File Ref. #117 fIlE ~t-R-/l~CG #1(7-Al~ U I~ /9rl CITY OF MI'A~11~~ACH OFFICE OF TH~e5f12y RJi~~AGER Interoffice meMBt~~aU~E to To: David Dermer Commissioner Date: October 19, 1998 From: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager Subject: STATUS OF E BOARDWALK RESURFACING PROJECT Pursuant to your request, below you will find an update on the status of the Boardwalk Resurfacing Proj ect. Despite numerous attempts to force the Contractor (Miami Hardwoods and Plywood, Inc.) to comply with the terms of the contract for the Boardwalk Resurfacing Project, the City has had to resort to taking legal action in an attempt to find a resolution to the project. The City stopped payment to the contractor when it became clear that there were deficiencies in both product and workmanship under the terms of the contract with the City of Miami Beach. The City also had Proforest Consulting Inc., an expert in tropical hardwoods, prepare an inspection report on the new installation work and they agreed on the deficiencies in the product. In a Stipulation in Lieu of Hearing on Order to Show Cause (Circuit Court Case #97-9376 CA-02) presided by Circuit Court Judge Ronald Friedman, Miami Hardwoods acknowledged possession of approximately 17,000 square foot of "Palope" wood and approximately 50,000 stainless steel screws for attachment. Even though the Stipulation was Done and Ordered on September 3, 1997, and was without prejudice to the City's rights to a hearing on Replevin rights, Miami Hardwoods did not perform the work outlined in the Stipulation agreement. On 5/19/98, a Mediation Hearing was held before Jonathan Kroner (Certified Mediator) with representatives of Miami Hardwood, their attorneys, Property Management, and the City Attorney's Office in an attempt to resolve the contract disputes. This Mediation was rejected by the Administration because of Miami Hardwoods refusal to honor the 10 year warranty on materials and workmanship as outlined in the contract with the City. I have asked the City Attorney's Office to take whatever action is necessary including the continuation of the lawsuit and the attachment of the performance bond on the labor for the project to protect the City's interest. Mark Goldstein, of the City Attorney's Office, has informed me that a trial is set for January 1999. In the interim, Property Management crews perform inspection and repairs on the full length of the Boardwalk at a minimum rate of two times per week. These inspections and repairs are performed 7 on all parts of the Boardwalk, including railing, benches, stairs, handicap ramps and the walking surface, to assure there are no hazards or other safety concerns to the Public that use the Boardwalk. Property Management also stocks pressure treated timber materials to repair areas that are not currently resurfaced and has also located an alternate supplier of the hardwood materials if the need arises to replace the resurfacing product. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to call me at x7010. SR/CMC/BAJ e,~ cc: Christina Cuervo, Assistant City Manager Murray Dubbin, City Attorney Brad A. Judd, Director, Property Management Mark Goldstein, Assistant City Attorney A,'IBOARDWAL.WPD lQ - TO ~/Y1C!- ~ /()~~ CITY OF MIAMI BEACH Date / ~// d?'.f/ FROM SERGIO RODRIGUEZ & _Please note and see me _Please note and return to me ~ your review and approval LP,ease prepare reply for my signature - Please follow through _Please give me your comments ~r your information Immediate action deSired _Please answer, with copy to me _For your signature Remarks: 13P~/fz4::... - .dl~o ~"" (k;/J?m ~ (!:ActLJ Jo # ppofr . ~I ~~1 1 Clt1cJf GSA-6 0688 CITY OF MIAMi:BEACH ~ .... v OFFICE OF THE MAYOR & COMMISSION TO: Sergio Rodriguez City Manacre,.r ,(\ ;)1 / David Derme CommissioneC U FROM: DATE: October 12, 1998 RE: Status report for Boardwalk Resurfacing Please respond as soon as possible as to the status of the resurfacing project for the beach boardwalk. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER Interoffice Memorandum m To: Murray Dubbin City Attorney Date: October 13, 1998 Via: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager From: Mayra Diaz Bu tacavol~. ~,J~~ Assistant City Manager- r. --(J-- Subject: MIAMI HARDWOOD LAWSUIT Please have your office respond in writing to me the following information concerning Miami Hardwood: 1. Court date. 2. What is the City of Miami Beach requesting for damages from Miami Hardwood? 3. Is there an existing Performance Bond on the project from which the City can collect? 4, What City staff will be needed to attend the trial? Thank you. c: Christina M. Cuervo Janet Gavarrete Julio Grave de Peralta Brad Judd Kevin Smith F:\CMGR\LCDI\MDB\MEMOS\MIAMIHAR. WOD