File Ref. #111 1700 CONVFNTI' ' MIAMII3EAC' ()N CENTFR DRIVE Tel 30e 6.73 H, KORlDA 33139 " . ,,' -7411 http)/c' . . . Ltl11allll-bcach.1Lus FROM THE DESK OF ROBERT E. PARCHER 111-#0 (/ d. / J 9';; ""ERK d _ AOW ~ A- TTIfe/f6IJ ' MreelWMd- If ( - 5tmq 1/ en 171J' (OrL/6dNrn) U' tf A-~o II :< _ 5g>"d., > ( DC r I "i'1! -r/u.' AL A. C? fPJ" ,[ r IV J t{ f A. rfc< r ~'- r: ITI1 (! {balL ILGF. 111- ^/d(/2/ /111 M flliiiJ'rll 07\1"/ #= ~ AGREEMENT On October 21, 1998, the Lower North Bay Road Homeowners Association, Inc., Sunset Islands 3 & 4 Property Owners Association Inc. and Lower Al ton Coalition advised the Miami Beach City Commission of an agreement that they had reached with regard to the "no left turn" restriction at the foot of Lower North Bay Road, traffic patterns in the immediate area and traffic which will be exiting the new Publix Supermarket onto Bay Road. The following are the two provisions of the "consensus agreement" or the "consensus proposal" which was moved by commissioner Dermer, seconded by Commissioner Simon Cruz and passed unanimously. Although modifications to this were discussed by several commissioners, the motion - and, hence, the agreement was passed without amendment. We are also in agreement that, should the City, for any reason, either reject or fail to implement one of these provisions, the other one should be put into effect. 1. The existing left turn restriction applied to eastbound traffic on Sunset Harbour Drive, a/k/a 20th Street, at the south end of lower North Bay Road will be removed upon implementation of (A) the following measures listed in items 2, 3 and 5 or (B) measures listed in item 2 and the lapsing of ninety (90) days, whichever occurs first. In no event will the left turn restriction be removed if item 2 is not implemented. The ninety (90) day period will commence upon the City commission's approval of this Agreement. This would be with the following understanding. It would not be made unduly difficult to make these turns. The existing sign, planters and cones, would be replaced with something consonant with the character of the area. There would be no "catches", no diverters for northbound traffic on lower North Bay Road, as previously proposed by Public Works, no required right turns for such traffic onto side streets, no one waying of any portion of lower North Bay southbound, no following proposals which would in any way restrict the access of lower Alton Road residents and their vehicles into lower North Bay Road at any point. 2. The northbound lanes on West Avenue and Bay Road at Sunset Harbour Drive, a/k/a 20th Street would be blockaded/closed with a flexible barrier. This would divert all traffic exiting the new Publix to Dade Boulevard. All exiting PUblix traffic would be routed to Dade Boulevard by signalization or other means. No turns would be permitted that would return exiting traffic to Sunset Harbour Drive, a/k/a 20th Street eastbound. A "no right turn" sign will be placed at the westbound lSu Street corner at Purdy, prohibiting right turns onto Purdy. Left turns will be permitted from Purdy Avenue and West Avenue onto Dade Boulevard. The City will use its best efforts to work out a solution with the appropriate departments to make Bay Road accessible for traffic wanting to turn left onto Dade Boulevard and/or 17th Street and will review the use of a traffic signal at the intersections of West Avenue and Purdy Avenue. All signage in this immediate area (West/Bay/Purdy/Venetian) should be redone to guide exiting traffic southward and out of the area. 3. Immediately restripe the intersection of Alton and Sunset Harbour Drive, a/k/a 20th Street, to accommodate two (2) left turn lanes. Retime the light to avoid current long waits. Traffic calming will consist of landscaped median/planters just west of Sunset Drive and at sunset Drive just north of 20th Street. 4. Immediately implement traffic Drive, a/k/a 20~ street and signalization. calming Sunset for Sunset Harbour in the absence of We also support the lowering of the speed limit on lower North Bay Road to 25 miles per hour, as well as further traffic calming measures for both lower North Bay Road and Alton Road as mutually agreeable to the parties. 5. Immediately implement the placement of a "no (right) turns" restriction to apply to southbound traffic on Alton Road at the intersection of Alton, North Bay and Chase Avenue. 6. Additionally, we urge the City Commission to inunediately formalize and implement the above measures as well as support the implementation of four-way stops at 18th Street and West Avenue, 18th Street and Bay Road and 18th Street and Purdy. We also support the widening and/or reconstruction of the intersection of Sunset Harbour Drive, a/k/a 20th Street and Alton to allow two dedicated left turn lanes and one dedicated right turn lane. AGREED AND ACCEPTED THIS 31st DAY OF OCTOBER, 1998 Homeowners - Islands 3 , 4 Property Association Inc. Ingraham, Jr. (JITV C! U!it.K:.