File Ref. #157 (It TLf (! ((e-1t {L /::~> [iF /Lt;:!F -# (j, / ~('J' r /0 f 1?99 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DATE: September 7,1999 TO: Sergio Rodriguez, City Manager f VIA: Christina Cuerv~stant City Manager FROM: Miguell D~lcf~o, Housing Director SUBJECT: SHIP Program Annual Report Attached for your signature is the City's Annual Report for the State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Program for state fiscal years 1996/97, 1997198, and 1998/99. The Annual Report is a requirement of the Florida Housing Finance Corporation which funds the SHIP Program. The SHIP Program Annual Report is to be submitted by September 15, 1999. MDC/SKC/TU Attachment c: Steven K. Cumbo, Housing Specialist Thomas N. Urriola, Housing Specialist SHIPAR99,MEM OJ\ CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER TELEPHONE: (305) 673-7010 FAX; (305) 673-7782 September 10, 1999 Thomas W. Burt, Administrator State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Program Florida Housing Finance Corporation 227 North Bronough Street, Suite 5000 Tallahassee, FL 32301-1329 Re: SHIP PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT FISCAL YEARS 1996/97, 1997/98, AND 1998/99 Dear Mr.Burt: The City of Miami Beach hereby submits the State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Program Annual Report for Fiscal Years 1996/97, 1997/98, and 1998/99 (as of June 30, 1999). If additional information is required, please contact Miguell Del Campillo, Housing Director, at (305) 673-7260. Sincerely, SRlC~MDC Attachments c: Christina Cuervo, Assistant City Manager Randolph Marks, Assistant Director, Community/Economic Development Department Miguell Del Campillo, Housing Director Steven K. Cumbo, Housing Specialist Thomas N. Urriola, Housing Specialist Submis-Ltr Form l' SHIP DISTRIBUTION SUMMARY Submittal Dale: September 15, 1999 Seclion 420,9075(9), F,S, flORIDA HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY - SHIP PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT for State Fiscal Year: 1996/97 NAME OF LOCAL ENTITY' City of Miami Beach TABLE A: SHIP FUNDS SHIP FUNDS UNENCUMBERED STRATEGY EXPENDED ENCUMBERED SHIP FUNDS DESCRIPTION A B C Proposed Proposed Amount Units Amount Units Amount Units 1 Rehabi I italion $336,914 14 2 New Construction 0 0 3 Down Payment 0 0 4 5 6 7 8 Subtotal" $336,914 14 Home Ownership Counseling 7,156 54 Admin. from Program Income 0 Administration 35,779 TOTAL 379,849 . This figure must equal the amount (or "SHIP Funds Expended" on Form 2, Table 8. TABLE B: Total Revenue (actual and/or anticipated) for Local SHIP Trust Fund A B C Amount Percentage SHIP Funds of Funds of Funds Stale Annual Distribution $357,793 94% Program Income 22,056 6% Recaptured Funds 0 Other Funds 0 Carry over (unds from previous year 0 Total Funds Deposited into local Affordable Housing Trust Fund' $:179.849 TABLE C: Enter Total $$ from Table A, Columns A, B, & c: $379,849 *..... E ntpr amount to be carried forward to next ypar: 0 TOTAL $379,849 .... .\fust equal T ora/ from r arm I, 1 abfe b, Col. B. ***Carry forward is used only in a closeout year when the amount of funds remaining are not sufficient to fully assist one unit The unit assisted is counted in the next tlscal year. SHIP AR/97-1 FORM 2' Rl'nt<; and Cnmpliancp Summary Submittal Date: Seplemher 15. 1999 Sen/on 420.9075(bJ. (C), (d). (g!. (,5 flORIDA HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION - SHIP PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT For State Fiscal Year: 1996/97 Name of local Entity: City of Miami Beach Table A: Rental Unit In/ormation RENTAL RATES - ACTUAL (If rpots vary for 'hI' Sclmf' unit, entf'r grf'iJtf'st amount) STRATEGY DESCRIPTION Elf. 1 Bed 2 Bed 3 Bed 4 Bed 1 N/A 2 3 .; 4 5 Table B: Recap of Funding Sources for Units Produced Source of Funds for Units Amount of Funds Percentage of Produced through June 30th Expended to Date Total Value SHIP Funds Expended $336,914 22.58% Public Moneys Expended 600,589 40,25% Private Funds Expended 506,636 33,95% Owner Equity 47950 3,21% Total Value of All Units $1 492,089 Table C: SHIP Program Compliance Summary - Home Ownership/Construction/Rehab A B C FL Statute Compl iance Category SHIP Funds %of T rust Fund Minimum cro HOME OWNERSHIP $336,914 89% 650/0 CONSTR UCTION/REHABllIT A liON $336,914 89% 75% Trust Fund equals Distribution plu_~ Recaptured Funds Table D: Program Compliance - Income Set-Asides (1) Program Compliance by Unils (If Applicable) A B C Column B / Column C I ncome Category Units Grand Total Unit Total % of Units Very-Low Income low Income Moderate Income TOTAL (2) Program Compliance by Funds Expended (If Applicable) A B C ~ri of Total T rust Fund Income Category SHIP $ Expended/Budgeted Total Trust Fund Distribution Distribution Very-low Income $126,332 $379,849 33 o,~ Low Income 151,813 $379,849 40% Moderate Income 58 769 $379,849 150'0 TOT Al $116914 "701,l11ruQ fund DlslriblHlon" f'qua/s Dr."UlliulIOn -f- !\t'caprured fund" t f'mgr.JnI flleOlllt' -f- earn' OVf"r' uncJs Table E: Project Funding \',1lm:ol Numbt'r of Income Category ,\\orll:"J.:e~, ,"\orl!:.il~"s, V.llue of Number of I O,ln~ .!\. 