File Ref. #148 ..k~ g~ & e/~ C I 'rf.t c,l6IC-K- r/l..G" /LLj4f /Yi'- .1',.1111 € 2 r.(19?~ HAROLD ROSE N ROBERT L. SWITKES DAVID .JOVE NEIL H. LEVINSON GREGORY E. SCHWARTZ .JESSICA ROMERO June 7, 1999 407 LINCOLN ROAD PENTHOUSE SOUTHEAST MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139.3008 TELEPHONE (305) 534-4757 TELEF"AX (305) 538 - 5504 EMAIL: mail@rosenandswltkes.com SPEC1.A.~ CONSUL. TANT HOWARD GROSS NOT A MEMBER OF THE: FL.ORIDA. BAR Raul Aguila, Esquire City of Miami Beach 1 700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 RE: INDIAN CREEK HOTEL INVESTORS LTD., d\b\a HOLIDAY INN 6060 INDIAN CREEK DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA Dear Raul: Enclosed herein please find executed Joinder of Mitigation Plan entered into between Indian Creek Hotel Investors LTD., d\b\a Holiday Inn, (Owner) and the City of Miami Beach, (City). I would appreciate it if you would forward to me a fully executed agreement as soon as it has by been acknowledged and agreed to by the City of Miami Beach. Thank you for your courtesy and attention to this matter. Harold Rosen HR\lc cc: Joseph Johnson Les Beilinson, AlA Elizabeth Procaccianti Richard Tasca, Esquire Mark Bacon [1 JOINDER OF MITIGATION PLAN THIS JOINDER OF MITIGATION PLAN IS ENTERED INTO BETWEEN INDIAN CREEK HOTEL INVESTORS LTD., D\B\A HOLIDAY INN ("OWNER"), AND THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ("CITY). WHEREAS, OWNER IS THE OWNER OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT 6060 COLLINS AVENUE, MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AS DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A", AND OWNER HAS PROPOSED TO ADD FOURTEEN (14) NEW HOTEL ROOMS IN THE EXISTING HOTEL BUILDING AT 6060 COLLINS AVENUE, MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE CITY'S BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT (FILE NO. 2595) (THE DEVELOPMENT); AND WHEREAS, THE CITY HAS PREVIOUSLY REVIEWED AND ACCEPTED A MITIGATION PLAN TO ADDRESS THE TRAFFIC CONCURRENCY ISSUES IN THE VICINITY OF THE DEVELOPMENT, AS PART OF THE CARILLON HOTEL TRAFFIC MITIGATION PLAN, AS DETAILED IN CITY COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. 655-98 (THE MITIGATION PLAN), AND SAID MITIGATION PLAN WAS APPROVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION AT ITS MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 23, 1998. A COPY OF THAT MITIGATION PLAN IS ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "B"; AND WHEREAS, THE CITY HAS DETERMINED THAT THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE MITIGATION PLAN WILL RESULT IN ADDITIONAL TRAFFIC CAPACITY SUFFICIENT TO MEET THE DEMANDS OF THE DEVELOPMENT IN ADDITION TO THE DEMAND OF THE CARILLON HOTEL PROJECT; AND WHEREAS, THE CITY HAS DETERMINED THAT, UPON COMPLETION OF THE MODIFICATIONS LISTED IN THE MITIGATION PLAN, THE EXISTING PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE, TOGETHER WITH THE MITIGATION PLAN, WILL ACCOMMODATE THE TRAFFIC IMPACTS OF BOTH THE DEVELOPMENT AND THE CARILLON HOTEL, AS REQUIRED BY THE CITY'S CONCURRENCY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, CODIFIED AS SECTION 122, ET SEQ. OF THE ZONING CODE; AND WHEREAS, THE OWNER AND THE CITY CONTEMPLATE THAT THE TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENT SET FORTH IN THE MITIGATION PLAN WILL BE IMPLEMENTED BY THE DEVELOPER OF THE CARILLON HOTEL PROJECT. NOW THEREFORE, FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION OF THE COVENANTS CONTAINED HEREIN, IT IS HEREBY UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED: 1. JOINDER BY OWNER: EXCEPT AS PROVIDED HEREIN, OWNER AND