- ~er -/ II-Ita 112 /?1l / -A atJ,;Y1rle7llT #/ RECEIVED 98 NOV -2 PH 5: 22 On October 21, 1998, the Lower North c~a~l.I~~~~ #errf~ners Association, Inc., Sunset Islands 3 & 4 ~~peT~Y ~ners Association Inc. and Lower Al ton Coalition advised the Miami Beach city Commission of an agreement that they had reached with regard to the "no left turn" restriction at the foot of Lower North Bay Road, traffic patterns in the immediate area and traffic which will be exiting the new publix Supermarket onto Bay Road. AGREEMENT The following are the two provisions of the "consensus agreement" or the "consensus proposal" which was moved by Commissioner Dermer, seconded by Commissioner Simon Cruz and passed unanimously. Although modifications to this were discussed by several commissioners, the motion - and, hence, the agreement was passed without amendment. We are also in agreement that, should the City, for any reason, either reject or fail to implement one of these provisions, the other one should be put into effect. 1. The existing left turn restriction applied to eastbound traffic on Sunset Harbour Drive, a/k/a 20th Street, at the south end of lower North Bay Road, would remain, but would include a clearly visible provision specifying that left turns would be permitted by special permit only, or words to that effect. The City would make special decals available to anyone owning or leasing a motor vehicle registered to an address on Alton Road between 20th street and the intersection of Alton Road with North Bay Road between the aforementioned intersection and its southern end at 20~ street and on Sunset Islands 1,2,3 and 4 - one decal for each such vehicle. Vehicles bearing such decal would be permitted to make left turns into North Bay Road at the subject intersection, coming from any direction and at any time of the day or night. There should be no charge to these drivers for these decals; however, if a charge is imposed, the resulting funds should be earmarked for future traffic calming and/or beautification for these affected areas. This would be with the following understanding. It would not be made unduly difficult to make these turns. The existing sign, planters and cones, would be replaced with something consonant with the character of the area. There would be no "catches", no diverters for northbound traffic on lower North Bay Road, as previously proposed by Public Works, no required right turns for such traffic onto side streets, no one waying of any portion of lower North Bay southbound, no following proposals which would in any way restrict the access of lower Alton Road residents and their vehicles into lower North Bay Road at any point. 2. The northernmost portions of West Avenue and Bay Road, lying between Sunset Harbour Drive, a/k/a 20th Street, and Dade Boulevard, would be made one way going south. This would divert Agreement Page Two all traffic exiting the new publix to Dade Boulevard. All exiting publix traffic would be routed to Dade Boulevard by signalization or other means. No turns would be permitted that would return exiting traffic to Sunset Harbour Drive, a/k/a 20th street eastbound. 3. Immediately restripe the intersection of Alton and Sunset Harbour Drive, a/k/a 20th Street, to accommodate two (2) left turn lanes. Retime the light to avoid current long waits. 4 . Immediately implement Drive, a/k/a 20th Street signalization. traffic calming for Sunset Harbour and Sunset in the absence of Addi tionally, we support the lowering of the speed limit on lower North Bay Road to 25 miles per hour, as well as further traffic calming measures for both lower North Bay Road and Alton Road as mutually agreeable to the parties. Finally, we support the placement of a "no right turn" restriction to apply to southbound traffic on Alton Road at the intersection of Alton, North Bay and Chase Avenue. We urge the City Commission to immediately formalize and implement these above measures as well. AGREED llliD ACCEPTED THIS 31st DAY OF OCTOBER, 1998 Homeowners i Richard Rosichan Provisional President S~fMie. t ISland..S ~ & 4 Property o oC1at1on Inc. , By: William A. Ingraham, Jr. President C'17Lf (!lMt/c RtF- III-Al4 v 2.., 111.1' A G/ltenf trYV r #- ^ RECEIVED 98 NOV I 0 PH 12: 38 ('\ I -:..~ " " .-"..! - t~ II ; LL t.RK'S OFF ICE FROM THE OESK OF It) (, 1:: Lhu G oe P ~: ~) C ?15. ['01Itev.J ~f) *jMP)J.Af. Sever) &v.-;)(/;~S ~~,0 +-'ODe v '--fir J (!.JlrJX<fSVS. /15 J ~ life }.A.Q ~R 6J~is- )U !J we }.J0l 0 10 v./Laf (/J,fh R. ~te. ~ Jt5uJS5 ;JtYI sfe? ~; R.. f4.lvlP e M~ ~/w J~I-b;f/ . Christina M. Cuervo Assistant City Manager CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 (305) 673-7010 AGREEMENT On October 21, 1998, the Lower North Bay Road Homeowners Association, Inc., Sunset Islands 3 & 4 Property Owners Association Inc. and Lower Al ton Coalition advised the Miami Beach City Commission of an agreement that they had reached with regard to the "no left turn" restriction at the foot of Lower North Bay Road, traffic patterns in the immediate area and traffic which will be exiting the new publix Supermarket onto Bay Road. The following are the two provisions of the "consensus agreement" or the "consensus proposal" which was moved by Commissioner Dermer, seconded by Commissioner Simon Cruz and passed unanimously. Although modifications to this were discussed by several commissioners, the motion - and, hence, the agreement was passed without amendment. We are also in agreement that, should the City, for any reason, either reject or fail to implement one of these provisions, the other one should be put into effect. 