File Ref. #175 - (~1(1 (!Jj-JtlL f-;Lc!tF# 17J- - ],A/V/u1tt1 .s~ 2<'''0(1 ... \ ' CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MEMORANDUM ( ) t' ,-, !" ~ ri ~..d i.',.' '.'-'FIC'" ,,,, Ii, .:) Ur t I'). 05 ., . I,.". FROM: ROBERT PARCHER CITY CLERK NEISEN KASDlN ~ ~ MAYOR TO: DATE: APRIL 22, 1999 RE: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY/COUNTY ISSUES I,) ~) II The South Pointe and . y Center Redevelopment Agencies were supported and approved by Miami-Dade County. The County is now questioning the continued existence and/or funding formulas of the Redevelopment Agencies. Please research the County's support of the creation and programs of the RDA's, including the advocacy of the creation and mission of the City Center RDA by the Convention and Visitors Bureau. NOK/st '1ry)~ MI ",' , , :\\11 BL\L'II 1"1 'i ,,: ,,,,1., r~I' 'I)' . .()({IIH,; 13') .J~673-7.j11 ' hUp>'/ci 11' . . . llaml-hl'i.lch.tl.lIS ,,;, ~r kd~, y/~'/C;1 'Pb r-- ~ ,,2- /Lo.~, Ct t-fp..d.L J .-fA tLu ~ WUl~ J:. /,u) I ~;...e ':r^ a..<-l ~I FROM THE DESK OF ROB~RT E, PARCHER ell Y CLERK 1k i!..D P I~ f "'b -1t.. ~ d- ~ u,; if 'ItA 4 ~;d.-t~ OAJ .fl/o-v-0h . I ~ ~ wJj IJ, ?-- + ~ Upl~r tL Uw~. (Ju- t6 ~{-d~ ~ Of; 1~/[/f~. ~ ~ Ol91r- (yJ R 'if- -I- ~ ltL4l ~ ~ r WtLA ~wo;J 11, r' ~. cc: ~d"O /ZcoL. M 1 Cl I ~ - ,"'.... .......~.." -, -, - ......... - ,..... - , ' ---- - - '-'......-........ ~.. .- . ..... '-- . .......~-"-" -~'- -- .-.,-.- -,- -'--- ~VVJ. FAX COVERSHEET TO: ~b lo.;i(j Net( ~ IIr DATE: PHONE: IL-/)--9L ~t:JS"4 ~ 7.3 i '11/)/ SUBJECT: ~d '''-2D FROM: CLERK OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS KENNETH GUlDSTRAND DEPUTY CLERK PH. 375-2888 FAX 375-2484 111 N.W. 1st STREET SUITE 17-202 MIAMI FL 33128 ..... NUMBER ~F PAGES (INCLUDING COVER PAGE) 2. t MESS:: . 17Ii ;,U? j:YJ:o Oa ~ id-:.x- /tMJ /en /l4 !$.Sf,J 5 48"1>< ~ ~;t r S; /~C 4 ~.d t/.eA:7 () ./0 - rt:- !;:!tuJ",,cJ;rL IS .&~~ ~.,L-- r' r. /' rrt, ((J L ~ ^ G+f, /~' s. ~ ~, ~ /-:'- ~-- M E ~;~.~~AJ"'~'~~Agenda Item No. I~' .., ..':":#....~.:.::.i. ."- 0' I ~_/ '''''.iUj.t (Public Hearing +':Ii Mayor and Members 1.MY:c. "'I'fI'lCI3 March 30 r 1993 :ounty Commissioners uAu~ . ~~.......... <- ECONOM!j1Jal19CT: tJ7. t:II'f!NGOMMuilWi Da:ELOPMENT M~~a~I~*~rIEB P.L.S. -. , "EPT. 2 8 93 - M i\ V 1 1 1993 @- ~~ , ' ~ 2(a) 4-27-93) FROM: Ordinance Relating to the Redevelopment of Miami Beach City Center/Historic Convention Village Redevelopment and Revitalization Area .----- Recommenda tion :-:.,,"_ The attached ordinance is being submitted for your adoption at the request of the City of Miami Beach. It is recommended that the Board adopt this ordinance which establishes a Redevelopment Trust Fund, provides for the appropriation of county funding and other terms and conditions relating to the City Center/Historic Convention Village Redevelopment and Revitalization Area. Background The City Center/Historic Convention Village Redevelopment and Revitalization Area is to be financed with tax increment monies and other financing mechanisms. Enactment of the attached ordinance will put the tax increment financing process in pla~e pursuant to the Community Redevelopment Act of 1969 as presently contained in Part III of Chapter 163 of the Florida Statutes. This Ordinance establishes a redevelopment trust fund for which tax increment funds are to be used in conjunction with other revenues to finance the redevelopment of the City Center/Historic Convention Village Redevelopment and Revitalization Area. The ordinance also sets forth the County's obligation to appropriate tax increment funds to the redevelopment project and provides for certain county approval and review requirements. For example, County review and authorization is required of plan amendments, bond indentures, other financing instruments, and ordinances or resolutions authorizing financing instruments. Economic Impact Analysis The total assessed and taxable values for 1992 of property in this area is $448.438 million and $293.951 million, respectively. The City of Miami Beach projects that the amount of tax increment revenue to be generated by the end of the tenth year will be approximately $24.482 million. Of this total, the County and City tax contributions are estimated to be $10.821 million and $13.661 million, respectively. These projections are based on the following major assumptions: - the base assessment year is 1992, Honorable Mayor and Members Board of County Commissioners Page Two - tax values of properties within the proposed redevelopment area will grow at an average rate of 6.4% per year, - rehabilitated hotel values beginning to rise in 1994, - multiplex movie theater added to the tax roll in 1995, - Convention Headquarters Hotel added to the tax roll in 1996. A ~rojection of tax increment revenues for the remaining 20 years ~.the life of the proposed district is not available at this time. County staff