111'1 ~ I Oiln~ b. DPl\ Granh Grants Very~low Income Low Income Moderate Income TOT Al 0 0 0 0 Table F: Allowable Administration Set Aside from Program Income T olal Amounl 01 "51%. "10% Total Program Income Program Income Maximum Maximum Allowed for Administration $22 05 (, $1 103 $2,206 0 . ClHm!IP<; arlll ElI!?lb/t' ,'\llmlup,l/IIIt''' which recpn'{' mort' !.'l,Hl rllt, nllIIlI1H1fIJ (/J<,rribU!JolI ... C(l(HlfJt;'_~ Jil(l fli/!.lllip'\!UIlI(,'P.1II(Jt'\ Wlllet1 rt'ct'lve lhe nlllllmUfIl dr<;[nblJrinf) or 1(',<;\ SHIP AR/97,] -= '-' r: >- OJ U co Z ,... "- 'E I.U ~ =' .!:: U 0 ~ ::;: -<I: eo.. =' I.U I.U =' '0 u ~ .- = Z .... ;; U -<I: -<I: :) ro:l Z ClJ u:: Z >- ::.: z ~ ~ U -<I: '" i:: Z <Il <: ~ ... .... Vi -<I: ClJ .... :) ~ -;; is 0 u V'i 0 ::c 0 ... .... -<I: ~ ..:= "- eo.. 0 Cl eo.. .... ~ ::c ::E 0 i .... V'l ... f - - - vi ! U- A 3: ~ < U"') ~ "- - 0 0'\ - 0 - N c '1" A ~ c: '" g 0 ti Il! J V; 0 . 2 u.. ~ E. 0: 0 0 0 0 ~ '" ~ "0 't:l .<: 0 0 0 0 " " ~ " '5 ] z 0 ... -;; :I: 'u 0 0 0 " 't:l ~ 0 0 '" ~ <Il '" ~ . ~ 0 is 0 0 0 0 ~ :: 0 0 0 0 ~ 5 0 0 0 0 . ~ '" < "0 ..<:: 0 0 ~ 0 0 " " ;; I.U '" 0 ~ '" :I: '" 0 ." v M 0 0 M '" 1 - - " e 0 0 0 0 ~ v . ;:c . - 0 0 - ~ N 0 0 N ,;; .: "- 0 0 "- " Cl 'E "' '" '" ;;; N ... U"') 0 0 U"') - 9 t - 0 0 - + "" " '0 .., 0 '1" 0 0 '1" ~ ..<:: "" ~ ~ ;; " U 0 " :I: "- 0 0 "- tj 0 ~ ~ 't:l "" .. '" ..<:: " U ;; 0 0 N N ~ N ~ "T 0 0 "T ~ - - - -0 't:l ~ " N 0 0 N '" 1: " ""8 't:l " e :;:: 0 co :I: "- 0 '" 0 0 -.0 'c 6 0; :J ~ E " -.0 0 0 -.0 Z A 6 . > c: ~ c .:2 ;- E- - :~ " ~ ~ ~ ';: ti c: u <: ~ .;; ,2 'J> '. tj C -<I: III 0 5 c: " CI c: Q, ~ .2 2 E >- .2 5 ]. ~ c: >- Ol) c '" 0 "- III .. ~ :0 u '- ~ '" >g c:: .3 .. " " <Jl :g ::; ..<:: ..... Vi " " 0 <( - z Cl '" '" ""' '" - N M ... 0 :s ""' ~ ~ ~ ~ ;;;; Q. " <Il ~ Cl -;; :; <Il '2 ~ u '" c: ~ '" ~ CJ Ql) '" Q ";;; c: o ~ c-, C2 <: 0- J: en FORM 4: Program Summary Section 420.9075 Submittal Date: September 15,1999 FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION SHIP PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT - STATE FISCAL YEAR 1996/97 1. Please provide information on the status of the implementation of the Local Housing Incentive Plan or Incentive Strategy adopted by the local Affordable Housing Assistance Plan. A(Il. Incentive Strategy: The Affordable Housing definition in the appointing resolution, B. Adopting Ordinance or Resolution Number or identify local policy: Resolution No. 96-21939 C. Implementation Schedule (Date): Upon approval of the Housing Incentives Plan by the City Commission, D. Has the plan or strategy been implemented? If no, describe steps that will be taken to implement the plan. Yes, on April 2, 1996 - see attachments E. Status of Strategy - (Is the strategy functioning as intended, Le., are time frames being met, etc.) The strategy is functioning as intended. A(II). Incentive Strategy: The expedited processing of permits for housing projects. B. Adopting Ordinance or Resolution Number or identify local policy: Strategy was enacted by administrative action, c. Implementation Schedule (Date): Development of the process to implement this strategy was recommended to take place within nine (9) months of approval of the Housing Incentives Plan. D. Has the plan or strategy been implemented? If no, describe steps that will be taken to implement the plan. Yes, on February 24, 1997 - see attachments E. Status of Strategy - (Is the strategy functioning as intended, Le., are time frames being met, etc.) The strategy is functioning as intended, a A(III). Incentive Strategy: Process by which the City considers, before adoption, procedures and policies that have a significant impact on the cost of housing, B. Adopting Ordinance or Resolution Number or identify local policy: Strategy was enacted by administrative action, c. Implementation Schedule (Date): Development of the process to adopt this strategy was recommended to start upon approval of the Housing Incentives Plan. D. Has the plan or strategy been implemented? If no, describe steps that will be taken to implement the plan. Yes, on February 24, 1997 - see attachments E. Status of Strategy - (Is the strategy functioning as intended, Le., are time frames being met, etc.) The strategy is functioning as intended. 2. Attach a concise description of the support services that are available to the residents of affordable housing. The following support services are available to the residents of affordable housing: youth services, child care, health services, home delivery of meals, and employment training. 3. Attach such other data or unique affordable housing accomplishments considered significant by your Agency. (Success Stories, newspaper clippings, etc.) 4. Describe how the Annual Report was made available for public inspection and comments. Attach copies of all comments that were received and provide the local government's response. A draft of the SHIP Program Annual Report was made available for review and comment at the office of Community/Economic Development Department, 3rd Floor, City Hall 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139, beginning September 2, 1999 through September 9, 1999, See copy of Advertisement announcing its availability. This advertisement was published as follows: SHIP Annual Report announcement appeared in English in the Miami Herald, Neighbors Section, on September 2, 1999, (Copy attached) SHIP Annual Report announcement appeared in Spanish in the EI Nuevo Herald, on September 2, 1999, (Copy attached) No comments were received, 5. Since State fiscal year 1992-93,..1.2.