Attachment 12 MIAMI BEACH PLANNING BOARD FINAL AGENDA August 24, 1999 ******************************************************************** A REGULAR MEETING OF THE MIAMI BEACH PLANNING BOARD WILL BE HELD ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 24? 1999 AT 3:00 P.M. IN THE FIRST FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM, 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE, FIRST FLOOR, CITY HALL, MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA. ******************************************************************** A. ADMINISTRATION After Action report - June 22, 1999 Planning Board meeting. B. ITEMS FOR CONTINUANCE, DEFERRAL OR WITHDRAWAL None C. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Conditional Use - Parking Garage - 4300 Collins Avenue The Applicant, FRU Management, Requests Conditional Use Approval in Order to Construct a Commercial Parking Garage, at 4300-4332 Collins Avenue. (File #1360). 2. Conditional Use - Private School - 7902 Carlyle Avenue The Applicant, Talmudic University of Florida, Requests Conditional Use Approval in Order to Operate a School at 7902 Carlyle Avenue (File #1402). 3. Lot Split - 4444 Prairie Avenue The applicants, Juan and Josephine Pampanas, are appealing the decision of the Planning and Zoning Director to deny a proposed division of property (Lot Split) made pursuant to Section 118-321 through 118-323, relative to the division of property consisting of Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, NURSERY SUBDIVISION (23-66), together with the Southerly 5 feet of Lot 18, Block 9, NAUTILUS ADDITION (8-130) located at 4444 Prairie Avenue, in order to effectuate said division of property (File #1410). 4. Lot Split - 1800-1818 W. 23rd Street The applicants, Peter and Pamela Luria, are appealing the decision of the Planning and Zoning Director to deny a proposed division of property (Lot Split) made pursuant to Section 118-321 through 118-323, relative to the division of property consisting of Lots 8 and 7 and the westerly 1/2 of Lot 6, Block 3H, THIRD REVISED PLAT OF SUNSET ISLANDS (40- 8) at 1800-1818 W. 23rd Street, in order to effectuate said division of property (File # 1411). 5. Conditional Use. Parking Garage - 2900 Collins A\'Cnue The Applicant, Seville Beach Hotel Corp., Requests Conditional Use Approval in Order to V Construct a Commercial Parking Garage. with Residential and Retail Uses. at 2900 Collins Avenue. (File #1412). 6. Planning Board Review - Joint GovernmentIPrivate Use of GU Propert). The Applicant, Park One, Inc., requests Planning Board review of the proposed use of property zoned GU Government Use for a joint government/private use, to construct a Parking Garage with Retail Shops, located at Collins A venue and lOth Street. (File # 1417). 7. Ordinance - Restricting NightclubsJDance Halls Located on Lincoln Road An Ordinance of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida Amending the Code of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, Amending Chapter 142 Entitled "Zoning Districts and Regulations", Section 142-332 Entitled "Main Permitted Uses" By Prohibiting Dance Halls Located on Lincoln Road_Unless Located Within a Hotel with a Minimum of 100 Hotel Units; Providing for Inclusion in the Code of the City of Miami Beach, Florida; Repealer; Severability; and an Effective Date. (File #1406) 8. Ordinance - RO Residential/Office Development Regulations An Ordinance of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, Amending the Code of the City of Miami Beach, Florida; by Amending Chapter 142, Article II, Entitled "District Regulations", Amending Division 14, Entitled "RO Residential/Office District", by Adding New Subdivisions to the RO Residential/Office Division, Creating the RO-I Residential/Office Limited, RO-2 Residential/Office Low Intensity, and RO-3 Residential/Office Medium Intensity Zoning District Classifications; by Amending Section 142-71 Entitled "Districts Established", to Include the RO-I, RO-2 and RO-3 Zoning Districts, And, by Providing for Inclusion in the Code of the City of Miami Beach, Florida; Repealer, Severability and an Effective Date. (File #1409) 9. Ordinance - Parking Regulations in Historic Districts An Ordinance of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, Amending the Land Development Regulations of the Code of the City of Miami Beach, by Amending Chapter 130, Article III, Entitled "Design Standards", by Amending Section 130-61 to Expand the Criteria for Surface Parking Lot Dimensions, by Amending Chapter 130, Article V, Entitled "Parking Impact Fee Program", by Amending Section 130-132 to Allow for the Removal of Certain Grade Level Parking Spaces Within Designated Historic Districts; Providing for Inclusion in the City Code; Providing for Repealer, Severability and an Effective Date. (File #1413). 