Attachment 14 City of Miami Beach Office of the Mayor and Commission Memorandum Date: September 1, 1999 ;. ',. c-:. 410 \D -~rc": -, en .-~,~- -''I' - ,..., ,Pi 0-., -0 ,,~~, . 0 -r,.i> rn _-~1" n.~'. -0 ), :~9 - "., ,.... 3: 1',"'., .. r" N :T'~ .,.. u ;~ N ",...f :....: ,f:- To: Sergio Rodriguez City Manilger Daviq De . Commissi ' ~ From: Re: AGENDA ITEM FOR SEPTEMBER 14, 1999 ************************************************************************ Please place on the agenda for discussion the issue of the renovations of the swimming pools at Flamingo and Normandy Parks. DD:ja Agenda Item R 9 I Date q-I ~-CJ9 I 799 r J ,. "'-l' ,"!'- t 1 "",-'- . ..; . . .~. ~ . \..: ,.. i..: - . OFFICE OF THE MAYOR & CO'MU1f!#.(jtl$2 CITY OF MIAMI BEAC"SE . ,I ~ :';'...,. ,; - '.' )t.~~ t'.. i <; :..\ \. .(; . Off \\.,C- ..., J TO: SERGIO RODRIGUEZ CITY MANAGER FROM: NEISEN KASDIN MAYOR " SUBJECT: FIAMINGO POOL \yV DATE: 09/03/99 Please place on the next City Commission agenda an item reg-arding the possibility of widening the proposed pool planned for Flamingo Park '\ Agenda Item R q ..::r Date q -I:{j CJ 801 ~ o ) , ) l CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\\ci.miami-beach.fl.us COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. G, l:.O - 9~ TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City mission DATE: September 14,1999 FROM: Sergio Rodriguez -. City Manager SUBJECT: A STATUS RE ORT OF FLAMINGO AND NORMANDY ISLE POOLS AND REQUEST FOR POTENTIAL MODIFICATIONS. INTRODUCTION: The following information is in response to recent requests from a group of citizens concerning the proposed design and capacity of the Flamingo Park Pool. Similar information related to Normandy Isle Pool is also included. BACKGROUND: · The subject of new pools for Flamingo and Normandy Isle Parks was initially generated by the Recreational Facilities and Parks Advisory Board in late 1993. At the time, the Parks and Recreation Administration, in conjunction with the Recreational Facilities and Parks Advisory Board, estimated needs of approximately $40 million to improve the parks city- wide. The City Commission formally authorized the Administration to present the program at fifteen (15) citywide meetings. To ensure the public was properly noticed of these meetings, the City: · Placed notices in the Miami Herald on June 16 & 26, 1994 and the Art Deco Tropical on July 1, 1994. Informational articles informing the public of the meetings and process were published in the Miami Herald on June 19 and July 3, 1994. · A complete schedule of the town meetings was mailed on June 17, 1994 to the Chairpersons of the 41 Miami Beach civic organizations. · 2,760 date specific flyers were provided to various homeowner association chairpersons. · 450 date specific notices were provided to homeowner groups. These effort resulted in approximately 367 citizens attending the meetings. AGENDA ITEM R 9:5 L '1-J,",~9:J DATE """ I I M (I I I III I I II II In II II I II I I III r ~ . On September 8, 1994, the City Commission authorized a ballot question be put to the residents that would authorize the issuance of a $15 million Parks Improvements General Obligation Bond (reduced from the $40 million originally proposed). This bond was approved by the residents of Miami Beach on November 4, 1994. . Following the approval of the $15 million Parks Improvements General Obligation Bond, the architectural firm of Bermello, Ajamil & Partners was selected to develop a comprehensive Parks Master Plan and a Bond Plan for the $15 million of improvements. The Parks Master Plan and Bond Plan process was extremely comprehensive, taking over 11 months to complete. The process included an additional twenty-eight (28) community meetings, thirty-eight (38) meetings with the Administration and four (4) meetings/presentations with the Mayor and City Commission. The purpose of these meetings was to ensure that the Master Plan included all the interests and recreational needs of the community and the $15 million Parks Improvements General Obligation Bond was allocated to address the issues in a priority order. The community identified swimming pools as a significant need and the need for an Olympic/competitive pool complex was stated. In response to inquiries from the community, a cost analysis to construct a competition pool complex resulted in an