1. The existing left turn restriction applied to eastbound traffic on Sunset Harbour Drive, a/k/a 20th Street, at the south end of lower North Bay Road will be removed upon implementation of (A) the following measures listed in items 2, 3 and 5 or (B) measures listed in item 2 and the lapsing of ninety (90) days, whichever occurs first. In no event will the left turn restriction be removed if item 2 is not implemented. The ninety (90) day period will commence upon the City Commission's approval of this Agreement. This would be with the following understanding. It would not be made unduly difficult to make these turns. The existing sign, planters and cones, would be replaced with something consonant with the character of the area. There would be no "catches", no diverters for northbound traffic on lower North Bay Road, as previously proposed by Public Works, no required right turns for such traffic onto side streets, no one waying of any portion of lower North Bay southbound, no following proposals which would in any way restrict the access of lower Alton Road residents and their vehicles into lower North Bay Road at any point. 2. The northbound lanes on West Avenue and Bay Road at Sunset Harbour Drive, a/k/a 20~h Street would be blockaded/closed with a flexible barrier. This would divert all traffic exiting the new Publix to Dade Boulevard. All exiting Publix traffic would be routed to Dade Boulevard by signalization or other means. No turns would be permitted that would return exiting traffic to Sunset Harbour Drive, a/k/a 20ch Street eastbound. A "no right turn" sign will be placed at the westbound 18~ Street corner at Purdy, prohibiting right turns onto Purdy. Left turns will be permitted from Purdy Avenue and West Avenue onto Dade Boulevard. The City will use its best efforts to work out a solution the appropriate departments to make Bay Road accessible traffic wanting to turn left onto Dade Boulevard and/or Street and will review the use of a traffic signal at with for 17th the intersections of West Avenue and Purdy Avenue. All signage in this immediate area (West/BaY/Purdy/venetian) should be redone to guide exiting traffic southward and out of the area. 3. Immediatel~ restripe the intersection of Alton and Sunset Harbour Drive, a/k/a 20th Street, to accommodate two (2) left turn lanes. Retime the light to avoid current long waits. Traffic calming will consist of landscaped median/planters just west of Sunset Drive and at Sunset Drive just north of 20th Street. 4. Immediatel~ implement traffic Drive, a/k/a 20~ Street and signalization. calming Sunset for in Sunset Harbour the absence of We also support the lowering of the speed limit on lower North Bay Road to 25 miles per hour, as well as further traffic calming measures fo~ both lower North Bay Road and Alton Road as mutually agreeable to the parties. 5. Immediatel~ implement the placement of a "no (right) turnsU restriction to apply to southbound traffic on Alton Road at the intersection of Alton, North Bay and Chase Avenue. 6. Addi tionally, we urge the City Commission to immediately formalize and implement the above measures as well as support the implementation of four-way stops at 18th Street and West Avenue, 18th Street and Bay Road and 18th Street and Purdy. We also support the widening and/or reconstruction of the intersection of Sunset Harbour Drive, a/k/a 20th Street and Alton to allow two dedicated left turn lanes and one dedicated right turn lane. AGREED AND ACCEPTED THIS 31st DAY OF OCTOBER, 1998 Homeowners ----- Sunset Islands 3 & 4 Property Owtie' Association Inc. J); By. ll~am A. Ingraham, Jr. President JAN-05-99 01:52 PM RICHARD ROSICHAN ASSOCS 305 674 9148 P.01 2060 Alton Road Coalition Miami Beach, FL 33140-4563. ;;'1{, January 5, 1999 r"'~ Fax to: 305-673-7096 ]7 Also to City Clerk' 5 office I 305-673 -7254. , . distribute to Mayor Kasdin and all of the comm1SS1oners Please To: Mayor Neisen Kasdin Vice-Mayor Nancy Liebman Commissioner David Dermer Commissioner Martin Shapi~o Commissioner Susan Gottlieb Commiss1oner Jose Smith Commissioner Simon Cru~ Dear Mayor and Commissioners, This letter is to remind you that nearly two months have passed since you approved the final version of an agreement between the homeowner and resident groups representing loweJ:" North Bay Road, lower Alton Road and Sunset Islands 3 an~ 4. This agreement basically called tor certain rearrangements and restrictions on area traffic patterns and also for the removal of the left turn rQ~triction at the foot of North Bay. So far, it does not appear that anything has been done in this direction. The understanding was that this would be implemented within 90 days. As you know, this agreement followed weeks of negotiating, which we~e in turn preceded by a year ot squabbles and misunderstandings. It would be most unfortunate if that regrettable cycle was to repeat itself. Time is of the eesence for the following reasons. 1) According to Publix officials, the old Publix will be closed _at some ind.t.~nat9 ~ate in the near future for renovations. This closing will probably last for several months. This will greatly increase trartic 1n and out ot the new Publix. 2) The talk is that when the old publix reopens, it will be as an upscale -Epicure-typed market, meaning that many of its current customers will gravitate to the new PUblix for economic reasons. 3) The afor@msntioned left turn rectriction was authori~ed on March 4, 1998 and implemented on March 11 as a test item, to be removed within a period o! trom 30 to 90 days, depending on interpretation. It has now been in place for 10 months. It is widely disregarded, and, except for brief test periods.. is not being enforced. -7 ~,;~i_~5_~~ ~i:5; ~i~ ~iC~I.'