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Dear Ms. Grub Frieser: This will confirm our conversation with regard to two issues you raised concerning the captioned agreement. On behalf of 226 Ocean Drive, Ltd., we understand and agree that the Developer, as defined in the Agreement, will not be entitled to any reimbursement from other developers until the necessary payment and performance bond concerning construction of traffic improvements is delivered to the City. We further understand and agree that the City may not permit the joinder of any third parties to this Mitigation Agreement until it is determined that Excess Traffic Capacity is available and that the necessary payment and performance bond has been delivered to the City. Please call me if you have any questions regarding the foregoing. MR:cg cc: Mr, Scott Greenwald Gary Brown, Esq. Rer I!/07-0CTb/19Q/ . MITIGATION AGREEMENT This agreement is entered into between 226 Ocean Drive, Ltd. ("Developer") and the City of Miami Beach ("City"), WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 122 of the Miami Beach Code (the "Code"), and Rule 9J-5.0055(3)(c)(3) Florida Administrative Code, the City is authorized to enter into mitigation agreements; and WHEREAS, the Developer and the City state that: A. Developer is the owner of property located at 226 Ocean Drive in the City of Miami Beach, Florida, as described in Exhibit A, and Developer has proposed new construction pursuant to Design Review Board File No. 9104J (the "Project"). B. The City has reviewed and accepted a multi-phased mitigation plan to address traffic concurrency issues for Ocean Drive between 5th Street and 15th Street associated with the Project and other developments within the area. The improvements that constitute the Mitigation Plan are described in Exhibit B attached hereto (the "Mitigation Plan"). C. Upon completion of certain of the improvements described in the Mitigation Plan that are necessary to improve traffic conditions in the area of the Project and to insure the applicable level of service for traffic, taking into account the impact attributable to the Project, is not exceeded (hereinafter, the "Necessary Improvements"), the City has determined that the existing public infrastructure together with the Necessary Improvements will accommodate the traffic impact 1 of the Project as required by the City's Concurrency Management System codified at Chapter 122 of the Code. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the covenants contained herein, it is hereby understood and agreed: 1, The foregoing recitals are true, correct and are incorporated herein. 2. Mitigation Plan, A multi-phased traffic mitigation plan was reported to the City of Miami Beach Commission pursuant to Commission Memorandum No. 652-98 for Ocean Drive between 5th Street and 15th Street in Miami Beach, Florida (see the Mitigation Plan attached hereto as Exhibit B). The Developer agrees to identify the Necessary Improvements from the elements of the Mitigation Plan that will be required to be implemented in order for the Project to satisfy the City's traffic concurrency standards within 30 days of execution of this Agreement. The plan of work that entails the Necessary Improvements must be approved for technical correctness by the City, Developer will then prepare a written estimate for the cost of implementation of the Necessary Improvements (the "Mitigation Costs") within 60 days from the execution date of this Agreement. The cost estimate for the Mitigation Costs must also be approved by the City. The "execution date" means the date that the last of the City's Manager, or his designee, and Developer signs and acknowledges this Agreement. 3. Implementation of Necessary Improvements by Developer, In order to address traffic concurrency issues relating to the Project, Developer agrees to implement the Necessary Improvements including, without limitation, 2 preparation of all applications and studies and funding of all engineering expenses, labor, materials and permit fees at Developer's sole cost and expenses. (9 Developer 'will hegin com;tryction of the Necessary Improv~nn~mts within 7 ~~ months after the Ii:xli:c11tion d9te A representative from the City will execute upon request from Developer any permit applications required for construction or implementation of the Necessary Improvements subject to City's review and approval of same and including all