10. WorkshoplPresentation - Capital Improvement Plan (eIP) - Time Certain 6:00 P.M. Presentation by City Staff D. OLD BlJSINESS None E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Proposed Ordinance - Movie Theater Hours of Operation 2. Proposed Rezoning - Washington Avenue between Sixth and Seventh Streets F. MEETINGS REMINDER .** Next Month's Meeting: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1999 - 3:00 P.M. Mark your calendars; if you have a schedule conflict, please advise staff immediately. G. ADJOURNMENT ************************************************************************************************ IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT OF 1990, PERSONS NEEDING SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION TO PARTICIPATE IN TIllS PROCEEDING SHOULD CONTACT THE BOARD'S ADMINISTRATOR NO LATER THAN FOUR DAYS PRIOR TO THE PROCEEDING. TELEPHONE (305) 673-7550 FOR ASSISTANCE; IF HEARING IMPAIRED, TELEPHONE THE FLORIDA RELAY SERVICE NUMBERS, (800) 955-8771 (TDD) *-OR (800) 955-8770 (VOICE), FOR ASSISTANCE. *********************************************************************************************** prop~sed Ge,ri~~~H'bligq~r pond~~s , "." .' .' "";vF.:~~~~?/i~;;-,/. ' Co r:n ~nyn i tyVVo~e~~,h 0 p (:~~~t:",;f'r;;:{.::-ri:\i . ',' "';~~~~::/ August 23, 19996:00' p.m. ),\..Comm~Chi".Mlaml Beach aty Hal ,;;t"f;'r: . . 1100;' '.i','~,~, . ". . '. 'center prtve i ,,,' ,':~;i;~i,Y';~'/'.';~.:;'A'~GEN:~z:DA'.~r:< .'c '1:., . <);\'~ ,., " ' ;'(.~~" : :,~ '.t.\}.~~\ \J: +,.".>~.\.r;,':<~'.' .... ~ i'.' ." ,.:', ):;z: r/.... ' The workshop" l,t;JEijln withJ~Q~ ofitPPf9?9mately 30 min~, fQII9~~~!'"" question and,,, ,,> .., and ~QJ.tY'1~" ~on."."fhls packet includeS a~~,.qf, the proposed" projects. on the:;next;~,fOtlQyve(JibY a complete . list ofproposed\' projects with their funding allocatiOnS.6,J:;':'i::::,.:;'lc;r,.,.i,'.""; " . '. ''',-" ,'" :;.,',-'"" . .' ..,< > ,,' " , '~ ':~~:~':':*~ "'~' '~:":::":;:j>' . '~":~~~,:_,'::~.,\.'\'\, "t':<<- ::>: ", ..1 , ~~,,! Presentati6n3i.6:oO p.m. to~:30 i - ":",~' _ ,. '.1':,,-, "j;;.., 1. Introduction ,'. 2. ., The at;rsCapltal Improvement Pn?gram ':,Ar,,>;;...~;.. , ' ' GeneraliOi)I~~on BondS\,. -"?"," . :i:", ;"i"/;"';~.;;c>;':",~ " (:' Process fOr the Developmeid:of~Proposeci.~eral Obligation Project Focus Group Summary- ~t You Told Us. Proposed General 0bI~:~~~.... ~ ",'::':~;;::il::,\<,~;c'~ "J':::;:",:/('''~~'';;~~:~~ '-:" <:~~, ", Projects ,by~ighborhood ~~"! ".}, --~;: ",- a.,. ~ 3. 4. 5. ,,~ ", 6. 7. 8. Project p~Summary ,-" . 9. Financing the Proposed General Obligation Bond .~.' ;,":}j-',:::: 10. The aty's Current Finandal State 11. Proposed General Obligation Bond Significance for the Homeowner Community Input; 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. process . ''f1r<;'$%~rdi.< ,i, ';~'\~:/.;:;~;;-:~~~ii:,~ (~:( -,:~ V Approval.' . pttallm .' '. V Project Identification ' v Focus Group Meetings v Publ1c Workshop · Commlss,l9.nApprpyal- Sf!etember14, 1999.~t 5:00p.m. · Establish~..pm,lllurt1lY.~.. ...., ..~ l";:~:" · Ballot ~dlJrn[:)"iS,?";:... :',">:i.?~;:['~f';"\.",,, .....; ... · Initl.~"nln9 aod Design ft.Pr'()jec:ts':;LT:'J .,; '.. · Bond IsS~;if(~andal IJlSt.tV~\~~ ~~r~. Projects What You T~J'U$' ... ...., (';I~,)'~:A:'". , ;"""',}'; · "Neig"~rpoodSFirst". .. ;)"::" · "Back to .~cs" - Neighborhood Infrastructure · "Malntalnwtlat YQU Build" . · "CoOrdl~teDeltvery" ....., . ..... ..! · "Adequate Funding to Rnlsh the Job" · "Contin~. q>n.1munlly Involvel1\E!'f .'. ,",Y,',,. _,,' ! ..