estimated cost for an Olympic/competitive pool and would have required an additional $1.7 million to construct and $153,750 per year to operate. An Olympic pool was not recommended due to funding constraints. . On June 16, 1996, the City Commission approved the General Obligation Bond Master Plan and Bond Program priorities, including the construction of new recreational swimming pool complexes at Normandy Isle and Flamingo Parks, as compared to competitive pool complexes. . On September 15, 1998, the City's Design Review Board approved the Normandy Isle Park program, including the pool, and on October 13, 1998 the Design Review Board and Historic Preservation Boards jointly approved the plan for Flamingo Park improvements, including the pool. Following these approvals the assigned consultants proceeded to prepare the necessary construction documents. . As of August 12, 1999, the multi-use recreational pools (including four (4) lane lap pools and separate interactive water tot pools) at Flamingo and Normandy Isle Parks are 100 % designed, construction documents are complete, the plans are going through the permitting process, and the bids for construction are anticipated to be issued within the next two weeks. ANALYSIS: In order to evaluate potential options to address the citizens' concerns, the consultants (Corradino) developed a comparison of costs and related impacts to expand each pool from the currently planned four (4) lanes to six (6) and eight (8) lanes. The analysis was to also include anticipated impacts to the schedule and revised estimates for completion of each facility. Attached is a comprehensive comparison for each pool. A sununary of these comparisons indicates that to add two (2) lanes to Flamingo Pool would cost an additional $267,723 and four (4) lanes an additional $367,160. To add two (2) additional lanes to Normandy Isle Pool would cost approximately $412,679. Due to space limitations, it is not possible to add four (4) additional lanes to the Normandy Isle Pool, therefore, this analysis was not done. An additional $14,630 per pool would be needed if the projects are required to go through the Design Review process again. At tIus time, there is no additional funding available within the current Parks Bond programs nor the City's budget to implement this request. The Administration is submitting a request to the Miami- Dade County's Safe Neighborhoods Parks Bond Program asking for an additional $400,000 from the Program's interest earnings to be added to the $1,000,000 currently allocated to the City of Miami Beach for the Flamingo Park Pool project. The Administration has been advised by the Safe Neighborhoods Parks Bond Program Administrator that, to date, no individual direct requests for additional funding have been approved, but that the City's request will be submitted to the Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond Oversight Board for consideration at their September 14, 1999 meeting. An alternative funding source for consideration is the Citywide General Obligation Bond that is currently being proposea for the November ballot. CONCLUSION: The City clearly understands and agrees with the position that the best possible recreational facilities should be constructed to meet the needs and interests of our citizens. It is also the City's position that based on the available resources and interests of the public, as expressed at the numerous community meetings prior to the approval of the parks bond issue and in the master planning process, the pools projects, as currently proposed, respond to these interests. At this point and time in the development process it is estimated that the basic staffing and operational costs for each pool, as it is designed, will increase by approximately 25% to 30% over the current costs of $125,000 per year. This equates to a total annual staffing/operations cost of bctween $156,250 - $162,500. It is anticipated the increased cost in operational cxpenses will be offset by the revenues collected from increased attendance. It would be desirable to have additional lanes in the pool(s), but unless additional resources are identified, or the facilities are redesigned and components such as the interactive water tot pools are eliminated, the expansion of the facilities is not possible. To put the pools construction on hold