review indicates that the potential exists for a higher initial increment than the City projections based upon certain property developments. Depending on the values certified by the Property Appraiser in July, the first year County increment could be as high as $165,000 as opposed to a city estimate of $54,000. Subsequent year assessed value changes and corresponding increments are very difficult to predict with accuracy. Hospitality/convention commerce is a significant sector of the Dade County economy. Economic studies have indicated that the one million square feet Miami Beach Convention Center needs 2,500-3,000 new hotel rooms in reasonable proximity in order to reach a desirable occupancy and continued booking. A major focus of the redevelopment plan is the attraction of private investment in the 'construction of new hotels within at least three sites near the facility. To the extent that the city is successful in aChieving such development through this financing strategy, the construction and tourist sectors of our economy will be improved. Attachment ~ Agenda Item No. 2(a) 4-27-93 ORDINANCE NO. 93 - 2 R ORDINANCE RELATING TO REDEVELOPMENT OF MIAMI BEACH CITY CENTER/HISTORIC CONVENTION VILLAGE REDEVELOPMENT AND REVITALIZATION AREA BOUNDED BY 24TH STREET ON THE NORTH, WEST AVENUE ON THE WEST, 14TH LANE ON THE SOUTH, AND ATLANTIC OCEAN ON THE EAST; ESTABLISHING REDEVELOPMENT TRUST FUND; PROVIDING FOR APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS AND CALCULATION OF INCREMENT FOR DEPOSIT INTO FUND; SETTING FORTH OBLIGATION TO APPROPRIATE TO FUND AND DURATION OF OBLIGATION; PROVIDING FOR LIMITED COUNTY APPROVAL OF DEBT; PROVIDING FOR REVIEW OF FINANCIAL RECORDS AND RIGHT OF AUDIT; PROVIDING FINDING OF PUBLIC PURPOSE; PROVIDING SEVERABILITY, INCLUSION IN CODE, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of Florida enacted the Community Redevelopment Act of 1969 (the "Act") which is presently contained in Part III of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, as amended; and WHEREAS, the Act confers all redevelopment powers upon counties with home rule charters and authorizes such counties to delegate the exercise of such powers within the boundaries of a municipality to the governing body of such municipality; and WHEREAS, the City of 'Miami Beach (the "City"), pursuant to Part III of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, as amended, indicated its wish to undertake a project within its municipal boundaries that will involve the redevelopment, in accordance with a plan for redevelopment, of that portion of the City of Miami Beach known as the City Center/Historic Convention Village Redevelopment and Revitalization Area, generally bounded by 24th ~ Agenda Item No. 2ea) Page No. 2 street on the North, West Avenue on the West, 14th Lane on the South, and the Atlantic Ocean on the East, which is specifically described on the attached map and legal description made a part hereof as Exhibit "A" (the "Redevelopment Area); and WHEREAS, Dade County (the "county") adopted Resolution No. R-14-93 on January 26, 1993 making certain findings and delegating certain powers to the City of Miami Beach pursuant to Part III, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, as amended, for the redevelopment of the Redevelopment Area; and WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach (the "City") has requested that the County adopt a resolution pursuant to the provisions of Section 163.360, Florida statutes, approving the City Center/Historic Convention Village Redevelopment and Revitalization Area Plan (the "Plan") with regard to the Redevelopment Area, to enable the City to undertake redevelopment of the Redevelopment Area through the implementation of the said Plan, which was prepared and approved by resolution of the City of Miami Beach City Commission on February 12, 1993 (Resolution No. 93-20721); and WHEREAS, the Plan dated February 12, 1993, was approved on this date pursuant to Resolution No. R- 317-93 on file with the Clerk of the Board; and WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 93~20709 ~~~pted on February 3, and is 1993 ,the City of Miami Beach Commission declared the need to establish a community redevelopment agency and declared the 4 Agenda Item No. 2(a) Page No. 3 members of the City Commission as the members of the community redevelopment agency (the "Community Redevelopment Agency"); and WHEREAS, the Community Redevelopment Agency may not receive or spend any tax increment revenues pursuant to Section 163.387, Florida Statutes unless and until this Board has, by ordinance, provided for the funding of the redevelopment trust fund for the duration of the Community Redevelopment Plan; and WHEREAS, the County is sympathetic to the City Center/Historic Convention Village Redevelopment and Revitalization Area Project envisaged and proposed by the City of Miami Beach pursuant