Attachment 06 " OFFICE OF THE MAYOR & COMMISSION - -. .... i, '__ CITY OF MIAMI BEACH' - . , · 'I ::;: C) TO: SERGIO RODRIGUEZ CITY MANAGER FROM: JOSE S1\1ITII COMl\1ISSIONER SUBJECT: ALTOS DEL DATE: 07/13/99 - As part of a healthy consensus building effort, North Beach Devdopment Corporation is requesting that upon designation of the eleven (11) contiguous lots as ROS, the City also implement a North Beach Master Pla:O covering the entlre area. Please see attaChed letter from Donald Shockey. Please schedule a discussion of this issue at the July 20th Gty Commission meeting. ~ 193 Agenda Item R ~ A Date 1-20.QS 538P02 JUL 12 '99 16:4 Iii ~ ~ .... ~ --~----, .- ~ NORTH BEACH DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF MIAMI BEACH INC. July 12, 1999 Commissioner Jose Smith City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 A . Dear commiss~::::J05l-' Here is the list of items that NBDC would like to see acted on by the commission next week. I have been as specific as possible but there are other official steps to be taken to start moving these projects forward that I am unfamiliar with. NBDC requests that City staff be directed to identify an action plan specifying necessary Commission action for each of these projects. 1. Enable the State to sell the 11 noncontiguous lots as quickly as possible. AI Gregory has stated that he needs a letter officially committing the City's full support and cooperation for the State's sale of the lots. In addition, there is a zoning technicality that must be overcome. Seven of the eleven lots are oceanfront and are 50 feet wide. City zoning requires that oceanfront lots be a minimum of 60 feet wide. Replatting the lots would be very complicated and would diminish the return to the State. Potential buyers of the lots could individually apply for variances but this potential use restriction would also greatly diminish the value of the lots. The simplest action to take would be for the City to waive the minimum width requirement on these seven lots. I don't know if or how this could be done, 2. Complete the City's Design Guidelines ~or the new homes to be built on the eleven lots. City staff (George Gomez in particular) have been working for a long time on these guidelines that will control the design of the new homes to be built. The guidelines need to be completed expeditiously, 300 71ST. STREET SUI T E 502 M I A M I BEACH F LOR I D A 33141 TEL: (305) 865-4147 FAX: (305) 865-4175 ,Q4 538 P03 JUL 12 '99 16:41 3, Complete infrastructure improvements for the 7700 - 7800 blocks of Altos Del Mar. The City needs to: develop an infrastructure improvement plan for sidewalks, paving, curbs. lighting etc. in the two blocks; identify funding; and construct the improvements. 4. Develop a plan for creating the new 7600 block 'park. The City must develop a plan of improvements and a funding mechanism for implementing them. It;s a paramount concern that the area not remain unmaintained, unregulated vacant land that is a blight rather than an asset for the area. 5. Acquire and renovate for appropriate public use the historic structure on the ocean in the 7600 block. Marty Taplin has personally pledged $10,000 for this project. Historic preservation grant funding should be available. While these actions are being pursued, the City should immediately begin properly maintaining the property. Vagrants are constantly prying off the boards. vandalizing the building. and using it for drug activity. 6. Implement the Gateway component of the -PIa tar Zyberk plan. The City needs to develop a comprehensive implementation plan including zoning action, land swap/acquisition. FOOT requirements, transportation planning requirements. possible RFP for development, streetscape improvements, etc. This is a complicated plan that needs to be updated and refined and that wiU take a major concerted City effort to move forward. Obviously, the improvements and development will be a long-term, multi-phased project. In the short term, the -Commission approved $1 04,-o00~of Quality of Life money to create a northern entrance feature. George Gomez committed to having his department develop an initial proposal. Again, I have only been as specific as I can be at this time. It is very important that the Commission take as much action as possible on these items next week. I hope that the City staff will be able to provide further information on necessary Commission action. Sincerely, Donald P. Shockey, Executive Director 195 LOTT & LEVINE ATTORNEYS AT LAW Gl!:oaGI!: J, LOTT MICHAEL 0, LEVIN!!: (19~:J'1990) C '") J'" " r '"' r' . 0,- ,- TWO OATRAN C!:NTER, SUITE 1701 - - '- "'- ,) I lii.~; ~. 7 9' 30 SO, OAO!:I..ANO eouL!:vARO MIAMI. FLORIDA :lOI~6 TE:LE:PHONE: (305) 670-0700 ~AX (305) 670-0701 June 23, 1999 Mayor Neisen Kasdin City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 RE: J\'frs. DeMetra Demaris The Honorable May-or Neisen Kasdin: The undersigned represents the interests of Mrs. DeMetra DeMaris. J\'frs. DeMaris is the owner of the home located at 7605 Collins A.venue. Please be advised that any attempt to down zone 11 contiguous lots on her block will result in appropriate legal action against Miami Beach. The block consists of 12 lots, and down zoning the other 11, (aside from not conforming to the sound planning principles espoused by your own Planning Board), would illegally and adversely impact the DeMaris property. Before any such down zoning process is put in motion, it is importan,t that the , Commission is aware that Mrs. DeMaris would immediately seek damages from the City in an amount well in excess of seven figures if the City proceeds with the contemplated down zoning. Also, be aware that, should the City proceed with a referendum, as a matter of full disclosure, the wording of the referendum should reveal the potential financial exposure to the City. GJL:arnj Ene. Cc: Commissioner Simon Cruz Commissioner David Dermer Commissioner Susan Gottlieb Commissioner Nancy Liebman Commissioner Jose Smith Commissioner Martin Shapiro Sergio Rodriguez, City Manager June 8, 1999 To: -, ..... II,': ~ _ '-;) C.. ";', I. - - .." (.... '-:. \] ; 11 (j"- ' . I 0' ..~ I ; 1-.. f' , r, , His Honor the Mayor and Miami Beach City Commissioners Miami Beach City Hall 1700 Convention Dr, Miami Beach, FL 33139 - j. I . . ~.; At the last Planning Board meeting developers, developers, and allies were out in full force to annihilate the sacred dunes of Altos del Mar, Then the surprising recommendation from the City Planning Staffers, Aren't these staffers supposed to be neutral and let the Board decide? What's happening? After all the Commission voted to respect the people's vote! Comments from developers: "The people didn't know what they voted for!!". "The people's vote made me sick!!", And from lurking Clifford Shulman for shock value a quote by Dubbin stating the 5MB Amendment was unconstitutional. (I believe Mr, Dubbin has since rethought this opinion but of course Mr, Shulman omitted that.) Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk, you have gone down a few notches in my opinion because you planned to build 'high-end' single family housing on Altos del Mar and thus cause the demise of these hallowed grounds. Your plans would fit nicely on the west side of Collins across from the State Park, There the City is now contemplating housing, Thus citizens of all means will benefit from the beauty of Altos del Mar and nothing irreplaceable would be destroyed. I felt the Chairman of the Planning Board badgered unnecessarily by remarks and questions the president of a condo association that favored retention of Altos del Mar as a park because they felt a park would contribute greatly to North Beach's promising future, Because these two parks, State Park and Altos del Mar,. are so close to each other, the City can merge easily and economically their restoration and maintenance, Let Altos del Mar be for us - all the citizens, To the development proponents: Visit Provincetown, MA and observe how their citizens carefully guard and protect their sacred dunes, From: /J~ ~ VC/~_ Mary M, Verona 1020 Meridian Ave.#502 C, S. Rodriguez M.B" FL 33139 MAY-25-1999 16:40 COLONIAL BANK 3055355582 P.01/01 c o V E R s H E E FAX T To: Fax #: Subject: Date: Pages: Lulu Swedroe 305-674-9126 Altos Del Mar May 25, 1999 1, including this cover heet. COMMENTS: Lulu: I am delayed at a bank meeting, s if I do not get to the Planning Board meeting this afternoon, please convey the folio ing important message to the members of the Planning Board on my behalf, Th nk you!! I served on the Miami Beach Histo 'c Preservation Board when Altos del Mar was designated as a Local Historic Dis ict. The reason for the designation was the great importance to the history of Miami each of the single family homes on the beach. During the development of the city single family homes lined the beachfront. As the city developed, homes were demo shed to make way for many high-rises, many of which continue to exist along Colli s Avenue. The single family homes, and seve al remaining home lots, are all that remains to remind us of the beautiful residenti I area which once existed. Please vote today to preserve these vestiges of an earli r, historic time, We do not need these lots converted into park land. The existing North Shore Open Sp ce Park is sufficient for Miami Beach to maintain and should not be expanded. Nor hould these remaining lots be used to increase the Park, as they were designated to b an intrinsic part of the historic single family residentiaf district under the Histori Preservation mandate. Thank you for your consideration to ay. From the desk of... "I Joy V. W, Malakotr " .?A~ Senior Vice Pruldent /.