related calculations. Any permit fees related to such improvements shall be paid by Developer. In order to provide the City with adequate assurance regarding the completion of these improvements, Developer shall post a payment and performance bond for the Necessary Improvements within 5 months of the execution date, The payment and performance bond shall be in a form acceptable to the City Attorney's office and the Public Works Department, insuring timely completion of all aspects of the Necessary Improvements. The terms and conditions of said bond shall include, inter alia, that the City is a named beneficiary of the bond and may exercise its rights under the bond if the Necessary improvements have not been completed prior to the first request for a Certificate of Occupancy (temporary or final) by Developer for the Project. The dollar value of the payment and performance bond shall be the cost estimate for the work associated with the Necessary Improvements as noted in Section 1 above. If Developer should fail to timely comply with any material provision herein, City may revoke or rescind any building permits issued for the Project. Developer agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from any and all 3 claims, losses or damages that Developer may suffer as a result of the rescission or revocation of its building permit. The City and Developer recognize that the implementation of the Necessary Improvements may create more traffic capacity then that which will be generated by the Project. It is anticipated that this excess traffic capacity may create sufficient capacity for some of the projects described in Exhibit C attached hereto, to the extent same is not absorbed by background or other related traffic growth (the "Excess Traffic Capacity"). The Excess Traffic Capacity may also be available for projects not described in Exhibit C. The City agrees that for a period of 3 years after the execution date of this Agreement, it will use good faith to require that the developers of any other projects that may benefit from the Excess Traffic Capacity (the "Other Projects") pay Developer their prorata share of the cost of the Necessary Improvements before the City will issue any building permits for any such Other Projects, In addition, if the City identifies projects not included within this Agreement that will utilize the Excess Traffic Capacity and only to the extent Excess Traffic Capacity is created by the Necessary Improvements, the City shall utilize good faith to prepare an estimated calculation of the appropriate fair share for such projects. The City shall satisfy its good faith requirement by inserting an annotation and copy of this Agreement in the respective DRB files indicating that said project is affected by the Agreement. The City will require written evidence from the developers of Other Projects of the payment of such fair share to Developer or its successors prior to the issuance of any building permits for such Other Projects. It is 4 understood that the Excess Traffic Capacity may be absorbed during the term of this Agreement through normal background and related traffic growth and that to the extent such absorption occurs there will be no reimbursement for the use of such capacity by Other Projects. For purposes hereof, City shall calculate the fair share of each such other project in accordance with the following formula: (Total # Project Trips)/ (Total # Trips from Necessary Improvements less background traffic growth x Mitigation Costs). For the purposes of calculating these fair share costs, Mitigation Costs shall be increased by Developer's actual cost of financing of the Necessary Improvements which actual cost shall be provided to City in the form of a sworn affidavit from Developer (and City shall have no obligation to investigate or inquire further with respect to said actual costs). If the Developer has not been reimbursed for all available Excess Traffic Capacity within 3 years after the execution date, Developer may send the City written notice regarding any remaining Excess Traffic Capacity and, with the concurrence of the City, be eligible for additional reimbursement pursuant to the terms of this agreement for an additional year. As long as Excess Traffic Capacity is available, Developer may continue to renew this reimbursement provision in one year increments by providing written notice to the City as described above. 