CITY HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT EACH AND EVERY TERM, PROVISIONS, BENEFIT AND OBLIGATION OF THE MITIGATION PLAN IS HEREBY ACCEPTED AND IS BINDING UPON THE UNDERSIGNED AND ITS SUCCESSORS IN TITLE AS IF OWNER WERE THE DEVELOPER THEREUNDER AND THIS OWNER WERE THE ORIGINAL SIGNATORY THEREOF EXCEPT AS MODIFIED HEREIN. CAPITALIZED TERMS HEREIN HAVE THE SAME MEANING AS IN THE MITIGATION PLAN EXCEPT THAT ANY REFERNCE TO CARILLON HOTEL PROJECT, IN THE MITIGATION PLAN SHALL MEAN 6060 INDIAN CREEK DRIVE, FOR THE PURPOSE OF THIS AGREEMENT, AND ANY REFERENCE TO "PROJECT" IN THE MITIGATION PLAN SHALL MEAN DEVELOPMENT FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS AGREEMENT. 2. PAYMENT BY OWNER: OWNER WILL PAY CARILLON HOTEL PROJECT ITS FAIR SHARE OF THE MITIGATION COSTS AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 2 OF THE MITIGATION PLAN. OWNER MUST PAY ITS FAIR SHARE TO CARILLON HOTEL PROJECT WITHIN THE TIME PERIOD PRESCRIBED BY THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH. FOR PURPOSES HEREOF, CITY SHALL CALCULATE THE FAIR SHARE OF EACH SUCH PROJECT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING FORM.!;JLA;~TOTAL # DEVELOPMENT TRIPSV(TOTAL # TRIPS FROM MITIGATION r' PLANlJX MITIGATION COSTS. OWNER SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE WRITTEN DETERMINATION OF MITIGATION COSTS AS PROVIDED BY THE CITY TO CARILLON HOTEL PROJECT. 3. ISSUANCE OF PERMITS: DURING THE TERM OF THIS AGREEMENT, PROVIDED THAT THE OWNER IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THIS AGREEMENT AND PROVIDED OWNER'S ZONING BOARD OF APPROVAL REMAINS VALID, THE DEVELOPMENT AS DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A", WILL BE ENTITLED TO RECEIVE PERMITS AND CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH AND THE SOUTH FLORIDA BUILDING CODE. THE DEVELOPMENT WILL BE PERMITTED SO LONG AS THE TOTAL NUMBER OF TRIPS IN THE PEAK HOUR PERIODS GENERATED BY SUCH DEVELOPMENT, AS INDICATED BY EXHIBIT "A", DOES NOT INCREASE AND PROVIDED SUCH MODIFICATION IS OTHERWISE PERMITTED PURSUANT TO ANY APPLICABLE CITY CODES OR ORDINANCES. OWNER AGREES THAT THE CITY MAY WITHHOLD ISSUANCE OF THE FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT UNTIL OWNER HAS PAID THE MITIGATION COSTS AS SET FORTH ABOVE. UPON OWNER'S PAYMENT OF THE MITIGATION COSTS, THE CITY AGREES NOT TO WITHHOLD ISSUANCE OF A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT BASED SOLELY ON THE TRAFFIC CONCURRENCY REQUIREMENTS. 4. NO REIMBURSEMENT OR OBLIGATION: OWNER UNDERSTANDS AND AGREES THAT IT SHALL NOT BE ENTITLED TO ANY REIMBURSEMENT AS PROVIDED FOR IN THE MITIGATION PLAN THAT ARE APPLICABLE TO CARILLON HOTEL PROJECT. IN ADDITION, THE CITY DOES NOT OWE OWNER ANY DUTY TO REQUEST, RECEIVE OR REMIT ANY FAIR SHARE PAYMENT FROM ANY OTHER DEVELOPER OR TAKE ANY ACTION IN FURTHERANCE THEREOF. 5. COVENANT RUNNING WITH THE LAND: THIS AGREEMENT SHALL CONSTITUTE A COVENANT RUNNING WITH THE LAND AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 5 OF THE MITIGATION PLAN. 6. TERM: THIS MITIGATION PLAN SHALL BE IN EFFECT FOR A PERIOD CONSISTENT WITH THE TIME PERIOD PROVIDED IN RULE 9J-5.0055(3)(C)(3), FLORIDA ADMISTRA TIVE CODE, UNLESS TERMINATED EARLIER IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF UPON EXPIRATION OF A PERIOD OF FIVE (5) YEARS AFTER THE EFFECTIVE DATE (SAID DATE BEING THE DATE THAT THE LAST OF THE CITY AND OWNER SIGNS AND ACKNOWLEDGES THIS AGREEMENT), THE MITIGATION PLAN HAS NOT BEEN COMPLETED OR THE DEVELOPMENT HAS NOT BEEN COMPLETED (AS EVIDENCED BY THE ISSUANCE OF A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY OR A CERTIFICATE OF USE AS APPLICABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT), THEN THE TRAFFIC MITIGATION BENEFITS UNDER THIS AGREEMENT SHALL EXPIRE AND BE OF NO FURTHER FORCE AND EFFECT AND OWNER SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE THEN EXISTING RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING TRAFFIC CONCURRENCY. 