~, l . 1'1/ Colonial Bank C" 'j' 301 41st Street Miami 6each. FL. 33140 (305}535-9401 Fax: (305)535-9582 TOTAL P.01 FROM Dr:;UIO E DhLE:'/ ChRCL= DALEY FHC~<E NO, 385 1',- l co....... 7:33'3 ~1H\) . -- 1999 01:53PM P2. To all ~mbers of~fiami Beach City Government As a home owner, in what is left of "The Altos Del Mar Ncighborhood, I object strongly to changing the Zoning between 7~ Street and 771}o. Street East of Collins A venue, This City has an opportunity, and with out question in my mind, an obligJtion to CAlrrcct a long ove:- due injustice perpetrated on this Neighborhood. My wife and I purchased this home in 1991 and to be honest \\,ith you we have newr felt we were part of Miami Beach. All services seem to stop a few blocks short of us to the South somewhere around 7 S'.' Street and 76rh Street. We pick up trash 7 days a week on 78m Str~t and on Collins Avenue in front our home; I clean the storm dmin after every major rainstorm as it is perpetually blocked, 'fhro....e times the fire Hydrant has been removed once for almost nine months, I felt obligated to keep the hole covered the best I could. On one occasion I was repainting the ",-all in front of my home on Collins Avenue when a city Code enforcement officer SLopped to tell me I needed a permit. I made a su&,oestion to him but r do~bt he followed up on it We keep our 100 plus feet of Collins Avenue up as nD one else does. The same can be said of my neighbors who MV~ individually and collectively spent thousands of dollars of their own lnaney to landscape and ma.inl2in their homes and public beach access. This Arc..1 was repeatedly plundered and destroyed to create the Open Space Park There were a few hardy citizens with pride, vision, and determination who took on the Establishment The few homes remaining are here, thanks to their monumentJl efforts, emotional stress, and great personal fuuncul sacrifice. I was not here myself during this trying time, which spans Several Decades, bm I do benefit from their efforts, We understood prior to purchasing our home that this neighborhood was dcsigrutted Historical, TIris word Historic.1l implies a stare of presenration and resroration to what once was. The big question to me i~ where has this city b<=n when the few have tried so hard to hold on, so aU may benefit by pres.."1Ving some of our unique Ocean Front Community, There is a cloud of collective sh.1me hanging over our City Hall, you mayor may not haVtl helped to creare it but it is within your power to lift it. What is really needed here, is support from the city, join us in reclaiming what was lost and destroyed by neglect. The City would be the big \vUmer if these lots were preserved for future single family home development. TIus would upgrade the North end of the City and create a great tax bas<: for future generntions to come. I don't comprehend the checker board park theory. We have a tl13jor park a few blocks north, another between nc.d Street and 73'd Street, and open be.achfront, from 1200 Street to 75th Street. What we need is quality homes in a quality community where familieS can enjoy the parks that are aJro....a.dy SUlTOllilding "Altos Dcl Mar", Respectfully Yours ~~~- arol;& Dave Daley' ~_... 7 c~c-I Co / ! /IV; ;:J-V'-€- , , ''-'11__ I 'W. . ....)1::..)..) 00'"-1' (C...)-:;: t:H''(. 21 1 ;359 01: 5= C,Oo\) €vE..NLNG I l ft-m. ~ t? It-D I NG C Prr:?O L + W{1o Ll VE:' 11 I -rtf-IS cAJ 8~Hlfl~ of DifVE DALE) ISO l Co L L [ N S ,4 V~ lJE'_ To all members of~fiami Beach City Government As a home owner. in what is left of "The Altos Del Mar Neighborhood, r object strongly to changing the Zoning between 7c;th Street and 77Ut Street East of Collins Avenue, This City has an oPportunity, and with our question in my mind, an obligation to correct a long over due injustice perpetrated on this Neighborhood. My wife and I purchased this home in 1991 and to be hones[ ~ith you we have never felt we were part of Miami Beach, AU services seem to stop a few blocks short of us to the South somewhere around 75th Srreet and 76'" Street. We pick up trash 7 days a week on 78'" Str"", and on Collins Avenue in front our home; I clean the stonn drain after every major rainstonn as it is perpetually blocked. TIrree times the fire Hydrant has been removed once for almost nine months. I felt obligated to keep the hole covered the best I could, On onc occasion I was repainting the walJ in front of my home on Collins Avenue when a eity Code enforcement officer SLopped to tell me I needed a permit. I made a su&.~stion to him but r doubr he followed up on it We keep our 100 plus feet of Collins Avenue up as no one else does. 1b.e same can be said of my neighbors who have individually and COllectively spent lhousands of dollars ofilieir own money ~o landscape and maintain their homes and public beach access, Thi, Area was repeatedly plundered and destroyed to create the Open Space Park There were a few hardy ::it .1S with pride, vision, and determination who took on the Establishment The few homes remaining Ire hete, thanks to their monumental efforts, emotional stress, and great personal flJW1cial sacrificc. I Was lot here myself during this trying time, which spans Several Decades, but I do benefit from their efforts. Ye understood prior to Purcbasing our home that tltis neighborhood was designated Historical. This word lisrorica1 implies a stale of preservation and restoration to what once was. The big question to me i~ 'here has this city been when the few have tried so hard to bold on, so all may benefit by pres.."IVing some four uniqlle Ocean From Community. There is a cloud of collective shame hanging over our City Hall, )u mayor may not have helped to create it but it is within your jX)wcr to lift it. 'hat is really needed here, is supPOrt from the city, join us in reclaiming whar was lost and destroyed by ~glect. The City would be the big winner if these lots were preserved for future single family home :velopment. TIus would upgrade the Nonh end of the City and create a great tax base for future nerations to corne, :on't comprehend the checker board park theoI)', We have a l113jor park a few blocks north, another :ween 72~ Street and 73rd Street, and open beachfront, from 7200 Street to 7Sch Street. lat we need is quality homes in a quality community "....here families can enjoy the parks that are already rounding "Altos Dcl.Mar", :p.. ally Yours ~~ &-~ 0.:::- :)I~ & Dave Daley . ~ -- - - ..' r- :-~ -.,," . Dennis and Mimi Donegan -...... 7701 Collins Avenue - Miami Beach, FL 33141 .. (305) 865-8858 ,",., (..) .......; - -- May 2, 1999 - ~- Dean Grandin, Director, Planning and Zoning City Hall 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 RE: Planning Board - Notice of Public hearing - Land use map change - Altos Del Mar Dear Mr, Grandin; It is unfortunate that that there are forces that are against the plans to have the Altos Del Mar subdivision become a single family home enclave as described in the Elizabeth Plater- Ziberk development plans, These plans along with the support of the plans by many individuals in the community and in Government were the basis of our investment into the neighborhood, At gr~at expense to us, we purchased the empty lot and built the new house at 7701 Collins Avenue mistakenly believing that the new development plans were soon to be approved and that the North Beach area was soon to become a more desirable area. This development plan, where our house was to be included into the residential three block area, with Atlantic Way being the access road, would have resulted in our house being a very desirable residence and would have added great value and appreciation to our initial labor and expense, Even with the possibility of additional houses being built on lot 5 and 6 of block 6 (State owned lots due East of our property) and partially blocking our view of the ocean, our dreams would have been realized, With the proposed Land Use Map change by the Planning Board, the two ocean front lots (Lots 5 & 6 of Block 6) adjacent to, and contiguous with the eleven lots under consideration by the Board for zoning change to Open Space, have not been included in the plan_ We do not understand why these two lots were not included. Now, if the proposed change goes through, not only will we not have the neighborhood as describe above, but we will also have our view restricted by the possibility of the sale of the two lots to the East of us for residential construction, We have discussed this with our neighbor Nonna Maxwell, who owns the house at 7711 Collins Avenue (lots 4 & 5 of Block 11) and she fully agrees that the two ocean front lots should be included in the change to preserve the views from her lot also, It seems to us that if these two lots were in the view corridor from Mr, Kent Harrison Robbins lots or if' Save our Beach' Commissioner Dermer knew these two ocean front lots existed and were 'Being up-Zoned without a referendum vote' then they would have been included in the Proposal. We no longer have the energy to keep tighting for the Plater-Zyberk plan, We understand why people would like to preserve the ocean front open space. With proper design. security and planning, the area could become a very nice park. The addition of the t\\/O ocean front lots (Lots 5 & 6 of Block 6) would increase the appeal of the park by adding an addition 100 feet of ocean frontage. This is a 25 percent increase over what is proposed at this time, We would be in support of the change it~ and only if Lot 5 and Lot 6 of Block 6 were to be included in the proposed change. Otherwise, we would oppose such a measure, Thank You for your consideration of our views, Hopefully you can amend the notice by adding the other two lot~ before the Planning Board Meeting, Sincerely, I - I , J J--c~ ;!'