File Ref. #149 C I 'ttr C/~ CUr1<K:. r,'v ~# /Vf-vttNf:! z_I/..lfjf7 ~~ ~&r/~ HAROLD ROSEN ROBERT L. SWITKES DAVID JOVE NEIL H. LEVINSON GREGORY E. SCHWARTZ .JESSICA ROMERO June 7, 1999 407 LINCOLN ROAD PENTHOUSE SOUTHEAST MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139.3008 TELEPHONE (305) 534-4757 TELEF"AX (305) 538 - 5504 EMAIL: mail@rosenandswitkes.com SI=IECIAL. CONSUL. TANT HOWARD GROSS NOT A MEMBER OF" THE: FLORIDA BAR Raul Aguila, Esquire City of Miami Beach 1 700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 RE: FASWAG INTERNATIONAL LIMITED d\b\a CASTILLO DEL MAR RESORT 5445 COLLINS AVENUE, MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA Dear Raul: Enclosed herein please find executed Joinder of Mitigation Plan entered into between Faswag International Limited d\b\a Castillo Del Mar Resort, (Owner) and the City of Miami Beach, (City). I would appreciate it if you would forward to me a fully executed agreement as soon as it has by been acknowledged and agreed to by the City of Miami Beach. Thank you for your courtesy and attention to this matter. Kindest Regards, HR\/c cc: Joseph Johnson Derrick Barnett Marty Hyman, A/A .J JOINDER OF MITIGATION PLAN THIS JOINDER OF MITIGATION PLAN IS ENTERED INTO BETWEEN FASWAG INTERNATIONAL LIMITED D\B\A CASTILLO DEL MAR RESORT ("OWNER"), AND THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ("CITY). WHEREAS, OWNER IS THE OWNER OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT 5445 COLLINS AVENUE, MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AS DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A", AND OWNER HAS PROPOSED TO RENOV ATE THE EXISTING BALLROOM AT 5445 COLLINS AVENUE, MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, (THE DEVELOPMENT); AND WHEREAS, THE CITY HAS PREVIOUSLY REVIEWED AND ACCEPTED A MITIGATION PLAN TO ADDRESS THE TRAFFIC CONCURRENCY ISSUES IN THE VICINITY OF THE DEVELOPMENT, AS PART OF THE CARILLON HOTEL TRAFFIC MITIGATION PLAN, AS DETAILED IN CITY COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. 655-98 (THE MITIGATION PLAN), AND SAID MITIGATION PLAN WAS APPROVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION AT ITS MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 23, 1998. A COPY OF THAT MITIGATION PLAN IS ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "B"; AND WHEREAS, THE CITY HAS DETERMINED THAT THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE MITIGATION PLAN WILL RESULT IN ADDITIONAL TRAFFIC CAPACITY SUFFICIENT TO MEET THE DEMANDS OF THE DEVELOPMENT IN ADDITION TO THE DEMAND OF THE CARILLON HOTEL PROJECT; AND WHEREAS, THE CITY HAS DETERMINED THAT, UPON COMPLETION OF THE MODIFICATIONS LISTED IN THE MITIGATION PLAN, THE EXISTING PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE, TOGETHER WITH THE MITIGATION PLAN, WILL ACCOMMODATE THE TRAFFIC IMPACTS OF BOTH THE DEVELOPMENT AND THE CARILLON HOTEL, AS REQUIRED BY THE CITY'S CONCURRENCY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, CODIFIED AS SECTION 122, ET SEQ. OF THE ZONING CODE; AND WHEREAS, THE OWNER AND THE CITY CONTEMPLATE THAT THE TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENT SET FORTH IN THE MITIGATION PLAN WILL BE IMPLEMENTED BY THE DEVELOPER OF THE CARILLON HOTEL PROJECT. NOW THEREFORE, FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION OF THE COVENANTS CONTAINED HEREIN, IT