to the Plan, which project will ultimately in;vol ve the expenditure of many millions of dollars, and which will be financed in part through a range of financing strategies suggested by the Ci ty of Miami Beach to be secured by such revenue sources as are provided by law; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to create a redevelopment trust fund to be funded with ad valorem tax increment revenues, pursuant to Sections 163.353 and 163.387, Florida Statutes, in order to provide funds to finance or refinance the proposed community redevelopment and to facilitate the implementation of creative tax increment financing strategies; and WHEREAS, this Board desires to accomplish the purposes outlined in the memorandum from the County Manager, a copy of which is attached hereto, for the reasons delineated therein; 1 ) Agenda Item No. 2 ( a') Page No. 4 WHEREAS this Board finds that establishing the Redevelopment Trust Fund and providing for the appropriation into the Fund of its tax increment as determined by statute is in the best interest of the citizens of Dade County and serves a public purpose. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1. Incorporation of Foregoing Recitations. -- The foregoing recitations are hereby deemed true and correct and are hereby incorporated as a part of this ordinance. Section 2. Establishment of Redevelopment Trust Fund; Appropriation of Funds; Calculation of Increment.-- A City Center/Historic Convention Village Redevelopment and Revitalization Trust Fund (the "Fund") is hereby established. Each taxing authority (as defined in Part III Chapter 163, Florida Statutes) shall annually pay into the Fund, a sum not less than that increment in the income, proceeds, revenues and funds of each taxing authority derived from or held in connection with the community redevelopment project area, and the City's undertaking and implementing of its City Center/Historic Convention Village Redevelopment and Revitalization Plan. The increment shall be determined annually and shall be that amount equal to 95 percent of the difference between: (a) The amount of ad valorem taxes levied each year by each taxing authority, exclusive of any amount from any debt service millage, on taxable real property f Agenda Item No. 2(a) Page No. 5 contained within the geographic boundaries of the Redevelopment Area; and (b) The amount of ad valorem taxes which would have been produced by the rate upon which the tax is levied each year by or for each taxing authority, exclusive of any debt service millage, upon the total of the assessed value of the taxable real property in the Redevelopment Area as shown upon the most recent assessment roll used in connection with the taxation of such property by each taxing authority prior to the effective date of this ordinance. Section 3. Obligation to Appropriate; Duration of Obligation; Limitations on obligation, Bond Sales and Refundings; Accounting Requirements for County Increment. Each taxing authority shall by January 1st of each year appropriate to the Fund for so long as any indebtedness pledging the tax increment due the Fund is outstanding (but not to exceed 30 years), a sum not less than the increment as defined and determined by section 2. In no year shall the County's obligation to the Fund exceed the amount of that year's tax increment as determined in Section 2 of this ordinance. Beginning with the twentieth year after the date of sale of the initial bonding or indebtedness pledging tax increment funds, no new sale of bonds or indebtedness supported by the County's tax increment may occur nor may existing indebtedness so supported be refunded without amending this Ordinance. The County's obligation to fund the Fund annually shall continue until all loans, advances, and indebtedness, if any, and interest thereon, of the community redevelopment agency incurred as a result of redevelopment in the Redevelopment Area '1 Agenda Item No. 2(a) Page No. 6 have been paid. The County's increment contribution is to be accounted for as a separate revenue within the Fund but may be combined with other revenues for the purpose of paying debt service. The County must approve the amount, duration of the obligation and the purpose of any bond, note or other form of indebtedness, including advances, pledging or otherwise obligating tax increment funds. Section 4. Review of financial records; right of audit. The financial records for the Redevelopment Trust Fund shall be prepared pursuant to Section 163 . 387 (8), F lor ida Statutes and shall be available for County inspection. the right of audit of the Fund. The County reserves Section 5. Public Purpose. This ordinance is hereby declared to be for a publi~ purpose and for the welfare of the citizens of Dade County, Florida, and shall be liberally construed to effectuate the purposes thereof. Section 6. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or provision of this ordinance is held invalid, the remainder of this ordinance shall not be affected by such invalidity. Section 7. Inclusion in Code. It is the intention of the Board of County Commissioners, and it is hereby ordained that the provisions of this ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of Metropolitan Dade County, Florida. The sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish I< Agenda Item No. 2(a) Page No. 7 such intention, and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section", "article", or other appropriate word. Section 8. Effective Date. This ordinance shall become effective ten (10) days after the date of its enactment. PASSED AND ADOPTED: APR 2 7 1993 Approved by County Attorney as to form and legal sufficiency. i!A.6 Prepared by: A, d. J Q l.EGAL DESC1UPl10N I PROPOSED CITY CENTER/HIsroRJC C0NVEN110N Vl.I.JAGE REDEVELOPMENT AND REVlTALIUTION A1UI'A ;AD that land area within the corporate Jfmits ol the Cty of Miami ~. Florida. which Is bounded by the line pl'OCeeA1nl northerly Crom a where the eastern extensioD of the south rlght~{-way line of 14th Lane meets the Erosion Control Une aloDl the western shore of the Atlantic Ocean, said line followiug the Erosion Control Une to a point where it intersects the eastern extension of the north rigbt-of-WKy line 'of 24th Street; then proceeding in . westerly direction aJo. this extension and the north right-of- way line ol24th Street to a point wbcre it intersects the north bulkhead wall of thc Collins Canal; thcn proceedlng In a southwestcrly dirCctiOD along the north bulkhead wall oC the CoJUns Canal to a point where it intersects "the east right-of-way line of Pine Tree Drive; then proceeding due west in a line traversing the iDtcrscctioD of Dade Boulewrd and Pine Tree Drive to a point where JI intersecu the north risht-of-way line of Dade Boulevard; then proceedini in . southwesterly direction aIonl said right-of-way line of Dade Boulevard to . point fntersecting the west right-of-way line 01 Meridian Avenue; then proceeding south .. from said point along the west ri&ht-of-way line << Meridian Avenue to . point where it': intersects the north right-of-way line: ol11th Street; then proceedfna in a westerly direction alOI2l said right-of-way Une o( 17th Street to a point where it intersects the west ript-of-way line of West Avcnuc; then proceeding In a southerly direction aloq said right-of-way line of West Avenue to a point where it intersects the eastern cxt.cnsiOD of the southem propeny Une of lot 8 in Block 44; then Proc:cediDa In an easledy dJreafOft across West Avenue to the south property llne ot Jot 12, Block 45; then proa-'1n, easterly aloog chc south property Unes of lots 12 and 8. Bloct45, thereby traverslDc Allon Coun to . pow Intersecdaa the west right-of-way line of Alton Road; tben prcc::rHin, southeast aaou Alton Road to . point where the east right-of-way line of Alton Road lntersecu the south right-of-way llIle . ol IJncoJn Lane South; then Proceenin, in aD easterly direction along the said right-of-way Une of Uncoln Lane South to a point where It fntersec:lS the west right-of-way Une ot Drexel AvclWc; then pnxccding in a southerly direction along said right-of-way Une of Drexel Avenue to a point where It intersects the south right~f-way line of 16th Street: then proceeding in au eastedy cUrection along saJd right-of-way line of 16th Street to a polr.t where it intersects the west right-of-way Ifne of WahingtOD Avenue; then proceen{nl in a southerly direction along said right-of-way line or Washington Avenue to a point where it JntersectS the western extcnsion ofthc south right-of-way One of 14th Lanc; thcn proccediq In an easterly dlrectlon aJong said right-of-way IiDc of 14th Lane to the PONr OF BEOINNlNO whcrc the eastern arensfoa of the south right-of-way I1nc of 14th Lane intersectS the Erosion Control Uac alcms the Atbndc: Occaa. EXHIBIT WA- PAGE 1 OF 2 10 / WEST AVENUE 'IJ-lf A TlANr,C OCEAN &NbII A Page 2 Dl2 PROPosED CITY CENTER/HISTORIC CO#NEN1lON VILLAGE REDlEVELOPMENT AND RIEVlTAJ "AnnAl "DCA UAO :...~. . :--..,. ......~.~~.. -:"~. .~~- , AClcndcd Am~l1ded 1\'JI~nda Item No. .. (3) 4-1-78 7S - 20 o RD IN,\;KS NO. 78-20 ORDI,U",'KE DELCC;\TI:-JG AUTHORITY CONFERRSO UPON DADE COU~7Y TO 1::STABLISH A P-EDE\/S:'0"~11::;;7 7RUST FUND upm; THS CIT'{ OF 11IA.'1I BSACH FOR THE ACQUISITION AND REDEVSLOPMENT OF THE SOUTH BEACH A?EA \HTHI>l :UA:'1I DS..\CH SUBJECT TO THE L'1.PLE:'!E;lT,iTION Or THE PLA.'! WITH MODIFICATIONS THAT WAS PREVIOUSLY PRESENTED TO THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS; PROVIDING FOR APPROPRL'-:OIQ:: OF FUNDS I\NJ C,iLCULATION OF INCRf...CNT r"OR DEPOSIT IN70 FUND; SETTING FORTH OBLIGATIO:l 70 APPRO;: ~;TE TO FUND A.'!!) DURATIO,-l OF OBLIGATION; PROVIOI:-lG FOR REVIEW A.'