! I;;: Dennis Donegan I Mimi Donegan :; ~obert .Jrf.Swedroe ARCHITECTS - PLANNERS AI A, PA ABBOTT HARLE, AIAJASID - ARCHITECT OF COUNSEL ~~\. ~'~ April 27, 1999 .., :: -..... "... ,-, r-: j . , L._' :~. \ :_~ I Planning Board Members Plannina & Zonina t> t> 1700 Convention Center Drive !vli,uni Beach, Florida 33139 ,-:; L ,\ ", , l ,,-,,;; ,Ii. __ -, - . 1 : . ',", __1_....;. j: \C Re: Altos del Mar Dear Members of the Board: Commissioner Dermer has recommended that you consider rezoning to parkland 11 of the 22 lots currently o,;vned by the State of Florida in the Altos del Mar single family neighborhood, This three-block area from 76th Street to 79th Street east of Collins Avenue is the last remaining original oceanfront single-family neighborhood in all of Miami Beach and has accordingly been officially designated as a City of Miami Beach historic district, The 11 lots that Commissioner Dermer asked you to consider are from 76th Street to 77'h Street. They are also across from Kent Harrison Robbins' site, which is planned for a 22- story high-rise, I ask you, what could possibly be the purpose of rezoning this property to parkland when there is a 34-acre oceanfront public park just north of the single-family neighborhood? Before you render a decision on this critical matter, you must research the history of this area, For instance, unbeknownst to Commissioner Dermer, the 34-acre North Shore Park was originally a channing single-family neighborhood, There were over 90 homes from 87th Street to 7jth Street east of Collins Avenue. They included log cabins and coral rock homes similar to the houses that were once all along the oceanfront, much of which was referred to as "Millionaire's Row," In addition, Altos del Mar was the model for Golden Beach, a flourishing, enduring community (see CMB Planning Department's Designation Report January 1987), The entire city of ,Miami Beach has only this one oceanfront single-family neighborhood left, I believe if our predecessors had a second chance, they would have ne\-er destroyed the single-family homes on the ocean to make North Shore Open Space Park. Almost from its inception, the park was (and now is even more so,) a haven for vagrants and drug dealers, From the onset, it lacked maintenance and good design, After condemning the homes in the 1960s, in this 34-acre site, the City of Miami Beach tried to maintain the park. After failing miserably, the State of Florida took it over in 1993, Now, because of the state's lack of funds, the city will once again be obtaining ownership and have to take full responsibility for the 34-acre park. It is unrealistic to think that the city can maintain another park when just rnro blocks north is the North Shore 34-acre park. SUNTRUST BANK BUILDING 1111 LINCOLN RD, 3rd FLOOR. MIAMI BEACH. FLORIDA 33139 (305) 673-6002 FAX (305) 674-9126 STATE REG. NO AR0003198 NAT'L REG NO, 4761 ~~ ~r In 1994, the Commission retained the renowned architect and planner, Elizabeth Pl:u:er- Zyberk, to create a master plan for North Beach, including Altos del Mar, There were m.my community meetings and studies by the University of Nliami Architecture School before the conclusion was reached that the three-block area should remain as a single-family neighborhood, the last original single-Lunilv oceanfront neighborhood in Miami Beach, Other cities would welcome the chance to reinvigorate such an exceptional piece of history, \Y/ e, too, should seize this rare opportunity, Admittedly, I have a personal interest in Altos del Mar, My grandparents built a home there at 7747 AtLmtic \V'ay in 194j which today is owned and occupied by my parents, But as an architect, and a vice president of North Beach Development Corporation, I feel equally strong that the remaining 22 lots (within the 36 lots and three-blocks) of Altos del Mar belong in the nands of single-family owners. These homes, built in adherence to strict design guidelines, will harmonize with the beach front environment. At the same time, these homeowners will nourish and protect the area with pride and commitment. And finally, there will be ta..x dollars generated as opposed to vacant land, Public park space is wonderful and North Beach already enjoys an abundance of park land and open space. But again, as an architect and planner, I believe that sustaining the single family historic oceanfront neighborhood is a one-time opportunity and a far better use of the 11 lots than havif1i; them converted into additional parkland (see enclosed graphic plan). I urge you to research the history of this area, study the aerials and the DPZ plan, and walk the site, covering everything from 76th Street to 79th Street (Altos del Mar single-family neighborhood) to the North Shore Park from, 79th Street to 87th Street. And then, 'allow the 11 lots to remain as part of the last original single-family oceanfront neighborhood in 'Nliami Beach in keeping with the North Beach vision. Sincerely, v~ Laurie M, Swedroe cc: Ronnie Singer, Asst. City Manager Dean Grandin, Planning & Zoning Kevin Smith, Parks Department Charles W, Burkett, NBDC Donald Shockey, NBDC OS/25/1999 13~~~__ 3~58543335 HARRIET C. HALPRVN ,""'YV1 v' - -..""- "-.",--- ' II lct/t, C..flL.J 2- 5 J q 9 q "0" , +-Iatfie.+ l+-IaIp(tfO ~Jf!hQl;t~ t01U~P7Vikn~aL /J11-1A/./~ ~ ~'~~ #7U dib'7f;:ir /~ /~~~ ~ ~ M ~t v-rdv -~ ~ It ftul- ~1 ~ ~J!d JJf# ~~ t;~f:;:;L ~~ ~ IJ.1d ~ ~ j;.e ft ~L,dk~~ Jt ~tlf:f d41d t'kv..k 6U/ ~ ,1d;f;!/~&dd. ~ ~ ~ - ) . ;:nC::: '~A~.? fF- );/4) ~dcq~ PAGE 01 PRESIDEYr T "d B.:rman PAST PRESIDE.", ~Iichad Rotbart YICE-PRESIDE:-',S Julio Magrisso Dr, Todd:'\ arson SECRETARIES Luc"ro Lavv Carm"n ~la[Qs-Raia TREASl:RERS Harri"t Halprvn Randolph R"ich P ARIDI E:\, ARIA. 'i ~Iayor Md Richard DIRECTORS Est"",, Br"it.:r ~ficha,,1 Br=an Dimas Dorningu"z Sandra Ed"lrnan Jacobo Ep.:lbaum Laura Jim.:n"z Diane ~I.:n.:nd"z Aida ~Iitrani geatriz ~fontalvo ~igrud Of.:ngand Silvio Rodriguez Rosita z"kcr BISCA YNE POINT HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. 1101 S BISCAYNE PT Ro MIAMI BEACH. FL 33141 January 19, 1999 i :--..,. l.... , -~, Honorable Niesen Kasdin Mayor of Miami Beach and City of Miami Beach Commissioners City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Ref: Proposed zoning designation for land E. of Collins Avenue N, of 76th Street Miami Beach, Florida Dear Mayor Kasdin and City Commissioners: The Biscayne Point Homeowners Association, Inc, at the January 13, 1999, Board meeting discussed the future of the referenced lands. A motion was made, seconded, and approved by our Board of Directors to recommend and respectfully submit the following: ~ The so called "contiguos lots" north of 76th Street and east of Collins Avenue should be zoned parks. The North Shore area has a great need for park land and facilities and every effort shall be made to provide more and adequate parks for the present and future residents. Please have our position read into the record at the Commission hearing. Respectfully submitted, ~ ~ / eodore Berman President cc Vice-Mayor Simon Cruz Commissioner David Dermer Commissioner Susan Gottlieb j Planning Board Commissioner Nancy Liebman Commissioner Martin Shapiro Commissioner Jose Smith PHONE: (305) 673~7 FAX: (305) 673-8038 ~dyWbe""udl.aeC :ITY OF MIAMI BEACH :ITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 ttp:\\ci.m iam i-beach, fJ, us m COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. 