File Ref. #120 CI'!f (!/6fC./d rlt&' I~f # Iza-Al,-)o,1 --- ~H:CE.t\lEO ... '" .,~... nO \"Y} '-) 0 M'\ \ \: 38 ';iU hL,} ~ ~ " ""~ OffICE "', ,r \/ Lt U<,t'\ .;, vII ~ - IN RE: CITY COMMISSION NOVEMBER 4, 1998 AMENDMENT TO MIAMI BEACH ZONING CODE CHANGING THE ZONING MAP AND ZONING REGULATIONS BEFORE THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA VERIFIED COMPLAINT UNDER SECTION163.3215(4), FLORIDA STATUTES Pursuantto Section 163.3215(4), Florida Statutes, Complainant, KENT HARRISON ROBBINS, files this Verified Complaint as a condition precedent to the institution of an action pursuant to the cited Section and states as follows: 1. Complainant KENT HARRISON ROBBINS is the owner of real property located in the City of Miami Beach, Dade County, Florida, which consists of a block on the west side of Collins Avenue between 76th and 77th Streets and with the legal description of Lots 1-6, Block 23 of the Corrected Plat of Altos Del Mar, Number 1 Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 31, Page 40 of the Public Records of Miami-Dade County, Florida (the "Property"). 2. On November 4, 1998, at a hearing before the City of Miami Beach City Commission, the City Commission approved a change in the zoning designation of the Property from RM-2 to RM-1. The changing of the map zoning designation and the change in the permitted uses, the FAR, and the height allowed on the Property is inconsistent with the Miami Beach Comprehensive Plan which designates the Property as Residential Multi-Family Medium Density (RM-2) on the future land use map. The FAR, intensity and density allowed under the RM-l zoning regulations is inconsistent Page 1 of 4 with RM-2 designation under the comprehensive plan. Additionally, the permitted use of hotels and apartment hotels, which is allowed under RM-2 zoning and RM-2 planning designation, is not allowed under an RM-1 zoning classification. Related permitted, accessory, supplemental and conditional uses are restricted or prohibited. 3. Further, the reduction in FAR and height reduces the feasibility of family sized apartments with three bedrooms contrary to the stated objective and policy of the housing element of the comprehensive plan. Contrary to and inconsistent with the mandate in Objective 2 and Policy 2.2 that the City provide incentives for the development of units with three or more bedrooms, the subject rezoning is a direct disincentive for the construction of such units. Furthermore, when considering that 60 units per acre would be allowed pursuant to the most recent City interpretation of the Silver decision, the reduced FAR would allow apartments of about 60 apartments of 750 square feet each which would not allow for two, three or greater bedrooms per apartment. Prior to the changes made on November 4, 1998, it was more likely that family sized units would be built. 4. The Planning Department has recommended to the City Commission that "area #37," the zoning district in which the Property is located, remain with an RM-2 zoning designation. The staff has expressed particular concern that this change would cause the removal of hotel and apartment hotel use from the district which is contrary to the present use of the designated area. Indeed, immediately west and adjacent to the subject property on the south side of 77th Street is the Baltic Hotel. While the Baltic Hotel would be permitted to continue its use as a hotel as a non-conforming use Page 2 of 4 subsequent to the proposed change, the subject property may be prohibited from that very same use. Many other properties in the district would also be permitted to continue to be used as apartment-hotel, hotel and motel use as non-conforming uses but this use would be denied to the subject property under RM-1 zoning. 5. The change in the zoning district is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 6. The relief sought by the Complainant is that the City of Miami Beach City Commission declare that the Property is not included in the area #37 downzoning and that the zoning amendments and changes in regulations do not apply to the Property. Alternatively, to reverse the zoning amendments and changes in regulations to the extent that they apply to the Property or to declare the zoning amendments and changes in regulations approved on November 4, 1998 to be null and void. ~~~ KENT HARRISON ROBBINS 1224 Washington Avenue Miami Beach, Florida 33139 (305) 532-0500 Florida Bar No. 275484 Page 3 of 4 VERIFICA TION STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE I, KENT HARRISON ROBBINS, (DL R152-508-54-211 0 do hereby swear and affirm upon direct personal knowledge that the information ~~e~ KENT HARRISON ROBBINS ! / ,- ;J_t-J<?- /;j;~~'L~ NOTARY PUBLIC ,,~, Julia FemendII *W *M>I Conllllllllan CCIItJII ~.::.I ExpiIeI......... CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, KENT HARRISON ROBBINS, do hereby certify that service of this Verified Complaint was made by hand within thirty (30) days after passage of the challenged amendments, that is, on November 30, 1998 to the office of the Clerk of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida. 33139. ~L~ KENT HARRISON ROBBINS Page 4 of 4