4. Issuance of Permits. Based upon the traffic concurrency analysis that will be performed by the Developer and the City concerning the Necessary Improvements as described in Section 1 above, the City will determine that, upon completion of the Necessary Improvements, the public infrastructure will 5 accommodate the traffic impact of the Project, as required by the City's Concurrency Management System codified as Chapter 122 of the Code, During the term of this Agreement, provided that Developer is in compliance with this Agreement and provided Developer's DRB approval remains valid, the Project will be entitled to receive permits and certificates of occupancy in accordance with the City's Code and the South Florida Building Code, Modifications of the Project will be permitted so long as the total number of trips generated by the modified Project does not increase and provided such modification is otherwise permitted pursuant to any applicable City Codes or Ordinances. The other projects included within this Agreement (see Exhibit C) shall only be entitled to receive benefits hereunder upon their respective joinder of this Agreement (at the City's sole discretion) and only to the extent that there exists sufficient Excess Traffic Capacity for the project on the date of joinder and only to the extent that they have a valid DRB approval for the respective project. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, Developer hereby acknowledges and agrees that the Necessary Improvements shall be W de1-"WM(iv& ~ ~ ~ ') /J-/Y- "open to traffic" ^ prior to the issuance of any Certificates of Occupancy /'@ (temporary or final) for the Project; however, the City may extend, in its sole discretion, the time for commencement or completion of any of the Necessary Improvements consistent with the Requirements of Rule 9J-5.0055(3)(c)3, Florida Administrative Code, and any applicable City Codes or Ordinances. In the event that an extension as provided in the foregoing sentence has been granted by the City, then Certificates of Occupancy may be issued, in the City's sole discretion, 6 so long as it is reasonably expected that the Necessary Improvements will be completed within the time frames established by the Florida Statutes and the Florida Administrative code, and any applicable City Code or Ordinances. 5. Hold Harmless. Developer agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from any and all claims, losses or damages to the City or any developer that may arise through the implementation of this agreement, its reimbursement provisions, any delays by the City in the approval or issuance of any necessary approvals, which delays arise from or relate to this Agreement, and the collection and reimbursement to Developer of any reimbursement amounts (as hereafter defined) owed Developer, "Reimbursement amounts" shall be defined as the difference between the amount paid by Developer in conjunction with this agreement and Developer's actual fair share as finally determined by the City, The City agrees to make a good faith effort to require that each of the remaining developers of the projects identified in Exhibit C pay their respective fair shares and reimburse Developer for any monies paid by same which exceed its fair share. Notwithstanding the foregoing, City and Developer agree that other development projects that are within the area affected by the Mitigation Plan may utilize Excess Traffic Capacity subject to the reimbursement provisions provided herein. It is understood that the Excess Traffic Capacity may be absorbed during the term of this Agreement through normal background and related traffic growth and that to the extent such absorption occurs there will be no reimbursement for the use of such capacity from other projects 7 6, Covenant Running with the Land. This Agreement on the part of Developer shall constitute a covenant running with the land against the property described in Exhibit A and shall be recorded, at Developer's expense, in the Public Records of Miami-Dade County, Florida, within 10 days of the execution date hereof and shall remain in full force and effect and be binding upon the undersigned owner, and their heirs, successors and assigns until such time as the same is modified or released by a written instrument executed by all of the parties hereto. These restrictions during their lifetime shall be for the benefit of, and binding upon, all present and future owners of the real property described in Exhibit A and for the public health, safety and welfare. 