IS HEREBY UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED: 1. JOINDER BY OWNER: EXCEPT AS PROVIDED HEREIN, OWNER AND CITY HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT EACH AND EVERY TERM, PROVISIONS, BENEFIT AND OBLIGATION OF THE MITIGATION PLAN IS HEREBY ACCEPTED AND IS BINDING UPON THE UNDERSIGNED AND ITS SUCCESSORS IN TITLE AS IF OWNER WERE THE DEVELOPER THEREUNDER AND THIS OWNER WERE THE ORIGINAL SIGNATORY THEREOF EXCEPT AS MODIFIED HEREIN. CAPITALIZED TERMS HEREIN HAVE THE SAME MEANING AS IN THE MITIGATION PLAN EXCEPT THAT ANY REFERENCE TO CARILLON HOTEL PROJECT, IN THE MITIGATION PLAN SHALL MEAN 5445 COLLINS AVENUE, FOR THE PURPOSE OF THIS AGREEMENT, AND ANY REFERENCE TO "PROJECT" IN THE MITIGATION PLAN SHALL MEAN DEVELOPMENT FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS AGREEMENT. 2. PAYMENT BY OWNER: OWNER WILL PAY CARILLON HOTEL PROJECT ITS FAIR SHARE OF THE MITIGATION COSTS AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 2 OF THE MITIGATION PLAN. OWNER MUST PAY ITS FAIR SHARE TO CARILLON HOTEL PROJECT WITHIN THE TIME PERIOD PRESCRIBED BY THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH. FOR PURPOSES HEREOF, CITY SHALL CALCULATE THE FAIR SHARE OF EACH SUCH PROJECT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING FORMULA; TOTAL # DEVELOPMENT TRIPS) TOTAL # TRIPS FROM MITIGATION PLAN) X MITIGATION COSTS. OWNER SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE WRITTEN DETERMINATION OF MITIGATION COSTS AS PROVIDED BY THE CITY TO CARILLON HOTEL PROJECT. 3. ISSUANCE OF PERMITS: DURING THE TERM OF THIS AGREEMENT, PROVIDED THAT THE OWNER IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THIS AGREEMENT, THE DEVELOPMENT AS DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A", WILL BE ENTITLED TO RECEIVE PERMITS AND CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH AND THE SOUTH FLORIDA BUILDING CODE. THE DEVELOPMENT WILL BE PERMITTED SO LONG AS THE TOTAL NUMBER OF TRIPS IN THE PEAK HOUR PERIODS GENERATED BY SUCH DEVELOPMENT, AS INDICATED BY EXHIBIT "A", DOES NOT INCREASE AND PROVIDED SUCH MODIFICATION IS OTHERWISE PERMITTED PURSUANT TO ANY APPLICABLE CITY CODES OR ORDINANCES. OWNER AGREES THAT THE CITY MAY WITHHOLD ISSUANCE OF THE FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT UNTIL OWNER HAS PAID THE MITIGATION COSTS AS SET FORTH ABOVE. UPON OWNER'S PAYMENT OF THE MITIGATION COSTS, THE CITY AGREES NOT TO WITHHOLD ISSUANCE OF A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT BASED SOLELY ON THE TRAFFIC CONCURRENCY REQUIREMENTS. 4. NO REIMBURSEMENT OR OBLIGATION: OWNER UNDERSTANDS AND AGREES THAT IT SHALL NOT BE ENTITLED TO ANY REIMBURSEMENT AS PROVIDED FOR IN THE MITIGATION PLAN THAT ARE APPLICABLE TO CARILLON HOTEL PROJECT. IN ADDITION, THE CITY DOES NOT OWE OWNER ANY DUTY TO REQUEST, RECEIVE OR REMIT ANY FAIR SHARE PAYMENT FROM ANY OTHER DEVELOPER OR TAKE ANY ACTION IN FURTHERANCE THEREOF. 