Attachment 08 Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Telephone: (305) 673-7193 Fax: (305) 673-7772 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEMORANDUM NO. ~ TO: Chairman and Members of the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency Sergio Rodriguez ~l Executive Director DATE: July 21,1999 FROM: SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE MIAMI BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (THE "AGENCY") APPROVING IN PRINCIPLE THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACWMIAMI BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1999-2004; AND AUTHORIZING THE RDA ADMINISTRATION TO CONDUCT PUBLIC MEETINGS AND SEEK INPUT ON THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP) AND ENGAGE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FIRM TO ASSIST THE CITY/AGENCY WITH A PUBLIC INFORMATION PROGRAM REGARDING THE ABOVE; FUNDING FROM A V AILABLE SOURCES. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Resolution, BACKGROUND: The Administration has developed a Capital Improvement Program 1999-2004 ("the Program") for the City of Miami Beach and the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency (RDA), The Program is a six-year plan of public improvements and capital expenditures by the City/RDA and is intended to serve as an official statement of public policy regarding long-range physical development in the City of Miami Beach. A capital improvement is defined as a capital expendjture of $25,000 or more resulting in the acquisition, improvement, or addition to fixed assets in the form ofland, buildings, or improvements and heavy equipment with an expected life of at least five years. Heavy equipment includes items such as busses, fire apparatus, heavy construction equipment (backhoes, bucket trucks, etc.), and sanitation trucks, The Program initially includes only fire apparatus in the equipment category. Other heavy equipment will be added to the Program at a later date. The development of a comprehensive Capital Program is a complex undertaking encompassing broad fiscal commitments and physical planning, As such, the Finance and Citywide Projects S()urn V()IN"ff l2edevel()pment [)Istrlct Agenda Item 2.:]) I Date l-2( -9cr Committee provided guidance and recommendations relative to the projects, the priority for completion, and funding levels for each of the Program Areas in May of 1998. A special meeting of the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee was held on April6, 1999 to review the proposed City of Miami BeachlMiami Beach Redevelopment Agency Capital Improvement Program, 1999-2004. At the meeting, the process used to develop the program was discussed and the steps to complete the process were explained. A presentation was made which included a brief discussion of the projects within each program area and funding level. The changes that had been incorporated based on the previous comments of the Commission from May of 1998 were also discussed. Various Department Directors and other City staff were available to present overviews of specific projects and respond to the Committee's questions. The Committee gave specific direction for changes as follows: - Move forward and resolve the litigation concerning the 10th Street Garage. Advise the Commission on the outcome of the PubliclPrivate Project. Try to increase the size of the 46th Street swface lot by 25-30 spaces. - Include the cost of replacement of fire apparatus to be included in the Proposed General Obligation Bond. Review proposed costs for the Fire Administration project in light of the current relocation plan. - Consider including approximately $11 million of projects in the proposed General Obligation Bond package to complete the parks master plan. Consider the Golf Course funding alternatives. Consider establishing an endowment or an impact fee for parks maintenance. - Consider the expansion of City Hall for flexibility and future growth. - There was concern expressed by the Committee in regard to the current staffing and workload in Public Works and how the magnitude of proposed projects would impact this organization. The Manager indicated that he was working directly with this Department to enhance their staffing. Commissioner Cruz indicated that they should consider hiring temporary contract employees. Commissioner Liebman asked that the area between 5th Street and 6th Street in the South Pointe RDA be given particular attention. The Committee recommended the Program and referred it to the full Commission for approval. It was also recommended that a community workshop be held (after City Commission approval) to obtain public input on the program and on the proposed General Obligation and other Bonds. On May 26, 1999, the City Administration presented a resolution requesting the City CommissionlRDA adopt the CIP 1999-2004 and authorize the Administration to take all necessary action to prepare a ballot question for the November election regarding the proposed GO Bond program. The City CommissionlRDA did not approve the proposed resolution. Instead, the City ComrnissionlRDA requested the Administration further review the list of projects and explore a lower dollar figure for the proposed bond. The Commission also requested that the projects be discussed with the Mayor and City Commissioner individually prior to seeking public input and comments at a public workshop. On July 14, 1999, the City CommissionIRDA conducted a Workshop on the CIP and the proposed G,O. Bond. In