5L5-19 TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Co ission DATE: July 20,1999 FROM: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager SUBJECT: First Readin"" - An Ordinance of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, Amending the Future Land Use Map of the City of Miami Beach Comprehensive Plan for the Area Bounded by the Atlantic Ocean on the East, 77th Street on the North, Collins Avenue on the \-Vest, and 76th Street on the South, Excluding lot 6, block 10 of CORRECTED PLAT OF AL TOS DEL MAR NO. 1 [31-40], from the Current Future Land Use Category RS Single Family Residential, to the Proposed Future Land Use Category ROS Recreation and Open Space; Directing Transmittals of this Ordinance and All Applicable Documents to Affected Agencies; Providing for Repealer, Severability, Inclusion in the Comprehensive Plan and an Effective Date. RECOMMENDATION The Administration recommends that the City Commission adopt the proposed amending Ordinance. Note: As per Section 118-164(1) of the Land Development Regulations of the City Code, for zoninglland use amendments involving parcels less than 10 contiguous acres, the City Commission shall hold one public hearing on the proposed ordinance and may, upon the conclusion of the hearing, immediately adopt the ordinance. Note that if the City Commission chooses to adopt the ordinance today, there will be no second reading of this ordinance. BACKGROlTND The consideration of an amendment to the Future Land Use Map of the City of Miami Beach Comprehensive Plan redesignating the property kno'WTI as the eleven contiguous lots of the Altos Del Mar from the existing future land use category RS Single Family to the ROS Recreation and Open Space future land use category was referred to the Planning Board by the City Commission on January 6, 1999 at the request of Commissioner David Dermer. AGENDA ITEM R 6 F DATE 1-20-CJC; At its May 25, 1999 meeting, the Planning Board voted 6-1 to recommend that the City Commission not approve the proposed Future Land Use Map change, Subsequently, at its June 23, 1999 meeting, the City Commission discussed the possibility of placing a question on the City of Miami Beach's November 2, 1999 Special Election Ballot regarding the proposed land use amendment and holding a City Commission Workshop on the matter. Ho\vever. at its July 7, 1999 meeting, the Commission again discussed the matter, and expressed a consensus to proceed with the redesignation of the subject area to ROS Recreation and Open Space, Additional testimony was heard from Mr. Donald Shockey, representing North Beach Development Corporation. who expressed that organization's support for the redesignation, subject to additional City etTorts regarding improvements to the North Beach area, Based upon the consensus of the Commission, as well as Mr. Shockey's testimony. the Commission voted not to schedule a \vorkshop on the issue or to place a question on the ballot. Rather, the Commission directed that the matter be brought forward at the July 20, 1999 public hearing, and that an additional report be presented by the Administration addressing the implementation of plans for the North Beach area, ANAL YSIS Altos Del Mar, or Highlands of the Sea, was a very early attempt at residential subdivision on Miami Beach, and is particularly important for the role it played in opening up the City's North Shore and its environs to development. The original Altos Del Mar subdivision ran from 75th Street to 83rd Street and included both sides of Collins Avenue, The main focus of the neighborhood, however, was the area between Collins A venue and the beach, creating 250' deep oceanfront lots (east of Atlantic Way), and 125' lots between Atlantic Way and Collins Avenue to the west Historic Designation In 1996, the City's Historic Preservation Board began the process of designating the subject area, as well as the Harding Townsite area directly to the south, as a Historic District. The subject area of this proposed amendment was included in the proposed Historic District, and after the unanimous approval of both the Historic Preservation Board and the Planning Board, on September 25, 1996, the City Commission adopted the designation of the Harding Townsite/South Altos Del Mar Historic District. The Historic Preservation Board's recommendations stressed the importance of the southern Altos Del Mar lots and original street grid north of 75th Street and east of Collins A venue to the history and development of northern Miami Beach, The Board noted, and the Commission decision affirmed, that historic district designation of south Altos Del Mar was essential to preserving the historically open public access corridors to the ocean, provided by the original street grid, and the unique single family oceanside residential character of that area, The Board found that the south Altos Del Mar area was of national and local historical and architectural significance, and although some lots were primarily vacant for some time, the area had an impact on United States Maritime Policy and City of Miami Beach development well into the mid-twentieth century, The three remaining single family residential structures were found to be tine architectural examples of their era, which could significantly contribute to the special character of the area when restored, North Beach Neighborhood Study The plan entitled "Development Plan and Design Guidelines for the North Beach Neighborhood was prepared for the City of Miami Beach by Andres Duany and Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk in September 1994 under the aegis of the North Beach Development Corporation (NBDC). The plan studied the North Beach area and focused on potential catalysts for improvement and new development in North Beach. The North Beach plan noted that the area contains some of the last remaining oceanfront single family residences in the City, and recognized the important opportunity of adding single family housing to a neighborhood dominated by apartments, Both the ROS Recreation and Open Space designation and the RS Single Family Residential designation each have certain merits as applied to the subject Altos Del Mar property, If the property is allowed to remain designated RS, a single family development on the subject property and the two blocks to the north of the property could represent a return to the original historic pattern of the area and could be extremely beneficial to the redevelopment and economic revitalization of the entire North Beach neighborhood, On the other hand, if the property is redesignated ROS, the City could foreseeably proceed to develop the property into a park/recreation facility for the benefit of the neighborhood. This could be beneficial from the standpoint of planning for open space and recreation, In examining the proposed amendment for the subject area, the possible benefits accruing from the usage of this property as a park can be weighed against the opportunity and beneficial results a single family residential development would bring to the North Beach neighborhood as a whole, Also, the potential benefits of creating a park facility at this site should also be viewed in the context of the presence of the North Sl10re Open Space Park being located only two blocks further north of the site and the need to provide park facilities elsewhere in North Beach. Weighing all these factors, including the Duany-Plater Zyberk plan's recommendations, the Historic Preservation Board's 1996 designation report for the Harding T o\V11site/South Altos Del Mar Historic District, as well as input from City staff, and from the public during the Planning Board public hearing process, the Administration has concluded that both RS Single Family Residential, and ROS Recreation and Open Space, are beneficial land use designations for the subject area. * * * In reviewing this request for an amendment to the Future Land Use Map, the Planning Board considered the following criteria as applicable: 1, Whether the proposed change is consistent and compatible with the comprehensive plan and any applicable neighborhood or redevelopment plans, Partiallv Consistent - The amendment is contrary to the plans put forward in the 1994 study "Development Plan and Design Guidelines for the North Beach Neighborhood" prepared for the City by Andres Duany and Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk. Although this document was conceptually approved it was never formally adopted, 2, \Vhether the proposed change would create an isolated district unrelated to adjacent or nearby districts, Partiallv Consistent - The amendment would create an isolated area designated Recreation and Open Space, separated from the larger area of this designation, North Shore Open Space Park, two blocks to the north, More importantly, it would leave a single privately owned residential building at the southw'est comer of the block surrounded by park space, 3, Whether the change suggested is out of scale with the needs of the neighborhood or the city, Partiallv Consistent - The amendment is certainly not out of scale; however, the Administration believes that simply redesignating the subject property to ROS may not be responsive to the overall development needs of the North Beach neighborhood or the City as a whole, Rather, the redesignation should be undertaken in conjunction with a plan for implementation of the balance of the DPZ plan for North Beach, in order to fully address the North Beach community's needs. 