File Ref. #122 C 1'10/ (!&:nrs /.fr #- ! zz-k< 'I ,.,,,/ Christine, Please find attached copies of a City of Miami Beach ordinance (dated 1977) and a Dade County Ordinance (dated 1978) , referring to the establishment of a trust fund for the South Pointe Redevelopment Area. These documents were requested by you sometime last week. The Dade County ord. was received via mail yesterday, the 7th. Please let me know if you need further information. Dorothy BJVJ 6329 1_/ , ""mended Amended '\r;~nd.:J Item,:-Jo. ' 4-1-78 7S - 20 (.:J) ORDIcL\cJCE NO. 78-20 ORDlcl,\,....;cS DELEG,'I'fING ,\UTHCRITY CONFER?:':::J UPO:-J DI\DE COUN7Y TO ESTABLISH A REDEVSSCp\IEcJT TRUST FUND UPON THE CITY OF MI~II BEACH F0R THE ACQUISITION AND REDE'lELOPMEcJT OF TH:: SOUTH BE,\C! ,\RE,\ IHTHI:-J :'lIA:'lI OE,\CH SU3-':-SCT TO THE I.'ll'LE:'IE:n,\TION 02 THE PI,,\N WITH MODIFICATIONS THAT WAS PREVIOUSLY PRESENTED TO THt: BOt\lW OF COUclTY COM:1ISSIONERS; PROVIDING FOR APP?OPRI"-:-IO~: OF FUNDS MW C,\LCULATION OF INCRL,C:-JT ~'OR DEPOSIT ICJ:'O FU:-JD; SETTING FORTH 08LIG,\TIO:: 70 APPROF ~""TE TO FUND A.'1D DURATION OF OBLIGATION; PROVDIcJG FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF BONO INDENTURE, OTHER FINANCICJG INSTRUMECJTS OR ORDINACJCES OR RESOLUTIONS AUTHORIZING A FINANCING I~STRUMENT; PROVIDING FOR REVIEW OF FI~ANCIAL RECORDS AND RIGHT OF AUDIT; PROVIDING A FINDING OF PUBLIC PURPOSE; PROVIDING SEVERJ\BLILTTY; PROVIDI~G INCLUSION IN T"'" CODE; AND PROVIDDIG ,\..'l EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, tne Legisl.:Jture 0: Florid.:J enac~cd ~:;e CCIC"-nuni~y Redevelopment Act 0: 1969 durin~ the legislat~ve session held during 1969; and WHEREAS, all powers arising through the a:otesaid enilct- ment were conferred by that enactment upon counties wi~h ho~e rule chart~rs, which counties 1n turn ilre authorizcd t:J de:ega~e s'lch ~)O'^'ers to muni=ip<.11il-ics within their bour.rll..:ries '...;r.cn such :r:~-.ic~- palities wish tn undcr~a~0 ~ed0\elopment proJects ~l~hin the~= ::espective municipal ooundilries; and WHERiAS, such authorization for counties to delega~e 3uch powers to munici?alities is contained in Sec~io~ 163.4:8, Florida Statutes, which statcs: "163.1110 r:xercis~ of' pO\oler:> 1:1 c:JlJnties \-lit.h hOi71c r~llc chart.c:--s.--In COU:1tiC3 \.Jhic~""l hll'l(: adopt,..'r. hn;':1c~ r'u:c char~cr~, t.h0 pO'..Jcrs CO~~0.rrcd h'l t..hi~~ p:lt'~ Sh':111 be cxc:"ci~ec cxclu~ively by Lhe f0vcrnlns bndy of ~uch COli n L y . i: 'J'_' r~ 'I e r , t h 0. eo (l 'I ern i n ~ b 0 S :: 0 f " n J 3 U C h CO U 11 ~ J \,1 h i c h h ,. s " rl 0 [l t c d a h 0 C1 C r u1 c chartel' 1:1.1'" in its (Jl$cc'ctlon, by r'csolution del '1 G Z1 I. e t i, ': (' X C r' c i "c 0 r the po \; <? r s c. 0 n r e IT e C upun :>;dd cOllnl.y by t:1i" p,.l't within the bounrlC\ri~:; or :l :nunieip,.lit.y to the r.o'I,~rnin3 bolly ot" ;.uei, .1 n1l1nieir:<lity. Such:< dclelption to ;1 1111n j c i ;),\1 i ty sh:lll C'Jr1 ("'~r on 1 y ::lIch power's upun Z1 1~\",~'::ir:\ll~J' .':', :;1\.-111 be ~pc(:\ricZ111:; ~nll~nertlt..(:(l 1:1 t.he dl~lt~:~rlt.inr. r'c~olution. ^n'J [lO\ll:/' nnt ::;'1'C:liric,.lly (!'~lc;:i1tc<j Sh;lll b,~ I'l~.'~r.:r''JI'd (~:"-:"l';~'/(..:l'l tn t.h(..: Vl)'.'C'r"nirl? :)()(J'j o~., thr: CCllJfI L'j. l! i ,1nd .~~i~~~-~~~~",;~-,~.,:;--:,~-:,.~. '. ." . ~ (Y'.l'" '.. .- . 'pot ~ ,....~.. . -, ., .-r-..... ..I~ '. .',~' ~. . .~~:,:. ~.: ~~.:.:T, l~ ~~.:~,:,,:~,:-,._::~~,.,~....,.',~~.,:.~,j~_~-.'_,.;,-~"".,.~.:..,' ~..:":':..,...~..~~~.~...,:':':7;' " .'i..' ;".,:,:~.,: " ';, :....,., ',".. .;..:....., ~ " ,".,"':'..-'.. :-.~,,~,.':.~.~ :' ..,.', . _. .... . . ..-.- ,~ :').6' ..'....1'1t ." . _'j I: ..... . ._ ,_ .~~;,... /:"~~:,., ._ ..~'. " ....: .......:. .' ~ 0#', ----.~,.- .~ .....,.{,~ '. . 4.~' I ..... ,,:' .,', . ...... ~~. " ..... ':. :':.:' .L~.',,~ ',,;. ~i:-~:; :-... ." ...: ,. .. · " . "r''''~. ,.' . ..,.,;. ,,_~' ~~. \II - ~ ~ . '. ... .... ....:.. 1 ....,.... 't,', ...... ':.~.1 41! ...-.....:,....i~.~.. .. ~t:' .. .. :":'>.: "'ftl." ... . ." ". .. -: ~ .. . '.. , '- ':., ...:..,\.... . '''' .' .. .~. .1 -:-.'" ... ~~:...' .. ~ .~'" ,. .:. .... ',." J. ,,' ! IS 2(1 .~.......~. . . . .. '. " . ," ~ '. . '\;:'\0 n ~~'( d Amended Agond.:l :~'2;n >10. ::: :;a:1 ?age :10. 2 ~;--' ...,' ',,1iE?E:,\S, t:,e City oE :'!LJr.i 8e<lch, acti~g t:':::Jug:, i::5 8wn .. ',. ..;, cc~~unity recevelopmen~ agcncj i~di~ute~ its wiJh to ~r.~e~t~~c a ~ ,.' ?~ojCCt whic~ will i~v()lvc the QC:l~isit~cn and ~edeve~o?men~ :n '.. , accordance wit~ a rIan Eor rcdcl/clo?me~t: o~ tha~ ~ort~o~ o~ ~iami Be~c~ known as SC)\jth ae~ch ~nd extc~d~~g from St:<th Scr~e~ on the north to Gove~nlnent CL:t 01'"'1. ~:le ::'ou:.h and from t~e A~:ar.ti.c; -= Ocean on t:,e east to Biscayne Bay on the west; and , ' .' f";rE:REAS, the redevelopmen t trus t fund will provide payme:1 t for the construction, l'econstruction or relocation of county facilities made necess"ry by the ::edevelopment projec::; and WHEREI'\S, the City of >~L1mi 3cC\ch on F\~b::;"ua=/ 1, 1977, =e- ," , t . 2 ~.../ ~. l' t" ~~:.~ i-~l: ~~a !!a' ' a~!; ~;_~J "~l' ~::~i .II~ lao~ =,~: ~~(, J-~~;! h~~ "ryg litH !