File Ref. #163 t Irl t! (, ~-nl( ;:i L f::-- !It:J:=# 1(, 3-tJC r /8/ If 99 . APPELlANT/PETITIONER f..WnI'\ TE FR:M C I R:1J IT ax..RT APPE1.l..A TE 0 I V I S 10'l ELEVENTH JlD IC I N.. C I FO.J IT DACE o::x.NrY. A..OR I OA. APPEALS N). 98-312 AP it : .. k'^vy'l ~l~~ " :t () (t. 6: ( Gw ~1A <='-i::: D :T'Af'\l~ G., ~<.'vV':-<' ~"{, <~I\ ~ IC' (UICM I y<-~ fL\ T - PrJlt, tV I' f> CONTINUUM COMPANY, L.L.C. ,.-" x:'"' '/ (~;- -.? ..i\ \I~ ..,.;..v. _".~ C --;: '-" ';\ ~, ___) vJ ~ vs. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPELLEE/RESPONDENT This cause having been brought to this Court by appeal, and after due consideration the court havIng Issued Its oPinIon; YCU ARE HEREBY ~D that such further proceedings be had In saId cause I n accordance with the op I n Ion of th I s o::x...RT attached hereto and Incorporated as part of thIs order, and wIth the rules of prcx::edure and laws of the STATE a=- FLORIDA. LoNer TrIbunal Case NJrber(s}: 9193 and 9486 WITN::SS the t-bnorable MJrray G:Jldnan, Adnlnlstratlve Judge of the Appellate DIvIsIon of the CIrcuIt COUrt of the Eleventh JudicIal CIrcuIt of FlorIda and the seal of the said CircuIt Court at MI~I. thIs 8th day of OCTOBER 199 9 . HARVEY F<<.N IN. Clerk of the CIrcuit Court of the Eleventh JudIcial CIrcuit I n and for Dade County. 4 By: l/r ~-, I NOT FINAL UNTIL TIME EXPIRES TO FILE RE-HEARING MOTION, AND IF FILED, DISPOSED OF. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ELEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA APPELLATE DIVISION CASE NO. 98-312AP LOWER COURT CASE NO. 9193 and 9486 ',"" ~ c.o 11 _ c.o ~1iJ (" -r"\ ~ Tl .,., co r"-J CONTINUUM COMPANY, L.L.C. Petitioner, C',' () rn "~.-- C'.I ....... .-..,.~..,.._." .......---........,= ~:~ OJ CITY OF MIAMI BEACH and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DESIGNN REVIEW BOARD -. Respondent, / RECOr'{ MAR ~ 2 \999 :1:~ ',1 vs. >c ~ '0 c 7~) c: CJ1 :::; ~ \D Clerk 01 CircU1\ & County Courts Opinion filed February 26, 1999. A Petition for Writ of Certiorari from the City of Miami Beach Design Review Board for Miami-Dade County, Florida. JOSEPH L. REBAK, ESQ. and MELANIE EMMONS DAMIAN, ESQ., for petitioner. SHERI ALDEN SACK, ESQ., First Assistant City Attorney, for respondent. Before MARGARITA ESQUIROZ, AMY N. DEAN and GILL S. FREEMAN, n. PER CURIAM. Denied. COPIES FURNISHED TO COUNSEL OR RECORD AND TO ANY PARTY NOT REPRESENTED BY COUNSEL. PCA.den.op OFF REC BK !8495PG4357