4, Whether the proposed change would ta'( the existing load on public facilities and infrastructure. Partiallv Consistent - The proposed amendment should not ta'( the existing load on infrastructure, However, any redesignation of the site should be undertaken in conjunction with the identification by the City's Parks and Recreation Department of adequate funding to meet the maintenance and upkeep needs of the resulting City park facility. Furthermore, the existing structures on the property, designated as "contributing" to the historic district, must be rehabilitated and put to a useful function and will require significant capital and maintenance budgets, 5, Whether existing district boundaries are illogically drawn in relation to existing conditions on the property proposed for change, Partially Inconsistent - The boundaries of the proposed area contain only the eleven contiguous lots in the one block of the Altos Del Mar area now owned by the State of Florida; the one privately held lot has not been included, The rationale for designating only these eleven lots Recreation and Open Space, while leaving the remaining lot designated single-family residential, may contravene this objective, 6. Whether changed or changing conditions make the passage of the proposed change necessary, Consistent - The Administration recognizes the need to add to the City's inventory of parkland for future population growth (the City currently complies with established levels of service for parkland), 7, Whether the proposed change will adversely influence living conditions In the neighborhood. Consistent - The proposed amendment in and of itself should not adversely influence living conditions in the neighborhood. However, if the subject area is to become a park, then adequate resources need to be identified to create a park, rehabilitate the existing structures and fund the park's ongoing programmatic maintenance and security needs. 8, Whether the proposed change will create or excessively increase traffic congestion beyond the levels of service as set forth in the comprehensive plan or otherwise affect public safety, Partiallv Consistent - It is not clear whether the proposed change will not reduce or improve LOS for the area traffic circulation. Much is dependent upon how the park is to be developed and what uses might be located in the existing "contributing" structures; it is possible that a park use could generate more traffic than single family residences, depending upon its design and programming, 9, Whether the proposed change will seriously reduce light and air to adjacent areas. Consistent - The proposed change will not reduce access to light and air; indeed, it would ensure that most, if not all, of the open space would remain landscaped and open, 10, Whether the proposed change will adversely affect property values in the adjacent area. Partiallv Consistent - The proposed amendment may improve property values of certain properties to the west of the tract by ensuring unobstructed views to the ocean, 11, Whether the proposed change will be a deterrent to the improvement or development of adjacent property in accordance with existing regulations, Partiallv Consistent - The proposed amendment would obviously benefit nearby properties to its west with open space as an amenity, How"ever, the Administration believes that the amendment may have a negative effect on the development of the remaining portion of historic Altos del Mar. Since the future viability of this neighborhood rests partially in creating a critical mass of residential development, the Administration strongly believes that a commitment to the implementation of the balance of the DPZ plan for this neighborhood, including adequate public works improvements, should accompany any redesignation of the subject property, 12. \Vhether there are substantial reasons why the property cannot be used in accordance with existing future land use regulations, Partiallv Inconsistent - The subject area's future land use designation is currently single-family; there is no substantial reason why the property cannot be used for this purpose. 13, \Vhether it is impossible to find other adequate sites in the city for the proposed use in a district already permitting such use. Partiallv Consistent - While the availability of the North Shore Open Space Park two blocks to the north of the 3,2 acre subject area ensures that there is already adequate land designated ROS Recreation and Open Space in the area, a small park facility of this size may also be an asset to the surrounding neighborhood, CONCLUSION Based on the foregoing analysis, the Administration has concluded that the designation of the property to the ROS Recreation and Open Space category is an equally preferable alternative to allowing the property to remain designated RS Single Family Residential, considering the possible benefits to the North Beach neighborhood and to the City as a whole. Therefore. the Administration recommends that the City Commission adopt the proposed future land use map amendment, as it would create additional public waterfront open space for use as a park/recreation facility, Note: As stated above, Section 118-164(1) of the Land Development Regulations of the City Code states that for zoning/land use amendments involving parcels less than 10 contiguous acres, the City Commission shall hold one public hearing on the proposed ordinance and may, upon the conclusion of the hearing, immediately adopt the ordinance. If the City Commission chooses to adopt the ordinance today, there will be no second reading of this ordinance. The Administration also recommends that as part of the North Beach Strategic Plan process that the larger area be examined for the potential for implementation of the balance of the DPZ plan for the North Beach neighborhood. ~A JiJJJ- '~ I&t ~ Rl Y]\- SR~~G\JGG\RGL \rgl ~ F:\PLAN\$ALL ICC _MEMOS\I390CMMR, WPD BG,g 78TH STREET ( 77TH W ::J Z W ~ 76TH STREET 3 iEjB~D 75TH STREET 3S~ Cl) z <{ W () o () ~ Z ~ ~ ORDINANCE NO. 99- 3201 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE AREA BOUNDED BY THE ATLANTIC OCEAN ON THE EAST, 77TH STREET ON THE NORTH, COLLINS A VENUE ON THE WEST, AND 76TH STREET ON THE SOUTH, EXCLUDING LOT 6, BLOCK 10 OF CORRECTED PLAT OF ALTOS DEL MAR NO.1 [Plat Book 31, Page 40], FROM THE CURRENT FUTURE LAND USE CATEGORY RS SINGLE F AMIL Y RESIDENTIAL, TO THE PROPOSED FUTURE LAND USE CATEGORY ROS RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE; DIRECTING TRANSMITT ALS OF THIS ORDINANCE AND ALL APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS TO AFFECTED AGENCIES; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, INCLUSION IN THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on January 6, 1999 the City Commission voted to refer a future land use map amendment to the Planning Board relative to the eleven contiguous lots in the Altos Del Mar, from the Current Future Land Use Category RS Single Family Residential, to the Proposed Future Land Use Category ROS Recreation and Open Space; and WHEREAS, anlending the land use designation of the subject properties as listed below and provided herein is necessary to insure that development of that property will be compatible with development in adjacent and surrounding areas, and will contribute to the health and general welfare of the City; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. AMENDMENT OF FUTURE LAND USE MAP OF CITY OF MIAMI BEACH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. That the Mayor and City Commission hereby amend the Future Land Use Map of the City of Miami Beach Comprehensive Plan, by changing the land use designations of the area bounded by the Atlantic Ocean on the East, 77th Street on the North, Collins Avenue on the West, and 76th Street on the South, excluding Lot 6, Block 10 of Corrected Plat of Altos Del Mar No.1 [Plat Book 31, Page 40], from the existing Future Land Use Category RS Single Family Residential, to the proposed Future Land Use Category ROS Recreation and Open Space. SECTION 2. REPEALER. That all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. SEVERABILITY. If any section, subsection, clause or provision of this Ordinance is held invalid, the remainder shall not be affected by such invalidity. SECTION 4. INCLUSION IN COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. It is the intention of the City Commission, and it is hereby ordained that Section I is made part of the Future Land Use Map of the City of Miami Beach Comprehensive Plan, as amended; that the sections of this Ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intention; and that the word "ordinance" may be changed to "sectiog" or other appropriate word. SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect on the 30th day of July , 199 9, however, the effective date of any plan amendment shall be in accordance with Section 163 .3l84, Florida Statutes. PASSED and ADOPTED this 20th day of July , 1 99-.i. , ATTEST: ~II f2{ktt y fc~cL- CITY CLERK MAYOR F:\PLAN\$PLB\MA Y\AL TO 1390\1390REV.ORD 1st reading 6/9/99 2nd reading 7/20/99 APPROVED /4S TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION ~~ ~~ W~?lrftj r / &~ ~1Jf:1 ~ DaIo ......,--......---.---.--.....---......--.---- .".----..-.-".., -. --_. ....-- ._--.-.. - CiTY OF MIAMI BEACH crrY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 ( .'~i.miami-beach.f1.us lQ . ::;.: :::::== -- COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. 