7. INDEMNIFICA TION\HOLD HARMLESS: OWNER AGREES TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE CITY HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, LOSSES, OR DAMAGES TO THE CITY OR ANY DEVELOPER THAT MAY ARISE THROUGH THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THIS AGREEMENT, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ITS REIMBURSEMENT PROVISIONS AND ANY DELAYS BY THE CITY IN THE APPROVAL OR ISSUANCE OF ANY NECESSARY APPROVALS, WHICH DELAYS ARISE FROM OR RELATE TO THIS AGREEMENT. OWNER FURTHER AGREES TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE CITY HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, LOSSES OR DAMAGES THAT OWNER, ITS TENANTS AND\OR ANY OTHER DEVELOPERS OR PARTIES MAY SUFFER AS A RESULT OF THE RESCISSION OR REVOCATION OF BUILDING PERMITS AND\OR CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY WHICH ARISE OR RELATE TO THIS AGREEMENT. ACKNOWLEDGED AND AGREED TO BY INDI D\B\ STORS LTD., PRINT NAME: 0 \ -)~'\h(' ~-h (\ I . ~c i' i,I' t, (', I: I~' t TITLE: C( p.~. (if- (\T - i-C )", 10 ') /; P or IV (,;, II ;:i/-\\(' J--- DATE: L!.J I C1(, , (\' T NAME: ~'-D(, ).J }.J A ,l'\ \-< e..tJ r:J,?(LL1 STATE OF K I COUNTY OF e-~,11 i~':-n(~ THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS -02 DAY OF JIIf1P ,19~9 BY CI'/~P(+1, jJ:.'.\"f;(Ir"Oil.t, AS Ores ~Th('I." ~,.,I / Dill';"'" ;h.",: ,'---OF INDIAN CREEK HOTEL INVESTORS L TO.. d\b\a HOLIDAY INN HE\SHE IS PEFi~ONA.hl,.'y KNOWN TO ~ OR HAS PRODUCED tvi r' AS IDENTIFICATION DID (DID NOT) TAKE AN OATH. J;-' I" t (~I rj, /,7 . I '. (" I i/ '1."/ i J.II :.1:( (It I r : NOT ARY eUBLlCL ., PRINT NAME VII+~(I I /::\.,<, J i )f ('1 ~' \ ACKNOWLEDGED AND AGREED TO BY CITY OF MIAMI BEACH: ACKNOWLEDGED AND AGREED TO BY CITY OF MIAMI BEACH: Attest: ifllu) cr i? cu- C~ By: City Clerk Dean J. G andin, Jr. /c. Dire.c. tor 0 p.lan~..4ng I. I-J-- L k-" _L By:\ \~ulio Grave de Peralta Director of Public Works Print Name: eO I3Ml r e A1LC t+rm-- By: Print Name: __ Date: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE ~ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this c::) / ~J day of ~ ,1999 by Dean J. Grandin, Jr., Julio Grave de Peralta and Jos~h W. J-..A"SCW111f who are/is personally known to me or have produced as identification and did (did not) take an oath. /).:;; ~~o~ PrintliiiDe: -:;~ :.Ld --~ :; '"' Title: c~ ial Number: omCIAL NOfARY SEAL IRENE ZAYAS NOTARY PUBUC Sf ATE OF FLORIDA .. . COMMISSION NO. CC757367 My commiSSIOn expires rvn (if any) EXHIBIT "A" PROPERTY LOCATED AT: 6060 INDIAN CREEK DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA LOTS 3 1..35; BLOCK 2 AMENDED PLAT OF SECON OCEANFRONT SUB. PB 28/28 EXHIBIT "B" ., MITIGATION AGR.EEMENT Th..is Agreement is entered into between Bluewater (ME), loP., Inc. (''Bluc\vater'') and the City of Miami Beach (the "City"). WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 122, of the City of Miami Beach Zoning Code (the "Code") and Rule 9J-5.0055(3X eX3), Honda Admin.i~1rative Code, the Cfry is authorized to enter into development agreements; and \V1-IEREAS, Bruc'water and the City (with respect to paragraphs B-E only) represent and State that: A r..... Brue-""3ter O"\VDS or bas interest in properLy located \l.-rillID the City of r..