~~ ~~;iC~{I~i I.';~~~~ ...5 ';7t'j ;'i..i~ ~..a,.:! -I) MQat. :U I10Qt .11 pa..tll Qt tht; ",tQ.t;mt;nt~Qne9 y,g~eement requirm county cou~urrWII~~; ~~v~~~l ~~Q~i~~ a~~~~ DO~ c~nC~~L~UCC. Af.J1111.,:;~t:.1.UU l,', l.h~QC:: j u~lcd~<:Llol'1C takElc tiME!. . !;} OU(;(; !)O d....y!l b.:l.vc <:;1,:\"0'::0 C..:om ':Ol\'\J\'\iooi.ol'1 .:\pprov.:\l of th~ a!OLelllCJlL lOLled d9 CCI:-1l1('nt., then I:hft rftmnval of tbe left turn rest (' iet j 0,1 1 S no longp.r r.oJ\t:ingertt: upon t:hose porr.10ns ot: the agr@@l1l@nt that requtre atace nOT concurrence. % urge the ~Qmmi"'liIiuI1 to n"'lkc '2'2L'1.:,lll Lh.'ll t.ll.:. .'19 ,".;,.;,\Il'1P.on t., ; I' it!:J entirety, ia iu\pl~mcJ1lC(l ao 1"j1J.1ckly aE pOEEihle. and also to CJltlUL'C LlL':lL all nCCCll:i(:d'-'1 app' 1 cat. i 011fJ too r.hPo c:ount:y and DOT iU-Po filed and followed ~hrough with right away. llt.~."eh4lll~ l'l'l"A ~nmA nhot.ot":(miaSl t:rom a maaadnp. tlurchased at the montbly antlqur::.li .lihow. en Lincoln Road which m.iy Qdd to you;t' knuwladgt:t of tht:t hiiltuxy of uu:; uity. y your!], /' .........- chQrd H. R06ic~n P.ovisional p~o~idont 305674-9140 OOt grad Kr~oancr, JOS 532 4014 Willi~m Tng~~ham, 10~-S?6-b1'4 Jim SChlobohm, 305-674-0814 JAN-05-99 01:54 PM RICHARD ROSICHAN ASSOCS 305 674 9148 P.03 JAN-05-99 01:55 PM RICHARD ROSICHAN ASSOCS 305 674 9148 P.04 NATIONAL AFfAIRS Jut .....oolt, had thc :lPIlrO,,'nl ~"Cl\ oC ~uch isolationiuG as S\:n:\lor~ Vandl.nherg and Hiram John50n, seemed ,lc~lined to pass. Debal"ble was th(' bill's prnctir.,1 or poten- tial V3lue to the Finns. "le money would ha,,'e to be ~pent in (he U. 5,) ann for non- military products. And &na1 saTlctioning of the credit WQuld be up tll hud-headed Je~c ]one~. Fodcrl\l Loan ^dmini~lf3tor, who is reported to ha"c s:l.id that he tikI nOt think the Finll~. who have already bor- rowed ~I 0,000,000, were a goon risk for more than an additi()l\:\1 $10,000.000. FLORIDA PloClsuro DomQ (See Covel) "Then: are no boll .....cc\illl in the touri~t crop," the sagc~ ~ay ill J"1vriiia. Lo.::It wedl l'"lorJda was harve$ting it~ higgc$l crop of touriSll. In Jjmousine~ and (railers, by airline and boat i\l1d rnilwa)" (at I'Jwest fare:; ever). they $pnad through illl the long rcach from Jack$onviIlc on- lhe north to Key WC$l in the ~uth (see ttkJ'). They went to fish for sail, marlin, ta.rpon on both co,uts; to pc;cr l\t f'$h on di~l'bi at Marlneland and SiI\'r:r Spril1o~; I,) watch their ravorll!: ballplayeu ill Orlilndo, Clearwater, Sam~ota; 10 hellr lhe BOB C,mltun at. Lake W.\lc~ j Lo see Seminoles and a)ligatt)rs and bmingo5 and or;,nge trees; to h..vc {un. They settlcd at St. I\.tcrsburg (up 15% over 193&-39); at snooty r~lm Belich and plc1Jcian Wcst Pil.lrn Beach (up ~o1o); at Fort l.auderdalc, "r..~l.l'5l ~'~'Ning city in [he fastest growing county in Floridll," (up 20%) i I\t Daytonll Bell\:h. K",y West, St. Augu$tine, Tampa (up 20%.). And by uncounted thous(\nd~ they were diffu:sed in trailer cotrnps, a.utocamp5, hi,mkt~. rOAd. side inns. By April I, when the winter 5~1l. son wanC$ and the srn.:lll~r summer CTlJp begins tll bud, the calcl.llillOrS ngure thOlt upwards of J.OOO,ooo wi!! h.1VC come md departcd, Idt $,65.000,000 in f'lur.do. lXlckcts. .. The place to ~ee the t()Uri~t CfOp at itA verdilnl. be::lt ;llil1 wor~t WIIS ulong a plltch of the Atlotntic cOll~tlinc. 350 miles <.lown !r\)n1 th~ Genrgill bon.!,". r45 miles up from the ~outhc:rnmost Flori.!,. Key. There lie~ ~!\O: "Mi[\Cl' \lr,:II." Seen (rom thc n;r, this ')O-$qulIr(} mi. piltch look~ I.ke one ~[>rawlillg oni)iwiclc:, ~ in the flat explln!;Cs of cil rus I3ro\"e9. bean and pcPJX'r lInd tUI'tI:lt<o itdd~ that ('x. lend southwar<.lt(, the ~wQmpy E\'crgladu. '\ct\lolly it i~ divided in~o llltco parts. Therc nre J) the reSiO(;nlial suhl.lrhll: Hi:!. k..h, Ci;lral Gnblc:l, Co~onut Crovc, SCjuth Mil\mi (where mt\IlY " home-OWI1\:T bSI week bad moved into his llaragc-ap',rt- ment, rentcd his house for lhe winter ;ea- $on); 2) the city of Mi:,mi, lo\'c!y in seg- . All llltll.ls lie KlIt~~tll\"lale,: )it",hl" ,loes nOI linn.. Its toul15\ nrithmellc. Jlut ~1"Clr,C Indices. ahllne t,"vel. butt! renl'''', KorloRKc cr>l\rrlion. lIbo... lh~ ><h:-<ll\a.l ,<',01 "I' 'oS. JO ,; . na'lll~ ~ut ra\\.ul:!Y in ~um, with it~ OVin toler;tnt lo\'cmment and its f1ambo}'anl, perennial "r"form" Mayor E. C. Sewell; 3) Miami Be3rh. witb its own City Coun- cil. its M:lYllr John Hal" L(:\'i. The city of Miami is ~ ,ity. mllrh 1ikl: lither bool'l~- in~ u. S. to\\"I1~; Mi;llT1i nt'~ch j~ a unique U. S. phenomC'non. In Mayor SC'VI'dl'~ :Iui\ing city of Miami last week: ... Slacle-chinned, dull-C'>.cd Crackers from the back country thronged the narrow streets, along \\'ith vacationers in ~t1orl~ and halters, bluc-red-yellow slacks, astrol- ^CI1I' StEW K"~NACA.'l, THE LAn CARL FlSHLa !dr. Pi;l/u will bll tlu: onlJ ll"e. users, h"ckit.s, pimll~. and the ~Qlid. trnd- ing, ltortlc!i\'inR folk ur lhe city, .. The Ncw,'$ (....hich at thl:! height of the I'lorido. Boom 1<.<1 ..II U. S. r'lOwspaJ)/PrS in advert is.ng lineage) head! incc:l G-Man John Edgllr Hoo,'cr, incffecth'cly sounding of{ ilgam5t the Joco.llolerati.