523-Cfi TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and DATE: July 20,1999 Members of the City mmission FROM: Sergio Rodriguez I. City Manager / SUBJECT: Report to mmission - Regarding the North Beach Area The consideration of an amendment to the Future Land Use Map of the City of Miami Beach Comprehensive Plan redesignating the property known as the ~n contiguous lots of the Altos Del Mar is before the Commission today. This consideration involves redesignating those lots from the existing future land use category RS Single Family to the ROS Recreation and Open Space future land use category. During the course of discussions on this matter at its July 7, 1999 meeting, the Commission expressed a desire to proceed with the redesignation of the subject area, and requested that the Administration prepare a report on the North Beach area, addressing the balance of the Development Plan and Design Guidelines for the North Beach Neighborhood (the 1994 DPZ Plan). -- The implementation of North Beach improvements and the balance of the elements of the DPZ Plan for the North Beach area is seen as critical to the future success of the North Beach neighborhood. Additionally, it is important to examine the City's possible plans for future improvement for the ~ea to be designated Recreation and Open Space, in order to assure North Beach residents of the benefits of the redesignation. New Altos Del Mar Park (see #1 on Map) Redesignation of the subject property to ROS Recreation and Open Space will create the opportunity for the creation of a new City park facility. The Parks Administration has estimated that the annual cost for the maintenance of the subject lots, with no improvements to the area, is approximately $22,300 per year. Any improvements to the area and future maintenance expenses would be based upon the new designs, but it has been estimated that the cost of constructing a new park would be approximately $2.5 to $3 million. Part of this cost includes addressing the historic houses currently located in the park. These structures should either be restored, or moved to another appropriate location. Possible uses for the restored buildings on the site include a north substation headquarters for the Beach Patrol, a recreation community center, or a relocated nature center during the construction at North Shore Open Space Park. AGENDA ITEM A 1- 2-D -ctq DATE 201 . ... A new park facility at this location should include a connection to Ocean Terrace. Links to both North Shore Park to the south and to North Shore Open Space Park, two blocks to the north, should be considered. Additionally, expansion of the proposed park area to include the twelfth lot on the block, which currently contains an existing single-family dwelling, should also be considered. Gatewav Project (see #2 on Map) The Development Plan and Design Guidelines for the North Beach Neighborhood (the DPZ Plan), addresses the North Entry Gateway to the City with a number of proposals (Area 3 in the DPZ Plan - see Attachment I). Shifting traffic southbound from Harding Avenue to Collins Avenue at the City's border with Surfside as proposed, would have the potential of improving the entrance to North Beach and the City. The present traffic circulation pattern is visually unexciting. The cost associated with implementing the Gateway project has been estimated at $10 million. The project would include the reconfiguration of the streets and blocks according to the DPZ Plan, and the construction of new buildings, landscaping and lighting to create a unified architectural gateway sequence, similar to the Granada and Douglas Entrances in Coral Gables. West Lots along Collins Ave. (see #3 on Map) The future of North Beach will be influenced by the development of the eight blocks lining the west side of Collins Avenue, across from the North Shore Open Space Park (Area 4 in the DPZ Plan - see Atttchment 2). A process, such as a Request for Proposals (RFP), will be utilized to facilitate the disposition of the lots on the west side of Collins A venue that face the North Shore Open Space Park. There are currently eight blocks, one of which contains the Log Cabin Nursery, a city-owned facility. There are no plans, at this time, to move the Log Cabin from its current location. The City's approach to develop this area should include the disposition of the seven vacant blocks for development in keeping with the plans contained in the DPZ North Beach study, Area 4, and the revisions resulting from the desire to accommodate public parking for the park. Based on the preferred alternative, the blocks would be shortened to accommodate head-in parking on the east west streets. Also, the blocks would be reduced in depth to accommodate an additional parking lane along Collins Avenue. With regard to the Request for Proposals, the guidelines developed by DPZ would be incorporated into the solicitation package presented to prospective developers. Ideally, it may be possible to select more than one developer to facilitate the desired variety in terms of design, market approach and visual impact that may be possible. The design of the northernmost block must be in keeping with the gateway feature that is being proposed to mark the arrival into the City of Miami Beach from the north, and to make Collins Avenue into a two-way boulevard with two travel lanes in each direction. The DPZ plan has some specific suggestions for this block that should be incorporated into the RFP. . 202 Specifically with regard to the disposition of each block along the west side of Collins A venue, the RFP should establish criteria that requires analysis of the financial return, as well as the design, in the ranking of the proposals. Public Improvements to Remaining Altos Del Mar Single Familv Area (see #4 on Map) A detailed streetscape concept plan for the remaining Altos Del Mar single-family area will be developed that addresses needs such as landscaping, lighting, sidewalks and roadways in keeping with the citywide standards for public improvements and incorporates the palette of finishes, lighting fixtures and street furniture that has been adopted for use through out the City. However, at this time, no cost estimates for the referenced street improvements have as yet been formulated. It is the intent of the setting of such standards to be an integral part of the marketing plan, to assist with the disposition of the remaining eleven (11) non-contiguous single family lots that the State of Florida controls. Additionally, the DPZ plan addresses the design guidelines for the development of these lots and has been further refined as a collaborative effort between the staff, the consultant and current residents and/or property owners in this area. Funding There are various funding strategies that may be implemented in order to carry out the various components of this project. A combination of local, County and State funds will be leveraged to enable these activitie$ to go forward. With regard to the funding of the park improvements in the southern most block of the Altos Del Mar Historic District, it may be possible to use Parks Department funds for the project. However, it should be noted that under the current Parks Bond no funds are available. Funding from General Obligation bonds may also be considered. The proceeds from the sale of the lots west of Collins Avenue may be another possible funding source. As another alternative, it may also be possible to establish a special assessment district based on the benefit to neighboring properties and to partially fund the park from such proceeds. Approximately $104,000 in funding for the planning and creation of a "Welcome to Miami Beach" sign and landscaping at the northern entrance to North Beach has been identified as part of the North Beach Quality of Life program. Funding for the roadway portion of the "gateway project" and the Collins Avenue and Harding Avenue improvements may be obtained from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) as Collins Avenue and its one-way pair, Harding Avenue, are both State roads. Other sources of funds will also need to be identified. As stated above, one such source would be the sale of the lots for development on the west side of Collins Avenue. JJ11- /Z.L. ~ SR\JAG\fGG\RGL \MSD\rgl attachments F:\PLAN\SALL\CC_MEMOS\1390REP2. WPD 203 MAP ~ ~ . I I :::--JI ~I i I II . , ,. , .. . " , " , t' : I' I ,. . " . , ' " : .' , " , .' , .' , " , " , " , ~ I , ., . 2q~ 1 - New Altos del Mar Park 2- Gateway Project 3 - West Lots along Collins Avenue 4 - Remaining Altos del Mar Single Family area " A r.AN':'lC OCEAN , , .. , " ; I' . . , , , , , , , . ... - -- -..: : ~.. - - AREA 3 THE NORTH E:'ITRY GATEWAY Attachment 1 :t II ': 1\ '1 -------;U1:~1 \ I-it.- ~'~\\I'- ; 'I~~'";':":j t\ ; U j' ::: ::: ~'l; ~.-._~J~ .:L.....A.U I : ., r:1 ,'. "l .~ I:' _.. __. .. __.j q .'.: ~ It 1 ; I ! ',--.----" . ::l.~--'~TN 1 ;l___J ~f'i.~;:;:l:!11~' 1 ,;..-.. -__J! lL;UfMf7j,; t _____/'i01::iU:L11 : ,'- s '/,;'lfDH.I~ : .' . ~ '-.-: '-oJ I..c..tI~,.. 11 ... I ~ : !! I I r ; ':"'. I .'. .,. : If': ,,:.y, I :.;~.!I ;"..; :.:1 ;'~;:'':''';r:,r- I, ::'(: JL:..! :.ti.!f;.:,.I:... ~. ~.<Jfm~~i;:v~r j:~- u.utJf1IJtJUL.!ttc . ''----5CJC'''''w '03'- , . 01{ -:jh/FD/Cf:1'c:fJ [t;: ,:-'-.. ('~ : ~~ I~ l;.~ ~?_:.; ~J=:'! \ ~J J~~~~2.:j~ =-<~..-..::... 'i7':nlT1~T1= :~.. ;:~-,~~?~~,~~~~[~.fr;~'-~~ ~i .../ \, \~:..,..... ..,r.JE:. ~'--+-I t:::.' : ~_:,\ '\ '-::.; ~tHJill Wi ~ ill GE.~ERAL ST A TE;\IE:'-<-r ......