File Ref. #143 C!1'rif C!U:lUt-- F/t.€,€eJ: # ~'I.I-H/l.I~ ~/ 1?9? Agreement between the City of Miami Beach and the Federal Government, Social Security Administration, exempting City employees from paying F.I.C.A. and Social Security Taxes. Agreement dated October 23, 1951. tg,llltKS.ttt (C~rap ot State aDli I.clcal1llp1...) 'Jbe hd.~ Secwi ty 'dmofYli-lWtz'a tar ~ benilla!'tel" called. tbe LoltftifthtNto1', aItCt the State of norlda, here~ &grN, ~ aeeord- uce -wi tb tbI termS and. c=d1 t100s Ita t.ed 1ft tb18 &pee_at, to aterJl. in coatond.tr w1~ aeet.ien 218 of tbI Social Seemv A.ct, tha iaawaDae qataD. ..tal,'hl.Art by t.itJ.e II at tDs Social Securiv Act, to services p8rf'o1'lD'd "b7 incU.viduals as ~.. ot tba StatA, aM ~ cIIlP10)"llsa of th... pollUca1 .-a.1xU.rlaiODII of tbe StaUB;! listed in the .p~nd.:1x attached. hereto aDd made a p&%'t hereof, aeept sft'fice. 81'pftss.13 ucll.1fed t!lOIl dlis aueement.. (A.) Det1Di ucma. Far purposes 01 tb.15 ~Dt - {1) '1ba ten .polit1cal ~T1s:i.0A" U=1_. loll .inat1"alll"c- tal1tJ' ot (a) m. State, (0) Gne or' ... poJ.1t;ieal sa!Ic!1vU1ans of the State, 01' (c) 1:U Stata G4 m18 or lIoOI'e of ita political Sl.lbd11'is1ons, but 1'1.. Dot includ. a joint in8t.ruaB~tality ot . this allld &tJy ou.!' Stat. or States. (~) h tan "8l11pl.e. .-aftS an emplo,.ee as clet1Ded 1n hCUOIl 210 (k) ot the 30c14l Sec\'lrlt,y Act aDd sMll include 41\ ott1Cf1l' of tbe State or or a poUUeal SW1d1"1'iaion _Not. U} 1!se tel". -NQ.:-e.nt systall" _au a peD81an, aawitl7, retire.ut, en- s1m1.1ar ttUlCl or S7atll~ .stab.l..Utwd bT \be State or b7 & polltlcal nbOiTisia t..'w~o!.. (4) A. "CClftI'A4;e croup" _&0:1 a c~re.p croap u de!insci in 8lIct.ion 21S(bHs) a! t.."I.& soe~l SeC-.l1'~ t.J Act. (3) S.nic.;; eo..vr.ltj. 'lhU .Cl"u=n1. i.n(;~WIe' aU teM"'.c:.s portor=d 1:r,r imliTidual3 as emp].a:r-a of tbIt Stat,., an:! as hpl)ytlU ot tbcI. pol1t.1eal subdiTi.sicms l1:n:ed 1.-1 the appwmdix attAebed hcftto>> e.xeeptc 1. AnT Ht'V"'.t. 1018rt''':':Iec by a:: .lII;IlQ1W. in . podtiClt1 wbj.cb, CD tb8 date of ._e9J~= OJ' 04 tat ettect1w date spea1-e tied under pa:'~ (I) ot this ag1'ee.ti't, 1IlU.ebeWl" 1* tbEt la1'.er, 1.S co...~ tI1 1& 1"e~aent ,,..tea. 2. &.rI'ftce~......., _ ~ .. i. ..1-....... ,. nl... IdII ta. T Jrttlllfl~ ,. ~ ~.... Sa . 1IolIplta1.. ~ .. .... u.t1td1oa '" . IIdMn'. t..w ~. 