Attachment 11 Proposed General Obligation Bond Issue Community Workshop August 23, 1999 6:00 p.m. Commission Chamber, Miami Beach City Hall 1700 Convention Center Drive AGENDA The workshop will begin with a presentation of approximately 30 minutes, followed by a question and answer, and community input session. This packet includes a summary of the proposed projects on the next page, followed by a complete list of proposed projects with their funding allocations. Presentation 6:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 1. Introduction 2. The City's Capital Improvement Program 3. General Obligation Bonds 4. Process for the Development of the Proposed General Obligation Project List 5. Focus Group Summary - What You Told Us. 6. Proposed General Obligation Bond Projects 7. Projects by Neighborhood 8. Project List Summary 9. Financing the Proposed General Obligation Bond 10. The City's Current Financial State 11. Proposed General Obligation Bond Significance for the Homeowner Community Input 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. SUMMARY Process v' Approval of the Capital Improvements Program v' Project Identification v' Focus Group Meetings yI Public Workshop · Commission Approval - September 14, 1999 at 5:00 p.m. · Establish a Community Oversight Committee · Ballot Referendum · Initiate Planning and Design of Projects · Bond Issue Financial Instruments are Prepared. Projects begin in 2000. What You Told Us · "Neighborhoods First" · "Back to Basics" - Neighborhood Infrastructure · "Maintain What You Build" · "Coordinate Delivery" · "Adequate Funding to Finish the Job" · "Continue Community Involvement" Proposed General Obligation Bond Projects Fire Safety Facilities and Equipment $ 9,527,724 Improvements to Neighborhood Infrastructure: Streetscapes and Traffic Calming Measures: North Beach Middle Beach South Beach Shoreline Stabilization Neighborhood Maintenance Facilities Renovation $16,929,250 $16,044,000 $16,038,150 $10,300,000 $ 2,746,868 $62,058,268 Improvements to Parks and Beaches: Community Parks Neighborhood Parks and Maintenance Facilities Beaches $ 7,917,000 $ 6,722,618 $ 2,570.721 $17,210,339 $88,796,331 Total Neighborhoods Map and Project list follow: Miami Beach Neighborhoods City Center Biscayne Point " North Shore Normandy Shores Normandy Isle La Gorce, La Gorce 15., Allison Is. Oceanfront Nautilus Venetian Islands, Star 15., Palm 15., Hibiscus Is. Flamingo Park South Pointe FIRE SAFETY FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Fire Apparatus Replacement Replacement of 5 fire/rescue vehicles (2 ladder trucks. 3 pumpers) Fire Station #2 Option 1 2300 Pinetree Drive Fuil hlstonc restoration. renovation. new apparatus bays and living quarters Fire Station #4 - Option 1 6880 Indian Creek Drive Full station replacement. including new apparatus bays and living quarters Fire Maintenance Facilities Renovation Share (10%) of Property Management Facilrty renovation ($215.750). which provide maintenance services to fire and rescue facllrties, Property Maintenance Fac:ity Includes: replacement of 10 ksf maintenance and warehouse facility. parking for 40 City vehicles. 40 employee vehicles, ADA compliance, Present facilrty is unsafe for workers and in need of full restoration, FIRE SAFETY FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT TOTAL $2,700,000 $0 S5,180,625 5494,176 $2,475,525 $550,000 $215,750 so $10,571,900 $1,044,176 Funded Funded Funded Funded 100% page 1 Total Capital NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENTS Biscayne Point Neighborhood Biscayne Point Area Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements Area-wide street Improvement (integrates Municipal Mobility P'an Project #2). Funding $4,250,000 includes traffic calming planning. structures and monitoring. sidewalk improvements, street pavement, lighting. bike facilities. landscaping and irrigation, and Increased on-street parking concepts, $100.000 Gas Tax funding allocated from #343. #341, #342. #411 North Shore Neighborhood North Shore Neighborhood Traffic Improvements and Calming Area-wide street improvement (integrates Municipal MObility Plan Project #2), Funding $4,250,000 includes traffic calming planning, structures and mOnitoring. sidewalk improvements, street pavement. lighting. bike facilities. landscaping and iITIgation. and increased on-street parking concepts, $100,000 Gas Tax funding allocated from #343, #341. #342. #411 Biscayne Elementary School Circulation Improvements Improve traffic circulation, pedestrian safety along 