- The North Enlry Gateway Shifling tnffie southbound from H;mjing [0 Collins Ave~ue Jt the North BC;Jeh :u1d S urfside borders h;1S the potential of providing an entry expc::1enee worthy of representing JII the City of MiOlmi BC;Jdl. At present.. the visu;:&/ terminJtion of H;mjing with:ln Jlley. Jnd the 100ele ofjdenlifyingeh~ete:1stlc.s of pl:lec. provide ;In ambiguous cxpc::ienee Jt bcsL ~ The Development PIOln shows the ('C.;Ilignment of sout.'lbound lr.Iffie 10 the COlSt to join Collins A venue in fronc of the North Shore Open Space Parle.. This involves some use ofBlad: I ! :1lld provides the opportunily for :l series of paired p;lvilions (one serves the southbound bus stop) :lnd paired buildings 10 fonn J scquenti;:&/ g:lcew:lY expc:nenec. One of the paired buildings. dctOlifed 01S:I small tower. tcnnin:ues the H;mjing Avenue visu. This requires the elosing of one end of the :alley =1 of Blocle 7. so that a building ",the:- than the Ollley will terminate the: first entry view. This building or its pair e.1n be J new visitor's center for the Beach. Further development of the n:contigured bloclcs hen: snould follow the =le of development proposed in the Plan for the remainder of Collins' west side. Then: Olre also options for allowing new northbound Harding lr.Iffie to eonnect with north- bound Collins tr:Iffie. revising the existing parlting configura. tion. and ~fying publie pedestri;m 3ICCCSS to the bc:01ch along 87th SlreCt.. through 01 P;uic entry p;lvilion which doubles;:s part of the northbound Collins g:uew:lY. KEY MAP In the spirit oflOQj eumples sueh :1$ the Gr.1l101d.a :lnd Dougl;1S enlr.lllCCS in Cor:1l GOlbles. this proposal focuses on the role of architecture :IS the gene::uor of n::aI identity :lnd place.maJcing. The entry buildings and 1000000000ping will thus represent North Be:ach in :l w:lY tholc slog:ll1S :u1d conventional subdivision entry fc:aLul'CS cannot \ RECO~~ATIONS r- l. Rcconfigure the Stl'ccts:u1d bloclcs :lc::ordinS co the PI<llI. Dcsignsicc. buildings. landsc:1pc<llld lighting co provide.a unified :ll"Chiu::c:tur:1l g:lll:W:ly sequence. Designate the joc;ujon of 01 future visitor's ecntc:. ., "- 3. '-,~.~:::~~~~ . ,,: ..:. .' ,. .:~-~~ c~~:: '. . ,,' / .:'..-'.':'.:'~':::'.-:' Nom, Entry - ~ CoruU/ions 21 :: AREA 3 THE NORTH E . N1RY GATEWAY \ I I I I I 2:1 J; tD l.-,J -.-J \. ~ i 01 - - ____.1 .., ..--a-VT:R ! \ D \(-0 7 0\\[ . 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J The Nortll Entry c.uewa:! . 11lustrali"eV'~ Loolcinr: South 209 ..,~ - AREA 4 NEW COLLL"-'S AVENUE RESIDENTIAL DEvELOPMEiI<T Attachmen '._'~. ---_-11 ;:_:~;'I~;~~ ,I" 'L ': d ~\eJ'!r:i . -':.;:: -=-"':":"'-=:'.": 1 f~~}lla\'\ ': . :~. __ .._.~L .:":r:'2::L:.& I ;- --.. ... 'j\ ~r/"TI!I I , i 1 r----:; tl ' - '; l:~[~:~r,:: ' i II ';UR: II ':0. ::::1. . I / !r~;Hlrl' i ,r'~~.:'l[ ~'--o.I~' .;/l! :-1: : II: ; .f / :r' p . :. '/ " . t_--'L:.....r~:..JJ . 1r -'r-I'-:-I' .~.' J :. ;... 'r '~, /.''-:": t:.::~;.d~~',-':~r.'l .- ..:::JElb~!:::ig; lUuev' .:'" 'ln~~l[";i;~r:;. -: II "/' ...... . ,t ..It . 'i ... ,t"::.. ~ --,.' ur80jH~jmiJO~ : 1: Of-') :': ;"'1 r Ie:: F r:;;:;TI ;";;:;1=lt-:";;~lrf '~I''==-;: ,~' ~~ !I: :vj[:tlFt if}il ~~" I~ II'nlrfi:~IITI:;;'i~T:I:f~ili I ~'\ ' ..:~I,..~bJU}LL,i:~~::]' Ii '. ----"_ =, i- (! ',:,..\\ \ \ "-~1:::=-=d ~:.=-J -, '"\-\-..,:.:::\\JOt: ..:fP~~:r:~J I -. , ....-...'Wl:::j--!; !'-..iJc:.:.; h.... - ~ .~-: \ Q'$~<~.:;jr:~:i tf~~;:F~'~ ;-~:( . / \ 'It.\":. --=-;:.-.::=/'::::,t:;:::,:.:.I' : ., \ j--' ...u........t....t... .\o,LL.~,W:~lW~ : GENERAL STATEMENT New Collins A venue Rcsidcnti:al Development The future of North Be:lch will be influenced by. the develop- me:nt of thc eight blocks wc:.st of Nortll Shore Open Sp:lee P:lrlc. Thc:sc blocks. for the most p:ll't V:lC"'~t. pi:lY:ln import:lnt role: In the: urb:ln stroeturc of North Be:leh and JrC critleJ.! (0 the: future of the: PJ.nc. They :Ire currently owned by the City of Mi:lmi Be:leh :lnd :It'C used for munieip:lIITlC".l:r p:lricing. The: proceeds from their ~e for development will endOW:l rT1:linten:lnee: fund for the: ?1U'k. !I _~I In :lddition. the development of:lll JC'.ivc: urban edge on Collins overloolcing the p;u-Jc on contribute gr<::1tJy to residents' use of it :lnd to So;Ifcty in :ldj:lcent public sp:lCc. . ~ The Development Pl:ln shows studies of :l variety of housing types from townhouses to sm:lll :Uld ~ iot :lp:ll'tmcnts. These studies suggest th:It the historic 5O-ft. widc lot pl:lU.ing is inefficient in the =omod:nion of p:&ticins :lnd th:It J. combinJ.- tion of 25-ft.. 75-ft. :Uld l50-ft widths h:Is the pot.cnti:lj to genc::1te a unique :Uld n:cognix:able :lrChilCCtural eh=ter for this p= of North BCICh.. 'These =y :llso serve :IS :I prototype for similar conditions elsew~ in dlC City. ~ . RECOMMEI"'DA nONS KEY MAP I. Zonc the eight blocks on the west side of Collins Avenue Rl"1-l with ground floor ret:lil use permitted only :It the corner of Collins and 83rd St:=. umit neight to three stories with the exception of 600sf [Owen; on comer lots which may reach 50 ft. 2. ?rcsetve the Log ubin Nursc::y on Collins A venue:!lld 31st Street. Should:l DeW 1000000n be found for the Nursery. develop this block like dlC othC'S. 3. PI:l1 blocks for a mixture of building types. including townhouses :ll1d small apmment buildings. with 25-fL. 75-ft and 15-ft lot widths. or in a m:IIIllCt:tS shown in the Block Type I illust.-:uion. No mon: th:lll two blocks of the eight should be pl:lUed for 300-ft. or longe:- block front:lge. 4. Est3blish a uniform Build-co-Line full length of Collins from north enlly south to n:t:Iil district. The Plan shows come:- buildings :u the property line for a 25 ft. length. with the rcnaindcr of the blodc iront:lge set back 5 fL 5. All new buildings should be built=onling to the urb= rcgull11ions of the Development Plan. 6. Esublish the following lII""..hilec....ur.1.l stlndards: 6.1. The exterior finish snail be limited to clapboard siding. stucco md loc:zl stone. 6.2. Balconies md porches ~ll be madc of concrete. stucco. wood or mc:t:zI. 6.3. Two or more wall m:ucnals may be combined on one f:lCade only horizontally with stone: below $Weco :llld stucco below wood. 6.4, Sliding doors :llld windows = permiued only :u backyard 1000tions. 6.5. OpeninGS. including porches. windows :llld :lI'l:hes shall be square or vcr-ical in proportion. 6.7. Buildings shall have flat roofs with p=pers or symmetrical pitched roofs with slopes no less than 5: 12. cxCo.,"?c th:l1 pon:." roofs may be sheds with picchc:.s no less th:In 2: 12. - --'-~'.-':'~:~~~~'~~ " '0' "__ ___ , _~ <~:-...-:-.. -- "-'. -:.~""",,:"..._- . . '. .~~-~- ELuting Log C4bin Nunf!ry on Collins and 81st Stref!t :~;~'~:':~~<::;:;:7;' :~:::: ;;-:.,~~:~.<::~~:~;~~~: Vacant 814clcs on tilt! Wat Sidt: of Collins 210 AREA 4 l'iEW COLLINS AVENUE RESIDE.'fTIAL DEVELOPMENT _~ ~t;c --'- . -"~1 5~ . O~e -?CD:, . \ '. ' 0, I :: .. .- .. O! -.- 0\ Ol-- .~, 01 ; \- ..-.... c:=J -- - ---- - -....--- foocool --'''-'--.___ .. - - - 211 27 --~---"'-"'. ,....- AREA 4 NEW COLLINS AVE:-nJE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPM:ENT ~ 1 \ ~ : -\ i '>-.. .,.-......... , -':. , . .---- r:: ;:..:.; ~ ,~ il?' \ dl,~~, J,\ \ I ,""~ :!'; "~' \ ]1 '- '--~"L \ 1 .-'-" '. '. .--l '~\r"--'; \ ,~IL,'c~D '1 r . ""-"4. " ......., ,- i .- --..-.~ ::~\ I ~~\i[;}~.) j , \ , '. ~..+~. .;~~ .. . l ' ~ I. "- ' _ I '-1 (-If ~ ):.........r- (~1~ c.rro(:~ ~~h { \1 ,.,.., ~... .. ._r\ .:l · ,!.1:T I \-11\ ; J :\, \ ~ (.~~ -. 't~~ t;\-J -.---.. ~.., ."t::l,.J..::..' ~~ ;;::::" " . , '~..:../ , .. ......"1 G ,- \ fj,i\ L~ :t~ :J (-I,I ':\ \L1J-- ._-, }:\r,~ . ../ .."rl -\ 1\ ,-I. I -l(~ ~._..- .. :,~[~ 1\":1 t~:) .~ ' -' . - - ,. .. ~ , -= '- " 1< -*. , ~ IC 160 r- i ) I i , ...1 ~I r i I I -r--- AREA 4 NEW COLLINS AVS~1JE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT 30' Z-40' Z-40' 12. 3 o' ,,, ' .. S' 3" ' 30' l.': z": 30 r"'"'J. i ~:::;. .'"-; . L 1 : r'~'" J: t~" .,-.-: ''''1 1o-'!-"'7 I' ;---"'-:- \ ':::-':"-:; Ii 7---.,,:0 ";.-~" :j 1-- : r~ 1./, ~:.. t: · -'. i' <~ q: . : ~ t....:' ,1:.: .. .,:~ ~~ . ".~ j ',or :~ '<~'. I:';': j: I~ Q .. ~. "~ [:. ~ I :;. -.1 .v.t..:..;} ~. I $--~: ~.. 11""1:''' L.......:.: l~-~~ +:. '.~ I ~- '.~ ~: ";"; 'j" I j". I I:.... .' i I ~: . ~.': ~;,;,;.'~! I ~---~ ......~ I. ;:_~:......:; ,I ~ ~rj);: . r !; ",\ I ~.: . :::......~) UL.j';p..J} I ' . . ..1 ~ I ~~)~t))jb[(i:L c~~b ':;-CJJij: 'J~ IlLOCK TYPE I PI:luing 24' Dwelling UnitS (2.000 s.f. avg. - townhouse-<:ounyard) 11 rr..:u 4. mill Rc:uiUC1fc: NJ A Parking Spac:cs 2IOU Ezample afa CilurtyarrJ IlItuior 213 "'0 , I 1 I ! I - I t'l' ".;i ""I -I i I ! i I AREA 4 NEW COLLINS AVENUE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMEi';'T 1 . i I . f t t . ! I ~. \ 75' ! ~' , 7S' I 75' I \ I ! ~ I J~:--,~ :. :~___, :.~:=l \ ::,jll =_. ~ to',-..., <. ..J> ,.., 1>---.....1 . ';1' _!l 1 ~-_.__.. =3 r---" """-~C. '"" .-:.~ \."..:-..1 '''';'';'~ "e-;''-} I '=-J/"E$: I' !':? - </4Y ".>? ". ,,-......., I:....: : :.'---'.--:.'JI h___ ......-. , ~,'5= -. -,;~ ~-: i (>1 >:.'-:) ! :::::=. '.~[::.~ \ =---- I .-,...~,~. .,'..-.- ~::~:~~: i ':;:':\.' ;~L ~.. .... 1 =) ~ .~\ I. I - _. ....~ I I,,\' :..~ ... \. 1(_ ,,:.:..