~:"; Fire Safety Facilities and Equipment Improvements to Neighborhood Infrastructure: Streetscapesand Traffic Calming Measures: North Beach Middle Beach South Beach $ 9,527,724 ';",-"',<' Shorellne:Stabilization ,', ' . Neighborhood Malntenance.',Fadlities Renovation ,~Z:~:, . . ...... .rPf'f';\~:;t;'"i~k Improvements to .Parks and Beaches: ";;~i~~ Community Parks " .'. Neighborhood Parks and Maintenance Facilities Beaches $16;929~250 $16,044,000 $16,038,150 $10,300t()()O .'; $ '2.746,B68".i'<}~~<.: $62,058,26lJ."':',;<fi\ ~"~.:' , '" , . . . "::", ,.' ',,' i: $ . 7,917,()()() 7' $ 6,722,618\(<', .$ 2,570,72i";': $17,210,339 . Total $88,796,331 Neighborhoods Map and Project list follow: FlamingoPa'fit', ;f~: South Pointe $2.475.525 ',' 1; Fire Maintenance Facilities Renovatlon.<v, ... (1()11,) ~ PtI:lpetty ~'__1WlOWIlIOn (8211.1l10), ~~ $215.750 ~.... to 1ft Md I'NOue faclIIlIM. .~ 114 I . "'lCat:~!nc*.tdeI:., repl1Icement ~ 10 kif l'IlUlIlIMnce .., -.tIcuM fldly, ....... _ 40 Qi~ 40 employee vehIc:*, ADA complIIIlCa. Pr8MI'lt fac:IIIly 11___......... -.......<< rut /'8IIOnItion. . . .. 'j:{/'.I ',:!,--t r<::~"',1 FIRE SAFETY FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT TOTAL $10,171,100 . .... ..... ".:~:,~:,:' ;/:,;~;r~i~; '. J/~-;:":'~ ';'::i}j'{;< ".<, .:; .'.:8~;,.,. t ; " .'.......:.7--.. ,......, '." '.',." , Normandy Shores' Nelghbofhood "'I'i'., NEIGHBORHOODi'" Blscayne Point Neighborhood _';':,;~:":l,:';'"',, Blseayne Point A~ Nel,~~rhood Streetscape AnIlt-wIde*"l ~~. MIMqlII MabIIIr PIIIn.ProjIctIZ). F\NIng ~~c:::..;~.:===:::=~ cancepla. 11oo,OOO~;!~,a.~~toMi~a41.~ 1411 ':'/;:~:,' ';,:,," /;'i>;,~'~r' .'" "-'-', '.:.", ""j', ";{:~j " ,~~:",,,~ North Shore Nelghbc)rta~ <;;i\~. .' ......<1 North Shore Nelgh6cNtaCM:M.tTraffic1rnprovem.nts and~lmln8 .. .,..,". '. 'IA'II1:"i". .' .. \' { - , ",,.. . ''-,', ".'...., . .,<,'.:. ArH-widelhetil'IfIlQVlIl'...~J4uniclplllMaIlIIyPlllnPnljKlf2). ~ . .... .?'~, indudes--.c c:alrTq........ .......nt~... ~~ MIl .... pIYWIIeIlI.lIghting, bike....., "1dKIpIng nt RIfIlIDn.IIldIncraled on-tnet IWllA'lO conc:eplS.. 1100.000 Gel Tax funding IIoc:eId I'roft1 tI343. 1341."342, ..." .. /{,-~,:;, ~l:'~~(Y ,\~'::;'r ':~ ,""- ';:'\ Biscayne Elementary School Circulation Improvements Improve nile dn::uIMlan. .........1lIIfIey IIIclng 77lh St. it front riA Bltc8yne Elementary School ~ MobiIy .... Project...) . <..,' , 'j,~ '", :.;,,: ~~,~~j?!:':;~k',,-:;:,,: .,,' Harding Avenue EnJtane:emt"""/<;f." Extend CGewAv ........lIii....~~~InIIIlcCllrMlg fIIICI plIdeItJiIn ........ (Mun~ UoblIity .... ProjIctt3) ,~,.,' Collins Avenue Impro~emel'lts I Regulation Program lmpove CIIIIWlleR:iII deIwIry,~83 ~ 75 51: ..... ~ 10 Nol1h Shore PIriI (Ulri:ipII MllbiIity PlIn ~''')<';'i> ' .. . ,J.',- ..:,..".r.,...'~,." :"1;,;'. '{.. '<':',':: . .'!::~('''I:'~' ,,<(_~,< ;i~.'.;~t;. '~,~"~t;:,,,:.,~,;,~t,r" Normandy Shores Nelghborh09d Streetscape Improvements ArH-wide Shet irnprovemenI (In\egr8leS.....1cip8I MobIly PIIn ProjecII2). FWIdlng lncIudes 1rlIIIic calming pI8nIW1g. atructuru nt monllorlng. sIdew8Ik mp_emeubl, Ilnlet pavement. igIQ1g, bike fldIIes.lMdaaIplnIJ Ind irrlgalIon. nlncnasecllllHlreel ~ concepts. $100,000 Gas Ta tnlIng IIIIocated from ~. a41.1342. ...,1 $4.250.000 JlIIII!t Normandy Isle Neighborhood .'. ~.:: ,'/t. ~~, :,.~:N:~~.(~ ' Nonnancly late Neighborhood Streetscape ImproYementS!~fl' Aru4ilfe IlrMt ImprOlllmellt ~ ...... McIbIly PIIn ProjIct 12). IIwldIni .'j}.. ilc:UIlIa nIIIc cMMlQ ,....,., IlNcIInIInd 1IIOflilamg, IllMw8Ik 1mpI0'IIfMl1ll. iIrMI ~ lighting, bike...., IIncIIclIplng Ind 1rrig8Ilon, IIld IncrNMd GHlrMt f*!lklll 'concIfIS~ "00,OOOGMT~~~tam~.1341,1342'~'t \:_,.,.,.,:~, $4,250,000 . ,":' '::. .\,"':~' ", , " ", ' , ' , :> :_>_..":'.:":-';d.;:,t>:"i,':,", Nonnandy Dr. I 71 at St. Corrfd9r Enhancement..'.;, ...;:i.~;,(i;j:'i) " Provide n:r.uacs ...111"....1nd......... MWlIiM 1IIonf~ Dra 71Itetj':;;i.(.;, ContiIUIIion of exlatlng -..laaIpe __. AI.- NoIre o.me lID City una (MunIclIiII,~'. <:. Mollar PlM Pnljed 1M) "f' ;~} ~~,~':; '( '."-< ....",.,.;.,..;;, ('; ,,~ La Gorce Neighborhood Alton Road Enhan~ments, . .., ;>. ()perIIianeI il'nprcMlmerl&s lID'" hIIIc.....1Ild nIIIc c:8bIng IIIonf AIlon R*" (M\.nidplII Mobllily PIm ~ ~4 & 124)) $4.095,000 La Gorce Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements . Nu4ide stnIet irnpro.eI..... Gll CIly-cMned lI:NIdI (elaptI AIlon, LaGorce, PInIne). CoordinIIle wlltl MunicipII UotlIIy PIIn Prated .,4. InCUfes $300,000 rMloc:IIlecI fnIrft GIs TaxMlding ~1.1342.1343""").1nd ISOO,OOOtl:lm PlrMlneIlld La~TI'IIIlC;;, C**'lJ (tI634) which COIIIplIIMIa lie UOC DPW TI'IIIlC CM'*'t projKt wIh 8ddIlIanII '". 