File Ref. #138 ~.... M\A-M\ BEACH -rY OF Q C , ENTeR DRiVE MIAMI BEACH FLORI0A3313" CITY HALL '700 CONVENT;ON C I ~. ~ I :1~1 /;-c /7f .u /IIlC/fJ / , " , :!Iwtlt< r,_ "r ) ::== r\\'?_a5 COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO, ~ TO: Mayor Seymour c.e\ber and, . Members of the Cit~ CommisSIon DATE: December 20,1995 FROM: Jose Garcia-Pedrosa City Manager SUBJECT: .. ARlNG - Ai,'J ORDINA.. ~CE OF THE SECO~l) READ . G Al'll) PL~;;~~OF THE CITY OF ~nAMI BEACH, ~IA YOR AND CITY C.OMIV ITY CODE CHAPTER 33, FLORIDA, AIVlENDThG Ml.\J."lI BEACH C E n E1'.-rmED ENTITLED "REAL PROPERTY" A..1\'IENDING ARTI~LR Ao~ITION U "REVOCABLE PERMITS" , B: PROVID~~ OF REVOCABLE CRITERIA FOR THE GRANTING OR DEI" XU" .! PERMITS; PROVIDING FOR A REPEALER, SEVERABll..ITY AND A!.~ EFFECTIVE DATE. ADl\;fINlSTR<\ TION RECOMMENDA nON: The Administration recommends that the Mayor and City Commission adopt on second reading the attached Ordinance modified since its first reading, amending Article IT entitled "Revocable Permits" of Miami Beach City Code Chapter 33, entitled "Real Property", BACKGROUND On June 30, 1993, the City Commission passed and adopted Ordinance No, 93.2855, amending the City Code Chapter 33, and establishing procedures for granting revocable permits for use of City o~ned property, In granting or denying the permit the Commission was to consider the need of the applicant, whether the applicant owned abutting property, the potential effects on neighboring properties, public welfare, economic impact on the City, compliance of the proposed improvements with the existing ordinances. laws, rules and neighborhood plans, and the effect on go~ernmemal/u~ility easemem and uses. On several occasions these criteria were questioned b~ a ~lCY C:omrmssl~ner. In November 2,1',1995, Commissioner Shapiro requested that hardship cntena be Included In the process of decIdmg whether to grant revocable permits_ AGENDA ITEM -R:) A DATE l 2-ZD-~ (j SSION MEMORANDtJl\1f Page 2 December 20, 1995 The proposed Ordinance expands on the criteria for granting or denying a Revocable permit by aJllending Section 33-4 of the City Code Chapter 33, Article II, entid~d "Revocable Permits", The Commission requested changes which are incorporated in the attached amended Ordinance on December 6, 1995, during the fIrst reading, ~ALYSIS Attached is a table listing some of the Revocable Permits reviewed by the City Commission during 1993 through 1995, the status of the pennit and the intended use of the pennitted premises, CONCLUSION It is recommended that the Mayor and the City Commission adopt the attached Amendment to Article II entitled "Revocable Permits" of Miami Beach City Code Chapter 33, entitled "Real Property", by est1bIishing additional hardship criteria to be used in determining the granting or denying of the Revocable Permits, Attachment IGP/JPtVOAlDRlvgJc c:wpwin60\wpdocs\commemo\revoc\revptam9. wpd City of Miami Beach List of Revocable Permits for the use of public' right-of-way submitted to and reviewed by the City Commission during 1993-1995 address I location of applicant I owner legal description of status of Use of permitted property permittee applicant/owner's permit I date premises property reviewed 1460 Ocean Drive, South Ocean Beach Lots 1 and 2 west of Granted Handicap access ramp Properties Ocean Dr. Ext., BIk 77 June 15, 1994 Fishers First Sub, of , Alton Beach i ! 3700 Prairie A venue Robert Swedroe and Lot 1, Block 7 Mid Granted Driveway, parking wife Rita. Golf Sub, July 27, 1994 and landscaping 4595 N, Meridian Ave, Richard Pollak and Lot 5, Block 8 Nautilus Denied Pillasters with fence wife Betty Addition of Miami Sep, 8, 1994 and paved parking Beach Bayshore Co. 227 Biscayne Street Joe's Stone Crab Lots 11 through 17, Granted Entrance marquee Inc. Block 10 Ocean Beach 9 - 8 - 1994 structure: Subdivision 901 Alton Road Interstock Lots 7 and 8, Block Granted with Drainage, seating Development Corp. .123, Lenox Manor, PB amendment area, stair, ramp, wall, 7-15 10 -19 - 1994 landscaping and lighting .. 1454 Alton Road N. S. Pallot et al Lots 5 and 6, Block 78, Granted Encroaching columns, Pollo Tropical Commercial 11-2-1994 landscaping and Subdivision, access ramps PB 6-5 427 Collins Avenue Ocean Washington Lot 13, Block 5, Ocean Granted Fence and gate with Associates Ltd., Beach 12-7-1994 landscaping and c/oDacra Florida Subdivision, parking Development Corp. PB 2-38 Page I of 2 Revocable permits-1 993-1 995 , ". City of Miami Beach List of Revocable Permits for the use of public right-of-way submitted to and reviewed by the City Commissi~n during 1993-1995 - status of Use of permitted :Jddress / location of applicant / owner legal description of property permittee applicant! owner's permit I date premises property reviewed 741-749 Lincoln Road La Ramblas Portion of Lot 1, Block Granted Architectural metal I 11655-1661 Meridian Associates, Ltd. 35, GoIfCourse 7-12-95 fins and canopy I Ave, c/o Dacra Subdivision, PB 6-26 Development Corp. 404 Washington 404 Investments Lots 3,4,5 Block 49, Granted with Trees, landscaping A venue Ltd, Ocean Beach Addition amendment with irrigation, grates No.3, PB 2-81 5-17-1995 and lighting 420 I Collins Avenue AgiI Associates Lots 3,4, 7, 8 Block 37 Granted Concrete paver c/o DCOM Ocean Front Property 9-27-1995 sidewalk, walkway Development Corp. Subdivision of the and parking lane. Miami Beach Improv't Landscaping, Co" PB 5-7,8 irrigation and lights. 1688 West Avenue West Bay Plaza Inc. Lots Granted T teeS irrigation and ~ami Beach, Fl" 6, 7,8,9,12,13,N~14 9-27-1995 landscaping. 33139 part 1 0, Block 41, Beileview Sub" PB 6- 114 ;595 PineTree Lane La Gorce Islandd Lot 6, Block 5 La Granted Post mounted security i ! Association Inc, Gorce Island, PB 44-56 9-27-1995 cameras on concrete 6595 Pine Tree Lane bases and electric Miami Beach, Fl., conduits, j 33141 i Page 2 of 2 Revocable permits-l 993- 1 995 --_.,_n. ,,_.....(.....-