~~::~ _1_ot iJnt ~~~!, .'1Q.... ;:~: :l.~, lOp-- : ....... ,nal _ If Y l' q'...:est2c tl1e COUri':y to \1dopt a ~csolut:c:i ~ursuar.:. to ~"e p:ovisic. s .. of Section 16~,410, floridu Stututes, delegating to the City of Mia~i Beac:, all powers then conferred by the stat~te upon Dade County, , , but only with regard to thut portion of Miami Beach d~scribed in . ~ the preceding whereas clause so thut the said municipulity coule - ~ I proceed.. to adopt its pla'1 Eor r0developClen::, and acquire and ar::ange for the redevelopm0nt (If the above desc~ibcd por::ion of ::he S11~ City; d:1d WHEREAS, the Board of County Com!Tllssioners of Dade County passed on February 1. 1977, Resolution :;0. R-83-77, e:1titled: f ..~ "RESOLt.:TIO:; DELCG,\Tr:JG ,\:'1. rOI-lERS CON- fE:RRED t.:rON D,\DE Cll;~J7Y U:mER THE: CO:A"'1(;':-JIT', REDEVE:LO?,"!E:JT ,\CT Of 1969 UrON THE CfTY or :~L\,~I B2,\C:l fOR TliS ,\C(JUIS f:'ION ACiD R:::J[';'J[';LO?:tE:-i:' or :':IS SOC'7H .3F.;\CH t\;u:::\ I,';::'!!:>: ~'1:.;.\~: 3S..'\CiI SU8JECT T'J THE I ~J'" ~:::>rr:;J7.;:' ;001 (]:- Tlf 2 ?Li\:-J PRESE.:~7=D TO -:':!S JOARD OF C'JUN70{ COMMISSIDNERS"; ':':1G ..... -"_0. ; :.., " J ~-_ WHSREAS, t:..'1e delegatio:1 '0:: aU:::-:Ol'lt'l '....as ex?::essly :nade subject to the implcme:1tation of the redevelo~ment plan ?resentcd :nat da::e to the Board of County Cor=issione:-s, '....i:::, a:1Y substantial .. ,~ devia:ion being subjec~ to ~'C subsequcn~ a~p~~va~ of the aoa=~ a: ,. COllI1 ty Commiss ioncr's; .1nd " WHSRS..\S, ,3. substarl':.ia: .1":cdi:ic3.':.icn 0: the :?lan 1,y.:lS ~=cs~:1~.~d ~_..... -;-~ '~I-' 1,-" ':"lJ ,,\C1'> ~r.'"d :<~~~~~:J,~C= ~.~~ ?:1 '-1'~ ~'Jc. 4 l' c!01:0l8~:-::C~:: , :"~~1S<~ 0 =- ~::.e p:'"J~)e-:::.i'~3 ,1 ;'. '.lr:ib, ~ :: :"2':..l1.:':e::: ':'.-: C.......-.'~::- S:-;':':J ~'.f :;;c C.:.,:~., 3:-'.,; ::~'':':;:~',~' <':~.'~:"1,:,~'l j',' l::C:-C:.:1Se:..: ;)33~S3,~r: ':~~''':':'~:'2:; c: ?=8~e=::y =es~~~:~0 ~_':';,~ ?::"'")=~C:; (1 :-'..:. '~'n::::?:.'\.3 , _:. ~ t: ': :- .~ ,; :.3 C '; ~ .1:: ~ ~ ~ "_' :.:: c ~:"'O ~ C .:: O~.: ..: ,2 >.:-~; ,..1. ":. :...:-; ,-; ':.; JU CS:~::;":"':'3.-, d :-'3~:".2t:,-=: _.: ~ :=~lS: [>1.....,:: a:i':: :U:--.::.:->; <1:< i....r::~~Q~ ':; 1;'::,: ',</1-{22.:.\5, t.;,~S :](;_-.'- 1 '-Al.:.:L';..:"'~~j :~J ac:cmpli.s;'" ':~9 ~',~:-:;cse::'J.::'- li~ed 1.:1 :.;;e me:":".c':'-d:"">cL.:.:n ::-:J::1 .i'~ ':,Y-"::i':'f ~':-.1n.)CJe=, a C8;'Y 0: .,y.:....::.-;, :.s at~ached t8 th~s O=~::1a;;c2, ~o= t~~c =~~scns delinea~2d the=~~~; 3~i '"",!EKSA3, -:':l(~ BCcJ::-d :;C':-'~:J'./ : 1.:' ~s :.hQt this de:egat:=~ a~d ensu:nc 3??~op=i~tio~ 0~ ~~~js 3C=V~3 a 9ub~:= ~~=pose. ~:(;~o,J, 7:~:::?:E:7\j:~::, B:-": T-:- "\-J.JI\=~:;':J JY 7':{2 ~Cr\;"',D ''JF C:'-.::,;:-'~' C:~_~:SS.l:D~;E~S 0::- :).:-....:.s C()u~r;'~, i"':.:'~:J,\: Sectic:1 ~:1CO=~O:-d~~S~ G: foregoing rec:t3tic~3. :'::a :o:-egoi:1g :-cci-=..J::,:;:;s .:!r~-, ,'",,\~..., :~',,' ~ d - - :~=v~?orate as a ~ur: 0: ........ ; - _..... ..;I or,': ~:;d:1CC. .:Je,:::. i.c:"'. 2 , " ::-c l ~~' j .,1 ~. t:J es.aj:~3,"'" a .1 'J -: :1 0 :- : t. ',' :':~- d~~elopmen: t~~s: ~U;', .c: :~e Cl:Y a~ ~l~ml Beach. :-:-:e J.''':::-.::.:..::/ t:> c:-ea<:e a redc'/el:;~rr.{):I: ::'l';S~ ':'-':..lr'"j (" ::-;c ::-~"1dlt ~ JS :ie:.:.:'"..~~ Section 11 0: C~a[Jt.c~ 7--39:, :"~'...'S c: ?~ori.~a [Sec:io:'1 ~5~.J3", F':::~ida S':a':'..:tes (:j~n! .'i ~111!'('bt! d~lag~~~d ~o ~~e C~~y c~ '1'1-' 3e;)~h ::'U::.':) ~j,Jn ~ :~C' 16 3 . ~f]'-:: :.. 8::--:-".':,,::.:, :-:;-. .. . J::' ~:.3 --1-"-:::l.~ ...,--_....._~-, ...... --,' sol e l,! '..,:.::.:t .: ~ s ::: c c: ...) ,. ~ ,) ~l:- ~ ,-; ...... . ': '"",' ':" .1 ::i . ': '''':' ":.:--- ;11.2 ,1 : '., 1'1. _.:i ::C'l:-:dec: ~'! .s ::<::", ; ~ ' .' :- -;, ,"':",t':l : ::-:~ ,;:.13r.:.:..~ ;:C2J:-: 0~ :~~(: J_':;':':;l':'~.,:: ~.:: '; :.:--. 1_' ,-~ ,);:; .~ '....'.~ .3 -: C:Ji:'"..~U:1it'f Rede'/cLQ?[;1,c;;~ ;l~'}JCC':' ,,\:-'~..)":I. -.-ic ~ -2 ~(-: ': :',J;-: ':-:-:.:.. s "~"j::'2 je~: :~ t~c ?~ovis:.on3 0~ RCSQ:~l~:=~ ~-33-77. ~aS3C~: ,:):; ?-=':::-''':d:-~/ 1977~ al1c ~esol'.j+::'c:;, :10. .1.-5:-'7'-3, :>133i-~~~ 'J:""; ';ar.t"':'3::~: - " -" -1:"'.:: :0 :...'ie :;-. .~ i:,:''\;> le~er::..1 ':..:..~ l: '_~l:'/'2 ~ Jc~,e:".: <) :' ~; - ~"! :; .-, - ;':i'~.-: : "J''': :......c 3oa:d a~ ~:10S'3 ~~~~3. :.~: -:':'-:,):_:;:1 ~ 3 ,~Li,~(? "T"...... ,. ~ .. _ .:J ::-:3: :.-'~ 3J.~:' Ci:y ~ay ~cscc~d .~~:~ :-:J :: :";::e':~':" :;~~e~. -:, :.iC ,..1d::J:)'.:~:~ .j :; -.j:-: dnd ~~~ dC1~i3i=ia~ ~~ ?::~ge:::! -~.:i ::~~'~','e::;.:~,e:;: - . :;r, -.... - ~ .~ ':l ' .--, .... - - - -..... '..... - .... 1 :.-,,> '1 ':::--..........; '':' t; ::':]w'e= , ..- _..:;l _ , "' '0' ~."'""!""- ..' - ..... ',' ".~~'. ~ ' ," .-::.",' ~:>,'.;:, ~ :~~;.: ':,~ - . . .... .; .:-.e;'~"~, '.~:..' : ....; t& :'/ L:- :t . :~ .~. .' " -' .. .. . . ..- .; il . ..f.. ';', '.-f .,,,',' '- . ~ \ W 'r"":". ~. :,1;. ~ ,~ .; I . I" I! : : I~" ' , . ',I .. " l I . j~ -- I. :1 jl ,I . j! j' ~ J I' .( 'I , it ". r '..r " ( , ~ ';J-, ~ J I' I , ' r t .j ~~~............,...................-.-,..~~. ~. . ~,'. _.._~ .~,"'.:I.<.~,:;:~~:~ ,:-:. ~,: "~.