1IncIsgpe, lighting, IrrigIIIIan, Ind 1ignIge. . . . ';'.l;? : '2f,> 51.000,000 La Gorce Island Enhancement TI'IIIlC enhancements. 1IncI8ctIpi1f.1Ignege.1Ightng. IIld Oceanfront Neighborhood Indian Creek Greenway (23rd to 54th Street) ./.,:t SIrtIel8c8pe ~ Colb IIICf IndIen CrMk Or,: 18ndscape, IlrMtlUmllure, IrrigIIIIan, IghlIrIO ta $4.200,000 CANII8 . -.- pedea1Mn f*It 8Ild IlIIlIIw8y IIIclng IndIIIn Creek from 23nI St & Lake P..-. to 54lh 51. Connects eo.n. CanII--, 8Ild Ncll1h Shore BeachweIk. (Muntc:II* MobIly Plan Pmjlldd15 & #44). PIrtiIl fu1dIng to start. ComplelIon requires ~ of ....r sIloreIN properties. . .. . Street End Beach Access lmprowM1ef,ts to provide Beacl'IlICC8Ia at street .... (25lh to 43nf Sts.). ~ Ileet ends _ included at ~ $200,000 HCtI for ~ fadIIlies, IlnlelIciIpe restcnIiDnI.Ilghmg, 8Ild Iignage. AddllIonatfurdlg provide for the Ioc:atlon d sec:unt. accessilIe restroom 8Ild 1Ilower.... where needed. $4,300,000 $0 $0 ~" ':': ~.,>.::,",,~: Y',,:._:":':;';:':' : "'.1 _,_ ,: Nautilus Nelghborh~ T.itftct. .g Project.. . ~ IlrMt ~(~~il'li'f_fltIftPlojCI17). FwIelo Inr:UIes tr8fl1c C81nWlg pIInnlng. 1lruCiIInI"'~ ...... mpro..... .... ,....nent. Itghtlng, bb ......IIn...1nD ....1ItIgIlIon. WWnuIcl 0lHlrMl pMq .' .1., CIlIE8Pb. '100.000 GM T.d.~c1~'" ". .:M3; a4t;'I342, 1411 .' . . '" ;':'t'0 ~-;~,:" ,/';':.,.'~::~\'-\ , Tijatftc Calming.:;:' ..... ,:~~>~-:,),.".:".."",,<, "',' , ".. - ",,~,:~:,.,.;;.,.,;,.,:,,::./,<, "":",",..;, ,.',......~, ~.....,(}.: $315. ;~PllnGa) (t~FDOl,'fi. ;.:;:>,< "" .<"~ 41st Street and AItOn ft: Tillie c:Uning rr-... tll .....-.-nt 8long ~ InIId) , .. .,"'1' 'r", t"':<-f:""--'i ".-"/" .. '.. '>" '''f;.;,:",tPT''iiw:~~i Bayshore Neighbor11,ood ..... Jt~L," ,>~..pancoast Areatand Sun~.t Islands) ;', ' ' .,:"":,~:~~~~),:{~'~;::';:~~~'7;:;", ~~:":::r::,~,,"';,:,:,.:,:'" 1"':,:_":" , " " > ,'.'..:" ,;' :,:. ~ Bayshore NeighborhoOd Traftlc~1ng PI'Oject ~ slreet irnpIQvwnd (Nclt _In............., PlIn PnljICl BMk, ~ CIlIllnIinaIlon with Projec:tIIt1.~~. ~.12"~ I'ilII6'Ig IncIucIea ll'IIllc C8ImIng pIIrNlg. IN:lLnS 8IIc:I monilllflnt. ........ ~ __ jlIMII'IlIIll, lIghIi1g, Ilb fIIclIIIea, . , . "~.xI ~'",,~'i... ...... pdng~ $100,OOOGIITax ~ a8oca1ed ~~;tt,.~Z' '<,~.:~~'.;,:~~" Lake Pancoast Streetacape .";; .,; .,{,<'fi; SlrwIsc8pe, ~. curb & gulIer. Jlann -........... /rrlPlian.' Runoff debrla .xl CaIina Ilde _ I*l 01.......... ... . . IllIG In ...... Mo&Iay p.., Project 8ri. requlnts COQ dIrwlIatt will .. sY':7.} " ;/,1 .If"}, f:::'i~t~, " .. '(" ,'<"~ i: Sunset Hibiscus I.'a'. . ",,~~t ."t,. T..mc enIlaIlCeIllet1la, ....Il"".' ~ -. ... pIfk ~11po_llIla . SuIlIllt II. , . ~,.~, ';r~!' '.. .; Y/;-,~' ""," ';:~~.'"r.... +"....,..i,:^....i.,',:.'.:.,.....~,.,~.',;,'.:.~':~;; .,t::;; ,:..::''':~)",-"\ ;: ~': ':'-' ',' ',-~>' ."'___ " Funded ,::/):r:'t;-'." V,'.jC" :"~~~,l i ",- "', , "" '" , ""'.{,,:':,,'~,~' j~' 'J ~ ':"<'i< $0 . 40lIl St., ClIMe 10 . i-":' 40th Street Street8caP,f SlrwIsc8pe. toIIClw8y.~:: PinIIr'ee ' ~-,,)"" It, '/'1" \' :-:"(':'.,;,;-(' ,';:~) ".'~rft,: ,"',~:' ':.'< ;", ". ;;~::;i:"~~:;--; Nt ,.': '.;..'\>' . ,..-i.';,., '-:.;:.: , ,'. ,-~', ,.-" , . .E,ld~~t.,:~\,';'\':;::~:j; .' . .... .',',.", ' Alton Road & 20th Street..~~~Drive Reconfiguratlon IlmPro!!ments: .';,,'} '.. Reconflgure intersections 10 ~ ~~..... cuHhrough IndIIc: 10 North Bay . ". $375,000 'j'/; ". $0 ROllI (~idpal MobilIly PlIn D. ~ .~~6...1 will Project 124) ThiI prujIIcI illlIo lnIIic caIrni'1g for Nor1Il Bay ROlllt ,(,:' . ",' ,- ':', '~,' , .-- 20% Match (FOOT) pege .. .,..:','. '~"':}'fc~"'.<~!.'.'. .' Flamingo Park N.~~oCtct ...... .~'\'t;;:~c."" flamingo Nelghbo~~em.nta AIU-wIde....~~......, PIIn ProjlIct' 33. end _,....... '..,' c:oordkletlon will ProjIct..... ~'.......lrIIIIc c:IInlIng p/InnIng, ...... d" '. monlloring. IidftrIIlk ~'.....,.....,..m, llghIklg. bIIle fIIcIIIH.1IndICIpIng .... irigIdIan, endlnc:r.....H.....~~. '100,000 ou t.....,..~ .... tom ~. A41.1lIM2. ".,U.AiI!l'.... _.000 developer contrtbutlon "'cIoWn.'~,;,', R"'~ ", . . . . 'n:r{."f!~k;i ,I ..