- mortgages have been made to very low income households with ..Q in default. b Since State fiscal year 1992-93, .ilL mortgages have been made to low income households with ..Q.. in default. Since State fiscal year 1992-93,2.. mortgages have been made to very moderate households with ..Q.. in default. 6. Describe how eligible sponsors (if applicable) that employed personnel from welfare to work programs were given preference in the local selection process. Not Applicable f c CERTIFICATION On behalf of Citv of Miami Beach , I hereby state that the information presented (NAME OF LOCAL G01"ERNMENT) herein is true and accurate as of the date of subniission. ;<:d;Z:~. Date ':1<09 Witness ~>y D;;te ?;{!}1sergiO Rodri!!llez, City Manager Date ~ Witness (Type) Name and Title ~~u\<:f ~(l{ L~ Date ~J "/11 Attest (Seal) -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION Name of Person to call regarding the Annual Report Form: Miguell Del Campillo Telephone Number: (305) 673-7260 Certification Form 1: SHIP DISTRIBUTION SUMMARY Submittal Date: September 15, 1999 Section 420,9075(9), F,S, FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY - SHIP PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT for State Fiscal Year: 1997/98 NAME OF LOCAL ENTITY' City of Miami Beach TABLE A: SHIP FUNDS SHIP FUNDS UNENCUMBERED STRATEGY EXPENDED ENCUMBERED SHIP FUNDS DESCRIPTION A B C Proposed Proposed Amount Units Amount Units Amount Units 1 Rehabilitation $0 0 266,036 9 0 0 2 New Construdion 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Down Payment 0 0 45,701 2 0 0 4 5 6 7 8 Subtotal" $0 0 311,737 11 0 0 Home Ownership Counseling 6,720 54 0 0 0 0 Admin. from Program Income 846 0 0 Administration 33,599 0 0 TOTAL 41,165 311,737 " 0 0 .. This figure must equal rhe amount for .SHIP Funds Expended- on Form 2, Table B. TABLE B: Total Revenue (actual and/or anticipated) for Local SHIP Trust Fund A B C Amount Percentage SHIP Funds of Funds of Funds State Annual Distribution $335,991 95% Program Income 16,910 5% Recaptured Funds 0 Other Funds 0 Carry over funds from previous vear 0 Total Funds Deposited into Local Affordable Housing Trust Fund" $352,901 TABLE C: rnter Total $$ from Table A, Columns A, B, & c: $352,901 ......fntt'r amount tu be carriE'd forward to next VPJr: 0 TOT Al $352,901 u ^-1usl equal 7m,)1 from Form /, Table b, Col. R. "'''''''Carry forward is used only in a closeout year when the amount of funds remaining are not sufficient to fully assist one unit. The unit assisted is counted in the next fiscal year. SHIP AR/97-1 FORM 2' Rpnts and Compliancp Summary Submittal Date: September 15, 1999 _~eC/lon 420. 9075(bJ, (u, (dl, (g), F.S flORIDA HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION - SHIP PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT For State Fiscal Year: 1997/98 Name of Local Entity: City of Miami Beach Table A: Rental Unit Information RENTAL RATES - ACTUAL (If rfOnts l'dry for tht' SiJmt' unit, t'ntf>r grf:'iltf>st amount) STRATEGY DESCRI PTlON Eff. 1 Bed 2 Bed 3 Bed 4 Bed 1 N/A 2 3 4 5 Table B: Recap of Funding Sources for Units Produced Source of Funds for Units Amount of Funds Percentage of Produced through June 30th Expended to Date Total Value SHIP Funds Expended $0 0.00% Pub I ic Moneys Expended 0 0,00% Private Funds Expended 0 0.00% Owner Equity 0 0,00% Total Value of All Units $0 Table C: SHIP Program Compliance Summary - Home Ownership/Construction/Rehab A B C Fl Statute Compliance Category SHIP Funds %of Trust Fund Minimum % HOME OWNERSHIP $0 0% 65% CONSTRUCTION/REHABllIT A liON $0 0% 75% Trust Fund equals Distriburion plw, Recaptured Funds Table 0: Program Compliance - Income Set-Asides (1) Program Compliance by Units (If Applicable) A B C Column B I Column C Income Category Units Grand Total Unit Total % of Units Very.Low Income low Income Moderate Income TOTAL (2) Program Compliance by Funds Expended (If Applicable) A B C % of Total T rust Fund Income Category SHIP $ Expended/Budgeted Total Trust Fund Distribution Distribution Very-low Income $0 $352,901 0":0 low Income 0 352,901 00.'0 Moderate Income 0 352 901 00./0 TOTAL $0 "7oral Trlist Fund DistributIOn" equals Di.-rriIHl(ion ~ Recapwred fund.' + Program Income t (.lrr\ OW'{ funds Table E: Project Funding \'alul'or Numhl't of Income Category ,"'\Or1gil~l'~, MOt1gdgl'~, Valut' of NumbN of lO,ln~ & OPt~ Illdns A. DPl~ Grants Granh Very-low Income low Income Moderate Income TOT Al 0 0 0 0 Table F: Allowable Administration Set Aside from Pro!:ram Income Total Amount of '5% --10% Total Program Income Program Income Maximum Maximum Allowed for Administration $16910 $84(, $1,(,')1 $846 ~ CO(j/lIlt.~ .lIld J-I!g!/Jk Mumup,11lrie5 wfm:h receive more rh;Jf) the nJlIlln!Uf/! (i!.qrihlH'(Hl ~. (OUlllH'.'i ;/Ild fllp-Iult' ,\rUI1!Clp,llirie.'> which ren.'lvt;' lilt' mlll/mUnI o'l-'lnlllJ!IOI1 (lr 1('5.\ SIIII' AR/'J7,1 .::: u r: >- \II U 0= Z I- o:l "e w c.:: 0'1 r: l? 0 ~ i <t: Q., 0'1 w w 0'1 '0 u c.:: ... t: z ...J ;.: U <t: <t: ttI Z :;) QI Z >- :;.: ;:;: z ~ ""' l? <t: u ;:: Z <Il ~ ~ L..: Vi <t: QI .... :;) c.:: :rs 0 0 l? Vl 0 J: 0 ... .... <t: c.:: 0 .... Q., - 0 c Q., "" c.:: ~ 0 J: ~ ...J Vl '"- " ~ j c c ~ '" vi c ii u.. 0 0: ~ w 9i 1 '" '" "- a 0"> 0 - N 15 ~ 0.