\Il oC gamblers. g;4ngMt:rs, brothdH; and C,wemor Fr('d Cone ;\1 T41111h115~eC, eifl'dh'l'ly command. ing Mil""; politi;:os III c111~ down the glU11 ing. .. Al Hi,d(,,,!,. tJ,rcc dnlJ.I r:tc1.r.s !.md on/' jo..i-alni (Cub,ltl I\;d\db:lll) Cronton in thc Miami !{llmbling uc:J., bl.tters on a sinltle "poar Munday" last \A:('Ck .....agered $800_- 000; &ine<: the wintt'r scason optncd had poured in :I rc('orrl $15.000.000 (inclutlinll tlte takes at l",lh rtbll'ah and TrQpiol 'Park h()rsctmdt~). ~ I\t ...()ndTou~ Dinner Key. just south of Lho city. 'Pan Amc.rican's I/:rcat-winll:ed Clipper; cleaTed 2.509 p:usen~crs hctwcen the'! U. S., Cub:\ and Ihe near lndies. the Southern Hrmisphcre (and men now dream of a grc,.t lT1i1rl at Miami, for the Itlllld.~ :lIIclll(.llplcs of the westcrn wurld). . 1bin fell ont' morning, :m<l women wore light topcoats th;jl night. O\'er was flor- ida.s longest cold Sp(~lI on record. !Tow many ~unhird~ the rTt'l.'~ and it schill. c1nud\" aftermath had kl'pt or drl\'en away ",.as unknown. I.'lorlda's wimer ;\(lrling ma- chines are not gt'art"tJ \0 suhlract. One of Miami"s claims to fame is thaI il is the til Y Il('ar )1iaml Bc:lt.h. Town in the Sky. There are two :\fiami IJcaches. Bolh (If [hem front, l.lcnclit, out. da7.7.lc Miami ;ll~ro.,s blue B15cu}.nc; Ba).. One is g('ographic; a long (lO.mi1c), I~w spit bt.twcen the Bay and \~l(, ~tlilnll'. The other is I he towo "f l\1lanu DC:i\ch, which is IIkC' no OIher lown in tn\~ U, S., or in th(- world: ~ 1.600 3ues of l.md \\ihi.ch il ~r3l1t :, years agll W:iS mangcQYc t~n"Il:, hare ::I;md, avocado patches. ~ 1,800 aero dfl,doed from th\, l)uu"m of ll'~cayne Ba>', <.lumped onlo the. naturnl core and Imo 15 r.lt>ricated isk:). ... Windiug through and betw~cl\ the mothrr kl">- and the i~I;l'''ls, 20 mile::l of inl.III'1 watawa)', 35.;: mik~ or heach !lnd OO:)"(ront; . '0 mile~ of palm.lined stre(,t and limc:. h is Floridi\'~ bovming, clItlJolic rlled!- lire d(ll\1e. looming low jind brond lI8i\iMt Ih(' Atllll\lic sky. Ct)Cl,IlUt nnd royal pi\lm~, hibiscus, croton, ili!.ll1c ....ill>!!!. night- blovmins jasmine shrouu mile ul'>On Aerpen- tine mile of ~lreel.5 and lanes and water. way:!. 00 J..inr.I)ln Ralld, where the man- I!:TOVC and siind QI1Ce ~old ior 7 sf an acre, llie play world &h('pll at swall~ br:mche& of Oe flillna'&, Hattie Carl\(lgie'~. Saks-Fiith A,.cnuc, :md prop<?rty is quot(,d at $r ,000 a 'Cruct.foot. The cre:\my, IJf~nae, blue nnd )'elllJ'lV 1.~!aCC51, vill:\s, cott!.lgl'S arc of concrete bluckf; h,'neath lheir stucco (to RUllrd against "the nc~t hurricalll!"). Their open pati06, logSi:i5, hllJl~ ~nd hrood win- dow spaces 3n: dl'signed lor life and ettSC in the sun; on thcir roors, the SUIl is put. to lJl.ork, beating water in gIClS~~d refll.'C- tors. Northward by the Atlantic is the Surf Cluh. where the cabanas trace an S along the \"'3th, and a ],)hiladelphia sodal- itt mImed Alfrrd lIko Dartlln teaches the rich how to be lavish. By thc County Cau~way over the Bay. and in lhe Flam. ingu HOlel's blue basin. arc the yachts and (:rui~er~: NaIll/oda. Plejc/(lcs. Marmot, Virae(l (laId)' cbartered by J. P. Morgan), many anoth"r. Jus1 beyond thC' city line of Miami Ih',:<h (WIl<'TC !:nmhling is laboo). in st;Pllralcly incorporated Surf. side. j~ thr. Brook Clull, wlu:ri' gambling i~ an ck/:;lnt husincss. At the ext r(lne, northerly rnr.! of the spit is a subdivi- sion (aiit'll Golden ne~rh where Mrs. hanklin Roosevclt la~t w(:ck renled the Ro~s \\'. llu<lsons' house fl)T occupancy Al)ril 1.:3, AI(,ng with the socialites (Ihe William K i~~lm \'nnderhilts n rri"cd last week). tht'rr arc many. mnny mOfe of unspcc. t:\C'Jlar fortune (oil, hats. machinery. Cor.n-Cola. mOlors. patclt! medicine) wlll.l~c yachts amI hllmcs adorn the Drach. Then' is "I he mob" from Hollywood and T f- "I 1{~1E1 JAN-05-99 01:57 PM RICHARD ROSICHAN ASSOCS 305 674 9148 p.e5 ., flot. How , ~hlH, n ,lway 11"1 nl:l, 1; tlU! Miami '11, QUI- .: n,lY. l:J, :QW .Ilantk. neo(h, , c. S" .ant IS ~~ jil.nd. (tom 1)[ nat ural <n tile :lile~ <If "ch ~nd I <trcet : plea~- 8Il11im: I royal , night. sel'pell- waler- .e IJliIllO 1n acre, ,ehe. or d-Fifth $1.000 :C, blue ; are of ceO (tu . Thdr ~c1 win- nd ca.:!e 1 i$ I'I.lC , reil<:c- is the ,~e an S I <;ocial- hes the COUnly ~ Flam- yacht, [lUtI'iJt, [otgan), :ity ji:Jc ,ling i~ d Surf- , n\b~iur ..'t.trtomc, ;ubdi vi- ~ ~lr5. .1 cd tbe ;upaocy Irilliam 'llo'~~k). \I1l~~(- \-hincr)', ..did".:) . !'leach. HId :lnd l.lll.IO ~. .~. . , t. .. r: v ... ~ ~ 04 t-.~: .:...~.~".'.~~~t. Ie ~.... ~'jJ'_~:".'/:l~ ( '.~l~y \"~"":'''~'. . ",) ~.,-~~ outh .a.. (-"". s......."\ '/ .'.' .Ril IItftt...l'lII'f. ... . All_I lIeMII w.or-i. '.' 'M cWis t4t "'kh1,)... Trol"cool "".o. 1)0..... ..... .'. , ~rjc'" ff<'m.... .~ ,,, ..._....1., ~ . ~~~. MIA~EACH . " (Hww lNf~e p;JWIf:-.. ...."...u-:.. . ~m=it;;;c;'lI~;:C / .,,'fI frtatrcrm.,,} 1 .' .. -t;>O; ~,~ D..;TD,t...,.. ., ..' ((...\".~ f__.. ~"';"'J""'" ....... Ii."_...r.m..;; I .' Broadway (AI lotson. Walt~r Winchell, Ben Bemic. d aI., usually at the g:1n5h, $3-$75 a d;lY ROlley rlaa) ~ Ot ;l few. Iilte CUlUllIllisl-.-\uthur Damon RWl}"lill. ill their uwn winter yill.1~; ::nd ~Qmc, lik~ tr.l.' :\lanh:.rl:J.n George ('Romeo o5t Juliet.') T.owthc~ (T..,H:. :>Iov. ~7), who 13'( week were ,w"i'l'in!> lhdr t.lhlnici ["Ole ror .. fr".. honoymoun ",t. the Flori,!",n Hotd. fIu.ntlrctl,. ~r.... wt!l1-to-..ln T.1th~r th:Ul rich. SOcnllinlr :J. mon~h.s inromc fur two week5. a monlh, a winter by th~ SC:1. ()tore of Ihr5C th.lO oi 1ny alhrr ~rollp Tnu::, FchruMY 1~). 