~, ., ;'. " ", "i;:.. . '~' 'i ":i(;-,'''':/:;':;;:'~ ~, '.,., W.st I Bay Road NeIg.. ...h. ..~.." Improvem.nta '........'...,',.. ......,'. ..'.. ..,t....,..'.: ...", "'-wlde.... i.....~.............1IblIclI* MobIlyPlln Project""; ~ ':..' '$"i.2Oq.ooO c:oordNIIon wItI ~""~"1'uncIng IrCIdu lrIIIIc~ ~~ . encI monltoriIg. ~.....c~...*. _plMIlNIlt.llghtilQ. bike,...., .~ . IIld IrrlgMIon. end ~'~ ,,,.. cancepls. "00,000 GIs Tax MldInQ.~ tom~. 1341. f30C2...,t '.' ,;::; w.',: . ;' :"l~{",;.":',:;"/':J' Dad. Blvd I 17th ~t IW..t Avenue Reconfiguratlon&C~rNtctton . . Reconftgure i_..clIcIt'" ....CiCInIldDn between Dade BMf. end WIlt ,,"Y. '$3,200.00Q . (MunIcipIlIM~~'~,"""'~*IO..wtltlProjectt32) ,'., ". ),.)\;.......- " ,~/\:~{.'i':<..: , f",,~~F'.':': Road Impact F.. Priority 1 J..'" ~, Venetian Islands, Star ....Palm Is., Hibiscus Is. '''.'; i" ~ ", . ,,,'::';' ;::_~, })_, .t.;':, ',~'~-~ ,,_~-i' V.n.tlan CaU8.~.~',~lan Phaa.I-V.n.tt.'n....nJ..' .' Infrulructure IIld _to' i4~tar~.... (lId.~~", ,$13.091.150 '*'-Y). Inc:l.Ida S1.CIOOJICIC! tot........ anetlCllpll wItI paaIve perk ...~. tllllot IIld clrc:le .... tIIId.......:f'lal1IIId In MlA'lIclpII MoIlilIIy PIIn PI$d ...., . .-quires c:oorcllMlIaJI wIIl..~~. :."f' . . .' .....-'0."...":,.,'....'h.'.".,...... ".,...... ,.,. -'. .'.'. .' Ven.tian causeWa~~ P.... Phase II~US._y'; 1.lIndsc:IIpe.IIghlIng, a~w.;i"'.' ", tam CIty Une to the Dade BMf .... '.' (Munlc:..IIAcMI)'~ .' ~~wItl~t30t/ Star, Palm, Hib~~~~lj~" ."~nc.ment Tramc~.~~._, Park light and fencing "'1;. . $0 page 5 ";'r". ~'_' ' '''J''?'(~'''-'' ," ,''.'1.:,< ._ Oide~.lIllltlVlind tllh .. $2.214,500 RDA Funding -~', '-<',' , .' ,;,,'.;'( "'f:"\:' :", ".' l ., '. -, " 1',.:;,~::; ,:, i . '~;:r:~:~":\;:;L'i.':!'i:' Collin. Canal RevItaIlZa~,o'l PrOl~;';'!3lk~Y I G....nway 11*11 pert oIb.... ~,~ (I~~ttmA...,RfO RI'U going out) CSt. too,ooo lor bIraIpIcIwy Ml.,p1l.fijMjJ ~_,.....~ (IlclIIl.... ~ nlIIlcIt vlalMd deed or Roed ~' ", ,,' : ,d, ~;nt1 NatI\ it!) ~ will ---...,,, , h ,,' ,'~,,~~fi '~~,> Street End Improveme~~1;7th &:),'!' - Eutof Colli.. lmplCMmenta to pnMde I!I.-:tl ~~!I."''''''!, , '\" , "'''' ~ '" , ,::~,,;,:.; .,.,,', t,tt,~;;,~,'";,,ii:,.;:,:,~,:,~i\~ ' " :~ 'N~;~';';'L, Street End Improvem , . ,& 218l- East of Conine ~ to pnMde~"":C..I.~"~, "> '>', i:':>,',::!;,i:k~~ '~J~~,..r" -, UncoIn Road, ",/ M\~~c':'~; t.Jpgr8de lighting, pools. Ind some.......' .. "~~:- ,"::';, .,",' .:~,;;', \; , <\1/; $628.300 ", ROA Funding $1,200,182 ROA Funding $300.000 ,.'" ,:'i::;.:i.:'~;: i:';' South Pointe Neighboi'hoocf' :,;;: " South Pointe Streetscape " ' SIreelscape,lOIIdw8y, dnIinIge, ......aa1l&..... .....~,1lcUhPoHe RDA_ $23,357,796 upt 1stSlreet (MunlciplllUoIIIIy~"~~ ' .1'-, .,,' , ,,;;-$, ';~i"':::~':~f:;i;r~~{':',{ '~";':'iT ,'t'ti"Jf~:t~i:{,;,\\<" ,,' . Washington Avenue Extei1.. ,~'r,~~c';i~j~if'",(>, ,> ", . ',.....~..,' " '~i:ii;'~'''''',:';' "L~,;~'''i''~''',''i?;,V,:i'- '-,Jili,1I;-;-?,.,:.,,-, .' ,,' . . SlreetIc8pe, 1IncIsaIpe, curb & ~j~."""","""'(~ ~...... $1,030.000 MoIlilIIy PWn Project.:37. IIlCl Na)\~~b1;~~.' +-~.">;i:',f:? :- " . RDA Funding $1.030.000 ROA Funding '{,' . ~-~.;' ~';,~,', ; .~.!;:- :.'-.:)-,:~i<',:~;.'--:. .', , ,,";~; ',' "", y".,: : "" Meridian Avenue Extenek>n,~tn,te~~>' .. Slreetsc:ape, I8ndSCllpe,IIgIOlg, rat~ ilf.......Avenuetnlll\tiltStreltto2nct StnIet. Not cowred under ROA blcIIflt.' ,(CoonInIte WIll ~ MotIIIy PIIn PR!iId tf.42) ..... . $200.000 Washington and Third Street Public Plaza Provide MSlIlelic inpnMments It the .... .......1DCIIIDn to IntIIgme will . puIllIc plaza inlpnMIment81 Inlenectlon 01 Wut*lglOft~ ~. 8I.nIl. and E&dd A~ :':;'>:': :;"'" $100,000 P808 8 City-Wide Shoreline I Se.wall Reha,....on Program R.".. Md ,.,. 01...,..... QIr IIIinecI Of dMcIId -'II wllh 0UIfeI1nd chdgI- IndIIn Creek, LIke P8nclMIlIt...,. $.GOO IInMr IIHCl ~ .1800 IIInMr I'0oI ,<S, ,'"i,~ )!:i9';;:f';::: ~;','L> hJ,,,\~:.t \'$;;::, ,.. .'. ^' $10,300,000 $0 ,,: ,,' ::~i'_" ':; .,., . Neighborhoods ~I", ..... ....... ,f'CIllte8 Restoration.. "'>;i.,' Sh8ra: ~ al ~~~~ NIlOWItfon (1883,000) wIIIcI\ IIIIIInllIInI Clly $2,927,075 IlI\ldUIW Ind IlnIet ~;,~.,..lMlrU. fl.- /'WlCI'tIlIcln ($1,5t3.7!0)-'*" II'IIIlnIlIIns pubic rIgIU ilf~; .... ....4lJPIrb ~ fll$y 1'IIlCMIlIol, (1410.325) whidl IIIIIlrUIna ..