File Ref. #169 (! (r(1 C LtYl/I j ;:: I (C j!t-r Ii /6 f - /)cc 7, /91 ~ 1 r\ I. hl("ltj~ ----.~; lt~' I' ~l) Vt't tJ tJ ~ r l ._ ~t'Ylb ({ (u:cL1' ~t-C(Jl UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA In Re: CATHERINE MARY STRATFORD S.S.N: 007-58-9734 CASE NO.: 99-18415-BKC-RAM CHAPTER 13 / Debtor. NOTICE OF HEARING ',) ~:') C-'. . -cJ <~ c.n :J:: 0 c)"'\ rn -q 0 -r\ c.) ("') 0'" rn NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a hearing will be held in the above matter at J.LIlD Q.m. on---1JJ~ If), (fff. allhefollowinglocalion: (Date) (~e Pepper Federal Bldg., 51 S.W. 1st Avenue, Courtroom /4/)9 . Miami, Florida 33130 ( ) U.S. Courthouse, Courtroom Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33301 , 299 E. Broward Blvd., ( ) Paul G. Rogers Federal Building [ ] Courtroom #6, Room 3 12 [] Courtroom # 701 Clematis Street, West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 ,Room to consider the following: DEBTOR'S MOTION OF REINSTATE CHAPTER 13 CASE DATED: I t/ l{p !Y1 By: Co .J~ , room Deputy The movant, or movant's counsel, Lawrence J. Shaprio, Esq. shall serve a copy of this notice and, unless previously served, the above-described pleading, to all required parties and within the time frames required by the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure, Local Rules, or orders of the court, and shall file this original notice and completed certificate of service (printed on reverse) with the court. . Page 1 of 2 ~ fLit i'V t< 11 \:t}161{t r // I C/ f"'f })v.l;tl1':-' " r~o ..Iv 11 f{.L\ UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA In Re: CATHERINE MARY STRATFORD S.S.N: 007-58-9734 CASE NO.: 99-18415-BKC-RAM CHAPTER 13 Debtor. / DEBTOR'S MOTION TO REINSTATE CHAPTER 13 CASE Comes now the Debtor, by and through his undersigned counsel, and moves this Honorable Court for entry of an Order seeking to reinstate Chapter 13 case previously dismissed and in support thereof would show as follows: 1. Debtor caused a Petition seeking relief under Chapter 13 of the United States Bankruptcy Code to be filed in the Southern District of Florida on August 26, 1999. A copy of the face sheet of the Petition is attached at Exhibit" A". At the time of filing the Petition, as schedules were included, however, the "Plan was not initially submitted. 2. On September 21, 1999, this Court entered an Order dismissing the case for failure to timely file a plan. Debtor's counsel submits that it was a oversight in calendaring this deadline for filing the Chapter 13 plan and immedi2.tely following receipt of the Order Dismissing Case, Debtor's counsel met with Debtor and prepared a proposed Chapter 13 Plan, a copy of which is attached at Exhibit "B". 3. This case involves payment under a proposed plan to unsecured creditors only by which the creditors would receive dividend of approximately 16.7% of the sums outstanding as \ ,~- ~, C '\,.. . ~\) J" Page 1 of 2 ~'J\ \'" (\:; .) \\ \jV ::J. '*',0 ~\. ',"J' . .. ,) ~ \,-,\ Lawrence J. Shapiro &Associates. P.A · 80 SW Eighth Street · Suite 2804 · Miami, Florida 33130 · (305) 379-3111 CASE NO.: 99-18415-BKC-RAM noted on the plan. Consequently, Debtor perceives that there would be no prejudice to creditors by permitting this case to be reinstated. WHEREFORE, the Debtor, CATHERINE MARY STRATFORD, by and through undersigned counsel respectfully request this Honorable Court enter an Order reinstating the Chapter 13 case based upon the foregoing facts and circumstances. DATED this ~ day of November, 1999. LAWRENCE 1. SHAPIRO & ASSOCIATES, P.A. BRICKELL BAY VIEW CENTRE, STE. 2804 80 SW 8TIi STREET MIAMI, FLORIDA 33130 (305) 3lj111 CERTIFICA TE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing was mailed to: Nancy N. Herkert, Trustee, P.O. Box 5725, Hialeah, Florida 33014-17'2:5, Office