~7:.,, ,.:', '.....I..~~:...,.... "',/'.; ..,.:, ...::" ..';;:~..;.;~., y ". .. ..:....,' "'" ..~ ',."', ",...... ..'p.... ..... ...:..... , .. .. . '. .' . ..~. ".' .. ".' ~.~ j ~ ......., -,;' '. w....: . '.. :~.:.;. " .."~ .._'~" ".. ~~~.~'/' . ~'... #':'eJ':: .. ~ . _ ".. J ." t . . .... ~ . ....~. " ~ '".... . ,- ,.~'l> , " -., ?n 1:)-.....\) ,\me!1ded l\:ncnccd ~genca Itc~ ~o. (a: ~.),-:~e :io. 5 St~ctiO:1 J. A?pr~9r~~ti'Jn of ~unds; calcu:a:i2~ oe ,~_ C:-'2~C:i:' . The CO'J..n ":..'/ 3:1,1 ~.~ 1r~:i!~<..11lv ~J,l.~/ L'1~Q the F~.:.:"':-:.: I J. 3',":"''7\ ~C\...lJ.: :'0 t,.....c 1.:lC:-~r.1t::i t. .l..:"', ':.~""1~~ :...:....c:..;:T':C J tJ::-')c~~ds, ::'~~\"Cr',I...':'CS 2;':1:' :'-..:...-,,-:s 0: ~he Cou~t'! cer-i'led ~:-ar:1, ~::- :i'_~:'d 1:1 cann'2ct.:.on '.,..;:.t:J ':.:.....8 COl.'...-::'..J:i:':::'/ rcdcl/cl~~mcnt project ~~c~, ~n(l ~hc CLc'/'s unje=tak~~g J.:id C3==Y~:ig nu~ ;'J: ~'1e cO~'":1u:1ity recev~l()pmr'>-._ '..:,).~~ct ~lan. T~e i~~:-~mcn~ s~d~l be dc:crrni:lcd anr.ually and .'-:L..:lll be that dr.-,Ol1:1t. eqL.: ~:) t:1C dif:-=:-ence ~H~ :WCC!l : (a) ThJ~ nmount of ad valorem taxes lev:ed eacn year by the County a~ taxahl~ real ~roperty c~ntaincc '""ithin the 'lcoqr.:Jf.1hic boundaries of the com.l:lu:1i::y t"0cevclopmcrlt r.roJcc:, ;1.rca; 3.:'ld (hi 7hl~ a~,ou:1t 8: ad valorem t:lxes '""h.:.c". '""culd have been produced by the ra~e upon which the ~ax is levied each year by or for the Coun~y upon the total of the assessed v:llue of the taxable real pro?er~::' in the cOmr.1unity r,.~devC'Lo~Jmcn~ project area, as shcw'r. u,?or. t.he asscssm(~;" t ro 115 used in connection 'vi t.~ '::-;e taxa~.:..o:-: (): such proper':/, by tl1e Coun,:'/, 1.:15': cqualL~ec ?:"i.o:r ':.Q the cffccti\~n d~tc of the City's rcsolutio~s ~;os. 77-15283, 7i'-1529t oH':d 77-]5413, aco;J~ed on ~L):-:;' 2:1<::, ,'1.1rch 30th .Inti !\uqtlst 17th, i977, respectively, ap- r-r'ovinq :;'0 c:Jm.rnun.i..':,/ ::"cc:cvel.cpmcn: ~l.)n '~i.t~ ~cdi.:i- cati.ons. : l~ r_',11 ::ultl t. tng the i:lcrc;:",cn ~, :hl: d:TlOUr,: c: ':....h~ ad \J<.l:::::"~::; tJ.:<CS le'l:.ec L.JoSc':l on ~;,~ cou~ty-!"",:de cebt. sC:"\'~CC or. COU~-:'I boncLi s:-:a:':' be ':.o+:a::''j pxc 1 ud(~rj :rom the l:d l.cula ': ion. ~ll i~cremcn: i~ thi3 ~7=~n': sha:l '_'(J:l~lntJC to be us(~d for its VO~'2=- ~?~roved ;::H.1::':JoSe a:1G 3:-'3.:1 ~Q': :::e .lpr,'ropr i..1 t~C:' i.1 3:"lY pilr:. :0 :.~c f'l..lj",d. f r--10n ~".' .i..... .... ~. .. ;, , . . ..,,- ., . ...;";~..;..<. k- ',".:.;:. ".<~,<,( -;' :..:. .'" ~':" ............. "... .'11.~ .. .... . ..~~.~ " " . '. .....' ~ . , .. .'. .~'.' " ......" . ~ ... ., ....:: :.,:, .,-. ~ " .. . .. I':'" $ ,. " ...:-=- " .,' .( ~~iA ~ ~ ~ !H ~p . :! ~ f l: __3_. ~ II ~ ~ -, (: ." ~ Il, ' II t-, V!. idi ~ "~I-' fllQa ...f .~!i J ~ ~ h i1J l~~~!Ui ~llHa1 h!Ho i~~:~ :1~~.O ~./.r~'-' :Il~l~~: 11 ~ Q V ! 5 -: ~:t : :n!- .' :d::rt-n. !U1l...... -,.. '. .. ';... ..' .-........ "'\ -~ " , : . , 78 20 t\mc:1IJed I\~encted Aqenda : ::'.~~ :10. _ ,1) ?<1ge ~~c. ~ Sec~ion 4. Obl~s,3t:o~ to dppr~priatc; dur3~~2~ oe cbliga:ion; li~itations on (Jb:~0~~~on, bond sal~s a~d ~~~~~dl~~3; 3c::aU:1t..:.ng ::-equ.:.:-emen:s fo;:- CGl.:;',':.'/ :..ncre:-:"'I~;:t. -- T:11_"' C.J,:~':.:': ~~:"L-t:': 3:1n~a:ly ar?ror~iate to the F~~~ ~hc t3X incre~c:1: due :~c ?~~~ ~':. t~e ~egi~~inq 0E the Cou~tyts ~isc~l YC3~. HC'N'C1Jer, th~ ?:Jnc S;lJ.~: =ecei\"e the tax inc~ement only as, if ]~d whe~ 3uch t3:<es 3=2 collec~~d by the Coun~y. T~c ~0un:i's obligation to a~~~~?ria~e to ~he F~nrl shall be rescindable a~ the discretion 0: th~ County if a period of six years passes from the date of the initial bonning or indebtedness described below without a new sale of bonds or. other new co~~it~ent of County tax increment dollars to t~e payme~: 0: debt service for c3pi~al i~provcmcnt or land acquis~~icn bonds, except that the rights of eXlsting bondholders shall be pro~ected. 7he CO~~ty's obligation to annually a??ropriate ro the c~nd shull commence im.."nediately upon the c::ecti.vn da~c 0: this c:-d':':Ia:1Cc and continue until all loans, advances and indebtedness inc~rred as a result 0: the communitj ~cdcvelopment project h~ve been ~aid or fo: two years' from the ef~cc:ivc date o~ this ordl~a~~a, i~ there has not been at the end o~ that two year period, a oledce of the tax increment funding granted by this ordinance through the iss~ance, s.:\le and delivery 0: an instrument o~ indebtedness such ~as bonds or tax ilnticipation notes described in SeCtiOn 163.385, Clarida Stat~tes (1977). In no year shall the County's obligation to the cund exceed ~h~ amount 0: that year's tax incre~e~t as d~ter~i~ed i~ Section 2 0: this ordi~~ncc. B ., ., eg':":1:1':":iq ''';:':.; :::".e t~entie~h ye~r after the d.:\te 0: s.:\le 0: the initial bo~~:ng 0r i~deb~cd~ess and in every yea~ ~hercQ~t~r, t~c C~u~:,!ts ~~~ua~ a~9r09riation to the F~~d sha:: ~ot exceed the a~oun: ~~:.~~ ':"3 de~03i:ed in t~e nineteent~ yca=. Beginning with the t~en~ie::h y~ar a::e~ the date 0: sale 0: ~~e ini~ial bondi~c or ~~~~bt~d~ess ~o ne~ sale of bonds or indeb~edness suo2o~~ed jy t~c C~'~~~'/IS "j} :c1210 :l~' ,'/1- ~. ~ 11 I 1 ~ ~ l+i1 lIP " s..; f ,; !:3!. I~, h~ ~ ~ . ~, I' ~!., v liB j/ "jlJ i!l;~ -2 ~'i!