5. COVENANT RUNNING WITH THE LAND: THIS AGREEMENT SHALL CONSTITUTE A COVENANT RUNNING WITH THE LAND AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 5 OF THE MITIGATION PLAN. 6. TERM: THIS MITIGATION PLAN SHALL BE IN EFFECT FOR A PERIOD CONSISTENT WITH THE TIME PERIOD PROVIDED IN RULE 9J-5.0055(3)(C)(3), FLORIDA ADMISTRATIVE CODE, UNLESS TERMINATED EARLIER IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF UPON EXPIRATION OF A PERIOD OF FIVE (5) YEARS AFTER THE EFFECTIVE DATE (SAID DATE BEING THE DATE THAT THE LAST OF THE CITY AND OWNER SIGNS AND ACKNOWLEDGES THIS AGREEMENT), THE MITIGATION PLAN HAS NOT BEEN COMPLETED OR THE DEVELOPMENT HAS NOT BEEN COMPLETED (AS EVIDENCED BY THE ISSUANCE OF A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY OR A CERTIFICATE OF USE AS APPLICABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT), THEN THE TRAFFIC MITIGATION BENEFITS UNDER THIS AGREEMENT SHALL EXPIRE AND BE OF NO FURTHER FORCE AND EFFECT AND OWNER SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE THEN EXISTING RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING TRAFFIC CONCURRENCY. 7. INDEMNIFICATION\HOLD HARMLESS: OWNER AGREES TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE CITY HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, LOSSES, OR DAMAGES TO THE CITY OR ANY DEVELOPER THAT MAY ARISE THROUGH THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THIS AGREEMENT, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ITS REIMBURSEMENT PROVISIONS AND ANY DELAYS BY THE CITY IN THE APPROVAL OR ISSUANCE OF ANY NECESSARY APPROVALS, WHICH DELAYS ARISE FROM OR RELATE TO THIS AGREEMENT. OWNER FURTHER AGREES TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE CITY HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, LOSSES OR DAMAGES THAT OWNER, ITS TENANTS AND\OR ANY OTHER DEVELOPERS OR PARTIES MAY SUFFER AS A RESULT OF THE RESCISSION OR REVOCATION OF BUILDING PERMITS AND\OR CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY WHICH ARISE OR RELATE TO THIS AGREEMENT. ACKNOWLEDGED AND AGREED TO BY "'~~-c,,,:S' J ~ \;~ PRINT NAME: ~ \\1' \ (J.( Iv\. INTERNA TITIONAL LIMITED TILLO DEL MAR RESORT BY: ".;.,> ++- ',,," ~. ) c\, : \\ 0 I ~.n~ \~ \ r,-\ G. f\ c-~~ ~ \' 1\ TITLE: \J \ C Q ~1)~J \ c\'~ \~ -A: DATE: "(,j"n CO !' 'i -j WITNESSES: ~/. , l{) i{/j/ltl./!CM---/' PRINT NAME: ---- ,'- L 0 'vV I A) () k. v1: , STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS J.~ DAY OF ::Jvn.L , 1999 BY 'PerV\'C/c'- l30v\~ AS \f,'cfi:. Pr.es.!6elV. ^1nste OF FASWAG INTERNATIONAL LIMITED D\B\A CASTILLO DEL MAR RESORT HE\SHE IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME OR HAS PRODUCED ~-1'f _&,/;~ AS IDENTIFICATION DID (DID NOT) TAKE AN OATH. 4,.~to-~.y PU6'. JENNIFER WINOKUR ~ ~ COMMISSION , C~13222 " ~ EXPIRES JAN 12. 2001 ~ 8ONOB:> JHROuGl; . '''i "r J\ ATlANTIC 8OHOING CO lNC PRINT NAME JE:NAJIFt;i? WI NO/\vR.. ACKNOWLEDGED AND AGREED TO BY CITY 0)7 ~IAMI ffACH: Attest: ~ taA (~ By: City Clerk Print Name: (2..01:;cnt f r+rL C 1+&02- Dean J. randin, Jr. ;/irector f Plannit ~ / . L ~__ ./L-- By: I ) '---Jiiiio Grave de Peralta Director of Public Works By: ---- :\'(\1 ~. agement Section Print Name: Date: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE day of Johl\~,;''',.nr . as omCIAL NaJ'ARYSEAL IRENE ZAYAS NOrARY PUBLIC srATE OF FLORIDA My commission expires: (if any) MY COMMISSION EXP. L Y 7 EXHIBIT "B" , .. MITIGATION AGR.EEMENT Tb.is Agreemcot is entered into between Bluewater (ME). LP., Inc. ("Bluev.,-ater") a:od the City ofMia.rni Beach (the "City''). WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 122, of the City of Miami Beach Zoning Code (the "Code") and Rule 9J-5.0055(3XcX3), Borida Administrative Code) the City is authorized to enter into development agreements; and WHEREA.S, Brnc'water and tlle City (with respcd to paragraphs B-E only) represent 'and State that: A. Brue>":Jter O...."'TIS or has interest in prop err)' located v.il.hin the City of r-.fumi Bead:, Flo:id3... as rnor~ p:micubrly d::s~rioed ill Exhibit ..;. mached t.::reto a:::d Bluev..atcr has propo;;ed r~o\"2Uor:. 