File Ref. #140 MAR 18 '99,12:41 '.l!tT'j t!Li4It- nlu !Zt~t.~nvCf ., '.: ..:.. . Ii / tj()-jtl fJ/l.t'/! ~ /tf?q \kt 111 !~,-':.It'h ( kll\lh\'l ()I'1 (Ill III, ' IlJ_1(l \1..'1 ,li.'l) .\\\.:IlI1L': \li~I!IIII~l':ll..) .l l'!\(l! ,.': (.~()5) h7~") 1-'.7U I~l\: ",') , ,\ .: : Memo ,. .. .TO: Gerald K sChNar1z. CtWrmen of Boerd Martin Hyman & Bemai-d . .ch, eo..chairS of the. M~CC Growth ~ment Commltt From~ Bruce M Smger, PresidentlCE CC: Mayor Neisen Kasdin City Commission City Manager Sergio Rodriguez Asst. City Manager Christina. C Judy Evans, Exec. Director - M Robert Pa'Cher, City Clerk Date103l18199 . He: Growth Management Resolutio RegardIng Eledrowave , , ., 'f , ' ~. i: ~ .1 ! , . It ~; il . d . ~ ! ; r . I J . '. ;i :': :,i i.: 1i !: I: i.: ,:1 I: .:-, I, ~ I : I' .: I, .:. 'I I Ii 'I; !: Attached please find a draft d the .ng minuteS of March 4 as wefl as Ii ~I the proposed ResoI;iion. PIe88e note this matter is on. the April 14". 1 f I City Commission agenda. By copy this memo I am forwardlt'll the.' l.: ~.I Resolution to the $ttention of Robe parcher, City Clerk as well ii:ii r ji members of the Administration and City Commission. ) ; ~i By copy of this memo, I am also requ ng the assistance of Judy Evans, :~ r ExecutivG Director MBTMA, in det Ining when thJs matter may: be I: t heard Should you decide to perso IIy present the Resolution at. the ! Ii. Commission meeting, you can regist in advance by contacting' the City's . 1:' ~/l Clerks Office at (305) 673 7411 or ill signing up at the Commiesion ~'.:ll meeting. : il i 1, d YaJ require any .addltl~1 :~: t . :' ;~ [ .in"4~ I !: "1 " . ~ I " ~ f : :l i '.1 : . : !, '. : 'f PI8a$e feel he to contact me infonnation. III . I .1 :1 . . i : j! - . -I : :1 i: .1 ~ . , 1 ~ , '. I ! i : ! . i . ; ! ! , ! I . i I . I . . . ! . ~ , .. " MAR 18 '~ 12:41 .P.2/4 ,..:;.:",:",:','." , ." ' " , . I I . ! . , ....:'" . " . :' ': ", " "",'. .' , . : I tOMMI'ITEE.OP THE MIAMI I G THE ELECntOWA VE ':' 'BEACH TRANSPORTATION G THE CITY TO PURCHASE ICLES AND EQUIPMENT. . . , I . USOL'IlTION OF THE GROWTH MANAG BEACH CHAMBER or COMMD.CE SVPPOR PROJECT PRESENTATION MADE BY THE ~AGEMENT ASSOCIATION (MamA); lJR J'OUR. (4) ADDmONAL ELECl1UC SHttlTLE ! . , I . . I . ;Wh~. the MBTMA and the Administration propo four (4) additional electric s~e vehicles and equipm ~ the City be allowed to purch.aie t~~ . . ." .: . '" " :' , . . .'. ;Wh~ :.if on or after October 1, 1m the HlectrPWII .' '. .: '~veJWe hotel ar~ the Cultural Center and the Holocau fight (8) vehicles Oll-fOutCI scrvi<:c plus three (3) in I ~ute is enhanced to include the Colt. ~oriaJ. 'it will be ~eaSBfY to. h~: i niSQrVice; and . : ~ by the State of Florida' as an W.enu, FDO:r informs that tho Blectrowave i. ~emely high-profU. project; and . ' ~hereu, the Electrowave is the key for the City to '~e obtaining Federal funds for the . ~e1opment and construction ofpar~itIi centers. As well as a p~nt ~eJmaintenance facility for the electric shuttle vehi lea;' . I I I' . NOW, TllEU14'ORE, BE IT DSOLVED BY THE OWTH MANAGEMENT' . I ' CQMMl1TU or THE MI.AMI BIACH. R Oil COMMERCE, that the Mayor . " , ~d City Commission ~t.ihe Electrowaye Project P : alion made by the Miami Beach : J, Transportation Management Association (MBTMA); ~r, authorize the purchase offoUt: II additional electric shuttle vehicles and related equipm . QS~. the FT A funds. . . AdoPted this 4111 day of March, 1999. , , ' c . peraId JC. Schwartz, C,hai .' @ Management! l~ZO Mertdtan Avenue, MtU1U ~ Jilortda 33139 Phone: (05) 672w1270 · Fax (05) 5384336 ;: I '," :1 , I . , : : '. 