-funID Beacr.. Fia:ida, a5 mo..: parucuhrly d~s~ribed in Exhibit"; anached t:creto and Bluev-at::r has "proposed r~o\""2tio:: c: u:e buildi::.g5 0:: the bd i::J. wn.:ct. i: b.s <:..:. i=:~res. a:c.: has 5Ub::::ritt~d an dppli::cC:G::' rOT bdd..6g pe-::rnn nu::nOe:- BMSOo:;g8. ::; Dod..i::::z,ioc of c. buiic.::.g. pe~ pr~viousIY :.~;--~e: t.~ ~~:' ~=!:-,' ~:~ :;e:-~ ~~b~ E9:;~': 1-;6 (t~:: ~~~:=:-:'~ t ~~ =-=~ ~.:':-'J.\J~...' r~.~c-,;,,'e:: 2:1:' a::;;:-::e: ~ =:Ilg2'iiC:' ::.:..:. :c 3C::!1"eS~ ~-ffi~ :~~~u...-:-~:-. ~-:-I~S = t:l~ vi~..~~' of t.be ?:-oje::: ::is pa:-: ~: ~~ C2rillOr. Eot~: liaS: IYfrtigztiou ?l.s :;s C;:;:2ile~ ::: C::-, Cot:::.:!:lissioTI Me:::lOr;!1;.c1t:::J No. c:5-9,8 (the ''":"YL~5<'::-::::: Pl.a::"). and said tv'..itipnoI:. Pbn was 2?p,"oved by the Cr.y Commission 2, itS meeting of Se-p:~=be; 2:3, 1998. A copy of~?: l'r1irig:i.tio~ Plan is a:1ach~d hereto as ExhibIt '1: .. ,....:-~ _...- ,.iP1"'~"',J '!'-r,,,T U1~ Ul ~~l"P"""''''U'':-:.::-,'"':-' f":u~ .;,~ ;"M';'!'1~=.1~":""" P1~r-: '!'L';'i1 r"""'.." ...~" ...~- '_~..} .....c...:: u_..._....~...._ ..........- - ~ _.....1.-_-......_............ _.........._ lYl.....-.o=__......_ ... _ III"T~ ..~ . ~. '" '""' GQCl::10~2... - . -' tIa!::!;; : Z? c. =r:y 5U.!I1 C1 ~: " - ., 'to !!1-::~ t.!J.~ c.:~~-:s or me ?roJe::: i:: acici.irioD. ro the de"'"'''ncis cfthe CarilloD notel proje~. D. The City has determined that, upon completion of the modifications listed in the Mitigation Plan, the existiDg public lnfrastructure, together witb the Mitigation Plan, will accommodate the traffic impacts of both the Project and the Carillon Hotel, liS required by tbe City's Concurrency Management System codified as Section 122 et. seq. of the Zoning Code. E. Bluewater and the City contempla.te that tile traffic improvements set forth in tbe Mitigation Plan will be implemented by the developer oftbe Carillon Hotel project. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the covenants contained herein and other good and valuable consideration., the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, it is hereby understood and agreed: 1. Blue>vater agrees to pay to the developer of the Carillon Hotel project, or to such other entity as may implement the improvements set fonh in the Mitigation PWl in the event that such are not implemented by the developer of the Carillon Hotel projea, an amOl1llt equal to the fair share coSt of implementing the traffic improvements. For the pu.."'Poses of this paragraph, the "fair ~are cost" shall consist of that proportion of the total cost of implementing the traffic improvem~ts equal to the propol1ion of road\VU}" trips generated by the Project to those generated by tb.~ Carillon Hote! project. In tie ev~t that th:: improvemems S'" forJ:. IT: tile Mitigatior. Plan are Dot '~?i~~~te~ Dy the ci~'velO?e~ c: tile '~~.rillcn Hotel proJec: C,'" .~~' anoti:l~:- =.:1':--:..... ~i:i:.e: b their emn-ety C~ r::. ?m. me::. Biue'Vv":ne: agrees tiu: It v.ili I.I!lplemo.! tilose porno!l5 of tb~ !-tfitigatiOD Plan not cJre-ady illlplemented that are necessary to create suffici.c! ioaciv.-ay cap a city for the roadwzy trips geIle7atd by the Project. Upon writt~ reques: by Biue>vater. !be City .".111 confum VIomcD portiotls of the Mitigation Plan Vvill provide suffici:x, road-way capacity for the trips generated by the Proj~ ifimplem..."