0: Lbe b.:ilciI:!gs 0;2 the l.:md 6. wb...:ct i: b:=.s c..::. i!:.:eres. ~:: bs sub::::rined an 2ppli::;;riD7: ror bcil~g peTIllil Dl1"..,he, EMS0038g. E Doci.iS::21!OL: of;; buij~g pei""iI'.E pre'.iousr)' i~;.!e: ~.~' ~ -: := !:-... ~: e-:- :'e:-.~ D1lITlDe-:- B 9 -; 0: 1'"76 (t~ ~ ~T-:- ~::: ~ u :!:~ '-~. :.;~ ';:;;-=-~'1\J~~' re\~~~'~:: 2.:J.C a:~::-;:e:. ::. ::::::~2i.iC:' :r.::...: :0: 3ci:rr~~ ~-m.:: :G~::L'....,~::-. :>~l:::S ::: t.n= \'i~,. 0: me ?:-oje::: :;s pa..-: c::n~ Car..llo::, note: Tra:Ii: Mltigztion ?l~. ;;::; d;::~i:i:::: :: C~; Cot::.:D.ission Me=:10ianau::u Nc. C 5 5.~8 (we ":-.i.~g<.:ic:. Pl.a::."), and said [v'..i1ig::ltion Pb was approved by the Cr.y' COrm:nissiOD :it i!s meeting of Sep:~:::be; 23, 1998. A copy oflha: 'f'rL:..ngatioD. Plar: is a.-rach~d hereto as Exhibit ''E. .. ,- -,~.. r:.-,. :...- u'.-~-,.l ~;'::lT T;"'~ i~]"...,..,o-r.':::"';r.~ o:r~e ..6;T;=-:::.1''''~ Phr-; "1.!..!.'n r........,..,.~ ...l...!._ '"-'..~} u.::..:. _..._...~...._ ~_~ ............ ~ _.......__lo_....~_ _ _ !T~=_......_... _...-T ....~ - ... . C. 2.C!o..El'Jri~ - . -. ~G.m: :a:pc.~"" surnC1~: to me::: ti:!e ceJ:!:.2!:.CS cf the ?roj~: i.:: aciciirion to the ce""""nci.s of the Carillon notel p:roje~. !!"C - J J: D. The en)' bas determined that, upon completion of tbe modifications listed in the Mitigation PlnD, the existi.ng public infrastructur~. together 'rritb the t-.-1itigation Plan, '\>will accommodate the traffic impacts of borb ,tbe Project and the Carillon Hotel, as required by tbe City's Concurrency Management SY~item codified as Section 122 e/. seq. of tbe Zon.i.ng Code. E. Blucwater and the City contemplate that the traffic improvemcDt5 set fonh in tbe Mitigation Plan Will be implemented by the developer of the Carillon Hotel project. NOW, TIITREFORE, for and in consideration of tb~ covenants contained herein and other good aod valuable consideration, the receipt ofwhicb is hereby acknowledged, it is hereby understood and agreed' L Bluewater agrees to pay to the developer of the Carillon Hotel project, or to such other CDtny as may implement the improvements set forth b the rvti!igation Plan in tbe event that such are not implemented by the de-velopcr of the Carillou Hotd projeCt, 2.Il 2.!Lount equal to the fair share cos< of irnple-rr:enting the traffic improvements. For the pw-pos.es of this paragraph, the "fair share co~" shaD CODSi...sl of that prop onion of the total cos! of i:nple:nenting the traffic i:o:piO\'C'-TI~ts qu~ :c: is::: proponioo of ro;;d\.'r<l} tI1p5 "....,.....;l.,....P.:. =-.1_1 ~~...- by G:: Project to those gen:=:--atec b:.: ~~ C2:--J1e.:. :-late! projec;\ L :.::: :--.'::-::: :..G.2: ............ c-_ ;~r["l\:~::n:~ S~: \t.:::.-:":.:c::. ?i~ 2re !JOT :'=':';:~~::-:::~'.. :. :.:: :':~"=::-:~:- :--~ :.2:. :--1c.:e. ::~/']:~~. _. ~n :..:::...::.~~ ~ t!le~ ~::!e~~ L- = :2:-: :..::=: =i!~'\;,:::~ 2.~~S ~: ;: ~~ t.!::!J:===~: ~o.s!' ?o:-::c'-=.: :: t!J~ \L~gniOIl Pi::.=. :-:.c: 0~=:~ :::r:p ~~~:e~ ti:.a: 2.;:= :le=es.sa...:.-:~ ~(l c::e:::::: =::1~~ :-G a Co..:..