!O APPROVAL OF BOND INDENTURE, OTHER FINANCING INSTRUMENTS OR ORDINANCES OR RESOLUTIONS AUTHORIZING A FINANCING INSTRUMENT; PROVIDING FOR REVIEW OF FINANCI,\L RECORDS AND RIGHT OF I\UDIT; PROVIDWG A FINDING OF PUBLIC PURPOSE; PROVIDING SEVERABLILTTY; PROVIDING INCLUSION IN THE CODE; AND PROVIDING A.'! EFFECTIVE DATE WHER~;S, the Legislature 0: Florida cnac~cd ~hc Cc~~~~i~y Redevelo?mcnt Ac~ 0: 1969 during the legislative session held duri~g 1969; and WHEREAS, all ?Owers arising through the afOt'esaid e:;ac~- me~t were conferred by that enactment u?on counties with ho~e r~1e chat'tl'!rs, which counties 1:1 tll::':\ a::'e autho::,izcd to celegate S'~=:-: ,JO'Ners to munici?<1litios within their bour.r!;.:ries w!',cn stich m~-,:..=:- palitics wish en undcrca~e redQ~elopment proJects wlchin ~he:..= res?ective municiiJal bounda::,ics; and WHEReAS, such .:I u thor i ZoJ t ion fo r co un ties to de lega te such powers to municipalities is contained in Sectio~ 163,410. rlo~ida Statutes, which s~a~cs: "163.1:10 F:xercize of pO\.lcrs i:1 cOl,mties with hOClC rule C~lartcrs.--rn cou:1tics \.ihich h.:\vc i\dOllt.:~ 110;':1(' rll: c c!1J.rt.cr.~, t.he pO\.Jcrs con~()rrcrl by t.hi:; p:,c.t :;h.l11 be cxcrci:;ect cxclu9ively by the sovernlns body o~ :;uch CO II n t. y . i! 0 '... ~ ve r , : h () So '/ ern i n 13 bod y 0 r il. n y such COUll ~y lolh icn 1'1,1:; ..dort('d a home rule ch;t;tt~r~ ~.1', I ~;1 i':.::: (~i.scrct.i('Jr1, by rCS8~tlt.ion delCC.:\l.(; Li~ (':{('r'(:l:;c of the pCl\,crs c.onfer'rec upon 9aid CClllnLy by t~1i:; P,11't. within the bounnilrie:: Qf i1 municip.1lit.y to the r.o'l,~rning body of" :;uc': i\ mllni(;ir.11ity. Sue!l,l dcICI,:1tion to ,I m\lnicl;),llity :;11.\tl conl\;r" 0:11y :;lIch pO\.JCI':; upon .. l~u~,icjr;lli:j' ,\:1 shall bc ~r>ce:ifically cllwner;lU;r! in the cklc~.\t.in(\ r'c:;olution. ^ny r 0 \./1 : r' n n t :; r c '.:: i fic.1 1 1 Y r! c 1 e ;: a t. c ~ s h ,1 1 1 be /'(;::(;r'v.'r1 ("';:'J.':ivr;l,/ to t.he: ~O':(,r"nill;~ hr,d! of r. he: ('(111 111.'j. "; ,ll1d IS 211 1\1.i0ndr..d Amended .\gC:1C,l I~~~ ~o, :(a) Page :-Jo. 2 N1rS?S/'\S, t;,c Ci~'~' o~ :--1ia:-7:':' BC.-1C:', dcting t;':::-Cl\..:g~ its owr. C017..~U;1:ty J:"edcvclopmen-: agone':, l:icic.:lteJ its wish to '-..lnce:-ta){c a S':'"CJCC: .....hie:, '../ill i:1'/oL'/c t:-:c {1C:114i.Si.t.:..c~ d:1C cedeve~Q~~,e:;: i:; ac=o~~a~ce ~~t~ a ~la:1 Eor cclcvelo~me:1': of ~ha~ port~o~ 0~ ~i3~i. 8e~c~ k~own as Sou~h 3c~ch anc ex~cnd~~s from Six:~ Stree~ 0:; :.:.....c :".o::'th t:l Cove:-nr;1er:t. C'...:~ 0""': l_:lt: .~)\)uth d:1C fror:1 t.he .-\t.lar.t:.~ Ccean en the east to Biscayn~ Bay on the west; anc r'';I::R.SAS, t..."lc redevelo?mcnt trust fund will provide ?ayment fa::' the c~nst~uction, reconst=~ction or relocation of c~u:;ty faciliti~s made necess..ry by the redevelopme:1t project; and Wf1S?'::::,S, the City c: :Ha~i Beilch on F"0brua::"/ 1, 1977, re- c;',;ested ~he CO'';:1::'y to ,1dopt " resolution pursuant to ::.'1e provisic' s 0: Section 16l.4l0, florida S~3~utes, delega~ing to t~e Ci~y 0: Mia~i Eea=~ a:: powe=s the~ co~fc==ed by ~~e statu:e u~on ~ace Co~nty, but only with regard to that portion of Miami Beach d~scribed in t~c ?recedi~g ~hereas clause so ~hat the said mU:1ici?ali~: coule p:ocecd- ~o ado9~ its ::,111"1 :0::- r~dc~:clop~er:.t, d:1d acqui:-e and ar:a:1ge for the :cdeve.!.opm~nt (,E the .J.~O'/C cesc::ibcd portion 0: t::e s~iC: Ci ty; a:-:d WHE?EAS, the Board 0: Coun~f Co~missioners of ::lade Cou~~y t'assed o~ Febr'..:ary 1, :977, Resolu::'lon :10. R-38-77, e.'1~itled: "RESOLt.:iIO:; DELCG,\TI~G ,\I.I. [,Olv2RS CON- FS?R.ED UrON DADE COliN7Y mmSR THS CJ:A.'IL~I7', ?SDC'/E:'0?."!::~;7 I\C7 Of 1969 uro:-l THE CITY OF ~1I..\.'~: Bf.,\CH fa? 7!lC AC:;UISITIO:-l ,\~D RF:DS'/E:'OP:U::~7 Of 7!lE SOU7H 3r.I\ClI ,\?s,\ ',oJI7!iI:l ~l:,;.'-!: 92,\ClI S~;!3JECT '~a THf-: ::A..l"!...S:,S:-JTA7ION OF' THE ?L,\~i rRCSE~7CD 70 T!lS JOARD OF CJUNT', COMMISSIONERS": ~nd '....HSP,ZAS, t.hc delega~ion~" dU~~OL'l~'1 '..as expressly r.',ac~ s~~e~~ ~~ the i~plemcntution 0: t~c cedevelo~rne~~ 9~~~ ~=~sent~d t~a~ da:e t~ ~le Boa=d of County CO~~i5sioners, wi:h a~y subs:a~tial deviatio~ bei:1g subjec::. to ~~e subsequent approval 0: ::.~e Boar~ 0: co~~::.y Commlssioners: ~nd WH~~EAS, a substa~tial ~cdi:ica~ion 0: the ~la~ ~as 9rese~~~d ~ ~ i ./ "~j1+ Hal' s!~ !:!. a ~ !-, ;!.~J i~!j ,I... l;a~ '1!1 ~ .& - l!r I~~~~ Lr'l~ .. "f t!1~:: 'I~.~ !a~:f iH~t :~~I. ;"i= ::::.." ..!~.: r ;:.; ,a:l'1 . U 1~' Arl\~nd(\rl ,\mcnrlcrl Agend.:l rt.e~ No. . ?age No. 3 is - 20 i a) :0 t~ e 80dr~ of Co~~ty Corr~is :one:-s on 3.1:1\.1,) ry L7, 1.978, and .1.........-'""1'..0,-4 t"'~"''''''-''''' by t~e 8oa=d t~~~ugh Resol~:iQ~ ~u. R-S:-73; and WHS?S\S, the 197/ Flcri~.1 Le~i31ature enacted Cha?ter 77-391, Laws of F"lo~ida, arr,e:1ding t:tc C':J17..'":1u:--:it'j De.,,"clapme:1t A.:-: 0: 1969, ,,,'~i.=;, is cadi:ied as Pa:"~ III c: C:-L1?':2'::' :CJ, ?:o:-i..''':.J St..:ltt..::.es, a:'s;:) ,,;"'.C'..;~ as Sectiol::: 16J.330 ti1r-ouSh 163.