~ Il\puIlIc:..,. 01..,. PropeIty MIInIeMnce FlIllIlr......: l1I~al10ut~lIIIl~fIIl:IlIIy. peI1qfor40Clly~40 ~ whicIes. ADACO'I...lCL....... flIclIlIy lIunallefor work8nI Md In IlMd o"'lI rntcnlIon. PublIc v.\wb...oIIioI. ~ llIIlOV8llCln al20 bf~. . kif.......... ADA CICIIIlfllIInc:, KClIIa t:OIid.... lJ ... 11IIl18dIaIIon, JllNlnt, cnlnIlgiI,lIgIllIno. ~ 8nd fueling fIIClIlly for CIJ ~ ..... UeInt8nance Nl'lOVlllIon InCkIdes ~ tII building Md ~ 1ICUIly......1CNrilg 1IndIcape, Ind new~ 1CIl.' \'; IEIGHBORHOOO/IMPRovEMENTS TOTAL """>""'i $91,205.696 P8Qe 7 PARKS & BEACHES Biscayne Point Neighborhood ~ Crespi Park New nlItnIOm, renovate IllCI add bIIUlbIII ciourtI, tDI1at,1IncIIC.pI, ~ ~ tnd CIMt IIghIlng II'ICl fenc:lng per" PWllI MMtw PIIn fueled by QO~:' ", D " ......:<",;' , ,; ":..:; $384,2~ - ~f'_~ Stillwater Park j , New recre8lion bulldk1g ..-.---COla'tI, MI:Urllr ~;........ &~ GenenII IllCI court IigIlli'lg II'ICl fencing per" PWllI ..... PlIn fuc*I by GO 8onlL' . $482,918 ;.,~ <' "'::I'-~ Tatum Park .... .. .... . .... .' 8uMIg -.tions, playground,..... & ~ __1;hlIno" fenc:IIIe. GInQ II'ICl court IIghtWlg II'ICl fencing per" PMlI......PtlnfudldllrOOIland.: J> ';'.'1(,"' .~. ',,- , , $425,~ \t.' North Shore Neighborhood North Shore Open Space Park New Rec:rNllon I NIIlure c.., __ NIlroclma,IgtItIng, ~& ~,..... $2,187,900 Ighling per" P8I'kI ......PlIn bided'" GO EICInd. ":, n ,:'> ,;:';:~ North Shore Park & youth Center . ..... ~t New recrution center, tennia COla1I, renov-.lNIndIheI, ~,.~ & /qIIlIan, KCeSIibIe plIryground. Gener.l1nlI CIMt IIghlIng ... fIndng per lit P........ "'" fudecl by GO Bond. ,,',' '. ','; . ,) $4,788,321 ."J, :~ Fairway Park ,'.'" '. .,., '.c' <.' Building, baskelballlllCl tennIla COl.ItI nMlOIIIlon''''''' ~ 1IllCIIcIpi.. ,.... ... c:ourtligtOlg IIIld fencing perltle Pwb MlIIler PlIn fucIed by GO 8ond.'" ...... ' , """~'; j~ Nonnandy Isle Neighbor't1oOd '".,', +';::":",l"';', $1,244,611 Nonnandy Isle Park Renovllle poollllld 1Ie1da, _ ~ l*Ur, bablbII courts, I8CUrily ~ till kll lilndsc:ape & irrigation. Ger*8l1nd CIMt IIghlIng ... flInc:lng per" P8l'kl...... PIIn fudecl by GO Bond. $2,708,823 pIIge . La Gorce NeighborhOOd Fisher Park , Shade pevIIIion. mlnlclm, .... ....,......' 1InclIcIpe, deCOrIlIve~. GInIrII llghtWlg per the PIrltI MIIIIllr PIIn... "l' 00 1oncI. $253,~ La Gorce Park . oS, .... ..... . .C..<: Shade pavlIlion. tot IClt, ....., ~. ~ &i'\1oIIIOn. GenetlllIIghIIno and ~ ';~'i\' $153,164 per the Parks Muter .".,........ ~ GO .... '. .. . .' . ..,.; ... ;-/" f ";'\\ ~'/.~,>l ; :~',C:'" "',,' ""'.' Oceanfront Neighborh~. , ~.{ .,;.,' Brittany Bay Park. J. Generallighllnv per the Pwb......~. ..' ~-:,~y< ._,j~, ',' $0 Allison Park . RenovIItions, g--.y.IIflCJ...... -- $250,000 Muss Park . Renovate recreationlll bu..... IpCIrts courts. court IighlIng. tollClt, IIInd8cepe & ~. General and court ~ IIflCJ fencing per the PIrltI MMler PIM fuded by GO Bond.. $272,871 Nautilus NeighborhOod':'~;~,,;;!,/ '.,:; ;. ""'::'{~:~:':,' ' " ':, " , . ~,'~ "1...' .;;" Pinetree Park \.ri"~ Security 1IghlIng, lMdacape, ....,...-..., ,...g: r.nclng. GenerIII ~ IIflCJ ' fencing per the Parks Ma.-Jl!IIn,~.~.~ Bond. $275,624 . . ~;:, \ . ~,.-, ::.<~(~:';;1 -,' "':t' ., '".~:-,' '. '(;;,;:;,;(:"y;,:,,~,+:':" Bayshore Neighborhood Scott Rakow Youth Center New lee rink. building renCWIIIon, ADA elenklr. perkk1g lot, _ play lIeId,lIndK8pe $3,180,000 , Venetian Islands, Star Is., Palm Is., Hlbfscll$l$. ';'};ci!~A'i::(~."~\;'" Flamingo Park NeighborhOOd ....'..),~..~ri. . ,; "\~.:l3\ :"(":~l 10th Street Auditorium I Se.chfront AUd.(Beach Patrol Hql18) RenovIIte 1011l St AIiIIIr.lrlum I Beach PIlroI HNcIquIftera, ADA. ..... ~ $690,000 South Shore Community Center.. . \ ....k. . ' Renovate bulldlng"~ wIlIl NJA. 1IlCI1IncIICIpI.1nI.t pl'lMdt ~..... Flamingo Park ", .... ..' .' .," .....' . . New pool. '--'''1pllItS flIcllllla. MCUrIy "._IghUng.tClt JIit........1I/gnIge .., eddltionaIlightlng... fInclng wIlIl ~ tiI JIfD .,....... :~,>:" Lummus Park RencMIleIlIdd ~ __eIWkIen MfpenlIne IIlInirIlk. ~.. ft9IIan dest Avenue Neighborhood Island View Park SNIde pevillion. MWIIablbIII ccut, p/aygnluIICI.....1IIlCIIc:IIpe .. ntgIiIIan. GenIrIII -s courts lighting ,. hrka MaW PIen funcI8d Il, GO 8cllld ( .;'.'''