7. Term. This Agreement is to run with the land and shall be binding on all parties and all persons claiming under it for a period of three (3) years from the execution date. If upon expiration of a period of three (3) years after the execution date the Necessary Improvements have not been completed, then the traffic mitigation benefits under this Agreement as applicable, shall expire and be of no further force and effect and the Developer shall be subject to the then existing rules and regulations governing traffic concurrency. 8. Future Ordinances. Developer understands and agrees that this Agreement is not intended to preclude the City from enacting an ordinance that would include the property described in Exhibit A in a special taxing district, Traffic Concurrency Management Area or similar district that is of area wide application. City understands and agrees that Developer is not waiving its rights 8 under law with respect to any credit or reimbursement to which Developer may be entitled. 9. Modification, Amendment, Release. This Agreement may be modified, amended or released as to the land herein described, or any portion thereof, by a written instrument executed by the, then, owner(s) of all of the property upon which the Project is located, including joinders by all mortgagees, if any, provided that the same is also approved in advance, in writing, by the City's Manager, or his designee. Should this Agreement be so modified, amended or released (with the City's consent), the City's City Manager, or his designee, or his successor, shall forthwith, upon Developer's (or its successors) request, execute a written instrument effectuating and acknowledging such modification, amendment or release, provided said instrument is in form acceptable to the City Attorney's office. 10. Time is of the Essence. Time is of the essence and failure to timely comply with the specified requirements hereof shall constitute a default hereunder (e.g. timely delivery to the City of a satisfactory payment and performance bond). In the event of such default by Developer, Developer agrees that City may, in its discretion, rescind or revoke any building permit issued for the Project and the Necessary Improvements and the Developer shall have no claim against the City and City shall have no liability as a result of such rescission or revocation. 9 ACKNOWLEDGED AND AGREED TO BY 226 Ocean Drive, Ltd: By its general partner 226 Ocean Drive G,P., Inc. //"J ,'~ ) By: ~-/:::. '- ~,~" ,.--.-:'" - Print Nqme: '-~',;I! (., .- ) , Title: ) ~ ( t., ct' ,. '..d Date: I (-~ 1<- / '/ '< I ~~ c" -, " / t/ '-_/ .. ......,- (L ST A TE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this s~ day of OcXo~ , 1998 by Scott Greenwald, President of 226 Ocean Drive G.P., Inc., general partner of 226 Ocean Drive, Ltd" a Florida limited partnership. He/She is ,Qersonally known to me or has produced as identification and did (did not) take an oath. ~'C.)~~()_ Print Name: CQ..ISl" ..::. A 'D. (5 01~'7 f\ Lt L- Title: Serial Number (if any) My commission expires: ~~'{ P,,~ CRISTINA O. GONZALEZ ~&'t> COMMISION # CC 727273 ~ ~ exPIRES MAR 23/2002 ~t ~ 8ONDEOTHRU ~()f~~~ ATLANT1CBONDINGCO"tNC, ACKNOWLEDGED AND AGREED TO BY CITY OF MIAMI BEACH: By: Print Name, Date: /0 - STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE .C Print Name;})Ofl()'tt~y ~. I'dElItAJtG A The foregoing instrum~ was ac~nowl dged before me this ~ day.of U.flAbe-r- ,1998 by ~., 'H ,1.(.7- of the CIty of Miami Beach, Florida. He/ he is persona y known to me <3-r has proauLeU . 6\8 identification and did (did not) take an oath. ~U2J. ,.__lirR'ft.t, Ruth Rubl kf "A'~ j MY COMMISSION /I CC624373 EXPIRE~ '~~'~i AprH 25. 2001 --, ,.fif..~'f'- BONDED THRlJ TROY FAIN INS! JRANCE, 1'1(: My commission expires: Print Name: Title: Serial Number (if any) APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION ~~ ~ ,,~Ci Attornev (.()OI~}t-~ ~) 1I>/(,(f6 Date 11 EXHIBIT A The Project is a 28 unit, 8 story condominium building at 226 Ocean Drive and a 24 unit, 8 story condominium building at 225 Collins Avenue, Miami Beach. The property on which the Project is to be located is legally described as follows: Lots 3, 4 and 5 Less the East 15 feet thereof, and Lots 12 and 13, in block 3, of OCEAN BEACH, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 2, at Page 38, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, The Project is the subject of a Miami Beach Design Review jHistoric Preservation Board in File No, 9104J dated October 7, 1997, which more specifically describes the Project. CiTY OF MIAMI BEACH CllY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 hnp:\lci,miami-beach, 11, us C VlPOSITE EXHIBIT B '__.J ,~ COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. ~ 5d.