~ ~ !!~(, .Ii !YA~g-:.J g~~ ~ . r1 ~~ &Y1i .0 1j H" !,,~:1 :h~~o l!lSl~""'. !~~~ ' .~~" :l' ~!. ;p~~ . 1I~~::~ !ui~Uo/ IS - 20 ..\:11c'f)lJ\.:d Acenda rt~~ S2, ~ ?..1~-:e :'Jo. -; t3X i~c=ement ma~' OCC;Jr no~ ~AY e;<isti~g i~debte~neS3 so s~c~o~:2d be ='~:1J....-.o:ded '",i..~:;out a:)or":Jva~ c: :':18 DC<:1:";: of C.:'-.::-:t:::' Ccmr:1issi:J~~~"':3. T~e Cou..?"}~y' s i:"lc:.-e~e:L:: cO:l.~:,i,hu::i.8r'.S a::'~ ::.:) ~~ aC:::OUrl::.ec. [2:: as ,:} St2?a:.-ate =e~.'enue ';tL::hi..:1 t.:1e :'-':'0.d bu': may :::~ cor:\bir.e.:: ',.;~':.:--: ::':..-.<~:- =e':e~~~s ~o= the ~u:-~ose of ?ay~~g de~= s~=v~ce. Sectio:1 5. Review and d?prova: o~ m~3':.e: ~o~d l~ce~tu:,~ 0= other financi:Lg ~:Lst=ument 0: o=di~ance or resolut:on 3ut~o=i:~~g fi:1anci,'\', instruments; review of subsequent financi:1g inst='..:.r.'.er.~s to assure compliance with master indenture. -- 7~e County Camrr,i:s~cn shall review and approve the initial master bond indenture and c=d:~ance or resol~tion a'J.tho~izing :i~a~cing i~strlli~ents and i~s~=~~en~s of indeb~edness such as bonds or ~3X an~ici?a~icn notes as riescribed in Section 163.385, Florida Statutes (l977), as ~o its provisions relating to refunding, prepayment and red~mption, other provisions relating to the governance of financing instruments and instr~~ents of indebtedness, the application of funds necessary ~o pay costs of necess~ry res:den::al property acquisition, moving expenses a~d relocation benef::s as prOvided under the Redevelopment Plan. Subseque~: :i~anci~s ins::-u..'TIents 0':- i:1St.:t.tf:1e:1ts of i:1debted:1ess ?re~a=ed :)U:-Si;d.":: to the master indenture shall be reviewed by the Coun~y Manager and shall be appro'Jed unless he de~ermines that the i.ns~='..:,ment5 do ~ot conform with the terms o~ the 3??roved i~itial mas:e:- :~- den~~re and or1:nance or =esol'J:io~ a~t~o=i:i~g findnci~g ~~- S:=',::':'1en:s. Section r,. ;<eloc.)~:..c:--. .J.3S:'3:'3::C~ ~:"-:st fu::c. -- C'..::. 0: the proceeds 0: each Daile: S;l':':~, ::-:e:-= s;"".a2..1 ::,e '""ithd=3',,/:-:, placed i~ trust, and sepa~a~ely accow,ted far, such sums as are prescri~ed i~ the ~edc'/elopme~: ?~a~ t8 ~ay t~c COS~3 of ~CV1~; expenses and reloca~ion benefits. ~ ~: I, ?c1211 t. I'j :> ~ ~./ --r ~ . t l:' I' 1~;~H; /.1 i ., ~ ~; , ' ~ ! (. .' ! ! ~ J ' :~ ~~!~ :l, ~ j, ~ ': .::); ii, i'., V~: v ~ r. , ~~3~ V: :Ii~ .. 0& f PI~ ~'-~ ~ U ! r oJ h ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~::n~1 r;~3;~O ... 41 II ":s.:i"l' !oa:, :H~.o ~..,~'-' ~~!r'Wl; ;~~v~. ; : ~ ~: . " . _ Y I :!~...:.~ ~id;ttg.. !Hn ~c., {J ,in ~l) ,\~~..."'!(~......~~ :\~I~~~J(A0l1:: '~~n :' :.1 G'~ ~J 0 . 3 ~J(1 . S-:?C~':'C:-'. , '. : :'~,-1:-'.C':'3;' :-.:;,.:::: :-::'3 ; :::.-;:-: = c: .) ''';' -=..:.. :. . ?c"/i ~'...' ')-: -- 7~e ~ . .. . ::'~~~C13~ ~2C~~~j ':.:--..~ c:",::-.,:, 3:....-1:..: ::I~ a.'11:':'3.:::'~ .::'):: 1.:-:3:;e~'::.o:-: ,1:--'.:' t;,t2 Con~':'/ :-;~;.)~~~-'."~':; '::--.13 :-:..!;-,~ c: 3.~(::'~. .:3~-:':.':'C:;'l 8. 7~:'3 s=~':"~2nc2 ~e:'~'7 ?';j:;..:: ?'J:-2(~S.~. a ;~~__2 ;~=~c3e , ., ':...i'~ I::' ':,:'::=:~3 ::::'~:-':1 ' :<J.G2 (J.;";C :::;~~ ''';~~:l.:"~ :.:..0:-.:.d3, 5;-;3.':'':' bc li.~e=J.l.l\' ":8:13:.:'-.:ec ::J e:':~C~'..4a:(\ t:'e ~l':':'-?OSes t~e=eo': . S~c:.:.on 9 ~ I: an: sec~:o~, subsection, ser.tenc9, c:a~S2 0:: f'::":Jvis.:.cn of t.."1is ordi:1an~e is hp.ld inv3.1id, the r~mai:1de:" 0: t..'li3 c::::::':':1.3.:1ce shall :lot ::e a::ect.ed :,y sue;' i~validi,:? :;'~C:';..O:i 1,,). I: :'5 :':le ':':"":"':~:1':.:..ar. 0: t..~e 3oa::d 0: C:J1..:.:::": :~~ni3sic~e=s, and ~~ is her~by o=ja:~~d t~a~ t~e ?~~~isions ~: t~~3 O=~~~d~ce s~all jecQ~e and je mace a ~a=~ 0: t~e Code of Me:=:?ali~a~ ~ace CCtL....':y, Florida. The sec~ions 0: t~i5 orji~a~ce may ~e =e~urr~e=ed 0= =elet~e=ed ~o dccompLish such i~tention, a~d t~e ~O=~ "o=di:1ance'! :nay be cha:1gec :.:J "sectic:'1", "a:"ticle", 0::- ot;,e= .:t-:==c- :):-~.1t2 '.-10:::':::'. S~ctiO:1 bec~me e:.:~c~i.ve ::;; 7~i3 ardina~c2 3hall (lJ) daY3 a::e= the da:e 0: it3 enac~~en:. ?;~,S s:::::' "\'''''' ,,,,/ ... ;;:S?-:-:::J: \::o~ L ~ , lr~ A~p=''J'led =-'! C:0''':''~:'1 ..\ ~ '::) :-:1ey as ':0 :c~ 3.P"'I.,j le,;a':' ~'~::.:..c.:.e!1c", '~ '-' '.... ?:::'~?a=~d ::.,: ~I"'f__ 'l"''''' c~i21'2 i"J;l\! 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"\VHr~:\.:~:\.;:;, t~1',' ....'_.,:e',clcprn('n~ i.(~,:.: :t:nd \\'1;1 '\r,,':ic!~-.. ;~.:'\',n('" [eif ~:l(' CJrlS:i'_JC(:cr:. .-C'I...:~)n:,'.:UC :,1'1 \.)~. rl:)l)( d~\,~~l -,If u,ilHl:Y :,I,';I,t.("; rr'...;'::,' ~'J'~~r"s<,,\:y by tl\c "'c~C'\'I':!0i"'H~I(,l\,' ~rl~;\."'r; ,1rl(~" :\.\ H~,'\':: o.', !~,'~ i ~: ;\.'C\t' S;CT;l).'~ i t\r;!C:\I:rr,c:~: 2 ~\(I\~~..1 r",('I,\.' S,'(':j,)11 : d.... !,"I J(('or'cinbJy. ,;: Ie: :'f_'IH:lI\~'(""1 5ll:.I'" \., ',., 'II; '::;l'::-::,., Ser rinl1 1. lfl(()r;h:'lr,,~i\.."lI: (.)f r~.)rl"',\'in,', r\'\'lt.lrt,"il:l. .1rc hl~'~1-;"-:)-rf10r;lt,~d ....';.[ ;'~lr~ l'( ~111:. \lrcitf1.tnl'''-", Thl' forl,':~r,""llt: :-l'r: " . ,...1., l""'r, $ :\ '.11',\'i1\'II: ','i' J: Q..: :r~ .