=. ~. :C!? c.::~y for th:: T03dy..'2~, l~S g::.:e:cle: t:::!l:: Projec:. LpO:L1 ."TIt:::::. r~u~s: t'~ .5ru~.l"<i:e~. ~:: C;:-:; -.viD confirm ",,'hicD pOTI1a'Qs of t!:~ M.ici.gation Plan 'I;,oill pro'\oi.dc 5uffi~i::::'. Ta;J.c"':"2Y ca;a:;::y for th~ nips genera!=d ry the Pro.:=-::: ifi=n?lem...<>nrec .:..:. S?'::.:=:- :': -::-:,-..-:..:.::: :n~ \A.T...r: d.cie~ua::e ~~S!..!I~:= :--:;z::::.g tie :::=i~:::la!J of t.b.o~ "~rbV~~~:3 ~ f::-~ :: !.i1~ !~";.u~E2:10:: ?iz:. nc! 2lleari~.. ~~z-e:.~ 5~~e-~~:ej s.nali pOS! 2 - - P2-""I!l~: all: vmQ~::e OO:2C fo:: said in:mrovemem.;; COD.t~o~eo:.:s 'r.i'...n l'IS permit - ..... .... 2ppliccnio:::: fo~ SJ~t. Toe p2ymc:lt L!.!lci perro:rma.nce bond c;'aU b-: i::J a fo:'!:l ;:::;::::qrrable to the !!"< - , " City Attoruey's Office and the Public Works Departmellt. cnsurmg completion of all aspects of said improvements within the time period provided therein. The terms aod conditions of said boud shall include, inter alia, th~t th~ City is' a named beueficiary oftbc: bond and lU.'l)' exercise its rights l1Udt.:f the bond if the impro\'ernents h:l\;e uot beeo completed \lr1thin tbe tim~ specified therein. The do1J<lr valu~ oftbe payment and performance bond shall be the COSl estimate for the work associ~l~.d y..ith said Unprovemems. If Bluewater s.h.Quld fail to timely comply VYith a1Jy ffi.'uerial provisioo tbereu;., the City may rC\'oke or rescind any buildiug permits and/or Cenificates of Occupancy issued for the Project. 3. 1be City recognizes that the implementation of a portion of the tv1.itigation Plan by Bluewatcr may create Excess Traffic Capacity over and above that \.vhich is neces~ry to address existing deficiencies as wen as provide the cap3crty necessary to serve the traffic :lanoutable to Ult: Project. The City agrees that for a period of three years after the effective date of this Agreement, to the extent that the City in good faitb idCDtifi~S projects Dor included within this Agreement that ,,"'w utilizn the excess c<1pacity. created by !be Mitigation Pb (i.e., ~pacity that becomes anilibJe 2S 2 result of the i:rn;>krnentalioD of the ?viilig:nioD Pm v.t.:cb is Dot allocated 1D or utilized by the ?Toj::-: and ",i:1.i:::h is ;::'0, ;;bso.o:cc by ba:::kg::;ound c: ctbei related traffic ~O\\-rJJ) i.tb~ .~:"-:=s~ Tr-cS: Cllp~C~.") ~C c::.l~\,. tc tb~ eucr~ E~:~s.s ire: C~?a~' is created ~", r;.,~ "F-!'C--l'O- -0;-- ,~~ C;..... c~-i; ,.-;l:~b cGO" :";.;..:,, n"'-~-~~", ~c-....,~-~.: -::'-',)"-J'o'" of~h.. "'." \-,..;..... ~"-:... :-c:... _.. .~_ _.... .~.'" ...;...I....l.'-lo_ _______ = .... ...........~ .._ :' ._~..~_ """"- .....~.._....._ ..._...~.... ~.... =,,:,:-.rG~~:.- ..-,.- .:...2::.~~: :-:- 5"'..1.:: L:':-':":-::'-:.. !""'!-' . -~ . ..- '"-.. - - I . g'Jc:' ::::.:. ~=:~: ~.:... :-=:.::..... :l:i:LIlg 22. ~G:2:--'>:.'_ ~G:'; -.;..-=.:. _ :::::="- :~ ~-: ...:.c::-::=::-=.: =- :...:-: _'::::- ;-,:"',,,:~..., -. ...--- --....-. - -"- ::.:~ :0; ,..;.,i.:; ?TO..l:::~ 2.::C =. ~:: :JR.3 "Sj::: fa; s:...:!:: ~:-8.~e=:s ::::lCi.l:2::1;f :..:,: ~::. r';?,e:-: ~ ~::::= by this - -', --- rr.-' ~ - --'~';"--OlP-"'r,;.ror:>""""~.:;.--~orC'''''r'n+;'':- .':i.~~e::r.t.~: ~n~ ~r:-. ";,-~ ;~~u:::s:: .,.;.u::~...: .....'='1C1~ce J...lDLL ~\OOO.......... :-'! _...........:: ....~ __ ~a....~_~.. .:.. .:>~_ .J....d...l.J. -:::~~T'... ':'c ~'l.ll.:......;...':lin- c~ -::: ~'c::~s~o":":: ~T1f'.,... 