4. eo..... ......rta.iGB terrS.oe c. _n.I. ta .MU. aoci) fit' _ IocMl IIcm1.V M:f;).. lUll 5. III'tioe (~tIIID acn-ltull1 ~", ...u. l*t=-l ". .....) ael.. u. ~, lir ~ pnniaia tit ~ 210(.) et UII SleW ~t7 JlSt. .... tbra........... (').fIt .... ...u.. (0) Ccatn1ld1aa __ ~ Ita.. . ltate wUl .,., to tilt 8Ic:NWl of WIt "-7. II .... u_ CII" ,s- _ ClII AA.f.''''tclI'., .. J'IlIII1,aUall I'll 11'1'" --- elDd.'M1_t ~ ~ _ of .. __ wb1di WIIl4 be 1It- poH4 .. eeetiMI 1-'00 _ 1.4l0 fit _ ~ fa..._ CocSe it tbI I81'ricM fIl -.pl.... CleW__ _ un. a&:n!UIlt. ....1.W .0I*8l' .. W1M4 1D ,eet_ 14H f#I .... C8M. (:D) ~s.o. vi~ 1'8III1a*~" !M Ita.. vU1 ~ v1th -= ~U.. .. '. 1l1.C."... ~ZUer ., ~lle to ~ .. tbI pupae. fit teoUall a1.I of tb8 Soc:1a1 1eaar1t7.ut. (~) Jll4UlG&tl-. !!h:lII ..,___t Y111 lie -atft_ .~ .. r....~t fII .. ..... _ 1D::1.ad.. poUUeal ..ws.~_ ar ..... ..... _ lIou.. Sa a441t1a 110 tMae PD11t.ltal -'41'11.81.. u.ted. 1& tbe ~,~. or to fad_ .d4UiOMl ~.. Me MIl 1Jlcl..... fa tbiI. ~ _to, IaCb tIOCJ1flcaU. to be ..t..... V1.th ~ p:raftalca of uct!ca. 211 ot . SocW 1ecIIr1t, Mt. (f) ta__u_ _ \M ..... !be Ita~ lllPIm &hia& .~ lAuI' __ ~. ..... ~s.. ill Wi.'izlr: " tile ~1..1.u.teI'. .., ~to ~ -en u..s.1iber fA It. _~ or w1\b Z'eQeC\ to .. cwr... croap. Jtct1-q -2. - '-("In, I ~~~~'~l~l~ r.~~ .. die ea4 ot . c:a1.-r ... tPlCifW SA - JIO~ P'O"" T14ec1. holIt....._. tat u. _&fnr-a.t. ~ 'be ~-w. ~ ita elU;U'ft7 cal.7 U it !1M ~ 1:& ~ ~* ettec\1ft 4ate ~ aa.r JlN'\ (t) ,. _t 1- ... n... ,.... SriOI" to ~ of ReA IIDtice. ad. ._ tariI*" ~t tII8 ~., ..,. .. "teftdaW with ~ to .., ...... ". G.7 U It .. 'MI8 Sa etl. vttb 1'.... to..... ~...A~ 1/lVIP"-' 1....... fl..... JWIft 1II'1Or 10 1_:1"" aC .....uc.. (tJ.) ~tl.. .. b ~.4.ta"'. It . A,&.4'ft'1_trator. .n.. ..Uee -. GJPOrtaa1. trrt ..... 1Dg to U. State. ~ tIla. tb8 Stat. ... taUe4 01' 18 JUt ~ 18G1117 able to 0GIllP1.7 ...--Wlt with ., poI'StloD of .,.. 8&h A.it ,. or ~ 218 at" de IOdIIt SNIr1 V Jd, a. ddI" aotlt.r tM ft&'Ce 1lir c1n.. DDtU1cIattGe t.a ""-- " "- Cba1r.a fit tM Jica"1da ta:U~ C-Sw.. tlat th1a acre-. - . -..-.. ". \~'''_.'.'--- w1ll1le 'eaiJlate4 !Jl iM _t:~. .. wlfib........' to ~ - . 110ft ....+n~ CNrll* ..irt<<t _ Ida. at ... ~ IIGt lata' tbe _ ~ ~ tilt aat. at -* _ttfta~ .. III .... ~.." aal- prior to t1Idl .s- _ tD&t .at ~ ... 1... 1. ., u:b Wl... or *' tbe ... 'fit ..-;:h 1-.,1 1a- abU1V" __....... It __ Sb1.... or JUt (J), .. -c- ] n... !JI tAlftioaCell wUb relQJBC\ w .a7 ecw m-., If/IfIfIIh --- HrJdDa'ica .-u _ etteouw 81... W'lt.lll'MP"'Ct to _ d1u-l .....-ta_ bL nch Claft... ~ t_,....~ S.....1 UR'~' to ~ aoc!1t1OaU_ .not -- )IIU't (I). (I) '~..te" "et'UU. .;.a. 1:&~~ OIl d.tt.p",," h..... (1) It __ or lee. u.a U. GGI'NC:i .... .. ... .... (C) fit iib.11 "J:~l"" .. paid. tdtb I",.,..,s to .. Jill' -t III '-' , . . r......t1aD. PNPtZ' ..u-~t with "..to . \be ...., .. --a.,.,. ~ """"'-.