~9 g TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and DATE: September 23,1998 Members of the C ]-'ty Co mission Sergio Rodriguez City Manager ," Ocean Drive Cgridor (5th to 15th Street) Traffic Mitigation Plan FROM: SUBJECT: RECOMMRNDA TION The proposed traffic mitigation improvement plan for the Ocean Drive corridor between 5th and 15th Streets is put forth in order to satisfy the City's concurrency requirement for traffic circulation and is attached, hereto, for infonnational purposes, Said plan involves the removal of a limited number of parking spaces (east side of Ocean Drive), the installation of signalization at five (5) critical intersections along Ocean Drive and Collins A venue, the installation of new street marking and striping, implementation of street flow modifications (one-way pairs), the strict enforcement of new traffic movement restrictions with use of new signage during peak periods, the installation of left-turning lanes at critical intersections, the expansion of the Electrowave service along Ocean Drive, the creation of (3) three designated passenger drop-ofli'pick-up bays for the expanded Electrowave Wave shuttle service and monetary contribution towards the future expansion of the Electrowave shuttle by the effected development projects. BACKGROUND It has been detennined by the City's Planning Department, Public Works Department, Police Department, Parking Department, the Miami-Dade County Public Works Department, Civil Works Inc., Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc., Kimley-Horn & Associates, and the City's Municipal Mobility Plan Consultant (Carr-Smith Corradino) that there currently exists a deficiency with regard to the traffic circulation level-of-service (LOS) for a segment of Ocean Drive, More specifically, the segment of Ocean Drive between 5th Street and I I th Street is deficient, with the existing LOS operating at "E" during A.M. peak-hour and "F" during P.M, peak-hour. This LOS problem is also present during the P.M. off-peak period and on weekends. Citywide, the adopted LOS for all roadways (Arterials, Collectors, Local) is "D". The Ocean Drive corridor is arguably one of the most scenic and widely recognized thoroughfares within the City and South Florida. It is located in the heart of the Historic Architectural District. This existing LOS deficiency will be further exacerbated and expanded along the corridor north to 15th Street by a number of projects currently under construction as well as by other projects (both major and minor in nature) which have been recently approved by the Joint Design Review !Historic AGENDA ITEM 6 q <2 3-9~ 566 DATE -- Preservation Board. If there is no comprehensive traffic mitigation improvement plan implemented for the corridor, then the existing LOS for the Ocean Drive corridor will continue to degrade further, in non-compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan. ANALYSIS "" The traffic analysis of the subject corridor, clearly shows that the highest peak-hours for the traffic volwnes are occurring during the midday time period of 12:00 - 1 :00 P.M., the evening time period of 8:00 - 9:00 P.M. and the late night time period of 10:00 P,M, - 2:00 A.M. The segment where the most severe traffic congestion and pedestrian conflicts are occurring is from 5th to 11 th Street. More particularly, at the intersections of 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th Streets, There are no westbound left turn lanes or stacking area present, which results in the blockage of northbound and southbound through movements on Ocean Drive, when there is a greater demand for left turning movements. The proposed mitigation improvement required for the corridor involves removing a limited nwnber of the on-street parking on the east side along Ocean Drive, which would be used to improve the traffic flow throughout the corridor by some roadway and intersection reconfiguration, street flow modifications, increased transit service and transportation system management practices. The