10 the 1..5S-"':'a.r:.:~ 0: DC:.L~;'S f07 ~..:::: -croJ'ec!s. It is ~............ .... ... _....... . 4...... _..... ... _ ._ !'" .._. . .. llllderS100ci tb., th:: E;:;::::es:; Traffic C:ip2::ic:,,' :;:nay be abso.b~ ch':".:--i:ng the !:::-=. 0: tb..i3 Agreement tb..:-ou.::'" ::G7'-;}~ -::;;;::i~:i=c ~c. ;::~:=c: ~:-.:: g:-O~n-J: ~:. :!l2: tc 0:: ~~::::: s:.:.::. c.os.nrptiOTI :;:::c:: :b~:-= \;."':1: b~ :.: ~~'::':5~~! :::::- :.!}e ~se G: S":..1:::: :a?2~' ::-':::: c~e:- ::7:1~::::'. D.l...~~ ~~ Le~ of~ ..;:~pe~::l~::':, p:-cr'.-l:i::~ ::=.: E~:',;,;::~: :..: ::. :o~ii~ce vvith .. . . -.. -.. '1. ... .. ~:-- ., d ,p-~,.,_. - ;" ....,....." , ;~ .,.,.."-:,, A ('"rT'~"''''''~'' ..,,0:\ ~OI,JI"''' 'II".....ill DP P"1'''"J'''.! Q" .0 re~eTVe D~..-:...;;...:.. ~ . C..d~--.J.e.::> 0.:.. o\o..__'Oanc\ ~ ~ .. _=-"' ....._.0.....:..1_~~ L..:.J._ "".. _ ..._1. t"-.- .... .........1...1.. __ _ .. ... 2ccorcance \:.,1Ut tbe Zoning Code and the South F10rida Building Code, oased upon the City's f!Ik - II: .. dctcm1in:l!ion that the Mitigiltion Plan will meet traffic concurrcncy for thc Project. Modilications of the Project ",ill be permitted so long <lS the total number of trips in the peak bour periods gcucrilted by the Project does cot inCrCR5e and provided that sucb modification is otbernrise permitted pLiIsuant to any applicable City Codes or Ordinances. 5. Notwitbstand.ing anything to the contrary coot~ined herein. Blucwater hereby acknowledges and agrees that those portions of the Mitigation Plan improvements necessary to create sufficirnr roadway capacity for t.he trips generated by the Project shall be "open to traffic" prior to the issuance of any Certificates of Occupancy (temporary or final) for the Project: however, the City may ex'tend, in its sole discretion. the time for commencement or completion of any of the improvcmc:nts dcscnoed in the Mitigation Plan consistent Vrith the requirements of Rule 9J-5.0055(3Xc)3, Florida Administrative Code, and any applicable City Codes or Ordinances. In the even, th:n an C'XteusiOD as pro\ided in the foregoing sentence has been granted by the City, tben Certificates of Occupancy o:L1y be issued, in the City's sole di..'Crerioll, so long as it is reas.onably expected that the ~fuigatian Plan will be completed \l,ithin the time frames established by the Florida Statures and the Florida Adm.inistra!rve Code, 2nd any appUca':lle Cit)' Code or Or~a.nc=; <,j v-'~-- R:u.:"','::~ag:-ees lO cd~~;ry :mG note tb.~ Cr:-:': ~a~eS5 r:-o= :.:.:.. :i::C- ~ll cl..aim.s. ~o.;s~~ C:~ ;::...::J..2f~: :~. :..::- C~,. C'~ 2..::~.' C~,:~~CJe:- :':'2: :::2:" ::~~.~ :..:.:::...::~... :..:::: == .==-:::::~:lO~ of r1:i~ ..<~::~=~:.-. =::-...:=-=.; .~-:-..:~:.:.: ::=:.:.:;;:..::=-- ~:~, :--~:::::r:-~~=e:.: :::-:",-..3.::::"': 2..:.: c..::' :~~:-.'~ :-".. tne L~.. :.= :..:1-: Z:~:::""c.. C~ :.s..;-~2..::.:~ c: :..::.~. ~~:::::s..>3.~'J ~?~=--crv~. \,.:.,~:: ::~~':',,: ::..:-s.: =-:.= :'~ r~~~e 'LO this ."::"g:e:::::;e::~ 3~_-:.::,_: ii.L"1.b.c: 2g::re~s ,C wd~"II.;fy ax..d nOle s~ c=:-:. '::~es~ ::-cr::: a;:y a.nd all o l.-f..............,~' . . . . . . . . ::1:\;......,. \.)5Ses 0: C2.::::l:lEeS 6a~ B.__n",.::-;, 115 t:::lams anc"Oi :;.:::. o~e: c.:~velC?~::: OJ par..les may s-mei ;;S z: resut of the res~ission or n:voca!ion of buiid!::g pen::.i-r.:; a.::c. c: Certi.fi::ates of Oc::t.,?