-t (..) ;"0;1.:. ... -..- _..~. ._~_..... ~ -,.,.. .- w ..,.. ~... . .....QI6.... ~ ....... CGG41'l1ODl. s.a ... -.r. 8114 .t -.::b. t*-. .. ..,. 'be pr-=u.... ll7 NCDla.~ ot the ~._.... It - ...~~'1I.t .-aC "be ad,,1uta4 __ tbi. nJpn. ft" .1al1 be ... SA _~ witla tMCUc a18(h) (,) of b SocSal SecIa1'1ti7 Mt. ...).. ~. .. .... .............- ..- (2) U iba' ..... clad ., __. at tbI ,we t# u.. .. ..."., -.......... ~ t. GDd8r *1a ......LL nt. 1iblln .-u be adda4 .. put ~ _ .-.t. .. (-._ 1.& tbe ... ef ~t- ..~.. sa ____ y1\h tbe'~ ., ..pm (lJ .t , - tis.n). latene, d . ... of liX IlK' __ per -- trca ....~ __tU;as4. _"s,\boU~. to ~ .-i'a)ol- _~ r4 co1lel:t;1aD.. tt. "'1~1"_-. !D hU ~too. ., ~t .... MCG:D1i. p1:a 1a~' &- .., --u. - .. -... an.. ~ Widl tie ., oant.tT ~ _ s..<<...,. of . ~~ tor...... r \ tel" _'*....., ~ eI. .- ~ ~~ Jd'... ~...._....w...u.. lI.t___ ... teJ,4...... * .... ..... .. praria- of ~ 1aldat1leul'1.t7 Ue.. (1) _f'eotl... date. !b:la .-...at.-n...u.t1- wUh ...~ to IIIlZ'rtcM pert.-4 (1) _ or an.. J~ 1. 19~ ,. (2) - ar an. .. ~1ft __ 1lPIOUs.4 1a . ~~ to ~ "'_1l' wi. Z'8QflC' kl tM JGUt.1Gal taW1m1e1u 118W *bInt.a. lit' 1141t1a1. ill \bt ~OT of tbe laM or of .. .... pollUal 1d411'!l1oa OIL or: &ft.. t:M a..t. or * ~ tit tilt ..,..._at. !Ilia ........ i. ..~ iMo w.. ~~ ~ ~M. /"I!TI "b7 ~ B. .anac. J'eMI81 8ecaI1.. .t.&da1...--. ~J II.' \0 --'- 211 tit tb8 _~ 8eaIar1.U'.-. ___ Jlc!aft L 111.. 1eIl-.t. ~QI" CI8c1- n) fedaoa1 SIaI:In'7~. ect_ mnia .. ~ of 8Qt.boIo'1\1 ~... ta ldII ..., ..u .u-4tri.1I'tftL'_. u4 ~ Sllate tit I'1.CIl'ida" actillC bIn1A ~ av 1111.. aw.., CIIaUMa of ftCll'ida IildMUUl Q ~ norida t " :'''..... fI ...'. '. ~ H,.....t"<:-\::J~-.l. -=,'=,-=, .I....). c..=:) 1 r<:~ I:;/\HI'I ____-,.-.,......_ I ...... I .... I. ~l.J APPllnII Stl'S ~!~ KespOn8i~ roE' f1l11'lC .. Hepar-1'. ami C!3ltr~fl1....OIl ~t'.U'D Ra~ &. 9u'DIa, '=ba1rIIaD norida IJdutrial CCIIIIlI111810c :aU...n J'lliJA1DC !alJ..s!:lu,", n,ri$. utclPU. UOtr6m~ ~r)]:u au.OtS... Jaa1aZ7 1,1951. UlJ.nw. IIeDr7 ,. S.U 1bwa Clerk ... t.1l.la I J'lorida 10. ~at 8 lIcl~ecl Sen:lJI... LlK!: $(1 't1 C.C..e~a C1V C1erlt za. C.:i. 1;1, ncl"ida ID. IIlp.1.oJIeSI 48 !xcllJde4 s.rnc.. r 110M !bI8 .5tfectlw dal;r .1, 1951- .KPD 1ERRACB ItI.1rI.t'dwll Ci. tr ....f'..C:1. Cleft C!. tot u 'DIIIp1a 'f8n8ce B.ea.t. 8, Baz 4", ...... 4, r:.LillIrida 10. ~CIa 10 li:XclUltecl Serrice.. lIaa8 ~ &tteoti_ OCltoller 1. 1~1 s&IB'lT .1tIdI "Ida s...18011 Cs.. "pi" s..r.. BNbar, noz.ua 10. 