1"1~ 1'1 buy $'5-$50,000 nouse5. n:tim the year round to :'-ti.llui lleach.) Swatllliug thOUs.111ds oi thrift)' folk 3trelch a ycar"s :s.llings o\'~r two wre\;; 10 ":)outh ncadl,'. wnere there .HC m~l1r small, relatively .;heap (~5-$'i.l no\((,. \ h" dUI:-tr:lck. .:JruG-slorl.' lunca (OUmet; toe only l'uhlic bcac!> .pac~. CollNtil.d,. the). b.ing milli()n~ il\ "~Ih to )'li~llli lJo~rh. Their tid. is i?f~~diIlQ ,\arth\ll3rd (olnd past r ;th Slteet. where (at Alton RUild) ~n ~11.1Tlmcnt.hlllcl ~ign is 1 .~'llllJulil: out. (lII.~t. 'l'nr. 5ign: CEXTILES. Son of tho Beach. Neat Miami, 64 y~a[s 19O. "o1Ihrr. t!le county hlld less than Soo re;;dclll!. lil.ell a Rcpublicac notar)' callel2 \he [l'JKl' of ll'l~C. He wa.s lhlc. Il Is ,JIll. to conjure lip 3$0 R~pllblfc:\n V()(r~ for tlaye,. tip (he Flortd:\ l,I"'luml balanlc ilgaimt Tikm, and thll$ a~$i~l ill rubbinl; lh~ D(.m()...,~t; of tho .376 Prc.id.nliill etc(t It)l\. '?;n((' then the politiC'll rnor:lls ar ~fi.ln1i .1Od "ndrons hJ.vc not materialh. improl.crl. But ~byor lono H;rlc Levi dl Mi3mi nr:J..-h wouhl never he 50 cr~ss 35 tn n~JnufJdure \"o(t.~. :lnu nobo(Jy l'Ver JAN-@5-99 01:59 PM I; t: f: I: J I ~ RICHARD ROSICHAN ASSOCS 305 674 9148 P.06 NATIONAL APrAJRS ,! :1 II if " , callr.1 him the nuko nr :tnythinc. I'resid. ing lilSI. week at :\ merting ur lire Miami Brach City COllncil, His Honnf wure 3 brown jackel, 11llell panu n~nll)' molde<.llo his mollesl !Nunch, t;III-'lIId white sneakers ",hie" <uulcl "~V( }>',sllCLI fur lJ.:.Jtoo,u stip- 1'('''' Cocked uff (,mIn.' ill I,ia tr.nned. mlll1fi. ~on'e\Vh:\! t:tllow (Me wu (lne nf Shnrry's Hia:l. tir~clt Sltl~lrs (m.,d~ in Gallirllllis, Ohill). 'Illhid} {he MJ.yor ,nn- timmlly (hcw~ or SlllOkeS. John l,c\'j spc~k! of "the Hench '. as fnn(!ly as hc wOllIIl or a c!llld (he has nnn~: h.,nd~ome Mil. uvll1as a .;011 by n prev;,,", ma ,ri.lit'). Be is 64; she is pr... ha~ tcn yr.nrs yo\:/.ger. The L"vis, like many anoll",. mOlI.:rale))'" well.t.n-cl" cou' pl. who&e ~1.,rinlJ<, <un,;l.1nti.1 but unnh. t rll..;,.r hnmes dot th~ ltoss toffulgtont sec- lions of M~'mi IkMh. ate llever seen at rhe Surf. 1MII (lr lklll.k (l:Jnluling' Club. '.h(')' C!'dll'\\' ~l.dl I'\lbteluu~ juinh ~s Moth.'r Krlly', ni/:ht dull. "101)' I)o~ition. )"uu kllow:' Ihe :\I~)'or ('~J1lail1~ with dis- tillct tegn:l. Mrs. l.r\"1 ~prncb murh rl:nc ..I hri.I/lC, Ii~hin~, or ,1t Hi~kah on rilcing aft".n"..n... Thc ~J(lyor i. likely 10 be Bt homeo. ('nJ("OftcocJ. 00 iii. frout pol'\:b wilh 3 rye-,1nd.plain water. NeJlI to judicious sippitllr. I,i~ joy j~ SkillflY. lliftl.'ll Buston bulldug. ".hu c:m l'l.il.t' i fallen eVI.'OIlut, ,,'hirl it ruuml '" mUlI.1 on Ihe l/alm-fringed lawn ulIlil lie has slril1ped oil the fihrous covering. 01 this performance, Levi & Skipp)' n('\'cr lire. Mn).or Le,.j pronCJum'r~ h15 name lee. vic, is dhtn:~~ccl wh.n Iv: hr.o n it ,nlll;d Iee.veto, tela..l. lIi~ .nre<lry al Anglo- SUO". rr.. i. f,;pn<lli..r ,,, th" 1<,"';il1 in- SUlt than wa~ J.'lIundrr "'bher, whOle eom- panid hotl'l~ ~liJI har J,'\\'~. John LI"\'i achuJ/}' loo~s 3S j[ his name &hould !l(' P~ddy O'Rourke. He also looks and li,'cs like whnt be is: a well-olr, semi. rrlJrN bu.ineSHuan who hall softene\! wilh the ca~y yean. nul in lIis 10wn's pcr.ullar polili{~, hc b ~5 hard as a Honecub. ^ cnmmwlnl Autocracy is hi~ MiAnu IIr.Gch. 51l)', able, $co.ooo.a-year City Mlmagtr Clyde R~n.h...... hncl. II) tllo mechanics l'If dry !tlwrmmcnl. John Levi and a du!ll' IiIHe ,oda/it)' of r~l\It)' opel'3. tors, huildm, hilJlkers. ulher lU~'lI1 business. mtl/ Wid to polilil:5. They I:llmllri~e, em. 1'111)", or ulllc:r1\"isc nmtrlll most Qf the ,'ot. inK IIllPula(ion (4 .O.Li in 1 9J ~; 8,55J in 1939>' ^nd thry perforce are tolerant J't"~lIslS. "alantlng ~nll calc-ring tu lhe "'nnl5 of Ibe 200.000 wintcrbirw whv lIit in nnll ,,"'n)", the ~mall but sruni.., nUlIlb,.r ...ho .!loose to dwell ;/1 Mia.ni Dr.~d.. liFO' locI. ~rc t.,""o in 1\f;omi aeach be. ~:ll"r. I) Ih~y ..rr. b:ltl fur th" hum.. Ir~d", and 2) ~her~ lIrt plrntr jmt across the bay in Mi~l1li. Gnmhlinl! l1ouri~hc'd until 11).16. Thtn t.l'vi &I ('"n. (on(I1,(ltrf rh.,t ,ambling radcetem werc also h.,d for busincss 1J;IR!:rd t1l1wll (he Jill \111 c\'crytbilll( c'ln'lll ClIlr J"/::llilcd el(!It.track (which II;I)'$ lhe cily Sso a d.')' ""rint (hI" ~e.'~on 1. Unlf"l' some Who he1rnl 10 builcJ "[he Bca~h:' .tohn Ll,'j h,~ n(lt to~t I'i~ Kn$C )/ ,; \ 1/ ., :/ ~ " tl ~i .,. ,., I . i U I . I i 2() of lJroportlon. 54}'s he: "'They say C4rl fisher lVas the Miler of llle beach, and thaI Y am I hr. 50n of LI1I' bcacb." Journey to the Svn. Miami nr.arlt I:; "Ibe "eadl" Ix(~u:l(" a m~n n~mcd C~rl Grabllll. Fi3~er h~d i",.,ginnli'll1 and $$.ooo.uoo, Cqrl Fi."Cf was 1111 II.Ili"nm Huo~;l!r, "lId h~ W3S a bumdlnlll.'r. lie nlau~ his fiNl forlune ill rrest.O.Ljl~ aCelylene I.1ltlllS fur auLomuuilc:s, suit! oul just as dcdrk hC3dlights werr. f.omin~ in, nla L was 191 l. Car! Fishr.r "a~ 37, and be was huninll 101 "lay wilh his money: So he h;Lt. Ihe' Seabury Shipy:trtls ill. New Vurk City hlllld him ;l motor yach[, In- vited Sc"bury'~ SupClintendcnt John H. L~vi lu 1;" un the fir$l r.rui'C-Ouwn tit" ~fi..i.