=.:J:v ';,'ci:h 2.ri:o~ :::>~ rda!e LO lliis A~e:'::n::m T.ce ~~ z:lC cOilfrios cf 1~~::: ft..g:!e;~~ ::~~1': b:: i~=== :: c.~ ~ C01len.aIl'i :-u.nn1nr:: ~..;~::. 0~ la:.c.s 6es~neci C ~~-ni-I ~.. and ,-:,~i1 ~ure t~ :i~ D~~ of z.::: ~t: omciing upor: me owners. he:;::.. p::15onaJ represem;:nlves 2nd successors cf Bluewi:!er ~:: 2~a6Si: an persons claiming by. r.b..rougb or illlder IT unless this Agreement is modified or reJe::sed by the parties f!S< . . . III .. uercto. BluC-W3ter shall record this Agrccrneut in the Public Records of Miami-D~de County at its 0\\'1) expense. The City agrees that upon full and satisfactory completion of the improvements contemplated by the Mitigation Plan th.,t. it' \vill execute a noticc of completion and release in a form acceptable to tbe City Attorney's office upon request from Bluewater. 8. The effective date oftills Agreement shaU be the date that the last of the City and Bluew3ter signs'and acknowledges this Agreement. 9. This Mitigation PI..an shall be in effect for a period consistent v,itb the lime period provided in Rule 9J-5.0055(3Xc)3, Florida Adm.i:n.istratrve Code unless termInated earlier in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. If upon expiration of a period of five yeats after the effective date, the MItigation Phrn h3S not been completed or the Project has not been completed (as evidenced by the issuance of a certificate of occupancy or cenific;jt~ of use as 8pplicabl::: for the Project), then the traffic mitigation benefits under this Agreement shall expire and be of no further force znd effect and BhIewater shall be subject to the then existing rules and regulatioos governing traffic concurrency. 1 0 ~:l~ral novisions. " ?:.::c.:..~ Ordinar:.::.es. Btu~v-;?:~r UIlcers::.!:.::5 .:;.::d c=-' e~:; ::z: :..ii.; Agr~em~t ~ i:e' n::l~d~.j,~ ~~'C::::u:k tl:.:c- C~.. f:-o'W C:;a~1!::; 2} e":.:.:::c::::,, :.:.::: ''';'':.~= ~::r-ude tb.:: :~':'!~:: O,..l.-:-"':"= ;: :::;-:..:~ :~-:::2g d.2.s:~'::. - ~~. .. :-::..=: :- a:c~-:-~:-. :Tl~Z;.~~=c::::' .:...:~:._ :::;~.s::::nJ.a: . . .' ,~-:r::: ~c.: ~ c: 2:-::3 \:I..1Q~ ~i:jCd.:J.OI:.. - ~. -'. 1 n~ 1- rr;' t.=lce:s:~::; 21:: a;:-~~ :..:::..=! .br~~Water 15 :::.~: \.;'2!"..1:j~ r:S :i:~t5 t::lQe:- the b\,;' ~;i-~ respe:1 to 2.::.;' :-:-:c:: or !~:::s..:~3-.~w! to 'Vwmch B iUev..,'d~~7 Cl2y 0:; e:l:T:lec.. b. Mcd.i5:at1011. p....ID-'"Ildm~t, and Reh::2S-e Tn.is Ag:reem~; 2.3y be modified, 2.::::~ci::i 0: :::l::c:~ 25 to m:: bd ~::r~ c::s.::J:1:-De~ 0: L!.:::, pOlLio:;:;. t!:.;::e-:: t,y c v..nuen :':'S::-.:.:!1.e::.: exe:-.::::::: i;:-, -;-r,e U:~ OVT'!le:-::: of all ~e -;::o:le:-::,' up;:;;:: -r,:':::' :it ?roje=t is . 'l"-~.,,tl ;"'''n- 1";~- l',,~,ri..~~ mJ .,n T7lon~g"""c: ~ 2r:-~' 'i'-;-o\'in"~ t!:lY sa;::;.. .~ ;'SG ;j:oprovied ~to".G~_~ J.o.J.... --.......:..o.~.. \,.i..:...:._....L~ ....._T ~ ~ _ _ __....:" .. , ~_ __...... _ _ . 8 advance, i::l ViTI:6g, by the Crr-j Mamger or his desi~ee. Should this A.g:r~ement be so modified, am~ded or released (?Iiili the; CiTY' 5 consen,), the City Manag~: or his designee ~ - //: shall forthv.,itb. upon Blucwater's (or its successor's) request. execute a 'WTittcn instrument effectuating and acknowledging such modificatiOQ, amendment or release, provided said instrument is in a form acceptable. to the City Attorney's Office. c. Time is of the Essence. Time is of the essence and failure to timely comply vvitb the specified requirements hereof, shall constitute a defauh hereunder (e.g. including timely 'delivery to the City of a satisfactory. payment and perform.ance bond). In the eVent of such default by Bluewater, Bluewatcr agrees that the City may, in its discretion, rescind or revoke any building permit anU/or Certificates of Occupancy issued for the Project and Bluewater shall have no claim against the City and the City shaU have no liability as a result of such rescission or revocation. 