77th St. in front of Biscayne Elementary $72,500 School (MuniCipal Mobilty Plan Project #4) Harding Avenue Enhancements Extend Collins Av streetscape to Harding and provide traffic calming and pedestrian facilities (Municipal Mobility Plan Project #3) $415,000 Collins Avenue Improvements I Regulation Program Improve commercial delivery regulation, 63 to 75 St; extend streetscape to North Shore Park (Municipal Mobility Plan Project #9) $1,725,000 Normandy Shores Neighborhood Normandy Shores Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements Area-wide street improvement (integrates Municipal Mobility Plan Project #2), Funding includes traffic calming planning. structures and monitoring. sidewalk improvements. street pavement. lighting. bike faCilities. landscaping and irrigation. and increased on-street parking concepts. $100,000 Gas Tax funding allocated from #343. #341, #342. #411 $4.250,000 CIP $100,000 $100,000 $0 $0 $0 $100.000 Funded Funded 50% Match (DCPS) page 2 Normandy Isle Neighborhood Normandy Isle Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements Area-wide street Improvement (integrates Municipal Mobility Plan Project #2). Funding includes traffic calming planning, structures and mOnitoring, sidewalk improvements, street pavement, lighting, bike facilities, landscaping and Irngation, and increased on-street parking concepts, $ 1 00,000 Gas Tax funding allocated from #343, #341, #342, #411 Normandy Dr, I 71 st St. Corridor Enhancements Provide increased landscaping and pedestrian amenities along Normandy Dr & 71 st SI. Continuation of eXisting streetscape west from Rue Notre Dame to City L;mlt (Municipal Mob,lity Plan Project #6) La Gorce Neighborhood Alton Road Enhancements Operational improvements to mitigate traffic impacts, and traffic calming alongol,lton Road (Municipal Mobility Plan Projects #14 & #24)) La Gorce Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements Area-wide street improvements on City-owned roads (excepts A~on, LaGorce, Pinetree), Coordinate with Municipal Mobility Plan Project #14. Includes $300,000 rea located from Gas Tax funding (#341,#342,#343,#411), and $500,000 from Pinetree and LaGorce Traffic Calming (#634) which complements the MDC DPW Traffic Calming project With additional landscape, lighting, irrigation, and signage. La Gorce Island Enhancement Traffic enhancements, landscaping, signage, lighting, and park improvements _ La Gorce Is. Oceanfront Neighborhood Indian Creek Greenway (23rd to 54th Street) Streetscape alng Collins and Indian Creek Dr,: landscape, street furniture, irngation, lighting :0 create a linear pedestrian park and bikeway along Indian Creek from 23rd St& Lake Pancoast to 54th SI. Connects Collins Canal Bikeway and North Shore Beachwalk. (Municipal MObility Plan Projects #15 & #44), Partial funding to start, Completion reqUIres conveyance of shoreline properties Street End Beach Access Improvements to provide Beach access at street ends (25th to 43rd Sts.). Seventeen steet ends are included at approximately $200,000 each for pedestrian facilities, streetscape restorations, lighting, and signage. Additional funding provide for the location of secure, acceSSible restroom and shower facilities where needed, Total Capital Cost CIP $4250,000 $1.465,000 $4,095,000 $1,000,000 $200,000 $4200,000 $4,300,000 $100,000 $800,000 $0 $0 Funded $0 20% Match (FDOT) $0 20% Match (FDOT) $0 Partially Funded Funded page 3 Nautilus Neighborhood Nautilus Neighborhood Traffic Calming Project Area-wide street improvement (integrates Municipal Mobility Plan Project #17). Funcing Includes traffic calming planning, structures and monrtoring, sidewalk improvements, street pavement, lighting, bike facilities, landscaping and irrigation, and Increased on-street ~arklng concepts. $100,000 Gas Tax funding allocated from #343, #341, #342, :t411 41st Street and Alton Road Intersection Traffic Calming Traffic calming measures to reduce speed of vehicles trom the causeway. includes ,gateway treatment along east-bound lanes of Tuttle Csy. (Municipal Mobility Plan ;122) (1 CO,,, FDOT funded) total Capital Cost 35,250,000 S315.000 $100,000 Bayshore Neighborhood (includes Lake Pancoast Area, and Sunset Islands) Bayshore Neighborhood Traffic Calming Project Area-wide street improvement (Not listed in Municipal Mobility Plan Project Bank, reqUIres coordination With Projects #17, #18, and #24), Funding includes traffic calming planning, structures and monitoring, sidewalk improvements, street pavement, lighting, bike fac:lities, landscaping