of the U.S. Trustee, 51 SW 1st. Avenue, Miami, FL 33130, and all interested partieslcreditors on Exhibit "C", on this /)" -IY' day of November, 1999. LAWRENCE 1. SHAPIRO & ASSOCIATES, P.A. BRICKELL BAY VIEW CENTRE, STE. 2804 80 SW 8TIi STREET MIAMI, FLO, A 33130 (305) 379-3 La e 1. Shapiro, Esq. FBN: 796085 , Page 2 of 2 Lawrence J. Shapiro &Associates, P.A · 80 SW Eighth Street. Suite 2804 · Miami. Florida 33130 . (305) 379-3111 1 FORM 81 ~I Voluntary Petition United States4Jnkruptcy Court Southern District of Florida Name of Debtor (if individual, enter Last, First. Middle): STRATFORD, CATHERINE MARY All Other Names used by the Debtor in the last 6 years (include married. maiden. and 1nde names): Name of Joint Debtor (SpouseXLast. First, Middle): All Other Names used by the Joint Debtor in the last 6 years (include manied. maiden. and trade names): Soc. Sec./rax ill. No. (ifmore than one., state all): 007-58-9734 Soc. Sec./rax ill. No. (ifmore than one, state all): ~ reetA~ oont 9tt10'~treet, City, State & Zip Code): a:a - ..L 0 ':I: tJ "R1<('_'R A. 16 . Street Address of Debtor (No. & Street. City, State & Zip Code):9 l2S0 ALTON ROAD, #4C MIAMI BEACH. FL 33139 County of Reridence or of the Principal Place of Business: DADE Mailing Address of Debtor (if different from street address): " - .--, County of Residence or of the Principal Place of Business: Mailing Address of Joint Debtor (if different from street address): Location of Principal Assets of Business Debtor (if diff'ereut from address above): .. Information Regarding the Debtor (Check the Applicable Boxes) Venue (Check any applicable box) ltI' Debtor has been domiciled or has had a residence. principal place of business, or principal assets in this District for 180 days immediately preceding the date of this petition or for a longer part of such 180 days than in any other District. o There is a bankruptcy case concerning debtor's affiliate, general partDcr, or partnenhip pending in this District. Type of Debtor (Check all boxes that apply) ltI' Individual( s) 0 Railroad o Corporation 0 Stockbroker o Partnership 0 Conunodity BnUr o Other Chapter or Section of Bankruptcy Code Under Which the Petition is Filed (Check one box) o Chapter 7 0 Chapter 11 ltI' Chapter 13 o Chapter 9 0 Chapter 12 o See. 304 - Case ancillary to foreign proceeding Nature of Debts (Check one box) ltI' Consumer/Non-Business 0 Business Filing Fee (Check one box) ltI' FuU Filing Fee Attached o Filing Fee to be paid in installments (AppliC:1ble to individuals only) Must attach signed appliC:ltion for the court's consideration certifying that the debtor is unable to pay fee except in installments. Rule IOO6(b). See Offici:1l Fonn No.3. Chapter 11 ~1l Busines(Check all boxes that apply) o Debtor is a small business as defined in 11 U.S.C. ~ 101 o Debtor is and elects to be considered a smail business under 11 U.S.C. ~ 1121(e)(Optional) Statistical/Administrative Informatio(i=:stimates only) o Debtor estimates that funds will be available for distribution to unsecured creditors. ~ Debtor estimates that, after any exempt property is excluded and admioislrative expenses paid, there willJl be no funds available for distribution to unsecured creditors. TIllS SPACE IS FOR COURT USE ONL Y .. Estimated Number of Creditors I-IS 16-49 50-99 100-199 200-999 I llOO-over 0 It! 0 0 0 0 E<t;mAtM Assets SO to SSO,OOI to S100,001 to S500, 00 1 to SI,ooo,ool to S10,000,001 to SSO, 000, 00 1 to More than SSO,OOO $100,000 SSOO,OOO Slll'illion S10 million SSG million Sloo million S100 million Ii'I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F.!d;mAtM Debts SO to SSO,OOI to S100,001 to SSoo,OOI to SI,OOO,OOI to S10,OOO,001 to S5O,ooo,OOI to More than S5O,000 SI00,OOO S5OO,OOO $1ll'iUion S10 milUm S50 millim SI00 million SI00 million iii 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '0 \.Q v) ~. (/)-~ ,~=; -~; -" -~ -:;:;~:--~ -,~..