-,......... ',' ,:,',,:~:~'~>'~i:;> i'~:.;:::,,:'-'~L,' ii,_.,:~ "',\ _:";/', " Palm Island Pm :; ;.":'{:i:: <';",;>., .. . Reperexlstlng ndeJlllVllon. MWcourtI. _ ~--._~'" Ighla'lg. 1IIlCIltaIpe" iIIIg8lion. GennllIrlCt ~ ~. fill' PIrb'f"nlilf ~ ,.... tJoi GO..... ".!:.' .. .;$~,~~~,ii . Belle Isle Circle Improvements .. . . . .... '. ' ."'" " '. I.arldsl3pe, IrrigaliaII. pedeslri8n, -s Ighllng DlpllMWnellll it c:Irdt.. wIII"'_~ ' , -"" '::;(;\<:t;,_'~', South Pointe Nelgh~rhood ':';:' South Polnte Park Improvements Improvement. to South Nnie PIrtt City Center District 21 st Street Communitypenter Renovate building for Pwb & ~. 0iIlCe Ip8Ce Garden Center 1- ~,_~' Garden Center Renovation ,,' i,:;{.:;;i; ~. to building ... ADA complIIIlCI " , "' II8lI8 n;, Beaches Beach Planting. Citywide Develclpm8nI d *-I dnlgn IIld pIInlilgl $1,850,000 $850.000 Funded North Beach Recreational Corridor BIc:yde end ........., f8c:IIlly on BMch ROW from 80UI SlID 1!lI'l Sl $2,570,480 $2.224,759 Funded ADA Beach Access ~ ____ over4une lICClISI, wtlh decked. rWd. ItloItIU point, wf sh8de tren. end 8ddiliOIIlII ~ apace. mlIde out at bar QIWIIng In ..18ld _ MChored below ... wtltllll9l deck _. at ..aide wiIt1l11l1s (aImiIar ID 9h SInlaC) $225,000 $0 Funded ADA Ctty..wide Renovations R--.,....ID impRMt sate access to persons wiIh disabiIlias $1,000,000 $0 Park Maintenance Facilities Parks Facilities Maintenance Restoration ShnI: 50% d Property Management FadIlty renovation ($1.rna,7SO) wIlic:II mailtaInI Cily $3, 142,825 IWdUreI end Ilnlet property, 50% at PublIc WOrttI F~ renovaIlan ($1.583,750) whictI IIIlIInlIins pubic rlghls at way, IIld 50% 01 Parb Mai....1Ce FacIIy r--uon ($480.325) wIlic:II malnlIins landscaping In public rlghls 01 way. Prapmy..... "ICe Fac:Iily includn: IWpI8cemenI d 10 kif maintenance and wwehouse faciIIly. parldng tor 040 Cily vehicles, 40 empIDyee veNcIes. ADA c:ompliance. Present fadllly Is ......lbr worltanI and In need 01 fUn ...-o.aIiDn. PuIllIc INllrkI renovation includes: _atlon 0120 kif faciIIly, 5 kif expansion. ADA c:omplln:e, access road. enWonmentaI remediation. pNng, dninage,lIghtklg. parki'Ig. end fueling faiIly for City vehicles. Parks MaJntensnce renovaIlan lnclIcln renovation 01 building end .-mouse, secuoIy 1IghIing. -..ing Iandsc8pe. and _ employee lot. $180,207 Funded Parks Facilities Roof Repair Plan PnMde for CClOlIpIWleI.live rod uwya a1111rge fIIclIlIes rod needs '*" rep/acment and repai'. ThIs ia llO% d the Roof Repair Pla1. 10"411 r................ inlD.. PublIc INllrkI FacIIy, and 10"4 Into the Property Mal'ltenanc:e FaclIIIy. $700,000 $0 PARK & BEACHES TOTAL $38.521,507 100% .OTAl BOND ISSUE $144,299,102 $41,484,471 90% page 12 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT PLANNING BOARD AFTER ACTION REPORT Tuesday, August 24, 1999 meeting PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Conditional Use - Parking Garage - 4300 Collins Avenue The Applicant, FRU Management, Requests Conditional Use Approval in Order to Construct a Commercial Parking Garage, at 4300-4332 Collins Avenue. (File #1360). VOTED 7-0 TO APPROVE THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AS RECOMMENDED BY STAFF STRIKING CONDITION #4 WHICH WOULD HA VE LIMITED THE GARAGE TO USE BY THE CHARLES GROUP OF HOTELS ONLY. 2. Conditional Use - Private School - 7902 Carlyle Avenue The Applicant, Talmudic University of Florida, Requests Conditional Use Approval in Order to Operate a School at 7902 Carlyle Avenue (File #1402). VOTED 7-0 TO APPROVE THE CONDmONAL USE PERMIT AS RECOMMENDED BY STAFF. 3. Lot Split - 4444 Prairie Avenue The applicants, Juan and Josephine Pampanas, are appealing the decision of the Planning and Zoning Director to deny a proposed division of property (Lot Split) made pursuant to Section 118-321 through 118-323, relative to the division of property consisting of Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, NURSERY SUBDMSION (23-66), together with the Southerly 5 feet of Lot 18, Block 9, NAUTILUS ADDmON (8-130) located at 4444 Prairie Avenue, in order to effectuate said division of property (File #1410). VOTED 7-0 TO APPROVE THE LOT SPLIT WITH THE STAFF RECOMMENDED CONDmONS, AND WITH ADDmONAL CONDITIONS PROHIBITING ANY FUTURE VARIANCES FOR THE RESUL TING VACANT LOT, REQUIRING A IS FOOT SEPARATION BETWEEN ANY NEW STRUCTURE AND THE EXISTING RESIDENCE, AND DIRECTING APPLICANT TO APPLY TO THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT WITH A NEW SURVEY DRAWN SO THAT BOTH LOTS MEET THE CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR MINIMUM LOT WIDTH. 