-13,j, ?10r-i::1 S::""'ltes; il:-:d ;"'HSEAS, ti1e Ci t"l 0: ~""a:7:i Beac" il??r-oved ?<esolutio:1s Nos, 77-15283, 77-15291 and 77-':_: ado~~~d on ~a==~ 2nd, ~~a=c~ JO~~ a:1d Aug'...ls~ 17t.h, 1977, res;:ect~ lely, ap;:n:.ovin':l .:'Jdific3.':io:"'.s to the redevelo~ment plan of Sou~, Reach; and WHEREAS, Cha~ter /7-391, Laws of Florida, created Sactic:1 153.397, Flo=ic3 Sta:utes, ge~~i:ti~~ :~e es:aolis~~e~: c: =2~2V~::~- ment trust funds and ~'e funding of the funds through the ceposit in t~e funds of the incre~ent in the income, proceeds, revenues, an~ :~nds of the County and municipali~y derived from or held in connection with its undertaking and carrying out of co~uni~y re- development projec~s; ~nd WHEREAS, the additional redevelopment powers establi5h~c by Chapter 77-391, Laws of Florida, including the authority to ~s~a=lis~ and fund a redevelopment t:U3t !u~d we=e not delegated to ~~e Citv =~ ~~a::1i Beach in Resolution No. R-88-77, passed on Febr'..;ary 1st, 1977, or in Resolution No. R-52-78, ~assed on January 17th, 1978; and WHE?..EAS, the establishme:"t and f'.l.~di:,,0' o~ t:~e rede':~:"o?- ment t:U3t fund by such tax inc=eme~: can onl~' be c~!3c~uated t~=~~g~ an ordinance of the eoard of CO'.l.~ty CO~7.issioners delegating the at~t::c=ity to estalJlish a rede'/el~~~e~: :=~st ~und :8 ,:-'-':.e Ci':.y 1o'.ia.7.i 8each; and WHEREAS, the County is sy~?a:hc-::c .~o ~he ;=~jec: e~visa;e~ and ?=oposed by t..,e City 0: 1"Lia~i EJeach '\IOt'hich '..ill u':':i.:natel.'/ ,:,;;'".o:':e ~'e expenditure of several hundreds of millions of dollars, which will be fina."lced in ;Jart t.,rough RevEonue 30nds to be issued by ~::e Ci':":,c: Mia~i Beach and which is presently to be sec~red by such revenue sources as a,e provided by law including: ~~e rents and revenues t~at ind~vidual projects and properties within t~e a=e~ of =ecevelo?ment ~::: ge~~:a:e, the sale of pro~erties by the City to individual ente=?=eneurs :cr re- ........"...- t , ilj. Ih'l !!:l1 alta, i,", i~h :);t c .0 i'ti .Ii! Fh! ..hij ".r, IH} ! i l.l i' "I of!} nU ::.~, ; flol r o~ !Hi: 78 ''''n / ...., .\."'i!,~."",(-:'~d .~~;~\~'-~~~ ~~~ ~iC. ?J."~'~ ~!O. (.] \ ce'.~e:0-;~~:""::, ::.:-;e 1'23512 'J: .) ~~;':1::~:: c:: ~:-J~]i-~::t~'2S :'~:.J:'.;'2'-=: :.~ C......:-:.~~- s;;.:..? =y ::-:c .:.:.:. '/ ~:-:ci '_: <: r, ': :' 1 ': ~ ': :: ': , . L~c=~J.s~~ ~33eS3~~ "'1' .,_,............. , .... ~ ....... _.. _..i.. .:"~ '/'~:-'. '.1' c: =-=:3 L: : ~.:. ~ ~'] ::J:'::::e:' :.: . . , ~::);e,::: .1:"'. ~~ :~':!=:C:::.'\j, ::....l.,; -, ,.... w ;':""C:-';~J'--; ,~. -~'-'---- ::....~ ;;=~-C.:: ~:..r ~2..C':J.:':'~.~ ::~l~ ill"-~~-' ~~ CS':~~:~S~ ~ :'~~~'.'c_C?~e~: :=',.:S ~ ':""':"''''''.c. a:1G :U:1C 1:-;,; '~2:< i.:--.": :~~,C:-.:; J.~": '..rriS~S.r'\S, t...,is 00.:"- ~ '....il.:~.:.:.-.?:j ~O accor.',~l:.s."" ::'":~ e;:l:"?C3e Ot..:.':.- li:-:ec i:-: t~e mernora:-'I(!'.:.:n E:-o~ '::-1'2 .:0''''::-::1' :'LJ,nage:-, a C:J;;:; a: 'Nh:.c:-:' is a::ac~ed to this o=di~a~cc, ~o= t~c reasc:-:s deli~ea~2~ ~~e=c~~; and f,,';:Z?-'z;\S, :':ll~ !3cJ.:-:: :-":~='.::;/ :: ~~ds t~<..1':. t:I:'S delega :':'0:": '"'\ ;"'.J......e= a~d e~su~~g a??rop=:a:10~ 0: :~~Js S0=VCS a ?U~~:c ?~=?ose# ~;(Jt~., THE?,~:(JR::, 3;.' r:- (!.~.:J:\:~.;r::J Jr 7:~:: 30,\;1J 0: CQU~;7Y CJ~:SS:C~.:::::ts O~ D";:S CDU~;~':'. F"~,)K:!J,\: ~e~~.:.cn .:.~C~=?o=a t ..or: :o:'egoi:1g ce'=:.:a~ions. :'::e to=egoi~g =eci~a~io~s a~" ~:~~~~~.'I' ,~-~ ~ d - - - _..~~=~o=3_a as a ~~=: 0: ~hi3 C:"'::':"'.d~=C. "' .::er:::':'Ci: '- 2Ie:~~'J.l:~Ci~ r;: J.l';~:i;:=:'t...' ~~ cs'a:lis:i. a :e- da'/el~?me~~ t~us~ !~~~ ~~ t~e c~~~. ~~ ~1i~~i Beach. 7:; e .:\'...l :::-.:J =:.. ':'/ -:~ =:"e~:e! ~ :,~dcvel'.J::mc~l:' ~:"''':5:' ['.j~d ( It ~:; 0 ::" ',1:"i ~ " ) -.1 S ,:i e :: 1. :i CC Sec,::.-:~, :.:.. 0: C~cJ~:'c: 77-39:, :......1.....5 'J: ?:~:ida [Se-:::..'::"'. ~5].337, Flo:-.:..ca S:a~'..ltes (l97i) 1 :.s 1-o1c:"C'L;'/ .:~~cS',1:~d ~o ':.:;e C:..:'! 0: .'1.:.a~i 3~.:l-::"'. ::....:. :':;'''':';}~:' ~ ,""\ ..., - .....- " - - - ~ ,. .:;::J. :....:. ::;:3 I so:.-= :":' ',.J:' ::-; 3c ac--, :'es::ec: : ) '..;,..... ~ 2;". ,1 :-'~.1 :'-5 <. ~ ~ ::: '..; - :: S ~Q'...:~c.e-: 5 :.:<:h S :.:"'~,~: . \,,> .G':~~ :-:'"..~E"......: 3::..,; :..... , :~e .:'.::J.:": ::.:: \'Jce~:; s;": ~:"':I.~ '~,1,'l": ..:~,':: J ~:..l':~':'~"~ ~'";~/ c:"'. .'-,""1 ....,,'I~3: :.-.1.2 Co~..~"-.:;"';i.~y ?ecd:vclo?~.c:;':. :':,:J'~cc-: ,\~::.] 7~is de:c~2::=~ i3 ~dde S~~- jec~ '::J ~;:e :J:.-ovis:":::l:i.s 0:'" R~sal:...:~:~~ :;-33-77, =aS9~:: ,.....- :~=='_L)='J ';"3':.. lJ77, a.iC: ?eso1..'....lt.l.':;:; :Jo. .:;.-j~-73, ~(1.;53~::. ~:"'. ':a:,,:'....:..3.::":' :. J "7 '3 1 -1~:! ~o :.."':~ i:~.~~eme:i:3~i.:J:i 0: :.-,~ :.:c:~:c'.:c::)::~e~.: ., ;,.... ~:"':s'=~:~-i :."": .~ 3oa:~ a~ ~~ose ~:~e3. 7~:.s ~c:~~,J:~S:"'. :'3 ~3de 30 :~d: ~~e 3a:~ Ci:y ~ay ==~ceed w~:~ :hc ~do~t~'J~ c~ a ?:.3.~ ~~= =~~e':~::;~e~:, and :~e ac~uisi:ion ~~ ~:"~;e=:~' ~:"'.~ =~~~':~:=~~e~: ~~ ~~e - . 1::: :'-''3:ia :.:: ~ :"".:: ~ - -.