and irrigation, and Increased on-street parking concepts, $1CO,OOO Gas "'ax funding allocated from #343, #341, #342, #411 Lake Pancoast Streetscape Streetscape, roadway, curb & gutter, storm drain, landscape, irrigation, Runoff debris and Collins side as part of seawalls and greenway, (Not listed in Municipal Mobility Plan Project Bank, requires ooordination with Project #18) Sunset Hibiscus Islands Enhancement Traffic enhancements, landscaping, signage. lighting, and park improvements _ Sunset Is. 40th Street Streetscape Streetscape, roadway, drainage, sidewalk, curb& gutter, landscape - 40th St.. Chase to Pinetree S3,500,000 $900,000 $200000 $500,000 Alton Road & 20th Street & Sunset Drive Reconfiguration I Improvements Reconfigure intersections to increase capacity and reduce cut-through traffic to North Bay $375,000 Road (Municipal Mobility Plan #28, requires coordiantion with Project #24) This project :s also traffic calming for North Bay Road, $100,000 so so $0 $0 $0 $0 Funding Status Funded 100% FOOT Funding Funded Funded Funded Funded 20% Match (FDOT) page 4 Flamingo Park Neighborhood Flamingo Neighborhood Improvements Area-wide street improvement (Municipal Mobility Plan Project # 33, and #35, requires coordination with Project #37). Funding Includes traffic calming planning, structures and monitoring, sidewalk Improvements, street pavement, lighting, bike facilities, landscaping and Irrigation, and increased on-street parking concepts. $100,000 Gas Tax funding allocated from #343, #341, #342, #411. Also Includes $33,000 developer contribution from Crown Royale mitigation, West Avenue Neighborhood West / Bay Road Neighborhood Improvements Area-wide street improvement (Not listed in Municipal Mobility Plan Project Bank, requires coordination wrth Projects #33, and #35), Funding includes traffic calming planning, structures and monitoring, sidewalk improvements, street pavement, lighting, bike facilities, landscaping and irrigation, and increased on-street parking concepts, $100,000 Gas Tax funding allocated from #343, #341, #342, #411 $7,200,000 $2,200,000 Dade Blvd /17th Street / West Avenue Reconfiguration & Connection Reconfigure Intersection and proVide connection between Dade Blvd, and West Av, $3,200,000 (MuniCipal Mobility Plan # 30, requires coordination with Project #32) Venetian Islands, Star Is., Palm Is., Hibiscus Is. Venetian Causeway Master Plan Phase I-Venetian Islands Infrastructure and landscaping improvements for Venetian Islands (sidestreets extending from causeway), Includes $1,000,000 for Belle Isle Streetscape with passive park Improvements, tot lot and circle landscape and lighting (Not listed in Municipal Mobility Plan Project Bank, requires coordination with Project #32) Venetian Causeway Master Plan Phase II-Causeway Landscape, lighting, gateway improvements from City Line to the Dade Blvd intersection, (MuniCipal Mobility Plan Project #32, requires coordination With Project #30) Star, Palm, Hibiscus Islands Enhancement Traffic enhancements, landscaping, signage, lighting, and park improvements _ with Palm Isl Park light and fencing $13,091,150 $9,874,970 5600,000 $133,000 $100,000 $20,950 $9,247,000 $8,047,970 $0 Funded Road Impact Fee Priority 1 Funded Funded Funded page 5 City Center District Convention Center Streetscape Streetscape improvements to Washington .ow from 17 St to Dade Blvd, and 17th and 181h St.o from Collins to Washington Avenues Collins Canal Revitalization Project Bikeway I Greenway This is part of the seawall rehab proJect, ($1,400,000 IS,c:A. rrnal RFQ RFLt JOlng out) (51,100,000 for blke/pedway suspended because of seawall condition) (both need 20% matc~ via land deed or Road Impact Fee) (living seawall - only North side) (Coorainate with Municipal Mobility Plan #25) Street End Improvements 17th & 18th - East of Collins Improvements to provide Beach access at street ends Street End Improvements 19th, 20th, & 21st- East of Collins Improvements to provide Beach access at street ends Lincoln Road Upgrade lighting, pools, and some amenities South Pointe Neighborhood South Pointe Streetscape Streetscape, roadway, drainage, sidewalk, curb& gutter, landscape - South POlnte RDA area up I 15t Street (Municipal Mobility Plan Project #42) Washington Avenue Extension Streetscape, landscape, curb & gutter, drainage, lighting, utilities. (Coordinate with Municipal Mobility Plan Project #37, and #42) Meridian Avenue Extension Streetscape Streetscape, landscape, lighting, for reopening of Meridian Avenue from 15t Street 10 2nd Street. Not