1IIp1oJ'M" 6 I:I:clali." ~... ,... ;.J:' 'fy; _l~l""'flOll III ~ TO FLORIDA'S PBDDAl-StiTB SOCIAL SICUlI1T J.G1l~ POT 1 The s.er.tar, ot BeaU", BclucaUoa. aad ..Una aJUi tbe Stat~ ~t 'loroid., leti_ tbro1ch i.ta t'.pr.8.1l~.U.. d_1.aatH to .dla1IllJl'te1" Ua :r_DO.ud~Ub* ueta- tbd Acr.-at of October 23, 1911. un- ~,~1f1 said ~eat .ita'respect to tbe tollOWi~ IOl1t1oal aubcl1risioD to .tab ..id ApoeMdat alr..et, appU.. to 1*Oyide tUt IUd ......t .ball a180 awl', eflect1.. II of Jd, 1. 1911, to ..me.. pe.rtaioaect bJ' tile aplo,en of such poUtical al&betiY.1aiou i!r ~1Uo_ CO....r.d b7 . reti.!'.....n: ..,.t"~ (IISCept- f:ll'.... all. police-ea) but wbo aJ'e 1cel1g1bleto be ...b~ of aa,. J'et1r"'Dt .,.stell. C IT"!" OJ' ST. P&'l'D8BOBG UIC.Ludecl 1& ...~~~oa1:1o~ &0. 11 M:f4aCt1.... data ot <<:oW.....: Jul., 1. 1956 It 10 farth.r acreed tb.1: tbe servic.. ot An,. ..plo,.. reter- red to 1u Pan I ot tills IodUicati01l. .b.a11 DOt b. cO~eI'ecl b, tll18 Acr...eat OD or after the date ~ ~.a e1i11bl. to be . ...ber of a nt1!'_at 8J'11t_ but OIll,. it prior to 8uch date tae .....1c.. p81'fonecl It, .-pl07'" 1. po81t:1oas GOftI'ecl la, tlte ntir_at syet.., 1a Wbich tbe ..plo~.. is iaali,ibl. tor ...berabiP. are DOt coveP8d b, this AB~....Gt. .' PUT II The lSecreul"1' 01 -.1th. SChU:.UOD, .ad Welfare aDd tile S~a"te of 1'1odda, aftlas tJlaoo1ach 1ta ftpre&e8IaUY. d"1CUted t~ ..Uiater its respoasib:u':1tt_ l&8Cter t'" Aat'....at 01 ootONI' IS, 1951. bn'e- b, acc.pt a. a8 add1t10aal eowerac. arouv (aa defin.d in SeetlOA 218(b)(5) of tbe Mt) U1ICter suet .e.eat aDd .chow1.. full ap- pllcabl11t, of the teT*S ot ..id Acr....at to the de81...ced ~..- a,. p-oup of tile follo.1ac pOlitical subdbisiOll; CtTt or UQ1 lUCK ~U1 Aunol'" cu, Ball .u.t 8eaell. 1'10001c1a 110. of .1'10,....: 161 Btfeet1ve date Of Gover-C.: .1.118" 1. 1.00 IDelud" S~1-=-: Ser9ices ,.rf~ 1a Doaproprletar, fuactioDS la, ..pIc,.... 0; tn. eu~ ot: 111..1 ".ab, lDC:1Ud1De ....10.. ....flllrlleCl lap _plQ7'" 18 poIIi..Uo.. COVltred b, en,. of 1I.l..l ....a "'p~o:r_. "t~.., .rat... but wao are i"U.cibl. to .. ....... .f Bud .,.t_. DCII"Z'~ (1) .....1IC7 (2) l1ecU". (3) Pan-tiaa (\II) r.. bea18 (5) S.PY10.. ill po81t10_ or fJ.p.". aaCl ~lic.w_. (alnta4l,. coyued b~ o'i:httr re'tu__at .y.t.....i It 1.1 .further _creed that tile ..r'ne.. of aa, -.ploy.. 14 . poei- t10D cOYered bJ C1t1 ot .i..1 seacb "plo,... aetlr".At Srate. Dut wbe U iIleUcible to ~ . ...!:teJ' af auea ."1" .hall aot be coye:N4 bp tla1. Aar....at OD or after ~b. date ~. bec~. .11&lble to be . ...ber Of SUcll 878t-. bat O1!IIJ' if prior CD .uca date tb. ....1ee8 perfo...ed b,. -.plo,... in ~itiooa COv.red by the r.tlr....t 8,..1:... in '-leb tb_ eaplo,.. 