~;-; ;:" ~~ --,< . ("') -; ("') ;-; ,"\,.) 0'\ ~ - - (..J .. r..J .&:- EXHIBIT t II A n . .. w ,..... ~ '0._. . ~. ,,'",,:,;;--. - .-""~C:WO ... '~_Jl -, -,., ':: ~;; ~::j --- -- ,-....: I I\~ o ! , ; I I I ~ n L'NITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT, SOUTHERN DlSTRIcr OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 PLAN (Individual Adiustment of Debts) CASE NO.: 99-l8415-BKC-RAM DEBTOR: CATHERINE MARY STRATFORD SS#: 007-58-9734 o This document is plan summary. Additional data on file in clerk's office attached to original plan. MONTHL Y PLAN PAYMENT: Including trustee's fee not to exceed 10% and beginning 30 days from filing/conversion date, Debtor(s) to pay to the trustee for a period of~months: A. $ 247.23 formonths.-!.-to 18 B. $ 216.67 for months.-!.2.- to 33 C. $ 247.50 for months -2L to 60 : in order to pay the following creditors: Administrative: Attorney's Fee - $ 1.500.00 Balance Due $ 500.00 TOTAL PAID $ 1.000.00 payable $ 27.78 Imonth (Months ---L- to---1L) Secured Creditors: [Retain Liens pursuant to II USC S 1325 (a)(5)] Mortgage(s)/Liens on Real or Personal Property: 1. N/A Arrearage on Petition Date $ Arrears Payment $ Regular Payment $ to ----> to ----> /month (Months /month (Months o IF CHECKED, THE PLAN SEEKS TO VALUE THE COLLATERAL SECURING THE CLAIMS OF THE CREDITORS LISTED BELOW PURSUANT TO 11 USC & S06la) AND BANKRUPTCY RULE 3012. Secured Creditor Payoff Amount: Rate of Interest Plan Payments Months of Payments Value of Collateral N/A S 0/0 $ To $ 0/0 $ To S 0/0 $ To Priority Creditors: [including non-dischargeable debts paid 100% in plan] 1. City of Miami. 1700 Convention Drive. Miami.. FL 3313 9 Total Due $ 1.000.00 Payable $ 30.30 Imo. (Mos. I to 33 ) Reg.Pymt $ 2.Dade Co. Tax Collector. 140 W. Flagler Street 14th Floor. Miami. FL 33130-1573 Total Due $ 500.00 Payable $ 15.15 Imo. (Mos. I to 33 ) Reg.Pymt $ " 3. Dent. of Revenue. Miami N. Taxpaver Service Center. 81 75 NW 12th St~eet. Miami. FL 33126-1831 Total Due $ 5000.00 Payable $ 151.52/mo. (Mos.--1. to -21-) Reg.Pymt $ Unsecured Creditors: Pay $ 225.00 Imonth (Months 34 to 60 )..' Pro rata dividend will be calculated by the Trustee upon review of filed claims after bar date. Other Provisions Not Included Above: I declare that the foregoing chapter 13 plan is true and correct under penalty of perjury. Catherine Mary Stratford Date: EXHIBIT I~ C:\wpdalaICUENTSIaIJalford\Clwplc 13 Plan.wpcI RANK OF N.Y. DELAWARE COMMERCIAL FINANCE SVCS P.O. BOX 707971 TULSA, OK 74170-7971 CAPITOL ONE P.O. BOX 26030 RICHMOND, VA 23267-0001 CREDIT FIRST NATIONAL ASSOC. P.O. BOX 81315 AMF, CLEVELAND, OH 44181 DISCOVER P.O. BOX 105430 ATLANTA, GA 30348-5430 FIRST U.S.A. BANK ONE COMMERCIAL FINANCE SVC P.O. BOX 707971 TULSA, OK 74170-7971 NATIONS BANK P.O. BOX 2493 NORFOLK, VA 23501-2493 BARNETT BANK P.O. BOX 31154 TAMPA, FL 33631-3154 CITIBANK 500 ROCKAWAY AVENUE P.O. BOX 2998 VALLEY STREAM, N.Y. 11582 Dade County Tax Collector 140 W. Flagler Street 14th Floor Miami, FL 33130-1573 FIRST CARD CAPITOL CREDIT CORPORATION 8000 ARLINGTON STREET, #210 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32300 FIRST UNION COMMERCIAL FINANCE SVCS P.O. BOX 707971 TULSA, OK 74170-7971 SAKS FIFTH AVENUE DEPT. 0034 TALA TINE, IL 60065-0034 EXHIBIT j "C. BURDINES DEPT. 4500 CINCINNATI OH 45274-4500 City of Miami 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami, FL 33139 Department of Revenue Miami North Tax Payer Service Cente 8175 NW 12th Street Miami, FL 33126-1831 FIRST CONSUMERS NATIONAL BANK 9310 S.W. GEMINI DRIVE BEA VERTON, OR 97078-0001 HOUSEHOLD CREDIT SERVICES P.O. BOX 81622 SALINAS, CA 93912-1622 THE GM CARD P.O. BOX 88000 BALTIMORE, MD 21288