~\J:~:'.~_~~~ ~_\.~: 11~:~, ;;.'~~~~.~ l:/;~~ \ )1, \'\S~~'i~i~ :\ T:: :\C.l,,11 ',: "....C. 1,,\1, I ',I,I!!C ,IL,' 1 /':'1~t':1,jC'-ll{l: 1 ~i~~. !\\'U ;)dr: . \. f1-( 'i\Y ~t'l I ""' \ ') ::-":'i ~'I'Ll';~ I !ll '1' (1';01 c.:". :::_1l1'J ~JY ,-\:r:f'f~(:rT":"':l: "l) ..., :,UbS:d' ~:d::Y :- (' \- 'S t' . ,," :, l : . ,) \\ "" ,',. \1.' :,: ~ . I : ).! :~ " il:'-.':-iJ,lf'l!. ~CC!;o:~ !.J. Ob!i~:;dll") tr1 ,q)~)rl);): ,::1'7 "'~:Ir,1110n l~: llb~;,{,~~l('I" ].:..:22.:~~ ~n chll,L:a~:C"~~')orlrl <;,Il('~:....:~ ~...c:::..f~~.~~',~,_~~~~~~:~~t~~.__.~~~~- f!lC':"lt. - - Tr'~' CC'lJn~\' ~.~l,d! ..:'tfl::.div ,,;J'i:,)',r;_.I~\: ~u tl~:' /:'JIH1 t~).. t.!.\ :'h~~~'nH';l: CUt' ~!;-C' r~tI:lli :~~ the ':'C)"I:l:':';!' I':' ::_,(" I, ,-.,;~;~:,..I\ :J....c, I \'e..l:"', H~""\\\e\'(';. ';1C' rl"l'~ ~h,Jll1"{~r,'jy(' ~:l(' :.1:( i;)('Tl'r:,"'~.: ,d.t\ d'"" l~' "1: 'I.:'c \ ;:Il'~" (.l\:{'" d~t' [:.,;;,..t.:~t',~ ~\ tii(.' COLI~ ty. Tile C:~)\~.!.:.I.:: ,~"~:;~:.0.j_0}:~".:I~':2::.l2.r~~1"~'1:,:. :~1C' r-L,I~'0~!i~ ~~~~.:2:..<:' at th~ c!J~,c:"'('::or. (11 :'1'.' COI r,~\, :~ 0\ :w: :", ,'l ~'./\ vr',I:":; 1'.1~""~ ~;"l"ii .~ rt.l:'~' 0: tlit:j!.2.I:l.ll :)("i(~:r'(~ lJr-...;.:~~:~'I~,.'~~~-,-::.,~~-:'"",t~~ -.~~-:-,~~~,l,Jt .~n:-:::~\-,~!., ('I: ;'OI'CS or ()the:' "I~'\\' C\'lf1r!llr:~\t'JI: (,1 \:\'II!I:\ :,1' j:\. ~','rnl'n' ':...,ll.!r... Il' iht. "c:\'nt't1: <1: (T;.:) t ",l':"V ~~' I ()r {".~:~T-_:-:7;~ '=-~'~'I~~;~~'iC'j-:..~~7n ,;~:ril ~E.:~~:t)fH,''i. f' \C':L' ( : 1.1 t t ::(' ~\.!.,[ l'\jdJ.11~ h~:::(l';"\JI(;~ :.~':..IJ.~~ ~t_ . '~t.t:":'.: T~):' \ "')I':~ Js l'i)l~t:,:tlon :0 J:Hill~lly ""i'pr't.lprlJt'. ~o UI(' !:UlH~ S!I.~l: (" ':1...'1"'1..' If'''~l(' ~:,itC'Jy U;),)~~ ::1(' C!':("!.::\,C d2.tc of tilis OrUll1ctfl'-C.' .111<1' (,Jllt;nlJ(' l/f'.(J! ,,!l i.J~irl<;t :ldv.\::c'cs .:.,nd jr':..!('~ tr:oc.....t""".J) in<:urrcd J, d r,:sull of tl1r (,)rnml",lt)' ",,:,'vl'I"i"n('ri! f'r "jce: :i,I'o'C' ;ll' 'n flrliG 0:' for tl\'o,Y~Jrs from !/H' cffe'-llv(' c1,ltr elf t'lIS 0rd:I1.1:1('(', If :r,','re h.i.s .,ot bl""" at the end of t~.:ll :\1.'0 Yf,'"r ;JCIIOel, ,\ pkd,:(, ,,( :!,(' :.u 1I1t.:rCf1ICllt fUl1dln1,; grJntC'(; by thi$ ordindnCL' t~lrt~ur.h ~I (' i~l"ll,il)('l~, ~\dl(' ;j(~d c;(,!:vC':"!' ('If ..\:) H1S::-',J(11C'nr of :~:- dl'btcc1nc'35 )urh ,15 'lOIHli l)[ Lt'( ~\rlrl( il,.lri\'H1 :h)tC'~ dl";(:t"lbcfj:n S('t"tJon !(,).3SS, Florid..! StdtUfC''\ (1977), In :0 J'l',lr ')11,lil tf;C' Cl)\JI\~!"~ ohll~,"ltion tl' r:lf~ r:tJnd I_''(('~'('C: the J.n\\)!:~'1t vi ~!lut YCiJr's r.:x irll.,'.'_'!ll(,f1~ .)'; cC':'_'nn:ncrlln SCl:cun 2 iJl t~HS or~l:1.1:lCt'. B{,~lnnlr)j: 'Sltl) the ~\V~ll~I<:~:1 v(',~~~~~:0 l~,::-~:.[ . ,de oi ~hc :n~~ld; horc::."':~~ or Inc'_'~..HC'c'r~t's:; .Jrlr: ~n l'V(';\' 'o'{',l.~ ~:~!'r'-',\: :,':"', :~'.. ',...\lIn~v'~ d,1nlj~1i ..}r'!~"',.lor~..1:,;" to :he F"J('\(1 \.'1')!1 n':H ,;'<'.....~~~1~;~:-~". :r:'; :'. "Jt,'('lO....I~'_.~ lil :,1C' '~l ;"~t..'(',1:'"' \",'.1,"". f\('gJl.,nlnt~ '."'I~!l ~IlC :',\'('~'rl(':.~,-;-,l?:,.'; :,"':~ ,1..1:(' ~):':.l!r' \.)!0~1~,1T-:-;,)r~c:~:.; - cr Ind~t)t'.'Cnl'S" no new sdlc' (li :H.:)fi{~"" (,r irl;:('~~(',~:H";~, 'jlf:)n(",r:I,'':'~ :")\i :~'t. '~:l)l:n:',1 ~~IX lncr,,-'f!H:'~1: 11'''-'v r,)'_CiJr :1:-'" f11.1\' "~ tr)(~{'jr{':.:nt";" 'iu su:)r:()r:cc ')(' :-',':'.JiC"~C '.I,Ilt"out .:'1 [1llr,)V--1I 0: :,"t;' !\\'\,-I-(I 0: l'(.1\Jf1:',' l:'Jr.-lrT'lSS1Uncr:;. nH" I...~ulln:'.'.'i 1.1C~'.':~'r:'r:~ r:ontrlDutlons J(C to uC ...IC(~..dH"\tcc1 tor d~ ,} ':il':Jcr,dC rc'ven\JC wlt!un :.1(' f~llnc; :'....: m.Jv ,~~ c()lnnlnl'd '.vlth or~le~ rC'It'llllt.'.-; tor ::,;c :'!urou-;C' Dr :JdY[n~ Cl'jt 't::'-IJC~. A,\'E~[).\:r:,'H ~: RCVlf:W I\,~IJ .-\!'['ROV,\l. or \I.\ST::K ~C';D ;,\iiJE'i-;-:_',,::: ArnendmC'n~ fcur ~:r1KCS th(' ~rr.'~cnt section feu:- ,:~nd rc;)l.]c~s it '.lJt:~ :hc ~c;>J'.l,:inr; :oJcw Section 5: =~:\ 7'c121n I ~ . ~~jl=r . J~~!ij' i ~~~i' - s!~: ,:} !:a~ 'i: ~~~;, (:~ ~~" /!: " . t ' i ~:iii 1/: ~I. r ..Sl~ l;i~ f rl-l -~~! r J I~~U':-i ~~gi { i!~Ho. .Jj-'i !Q~:t 'ihBO -~!1~i -9'&~' ~ _;: I o:~! ! =p-- . I' r ..... !Hi~ ",8 - 20 "See-tion 5. Rev;c-w al1d ,1rrr(W,11 of rna:;t'~r bond indc:Hurc (lr other financing inS trlii1i"cn t or ordin.lnc:e or rcs"lu tion .J\'tllorizinr, f inal1C:1ni: Ir1s,trUr:1CC1 IS; review of subsequent fin;Jr\'::"~ 111'.tr'um,",ts to .1~"CJrc cornf':iancc \\'Itl master incenture. - - The Coul1ty C:Jln'lIISSllll1 ,,1,.111 rcvlew al1d approve t!ll' initiell Inelstcr bond indenturc' anc ordinarr('(' or r'.~c,()lutl'''l .llltllur:,~:'1I~ financin!; instruments .JncJ instruments (If indcbtC'dnc~,,; Stich ,I:; ~)orLl', or ~~lX 'llltic:p..ltion n0tC'~ as dcscri;'CG in Scciiol1 163.335, Fl0rid.l <)t<ltlJt(~S (I !)i/), ,1~ :0 II s pro"j:-iiOll:'l rcl..1tlllg to rcLJnding, prcl'ilymcnt n.11(f rcdcnlptio~l, ,1nc1 ntll('~' pr\)\'i~l('n.'; iC'!,J tlng to t~lC j~()\'I~rjhlnc(' o~ fin.Jnc:ng il1st....umen~s J.nd :flStrlHT1Cflt'", I.J: IrldL'btc~~(lcss. SubseqUC'llt (in..1f1c:ng instruments or instrumC'IlLc; nf ind('b('tcdll(~::;s prC'r.--;rcd pursll.Jnt to th.,- !'nas~c:'" incenture 511:111 be rC"le'.