!ltea. lL order to pro\-1ae the Cie;' >',1th adequate U:.5'J.Ia.n~:: regarding the :omple'"Jon of those l",,",?rove:::1em.s s.e-: fonn in !.he Mr.iga!ion Plan not already in:pleI:leme~, Btuev.'21er shall post a payment and performance bond tor said improvements cOQrerDpOIil.!l.eOllS v.m ITS permit 2pplication for S<lme. The payment and penormance bond shall be i::t a form <lcceptable to the .: .' City Attorney's Office and the Public Works Department. ensuring completion of all aspects of said improvements within the time period provided therein. The terms and conditions of said bond shall include, iI/lei" alia, that the Gty is a named beneficiary of the bond and D13}' exercise its rights under the bond if the impro....ements have not been completed 'W1thin the time specified therein. The dollar value of the payment and performance bond shill be the cost estimate for the work assoc~t~d with said improvements. If Bluewater should fail to timely comply with any material provision therein. the City may revoke or rescind any building permits and/or Certificates of Occupancy issued for the Project. 3. lbe City recognizes that the implementation of a POniOD of the Mitigation Plan by Bluewater Iruly create Excess Traffic Capacity over and above that "Which is nec~ssary to address existing deficiencies as well as provide the capacity necessary to serve the traffic annllUtable to the Project. The City agrees that for a period of three years after the effective date of this Agreement, to the extCIlt that the City in good faith idCDtifi~s projects Dot included within chis Agreement that will utilize the excess capacity created by the Mitigation PUn (i.e., capacity that becomes available as a result of the implemeI1tatioD of the Mitigation Piatl l.l.!Ucb is not allocated 10 or utilized by the Project and v.ilicn is not absorbed by background or other related traffic gro\'rtD.) (the ''Ex.cess Traffic Capacity") and only to the extent Exces.s Tuffic Capactry is created by the Mitigation Plan.. tbe Crry shaD. utilize good faith to prepare an estim.awi calculation of the a"O-pfCI"O.!!llte fair sn3.re f07 such owje:::,:; Tne City's goed faith enor!3 si..li entail placing ar:. al::lOl~riOt:. 3Jong v.:::: a :O~:~ of th.1s Ag::-e-e:::J.em .!:l tb.:: D=s:ig::: rz~1e;.;. B D3re i DRB I file for this proJec: am: m the DRB fries fo; s;Jcb. pro.!eC"'.$ indicating th~! said proJ~ 1.S a..ff:cr=C by this Agreement 7b.e City v.ill reques: '~eI.: e\-ici.ence from such proje~s of me paym~r of such fair share 10 B h:.ewatct or its successors prior to the issi.lance of permits fot :xch projects. It is understood that the Excess Traffic Capacity may be absorbd during the te-rm of this Agreement tb.rou:,t- r.O:rrru11 bckground and rehired L-affic grov..1h and that to the eX:e-:l! such absorption OCClli'S there \l.ill be nc rei::lbursem~! for the use of such capacity from athe:- ?7oie::!5. .., During tile term of this Agreemen t, p:o\.idec th;;-: Bluev.-a.e, is in compliance with tills Agre;:men., the Project v.iI1 be entitled to receive permits iUJ.d ceniiic;;tes of occupancy in accordance v-.m the Zoning Code and the South Florida Building Code, based upon the City's determination that the Mitigation Plan will meet traffic concurrency for the Project. Modifications of the Project '^-ill be permitted so long as the total number of tzips in the peak hour periods generated by the Project does Dot increase and provided that such modification is otberwise permitted pursuant to any applicable City Codes or Ordinances. 5. Notvvithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, Bluewater hereby acknowledges and agrees that those portions of the Mitigation Plan improvements necessary to create sufficient roadway capacity for the trips generated by the Project shall be "open to traffic" prior to the issuance of any Certificates of Occupancy (temporary or final) for the Project: however, the City may extend, in its sole discretion, the time for commencement or completion of any of the improvements descn'bed in the Mitigation Plan consistent with the requirements of Rule 9J.5.0055(3)(c)3, Florida. Administrative Code, and any applicable City Codes or Ordinances. In the event that an extension as pro\;ded in the foregoing sentence has been granted by the City, then Certificates of Occupancy roay be issued, in the City's sole dis~retioll, so long as it is reasonably expected that the Mitigation Plan will be completed \).lthin the time frames established by the Florida Statutes and the Florida Administrative Code, and any applicable City Code or Ordinances. ~ VoJ...v 6. R~ev"!lier.agrees to md:mnii)' and hold the CiTy harmless fron:. any aDd all c1.a..ims. }"5.5:5. Ci" damages ro !.be Crry or Zlly developer that rmy arise through the iI::plemeut2.!ion of thi.s .i.g:-ee::J.~:. :nc.~c.i:.~. .....-ruo!:.! llm.n:auo"::. its re:mo'..rrseme:.t provtsiG!ls ane an) a::iays by the C0 i:1 tbe approval or lS.:>-uance of :my necessary approvals. whi;:h cidzys a.ri.s.e from or relate to this :.J w ~r Aneement. B1u.. "'.:It:! fu..T1he-:- aE!e~s to indemni....:y And hold the G,v ha.."1Illes5 from any and all d~ losses or da:nages that B~...~;, its tenants and/or ~y oth;, dc:velopers or pa~ies may suner as a resuh of the rescission or revocation of building permits a1:c./or Certificates of OCCl..')Jan:::y \-vhicb arise or relate to this Agreem:=Dt. Tne terms and cond.-=-tions of this Agre:m..'":J! shall be d~med w be a cOVenant runnins: ....-ith the lands described in Eiliibit A and shall inure to !he benefit of 2!lC be binding UpOD the owners. heirs., personal representatives omd successors of Bluewater and against aD persons claiming by, through or under it unless this Agreement is modified or released by the parties : .. hereto. Blue\II3ter shall record this Agreement in the Public Records of Miami-Dade County at its O\-.ll e.xp en se. The City agrees that upon full and satisfactory completioa of the improvements contemplated by the Mitigation Plan thst, it will execute a notice of completion and release in a form acceptable to the City Attorney's office upon request from BlueW3ter. 8. The effective date of this Agreement shan be the date that the last of the City and Bluewater signs and acknowledges this Agreement. 9 This Mitigation Plan shall be in effect for a period consistent 'With the time period provided m Rule 9J-5.0055(3Xc)3, Florida Administrative Code unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. If upon expiration of a period of five years after the effective date, the Mitigation Plan h3S not been cotlJtlleted or the Project has not been completed (as evidenced by the issuance of a certificate of occupancy or certific3te of use as applicable for the Project), then the traffic mitigation beIlefits under this Agreement shall e:q>ire and be of no funher force znd effect and Bh.1ewater shall be subject to the then existing rules and regulations governing traffic concurrency. 10 General Provisions. a Future Ordinances. Bluewater unaerS1:ands and agrees tba: this Agreement is nor intended to predude the err--.. from enacting an ordinance thac would include the F-:s]e~ ~1!~~ a 5"p~ial tuxing di.snic~. ~raffic CODcu:-r~C~Y M2..!lageme;): A.rea. or similar ciistn:: !bat is of are3 wicie ~iica.rion. The City undersu.IlCs and agrees tha! Bluewata is tlO( waiving its rights t.1:1der the lav.' with respect to any credit or reimbursement to -which B luev..atei may be entitled. b. Modification.. .A..mendm~Cand Release. This Agreem.eu! may be modified, l!.r:::ndeci. or released as to the la!1d b.