covered under RDA funding, (Coordinate with Municipal MObility Plan Project #42) Washington and Third Street Public Plaza Provide aesthetic improvements at the pump station location to Integrate With a pUblic plaza Improvement at intersection of WaShington Avenue, Third Street, and Euclid ,""venue $2,214,500 $2,214,500 $2,500,000 $2,500,000 $628,300 $628,300 $1,200,182 $1,200,182 $300,000 $23,357,796 $23,357.796 $1,030,000 $1,030,000 $200,000 $100,000 RDA Funding RDA Funding RDA Funding RDA Funding Funded RDA Funding RDA Funding Funded Funded page 6 City-Wide Shoreline I Seawall Rehabilitation Program Replace and repair of deteriorated City-owned or deedea seawalls with outfall and dredge _ Indian Creek, lake Pancoast approx 5,000 linear need replacement at S800 ; linear foot Neighborhood Maintenance Facilites Neighborhoods Maintenance Facilites Restoration Shares: 40% of Proper1y Management Facility renovation (S863.000) which maintains City structures and street proper1y, 50% of Public Works Facility renovation (S1,583,750) which maintains public rights of way, and 50% of Parks Maintenance Facility renovation ($480.325) which maintains landscaping in public rights of way. Proper1y Maintenance Facilty Includes: replacement of 10 Ksf maintenance and warehouse facility, parKing for 40 City 'Iehlc/es, 40 employee vehicles, ADA compliance, Present facility is unsafe for workers and In need of full restoration, Public Works renovation includes: renovation of 20 Ksf facility, 5 ksf expansion, ADA compliance, access road, environmental remediation, paving, drainage, lighting, parking, and fueling facility for City vehicles. Parks Maintenance renovation includes renovation of building and greenhouse, security lighting, screening landscape, and new employee lOt. $10,300,000 $2,927,075 $0 $180,207 Funded "O::IGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL 85% $95,205,695 $19,129,127 page 7 PARKS & BEACHES Biscayne Point Neighborhood Crespi Park New restroom, renovate and add basketball courts. tot lot, landscape. irrigation General and court lighting and fenCing per the Parks Master Plan fuded by GO Bond. Stillwater Park New recreation building andbasketball courts, securrty lighting, landscape & Irrigation, General and court lighting and fencing per the Parks Master Plan fuded by GO Bond, Tatum Park Building renovations, playground, landscape & irrigation, security lighting & fenCing. General and court lighting and fencing per the Parks Master Plan fuded by GO Bond. North Shore Neighborhood North Shore Open Space Park New Recreation I Nature Center, renovate restrooms, lighting, landscape & irrigation. General lighting per the Parks Master Plan funded by GO Bond, North Shore Park & Youth Center New recreation center, tennis courts, renovate bandshell, lighting, landscape & irrigation, accessible playground, General and court lighting and fencing per the Parks Master Plan fuded by GO Bond. Normandy Isle Neighborhood Fairway Park Building, basketball and tennis courts renovation, lighting, playground, landscape. General and court lighting and fenCing per the Parks Master Plan fuded by GO Bond. Normandy Isle Park Renovate pool and fields, new recreational center, basketball courts, secunty lighting, tot lot landscape & irrigation, General and court lighting and fencing per the Parks Master Plan fuded by GO Bond, $384,232 $482,918 $425,383 $2.187,900 $4.788.321 $1,244,611 $2.708,823 $234,232 $322.918 $275.383 $1.987.900 $4,438.321 $994,611 $2,408.823 Funding Status h;":,A~...;....,.. ,~,..1 Funded Funded Funded Funded Funded Funded Funded page 8 La Gorce Neighborhood Fisher Park Shade pavillion, restroom, tot lot, security lighting, landscape, decorative fencing. General :ightlng per the Parks Master Plan fuded by GO Band. La Gorce Park Shade pavillion, tot lot. security lighting, landscape & irrigation. Generallightmg and fencing per the Parks Master Plan fuded by GO Bond. Oceanfront Neighborhood Brittany Bay Park General lighting per the Parks Master Plan Allison Park Renovations, gateway, and beach access Nautilus Neighborhood Muss Park Renovate recreational building, sports courts, court lighting, tot lot, landscape & irrigation. General and court lighting and fencing per the Parks Master Plan fuded by GO Bond, Pinetree Park Security lighting, landscape, irrigation, pedestrian paving, fencing. General lighting and fencing per the Parks Master Plan fuded by GO Bond. Bayshore Neighborhood Scott Rakow Youth Center New ice rink, bUilding renovation, ADA elevator, parking lot, new