accordance with the Commission's concerns, the proposed bond issue has been reduced from the $88 million presented in May to $65.2 million discussed at the July Workshop. The emphasis of the proposed bond issue is in Public Safety $13.3 million, Neighborhood and Park Enhancements $34.6 and Public Facilities Rehabilitation and Replacement $17.3 for a total of approximately $65.2. The attached CIP Summary incorporates the recommendations made by the Finance and Citywide Committee into the Program. The proposed Program contains RDA funded projects, City funded projects and projects that are funded jointly by RDA and the City. The projects included in the proposed Program are categorized as follows: CIP Summary Partially Project Costs Funded (1) Funded Unfunded Completed Total Program Parking 61,742,803 20,637,788 12,421,440 10,932,474 17,751,101 Public Safety 14,864,106 14,864,106 Parks & Recreation 56,242,257 53,135,973 2,206,284 900,000 Public Facilities 155,659,504 76,426,529 15,955,250 63,277,725 Transportation 31,667,107 20,844,609 10,822,498 Public Works 314,931,365 231,848,749 (2) 1,797,350 35,637,175 45,648,091 Information Technology 9,624,191 9,624,191 644,731,333 427,381,945 (2) 25,041,288 64,731,183 127,576,917 66.3% 3.9% 10.0% 19.8% Partially Funded Projects Parking 12,421,440 8,358,480 4,062,960 Transportation 10,822,498 1,962,498 8,860,000 Public Works 1,797,350 442,050 1,355,300 25,041,288 10,763,028 14,278,260 43.0% 57,0% Grand Totals 644,731,333 565,721,890 79,009,443 87.7% 12.3% ( 1) Includes projects with actual or proposed funding sources (2) Includes $24,086,756 oftotally funded FDOT projects, The projects in the Program are funded by various sources which include the proposed General Obligation Bond for the Water, Sewer and Stormwater Bonds, Parking and other various Bonds, The issuance of a General Obligation Bond requires that a referendum be held. At the outcome of the July 14, 1999 Workshop, the City Commission/RDA agreed to receive further community input on the CIP and the proposed G.O. Bond, thereby instructing the Administration to conduct public meetings and prepare ballot language for the consideration at the September 8, 1999, including the Administration will request authorization to engage a firm to assist with the preparation and implementation of a public information program which may include marketing, polling and community meetings! workshops. A summary of the Capital Improvement Program by program area and category and a list of proj ects bYla proposed funding source are included. SRI DW/lr F,IF ~lJ\RDAMEMO.WPO Balance from Other RDA I TIF Funding RDA - TIF Proposed Project Total Proposed Sources RDA - TIF (C.C.) - Proposed Public Works - StreetlSidewalkslStreetscape Improvements Street End Improvements 17th & 18th - East of Collins 628,300 29,890 598,410 Street End Improvements 19th, 20th, & 21st- East of Collins 1,200,182 1,200,182 0 Washington Ave ( Master Plan) 3,527,465 285,100 3,242,365 Total RDA - TIF (C.C.) - Proposed 5,355,947 1,515,172 3,840,775 RDA - TIF (S.P.) . Proposed Parking - Garages SSDI- South Parking 1,250,000 1,250,000 0 Parks and Recreation - Parks South Pointe Park Improvements 5,000,000 5,000,000 0 Public Works - StreetlSidewalks/Streetscape Improvements South Pointe Streetscape 23,357,796 23,357,796 0 Washington Ave ( Master Plan) 3,527,465 304,363 3,223,102 Washington Avenue Extension 1,030,000 1,030,000 0 Public Works - Utilities Demo of Existing Water Pump Station (MB Marina- N.Parking lot) 103,000 103,000 0 Replacement of Water Lead Services, Citywide 5,976,285 250,000 5,726,285 Water Storage Tank (replacement) 2,204,200 2,204,200 0 Public Works - Sanitary Construction of New Master Sewer Booster Pump Station South of 3rd St 4,904,762 1,000,000 3,904,762 Infiltration & Inflow Mitigation Program 26,944,893 500,000 26,444,893 Public Works - Water & Sewer Pump Station Upgrade Water & Sewer PS Upgrades 21,131,000 4,246,000 16,885,000 Public Works - Seawalls Seawall Improvements 1,500,000 1,500,000 0 Total RDA . TIF (S.P.) . Proposed 96,929,401 40,745,359 56,184.042 RDA TIF 1996 Parks and Recreation - BeachlBoardwalk/Beachfront Renourishment Beachwalk Project 3,296,750 3,196,750 100,000 105,582,098 45,457,281 60,124,817 Exhibit A RESOLUTION NO. 322-99 A RESOLUTION OF THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE MIAMI BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (THE "AGENCY") APPROVING, IN PRINCIPLE, THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH/MIAMI BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1999-2004; AND AUTHORIZING THE RDA ADMINISTRATION TO CONDUCT PUBLIC MEETINGS AND SEEK INPUT ON THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP) AND ENGAGE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FIRM TO ASSIST THE CITY/AGENCY WITH A PUBLIC INFORMATION PROGRAM REGARDING THE ABOVE WITH FUNDING FOR SUCH PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FIRM FROM AVAILABLE SOURCES. WHEREAS, the City Administration has developed a Capital Improvement Program 1999- 2004 (Program) for the City of Miami Beach and the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency (RDA), which is a six (6) year plan of public improvements and capital expenditures by the City/RDA and is intended to serve as an official statement of policy regarding long range physical development in the City of Miami Beach; and WHEREAS, the development of the Program is a complex undertaking encompassing broad fiscal commitments and physical