Attachment 15 !ITY OF MIAMI BEACH ,"":rY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 l"'\\ci.miami-beach, fl. us t I I I I I I I I I I I , I I t - COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. to ~i, -c,'7 TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Commission DATE: September 22,1999 FROM: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager SUBJECT: AN ORDINANCE NDING CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE III OF THE MIAMI BEACH CITY CODE ENTITLED "AGENCIES, BOARDS AND COMMITTEES" BY ESTABLISHING AN OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE FOR THE PURPOSES OF PROVIDING GUIDANCE AND ASSURANCE THAT THE PROPOSED GENERAL OBLIGATION (GO) BOND FUNDED PROJECTS ARE IMPLEMENTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROJECT LIST. RECOMMENDATION Approve the Ordinance on fIrst reading and schedule a public hearing for second and final reading. BACKGROUND In each of the public meetings held with the community on August 10, 11, 12 and 23, 1999, regarding the proposed GO Bond issue, the community stated their desire to actively participate in the implementation of the GO Bond Program. In both the neighborhood focus groups and public workshop, it was suggested that a committee be formed to oversee and coordinate the implementation of the Program. The purpose of the committee would be generally to assure that the Program projects are implemented, and that any modifications necessary are made in a participatory and fair framework. In addition, the committee would provide a venue for neighborhoods to determine and prioritize specific projects within each neighborhood. ANALYSIS The Administration recommends the following composition for a 9 member GO Bond Oversight Committee: 2 members from the North Beach area 2 members from the Middle Beach area 2 members from the South Beach area 1 member from the Budget Advisory Committee (BAC) 1 member from the Planning Board 1 member from the City Commission AGENDA ITEM R56 '1'-2.2-9..1 DATE 116 117 'l,: The charge for this oversight committee is to assure that the program as developed with input from, the neighborhoods, is implemented. r GO Bond District Committees: Additionally, it is recommended that three subcommittees: one for North Beach, Middle Beach and . South Beach, be established. Two of the members from the Oversight Committee will be the same ;: individuals that serve on the District Subcommittee. The number of members will be determined by the Committees. The charge for these committees is to receive input from each of the neighborhoods as to the specific programs for each of the GO Bond items and to prioritize those improvements. CONCLUSION Approve the Ordinance on first reading and schedule a public hearing for second and final reading. \ .. sJg/jpf, if' T:\AGENDA\1999\SEP2299\REGULAR\GOBOND WPD ,- ,- I J , I I I f I I- I t I I I I " An Ordinance Amending Chapter 2, Article III of the Miam\ Beach City Code Entitled "Agencies, Boards and Committees" by Establishing an Oversight Committee for the Purposes of Providing Guidance and Assurance that the Proposed General Obligation (GO) Bond Funded Projects are Implemented in Accordance with the Project List. (Ordinance in Legal - To be Submitted) . t 118 After Action September 22, 1999 DRAFT NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION City of Miami Beach RS - Ordinances R5A Commission Memorandum No. 631-99 An Ordinance Amending Division 24 of Chapter 2 of the Miami Beach City Code Entitled "Capital Projects Oversight Committee", Amending Section 2-190.83 by Amending the Name of the Committee and the Composition of the Committee to Include a Non-Voting, Ex-Officio Member from the Convention Center Advisory Board; Providing for Severability, Codification, Repealer, an Effective Date, and Sunset Provision, 10:15 a.m. Public Hearin~. Second and Final Readin~ Administration Recommendation: Adopt the Ordinance, (Convention Center) (First Reading 7/21/99 - Continued from 9/17/99) ACTION: Public hearing held. Ordinance No, 99-3206 adopted. Motion made by Vice-Mayor Shapiro; seconded by Commissioner Smith; ballot vote: 6-0; absent: Commissioner Liebman, R. Parcher to place on Board and Committee Commission Memorandum, Mayra Diaz Buttacavoli to handle, RSB Commission Memorandum No. 686-99 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 2, Article III of the Miami Beach City Code Entitled "Agencies, Boards and Committees" by Establishing an Oversight Committee for the Purposes of Providing Guidance and Assurance that the Proposed General Obligation (GO) Bond Funded Projects are Implemented in Accordance with the Project List. First Readin~ Administration Recommendation: Approve the Ordinance on first reading and schedule a public hearing for second and final reading. (City Manager's Office) ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Smith to approve on first reading as amended. Amendments included changing "members" to "residents"; add "appointments to be made by the City Commission"; add" a member of the Chamber of Commerce"; seconded by Commissioner Liebman. No vote taken. Motion to defer the item to October 6 commission meeting made by Commissioner Gottlieb; seconded by Commissioner Dermer; voice vote: 7-0. Janet Gavarrete to modify the ordinance. Judy Hoanshelt to place on agenda. 13