'j, I . l:j : ;' II' i' I' I i , ' , I , . I I. , ..1 , i , I i r . I I !. I , " I i . .' j .. : I . I I I . , . j" : I ! ! : i. . . 'I i . ! ; . i i : ; ..1 . . . I I ; ;. ! , . . ; i' . '! If I . . , . .f . : .., " i' . . j, .; 'i:: I: !I :11 ; , . I' \' '. I, fl '; }I/' i ! ;:1 .. .: ft .: . t- . '1' 11 . . {; ~; . . .:' Ii ; ,:i .' I: ;,' . I . ! j' : . l : ~ CDlnmitmenI to Muma..,l " I' ssed this aoal at great length and has . i l' '. 1 : to arge the BOG to ~Dpt the :'; !:; I e above-ref'ereoced goal: j': 'I:' l .'!. . t' , A RESOLUTION OF'THE MIAMI'B CD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ;~. t: ! BOARD OF GOVERNORS UKGIN THE CITY ADMlNISTRATION;'~. !: MAYOR AND COMMISSIONERS ENDORSE THE CONCEPT OF i! Ii DEVELOPING FV11JRE PARKIN LOTSIGARAGES ON . TIlE '1' ~:.,: . , . PERIPBERY OF MIAMI BEACH INTEGRATING SAME lNTO.' ~: Ii I : : ! INTERMODAL FACIL1.T.IES. SO VER, IN PROPOSING THIS:::!i;::! RESOLUI10N IT IS RECOGNIZED T THE CITV IS ~y 1:' !l i :.! PLANNJNG GARAGES IN THE AREA OF 10TH AND COLLINS, It.-m'AN]) !': H ! . i /LENNOX NORTH ~F ~coi.N . i: :; I' .! ROPOSED REGIONAL LlBRARY~ :,. ;~ I SITES ARE DEVELOPE>> AND ~ !:! I . .j! ii : ., : Ii; t ~ I' f ... I . i .' , ~ . ~ ;. " . ': I MAR 18 '~. 1~:42 , .' 1 P.3/4 !. '~il'; I 'I' II :. ~ . .', i : ;,: ~J; . ! I. i " . . .1. .1; ,. . ~: ti'; ; ! ,. I' :. ;1 II, i"' iI ;. I: II . i ! . ,! . i i I' ~ . . 1. .,: 'I . , . ~ '.. . .,',' . : ",,: ..' ~ .... ,.: '. . " ~. .' . \ .~" ~ : . Miami Beach Chanib r of Commerce Growth Mana em' t Committee Meeting Dutes March 4, 1.999 .. 4 p @ the MBCC . .... ., " . . , ". . . . , .; . ' ~ ..:.... .' : . ftfSfllt; Mutin H CO-CW' Architect . yman. . Aviva'Baer-, Communikatz Inc. Aiex,-Bonet, Insight lac. . Aliza Brenner, MK Travel It, ToUrs . Judy Evans, MB'IMA . Phil Fidler, The Fidler Group Ada Llerandi) Ritz PIa7.a Hotel Carter McDowe1~ Bilziti Sumberg Dunn Price.& Wyatt Potter..Brown. Me IIany &. Assoc. Hank Rodstcin, ESQ lrod LLP '. :...1'::',,, :.' $m. Bmco Singer, President les8ica Muhtar, Commiuee Coordinator 1. Wolcome & Introductions n. Old Busines. A Discussion pert8ining to conuiUttee Mobility Plan. The committee ~ recommended the following: A . followlac resolatiou and sUpPOrt i ! I i . i I :. i i '. i I '. ! .. i ; ! j' . : I . , : I , .' . ,'; " ',:, ' I, " , " " , ,I ~I:'~ I , . .:. ;::;.~: :.:,' ; :', J< ~':": ~':; , P.4/4 ,'.' i.! i ;, ,:; . ~ .. . I . : I : j' CONSIDER', lNTEGR.A~(i. ' i ! SYSfEM. ElectfOW&Ve ~ Judy Evans,. Executive. r of the MBTMA.: provided a status report. She .advised ~ the C Conunission will be' considcr.in; a resolution. regarding the ac:c:ewmce :t1ie Plcctrowa-ve Proj~ pn;scntation made by the Miami Beac~ 'T portation Managemcni ABsociation (MBTMA). .~; Mo... made' . adopted to p.....t: the ....ched RaoIud,D (He a_ebed reIOIudon) to the. City AclDJhaistr.adon, )fayo.. aud Co.vm.,.mn at the March 17, 1 Co....I.oednn meeting. m. . :; New Business - .B. . . 'A. :.." , B. ! ' ' . , . . . :1 ,Goal .' Cbamber should re-address : tject of park mItm~ce and tKnI issue; Singer suggested to the: commi: that this is an issue.. that they I1l&Y want to a,ddreis at me upcouJing ". Acdoo: Staff t~: CuutKt Ciqr AcbDiDIRra~" and ~ ...i. aober of the .taff atteud. ~e nut meeduC o! dae G~ Maa. t c:ollUDittee tGr tile PUrpo.ve of diKDlliaI the CUITCIlt status: ulor ..... to ideatify the ran.. '0.. the aaaiDtellallce oftb, newly'reJI:OVattcI 'ukJ. : Next Meeting Date - Tuesday. Chamber ofCommetce . , PM @ the. MianU Beach :! I :I" , . 