File Ref. #135 l/llf ~t(. rlUf 4'F!f1;S: Jet.." c ~_\'-l ~ 0.. 't.s ~l(,. o"'~ ~ , "" \\\ x.. ~~ \, x\\\.; c)() ~ ."V .'.(s ~ ,\..(.....\ \. , "To: CITY OF MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER Interoffice Memorandum ~. ' Sergio Rodriguez, City Manager Assistant City Managers Executive Assistants to the City Manager Department Directors Division Directors .J..... ,"- Date: February 12, 1999 From: Mayra Diaz Buttacavoli__ " ,/,' /) /,./,...-r f Assistant City Manager / ;r.!'()G~/~CA.... /..1' /:;;t. u) c.r:";' ('C:<'<' ('I{.::"", Subject: SUPER BOWL CRITIQUE The following is the outcome from the Super Bowl Critique meeting held on Monday, February 8, 1999: RECREA TION/P ARKS . Assess damage at South Pointe Park and Lummus Park and submit to James Quinlan. . Parks and Recreation should be involved in reviewing a special events application for any park. . A fee should be charged for the use of the parks as a special events location. Reimbursement fee to be submitted to James Quinlan. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT . Special Events should inquire at application time as to electrical and water connections required from the City. . Other utility connections (then mentioned above) need to be locked in order to stop unauthorized use. POLICE . Merchants promoted disorder. . Sidewalk cafes were extended to the streets by businesses. . A number of special events not requiring permits contributed to the problems. . Merchants sold from park. . Patrons allowed to leave the restaurants with alcoholic beverage. . Needed 100 + off-duty officers to work to control crowd. v POLICE (CONTINUED) . Needed more support from County. . More coordination with off-duty officers to control clubs. . Alternate traffic plan is needed. CODE . Luther Campbell has a business without a Certificate of Use or Occupational License, and had posters and flyers violating the Signage Ordinance totalling $14,000 in fines. . City Manager has perception that Code reviews special events for other than fines and existing violations. . The Hotel at 1250 Ocean Drive had a special event permit for use of the courtyard. The Hotel did not have a Certificate of Occupancy. The Promoter of the event at the Hotel removed the wording "courtyard only" with white-out from the permit copy. No performance bond and no security deposit was obtained. The Promoter was operating from the lobby of the Hotel on two occasions and the Promoter continued his events beyond the dates allowed on the permit. The Police Department was called to assist Code on three occasions with this Promoter. . Code does not have the staff to monitor the events to ensure the Promoter complies with the regulations of the permit. Performance Bonds should be instituted. . No sidewalk cafes should be allowed for establishments that have outdoor entertainment. SPECIAL EVENTS . Miami-Dade Transit should be more involved. FIRE . Overwhelmed and were not prepared for the last minute crowd. . Command post should be set-up for future events. SANITATION . The Clevelander Hotel allowed beer bottles onto the street. . The Clevelander did not request for pick-up of trash (bottles & cans) at its 10th Street tent. In conclusion, the City has not set the guidelines and policy for the operation of South Beach. The City needs to decide the type of City it wants to be. (Recommendation by James Scarberry) MDB:lcd 2 MID - G 0 L F N E I G H B 0 RHO 0 D ASS 0 C I A T ION, INC. COMMITTEE FOR DUMP SITE ISSUE CHAIR: Harriet Feuermann, 2491 Meridian Av., FI 33140, tel.: 305-534-0038, fax: 305-535-2445, and Dr.Mihaly Lenart, 2455 Meridian Av., FI 33140, tel.: 305-674-8881, fax: 305-672-0260 February 6, 1999 To: Mayor Neisden Kasdin, Commissioners, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Re: Bayshore dump site, Resolution R7F of the City Commission Meeting of Feb. 3, 1999. Dear Mr. Mayor, Dear Commissioners: The Midgolf Neighborhood Association (MGNA) as well as individual residents are on record for having complained repeatedly to the City about the Bayshore Golf Course dump site. The City has not only ignored the complaints, but on Feb- ruary 3rd, 1999, the City Commission authorized the City to contract Onix Florida, LLC, as the successor of BFI, to operate the dump. This decision aggravates the already intolerable situation and we ask the City Commission to please reconsider this ease for the following reasons: 1. The Bayshore Golf Course dump site is illegal because: a) The stash site was established (i.e. moved from Chase Ave. to the current location) in 1973 illegally since no public hearing was held on this issue and the commissioners never authorized the City to use the Golf Course for this purpose. According to the City Attorney, Mr. Dubbin (letter to Commissioner Dermer, November 20, 1998), the City has no evidence of any authorization or approval. b) The resolution of the City Commission in 1989 to turn the stash site into a commercial dump by contracting IWS (now BFI) to operate the dump was also illegal because it violated the City's Comprehensive Plan. e) The current resolution of the City Commission of February 3rd, 1999 is ille- gal for it violates the ROS zoning of the Golf Course, as well as the policies, goals and other applicable provisions of the City Comprehensive Plan. d) Operating a dump in a recreational area violates environmental regulations. '19 PROMOTING COMMUNITY ISSUES IN MID BEACH Officers President: Jonathan Kroner Vice President: Jane Gross Treasurer: Ron Felton Secretary: George Exposito Membership: Brad Hallock Board of Directors: Bill Daavis Frank Farmer Bonnie Hallock Steve Hermann Wendy Jacobis FrankKolbert Jonathan Kroner Bruce Macaulay Fred Martin Barry Miller Jim Mullin Tetje Vaisman Linda Van Leer - 2 - 2. The current resolution violates the City's own written agreements because: a) The proposed contract with Onyx Florida, LLC, abolishes all previous protective provisions incorporated in the City's agreements under which BFI's operation was authorized. These provi- sions gave some kind of environmental protection to the residents and the neighborhood. b) The aforementioned provisions included: · Daily mandatory removal of all material received at the dump site ("seven days per week, 360 days per year"). · No commercial vehicles other than the ones operated by BFI were permitted to use the dump. · No "construction material, hazardous or other material, other than trash consisting of grass and small tree clippings" was allowed to be dumped. · There was no fee requirement foreseen for residents dumping yard waste. · Penalty provisions for violation of these agreements were included: "... up to and including ter- mination of the agreement to sublease the site." (C.f.: Resolution no. 94-21222 of the Mayor and City Commission; Interoffice Memorandum of the Assistant City Manager to Commissioner Martin Shapiro, May 14, 1997; letter of the City Manager to MGNA, May 30, 1997; letter of the City Manager to O.J. Diaz, March 26, 1997; let- ter of the Assistant City Manager to MGNA, Feb 13, 1997.) 3. The MGNA demands strict adherence to all protective provisions while BFI is operating the dump site under the present contract. 4. The MGNA demands the closing of the dump site upon the expiration of the current contract with BFI. ~ Harriet Feuermann, Dr.Mihaly Lenart