File Ref. #137 C (T"I Cu-mU FILE' 12~7--rI /37-;:-~ 2.3/ 1991 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER I nteroffice Memorandum lQ To: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager Date: February 18, 1999 From: Mayra Diaz ButtacavolL,..,., W 12 ~_AA.H~' Assistant City Manager ///~ .~ Subject: MIAMI-DADE COUNTY SERVICES TO THE CITY , \.D ~.~-. *' .1 \.'.:) , ""T1 "'~"-', PI - ~-.D r" f','I. ~ , .....\ W ,A :::n rn () m ;;''-: ': -u 4,"'- The following information was compiled for future meetings of the Mayor's Coasta-P, C~s rn committee, It reflects the departmental services provided to this City by the County and ~op€l::ly 0 taxes paid by City property owners: n ~ rn POLICE The County provides us with adhoc police services by special request only, The County also provided ongoing support from their crime lab relating to the analysis of evidence, PARKING The County administers the Parking Citation Program (Interlocal Agreement), The County receives 33 1/3 % of all citation revenue collected by the County for citations issued in the City of Miami Beach, The fee retained by the County pays for the judicial process and adjudication of citations, as well as the provision and maintenance of hand-held citation vvriting computers, and the computer software that accesses the County's citation system, Additionally, the County maintains a courthouse location at Old City Hall provided by the City at $1,00 per year. The Parking Department. provides free parking as a component of the Lease Agreement. This D~partment provided free Citywide Parking Permits to the following County Offices: 1. Mayor Alex Penelas (2 decals) 2, Commissioner Barriero's office (2 decals) 3. Clerk of the Court (one free parking access card at the 5-A surface parking lot for the County Clerk that maintains an office at 407 Lincoln Road) ,/ 7 OFFICE OF CHILDREN'S AFFAIRS There are no County services coordinated via this Office, However, this Office does provide grant management on behalf of Miami Beach Senior High School for a Miami-Dade County Human Services Department grant. CITY CLERK Miami-Dade County Election Department Services. CODE COMPLIANCE The various County agencies that this Department works with are: 1, Animal Control, picking up stray dogs, animal abuse etc, 2, DERM Department of Environmental Research Management, illegal docks, disposal of hazardous waste (oil from cars repairs, etc,) spray painting of cars not within an approved structure, FINANCE For FY 98/99 the amount of taxes paid by City property owners to the County is as follows: Countywide services County Debt Service Library 6,023 mills 0,837 mills 0,334 mills $41,948,527 $ 5,829,473 $ 2,326,217 Total 7,194 mills $50,104,217 SANITATION Services provided to the City by the County coordinated through the Sanitation Department are: 1, Tipping Privileges at Dade County Facilities (estimated @ $100,000 annually - paid by City) J 2, Recycling Grant participation and disbursement. This amount varies annually depending upon the State's allocation and has continually decreased, It is believed that eventually funding will no longer be available, FLEET MANAGEMENT This Department interfaces with the County by using some of their contracts and providing mutual support in the event of a disaster. FIRE The County provides coordination and submission of the yearly EMS grant. Additionally, mutual aid is provided by the City or County when required, MEDIA RELATIONS OFFICE During a major crisis situation (such as a hurricane), the County takes the lead in the Communications function for the entire County, The City's public information office coordinates these efforts with the County's public information office, Public information specific to Miami Beach is not provided by the County, PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Property Management has no areas that the County coordinates through our office, Property Management does provide services to the County by performing maintenance items at the Court and County Clerk's office in Old City Hall. These services are billed directly to the respective offices and the funds are deposited into the general fund, Property Management also coordinates with Miami- Dade County Transit Department in the placement or replacement of bus benches adjacent to their bus stop locations, Property Management maintains the benches by painting or fixing them when needed, ASSET MANAGEMENT The City provides space to the County as follows: * County Clerk/Court at Old City Hall (2nd FI) (leased by CMB) - $1.00 per year, no reimbursement for common area maintenance 3 * South Shore Community Center a, Community Action Agency * Consumer Credit Counseling * Head StartPrograms * Low Income Housing Assistance * ASPIRA of Florida (gang intervention) b, County Health Department facility at 615 Collins A venue RECREATION. CULTURE AND PARKS The City provides the County the free use of the North Shore Open Space Park compound for the County's Beach Maintenance Division, This location services the cities of Bal Harbour and Surfside as well. The space is used to house the beach cleaning equipment and trash dumpster trucks. The County cleans the beach and provides trash receptacles and services them Monday through Friday, PROCUREMENT The only service that the County provides to this Department is the Miami-Dade County contracts upon request. There is no fee, BASS MUSEUM The County provides the tourist-tax grant received by Friends of the Bass Museum to advertise exhibitions the Friends sponsor, ARTS, ENTERTAINMENT AND CULTURE Mayors Office of Film and Entertainment: (Marketing) joint efforts to promote location production as well as location of Entertainment related businesses, Permitting: Film permits will soon be streamlined through a "One Stop" permitting process Co-Granting: The CMB Council participates in a "Advancement Challenge Grant" with Dade Cultural Affairs which is supported by the NEA. 4 PUBLIC WORKS The following services are provided by Miami-Dade County: 1. Roadway pavement markings, street signs, traffic lights and certain street lights on County roads, 2, Maintenance of County owned bridges and roads - Traffic Control Modifications and closures/under County jurisdiction, 3, Water supply and sanitary sewer treatment - Miami Dade Water and Sewer Department sells City of Miami Beach water and sewer treatment services, They also own and maintain the 54" diameter sewer force main from the City at Government Cut and the water mains up to the City limits on all four causeways, 4, Maintains Venetian Causeway, Dade Boulevard, 23rd Street and Pine Tree/La Gorce Drives, 5, The County's DERM does inspections within the City for illegal discharges into sewer systems, and environmental hazards. 6, Assistance in beach renourishmentlmaintenance. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY The County provides two Land Management System files for this Department to load, One is the Tax Assessor File and the other is the Contractor File, The following departments/divisions reported no services received from the County: Building Central Services Convention Center/Gleason Theater Human Resources Internal Audit Planning Risk Management Tourism and Conventions MDB:lcd c: Assistant City Managers Executive Assistants to the City Manager DepartmentlDi vision Directors F 'CMGR\SALL \UZA \MOSER V. CM B 5