4. Lot Split - 1800-1818 W. 23rd Street The applicants, Peter and Pamela Luria, are appealing the decision of the Planning and Zoning Director to deny a proposed division of property (Lot Split) made pursuant to Section 118-321 through 118-323, relative to the division of property consisting of Lots 8 and 7 and the westerly 1/2 of Lot 6, Block 3H, THIRD REVISED PLAT OF SUNSET ISLANDS (40-8) at 1800-1818 W. 23rd Street, in order to effectuate said division of property (File #1411). VOTED 7-0 TO APPROVE. THE LOT SPLIT WITH THE STAFF RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS. S. Conditional Use - Parking Garage - 2900 Collins Avenue The Applicant, Seville Beach Hotel Corp., Requests Conditional Use Approval in Order to Construct a Commercial Parking Garage, with Residential and Retail Uses, at 2900 Collins Avenue. (File #1412). CONTINUED TO OCTOBER 26, 1999 PLANNING BOARD MEETING 6. Planning Board Review - Joint Government/Prlvate Use of GU Property The Applicant, Park One, Inc., requests Planning Board review of the proposed use of property zoned GU Government Use for a joint government/private use, to construct a Parking Garage with Retail Shops, located at Collins Avenue and 10th Street. (File #1417). REVIEWED THE PROJECT AND EXPRESSED APPROVAL. 7. Ordinance - Restricting NlghtclubslDance Halls Located on Lincoln Road An Ordinance of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida Amending the Code of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, Amending Chapter 142 Entitled "Zoning Districts and Regulations", Section 142-332 Entitled "Main Permitted Uses" By Prohibiting Dance Halls Located on Lincoln Road.Unless Located Within a Hotel with a Minimum of 100 Hotel Units; Providing for Inclusion in the Code of the City of Miami Beach, Florida; Repealer; Severability; and an Effective Date. (File # 1406) VOTED 5-2 (Mr. Kay and Mr. Datorre against) TO RECOMMEND THE APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE. 8. Ordinance - RO ResidentiaVOffice Development Regulations An Ordinance of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, Amending the Code of the City of Miami Beach, Florida; by Amending Chapter 142, Article II, Entitled "District Regulations", Amending Division 14, Entitled "RO ResidentiaVOffice District", by Adding New Subdivisions to the RO ResidentiaVOffice Division, Creating the RO-l ResidentiaVOffice Limited, R0-2 ResidentiaVOffice Low Intensity, and RO-3 ResidentiaVOffice Medium Intensity Zoning District Classifications; by Amending Section 142-71 Entitled "Districts Established", to Include the RO-l, RO-2 and RO-3 Zoning Districts, And, by Providing for Inclusion in the Code of the City of Miami Beach, Florida; Repealer, Severability and an Effective Date. (File #1409) VOTED 5-2 (Ms. Benson and Mr. Capote against) TO RECOMMEND THE APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE (RQ-l, RQ-3) AS RECOMMENDED BY STAFF. VOTED 4-3 (Ms. Benson, Mr. Datorre and Mr. Capote against) TO RECOMMEND THE APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE (RO-2) MODIFIED TO SET THE MAXIMUM F AR AT 0.5. 9. Ordinance - Parking Regulations In Historic Dlstrlcts An Ordinance of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach. Florida. Amending the Land Development Regulations of the Code of the City of Miami Beach. by Amending Chapter 130. Article III. Entitled "Design Standards". by Amending Section 130-61 to Expand the Criteria for Surface Parking Lot Dimensions. by Amending Chapter 130. Article V. Entitled "Parking Impact Fee Program". by Amending Section 130-132 to Allow for the Removal of Certain Grade Level Parking Spaces Within Designated Historic Districts; Providing for Inclusion in the City Code; Providing for Repealer. Severability and an Effective Date. (File #1413). CONTINUED TO SEPTEMBER 28, 1999 PLANNING BOARD MEETING 10. Workshop/Presentation - Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) PRESENTATION MADE BY CITY STAFF RGL/rgl