File Ref. #150 01'1 (!{l-1t/t- rile j&F." "~'fJ71, "lIft! L /~ If. f ~ DEPARTMENT 17A. ~ CITY OF I\,AIAI\,A, BE....CH - 2iCO NASriNGTON AVENUE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 PHONE (305) 673-7730 FAX (305) 673-7725 http:/'ci.miami-beach.fl.us June 28, 1999 Gertrude R. Miller 1776 James Avenue, Apt. 2E Miami Beach, FL 33139 Dear Mrs. Miller: Thank you for your recent correspondence and information relating to the history of Rose Weiss and the contributions Mrs. Weiss made to better the Miami Beach community. It has been a very enjoyable experience talking to you and having you share your knowledge about this Beach pioneer. As.I mentioned to you during our discussion, the Administration has researched the question you posed at the April 14, 1999 City Commission meeting asking if the Ocean Beach Park had been previously named after Mrs. Weiss. As per the attached copy of Resolution No. 75-14749, Mrs. Weiss was honored on June 18, 1975, when the City Council approved the renaming of the City's Friendship Comer No.2, located at Second Street and Washington Avenue, "Rose Weiss Park", in honor of Mrs. Rose Weiss. I also informed you that the City is currently planning to renovate Washington Park, including the Friendship Comer No. 2 area, and it would be recommended that a park sign acknowledging Mrs. Weiss be installed at Friendship Comer No.2 when the project is complete. Attached, for your information, are schematic drawings ofthe proposed improvements for Washington Park. It is currently anticipated the Washington Park project will be completed the first quarter of next year (2000). It would be my pleasure to keep you informed of the project's progress and perhaps take you to visit the site to view the construction if you would be interested. Again, thank you for sharing your history of Miami Beach with me. Should you have additional questions or comments, please contact me at 305-673-7730. Sincerely, /- Kevin Smith Director c: Sergio Rodriguez, City Manager Janet Gavarrete, Assistant City Manager Robert Parcher, City Clerk Michel Maglorie, Construction Projects Manager, Public Works Odalys Mon, Special Projects Coordinator F:\RCPA\$ALL\KEVIN\MILLER.L TR "J , 1 - Q ~ Q Q .- Q ... . - ~ . '" 01 .- N Q 0\ Q ... 01 ,.. ~ ... - N - 0\ ::I t'--- 0 N V7 rJJ. V7 ~ .. ~ ~ = o bi = .- ~ r:I'l ~ ~ t :::3 o "Ou .- - ~c; Q)-B ~ (]) ~~ ~ ~ .o:l ~ c::: ~ ...- 0 ~ .- = .- ~ ~ Q) ~ a(]) =-= 5"5 ::1 Q) OJ) .9- a o:l ;~en~~g.2 a J. - ~ ~ . - u.J ~ OJ) OJ).Z ~ 00 ::1 g;..c ~ r./) c::: c::: ro 5 ~ ~ .~ c::: 'z.- (]) ~-B g; (]) E g 8~~E r./) ~ OJ) :::3 b,.-8., ~ ~ ~..c c~~ ~bD-~ (]) rI, OJ) ~ ....n (]) __._ (]) c::: ~ "..- ~ ~ ~ '''' l-.. ~ -- -- "::cP3Ci3Ci3O::~Ci3~> ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g J. (]) (]) (]) (]) (]) (]) (]) (]) (]) ~zzzzzzzz~ . . . . . . . . . . ~ ...- = Q) 5 Q) ~ CI) ::::: " ~ S ro ~ J. 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I I:i~ ~i I . L t ~v .' ." ~ ,J' '<. fII: i z! 0' [:::' <: ,> if) l1.l ~ti1! (; z ,', o [::: l ~~ I "1 -'~ I Y: w! 0 . I I I I I I I I I I I I ; I J I j I f I I I J I I j f I RESOLUTION NO. 75-14749 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF cHAIU i3EACH, FLORIDA, RENAMING THE r.T'l'Y' 5 FRIENv::iHlP CORNER NO.2, LOCATED AT SECOND STREET AND HASHINGTON AVENUE, "ROSE WEISS P;\Ri4~.~, IN lHJNOR OF {'IIRS.. nOSE ~.lEISS. , WHEREAS, the Ci ty Council of the City of Mi.am..i Beach I Florida, is aesirous of renaming the City's FrianoHh.ip Car~er No.2, 1.:icCiLl::!u at \'lashlngton Avenue and Second Street; in honor of the memory af Mrs. Rose Weiss, and ~'mEREi~S, Nrs. Rose ~veiss was a pioneer ci ri zen of this CQ!!'