until such time as the additional funds are identified is not recommended. & SRJJG/KS/eb T:\AGENDA \1999\SEP1499\REGULAR\FLAGPOOL.MEM go,., , . - II II II II tJ II II II III Il II II . . b ~ ~l City of Miami Beach - FLAMINGO POOL: MODIFlC~TIONS COMPARISON September 8, 1999 , . '-''-' '-'u Corradino No. 1979 ITEM 4 LANES (PROPOSED) 6 lANES 8 liNE 1 LAP POOL AREA 12458 S.F. 3058 S.F. 4558 S.F. I LAP POOL VOLUME 93,600 GAL 1138,128 GAL 179,492 GAL lAP POOL SIZE 35 FT X 75 FT 49FT X 75 FT 63 FT X 75FT I POOL DECK AREA 16,000 S.F. 17,792 S.F. 19,548 S.f. BATHING LOAD 52 PERSONS 76 PERSONS 99 PERSONS I (LAP POOL ONLY) COMBINED BATHING LOAD 151 PERSONS 175.PERSONS 198 PERSONS (I.CTIYITY POOL AIID LAP) FILTER RATE 260 GPM 384 GPM 196 GPM ESTIMATED COST OF rroo AFFECTED BY MODIFiCATION LAP POOL & RELATED EQUIP. $172,060.00(PROPOSEO) . ( +73,500.00 + 147,000.00 POOL DECK SLAS I +7,250.00 .,.14,500.00 POOL DECK PilES I +9,300.00 + 18,600.00 PERIMETER POOL DECK FENCING ..;..1,900.00 +3,800.00 POOL PUMP ROOM + 15,000.00 "'15,000.00 (ton IIPP~OX 150:n --- + 18.500.00 PLUMBING: +2,100.00 ADD POOl DECK DRA\NSAlitl wl.m CLOSET I AT WOMUIS m1ROOM ELECTRICAL +3,000.00 +6,000.00 ADD 'DOl OECK LIGHT/lie; LANDSCAPE I IRRIGATION + 1 0,000.00 + 1 0,000.00 B#.SKETBl.tl COU~T DEMOLITION +8,000.00 +8,000.00 NEW BASKETBALL COURT + 19,500.00 + 19,500.00 INClUDES Hew FENa, Pam,CONC. t STRIPPING. DRAINAGE STRUCTURES I 1-2,500.00 +3,500.00 INQ.UDE~ AODITlO~AL FRENCH DRAINS SUBTOTAL +$168,450.00 + $248,000.00 OVERHEAD I PROFIT (15 %) I +$25,268.00 +$37,200.00 CONTINGENCY (10%) +$16,845.00 +$24,800.00 TOTAL ADDITIONAl COftSTRUmON I -r S21 0,563.00 +$310.000.00 COSTS FOR ITEMS 'FfECTED BY MODIFICATIONS I .TOTAL ADDITIONAL WE, AQUJ.TlC i +S57,160.00 I +$57,160.00 SPECIAlIST FEES " REIM8. EXPENSES 1 -rOTAll00mONAl PROJECT COST I I ~$267,723.00 -+ S367, 160.00 i I - ; .. · ADD S 14,630.00 fOR ORB PRESENTATION IF REQUIRED J.\197~\FI.'r""80\Wa'dV!'1.AMI"'OC CC~~"NAlYSIIS Abo lANE.S1A doc . City of Miami 8each : NORMANDY ISLE PARK: MODiFICATIONS COMPARISON September 8, 1999 Corradino No. 1979 I :1 ~ I , , I II ,~ I , I I II - I 'i J: J~ ,....' 11 I ITEM 4 LANES (PROPOSED) 6lAHES 8 WE (N.A.) lAP POOL AREA 2,325 S.F. 3,375 SF LAP POOL VOLUME 91,546 GAL 133,000 GAL LAP POOL SIZE 35 FT X 75 FT 49FT X 75 FT POOL DECK AREA 19,992 S.F. 21,042 S.F. BATHING lOAD 50 PERSONS 74 PERSONS (UP POOL ONLY) COMBINED BATHING LOA!> 149 PERSONS 173 PERSONS (lCTlVITY POOL AMO LAP) FILTER RATE 254 GPM 369 GPM ESTIMATED (OST Of ITEMS AFFECTED BY MODIFICATION LAP POOL & REIlTEO EQUIP. 162,750.00 + 73,500.00 (PROPOSED) POOL CECK SLAB +7,250.00 POOL oeCK PilES +9,300.00 PERIMETER POOL DEOC FENCING & 1 +2,400.00 (ONE) CONCRETE PIER POOL PUMP lOOM + 1 5,000.00 (400 APPROX. 150 SF} PLUMBI NG: ADO !'OOL DECK DRAIN~AND INCWE + 20,000.00 'tU'J~l/~~W, t!~SJ~~eHr I. ......eIl) (ALLOWANCEI lEMOVE J RELOCATE EXIST. UTILITIES- 7 + 120,000.00 VACATE AND IEDEDIClTE EASEMENT (ALLOWANCE) (SOUTH SIDE OF POOL DECK) fLEaRICAl: +600.00 ADD POOL OEO: LIGHTING DRAINAGE STRUCTURES +2,000.00 IINCWSE RETENTION TANK SIZE SUBTOTAL +$250,050.00 OVERHEAD I PROFIT (lS %) +$ 37,507.50 CONTINGENCY (2D%) +$57,511.50 TOTAL ADDITIONAL CQNST~CTlON +$345,069.00 COSTS FOR ITEMS AfFEO'ED BY MODIFICATIOHS -rOTAl. ADDITIONAl AlE, AQUATIC +$67,100.00 SPEClA.LIST FEES & REII.\B. EXPENSES -TOTAL ADDITtONAL. PROJECT COST +$ 412,769.00 . ADD $14,630.00 FOR DRB PRESeNTATION If REQUIRED HI 97NIo"'IIlI}O\'lYOI'd'v'FLAMJNOG C05T~Oj.....'I3i1S .00 tA.....S'....lioc gn~ r-'.l::!4/\::lt; City of Miami Beach NORMANDY ISLE PARK AND FlAMINGO POOL: MODIFICATIONS - COMPARATIVE PROJECT SCHEDULE Seprember 8, 1999 Corradino No. 1979 CURRENT SCHEDULE City of Miami B,ach (eMB) issu, NTP TO CORRADINO for Pool Modifications CORRADINO Submit Rellised Design Plans for Oty Stol( Review & APPrDVOI 100 % Construction Documents Submittal for City Staff and Permit R,,,;sw eMB issue Staff I Permit Review comments CORRADINO complete incorporating ary Staff Qnd Permit Review CammentI Commence Bidding Bids Due Bids AnoJ)'sis and recommendation Controctor Selection /Commission Approval IExecute Contract ConSTruction Start (7 months) Construction Fin isn Sept 19,1999 Oct 19,1999 Oct 25, 1999 Nov 15,1999 No" 23,1999 June 23, 2000 July 23, 2000 Project Closevout MOOIFIED SCHEDULE Sept. 14, 1999 Sept.28, 1999 Nov. 16, 1999 Nov. 30, 1999 DBC. 14, 1999 Dec. 20, 1999 lan.26, 2000 Feb. 2, 2000 Feb. 16, 2000 Feb.24, 2000 Sept. 25,2000 Oct. 25, 2000 Note; The above schedvle is bosed eMS Planning stoff granting Administrative Approvel for modifications to the 001 Facility 0$ required for additional/ones in the lap pool. In ,he event that submission of revised design pions re required for DRB submittal, we eSTimate the preporation of the design documents Ol'ld the submission / approval process for tne DRB ro be approximately 10 weeks. This would affect the overoll Modified Schedule nd the revised project close-out date would become December 8, 2000. 11 '\ 1979\Flom;"go\Wofd\CMB FlAMINGOMODIFICAnON SCI'iEOu~E.dOl: Rn7 City of Miami Beuch FlAMINGO pooL;tlOlZVANt~Y fWt..,- Re: MODlFICATlONS- ADDITIONAL A I E SERVICES September 3, 1999 Corradino No. 1979 SCOPE OF SERVICES The scope of services shall consist of modifying the currently approved design and contract documents for the above-referenced project to include an additional 2 (two) or 4 (four) lanes to the proposed lap pool. Expansion of the lop pool and pool deck will require substantial modifications to the overall pork site plans and pool facility plans as outlined below. The effort associated with the re-submittal of design plans to the Design Review Board may be required and is included as a separate item. REQUIRED MODIFICATIONS 1. OVERAll PARK A. ARCHITECTURAL 1. Overall Park Site plan 2. New basketball court floor plan B. CIVIL 1. Demolition plan 2. Site Geometry plan 3. Paving, Grading and Drainage 4. Drainage Calculations C. LANDSCAPE 1. Planting plans and details 2. Irrigation Plan 2. POOL FACILITY A. ARCHITECTURAL 1. Pool Facility overall plan 2. Building floor plans 3. Enlarged detailed floor plans 4. Building Elevations 5. Building Sections 6. Signage Plan B. CIVIL 1. Pool Deck Drainage C. STRUCTURAL 1. Pool deck and framing plan 2. Ground floor framing plan 3. Roof framing plan 4. Building Sections RnR II .1 P I , , II II J , , II JJ II I I - ~ , ~ D. ELECTRICAL 1. Lighting Plan 2. Power Plan 3. Electrical Panels E. PLUMBING 1. Plumbing Plan 2. Plumbing Riser F. POOL ENGINEERING" 1. Pool Location Plan 2. Pool Layout Plan 3. Pool Piping Plan 4. Pool Piling Plan 5. Swimming Pool Sections 6. Pool Equipment Plan Note: Revised calculations will be required and shall be included for all items listed above. FEE ESTIMATE The fee break-down for the scope of additional work as outlined above for either an additional 2(two) or 4 (four) lanes to the lap pool is as follows: A. BASIC ADDITIONAL SERVICES: Construction Documents through re-permitting: 1. ARCHITECTURE.......................................... ................................. ...............$ 19,800.00 2. ClVI L E NGINEE RI NG.. .... .. .... .. .. .. . . .. .. ...... . .. . .. .. . .. ... .. . . ... .. .... .. . .. . .. . .. .. ..... . .. . .. . .. $ 4,860.00 3. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING......................................................................... $ 3,500.00 4. MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERINIG..................................................... $ 3,800.00 5. LANDSCAPE..............................................................................................$ 3.400.00 SUBTOTAL......... $ 35,360.00 B. SPECIALIST ADDITIONAL SERVICES (Aquatic Pool Consultant): Construction Documents through re permitting including HRS. 1 . AQUATIC SPECIALIST ENGINEERING............................................................ . $ 13 AOO.OO C. COST ESTIMATING.................................................................................... ...$ 2.000.00 D. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS (COMPLETED)............................................................ $ 1 AOO.OO TOTAL ............... $ 52,160.00 E. RE 1M BU RSAB LES. .. .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .... .... .. . .. .. . .... .. .. .. ." . .. .... .. . .... .. .. . . . . . . . . ................. . . .... . $ 5,000.00 Reimbursable expenses shall include those items required to produce the scope of work above: fu2 809 F. PRESENTATIION TO THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD (IF REQUIRED).............................$14,630.00 Oeliverables Corradino will provide a submittal package to the City of Miami Beach, composed of 15 copies of the following: COMPLETED APPLICATION SURVEY '- DESIGN DOCUMENTS Site Plan Floor Plans Elevations Section Contextual Elevation Landscape Plan Electrical Site Plan CONCEPTUAL PERSPECTIVE COLOR PHOTOS OF SURROUNDING AREA TABULATION OF ZONING DATA BUILDING DEPARTMENT RELATED INFORMATION MAILING LABELS / INFORMATION The total fee for the scope of work described above is a lump sum of $14,630.00. The following is a breakdown of this estimate which is based on 1 (one) presentation to the City of Miami Beach Design Review Board: I. MEETINGS (3 total @ $240.00)......................... ............... .... ................................... .........$ 720.00 In an effort to gain consensus with the City of Miami Beach, Carr Smith shall conduct a minimum 3 meetings with various entities, including the City of Miami Beach Planning Department staff. II. PRODUCTION OF THE SUBMITTAL PACKAGE....................... ............................................$8,270.00 The production of the material listed above in "deliverables" which included redesign of the pool deck and affected structures includin. typical building sections and building elevations if requested by the Tom Mooney of the City of Miami. This includes the effort of architects, designers, landscape architect, civil engineer, structural engineer and electrical engineer. ffiJ 004n II I II II II II I III . . II . IB . . I II II Il . II . III. PRESENTATION TO THE BOARD....................... ... ......................... ....................................$5, 140.00 A. PRODUCTION OF GRAPHIC PRESENTATION MATERIAL..........................................$3,600.00 Special presentation material will need to be produced for presentation to the board: This includes but is not limited to color boards, perspectives, and rendered plans and elevations. . II B. REPRESENTATION BEFORE THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH........ ..................................$1,540.00 A total of 1 visit before the board by 2 representatives from CORRADINO, (5.5 man-hours each) is expected ,to be provided in order to gain approval from the City of Miami Beach. IV. REIMBURSABLES.... ......... ...... ..................... ........................ ..... .................... ...... ........ ........ ...$500.00 Reimbursable expenses shall include those items required to produce the scope of work above: photographic material, presentation boards as well as reproduction of said items, and couriers. . . 1I1 ~ ~tt f/xtA Gt11 . . . . . . . d . J:\ 1979\Flomingo\WordVFLAMINOGOPOOLMODIFICATIONS ADDSVCS.doc .-. Pg 4 111 011 After Action September 17, 1999 City of Miami Beach R9I Discussion of the Issue of the Renovations of the Swimming Pools at Flamingo and Normandy Parks. (Requested by Commissioner David Dermer) (Hear in Conjunction with R9J) ACTION: R9I and R9J heard together. Commissioner Dermer reported that he had been contacted by adult swimmers asking him to review the expansion proposal for the Flamingo Park swimming pool which would reduce the number of adult lanes by two. Commissioner Dermer requested that the proposal be reviewed to include the addition of four extra lanes. The City Manager suggested that the cost of the pool expansion can be addressed in the General Obligation bond issue (item R7A) and the Miami-Dade County Safe Neighborhoods Grant. Commissioner Gottlieb requested that Administration develop a third alternative to finance the cost of the swimming pool expansion. Mayor Kasdin suggested that in the interim time period the planning and design processes can be started. The City Manager requested that the item be rescheduled for the September 22nd Commission meeting with a recommendation and estimates of the additional cost for Commission approval. Commissioner Cruz stated that he would meet with the City Manager to discuss funding options. Kevin Smith to handle. Commissioner Gottlieb requested the same consideration of eight lanes for the Normandy Isle pool. Administration to proceed with the current plans for Normandy Isle pool. R9J Discussion regarding the Possibility of Widening the Proposed Pool Planned for Flamingo Park. (Requested by Mayor Neisen Kasdin) 1. Commission Memorandum No. 660-99 A Status Report of Flamingo and Normandy Isle Pools and Request for Potential Modifications. (Hear in Conjunction with R9I) ACTION: See action on R9I. 31