removal of the parking spaces will allow for new street marking and striping and installation of several left-turning lanes for westbound bound movement at the most congested intersections, increasing both their operational capacity and efficiency. This mitigation improvement will also provide a stacking area for westbound left turn vehicles, therefore reducing the blockage of the northbound and southbound through traffic movements on Ocean Drive. The new left turn lanes would be accompanied by the installation of new signal control devices on Ocean Drive at the intersections of 7th, 9th and 11 th Street and modifications to the street flow direction (one-way) on 7th, 8th and 14th Street between Ocean and Washington Avenue. There are currently only two (2) signalized intersections along the entire Ocean Drive corridor at 5th and 10th Street. Some additional signalization along Collins A venue at the 7th and 9th Street intersections would be included as part of the traffic mitigation improvements. The new traffic signals would be able to be operated manually by the Police Department, as needed, for improved management of late-night and weekend traffic congestion. The implementation of all of the traffic mitigation improvements would also provide for safer pedestrian and coordinated left turning movements from Ocean Drive onto the side streets, while dramatically improving the level-of-service, operational efficiency and reduce traffic congestion within the corridor, Along with the addition of new left-turn storage lanes at the most congested intersections, a portion of the remaining east side parking spaces will be used to create (3) three designated vehicle drop- off/pick-up bays throughout the Ocean Drive corridor. These bays would be designed to accommodate the exclusive use of an by an expanded Electrowave transit service on Ocean Drive and for police (vehicles positioned to manage traffic congestion). No other vehicles would be permitted to use these passenger drop-offlpick-up bay areas. The proposed expanded shuttle route along Ocean Drive (northbound) would run from 5th to 13th Streets, turning west onto 13th Street to pick-up/drop off passengers at the 13th Street parking garage, then proceed across Collins Avenue to Washington Avenue and continue along the existing Washington Avenue route. This traffic mitigation improvement plan (see attachments) will not only correct the existing level of service deficiency, but will be sufficient to accommodate the projected additional new vehicle trips to and frO:Q1 the following projects: Carlye Hotel - 1250 Ocean Drive; Edgewater Hotel _ 1410 Ocean Drive; Bentley HoteI/Friday's Restaurant - 510 Ocean Drive; Victor Hotel _ 1200 Ocean 567 Drive; Breakwater - 940 Ocean Drive; Mango's Tropical Cafe and'Hotel- 900 Ocean Drive; 1058 Ocean Drive; 1458 Ocean Drive; Ocean Five - 458 Ocean Drive; 1350 Collins Avenue; 226 Ocean Drive and Ocean Parcel - Ocean Drive and S. Pointe Drive. Furthermore, these traffic improvements will add sufficient capacity for some additional projects development and redevelopment in the affected area. The plan being reported today fully addresses the existing and projected LOS issues for the Ocean Drive conidor resulting from changes in population, demographics, seasons and special events, as well as development and redevelopment activity in the immediate area and the City as a whole. The cumulative effect from the implementation of all components of said mitigation plan will ensure that the Ocean Drive conidor will continue to operate acceptably well into the foreseeable future and will be able to meet the City's traffic circulation concurrency requirements. The intention of the plan is consistent with the findings and recommended traffic solutions within the draft Miami Beach Municipal Mobility Plan, which is currently nearing completion for adoption by the City . CONCLUSION Based on the foregoing background and analysis, the Administration has concluded that the proposed traffic mitigation plan for Ocean Drive between 5th and 15th Streets service is acceptable. As such, the Administration is prepared to develop and execute a Mitigation Agreement with the developers of the above described projects, thereby setting in motion a request to the appropriate agencies for coordination and effectuation of this plan as soon as possible. All costs associated with the implementation of the prescribed traffic mitigation improvements will be paid solely by the developer of the above mentioned projects and any other future project developers which utilize the operational capacity created by the effectuation of the subject mitigation plan. The Administration is required to only report mitigation plans to the City COmmission. No action is required. Enc.