~il'"i. t.hrclUllh the Gulr and RT('Qnd Flllritl"'~ lip. Also ~Iong wcre! t"~ /irst Ml"i. Jo'ishl'r (she got a [>:,rii ,)jVOW! in 19l(j), one HJtI'Y Bu~hnJall. iUld ;l Nelro conk "m~lcd WilliAm Galloway. rhrbtnlas wcek ill Ncw Otlc:lns. Friends I;isher ~ I.evj got tighl 011 Raillos Kill t1UC$ (a drink llial was Oew lu tl1cm) , pelted a poliwlllan wllb a tor ek'pbal1t, plataled !\fr.;. Fi!h'T ,,-1lh ,In armtul of kni.klcnack.. On the Cuff, after 1\ d.l). and a h.lf of f'~caing storm, l'i1ut Lc"j be"Ile,1 ror Mobilo Bay. t.eae"~d. the lloal. Cuolc GalluwliY le:ll~d a.~hore. "I'm nrVL'I' 'fling !Jade. un lhal 1"131 all"~in." he annour.(ed, and trudjtetl off tnward Mobile. Nut day the Fi$hl'r5 and Bushman bcaded bAck for I ho!c 1Ilue w:ltcr' un!.l (b~ IJamlll~ un I he fihorc was enoullh fut him. rr~ wired C'nrl fi3b~r: "Mcd mt: in Miami. . . a pretty Iitllc lown." Fiw'r ll1~t )tilll. Ire houllht ~ house, I'~r,"'rd 10 sell h: tlown fur ~ lolllt rC5t. 'llot he ""I' ~1j]1 .1 y""n~ mOll. MId he ,lill h:ttl wlllC t~&.I,."" mnllPY. On the lAnd)' spit ncttl~S lh,' II"}' from lil.tlr. Miami. a drcnllly L~l cr.l:r!tl'tir New J<,rsey Quaker Il.lDlcll Juhn Slik~ {'oUills bad plan led coconuts (whit-h ditd) and 3\'Ol:adoS (which threm'). 'rhinking to sell SlIme homc~ilr.~ on (hr ,piL, he slilr(cel ;1 wooden hridge over (he lIa)'. rail nut of money in mld.w.,lcr. John Cullins' lnwyer was young Fnllk D. ~hull' from Imh,"a, who wa~ ..,"(t p\lhli~hin,: Ihe /.Cw M"i.1mi l/cra/<{. To fioo,jer Fj,I,,:r w..nt. fTtlr..ier ShUlts, ior $~o.ooc ~o Cmi.h Ql1"kcr Collilu' bridle, Carl FisllCr IlIIt 1111 thr money, in return Cl:lct\'d tOil acres uf Collins' 5wamp. land (nflcl prolull~\'d KCluilWb frum John Collins). TII:!l waS thl' 'Iirth of Miami HI":\(h. l1sMr's lir(,dll('~ !udml tI;1 Ihe bay bol- IIl1l1, slllull!lt'cl nc'w lillld 011:0 lhe spindly 3pit. Fi"hn'. rrqlh,'n(~ (fut publidty) Inm"Ir.!1 dll....n lhe mnn!l(u,.e tbi.k"h. Arouncl the l;Uullder ~all1l'rc.1 " nClI"hlo; rorps: onelime BOd-build". Juhn t.(wi, 1I0W :\ cOll5ltUctor, l!na:illc~r. harel.headed "No man" tu Fiahc'r. lIrivatdy wonderinl whal all the lIf1lurcing would (OIne lo~ ~.~~...: t. or MlItlGclc from T.\t Mag;r 0 UIIILDING MrAln RY.A\:Jt . . frrJ"J 7S( 1m (Jcrt to $1,000 1/ }rrJl1/ /n/ll. Tndian;;J'llli~. Irnvillf John Levi to sl1ip lhe ]ohtJ Cullin!. helping Fishl'r's drenm to boat from Mobile to Iackson...iIIe. He fruition ann him!rlf 10 (urlune: Collin.' cruised il around Iilorida, t1i!'ol:uveretl thilL N~"W JI'm:y n1:i~hlll\r, hirnd and son.in- a lIu'!;,1 It'\"Cr hat! dent'cled his comll.1S~. 1:1"'. Thnmns l~ss'lll I'n,\(o"., ; James AIIi- /Cut ~adl)' lll~:. Dul. c\"t:IIIU;IIl)' he fmmd his Mm. oo~ nf (""rl Fi~l1("r.s tllfliilll:l parlneu 1\.ay lhrou,m the 1'l1lri(L, Keys (with .\ na. (fnr whnm:t f.1molls military airplnlle mo. tlvl! l\~hrrman's help), mOClrrrlln IIIscaynr lor I! n.lm~d); Y'ubllrflym.1n ~I"\"n Halllla' H.1r in ]an"ory, ")"1. Onr lun,: l..ok:lt ':"" (f.urn ").'~ un). wI", 1I""l" him..:IC Tr M c:. f"(.Jlrttarr 1". tr)4Q JAN-05-99 02:00 PM RICHARD ROSICHAN ASSOCS 305 674 9148 P.07 NATIONAL AFFAIRS an,' Ihe 1'I'r.J.rh r.lmOUt with b."hinc....iuty phOtOST,ll'b~. nllW mtru3l~ the nL"th .....j the technique to l)epllty ]oe C'TI"'; alld (by no num" lell.t) N""ro C:ll1oW:lY, who had I't'pented of his de~ertion. h:ld become 1M personal factotum. conftcbnt. ,.,.orshi~ per of C.leI Fisher (alld nOW John Lt'vi's while-coaled, whit":'IIIIIII~1 house !\ervallt). Foundl.r Fisher m:llle the ne3l:h, m~de them ~II. He almo~t went hrokc in 11}Z2. ",eovere(l; he $lJfVlvL'l1 the hurrlcilne ot J 926, Ihe F10dda floQm ;lnd lu col!afl$c. Uc last hi~ million:! II0t on the Dc\\r.h h\lt CXI hi5 IIxtTavll8~nt d/!velopmcnt at MOD- tlluk PQint on l\'~w York', long ldxnd. When he died last JI:ly, "he bardly had one yacht to rub ag3in.st another," This IPrioe, (rom Woodlawll cemetery in Mi. ami, his body i~ tu IH: DIO~.~ III the ooly grave petmitted !Ill Miami Beach. yqUTH Mondrouc lobby "Th.. meetin!; ....iIl l'/lme: In order!" Under th.. ""h~lt.hl:I" reilill" :md !~,,- tastic ~hanrlcliers nf Ihe n,'pnrtment 01 Labllr Auditorium, thl! blJstJe and fidget 01 uver 1,000 YUllng p!:IlJllc !lCtllcd to :J whisper. nJC memhers fir th.: Am~il:;ln YUUUI CUlljlrC5.i, a!\!I(:mhlcd in Waminlllon for 11 fflur-ll:,)" (itj1.Cn~hifl institutC, ", manner lobby tor j;}lJ~, ptace, (Ivl! Jiber- lirs., ~du(CltiuJ: <Iud heallli," callie tu ueder. A. Y. (...: i\dol'kd /lloeller, Mr,,- Franklin I). koose"elt, ~(jt 1'1. dIlly ,n tho $ucOl,c1 rvw. Many a curiou, ibnc~ w:u diroctad ~t h..r. Fut on~c 'hi. ~,"siLlc WOll1:U1 h:ul PUl her. tel! in i1n alt(/{lelfll:r lull Quixotic IlOsitioll. She: was (Ill record ilS bdil:\'ing that Cummu- nisI iolllh'nrc: in the A, Y. C, was nl:glir:ihle. As 10 thaI, the young~5t youth in the hlLlI knew Ih\lt Mrs. Ruuscvell was eilller Jcid- di/Jg hersclf tlr lJcin~ lalel:n fllr ~ ride. One fI( (ht: "othl'(. Rooscvclt$, Melli. 