18 1D011Cible for .e.~r.b~p. are DOt co..red b, this Aar.....t. .f ?-1 11~ UOI)UIC.ATXOlf 39 TO FLaRDU STATB SOCIAL SECrnUn .&~ The Seere~ary of 3e.l~h, Edue.~ion. and Welfare and the State ot Florida, actiDl;r thx'oug!l its reppesolltati,ve deelCUted to ,._iD1a'tf:1O 1t5 respcms1- bilities ~der ~h. Acr~eD~ ot OCtOb~ 23. lS51, hereby accept as addi- tional cover.lf. ~oUpll UDder sa:ld. An....u't aDd ackao.ledge lull. .pplioa- bilit7 of tde tcrm8 o~ said A~eeaeut to the follow1P:: ~TY en Jl.t:'""~O%tVtL~ WOe 69-1}500182 ... Wod. as) ~y AudItor City :bll JaO!:sODville 2, Florlda . ~o. Of ~lo7ee~: Iacluded in fiC~.furD1ab.d with ~odif1c.tion 2S and already repOrted. !nclud~ ~erv1ces: SeZ'T:i.ca pertoned 1D all p1"o~1etuy tUQcttOQ5 by _1'107... of "the City of J.~oD.ille, iDcludiag ...~1c.. ,.rf~ by ..plo,..- ia ;tCs:U:1ol1S covered. by ElIploy... Pens:l.oD P\uad, but who lU"e 1ne11z~b!e to be members 0: 5UC~ syst.., ~CEPT; (1) ~ra.uoy (2) ~.cti'Ve (~) Part-~1oe (4) ,... bu1s (~) :ervices in ~osit~o~ of t!remen And ~11csmeD. (These 9OGitioDS ar. Gov.rea by ez1at1~ ret1...ent a~8t....) (6) ~.",1e.. ~rlCWlled by nt;tloyee. Who are _b8rS ot, or ~ cli;ible to ~eco=e .e~berS 0:, aD ex1st1ns ro;irement ~. .y~a;e.; ~!:tctc:t:!.ylt d.te: J'aD\1&r}' 1, IS: 55 CIO'Y J.:..~ ::UtII (~'ro. 69-05'01:1: !)1reetor o%" l'iuauCQ ~. o. ~ '10:) C::..1 33. tloricla :70. of :::mployed: - ~d. 2S) l~, ~l~ Ot.:i01"$ l.uCl~ded 1n fiture :uru:l.shed wi t!l llcd1:1cat1on 2::: and alread, repOrted. ~ncl~ded Services: ~ervice~ ,erforaed :ft all p~opriet~y !ubctioDS by employees 01 tbe C~t, of ~~a8i, ~nclU~.D= se~v~ces ,erformed b, employees 1ft pos~t~ons covered ~t ~~Aai City ~,loy... ~.t1rement ~ystem but w~o ~re 1ne11~1ble ~o be =~cra of such system, !XC~: (1) ZlD.~ellCY . (2) ~eotl"e ,. (;;l} ,.. bas:': (~) 30rvices in ,oe~t~or.~ of :~reacft and po11ceaeu. (Tbese ~sitions ure c~v.~ed ~r ~~e~in~ ret1rement Syat....) (5) ~erv:.C!.. gertonled S:.. ea~l~yeee .:\0 ar. ...bes ot. or eli=ible to boeoue aODb~~S o~, an exi.tine re~1.".D~ syst... .::::ltect1ve date: A~r:.l 1. 1~5~ C!7Y ,7!l ~~I ~c:: (::0. ::;-'~J:)!~S - ;.:011. as) l:~~y Alttl:.tQJ" C:. 0:1 :=-.aU ;:uu~ ::eac.:l, ~lol' :.cla ~!o. o:Z ::tI:I:;::llQyO": l~e::':.:d.d.:.~: ;.:;".u.e : ~!'niSh" witl1 2~ mnd nlrc~dy re~~ted. Uod1fieatioc incl:!ded Se1:'Vi~~: ':ervices ~rformed ':"n all ~)r"i'r;.c'U,ry :::ncn:i.oM by filployees 0: the Cit:y of :::Lam:. 3eac~, :l.\cl'.:d."~:r EerviCes ~rtorllled by ..ployees ~or ,1