11. This Agreemcut may be executed in cOllnterpans. J!fC - I I: .. Signed,~~andv~~edtM~d:.yof ,1999. . " ,,-. ntuc-m.ter (MB), L.P. tlo..,. '-. ". U)._ . Fn!nk D. ~ its M ~ g;r,.g Pzrtn.a STATE Of , :......- ,." " ".-/ COUN1YOF " . :-;:-: I/.' _:' .1"~ .J I ) ) ) S.$: The ~ ~~ W'rJ.ll ~ bcionJ %:CO ~.~ ~ of ."-:~':' . 1999 by ~ ",_":-{'-...:1 ~'..., ... (-.L..O!n bc:half cf Bb-~ (ME). LP.) m.d ~ ~~ tb: I . ~ d('L':l~ em. b::iW[ of ~ ~ ~- Be ~~t}y appeucd bcfcr.: m; ioo ~l:::.r.o;wtOD:: Q!~ ' ," ,-:,":..<.. :1Sy........,a" -xf..m, IQd [did) [d::d~]w.eln ~ -' ~ - . -- [NOT AA1Al. SEAl..} ~ -( Pri= 'N::=; - Nc:2ry P:::tili:::, S = c: My~mrm~=- f!Ii< - I II" CITY OF MJAMl BEACH , , , ( , 0 By; Il-!0. I4JL. Print Name: 0t"~,1.l C"'i'!.nN~!lv Planning Director ~t LL Ze- Director, Department of Public Works By. ~~~ Print \.:' \ \.,~....,. Concurrency Managemalt STATE OF FLORID.'; ss COl2-0' 0::- D.A.D~ - -...- - ~ne fo-:-=~Ol:l2 I!:!.S:rl~: \;-a5 ~;:b.o'\.;i6~~ b~iore ~ ~-~ :::.=:". :: ~_r-.. '=. 71999 b"". j\,.,......~l~ 2 . \rF--t.I"..'),~: J,~ . Dire=ror, Depa1~__' ofPl"",,,,;"g. o:tie'C;::. ::?>1izl:ri Beach.. 0; be;,~~ or th~ Crry. He personaI.')' appeared before t::.~, is p::r.>O~" kncv..-: :c ~ 0: produced as id~tiD~rion, and [~e an oa-.n. r' /JI~'!.~ - -7/1 Notary \ k ~ ),;;;r [NOTP.PJ.?.l. 5Et\.L] Print Name: P C fJ. A./~VZ: 3' 1\) r-A- (: T ~ota.,,!' Public.. St;;.:e of My co.,... ,;,c::CI.l ~~. ~ - ! ... . ;"''-':'''J.. .-'UTAR y SEAl. . ) .....--:A.ELE A T~ ! fNOi;.}.",t><"::lt.....~ -.- . : I '. . -~....... .;>j 1'\, II OF' rT ""'0,...., , , . ..,....:-..'=.0 n..u"".....,,' : '-....~..,.=I N ,,:0. c::~...., , . ~ ~()l.;' ""'C' . I"'" J ~ .. '- . ,'r:":_IC.'.;DP. ~"Y2!J10:)c " . .-1 ~- ,.' ,.' STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) ) ss: COUNTY OF DADE "," -- . 19c foregofn& ~ was acknowledged before me th.i<cd day orF~ 1999 by Vi/liD 6ro.~de .RJ:a- Director, Department of Public Works. of the ~mi Beach, on beh.a1f of the City. He personally appeared before me, is p'ersooally knO\ltU to me or produced as identification, and [did] [did uot] take an oath. o _ [NOTARIAL SEAL] Notary Print Name: J2 N oury Public, Slale of Fl..D Y'I' My commission e>:prres: IXENSV. 'YAS NOl'AXY i'UBl.r STATE C$ R.auo.... ~N :':0. CClS7?JGl MY !ON '"-<T'. V'l ~- .......... f' -.~ IIJ .. STATE OF flORIDA COUNTY OF DADE ) ) ) ss: " ' The foregoipg ~ent was acknowledged before m~ th.i.scti day orF.~ 1999 by *) io 6(Q v..... ~ rB24/m., Concurrency Management. of the CITy of Miami Beach, on behalf of the City. He personally appeared before me, is peT2'On.alt' lm~'tlto me or produced as identification, ~~ [did] (~not) take an oath. .r] Notary: Print Name: ./ n Notary Public. Sta.te of My coI)'.)tUi~;on expire . AIN ~~,",,::.'-,. ')$( PI ~ ...i~ $T ~ Ii CE Jt,CXtDA war ~1):-\:'~""'~: ":::'..cc:r;:t3Ii1 ......: ..,....: \. ,t'. \/1 c: ~'n :~;.. ,.. . [NOTARIAL SEAL] l5'-