-:,:.z. . ":-..:-:i: . -:<:;" cs:J2 I ----l ~... F'k"J ' "'-::'Y' "4 -~f I \:!r--<.Ti-'~~~'~---S-' I ~~ -- tC=j\~ r.;'~ t:':....Lc ...':';' . .::.'; l..;:;>~ :L.~:.;,:-~-::,,;~;",:~,;~_:...~-::;q ~I"'".~ /...., ~ \ F-:\ ;;:: ~ ~. ;;'.,\ ,. .._.."J ,,'-/ I I' l.~: ~.;--i. . ...~. . ,i..-. . :.r----\'",: ~\:.. .. "",-- ..-..~ .....:-, ~"-.:. ~..;;;" "<:,,":';' '...:~:' c:<.;;;;.-' '~._.y -":'-",- 0:; ~- ~=. ....~ BLOCK TYPE II PIOluing 75' Dwelling Units (800 s.[. <lvg.- ~ts) 30 Rctail/Cafe 600 s.[. I7king Spaces 45 l..5IDU E:aunple of a Courr,ard interior 214 - AREA 4 NEW COLLINS AVENUE RESIDENTIAL OEVELOPIHENT ----J-"'-. ~,:... I I . ~ .' . I I p, ~,~.( .':< ., , I n i . ....., / 1 -7'--.~ .~ I: " \ ("'~vL-~J = -. -..........-.................-.... E Jr.; "0fl..... .- n,~': . 'r-" I -~'%. r'" ': "~:' . / .: - /......; ?~. - .;.-:.) :,} . '~I ';, . " I-'~ f:J, / ~ / J. , .~. '- .... V 11' - '. 1.'~7fA i tl ~.....!::+.". ~..:.:~.;+..~l> I~-...-"'~~-- z:.ri '~.'~' . - I '~ ~<T;\ --A'" . . I' L.... /"') .:~ I ) ("II '. -,..., '<:.~1 r::::-,..... 11,/ 'J ~;l_' /re::. ~.I.!:(..A:1r1J, 1t4. ).~\.."U 'k~:flLf~ I fl~~.r.:.0~:.:~1!. .' _.I~.I[~:::.::s~)-.-..I~:L~~l<-. :~!j ;;~ /J I;; -'-. _.j! I fr. , )TT:. / .' /:., . ~ ".-~. '. ....\ I I I' -.'. ,--., ....- . '.','; I' . ~. 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(} -"'f I ~.......: '~~v-.i;.~, {...::'" ,:"'"':'"". ...., .._.~~:..; ~.........~: '(-- I I' "'''-'-. ,,'.' ..... 'I I ........._ . . ! <~~, ' ~ ..;0.... CI (~~~....-r:: .,:~::~~~',;,j ....:.:;-;;_ F-~'-L-.-: l':") ',..'1m...... "})' ,'" .. "Y~ ..", '...-Lj...... ~ --..;1 ....~.r ! I I I" -.'-"'lJ')I-' ""- -;Yj [' : r .....:. I " " I l.-.. go, \ I :: . ,.C. L...r1 0(: .,. s;,ii " ~ ,"' ,__,_ p, ;;"~ ,.-;:~_,:_, ~~_~_~;;":,,,:ij I If" '!..-.....:..' ;;. ." ,,' _ ..:-.., ..., '. "} .. ~ I:. . '" I L r-\.:.~~ ::......::.s:-~",~ij-:,--::<:~;r--' -1~:;~:,..:::--~.~.>:---~'":i'L <J ~.:.0~ I - I 101 N' N - , BLOCK TYPE III Pl:iuing 100' Dwelling Units (800 s.f. :1Vg.- :ip:ittmcnts) 23 Rc:t.'1iUC:Ue 600s,f. P:uicing SpilCCS 42 !.5/DU Ezmnpk of PrilfGlC Gtudens over Parlcing Dew 21 5 31 AREA 4 ~EW COLLINS AVENUE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPl\-lENT .::::: _-:... . ~ J , , " \ , .. -- ~ >~ ~ '-- I~' :50' ......... ."' 'c,,,-:rTTr1T -U II [UJHI \ II if- Trnrrr,;)' "'-'~---" a---- r--:. . ~ \ :: " .\ .' 1_, . ,---- '~~')oJ~-! l . j r .., ......-:. I': :;::~ ". ....:.:,; ,., ( . "'i) ... ~:~) Bi H~,:r:;~ :: i ',: . .,-. ___~ ~___~ 'l::J'(f'. ::;;;.'; ;'~4'~"!'"'''''''' ~-~ J , ...-.-......--..,..... -.... ....... .....:...~. -:,':/: "~- ~... ,....:'::. ..".__t\.....,,-Z.-. . ~ l .....-... ,_ . . ",,,,,-.~.L.' ,\..-..... V/,~..J.".~~-?-.;)l' . '" .-;;- .."""'>.....~ -"'- '..' ==-~..",:, , ,. , , __,.;" : p.....,...~..:~..:......._....-'-':.."'"';::....;~~J'{"~.....~...-'.~."'J-;.._..t-'\=- (I'.,..-Yl.....-rll,'t"- .:.,! ~~~~ · · ,7..".' ,-,.. 1hRf - f' r I n=: ~ :. ...::L~.:~:>;i :.;:~L~:~~~..-:,:~...L...:..:'~.....:'.._~...;J t_..~...~..~,.~:.~..::.....'::-.-.~.. ~ <.....,....._._.::..,_._.-__L1...,;:_:.._:.,:._-.:_~.:t:\.(_:.1.r.'.~.'.."."r~',;- '~:..'~.,_:..~-,;~J~~:' ,,~",r-:.:."::~;'.~'.~_:.~::~r-\~:~./~' .. - - ". . ,.. ,... BLOCK TYPE IV Plaiting 150' Dwelling Units -1000 s.f. :Ivg-- :Ip:utmCnts lownho= 25 17 3 Rcuil/C1fc 900 sJ. Parking Spaces 42 2 rrownhousc I.5/AptlRdiil , _ _. __, .. ,_.. .__ ......_ ,,__...-;._ 216 I I I I "en I ~I I I I I -r- AREA 4 NEW COLLINS AVENUE RESIDEJ'IlTIAL DEVELOPMENT ---.r (~.,~ (1'.) /i /j' I'" I'f'l 1f~'" -- p[.r ~~,.. ~-! ,- ~~ - ~~ - Gi.. .;, " 1,1; I~;) I ' . . I L.:. ~' I A--\ /.... ~'\q l~j~>.i (~u l-~j:-'j~ G~'~'~fihSl ~tf:1; ...t )~ /<\ . I' Ii, \ ., '\ !) i I : II- j /1\J .' ',' .', :'(1 I 't.~'\ ~d1~ Z~'I j '. /~J l/ "'- I -- .\\ J-- , /~!' , .l,;~I"':\_ '.__.- __~~ !!__u,'_- · ,.' '. :;/.'\ --; ';~:A~/;'.~ ~ -'81.(14-~~~f"'" /<:'.t'/~-._~~" ~,.< _ ,<,--i ~. II'''' '1J';/pt'!-' / 'I .. h, ,'/." I , .~ '. I.' 6' 6' .D ~I!? I ff1'j~~..~}._... . '!_~("l~ ,,~~--/~').2~-~C-~:;:' /1:rz;/J; -I 1,- ..f.j -~. -,,-",: .:~---"~, .r/' ~ 1--:...0.;----;' )'-----t.>:- - '- ~ -l~~ ~~ ~ F~' ~7~ ~L /' I """ I 4: .;. . , \,;.:~;;/ I I fJ I I ~) I (:. .. ~f i F:::.~~ i . 0 ,......:1 -:>-. I ~ 0t~;~I' tj~o : ~ Q i ' t~ r . 'J. "if, ~ ,] ~J;;: ~*-J--_J CJ II ~ ;:'-;.- ;-;;~'~""'~<='" -..~ -;....." ''''''''H'-''-;:Z.~ ;'''~:''''"..:--.:J.~._~__.::___..a I r--i~.: . .~"L-.; . ;:,\ ':. - ';~'~ ., ...:~: . .Jr--,(~' . :':-. ... .:.7---( ..'-;- (r . .J> I I '--.-,:.' ;"""c1'l'-~.. -:;;"" ~... "(..;.___:;. .......;;:;: ..,',,,,~ '_ '~':"...----t~~:~ , '--...) ~. ~ -- . -.J"'- '<..":,.... ........r-\... ..., 300' I ! ...,"" ~--,(~'-:.~ ) ;;:'.j I ry .........) ~' ~ I (.-~-,j .~.:=:.II '~;t' c........ ? .. : :: ' 'Cnf :;;'!!~ -, = ':j\D;;.~>0~~tjiJ;? ,_ ;~~;~A ~.Ljii .~\J'- .:-- '. ,,'--,. \.,-,. ~ 1--.fP.,J.--E -~-":f- .~ ~);:.~~.~,~'::.~:;.:.~~~~:.~~~~~~.:;~~t;~::.....~.~-~;;~~ . .:; '::. .. . :,.:~..-.'. .".;.::i . ~ ..... ~ (_.. '" .::(. ......i !C~.~. ";:';"~ . ..~T.j i~" .......'...?. ...~~} ;~.:.-...: '\.'.::iI' i u:<.~ \".;Y ....._~ , Q Q : . Q : BLOCK TYPE V ?l;l[{jng 300' Dwelling UnilS (700 s.f. Jvg,- Jp<lrtmCnlS) 52 Rc:t:IilJDfe 900 s.f. ?;uicjng Spaces 78 1.5 IDUlRctail E:=mple of Apartlrunl Building Occupying 4 WMle Bk1dc 21 7 " L - AREA 4 NEW RESIDENTAIL DEVELOPMENT ON THE WEST SIDE OF COLLINS j ~~-,.'"" .:'~'::'...~~- '-"'~ "7--'.:--:_ ~. ~~~ ..- View o/Collins Avenue Loolcin~ North wUh Iiu! New Residentiitl DtNelopment Oil tile West Side '10 After Action Special City Commission Meeting July 20, 1999 City of Miami Beach R5F Commission Memorandum No. 525-99 An Ordinance Amending the Future Land Use Map of the City of Miami Beach Comprehensive Plan for the Area Bounded by the Atlantic Ocean on the East, 77th Street on the North, Collins Avenue on the West, and 76th Street on the South, Excluding Lot 6, Block 10 of CORRECTED PLAT OF ALTOS DEL MAR NO.1 [Plat Book 31, Page 40], from the Current Future Land Use Category RS Single Family Residential, to the Proposed Future Land Use Category ROS Recreation and Open Space; Directing Transmittals of this Ordinance and All Applicable Documents to Affected Agencies; . Providing for Repealer, Severability, Inclusion in the Comprehensive Plan and an Effective Date. 5:15 p.m. Public Hearing Administration Recommendation: Adopt the Ordinance. (Requires only one public hearing.) (Planning Department) (Scheduled on 6/9/99) (Hear in Conjunction with R9A and Item A) ACTION: Public hearing held. Ordinance No. 99-320l adopted redesignating the property known as the eleven (11) contiguous lots of the Altos Del Mar from the existing future land use category RS Single Family to the ROS Recreation and Open space future land use category. Motion made by Commissioner Dermer; seconded by Vice-Mayor Shapiro; ballot vote: 5-1 (opposed: Commissioner Liebman; absent: Commissioner Gottlieb). Jorge Gomez to handle. Mayor Kasdin expressed his concern on the remaining single-family properties and the importance of no further action that erodes the viability of the 2 single-family blocks. Mayor Kasdin stated that he would be in favor of a resolution indicating that the City has no objection to the disposition of the remaining 11 non-contiguous lots by the State. HANDOUTS: 1) Certificate filed by Eileen A. Sullivan to the State of Florida Department of Natural Resources (Save Our Coast Program) 2) Speakers List 7 After Action Special City Commission Meeting July 20, 1999 City of Miami Beach R9 - New Business and Commission ReQuests R9A Discussion regarding Correspondence from North Beach Development Corporation concerning Altos Del Mar. (Requested by Commissioner Jose Smith) (Hear in Conjunction with R5F and Item A) ACTION: Discussion held. Donald Shockey, representing the North Beach Development Corporation, stated that at a recent meeting NBDC voted to redesignate the II contiguous lots as ROS and addressed the Commission on the following as outlined in his letter to Commissioner Smith: 1) the Planning Board has already acted on item #1 be reaffirm single family zoning; 2) the zoning question on the other lots needs to be referred to the Planning Board; 3) completion of the design guidelines; 4) direction to the Administration to proceed with plans for infrastructure improvements on the remaining 2 blocks. No need to refer this to the Planning Board; 5) develop a plan for the new park. No need to refer this to the Planning Board; 6) the Gateway plan needs additional input and refinement. Commissioner Smith questioned the source of funding for the Gateway Project. Mayor Kasdin requested to move forward in the fashion as discussed by the City Manager and to move forward with the plan and to look at modifications if necessary. Commissioner Dermer stated that he would be supportive of referring the issue to the Land Use and the Neighborhood Committees. The City Manager also suggested referral to the Finance Committee, Administration to report back with a recommendation on the implementation and phasing of the plan and funding sources and legal issues. Motion made by Commissioner Liebman directing Administration to move forward on the program and to refer to the appropriate committees and educate the Commission; seconded by Commissioner Dermer; voice vote: 6-0; absent: Commissioner Gottlieb. 11