-.,.,.~ .. .......... . ~.; .....~~~~ ~ ~ ,~-.--. . -...-.- ,. , .......:............. .......~.. . ....~ ..:.10..':.-....., . ~..... '" .... _.... ..~ 7 ~~. ,. ..~ :.~~'.. ::....:. ..... ,<'~ ;..-:..... ~1~:. :'J;A:-"~..\ '.. ~.; ", .' :.. .::",::~." :~:. ., ,.,:, ',. "'.' '..~.'.::. ~. .... . .~~~~,,~, -;:."~;~,~. ~:~:.~;" ,", r:.:;:,: : ...... ,\; - ".:, , '. '. . .' :_...;;. ... .. ~.~ ". ~, ~ ..... "';'~f1'> .... '. '... ~. : :. -:'':. ~ .. '.'~' ; '0.0 .... ,.~.. " '. ,:,/~ .:~ .;.' : f . ".. I ". ;' ~. ."" .r. "'11:- . ;'. ...t....." , , '- . ~ l It '. ,'t---~- ~ 'j.' '." ; I , r"' . 1; -,I' ?r1 J-....U ;'\m~nd(~(~' Amended Agenda I~e~ ~o, (a) ra.;c ~10. 5 Sect~c~ J. A~p~0~ci~tion of E~nds: c31c'~:3:io~ of i~- cre~e;: ~. T:-;e CO'._:'.jlt~: 3;',111. (ln~~,-1lty t)":; into t~~ :'...::1d, ':! s~~ ~G')":')~ ~~ ::"'.C .:.;'"':::=(.:;.:~:-':::. .:..,~. t...-'t:: :":~C:;:7.c, iJ='Jc~eds, ::->::'/cr,ucs .l.--:d : "':""-,::5 a: ':;..e C2t..:.:-::y ce:-i'/ec: ::-:)m, c-:: ~cl,i ':".'"1 CQnnec~.:.c:; ....J:.~.~ t;;~ COl.'.."7'.'J:;l':~' ~c~evc!J~~c;:t ~=ojcCt ~=c~, a~d t~c City's unde=t~k:.n~ a~d C3==y:~g nu:: ~):' :..o.:e COi.'.:~~~i~y rect2velo;:~"-._ '..:.vjt-,;ct plan.. T~e inc=eme~: S~d:: be dctc=~i.:1cd a:-::--.ually and .sI1~11 be that arr.oun:. ~ql..:' to :;:e c:''::~=e:.-.::e be ~';o/CC:1 : (J.) 7;'.1:: ,1moun:: 0: J.d v,J10t'cm taxes levied eilcn yea.: ~y t~c COuntv O~ tax3bl~ re~l proper~y ca~~ai~ec Io'i~hin the 'jeoqt'il;,lhic bOL::",dat'ics of the cOI1'"~uni::,! rcdevc!opmen~ projec: ilrcJ.; and II I' I. . ... 11- .. ..Ii . ";1 . .r .1 ;~ , I II " "I: n ~ r Ii, t .~ 'J ~ ,~ . r i:,) 7;' l~ amoun~ 0: acl valorem tilxes '..!hich '....euld hJ.ve ~ecn p:o~uccd ~y the ra~c upon which the tax is :c~i.cd eac~ ye~= by s= ~o= t~e County u?o~ ~he ~~~al c~ ~hc assessc,! 'nluc a: the tilxa~1c real pro?ertj' i:1 ~::e . " ':Or':"'~L:.:-:.i~y :-.,~c..!r2v'~lo;J::1c!i': ~=ojcct area, J.S s:'cwn '..1?Oi". ':l1~ dSSCSS:nl~~: rolls used ':':1 connec~ion 'Ii.t.h t:-:~ taxa':~o~ 0: s:.;ch pro;)cr::y llj! the Co:.;n~/" 1ilst cqualLzed ?=io= to ::hc c::ectL\~ date of the City's resolutions Nos. 77-152QJ, 7,'-LS291 .lr,d 7i-,S41J. adaa~ed 0'1 ~la=c:l 2:"c;, .\~,1:"ch ~Ot.h dr:c: ~'\UCPlSt li:,h, 1..977, rcs~cc:ilJely, a;J- crovi:1<J the c8m."r1uni~,/ ri.ldc';e~cf.lmcnt ;,llan '..~::1 ::,.cc:i::i- :.l~~O:1s. I" C:,ll\.:'';:J:~:ig ~:,c i:1c:~::ic:it, ~:~C d~OL'::1: 0: t!i(? ad '/,11o:-e:.-: ta:<cs :e'l:.ed ~~scj O~ :~~ c~~~~y-w:de debt Sc~\'~cn on County bon~3 sha:: be ==ta::y ~ I. :1 I, l '.j' " r. ,~.'<(' 11.J.d,~~ '. . :~~~ ::~2 ~d~~~_d::on. :\:: ~:;c;:"emcnt i:1 ~his a~c;'...:~t s~J.:'l ... 4' ,-'()~ ~ ~ ;;:~L' ':'J be '..ls(~d :c:" i. ts VO':C:" .l?:J=oved pu=pose a:-:c sha':'l no': ::e .lp:.,r"Op~:,">~-::' ~:i ,J:"':~I Pi]:"': ::J ~:--:e ~'.l"'-:::. 't'--' ~ 'I "\ I I . -t:,-" , . " . . .";..;t~:.~;]ii; ..... ~. ... ........ '. ~:: :.,: .... ~ .... . p~ . ..' - ::- .......... ~:- ~ ~ " . ...; . .' 1-:". .. ...:-:- " ,:' ~~il:r 1 ~ ~!H ; l ~ , !~~Iu Ilh"" Ii ~-~~J ~ ~!i: / " r:~2 y .i.~ lll"~ -4 ~~j; )J Z ~ ~ ~ ! ~i ~~H~ 1 i!!Ho. r~b:l :H~.o h51~~i ;;:\,1 .! : ~ ~: : :.-, : t:!-. , . ~i~i~ ", .." "'( . --'~- ;:, '- " _.~..-.. 78 ,\mended '\r:1endec AGenda :~~~ ~Jo. 2(a) P<.1ge No. :, S'~C~lcn 4. Oblui.1~~,,~, ~o appropria~~; dc:r,J,:.ic;'1 0: obl:.gd':i.on; li~itations or. cb::'0<..1~i.Or., bond s.Jl'2s .),;:d r0~''''::ic':'':1gs; accounti~g =equi=emen~s Eo~ C':~~~! :~cre~e~~. -- 7~c CO~~:! s~~:: an~~a:ly ar?=a~=ia~e to t~e ?~~~ t~l~ ~3X i~c=~~c;:t ~ue :~e F~~d ~~ t~e ~eg':":i~i~q n: the C~u~t:rs :.:..sc~l yc~=. !fC'.oIc'Ie::, t~e :c:;,d s;.:al:' receive ~~e tax increment o~:y dS, i~ J~ct whe~ s~c~ taxes a=e collec:~d by t~e County. The ~~~~:yls oblig~tion ~o a?~~:?riate to the F~n~ shall be rescindablc at the discretion 0: the Cc~nty if a pe~iod 0: six years passes from the date of the initial bcnct~ng or incebtedness dcscrtbed belo~ ~i:.hout a ne~ sale 0: bonds or other ~e~ co~~i~~ent uf Cou~t: tax i~c=ement dollars to t~e payrne~: of debt se=vicc for c3?i~31 i~?=~vcmcnt or la~d acquis~t~cn bonds, exce~t that the rights o! eXlsting bondholde::s shall be protected. The Co~~ty's obligation to an;,~ally appropriate to the F~r.d shall co~~e:'.ce i.i".:nedia:ely u;:on the ~::ec':~v(~ ca':.Q 0: ~:'is c:d:.:-:a.:""cc and continue until all loans. advances and indebtedn~ss incurred as a ~esult 0: t~e community :cdcvelcpmcnt projec~ h~ve bce~ ~~id 0= for t~o yea:s' from the e~~cc:~vc date of t~Ls ordi~an~~, if thc:e ~as not been at t~e end cf thu: t~o yca~ pe=iod, a ?ledge of the tax increment funding g~anted by this ordinance th~ough the iss~ance. sale and delivery 0: an instrument 0: lndebtedness such as bo;,ds or tax anticipatlon notes described i;, SeCtlon 153.385. F"lo::ida Statutes (1977). In no yea:: shall the Cau;,ty's ob:igation to ~:,~ :l...:..~d e:<~eed thf' d:7'.QUn,: 8: :'~,1: yea:"'s :'~l:< i~c=-~~e~.: as d~:er~:~ed in Section 2 0: t~~3 c:"di~~~cc" 3egi;,;,ing wi:~ :.