~em des.cnoed, or any portion ther~r: by a v.rinen i.:.s:n:.ment exe::uted by the th= O"WI1er~ of all the prope:ty upon "'met! the Projea is loc:ned. mcluding joinders by all mortgagees, if any, provided t!13t same is also approvied in advance, in ",TIring, by the City Manager or his designee. Should this Agreement be so modified, amended or released (with the City's consent), the Ctry Manager or his designee shall fortb'.'.ith, upon Bluewater's (or its successor's) request, execute a \o\Ilitten instrument effectuating and acknowledging such modification, amendment or release, provided said instrument is in a form acceptabl~.to the City Attorney's Office. c. Time is afme Essence. Time is of the essence and failure to timely comply v.it.h the specified requirements hereof: shall constitute a default hereunder (e.g. including timely'delivery to the City of a satisfactory paymeot and performance bond). l.n the event of such default by Bluewater, Bluewater agrees that the City may, in its discretion, rescind or revoke any building permit and/or Certificates of Occupancy issued for the Project and Btuewater shall have no claim against the City aDd the City shall have no liability as a resuh of such rescission or revocation. 11. This Agreement lll2Y be executed In counterparts. . . Signed, ~ ~flCl aDd ~~cd thii ~ day of . 1999. , , Btuc'mtCl' (MB), LP. By. '-. '. FnInk D. PaJmet. .. ~-~g Pa1Da' STATE Of ':-.- '" " :.-/ COUNlYOF " , -:;;-: , /. . _:' .1',c .J , ) ) ) ss: T.ic ~ ~ WH ~ bc:iiIIrB rac tbis..::.i my at .'-: ~.,:.' . 1999 b)' ....~7.(-...;-(.~..j :'-,< ." (~OO ,llc:IWf of ~ (MB). LP.) md . ~e-I tbc b~ d~ aD. b::Ulf of ~ ~ ~. llc p-;nnftlly IppW'*d bc:far.: :I:a, . ~ boWIl tD me or produced :...( .:..~ .' &S )r~.I:~-.lt''''H, cad [did) [dUboc] tU.e ID cCl. -:... - . # ~ [NOTAJUAI. ~J ~ ./ .~. .--'. -- ...~1. ....... PriDt Ham::; -, .: - Nocay Pailic, St.=: of My~-u-~=- , ' CITY OF MlAMl BEACH , , (. 0 By [",&}it nkt Print Name: Vt' ~ \J C....i"2." NUt IV Planning Director ~~LL Zc- Dtreaor, Department of Public Works By. ~~~ Print .' \."'........... Concurrency Management STATE OF FLORIDA 55: COt:NlY OF DADE -.,-.-....: - Toe foregoing insmImem v.>as aclmowied.ged. be..f"ore me t.b.is-::. d2;.- o["-.:...:.:"-~ '11999 by 1F"A--ll J . "'''-Al...\)riJ J~. DIr~or, Depanment ofPlal:mmg, of the Ciry of Miami Beach.. on behalf of the City. He pcrsona.Dy appeared befOTe me, is perso . kncrwo to me or produced as identification, and (didJl did not' t2.ke an oath. [NOTAPJAL SFAL] Notary: Print Name: ( H- Nota.ry Public, Sure of My COmmissiOD expires: r I c,.~l.,"'orARYSEAL NCr.: 0iAR I..E5 A. T A...-""j ! .:M1' ,"w'iUC sr i\ Ti OF FLoRIDA MY CON?l~~ON 1':0. CC~i:!O I L..'.. C~Y.=:EIC~.EXp. ~.Y2!:l.l~ I " STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) ) S5: COUNlY OF DADE , , .-- . 1)e forego~g ~ was acknowledged before me ~ day orF~ 1999 by VI//10 6("Q,~d~ .Rea. Director, Department of Public Works. of the ~mi Beach, on beh.alf of the City. He personally appeared before me, is p'ersooally KnO\Atll to me or produced as ideotification, and [did] [did not] take an oath. .' --- [NOTARIAL SEAL] Notary Print Name: ~ Notary Public, State of ~(or/ My commission expires: IIENU~YAS NOfAIY ftlIla: STATE C$ R..alJlM ~N :"0, CC7S13&1 uY tQ~ ;;".(,., Y'J .' fI!IlC - II -'.r"" f',.." STATE OF flORIDA ) ) ) SS: COONlY OF DADE , ' The foregoipg ~t was acknowledged before me ~ day orF.~ 1999 by *)jo 6fQ /1'4- tk rB24/aJ Concurrency Management. of the City of Miami Beach. on bebalf of the City. He personally appeared before me, is peT_SODll..!~ kn~n to me or produced as identification, ~d [did] (~not] take an oath. /i [NOTARIAL SEAL]