\h \~. JG~/J}~j ) .-~. 568 ...1....11'" ':::::::::"/ ---- - .::: " ------ :::: " ----.... , IS';iIL h7ri:::: "I :.;;.-,:-,: -, "'::)':i.::::::::II/ - - I ' :.::;:::;" I ,I ,11: ("-~""'y I '. 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The release of agreement has been reviewed and approved by the Legal Department for proper content and legal sufficiency. The release of agreement for the development project is for concurrency related traffic improvements associated with the Ocean Drive mitigation plan. The 226 Ocean Drive project has already signed onto a new mitigation agreement and has provided to the City, a check for their fair-share participation and costs towards implementation of required traffic improvements, The new mitigation agreement would replace the earlier executed agreement. However, before the new mitigation agreement can be fully executed and recorded, the project will need to be releas~from the first agreement, which was signed by the City Manager. Please note, that all of the required traffic mitigation improvements for the Ocean Drive corridor will be funded by development projects that have been identified as using some portion of the excess vehicular capacity created from the improvements. The actual implementation of the required mitigation improvements will be done by the Public Works Department. The City will have no fiscal obligations under the new agreement. If you should require any additional information, please contact Joseph Johnson at Ext. 6185. MS/JJ/jj cc: Julio Grave de Peralta, Director of Public Works Raul Aguila, First Assistant City Attorney Joseph Johnson, AICP, Transportation and Concurrency Manager CITY OF MIAMI BEACH Planning Department Interoffice Memorandum m To: Raul Aguila, First Assistant City Attorney From:" Joseph JOhnsO~CP, Senior Plaoner Date: July 13, 1999 Subject: Release of Agreement (226 Ocean Drive) Please find attached a copy of the revised release agreement for 226 Ocean Drive sent to me by Mike Radell. Please review and make any changes deemed necessary for execution by the City Manager. If you have questions regarding this matter, contact me at ext.6185, ,-2.\- 0(1 OL C</J ~ ~~ ~~" 4kJCA ; 3053776222 BERCaw & RADELL PA. Release of Agreement 070 P02/04 JUN 30 '99 15:02 Whereas. 226 Ocean Drive, Ltd. and City of Miami Beach, had heretofore executed an agreement recorded in Official Records Book 18328. at Page 2032 of the Public Records of Miami-Dade County, Florida, (the "Agreement") concerning the property described in Exhibit A attached hereto (the "Property"), and Whereas, said Agreement had been executed in connection with a building permit for construction at the Property, and Where",';, subsequent to the execution of the Agreement, the parties hereto have agreed that the owner of the Property shall contribute its pro rata fair share towards implementation of the Ocean Drive Traffic Mitigation Plan. Now Therefore, in consideration of the premises and by virtue of the provision in the Agreement, the same is hereby released and declared of no further legal effect, null and void, and the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Miami-Dade County, Florida, is hereby directed to note the same upon the records and expunge the same from the public records, D<l-tc;d at MiCl.mi-Dad~ County, FloridCl., this _ day of , 1999, f 3053776222 BERCaw & RADELL PA. 070 P03/04 JUN 30 '99 15:03 ACKNOWLEDGED AND AGREED TO BY 226 Ocean Drive, Ltd: By its general partner 226 Ocean Drive G.P" Inc. By: Print Name: Title: Date: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1999 by Scott Greenwald, President of 226 OceWl Drive G.P" Inc., general partner of 226 Ocean Drive, Ltd., a Florida limited partnership. He/She is personally known to me or has produced as identification and did (did not) take an oath, Print Name: Title: Serial Number (if any) My commission expires: ~ 3053776222 BERCaw & RADELL PA. 070 P04/04 JUN 30 '99 15:03 ACKNOWLEDGED AND AGREED TO BY CITY OF MIAMI BEACH: By: Attest: City Manager City Clerk Print Name: Date: Print Name: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE The foregoing instrument was aCknowledged before me this , 1999 by Miami Beach, Florida. day of of the City of He/She is personally known to me or has produced as identitic;ation and did (did not) take an oath. Print Name: Title: Serial Number (if any) My commission expires: j 3053776222 BERCaw & RADELL PA. 070 P01/04 JUN 30 '99 15:02 BERCQW & RADELL, P.A. F'.CSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO: FROM: Joseph Johnson COMPANY, Michael Radell PHONE NUMBER, DATE, June 30, 1999 TOTAL NO, OF PACES INCLUDING COVER, 4 SI~NOF.R'S ~r.FF.