1 'l l i I I I , .i :i' ,! 1, . I: . , I : 'II . i ! , . i : ! , . I , ~ . , ~ ~ I .1 , :; I ;: ! . : : I :, , '. . i . . , , : I i i ,. . ; I i i I , .. I i j i j I I i I I I I , i i " . CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RESOLUTION OF THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE OF THE MIAMI BEACH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SUPPORTING THE ELECTROW A VE PROJECT PRESENTATION MADE BY THE MIAMI BEACH TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION (MBTMA); URGING THE CITY TO PURCHASE FOUR (4) ADDITIONAL ELECTRIC SHUTTLE VEICLES AND EQUIPMENT. Whereas, the MBTMA and the Administration proposed that the City be allowed to purchase four (4) additional electric shuttle vehicles and equipment; and Whereas, if on or after October 1, 1999 the Electrowave route is enhanced to include the Collins Avenue hotel area, the Cultural Center and the Holocaust Memorial, it will be necessary to have eight (8) vehicles on route service plus three (3) in rotation service; and Whereas, FDOT informs that the Electrowave is considered by the State of Florida as an extremely high-profile project; and Whereas, the Electrowave is the key for the City to continue obtaining Federal funds for the development and construction of parkingltransit/intermodal centers. As well as a permanent storage/maintenance facility for the electric shuttle vehicles; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE OF THE MIAMI BEACH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, that the Mayor and City Commission accept the Electrowave Project Presentation made by the Miami Beach Transportation Management Association (MBTMA); and further, authorize the purchase of four additional electric shuttle vehicles and related equipment, using the FT A funds. Adopted this 4th day of March, 1999. I Martin Co-Chair /' emard Zyscovich, Growth Management; Co-Chair 1920 Meridian Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Phone: (305) 672-1270 · Fax: (305) 538-4336 Mial11i Beach Chal11ber OfC0111111erCe 1920 Meridian Avenue; Miami Beach~ Fl. 33139 Phone: (305) 672-1270 Fax: 538-4336 Memo To: Gerald K Schwartz, Chairman of the Board Martin Hyman & Bernard Zyscovich, Co-Chairs of the MBCC Growth Management Committee From: Bruce M. Singer, President/CEO CC: Mayor Neisen Kasdin City Commission City Manager Sergio Rodriguez Asst. City Manager Christina Cuervo Judy Evans, Exec. Director - MBTMA Robert Parcher, City Clerk Date:03/18/99 Re: Growth Management Resolution Regarding Electrowave 7 Attached please find a draft of the meeting minutes of March 4 as well as the proposed Resolution. Please note that this matter is on the April 14h City Commission agenda. By copy of this memo I am forwarding the /'7 Resolution to the attention of Robert Parcher, City Clerk as well asZ members of the Administration and the City Commission. By copy of this memo, I am also requesting the assistance of Judy Evans, Executive Director MBTMA, in determining when this matter may be heard. Should you decide to personally present the Resolution at the Commission meeting, you can register in advance by contacting the City's Clerks Office at (305) 673 7411 or by signing up at the Commission meeting. Please feel free to contact me should you require any additional information. ---' Jm.wp.gm.memores0399