\'ed b,' tlr(' Coullty \\dJ),]gl'~ ,1Od :.11..J!1 be .1flProverllJlllcss he dctc;-mincs tllat the in5::"'lImc'nt<; do i11..1: rlln(or:n \\'it~l [he tc:"'~r.s a~- the ~1rprv'/('d ini::Jl mz~stcr indenture ~lnd ordindnrc or i(':;()lutI0n .luthorizlng rin,1.ncing Ins:r~lr;'l',1tS." :. ~:,~ :c1217 ~~i.4 ' 1~~ilij v1. ;l a i . l:r ~ : !: ~ ; wl,;~ i;H V: ~I.~ ~~:! f jii;~J r~~~c} Lr1~ ~ i!tjrGl 1J:r... !.II.f iHHO :~~I~i . 1 . v ~C ;~~I i IJ. ~, . ~ p~. oj ~d:~ _lf1 ~ : \ ' : : l \ ;" ~ " :.: : i. ". ,) ; , ,l' [ ....~ I:' I: 1\"J . l' , ',::, .----- - ---.--------- : i: ~; (, : : , ! ~ . ;1. ' .-.- --------.-..-- -._._--~~ ------ ---.-.-.--- ----------- -.-------------- :1(' ::"/'. // I I ; ~ '~,' I,' " ~ I . :1 ,. 1..-: ( ; ~ \ ' ,J r: :,;,-~:' c: ":!":; ;,-1\_.': ,':)!",' '; I" :. : ~ ',~ j :' ',:'/;;' ,\ ',,1,: ,,~l ....l.. \ : I ~ c>.; :. ..... ,1'.., I":'.... : :..,(, ;'.~~1~ ''';~'....:'l \.J:; ,.,J" ~; t : ~ ': ,~u \..',' " . , J':. ,'" l ~/ ';: 1\: ", "I' ..) ;., ,~'.: I '.. ';',:' \ " ." . ;. .~ I . ; (i ':.' , ; . :: ~; r', . ) ~ ~ ;, -I:;;; ',I'. ;'lC:- '" 0.3~ ?":':;::', :',~.--- ~-- ;~.'::31..~:.;~ ?"C:~:;"::2 , '", ':1 ~ . r': , ',' i:-' (' I 1.... '] :' ,':1: _,. I ~ \,.. -' ,:. ,-.: ;'1 C , ':t". .', '. I '",",.-, .' . ',t" 'j; ~ 'J f : ~ \ -, ~ l :~:: ..... , ' ,~ ~: . ;":.1''/ . l ..~.~ t~;(, -,...:: 7' ,....~'.,' i .! : "" ....~ ~~,-~'::.~', .!'. 2- .. ','::' \1: ,) :~ ;.., (1 : ,': .~ \ ' " :, , : n ~t c1 ! ~ : 1(: r: L...., -.1_.- ,"\' ~ ,", " - ,.f, ..... L ',1 ;_.:.. " , l' '/ ~, .. ., ;" '-.. \' ~ :': J. ~I '_' ,': '~- : : , ','" , . ',:::1'- -. ., '/ : :: ':~. ',.;:........ ~ :-: C f" ':: ;"J:; ( ,~ ' :. ,.;',; :i (' "/._' -':-'"':''':;;.1 ~ '.. :", c ::' ','j: ~ , " ~.,,; ",:,'/ ~ 2:: ,: ';~2:"'~ :: [ ,~~1 ~ :' r ..: ,J:, :. ~. ;", -: ::\_' ~>.:' :"'/':: t.:' 1 :"'~J": ',,::-:1;:"',2' 2:.:.Jc' :: ':L;;~ ::,' :'~;:-:O ~':. :J:1 :"'>' ~../~: ':' ~~: '::--,0 .11~~;-::!,"'" I':~ ':. :".:':~:.:sns ~:; ~ ~: ~"'J" :\ ~ .-:-: :~ " I ~ . .\ -.... .. '::.; ~~I"; :~':'_'~~ ,-,;: :1;:", '.oJ~~:: .:..l;7:l.::;(~.'7':..:'.....,.~.;; " :. h'~ J:' c.: . , , :" :-: '>~ , :. ~; C ~ I~ J.:--, ~ ~l G \..~ C :~ .:. (: : ': ~ '~'.-4 r: :.'" ~:;;:-' 1 ,1 :. ~ s :'"1 , '1'..;.:'Jt'/~'J:.lG~:1 ,~,..._:\r',~"': "--'";:',":~r;: ~~:":.::':~J;:, 1 : a '.,oJ e '/ p. ~, 1 ~ ~ ~ ::.:. '.~ J. :" :. ,"'. .:l:: :. ~-: C :. :1 X ~ 'J :. : :'~Or.1 ";hc J.~e3.::1 i'..lC.~::':;:; ~h,J',.oJ:";:iC J~I~:'": 's121 q . , - ~ :1 .; -8 - ') n " to- Ilonor;lb1L' ;'MYOI' o.nd :"c'lrIlll,T:~ OO;l1'U or Ce,ullLy COr.;rll' ..:',1 on,~:':~ ::.I.lc~t.lon ~I R0,,(10n:e 9uC:,tl~ ') RC~pO~I;)~ ~ue:-it ~_?~-i ~P.9..!;'= '~. Questi::l:l ? ~o:;sc -~?- (1 r k (_' C;', j : 1 i - 1,1 P 'II ~ :.. h j: 1 r] ~ll ~ 0 n O:i ~ ~'. :..... 0 '.'::1 . J n r:1 c; '-.., L 1 h ' C'cJ: . ~. r ' n L t ,'1 X : II J 11. \ r":; l'::" .L : 1 t: I C ('1'e;J C:1rl Ul' f':':;)'-'CLL't,j l0 d\'C!'L','J.~"~ t:' (U:'!~(,rl~ cut' i 1 Lj ()ll~: curlt.l!lllt::'. t\~1.',' con":..t.::~t.::.:.H~ (~1.1L L:~c ~;O:l( ~1 [\0:!ch :lrCil '..Ii ,1 :-::'eJduc',; ::'C.'I::~:~ (_mnun~~ of:1.d '/:11arc:;\ I't~v':'nu(~ '.,,~:..l:out t'(d":C'';':':_ c'rrnr.r~t 1:: ~: imply not :~()und. ~'~;.: CCQr.Or:l: (;;.:. .]:' t he a!'C~l ~':1'JC 1 r. relet. tl ~'~'J:~('ntt t.:L( :'C'\'2:'"1t~c~ (.lr'(~.1d:l a:id t.h;lt 1~~ or:c :'If t~l(' :":'J.: 0n:j :':::," t h(' u;:;C 0 f L:1x j nCI'c::ll'nt fin:111C L;--,C;. r,tL0r':l'.:'~/~; I 1\:C'.~ Lrl CO:lc1Ci.1:i:14",1;)!: ;J:,",QCC'''':'I~;''~'':. ','.j~ l1.r-e :lnL :ll,lt; tCI ('n:1C~.. L0<j.'" l'~ :00 ~cc:; :.._:; to C(H..l:...:"l....l ,:\~t:o!'r.r:''1~'" r-::.('~~. .....~:. lVC ~~Cl..~:'. :'iUt~10:"'1.;~l.d IIY ~!IC COI;,;I~:~:~~:,J!; +:;! ~>,-.,"\;,: ~~.;i;::J.:. ;~L.:1Lc 1f..1(~!~l:""~~;ot1 r.JI~ ~;0'J'?1~3~ 1".1:',~ .:::~(! :;2.':'~ t ccn llll;-;lj(.:c:\,:~;;rul. CJnt.r':11 :1\'C:' 1t;'.Ne(,'t::L'~r.t dc=~l~:" !'"'~~:J.r.ji;'1,~ 1 C;J;'C:', . 'j:1! ~., 1 ;;~..,L.:~ : :.~, :Jddr'\ ':-,;'.(:0.1 ~:l trll' ';o::1!'idJ. ~~.~:ltu:"(.."~~. 7:1 nddl:.1{)nt ~\:c ~~,-".jcyl~ ~.:jCC''':~:~ ~':i:J dr:t:Cfld <In ~~llI;:~::~ ;-'.1: T"~'VL'n:Jt: ::~:j:'~:(':: :'~11:/ !:-:c !.~ld~:..- :7.a:<i- ~t::j!1:' :(,'L~(' pcver:u(' ."::.!~i' 3~ ~~.::0 S.1~e ~'::"(; ;:',)'/;::::-li. ':';i;~ln\i ()::;~;;:'~-'J.:;::"2:~ :\1:' d.;v\' 1', :'('1':' , r: I J( . ~~ r.J : ,() ~~ '~.- I.: c ~..., :1.... t; 1 1. t ~ -" ,: O! 1 \ let. .' . :':. '-/ C' l:l :"1 _ CJ:.!~-l'" '.':~l:c:, '.:..H~ld cl:4r't:':: ':~,L' :'~L:.~ cf' t.:tX 1 (I:.: r"! ::.~ :.1 ~J0nd:' 2": P"':C~ll.i'_' : ~raL:. ~')'. :~'...'I~:L....':' .....~;:(::~ CI"C"4t('~~ .~.1X . .l~ !'(:'~f'r; t. :':']:t:. '1 :.,. tj ',' \'; ,~':,; ~ : n<.:"~('r',I..": ~1nn~: ;,;', 1:1 t:l :.~ Ji,.' :\~:./ will. tl(~ ru~ ~J rc~t t~tHid v'll ld,',:" Len. oj'i .~ :'IU t.. j'" =- . i. ! _ ....1.' ..'I.....: ! n :t~l\ .1'~L';.:.:y I.; c; :'.: ~ The ,1 jl i' 1 t C ,1 b 1 11 t:l 0 ~ :':! ~H7i ,; 3 l~ J C :. I:.: ~ 2 ) ': t ~, J ':' t'ond 1'1.:0 fC'~'!r.~l,l;"\ ~":.''1~ 1 ~'(,i.l':"n: 1 ~~ :ln~ :.J.t1 ~.l:"~~':- t il':-I 1.. ~:lC Ccu n to:,. ::'~':';'j::: r .~ =~ ! 0: I r~r;.....'\l.'