File Ref. #156 CtLl C(elUc /<; /:I((-~ Ire; '- s ( P 7 9/ 1<1'11 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY CITY OF MIAMI BEACH TO: Robert Parcher City Clerk FROM: ~urray Dubbin ,III i) Y CIty Attorney 'iVr I V SUBJECT: American Riviera Real Estate Company and Ronald Bloomber~ vs The City of Miami Beach a Florida municipal corporation. its employees. a~ents and assigns. Eleventh Judicial Circuit, General Jurisdiction, Case No. 98-09809 CA09. DATE: September 7, 1999 Please return to this office the transcripts for the executive sessions held on July 20, 1999 and June 3, 1998 in the above referenced case. (~J . / - L L,,--e, c;, (Q'N Tt:?Vv\ D 10 Co ) 6J(l:'c 61 '\ \ v ~ ';>C',:) \ THMf )ll) t 5< f' C,.{A ,~ - Us tlVlr S-LL~12(J, lQ9'1 &- [,l/VU- .~ I I C( q q GJ G lC\d~D ~((LlL~cA ~ ~ ~k (l ,~A j~ q C; ''j \ \'" C , J)\ ;J.:/J " , ", h" GJ';) c;S~\\v 03j\\::; -' 'J City of Miami Beach - CITY CLERK'S OFFICE June 3, 1998 \ REGULAR AGENDA \ R10 - City Attorney Reports RIOB Closed Executive Session. Pursuant to Section 286.011, Florida Statutes, a Closed Executive Joint Session of the City Commission and Redevelopment Agency will be held during the lunch recess in the City Manager's Large Conference Room, Fourth Floor, City Hall to discuss issues pertaining to the following pending litigation: American Riviera Real Estate Company and Ronald Bloomberg vs The City of Miami Beach a Florida municipal corporation. its employees. agents and assigns. Eleventh Judicial Circuit, General Jurisdiction, Case No. 98-09809 CA09. Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency vs Carl S. Ablon and Loretta Jeanne Ablon. his wife. et al. Eleventh Judicial Circuit, General Jurisdiction Division, Case No. 98-1049 CA06. Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency vs Barbara 1. McMahon Trust. U/A/D February 27. 1997. et al. Eleventh Judicial Circuit, General Jurisdiction Division, Case No. 98-05231 CA23. The following individuals will be in attendance for the discussion of these item: Mayor and Chairman Neisen Kasdin; Members of the Commission and Members of the Board of the Redevelopment Agency: Simon Cruz, David Dermer, Susan Gottlieb, Nancy Liebman, Martin Shapiro and Jose Smith; City Attorney and General Counsel Murray H. Dubbin, City Manager and Executive Director Sergio Rodriguez, Assistant City Manager and Assistant Director Harry Mavrogenes, Redevelopment Coordinator Marla Dumas, Deputy City Attorney Robert Dixon, and Special Counsel Thomas Goldstein, Esq. ACTION: Executive Session announced and held. ********************************************************************************* City Clerk's Note: 7/3/98 re: (Transcript received 6/30/98, See above.. The transcript is not subj ect to public disclosure. See City clerk's locked filing Cabinet. ( Closed Executive Session Temp 54) ***Pursuant to Murray Dubbin's memo on Septemeber 7, 1999 this transcript was returned to the City Attorneys office on September 9, 1999. See City Clerk's file ref# 156-Sept 9, 1999. ********************************************************************************* Date Printed: 9109/99 Time Printed: 3:12:23 PM Source Database: C:\DA T A \AFTERACT\CLERKn.NFO City of Miami Beach - CITY CLERK'S OFFICE July 20, 1999 Special Commission Meeting \ REGULAR AGENDA \ R10 - City Attorney Reports R10B Notice of Closed Executive Session. Pursuant to Section 286.011, Florida Statutes, a Closed Executive Session will be held at 3:30 p.m. in the City Manager's large conference room, Fourth Floor, City Hall, to discuss settlement issues ofthe following case: American Riviera Real Estate Company and Ronald Bloomberg vs The City of Miami Beach, a Florida Municipal corporation. its employees, agents and assigns. Eleventh Judicial Circuit, General Jurisdiction, Case No. 98-09809 CA09. The following individuals will be in attendance: Mayor Neisen Kasdin; Members of the Commission: Simon Cruz, David Dermer, Susan Gottlieb, Nancy Liebman, Martin Shapiro and Jose Smith; City Attorney Murray Dubbin, City Manager Sergio Rodriguez, Assistant City Manager Christina Cuervo, Assistant City Manager Mayra Diaz Buttacavoli, Deputy City Attorney Robert Dixon and Special Counsel Thomas Goldstein, Esq. ACTION: Executive session held. ******************************************************************************* City Clerk's Note: 08/16/99 re: (Transcript received 8/16/99, See above.. The transcript is not subj ect to public disclosure. See City clerk's locked filing Cabinet. ( Closed Executive Session Temp 66) ***Pursuant to Murray Dubbin's memo on Septemeber 7, 1999 this transcript was returned to the City Attorneys office on September 9, 1999. See City Clerk's file ref# 156-Sept 9, 1999. ********************************************************************************* Date Printed: 9109/99 Time Printed: 3: 11 :28 PM Source Database: C:\DA T A \AFTERACT\CLERK72.NFO