planning and the City Administration requested that the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee provide guidance and recommendations relative to the selected Projects; priority for completion; and funding levels for each of the Program areas; and WHEREAS, at a special meeting of the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee on April 6, 1999 to review the Program, the Committee recommended the Program, and further recommended that community workshops be held to obtain public input on the Program and on proposed bond issues relative to the implementation of same; and WHEREAS, on May 26, 1999, the City Administration presented a resolution requesting the City CommissionlRDA adopt the 1999-2004 Program and authorize the Administration to take all necessary action to prepare a ballot question for the November 2, 1999 election regarding the proposed General Obligation Bond ("G.O.") program; and WHEREAS, the City Commission did not approve the proposed resolution, Instead, the City Commission requested the Administration further review the list of projects and explore a lower dollar figure for the proposed bond; the Commission also requested that the projects be discussed with the Mayor and City Commissioner individually prior to seeking public input and comments at a public workshop; and WHEREAS, on July 14, 1999, the City Commission conducted a Workshop on the Program and the proposed G.O. Bond. In accordance with the Commission's concerns, the proposed bond issue has been reduced from the $88 million presented in May, 1999 to $65.2 million discussed at the July, 1999 Workshop. The emphasis of the proposed bond issue is in Public Safety ($13.3 million), Neighborhood and Park Enhancements ($34.6 million) and Public Facilities Rehabilitation and Replacement ($17.3 million) for a total of approximately $65.2 million. WHEREAS, the projects in the Program are funded by various sources which include the proposed General Obligation Bond, the Water, Sewer and Stormwater Bonds, Parking and other various Bonds; and WHEREAS, the issuance of a General Obligation Bond requires that a referendum be held. At the outcome ofthe July 14, 1999 Workshop, the City CommissionlRDA agreed to receive further community input on the Program and the proposed G,Q. Bond, thereby instructing the Administration to conduct public meetings and prepare a ballot question for the consideration at the September 8, 1999 Commission meeting, including the authorization to engage a firm to assist with the preparation and implementation of a public information program which may include marketing, polling and community meetings/ workshops. NOW THEREFOR, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE MIAMI BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, that the Chairman and Members herein approve, in principle, the City of Miami Beach/Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency Capital Improvement Program 1999-2004; and approving, in principle, certain projects within said Program for inclusion in a Proposed general obligation bond offering, PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 21st day of July, 1999. ATTEST: 1/1 CHAIRMAN ~d iOAciuA SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXeCUTION ~~~ After Action July 21,1999 City of Miami Beach C. Redevelopment Agency Memorandum No. 99-43 Status Report on the St. Moritz Hotel Corp.'s (Garage Developer) Proposal. ACTION: Status report presented. Mayor Kasdin stated that Loews Hotel Corp. should not handle the master leasing and stated that the City should retain an experienced broker in order to negotiate better terms for the City. D. Redevelopment Agency Memorandum No. 99-44 A Resolution of the Chairman and Members of the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency Approving in Principle the City of Miami Beach/Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency Capital Improvement Program 1999-2004; and Authorizing the RDA Administration to Conduct Public Meetings and Seek Input on the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and Engage a Professional Services Firm to Assist the City/Agency with a Public Information Program Regarding the Above; Funding from Available Sources. Joint City Commission and Redevelopment Agency. (Resolution to be Submitted) ACTION: Heard in conjunction with R7B. Resolution No. 322-99 adopted. Motion made by Commissioner Liebman; seconded by Commissioner Cruz; voice vote: 6-0; absent: Commissioner Gottlieb. Administration directed to obtain the necessary community input and to proceed to refine the program over the next month or so as needed and to put the program in the form of a bond issue for the November ballot and to report back at the September 14th Commission meeting at a time certain, Judy Hoanshelt to place on agenda. What is the status of the City's bonded indebtedness with respect to General Obligation Bonds? 3. NEW BUSINESS A. Redevelopment Agency Memorandum No. 99-45 A Resolution Authorizing the Administration to Execute a Settlement Agreement with Beauchamp Construction, Inc., Providing for the Completion of the Anchor Shops and Parking Garage Project Within the Remaining Budget and Within 90 Days of Execution of this Agreement. (Hear in Conjunction with 2A) ACTION: Report presented by Asst. City Manager Christina Cuervo. Resolution No. 323-99 adopted. Motion made by Commissioner Liebman; seconded by Commissioner Cruz; voice vote: 5-0; absent: Vice-Mayor Shapiro and Commissioner Gottlieb. 40