. '..0 .J.dc! :'0 ;',:' . T:1C' bonj v;lljd~~ tCltl ;~ll(,,'~('d~rt. ,^":1 pro'.':.dc .:l fOI'u:n for' t.11:.ttlU('.;tlor.. ^nH:Y3~~ ~f income f:,o~ pu~11c :and VD:'3U: income f'r'u~:: l~~nd yet to b.~ 3.C(lIJ' ~',:d. ..., t~ I:i:"~t,,;:~.. :"".J d:~::l;l;:'jl:~;\ ..... :~'...:',"\~;!....~::', f:-'o:n ~..:;':-:- C.1i'l: ~:!' O:1~ r.\:,~:.:'j inje ::-,:,~:.,):~~..:~ ':'('\~":'.' ar.1.an,...~lL'n'::.~:. f!Oh.C'/C!', '~F' .1rc ,:...i'/~";r.:'.:i ~':/ ........ H,~(I0V'.:l",,:~'r~lt:r: ~ J\i~"'~r1C'./ ttl.1 ~ ~;cr..1.:~. :.: ~:1C..J~..} ano.lY3c~ h,J,v(: t)(~t~n Jane :.lnd wll ~ ~H~ .:1'.....::J~~ '..:'':': f,)'~ trlC' CO~;"':'I~::=-io:1t:::; rcvlc'..:. r:.':(' :':iO:"C ;~.'::"",/::"J.: q~le:~ion ~tl!C~l ~l~ need to ~c cn~cc~~~rl w~:~ ~~ not ',.{hc':hc~ L:-:e o.l~cnc.v';..: l:-:coi':1c .: s f:-:::':'i l:;.~.~ cu:,!'cn:;ly o'^'ncd ver~~u,~ l:J.nd to t.,e acqui:'cd. R~the:' our C0nccrn in thi3 area ~hould oe ~o insure that ~tlC a~ency ho.z suff'~ci~nt r~cedc~ to maximize it~ revcnuc~ to insure the ca:,:ic:: p0ssiblc c'Jrr.pletion o~ the project .....hile ~: :r.c s:J.mc time r:,ovidlnc ~ucquatc sa~ec~ard~ ~ro~ the C'Junty'" per:rcctivc, ! bc:ievc that t~e o~d!~nnc~ ~~ we p~opo:e tc ~mc~c ~t does :c:~. IS .", 7 od?10 ~~ii ..~ ~ I h~l. Il!t~ !:3: II ~!; ~! i; !I,ql ~, .1 .. ~.: f ~ o! ., ~i ~; il Z ~ =' Lwl Ii!" ! I I ! 0 ~I ih, :! ~! . 't QI ;. ~I ~: ;1 ~ ~ ::. !. ~: ~1f' t!(lrlC't';ll;lc ~'~.J.y(); il,U:: t'd () r' COU:1 ~:~' ~l!11: ~',:~~lt)C:'~: C'Cllnr.l: ;'.;', j drlV S('uLh ll,l~:;,~!1 ilc:', i \i,_.:,~~: ,"4C h;!Vt~ j'{'vl,.":.'C'(: ....:~I.' i)..P':'~' C~nJ l..:la~ .J:" .-,;~(','1(:.: ~1:,::'r'1 '11 ~ I !'l' l. ~ ~... ~ 1 t' ;\ , . :', I,' I.' t '':-'/'~ l:-.{), I( ::1',.. :- ',..,: 1..("-' : ~ t ' th(-:, C\;~rlIi ~::- :c.l!; ~::;,'. :1: ;'l:'::d',' ~:~':':' \'.'('~:. i\,,--:C[1C.'/ j ;', ;' t'( .!~l:' : r,,--; : hr.' ,\ :',:' '.\ C ~ :t..... t(1 r! ;',,) ChI..... ;:"'::'1 tl' :h.~~!t'i:l;.~ Ot un(~C;''''~,:lr:(! '.:\;~.. ~:.',;,:'n ;",,;',' :"~:':~("..: i::. I'i';'::" 18 2.0 L t ~... : ~ '. ' 1-; \..-; r't'.:~l.n..:;" ',,;) ~~~:(' q~;.~,.~~t.l(':L', !'a~ ',(:J '~,.'i , , , . .:-!:~ 'd:: ~ .;: i Lh~' L.;lX : :-,~';'l...::!t :~~, \):"'d i tl1:l(.",'. ~::~ {b 7 n1220 . ,.1 & u( I~~!f lal rl; ....5:\ fl~h, &1.~ il!1 I hi! . IU~;!' ~:;~ IIUe i!!i II' !:all~ "Hii; ~;~h ;~~., iii~i JiiF ~...~ E ,'A":';;~.\ ,.j:l U ~.! -~ /~ I # J' i 4' / ~ (..,:~ t':l:"(':~.:', ~~.~) ,. :. .,.., \ H()n()r';~t): ':.: r::l~:':,;~ J.;;(~ !.'I, n()t1;,.<\!)~~/' ...:.(J~;~!~, )/,1 :::,:lr~,;,l ~ ~ ?" j I " l/ ),' e J~ ! / : J'..'. ,.r ........._.__..._. ~.J...:t'.1 r.1/ h~:' .::~:,,'i"'~r'~:c:;~ cfcur:t.y ::,\n,:,',':' I :' ~ ~ '. j ':.,' reo .::1..:....' ( I ,\ ~ f " li[I'';:' '.I III I l ;n i \, t ( , I 1\ ~ \l',J ~. ..) '.' r' '/ ~ c..: :::. ~ :--',:~ l' 0:' ':. ~ ~ ,: :,",.:(~t,I(,"t:. r::;~~~(: ~:-/ --'....,~.~i;:;.~ .~:. 'c.:i(' :I,O::~"J :-- :_~ :; ;) c' r'; ---; ,': 1"/. : ,) '/: L. G .7,::-: ~ ~: .j ~ ,"";~ l ~ ~ H.:.-c~~'()r"~: :t::' +~:l',' jZ;:;~l c~... COt::.:. > C C;:-,:n : :. r', ~ 0;",,'; r':; . ..;: : ~ ~ ; ;I:'ci (\ ~ L ~: :~:' :! .,j :':; .'d ~o ~,,:h~ t::,:~.J.C~.. :. :lQ'.l trlc ri'~;JOS~.:: :....'::: C 'J j:: ~:.l; r ,.. .~;' /... 5;(J :,::J ~ :: h r; ; .:; (2:-' C~ ,1 ','; a tl ~ : ;'::-.' ~1:" ~.~:. ~i I1 (] ,/ I~ C l Dw':::c C0:--:;-.t:.- I ; .... (i ::. r; ~.: ~:J l:1:rcZ1,<;Cc. ~C;-'.':'2C~,. (~;r(~2::.:.i.l'j ,~:'. A f ~ e r' Z1;:.1: '/ Z ~ r1 r: t.;' C P ~ "l ~ C :.:, I \ I,~ r: 'I'~, "1 n d ::1 C c t. i n i"'; '"./ i t-:. h '=. r. c ~,~ C ~ - vclopi7i~nt.. AGc~cJ' S~,l.!':; .....'e ':Jc~i('\',..; ~:1~~t. "'l:~Y .:.ncrcJ.~.' in ::3cr'Jl:C 1 eve l.s t. 0 t :~ c SOL': t ~l oS i ~ G :'" '-": (":,:""" ~ a'....' :::.. t.: : d ':' ~ :71 ~ p. i :'7".;\ 1 . ;, L 1 rt f r '::- c ~ c d Co U n ~ ;: Dc ;J (:. :. ::. ::': ,~; ~ : s ...; (! ~ . l~ cor::" .:l ~ '~ t ' (~ r.. 0 L :1 ~ Ll ~.. ..... t. :1;t. to (\:i l a n d a 1 } ~crvicc:; :'\IJ bc~n (1C(>'tl;1t.(~(~ 10; ,HId ':.~l~"": Lhl.:'r'" :,....01,:13 r.o~ ~~ ::;Jjor" incrc(1~;C~ in '~X;lC:;G':' ~;::-":...:~; ,:"l,:1d ~j,:.tJ :c.:~ levels. The on ~'/ i,~ltl~ i C:t '.. i 0:1 :Jr' i :,";C;C']~'~C~ =-:02:'\' icc~ '..j':; for'~.:;ee i ~ mai:1Lc~;'1:1Ce 0: ('t:'~cr.:..ll ["o.](:',.;a:::., Lr:l:fic sir.:1f11.:1, zlnci st.:"Ct;t- liG!1t.ln[~ of ::.:1j;1C. Ho',:(~vcr, i~ :--;:l\.luld be :1otcj t.h2t the h(1:"'d',':;1t"C and tct(l.l cc:':;~ of" (In:.r nc'..I con::;t.:"~:ct:on (If these rOt1d'i ~1nd o(':-:'~:". c(]pit.~l ccrl:~tt'l~c;Jicn ~fi: 1 ~c ~)(l;:1"" ~:I t::c Rec~'/elo;1:71cnt. 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(~(l (1 (" t ne So(f~:: .S~h):"'C: ,~:.,:,~~ a t th~ pr.e:jcn~ t.i~(~ 1:; ;irDl.(,:i;:~:I:{'l'i ;.','0 ::lillion. ,\:"'Lcr ['cdc'/cl()r~:,:(.:.1~'. the 1'::~';C~;':'I,:d Vj~ll'.J.f: t.'1 e:.~~i~,-:..'.t.C(~ tlj' t.t1~ At:cncy Lo be $q39 :;,il,::on. One of t.:1C r.1Clj~jr r'C(l~on.:; ~:la~ ''':C did :"lot. fecI t~1tlt nr1Y i:1- creilSC in :-:t:r-vicc~ l,.JO'llc.: UC rC'cC':;03~'Y is t.he frict t:lrlt the tC:'.:11 pOp~ll(1t.ion or' t.hc C\rc I j 3 nut. cXl1ect.c'd t.o incrca:io :lllb:;t.(1:1~ial:'j. ThouC:' i: i~ an:'i~i"~,,cd L!I.:J: :'l1c~ :1l1:::[;c:' ot' t.nurist:; will incr"c"se, t.hi3 shou1c! hoL h;l'lC :l dir'('cL i~:r.1ct. 0:1 S~:'ViCC3 p;-,')vid<::d by [;ildc County, '....i:.h th(r CXCci,Lion of rlltJlic tr<ln:;rOI'~,lLiol1. 