1.,lt!, ~on of Ardli'J;lld, ~Il (If l're-ident Theodore, 31\1 by. Tlu:: dtleg~lo::t (here 4 !,(clty git! wh" cuult) "lrunl a I... COllllt, I!....", llll UnC,ni)lu}'c" JI~Jj:1n in " s,ve:lter, ~c::f(les ""XI to while friend.. slud.,nts. "~llrl'CrOIIJlers, a ft:w ''ynu.hs'' with hlLld . .' greyilll heads) were dog.tired. All ~y Ib~). ball Sl:l:n Sight', visited Cong(e~smen, ;::CUL-d, wuked Ul> & down wIth rhymlne ,,1:11:<Irds: "Heed the "lIice or :1,000,000: Keep tile: C. C. c. Clvlllan:" "~(,'llolar. ~hips nul D...tt/e~hjll~!" '.Vin is I"LiP- I'IT\' "Luut Civil LWERTY!" D..t whr." Cb"inn:1Il J1..wlo..1 J;:"n..s l,oullded his ll~vc:l. ehe Wl!:IrY (/r.I"N:lI.. lX'rktld Ul'. N"t be.."me th,'", c",,,,r.red Ihe speerh~~ to he murh ftm. or IlCCilOl'C' t1lcy rhnllllht !he meetin!; would ;ulvalll.e Ih~ ,t y, C.'s arlverli.cd aim: pallsage IIf the ~soo.ooo,ooo Murray Youth fliH to cstllb- BII 11 permanent l'"eder:\1 Youth Admln!s- I ':Itillll. Tiley hild c\Jme to see a sideshow. ihq bad ItIt.lr no p<:cIN Coc olle Murray I'avller, For 1"'0 d~y" Murru)' I'lav.....r ha,l dum. a IOl or ttlllting. JI.. had praised Republi_ r~n N:Uinnal Cumnliltee Chaillllall John TI ~II':. F\'hruary )'J, 1')4{) u. lrf. Hamilton lor rduliolJ to ac:nd a Republicall rarty deleCllte tu any Youth CUlll1reu tl1eetillg until il purgt!e1 "CIlftI. muni~tic "Iemelll. which, according t" the Dies CoUlnlillee. domino'll. it." He b~d chided Mrs. Rdosevelt lor chidilli Mr. A. Y. c.'s FIlENO She tOJJ gJJ1 Jfl<JlIltcu. Hamilton. lie !lad made public all alla,k on tbe COO6re3~ _inN by Cene TunnC}' a.nll ("lIr other you&lglah men. And lit thb DlCd- ins h.. h:ad j)r"mi~L'" there would be action. ]aek McMir:h:\cl, National Clllurrnan <If A. y, C., lttl~ up to Sf>!ak. He rambled WWlg allOut Ihe New Ueill. about Un: Ku Klux KL1n. When he stacted lI~riuillC thr Dies Committee- . "Point of Ordl:r! Pnint 01 Order!~ shouted 1'. Steven McArtltur, leaping to l1Js feet. "I want to make ~ resolution. We: IIIU.t, d,r..1f ?u~c1vc~ of the Cb.1Cg!: (If Cnrr:mllftl'lI(-'. uVou'rt! out ..r nrc!.,..'" shoufed Chair- Il\.'ln EII:lH. "HC'K nol ,.. yelled Peter Tropea. up front. w3vine a book in oue han"_ "ShlJt up. Sit dllwn! 800!" roal'td the USeDlbli:d youtb. Ch"irrnan Ennes had Mr. MI:Arlhur IOliSed out. Sptilker MI:. Midlael wc:nt on. '.1 dCIDand the noon.' sbOutl:d Arehi- biild,It.UO"I:vdt, .. J wi5h 10 \"tad ;1 \"tsulu- ti"". WI: mu.t denounce R~sia!" "V..u'rc D"t oC order'" cried EnrIL'S. ""C'i not I H. 'lI n(lt!" vellLod Peter Trnpe". _.nne hi. book. . "Doo! Thrnw them out! Shul them U/l!" Members of the ('ODg~;S, takiog l);Jrli.1ml'flt~ry prn(edure intll their OWn h~nd~, gnve Mr, '1'ro~il the bum's rush. I'cter Trope:t ptJt up a Iighl, mtnaged !ll b\"t<lk free and tllfOW his boot lit an A. Y. C. ..meer before belne ejeclro. The bouk 'IVAI ClInDon'.I""uJ,lrl in rlld lID'''' ,./ Rqp'Ul,,,r,.riwI. AKhib,.ld Roosevelt mCl\n\l;hile 'II~s Sinl(i112 out his re~lIll1l ion oyer tht din. One )'outl! brleJ'ly wrrlll~d ~hh him, He aai "',I11'n. "Ulfted, walked out. Smugly the auclienco &ettled down. Complllcently they IhtCtlcd 10 the ev.ain,', 'P"'''ehe5. Nen mornll'll tht! )lOUR' r"lh \VeTil ill fille (ellie, Delpil~ II L'Old, raw drizzle, they formed ill line ilnd pa"dt:d towards the While: nou~, 4041\6 slrooll, By the time tln:y rearhed Ihe White HOllie their spirits \Ven: chilil'ct nnel their hc:trls were not In Iheir throats as lhr.y s:lng; W,'v. lIee" &"11;11' '.(I,h'"1 rise bill love, P~"Irl;,., rita/'S ,4" 01.'7 1";"1: ue'v" ~I...,ty "/, Frolllkf;". Aft~r Ih..y h~d ~lulJIl in t'Jc nin 3n hout, UK: )luut h~' slllrils were 5orr.r.what d.1ml)ed. Finally the President ItepDed uut on the South Porlico. He began talking. He lriel)to be liCht. Nl,) une laughed. lIe made some political remuks. No one clapped, HI; was !atherl}'-Iold the dlihlr~n to be sure to cllange Inlu dry chllhe5 when they JOt burne. NIII . murmur. Then lit lit IlItu thnn. When ht iJ prc~st'd, wlu:n the time is ripe, FraDkliu Roo,~\'Clt ,.1In I)(; hhmt to tho: point o( Lrul"lil)'. F,c"d by the'c (9.-1:)', sullen kill~, I... let himJIClf 110, '" \/41 the kid, (and their adOPted mother. Mn. Franklin D. Roosevelt) a Iirsl.c111~S 5P.111killg; He lold I hl'ln 5h:irply to ktep tlll'ir noscs out of things they ltno\\' Ilothillg ahuul, He nottd Ihat Ule New York chapter o( A. Y. Co hall condemned U. S. ailllu FiR- lanll "on the srOUnd thitl su,h action was 'Ion ~llenJrt eo IOJICe Americii Into an im. p:rinlistic wnr.' L Chc:euj M). friclI.b. thd renl'Oll ....i! Uhlldul!eratClI tWllddll'. \JnndI.11- lerated I ",'adell... . . . (noo~. ~I",~h~'., 11"9d silence.] Thai Aml:rir.an s)lmpathy is 98% with the Finns in their e!ron to 5lave oft iDvasion of their own soil by now is a~io. ntatie. nut AlIl\:ric:! wants 10 help thr.m by lending or SivinS money to thl!lll to aYe their own livr.i ii also axiomatic to. d.y. That die SavleL Union would, be. Quae of Ulili, declare war on lh~ Colted Slatn ;. .buut the :Nllie'l IhoUlJht that t .wr hC4rd IIdvAnc:od ia tbe IiItt-deht Y"'" 9' my life. . . . "Jc has be4!n ;aid t11:lt SUInt! of }..... lore Communists. . , , As Americans }.llU have a right, a lecnl and cOllslituliullal ri"hl, to call yourselves C ommuniSIJ , , , but . . . you h~ve no American righl. b). a(t IIr dmI of alty Itlud, tu ~u!lverl the Go\.~rntnenl and tll~ Constitutiun IIf lhi~ lIa(illll." Nellt day, 1I1'~ "'Ilman in the (as<, ,at In Ib" lII,t word. She luld the CtJnsfl.~~ that it was finC!t is"t.rann1 nr nu ilnnr;lrh"C', lor them to put lh(~msclvc:)l dn the r~C"nrd, :as Ihey had. lur Ethiupia, ~jll. China. Cl:echu-Slovalr.ia. As to Finland: "r cllln't lhink you ~hould 1:0 on record rur anythin/J t.bat YUIJ don't hclil've in. , _ . J know all tJu: rt4!iuns tltat are riven for the Ru!\.~iao Inv3ilnn uC Finlanri. J know !Il1lhc rClls,ms b<<auac: I bave JleiJrd theRI lroln lilY C'onl- mun1st rriendG-boJt 1 slill lay I h~r~ if no dCUH for :l big lI'It;on 10 inVl\.to !I 5",~1I nalion. and Iherelore our s).rnpalhie" oucht to Ito 10 Finlanrl. " i I 21'