- C 15 ,Q t u Cl! <J) ~ '; c 0: ~ 0 0 0 0 1 6 , oS ~ ~ "0 \lI 't:l .J: 0 0 0 0 \lI ~ c E " " J " z 0 '"- -;:; J: "u 0 0 0 0 \lI 't:l ~ 0 ;; Q. ~ V> ., \lI 8 ~ (5 . 0 0 0 0 c ~ ~ " :: 0 0 0 0 . 6 0 0 0 0 . i oS .( "0 .J: \lI 0 0 0 0 \lI :; U 0 ;( w .. J: .. 0 "C v 0 0 0 0 .. ~ \lI ~ I ~ 0 0 0 0 v a; . 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 + ~ .?: 0 0 0 0 \lI c "E " .. ~ Vi N C 0 0 0 0 - s: ~ 0 0 0 0 + ""' \lI -0 .., 0 0 0 0 0 ~ .r: ""' .. .~ :; .. 0 U .;: J: .. "0 0 0 0 0 u 0 .. ~ 't:l ;i: .. ., .r: .. U ::; 0 0 0 0 ~ N 6 0 0 0 0 ~ '" .:c "C "0 \lI 0 0 0 0 .r: u ~ " "B "C " e ;:: 0 CO J: c- o 0 0 0 0 "c: ~ <; ::J .3 .r: E " 0 0 0 0 Z ~ > c 0 > ~ <: .= 0 ~ . E- o :a :~ "C :~ ";: u ~ c: \,I ...: 1: :: "~ '" ;;; '. u c: <t: \II 0 ~ c: \lI 0 c: Q. ~ .~ i E >- "~ ~ ;; ~ >- "" .~ c: ., .. ;; 'c 0 C- ~ U ~ 'c :0 u c: .:3 ~ .. :l: :l: Vl ,ji .r: .. 0 .... \lI <( - .. Z 0 ~ - N M .. 0 ~ '" '" '" '" .r: c. " V> ~ o -;:; "E .r: " V> ~ ~ '- 00 c: :Ii ~ 00 '"' Q ~ E :g '" OJ 2 " i2 < 9, FORM 4: Program Summary Section 420,9075 Submittal Date: September 15.1999 FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION SHIP PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT - STATE FISCAL YEAR 1997/98 1. Please provide information on the status of the implementation of the Local Housing Incentive Plan or Incentive Strategy adopted by the local Affordable Housing Assistance Plan. Am. Incentive Strategy: The Affordable Housing definition in the appointing resolution, B. Adopting Ordinance or Resolution Number or identify local policy: Resolution No. 96-21939 C. Implementation Schedule (Date): Upon approval of the Housing Incentives Plan by the City Commission. D. Has the plan or strategy been implemented? If no, describe steps that will be taken to implement the plan. Yes, on April 2, 1996 - see attachments E. Status of Strategy - (Is the strategy functioning as intended, i.e., are time frames being met, etc.) The strategy is functioning as intended, A(m. Incentive Strategy: The expedited processing of permits for housing projects. B. Adopting Ordinance or Resolution Number or identify local policy: Strategy was enacted by administrative action, C. Implementation Schedule (Date): Development of the process to implement this strategy was recommended to take place within nine (9) months of approval of the Housing Incentives Plan, D. Has the plan or strategy been implemented? If no, describe steps that will be taken to implement the plan. Yes, on February 24, 1997 - see attachments E. Status of Strategy - (Is the strategy functioning as intended, Le., are time frames being met, etc.) The strategy is functioning as intended, a A(III). Incentive Strategy: Process by which the City considers, before adoption, procedures and policies that have a significant impact on the cost of housing, B. Adopting Ordinance or Resolution Number or identify local policy: Strategy was enacted by administrative action, C. Implementation Schedule (Date): Development of the process to adopt this strategy was recommended to start upon approval of the Housing Incentives Plan. D. Has the plan or strategy been implemented? If no, describe steps that will be taken to implement the plan. Yes, on February 24, 1997 - see attachments E. Status of Strategy - (Is the strategy functioning as intended, i.e., are time frames being met, etc.) The strategy is functioning as intended, 2. Attach a concise description of the support services that are available to the residents of affordable housing. The following support services are available to the residents of affordable housing: youth services, child care, health services, home delivery of meals, and employment training. 3. Attach such other data or unique affordable housing accomplishments considered significant by your Agency. (Success Stories, newspaper clippings, etc.) 4. Describe how the Annual Report was made available for public inspection and comments. Attach copies of all comments that were received and provide the local government's response. A draft of the SHIP Program Annual Report was made available for review and comment at the office of Economic and Community Development Division, 3rd Floor, City Hall 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139, beginning September 2,1999 through September 9,1999. See copy of Advertisement announcing its availability. This advertisement was published as follows: SHIP Annual Report announcement appeared in English in the Miami Herald, Neighbors Section, on September 2, 1999, (Copy attached) SHIP Annual Report announcement appeared in Spanish in the EI Nuevo Herald, on September 2, 1999, (Copy attached) No comments were received. 5. Since State fiscal year 1992-93, .12.. mortgages have been made to very low income households with J2 in default b Since State fiscal year 1992-93, ~ mortgages have been made to low income households with -.Q.. in default Since State fiscal year 1992-93,2.. mortgages have been made to very moderate households with JL in default 6. Describe how eligible sponsors (if applicable) that employed personnel from welfare to work programs were given preference in the local selection process. Not Applicable ; c CERTIFICATION On behalf of Citv of Miami Beach , I hereby state that the information presented (il/AME OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT) herein is true and accurate as of the date of sub~ission. ;:jZdZ Witness ~~ Witness ,.-- Date /'41v1 Date // lected Official or Designee Dat-t~1 Sercio Rodriguez. City Mana~er Date Q/'Ii1 (Type) Name and Title f-l L or / ~( t,cLj (J ~ tV. CLL~ Attest (Seal) Date~ 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION Name of Person to call regarding the Annual RepOli Form: Miguell Del Campillo Telephone Number: (305) 673-7260 Certification Form 1: SHIP DISTRIBUTION SUMMARY Submittal Date: September 15, 1999 Section 420,9075(9), F.S. FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY - SHIP PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT for State Fiscal Year: 1998/99 NAME OF LOCAL ENTITY, City of Miami Beach TABLE A: SHIP FUNDS SHIP FUNDS UNENCUMBERED STRATEGY EXPENDED ENCUMBERED SHIP FUNDS DESCRIPTION A B C Proposed Proposed Amount Units Amount Units Amount Units 1 Rehabilitation $0 0 0 0 $415,081 14 2 New Construdion 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Down Payment 0 0 0 0 62,024 3 4 5 6 7 8 Subtotal' $0 0 0 0 $477,105 17 Home Ownership Counseling 0 0 0 0 10,122 40 Admin. from Program Income 1,908 0 0 Administration 50,109 0 0 TOTAL 52,016 0 487,227 '"' This figure muse equal the amount (or -SHIP Funds Expended" on Form 2, Ta.ble B. TABLE B: Total Revenue (actual and/or anticipated) for Local SHIP Trust Fund A B C Amount Percentage SHIP Funds of Funds of Funds State Annual Distribution $501,086 93% Program Income 38,157 7% Recaptured Funds 0 Other Funds 0 Carry ovpr funds from previous year 0 Total Funds Deposited into Local Affordable Housing Trust Fund' $539,243 TABLE C: Enler Total $$ from Table A, Columns A, B, & C: $539,243 "'[nter amount to be carried forward 10 next year: 0 TOTAL $539,243 U Must equal Total from Form 7, Tahle b, Co!. B. "'''''''Carry forward is used only in a closeout year when the amount of funds remaining arc not sufficient to fully assist one unit. The unit assisted is counted in the next fiscal year SHIP AR/97-1 FORM 2' Rpnts and Cnmpliance Summary Submittal Date: September 15, 1999 See/ion 420.907'5(b;. (cr rdJ, Ig.!, ,.S FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION - SHIP PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT For State Fiscal Year: 1998/99 Name of local Entity: City of Miami Beach Table A: Rental Unit Information RENTAL RATES - ACTUAL flf rpots vdry for the SiJmf' unit. enter grf'dtf'st iJmount) STRATEGY DESCRIPTION Eft. 1 Bed 2 Bed 3 Bed 4 Bed 1 N/A 2 3 " 4 5 Table B: Recap of Funding Sources for Units Produced Source of Funds for Units Amount of Funds Percentage of Produced through June 30th Expended to Date Total Value SHIP Funds Expended $0 0,00% Public Moneys Expended 0 0,00% Privale Funds Expended 0 0,00% Owner Equily 0 0.00% Tola1 Value of All Units $0 Table C: SHIP Program Compliance Summary - Home Ownership/Construction/Rehab A B C FL SIalule Compliance Calegory SHIP Funds % of T rusl Func Minimum % HOME OWNERSHIP $0 0% 65% CONSTR UCTlON/REHAB I LIT A TION $0 0% 75% TruSf Fund equals Oisrribut/on plus Recaptured Funds Table D: Program Compliance - Income Set-Asides (1) Program Compliance by Units (If Applicable) A B C Column B / Column C Income Category Units Grand Total Unit T ota/ % of Units Very-low Income Low Income Moderale Income TOT AL (2) Program Compliance by Funds Expended (If Applicable) A B C % of Tolal T rust Fund Income Category SHIP $ Expended/Budgeted Tolal Trust Fund Distribution Distribution Very-Low Income $0 $539,243 00/0 low Income 0 $539,243 00'-0 Moderate Income 0 $539 243 00/0 TOT Al $0 "Tola! Trus1 Fund Distribution" equals Dls!fJbu1nJll -+ Re(df)(Wed funds + Program Income + CoHfI' Over fllnd, Table E: Project Funding Valul' of Numher of Income Category Morl!tage~, Mor1!:a~e~, Value of N umber of t Udm & OPl~ lO.ln~ [j. DPl~ Grants Grants Very.low Income low Income Moderale Income 10TAL 0 0 0 0 Table F. Allowable Administration Set Aside from Program Income T alai Amount of "5% --lWYo Total Program Income Pro~ram Income Maximum Maximum Allowed for Adminislration $38 157 $1, 'J078S $:1,815.70 $1 908 . Counr/e~ and Eligible ,\tlll1lcipal/t!e_~ wll!ch ff'Ct'we more rh.ln the ITlIlllITlllll1 (/n(n!)lJtJ(lIl .. COlJlHle_~ Jnd Ellg/hit' ,\tuIlICioJ/ltle5 which rt'CeJl,'t' riJt' nlllllnlUnl dl51nhutmJ) or h's~ 51111' ,\K!Y7,l ~ '" ;>- 01 U QQ Z P- O"> E w Qo:: 0"> .!:: \,) 0 co ::;: ~ c.. 0"> w w 0"> '0 u Qo:: ... ::: z -' i.: U ~ ~ ::> r\l Z Qi ::.: u:: z ;>- Z rti "- \,) ~ u ;:: Z '" ~ :f u:: "'" Vi ~ Qi .... ::> Qo:: ;; U 0 \,) Vl 0 :I: 0 .... ... ... ~ Qo:: .E c.. 0 0 c.. "'" Q2 ::; 0 :I: ~ -' V'l u.. - - - - V) ! u.. ~ ~ " ~ 0- Cr) ~ "- '" 0 0'> Ci 0 - N 1 'T C - .!2 .9 I ti c (lJ V) ~ ~ c ~ u.. 6 i:: i:: 0 0 0 0 c 6 - :c ~ "0 .r::. 0 0 0 0 .- ~ c .- :> ] Z 0 u.. -;:; J: 'u '0 0 0 '" "'C ""2 0 0 c. & '" '" ~ '" ~ 6 0 0 0 0 c ~ 0 0; ':: 0 0 0 0 ~ 6 0 0 0 0 :c <' i "0 .r::. ~ 0 0 0 0 .- :> .~ u 0 < w '" J: '" '0 u 0 0 0 0 1l ~ .- ! ~ 0 0 0 0 u ~ ~ c 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 + ~ ~ 0 0 0 0 0 'E .- ., '" '" Vi N .... C 0 0 0 0 - ~ ~ 0 0 0 0 + '" .- 'C .., 0 0 0 0 0 ~ .r::. '" .~ ~ :;: :> 0 U .;: J: .- '0 0 0 0 0 u ~ r: "'C '" '" .r::. '" U <S 0 0 0 0 :8 6 0 0 0 0 - ~ ~ "'C "'C "0 .- 0 0 0 0 .r::. u ~ :> "'8 "'C :> 0 :: 0 ~ CO J: '0 0 0 0 0 '" :< t :::J .s .r::. E :> 0 0 0 0 z ~ > ;; - c: "" 0 ~ . E- c ''':; :~ ." :~ .~ t; ~ c: U ." .S! <( c -= '" .. t; t: ~ 01 '0 ~ 'i c: '" Cl c: .. .S! ~ E >- .S! 8 .. ~ >- 0.0 ,e- c: '" '" -:; c 0 ... ~ u ~ '" :.c u c: '" .3 = '" :: " -' ~ .r::. '" 0 <<I: '" - '" z Cl '" ~ - N M .,. 0 ~ 0' 0' 0' .. '" .c E .- C. '" '" ~ o :i 'E .c :> '" ~ 2 ~ " '" ~ '" ~ Oc '" Q. '" " g i3 '0 '" '" 2 ..:. f2 < 9: I '" FORM 4: Program Summary Section 420,9075 Submittal Date: September 15.1999 FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION SHIP PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT - STATE FISCAL YEAR 1998/99 1. Please provide information on the status of the implementation of the Local Housing Incentive Plan or Incentive Strategy adopted by the local Affordable Housing Assistance Plan. A(I). Incentive Strategy: The Affordable Housing definition in the appointing resolution. B. Adopting Ordinance or Resolution Number or identify local policy: Resolution No. 96-21939 C. Implementation Schedule (Date): Upon approval of the Housing Incentives Plan by the City Commission. D. Has the plan or strategy been implemented? If no, describe steps that will be taken to implement the plan. Yes, on April 2, 1996 - see attachments E. Status of Strategy - (Is the strategy functioning as intended, Le., are time frames being met, etc.) The strategy is functioning as intended, A(II). Incentive Strategy: The expedited processing of permits for housing projects, B. Adopting Ordinance or Resolution Number or identify local policy: Strategy was enacted by administrative action. C. Implementation Schedule (Date): Development of the process to implement this strategy was recommended to take place within nine (9) months of approval of the Housing Incentives Plan, D. Has the plan or strategy been implemented? If no, describe steps that will be taken to implement the plan. Yes, on February 24, 1997 - see attachments E. Status of Strategy - (Is the strategy functioning as intended, Le., are time frames being met, etc.) The strategy is functioning as intended. a A(III). Incentive Strategy: Process by which the City considers, before adoption, procedures and policies that have a significant impact on the cost of housing, B. Adopting Ordinance or Resolution Number or identify local policy: Strategy was enacted by administrative action, C. Implementation Schedule (Date): Development of the process to adopt this strategy was recommended to start upon approval of the Housing Incentives Plan. D. Has the plan or strategy been implemented? If no, describe steps that will be taken to implement the plan. Yes, on February 24, 1997 - see attachments E. Status of Strategy - (Is the strategy functioning as intended, i.e., are time frames being met, etc.) The strategy is functioning as intended. 2. Attach a concise description of the support services that are available to the residents of affordable housing. The following support services are available to the residents of affordable housing: youth services, child care, health services, home delivery of meals, and employment training. 3. Attach such other data or unique affordable housing accomplishments considered significant by your Agency. (Success Stories, newspaper clippings, etc.) 4. Describe how the Annual Report was made available for public inspection and comments. Attach copies of all comments that were received and provide the local government's response. A draft of the SHIP Program Annual Report was made available for review and comment at the office of Economic and Community Development Division, 3rd Floor, City Hall 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139, beginning September 2, 1999 through September 9, 1999, See copy of Advertisement announcing its availability. This advertisement was published as follows: SHIP Annual Report announcement appeared in English in the Miami Herald, Neighbors Section, on September 2, 1999, (Copy attached) SHIP Annual Report announcement appeared in Spanish in the EI Nuevo Herald, on September 2, 1999, (Copy attached) No comments were received, 5. Since State fiscal year 1992-93,...12.. mortgages have been made to very low income househoiJs with ..Q in default b Since State fiscal year 1992-93, .liL mortgages have been made to low income households with JL in default. Since State fiscal year 1992-93,2.. mortgages have been made to very moderate households with JL in default. 6. Describe how eligible sponsors (if applicable) that employed personnel from welfare to work programs were given preference in the local selection process. Not Applicable f c CERTIFICATION On behalf of City of Miami Beach , I hereby state that the information presented (NAME OF LOCAL GOI'ERNMENTj herein is true and accurate as of the date of subniission. ~ . ,/~d?L' Witness '~ ~'.-? Witness Date "7,/6 j" Date 0/, 7 ~ . ".ct.d omd.1 "' Dfi;'"~ f /" l" Date 1/,~ ,0 Sergio Rodriguez. City Manager Date # ( (Type) Name and Title JL/lUl f r cu. c.lv-- Date:!J4'i 1 Attest (Seal) -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION Name of Person to call regarding the Annual Report Form: Miguell Del Camoillo Telephone Number: (305) 673-7260 Certification RESOLUTION NO. 96-21939 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORJDA, ADOPTING THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH LOCAL HOUSING INCENTIVES PLAN FOR TRANSMITTAL TO THE STATE OF FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY. WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach has identified the need for the rehabilitation of its existing housing stock; and WHEREAS, the City desires to provide home-ownership opportunities to its residents; and WHEREAS, in 1992, the William E. Sadowski Affordable Housing Act established the State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Program, administered by the Florida Housing Finance Agency (FHFA). Program funds derive from set-aside allocations from doCumentary stamp levies on real estate transactions and the City of Miami Beach was allocated $336,366 in SHIP for 1995/96, with a similar amount estimated for FY 96-97; and WHEREAS, on Apn112, 1995, the Mayor and City Commission established the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee (SHIP Committee) as a one-year "sunset" committee through Ordinance No. 95-2989 and Resolution No. 95-21567; and . WHEREAS, the Committee's main function was to produce a Local Housing Incentives Plan for consideration by the City wit,in twelve (12) months of passage of the Ordinance; and WHEREAS, t,e Affordable Housing Advisory Committee held pubiic meetings during March 1996 and approved the attached recommended Local Housing Incentives Plan during an advertised public hearing held on March 21, 1996; and WHEREAS, meetings of the Committee were public meetings where citizen input and involvement was solicited and considered. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the attached City of Miami Beach Local Housing Incentives Plan be adopted, as submitted, for transmittal to the State of Florida Housing Finance Agency. Passed and adopted this 2nd day of April, 1996. Attest: R [) ~d- PtULk ~ I'ry Ct..€R.K - Ro6elZ.:r PA'Q..c.HEl< FORM APPRO~;'tD LEGAL DEPT. By 41 (lfM~ Date 1-2)'- '6 Dean Grandin, Deputy Director~ DDHP Phil Azan, Director, Building Department Luis Garcia, Fire Chief, Fire Department Julio Grave de Peralta, Director, Engineering and Construction Management Al Childress, Director, C0de Compfiance ADA Coordinator Jose Garcia-Pedrosa. City Manager ~ Harry S. Mavrogenes, Assistant ciJ!v.anager~ SUBJECT: Expedited Processing of Permits for Affordable Housing Projects I Review Process for City Procedures and Policies that impact the cost of Housing DA TE: TO: VIA: FROM: { CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MEMORANDUM February 24, 1997 The Local Housing Incentives Plan, adopted by the Mayor and City Commission on April 2, 1996 by Resolution Number 96-21939, provides incentives for the development of affordable housing in Miami Beach. Incentive: EXDedited Processing of Permits for Affordable Housinq Proiects In accordance with this incentive, the City gives first priority to processing the plans and permit applications of affordable housing projects. The goal is to reduce the time involved in processing permit applications by up to fifty percent. In order to further expedite this process, the attached form has been developed to identify those projects reviewed by the Housing Section of the Economic and Community Development Division that meet the affordable housing criteria. The form is to be completed by the Housing Section staff and provided to the applicant for inclusion in the permit application package. Also in accordance with this incentive, when scheduling Pre-Design Conferences the City must give priority to affordable housing projects. This conferences should include all relevant agencies including but not limited to: Fire, Planning & Zoning, Building, Historic Preservation, Engineering and Construction Management, Code Compliance, ADA Coordinator, and the Housing Section of the Economic and Community Development Division. The Housing Section acts as liaison to coordinate and expedite the application process with all relevant agencies. ;..... ( Incentive: Review Process for City Procedures and Policies that imoact the cost of Housing In accordance with this incentive, prior to the adoption of any proposed policy, procedure, Ordinance, Development Plan regulation or Comprehensive Plan amendment that might impact housing, the City is to evaluate the potential effect and cost on affordable housing. All such items are to be submitted to the Housing Section of the Economic and Community Development Division for review and analysis in order to determine if the effect is significant. The Housing Section may send th~. proposed legislation to applicable Boards and Committees for review. The resulting analysis is provided to the original sponsor of the policy. HSM/MDC Attachment cc: Miguell Del Campii/o, Housing Coordinator Uncentb.memj -,.,. ---r ::V,--' r:-r:-;~ ~.::. ..;:: '-0 ",.,;'t;:':/ '-l =::-: ro- -- -..: . 5:;': ~..::-':: =0 -.....;. ::;) i>1 ('. . ... ,...- t .; - ~t.; - -. ."v -- .:... S4 .~'_. 2: .,.-- ~~ - ..... .~ ~ ~~ c:>>. .71 __-i 0 '-.J r~ ~ =; =:~; -...,,~) :7\ - City of Miami Beach Development, Design and Historic Preservation To: Planning and Zoning Division Building Services Division Fire Department Engineering and Construction Management Code Compliance Department ADA Coordinator r In accordance with the City's Local Housing Incentives Plan, the following project has been reviewed by the Housing Section of the Economic and Community Development Division and meets the criteria of Affordable Housing. Please expedite the processing of this permit application. Project Number: Owner Name: Property Address: Lot/Block No.. Folio Number: Owner is an: 0 Individual o Corporation o Non-Profit Organization o Other Project is funded by the City of Miami Beach: 0 Yes o No Federal Assistance is being provided: 0 Yes 0 No Program: State Assistance is being provided: 0 Yes 0 No Program: County Assistance is being provided: 0 Yes 0 No Program: Type of property: o Single Family o Multi-family o Other Type of improvements: o New Construction 0 Substantial Rehabilitation 0 Moderate Rehabilitation 0 Other Housing Section Contact Person: Name Phone affrdhsgJrm . .' \ .~ - . . ' . :< 'W .~ ~ '~ i '-j., ~ r ~ UJ u << w " (J) (J) (J) N a: UJ m ~ UJ f- a. UJ C/) >=' <( Cl C/) a: ::> J: f- @I E o ~ ::2 CIl .. CIl .:: ~ ~ ~ e III :E <( c: " o c: a. - c.. - :I: tOO - a. ::I::c UOOt- <(C:c: wwo mza. -t-w :!:C:c: ::!:~...J :Eoo<t LLW:;:) o>z >--z t-~<( oE z - " z - 00 :;:) o ::I: W ~ ~ 00 >-, -lo- ......-00 '- Q) <-)lo--. .,..... eel 0 'O~:5 E~ .-- o ~ 0) 0) C ...... l0- t) Q) <(co CJ) E Q) C ...... - co ..0...... eel..o rJ) 0 0.8 eel ::l Q) C ..c C 1-<( 13 0'> ..-.- co C !'-~:. C lo- !'-- o coo:::>- U ~ J,= "'r"< _ l.!')'. \,,; .- 0)' ::l .--. OQ)O U 0.' ..c C 0:::>' U') co _ , ..cc......OOU') ...... 0 C :...,',,'. > :+;j Q) U') Q)'", -, , > co E rJ) .n ~". rJ) -g E ~ E-:'~ CEo _0 ::l<'c ~ E U .,..... c~.s lo- 0 Q) ,J' ,rJ) Q) Q) .,..... U".- U -0 '<;j- .' C/') E u > !'- '> ,'rJ) co I lo-" ,eel <( OCt') Q),' ~ - lo- !'- U').~ 0 Q) .~ o.,~ ._ ..c u ~ >-,- . ...... 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Under the terms of this NOFA, up to $487,226 in SHIP Program funds from Fiscal Year 199811999 will be provided to one or more program sponsors for a Home Ownership Program. Eligible sponsors may includenot-for-profit and for-profit builders/developers. Selection criteria include: total cost, leveraging, experience, period of affordability, utilization of non-public funds, non-displacement, and total number of units. The price of a residence to be acquired under this program is not to exceed 90% of the median area purchase price for Miami-Dade County. Funds received under the SHIP Program may not be used to purchase, rehabilitate or repair mobile homes or manufactured housing. Individual applicants for these funds must have a household income at or below 120% of the Area Median Income. Applications will be accepted from September 13th through September 17th, 1999, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. A copy of the application package containing detailed information and the rules 9f the program may be obtained from: . Miguell Del Campillo. Housing Director Community/Economic Development Department Housing Division City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive, Third Floor Miami Beach, FL 33139 Phone: (305) 673-7260 . The City of Miami Beach reserves the right to reject applications, to reject all applications or . to waive errors,in applications as it deems appropriate. ' -' - - - - . . 54162235- _ J \U ~ .- ~ ~ ~ ..... I ~ o ,j..- ~ ~ ~ co o IC <( -- O'l O'l O'l Cll "0 .3 (/) o 01 CIl Cll "0 N (/) Cll > (J) ::J -, -- u C 01 .~ .!: (/) .0 ::J Cl.. o u Cll o t <( .!: U CIl (J) CO E CIl ::2: Art [)ec() Tr()~;ical. J'uteves" 2::le '3I;;J<l.'st,e cj,e ] 9;)g - ~ AVISO DE DISPONIBILlDAD DE FONDOS (NOFA) lQ CIUDAD DE MIAMI BEACH ~ -==- PROGRAMA DE SOCIEDAD DE INICIATIVAS DE VIVIENDAS ESTATALES (SHIP) , Fondos en la cantidad de $487,226 del ano fiscal 1998/1999. (QUAl. HOUSING OPPQRTl/HrrY La Ciudad de Miami Beach anuncia la disponibilidad de fondos bajo el Programa de Sociedad de Iniciativas de Viviendas Estatales (SHIP) de la Corpora cion de Financiamientos para Viviendas en la Florida. Bajo los terminos de este aviso hasta 5487,226 en fondos del progra- ma SHIP del ana fiscal 1998 / 1999 se ofrecera a uno 0 mas pa trocinadores del Programa de Propiedad de Viviendas. Los pa trocinadores elegibles podran incluir constructores y empresarios no lucrati,'os olucrativos, El criterio de seleccion incluye: costa total, ventajas, experiencia, perio- do de costeabilidad, utilizacion de fondos no publicos, el no desplazar residentes y el mimero total de unidades. El precio de cada residencia que sera adquirida bajo este programa no puede exceder el 90% del precio medio de compra del area del Condado de Miami-Dade. Los fondos recibidos bajo el programa SHIP no pueden ser usados para la adquisicion, rehabilitacion 0 reparacion de casas moviles 0 vi\'iendas manufachlradas, Los indi,'iduos que soliciten estos fondos deberan tener una entrada familiar que sea 0 este por debajo del 120% del Ingreso Promedio del area. Las solicitudes seran aceptadas desde el13 de septiembre hasta el17 de septiembre de 1999, de 9:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m. Se podra obtener una copia del paquete de solicihld que contiene informacion detallada y las reglas del programa de: Miguell del Campillo, Housing Director Community IEconomic Development Division Housing Section Ci ty of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive, Third floor Miami Beach, FI 33139 Telefono: (305) 673-7260 La Ciudad de Miami Beach se reserva el derecho de rechazar solicitudes, rechazar todas las solicitudes 0 condonar errores en solici- tudes como 10 perciba apropiado. Este aviso se publica como cortesfa y no se requiere por la ley.