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".C .... ... .... j' ,~ ...J , ')'1.l:' .. :;1 "..i' '.....:. ..P' , " - ~, . ') ;-'.' : '. ~ ~"" ~ ., j'" 1 '~ ': -:.. '1:;- ,J '.:., \--. .:.~. ,"I' : ~ ~ ';:.. s~uf} 1~~l~ U~ . II!; . il1t a ~!;~ /J" ~:i!2 Y .II~ i!li~ 1 ; ~ C, I ,~U&~f0 ~ ~ II g ,~ .~I i " . rfl iHlrG:l !Q~ "6 ~3w <:) ~~~i~; ~. ~. I 5:~; ~ :,~~~ .: I: ...... I ,,~:;~ _ HI~"""- ORDINANCE NO. 77-2104 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 2 OF 'rIlE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH BY ADDING A NEW ARTICLE THERETO TO BE NUMBERED ARTICLE VII AND PRO- VIDING FOR AND ESTABLISHING A REDEVELOPMENT TRUST FUND PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF FLORIDA STATUTES, SECTION 163.387. . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: That Chapter 2 of the Code of the City of Miami Beach be and the same is hereby amended by adding a new Article thereto to be numbered and to read as follows: "ARTICLE VII REDEVELOPMENT TRUST FUND Section 2-72. There is hereby established and created in accordance with the provisions of Florida Statute, Section 163.387 a redevelopment trust fund hereafter referred to as the "Fund." Section 2-72.1. The funds allocated to, and deposited into the Fund are hereby appropriated to the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency hereafter referred to as "Agency," to finance the Miami Beach Community Redevel- opment Project (hereafter referred to as "Project") as I authorized by the resolution of the Miami Beach City Council #77-15283 (amended by Resolution #77-15291) , said Resolution, as amended, being adopted and made a part of this Ordinance by reference. The Agency shall utilize the funds and revenues paid into and earned by the Fund for all and every community redevelopment pur- pose delegated to it in the aforementioned Resolution, as amended, and as contained in the plan for redevelop- ment and as provided by law, said fund shall exist for the duration of the project. Section 2-72.2. There shall be paid into the Fund, and the City hereby appropriates, commits and sets over for payment into the Fund, a sum equal to that increment from the income proceeds, revenues and funds of the City derived from, or held in connection with the community redevelopment project area, and the City's undertaking and carrying out of the community redevelopment project therein. Said increment shall be determined and appropriated annually, and shall be an amount equal to the difference between: a. That amount of ad valorem taxes levied each year by the City on taxable real property contained within the geographic boundaries of the Project; and b. That amount of ad valorem taxes which would have been produced by the rate upon which the tax is levied each year by or for the City upon the total of the assessed value of the taxable property in the Project as shown upon the assessment roll used in connection with the taxation of such property by the City, last equalized prior to the effective date of the Resolution approving the community redevelopment plan. x OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY - 1130 WASHINGTON AVENUE _ MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 , . Section 2-72.3. The City will annually appropriate to the Fund the aforestated sum at the beginning of the City's fiscal year. The Fund ~hall receive the tax increment above described only as, if and when such taxes may be collected by the City. The City's obliga- tion to annually appropriate to the Fund shall commence immediately upon the effective date of this Ordinance and continue until all loans, advances and indebtedness, if any, and interest there- . on incurred by the Agency as a result of the pro- ject have been paid and only to the extent that the tax increment recited above accrues. Section 2-72.4. The Agency is directed to establish and set-up the Fund and to develop and promulgate rules, regulations and criteria whereby the Fund may be promptly and effectively administered, including the establishment and the maintenance of books and records and adoption of procedures whereby the Agency may, expeditiously and without undue delay, utilize said funds for their allocated statutory purpose. Section 2-72.5. The Agency accepts full responsi- bility for the receipt, custody, disbursement, accountability, management and proper application of all monies paid into the Fund. II SECTION 2: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SEC'l'ION 3: This Ordinallce shall become effective u!?on i Ls passage in accordance with law. PASSED and ADOPTED this 7th day of September , 1977. ;> .....- ./ j' ~:'C/>;-' > Y7'", --__- . //<- ,/ //-;( C' ,,~~ \. , .- C Hayor Attest: A/ r:lA-rl~. ~ /l'-;;/;(..'" City Cl rk 1st Reading - August 17, 1977 2nd Read i ng - Sep tembe r 7, 1977 J. )( OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY ~ 1130 WASHINGTON AVENUE - MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139