.!nU::'l ty and, upon tne recommendation of the Parks <3x,-d P.ecre:::. tion CO!\".mi ttee of Lue Ci ty of Biami Beach after receiving -3. formal r~queJt from Nr. Jerome G. Greene for said name chrlng~i it i~ only fitting dIle proper to pay tribute to the tremendou'3 contri- butions made by the late Rose l'Iei55 to the City of Minmi Beach fro!!', the time she arrived in Miami Beach in 1919, wh~n the Cit~.,::; population Was ctoout one hUndred people, and WHEREAS, it is particularly fitting and proper; in this instance, to select this park known as Friendshio Cornpr No. 2 to be renam~d In hunor of the late Rose Weiss be~ause of the fact that t'1rs. ~';ei5S was ins trumental in havinq the Ci ty nf ~!i~mi Be.=!ch establish a pa.rk at said location when the City :initially acquired this land, and NHEru:;~.S, in view of the foregoing, the City COllncil of the City of Miami Beach has determined that said Friendshin Corner r:~o - 2 should be l;l:malnea in honor of the late Mrs. q~S"i' Weiss; NOW, THEREFCP,2, BE: IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIr. OF THE CITY OF MrA~I BEACH, FLORIDA, that City of Miam~ Beach property located .at Nashingcun Avenue and Second Street, commonJy known as FriendShip Co~ner NQ. 2, be and the same is hereby renamed "ROSE {-!EISS PARK", in honor or the memory of the late Nrs. Ro~p Weiss. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY 'I'HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MIAMT BEACH, PLORIDA, that the appropriate departments of thf? said City be and they arB hereby authorized and directed to prepare an appropriate and fitting plaque in honor of Rose Weis~: and to rn;tk:e nececJ<:4ry aLTan~~mcnt5 for dedication ceremonies in connection with the renaming uE said Park. PASSED and J\DOFTZD this 18th da~ June, 1975. ~ -- l /" ~~ \. P./ _/..~ ~~/:,(/!//~~/ ~. /-..r:? y ~~,~ r ~.. . Mayor Att~st: I::,:' ~ / .- 1.--' .~'/_/~:. ~ -- ~ ,-~ . .....y -..:' / t r'~ r'..t( ,'. 't :",,, ,.....; '-.... -, t)":;/l.':J"'l:J:J~ ~;l....... _"_'..J'~'I_'C I'~'..... '_'J,.I C 1.1,....,1',....,..........1'._. '-"" ....'_...... ..1 UI~ng.;r.V ~~~l;.I ANV .'~~:~Ii~U~~N..~~::~t_~r-~~~..:I:~.~~I.~_...___..J ~~lIl~~~_r:.I~~~:~llq.. "'VI"~1 Ire.. J I MR). ~o~~.~~.r:~:__~:~~~~~~u.~:. LUUN~I~~~N WCIN~ICI' VI ~u;:~::~:~:._ ~~~~_._~_~. ._ ~______ I 1. CUUN~ I L i'H:.MUXANUUM NU. ">': I I . I "....... "II' I Q 101: \ol1:"'~1 IoW';;IIIo;' 10\1 1-" l:;;Q I \: ~ _, __..._ ..._..1 ""'_......___ .&....... ..1_..."'_....&-._ -_.~- , I P I g~V~ 0.11\,1 ell I \:I:':;~ I V, \.l'CV '.:.n-Io I un I.t:l t:' ! ___J__ "',,' _ .... \CH"'I r . U. .. '" I 'IIUll I t:~ . U\J n 1 t\ W~'''; r~~~,~~' . _ ~ ~ . ~ ~ V f*(~I"l ~ ..v ACATIONLAND U. S. A.. H O"'Crr. O~ C.lt" .....H..\:I.. """NN .. S""HC~ el'. ..A...... COUNCIL HEMORANO~ MQ.~"I' ----- ... ~ . . ........ . -,."-~ 11.. ."'"IHorO.. AV'''u. ?L.~HO".. 171-t8" TO: efn COUNCfl OAT!: .J'.!~~ 1 Q. 1975 rROH: Frank R. Spence CIty Manager SUBJECT: Recomm~ndation to Name Recreation FacIlity f~r Hr~~ Ro!~ U~i~! Hr. Jerome G. Greene submftte~ a request to the Park and Recreation Advisory Committee to rename F,fendshfD Corner No.2, which is located at ~shinqton Avenue and 2nd Street. "Rose \4i!iss Park". in honor of Hr;. Rose Weiss. Mr. Greene's tetter is attached. The Committe. felt this Dionee, citizen should be so honored for her ~"Y contributions to the Cftv of MiamI Beach. thIs facflity was chosen sInce Mrs. 'Wefn '""s Instrumental in the Cityls Infti.'ly acquiring thIs land for park purposes. The Admlnlstratton hes no obje~tfon to Changing the name of this p.rk and reeomm.nds .pprov.l. ~/")....... 7k'~.. RKSlfRSidi< Attached