~e ':.Nentieth yea= a:t~r the d~:~ 0: S~:~ of t~e ini:ial bc~di~g 0= l:1cebtcd::ess d:1d in e'/ery yea:- ':.:-:er~u::.::'~, t.hc C~t.::"!':.yls .l;":,,ual a~pro~=iation to the Fund s!,alL ~ot ex=eed the a~cu~~ ~hic~ is deposited in t~e ;,ine~ee~th I~ar, 3eg~;,~i;,g '.oIlt:-o. t:~c t:'...e;,:let~ Y~d~ a::e= t~e cate 0: sale 0: :~e :.~~~~al bo~c~~g or i~Gc=:edness no ne~ sale 0: bonds Or i~debt8d~ess s~ooor:ec by the Coun:y's :, ~ : ( ~ ~... ~ ~.1 ?1 n , J......_-.:.../ )'1 ~l ~~i~~ ~~=~H ;p , 5,; f r; !: 3 j ',/ ~11;j !: ~!.~ f) if!! ~ ~~:! -2 ;'~; ~ -H!r,- \ r1hg- ~~ni 1 jitHo ':;:l iH;~o -hI~~ !'a':~ '. .-:~. :l'., . Sf!:; I !Hi}tJJ -..s '. _ . -J_'_ 78 - 20 /:).OIL'nd'.:d .,:\"gerlct.J r:~:":"l ~:O. _';.J.' Page ~ic. 7 :ax i~c=ement ma~' occ~= no= ~A~. ex~s~l~g i~dcbtedne5S so s~=~o=:ed be ::e:'..l.."1cec. '""i':.:--;out a:;'C=ova~ c: ':.:--.~ DO,J.:-d 0: Caunty Corr...'":1.:..ss.:..o;;,e:-3, 7~e C':>UJ;~~,IS i:1c:-er:1e~t cO:it=i,hL:.'::':J~s <3:'e '::) be accoun':.ec. ::::- as a se:;:3.:3.~e rC'J'e~.'J.e '''':J..t:-.~:'1 :.~e :....1:'1d bu~ 01.):; be combi;:t:ld ...... _.. at:--.e:- =eVe~~2S for t~e pu=pose o~ ~ayi:'1g de~':. se:vice. Section 5. Review and a?~=cval of m~ste: ~ond i~dentu:-e or ot~er financing :nstr'~ent or ordinance or resolution a~t~ori=~ng finan<:::.\" instru:~ents; revie.... of subsequent financing ins':.r~er,ts ~o assu=~ compliance wit~ ~ast~= i~denture. -- 7he County C~~i:s_Gn s~all revie.... and ap?rove the initial master bond indenture and orci~ance O~ resolution autho~i:i~g :i~dncing instrume~~s ~nd instr~~ents of indebtedness suc~ as bonds or tax antici?ation notes as i1escribed in Section 153.385, Florida Statutes (1977), as to i~s ?rovis:ons =:~ati~g ~o =e:~~di~~1 ~=e?ay~e~t a~c red~mption, othe~ p~ovisions relating to ehe governance 0: :inancing instr~~ents and inst=~~ents of indebtedness, the a?plication of funds necessary to ?ay costs of necess~ry ~esiden':.ial propert: acquisition, moving expenses and relocation bene:its as provided under the Redevelopment Plan. Subsequent financing i:1st='..li~ents or i:1st=1j..;~e:1ts of i:1ce~tec:1ess pre?ared i,)L.:rSUd:".': to the master indenture shall be reviewed by the County Manager and shall be approved unless he determines t~at the instr~~ents do :10': ::8r.:0:-:-:1 '.4:.':~ t:-:e t".e:.-:':1S c: ::--:e a??:"c'J~d ~~i,:ia~ ~ds:e= 1:":.- centure a~d ord::1ance or resol~:~Q~ au,:ho:-iz::1g fi~dnc:':1q ,~- s~=t.:..~e:1ts . Section 6. Reloca':.icn ass~sta:1ce tr'..:s':. fund. -- :Jut of the proceeds of each bond sa:e, the~e shall be withdrawn, ?lac~d 1:1 t=us~, a:;d Se?d_'a~e!.y a.C:::;I~~':~':' ::J=, suc~ SU,..~3 3.3 a=~ p:escribed in t~e Redevelopment ?:an to pay the COStS 0: ~cving expenses and relocation bene:its. :~:', 7 ?G1211 y I~ ~q~1 -r, 1 ~ ~ ~ai "Us' , II 'f ~! ,::J !:!~ ;.; ~ ~; ~ .', .. ~ ~ Is I /;' ~!.~ ~: ~::h V: :};.- .. o~ f Pj- ;:1 ~ ~ ~ ! r OJ n~Is~~~ ~~:.Ij~ .r'l'~-1 h1Ho 'J~~y !Cla:, ~l.lt' ~~~130 ~~!l~i ~~.~~' :.. i= ! ~: ..! I :!:!-~ . i I;g;ytg.. !uta ~~.':..:-.:!.=~ .~~- ~,::.; 2D '.J ,\~C"~S""~~ ,\'~i~~J(,~('(t t L'!l\ r.:lq'~ :'10. q ~Jo . ( ,1 ' ~ec::o~ 7 ?c~i~~ of ~~~3~C~3: =~c~r~3; :igh: C~ a~~_:, :"~e ~:.~a:;c:'J.l r'~C8::'~S :'J:- :.:....~ :t.:.:-::. s:--'-J:':' =-= a'f.J.:'~,1bl~ ::J::.- :.:-:s;:ec:..:...::-: a~,-:: t::':.~ C::'.:"'-::':' =~S~~..~'.',:S '::--:'2 ::..-:;:--:~ 0: .::1L;.(:':":'. Sec'::.on 3. ?'.:.~.::.c Pu::-?ose. -- :-:....:.s O=::i~~lr.ce .:Je:.;-;:;, "::-..- a :'1..::.1i-: ;::...:=-;:cse ,J.;"":C :8:: ~;,e ''''e ~ :,1.=~ .'""': :":-;12 ci ,:i::e:1s 0: D:Jce C':''::1 ':'}, ?:o=ida, 3~al: be li~e=all~ cons~=~ed t~ e~~ec~~at0 t~e ?u=?cs~s t;;e:eo: . Section 9. I: any section, subsection, sentence, c:~use 0:: ~:':J'/:3i.~n 0: t..:"1is o=c!:'.1a:;r:e is hp..!.d i:1vJ.lid, the =emai:"lce= '--,_ ':..1is o:-:ina::ce shall not be a::ect~c! by such invalidity. Sec-:io:i 10. ....'" i.s ~:"',e ~:"\~en=icr. 0: t.he Board of Cot.:.~:.:.: C~~"issione:-s, and it is he~eby o~dained ~~at the ?~ovisions 0: this o:-:inance shall beco~e and be made a ?a~t 0: t~e Code of Met=~?olit~~ ::a=~ C:::!..:...-. '::/ I :2..==:'-:3. ~~e sec~io~s c: ~~is o=di~a~ce may ~e ~~n~~e=ed or =elet:ered to accomplish such intention, and t~e ~ord "o=di:"1a~cel' :;'!ay be c~,J:1ged ~o "section", "a~ticle", or othe= J??:-c- ':l:-':'J.:.e ......o:-d. Section .~. 7h~s o:-dinance sha:l become effective :en (10) days a:te~ the da:e of its enac~~en:. ?,~,S5::J "\'-' ....... ~ -..i A:C?7::::: :\~ = i ~ 4, 1973 A;l9:-oved by COll.'1:Y ,"'.::o::::ey 3.3 ~'J :~~ a::d l~g3.: 5''''::::'C':'~:1C'/. ,_ I ,. :J L. :::, ?=e::a=~d. ~y: ,J .;" \...,../1 __ ~ ,--.,.. ,( :c1212 ~-_.._- - .-~- - - ~- - - .. · It:" ~ l~,"",. 1.... -4J1-""'4t -- __~.._'~-.~~~._._~ --4-.-IIf-~,6-.."""\ ~.t~~ -~---::Ior:;~__ '1 ~ ~___...;.~..............-.;.-~ "7::- - 20 C : L L t. r .'"" "I / I ~ .. "., -'" g' ! 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