~F.NCE NUMBER, 1199.1 FAX NUMBER: 673-7559 RE: YOUR KEfERE.NCE NlIMflF.n., o URGENT 0 FOR REVIEW 0 PLEASE COMMENT 0 PLEASE REI>L Y 0 PLEASE RECYC1.E THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS FACSIMILE MESSAGE IS PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL AND IS IN7'ENDED ONLY FOR mE USE OF mE INDIVIDUAL NAMED ABOVE AND OTHERS WHO H.rl ve BEeN SPEOFlCALLY AUTHORIZED TO RECEIVE SUCH. IF THE REC/PIENT IS Nor THE INTENDED RECiPIENT. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ANY DISSEMiNA710N, DISTRfBUTlON OR DUPUCArrON OF THIS COMMUNICATION IS STRICTLY PROHI8rTED. IF YOU HA VE RECEIVED THiS COMMUNICl TlON IN ERROR, OR IF ANY PR08LEMS OCCUR WITH TRANSMISSION, PLEASE lMMEDlA TEl Y NOTIFY US BY TELEPHONE (.101) 374-1.100, NOTES/COMMENTS, COMMENTS, Enclosed please find the document you requested. ~"-'" , ~ ^, .' , ,,'J -.. .; ~ 200 S. BISCAYNE BOULEVARD, SUITf 00, MIAMI, PL JJ\Jl-:H) BERcaw & RADELL, P.A. MEMORANDUM TO: Scott Greenwald i-- FROM: Mike Radell SUBJECT: 226 Ocean Drive Release of Agreement ~,., ... DATE: July 3D, 1999 , . r:-. .- '1 r.",:: The City has misplaced the original release agreement. Please sign the enclosed agreements, have your signature notarized, and forward the originals to Joseph Johnson for execution by the City Manager, Please call me if you have any questions. ~ 200 S. BISCAYNE BLVD., SUITE 850 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33131 (305) 374.5300 PHONE (305) 377.6222 FAX Release of Agreement Whereas, 226 Ocean Drive, Ltd. and City of Miami Beach, had heretofore executed an agreement recorded in Official Records Book 18328, at Page 2032 of the Public Records of Miami-Dade County, Florida, (the "Agreement") concerning the property described in Exhibit A attached hereto (the "Property"), and Whereas, said Agreement had been executed in connection with a building permit for construction at the Property, and Whereas, subsequent to the execution of the Agreement, the parties hereto have agreed that the owner of the Property shall contribute its pro rata fair share towards implementation of the Ocean Drive Traffic Mitigation Plan. Now Therefore, in consideration of the premises and by virtue of the provision in the Agreement, the same is hereby released and declared of no further legal effect, null and void, and the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Miami-Dade County, Florida, is hereby directed to note the same upon the records and expunge the same from the public records, Dated at Miami-Dade County, Florida, this _ day of , 1999. I ACKNOWLEDGED AND AGREED TO BY 226 Ocean Drive, Ltd: By its general partner 226 ~C:~? ;Co,=-, By: v Print Name: c::-.-c 0 r/ c:.:: --c <- '-~.. 1<.(1 Title: />.. ~. ~e <.---r- Date: ~ / 3/ '9 I STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this "3 r$ day of ~v~~ , 1999 by Scott Greenwald, President of 226 Ocean Drive G.P" Inc., general partner of 226 Ocean Drive, Ltd., a Florida limited partnership. He/She is personally known to me or has produced as identification and dId (did not) take an oath. ~ ~d../ Print Name: '""~~\~ ~""'~\\ Title: ~~ P...Ydft:- Serial Number (if any) My commission expires: I ACKNOWLEDGED AND AGREED TO BY CITY OF MI MI BEACH: By: Attest:JiLwY P~lck City Clerk Prin Name: ....=sC'Y(J/',-, 2dnj(;r'L Date: 9/~/7J I Print Name: (oBt;,"iLT e',A-IZQH8L STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 7 day of S-e-.pk yY\ bey--, 1999 by Se~?S () --earl),}-l <:j v'C. 7 , Q:~ rYlt:lnt.(~r'lr of the City of Miami Beach, Florida. He he is personally known to me, Of lUB jJlodUl,;t;J ;1<;: iclpntifi{'~ti()n and did (did not) take an oath, ~d~~' """"" Ruth Rubi fiAt!':,.ry,!??\ MY COMMISSION * CC624373 EXPIRES ~':' :'~ April 25, 2001 ':.:;j;,.,., .,Ii BONDED ~u TRDV FAIN INSURANCE, INC. ""lqr'I~\" Print Name: ~I} l!Iz" Title: .-1Jo r J1; Ir ' Serial Number (if any) My commission expires: