File Ref. #158
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Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council
Interoffice Memorandum
Bob Parcher
City Clerk
Date: September 13, 1999
David Whitma~
Subject: Nominations for Officers of the Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council
As required by the Cultural Arts Council bylaws, the Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council
Nominating Committee met on Monday, September 13, at 9am to nominate candidates for the
offices of Chair and Vice-Chair.
Pauline Winick was nominated for Chair and Alvaro Fernandez for Vice-Chair.
The bylaws mandate notification of the City Clerk and the entire Council 15 days prior to the
monthly Council meeting in September.
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To: Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council members
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I. Stanley Levine, Chair
Pauline Winick, Vice-Chair
Alvaro Fernandez
Diane Star Heller
Roland Kohen
Clark Reynolds
Steve Sauls
Raquel Vallejo
Nancy Wolcott
From: David / Craig
Date: July 27, 1999
Attached is a copy of the bylaws amended at the Monthly Council Meeting on
July 22, 1999. Please substitute this page in your copy of the bylaws. The amended
bylaws are on file with the City Clerk. Thank you.
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... 6. Council members or employees should not solicit nor receive, directly or
S 0 .i!.'inairec,t1i3(, ,3.P~ing of economic value (a gift, gratuity, or favor) from any person or
organization if Council members or employees have reason to believe that such gifts,
i'gtatu~i~s(6t[faC6rs are related to Council membership or employment. Artistic functions
and related matters are specifically exempt from the provision of this paragraph 6.
7. No person shall be qualified to sit as a member of the Council if he or she is an
employee of the City of Miami Beach.
Section 1 Standing Committee
The following shall constitute the standing committee of the Council. Members and
chairpersons of any other committees shall be appointed by the Chairperson, subject to
the approval of the Council.
a. Nominating Committee
The Chairperson shall appoint from the Council a Nominating Committee of no less than
three (3) members. The duties of this committee shall be to comply with the applicable
requirements of Miami Beach Ordinance No. 97-3075 and any amendments thereto. Such
committee shall review and report to the Council on all applicants for the Council. Such
report shall be made at the meeting of the Council at which the Council votes its
recommendations for replacement of Council Members to the City Commission.
Said committee shall also report to the Council its annual recommendations for officers
of the Council. Such report shall be in writing and shall be submitted 15 days before the
first meeting of the Council in November September, or upon a vacancy, each year. Other
candidates whose consent has been obtained may be nominated from the floor. Election
of officers shall be made at said meeting.
Section 2 Special Committees
Special Committees dealing with specific subject matter may be constituted by the
Chairperson from time to time. Members of the public other than Council members may
be asked to serve in an advisory capacity to such committees at the discretion of the
Chairperson, subject to the approval of the Council.
Amended by the Council on July 22, 1999.