play field, landscape S253,809 S153,164 S10,000 $250,000 $272,871 S275,624 $3,180,000 $103,809 $103,164 so $0 $197,871 $185,624 $3,030,000 Funded Funded Funded page 9 Flamingo Park Neighborhood 10th Street Auditorium I Beachfront Aud. (Beach Patrol Hqrts) Renovate 10th 5t Auditonum / Beach Patrol Headquarters, ADA, painting, restoration South Shore Community Center Renovate bUilding to comply with ADA, and landscape, and provide general lighting Flamingo Park New pool, renovate all sports facilities, securrty & neld lighting, tot lot, landscape, slgnage with additional lighting and fencing with renovation/relocation of pm facility Lummus Park Renovate/add restroom, renovate/widen serpentine sidewalk, landscape & irrigation .test Avenue Neighborhood Island View Park Shade pavillion, new basketball court. playground surface, landscape & irrigation, General and courts lighting per Parks Master Plan funded by GO Bond Venetian Islands, Star Is., Palm Is., Hibiscus Is. Palm Island Park Repair existing shade pavillion, new courts, new equipment. accessible routes, security lighting, landscape & irrigation, General and court lighting per Parks Master Plan funded by GO Bond Belle Isle Circle Improvements Landscape. irrigation. pedestrian, and lighting improvements in circle, with drive improvements Total Capital Cost 5690,000 $1,350,000 $4,920,482 $2,031,229 $374,144 $349,691 $1,200,000 $2,343,482 $931,229 S224,144 5274,691 so 50 so Funding .. Status Funded Funded Funded Funded Funded Funded Funded page 10 Projectf:'lal11e .aD~ P~~_S~ip.!i"()!'I South Pointe Neighborhood South Pointe Park Improvements Improvements to South POlnte Park Washington Park Building renovations. new playground, tennis courts, landscape & iITIgation, secunty lighting, court lighting, and fencing City Center District Collins Park Construct park Improvments: walkways, lighting, landscape, amenity, etc. 21st Street Community Center Renovate building for Parks & Recreation office space Garden Center Garden Center Renovation Renovations to building and ADA compliance $5,000,000 $425,208 $2,530,000 $166,860 $1,500,000 $5,000,000 $425,208 $2,530,000 $166,860 $0 RDA Funded RDA Funded RDA Funded RDA Funded Funded page 11 Beaches Beach Planting - Citywide Development of street design and plantings North Beach Recreational Corridor Bicycle and pedestrian facility on Beach ROW from 60th St. to 75th St. ADA Beach Access Wheelchair accessible over-dune access, wrth decked, railed, lookout point, wi shade trees, and additional parking space, made out of bar grading in the sand -srew anchored below grade with large deck area at seaside with rails (similar to 5th Street) ADA City-Wide Renovations Renovate facilities to improve safe access to persons with disabilities ark Maintenance Facilities Parks Facilities Maintenance Restoration Shares: 50% of Property Management Facility renovation ($1,078,750) which maintains City structures and street property, 50% of Public Works Facility renovation ($1,583,750) which maintains public rights of way, and 50% of Parks Maintenance Facility renovation ($480,325) which maintains landscaping in public rights of way, Property Maintenance Facilty includes: replacement of 10 ksf maintenance and warehouse facilrty, parking for 40 City vehicles, 40 employee vehicles, ADA compliance, Present facility is unsafe for workers and in need of full restoration, Public Works renovation includes: renovation of 20 ksf facility, 5 ksf expanSion, ADA compliance, access road, environmental remediation, paving, drainage, lighting, parking, and fueling facility for City vehicles, Parks Maintenance renovation includes renovation of building and greenhouse, security lighting, screening landscape, and new employee lot. Parks Facilities Roof Repair Plan Provide for comprehensive roof surveys of large facilities roof needs plus replacment and repair. This is 80% of the Roof Repair Plan, 10% is incorporated into the Public Works Facility, and 10% into the Property Maintenance Facility, PARK & BEACHES TOTAL JT AL BOND ISSUE $1,850,000 $2,570,480 $225,000 $1,000,000 $3,142,825 $700,000 $38,521,507 $144,299,102 $850,000 $2,224,759 $0 $180,207 $0 $41,484,471 Funded $0 Funded 100% 90% page 12 ~ ~ ~O"I == 0"1 ~Jj 00.0"I=: ~ ~:= U~Q) ZNQ) <-;;~ ~=~ Z eJ)~ ~=u ~< ~ < ~ _t~ '2J =~ ~1 ~ \i \) \l \ ,~ ~ GJ ~ i:J p :;z \... 4" <'S '...J \;' v ~( "'-.J .... 'v [~ 'r' ,oi', ; " ~ tJ~ \.1 \ ('" R, \~ OJ '\ v...... ~ ~ \).. I ......... '~ V:J \ :..., 'N ~ ~\ ~ o ty>' 1'\) '" lrr' I'. 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