ~ a: o aJ a: 40( :l: >- 40( CD . a: ::> o a:l ex: 40( r :r ....I (J 40( ~ aJ aI ... 22 - , THE HERALD, THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1998 MB \.U ~ . ". ~ ~- -- I ~ - ~ -. ~ - ~ ~ .,.j 1 ~ ~ u c:: Ol .. c:: :c .!!? . ::0 ::l Cl.. o u CD o t:: <C .c. u ~ CD CD 'E .~ ::2: m CIUDAD DE MIAMI BEACH PROGRAMA DE SOCIEDAD PARA INICIATIVAS - DE VIVIENDAS DEL EST ADO STATE HOUSING INITIATIVES PARTNERSHIP (SHIP) PROGRAM REPORTE ANUAL El Reporte Anual del Program a de Sociedad para Iniciativas de Viviendas del Estado (SHIP) para los aflos fiscales 1995/96, 1996/97 Y 1997/98 (cn junio 30 dc 1998) serasometido a la Corporaci6n de Financiamiento de Viviendas dc la Florida el 15 de septiembre de 1998. Este documento estara disponible para revision desde el martes Ira de septiembre de 1998, y se aceptaran comentarios hasta el martes 8 de septiembre de 1998, en el Dcpar..amento de Desarrollo Comunitario y Econ6mico, 3er. piso del Ayuntamiento, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL. 33139. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta por favor pongase en contncto con la Division de Viviendas del Departamento de Desarrollo Comunicario y Economico aJ ( 305) 673-7260. 12 . Mt I;ew TrClllc:al. .JLJe't'es '27 cte ages", c1e 1008