Attachment 16 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH (J~ -+ pU]/l fl TO: Janet Gavarrete Assistant City Manager FROM: Matthew Schwartz Assistant City Manager Lawrence A. Levy ~ First Assistant City Attorney DATE: October 19, 1999 ..0 \.0 o n --f N RE: General Obligation Bond Issue o , , , i ;::::,. -,... As discussed with both of you on Monday, October 18th, Joe Fontana has requested:fhat we make an appearance at the Republican Club meeting on Monday, October 25, 1999 to exillain the proposed G.O. Bond issue. Joe invited the City representatives to dinner at 6:30 p,m."With the meeting to follow at 7:30 p.m. at the Miami Beach Ocean Resort Hotel. Matt Schwartz will make the presentation and I will be in attendance, Joe advises that usually between 30 and 40 people attend. I would suggest taking at least 50 copies of any materials to be handed out. l , .,. I' , LAL/bfg cc: Murray H. Dubbin, City Attorney Sergio Rodriguez, City Manager F:\,\lTO'LEVLlOO .BONDS\FONTANAMt:M Calendar List 9/30/99 -10/13/99 CALENDAR.OR2 !::VM I W ,',:::; :l 34 .5...6...7"...8'" '9" '10..n 12.'13"R 15 .16 .17".18 19.2021""22'23"24.'25 ~~....~!..~~.~9.'" ....,.. .8'.' '9" '10. .11. .12""13.'"14 1516' .17' '18' .19"20"21 22"23' .24. .25. .26' '27".28 29.'30"31 ~ Calendar I Start ~ 8:~?~~.. bnd 9:00 AM Category DeSCription CULTURAL ARTS COUNCIL - DAVID WHITTMAN y V 'VI III ~~~~;~.. ........~~~~Op~~ . BEACH HIGH w/MARIA CRUZ, M. RUIZ X649 I . "SoLLiCHfER;M:RUlZX649f S:30pM. ...........6:3DPM.... 7:00pM ...........s:(j()pM.. 7:3(ipM"'" ......8:30pM.. ANITA GROSSMAN BEACH HIGH PTA, M. RUIZ X6491 .................CARLOSFERNANbEZ.@.BISCAYNEELEMENfAR:Y,M:. R:UIZ.X649 I'" . ..................PRObUCfioNiNbUSfRYCOUNClL~b,[EYVA.X6127~.ClfYMANAoER'S.LAR:OECbNF.. ROOM . . . ................MAYbRS.fASKFbR:CE..oNALCoHOL&bR:UdS,M.R:UlZ.X6491 .....................CANbibAfES.POR:OM@NbRMANbYobLF.COURSE.... . ..............CANbibAtES.POR:OM~J..LiBBiN;.NbRMANbYSHbRES.OOLFCOVR:SE... .. ~~~~t~M" ....:~:~~;~.. S:30pM......6:3DPM .. ~~~~O^.~M.. ......~~:~~~~.... @ CITY COMMISSION MEETING .................@.SENioRWORKSHOpS,.M,ALLERX6ii4,.ilsT.CiBRARY'" SAFETY COMMITTEE-R. CAPLAN X6397-MA YOR'S CONFERENCE ROOM . .. ..................pR:iNCirAL&.ASSISfANfrRiNClpALSbp.BEACH~.M:R:UiZ.X649j... .. .. ........CifiZENS.EMrOWERMENfCENfERBEiNd.biSCUSSiNd"d:o:.BONbiNFO... .... .......................d()LF.AD\i"iSORy.COMMITTE.E..K~.SMltfi".X()643..i3ifVSfi()RE.OOLp..COO.R:S.E.... .. .................... ........................sEAUtiPiCAfioNCbMMitfEE,.J.bLbENBEROX1720." . ...............VOUfHCENfERAbViSbR:Y.BOARb;.S:.PiR:fELX639r'" .. ............NoR:MANblE.SUbHoA~MAR:dUERjfE.RAMOS~HERRERA.864~s464.~CORAL.ROCKHoOSE'.'... ~ ~~~~;~ ..~~~~Op~~ '2:(iOpM ......3:00..pM.. 4:00pM........s:OOpM.. .. OOpM"s:oopM" 4:30pMs:3opM" 7:30PM ........s:3o..pM 1:00PM SOUTH BEACH HISPANIC CHAMBER, S. RODRIGUEZ X6637, MONTY'S "I?:?~~~.... 'II 9:00 ~r\ol.. 10:00 AM HANDOUTS TO PERFORMING ARTS ACADEMY PARENTS, STAFF ~. .. :~~~;~ddd~~~~Op~~ GRANTWRITING WORKSHOP FOR NORTH BEACH PARENTS, M. RUIZ X6491 . ... .... .............HiSpANiCAFFAiR:SdCbMMiTfEEN:.RObR:idUEZX64i7~MAYbRiS'CoNP:ROOM'" qJ ~.~~~'~~dddd~~~~o^~Md . . .. ..dd:~~g~~R:~~~;~;~~~~~g~~~~:rv1:~~~~::~~7~~~~O~~~~~~~;~;~/~~~ESTED MARK 9':oc),AM .............fC);()(fAM... .. . .......................p.if.rE.ARTS..BCYAiUrr.Q.OiNLAN)(659.S.N'<y..BEACI-fCoMMDNit.y.CTR.... .. .... ............ 9:00AM" .. .......jo:ooAM.. ...... ...................................iiiSfoR:iCPRESERVATibNdsOAR:bWdCAR:YX6sT9d~CoMMiSSlONCHAMBER:S.. 9:3oAMdddd....ioJOAM.... ... ............................MARiNEAOTHbRifYCODEX1sss.~CIfYMANAdER'SLAR:dECoNF:dR:boM'" iO:ObAM" .. '''IT:DO'AM''' .............................PRESSCONFER:ENCEAfdAR:bEN.CENfER:... s'OopM ........... . 6:00pM ........................d. ........................... .. .I3UOGBfADViSORYCbMM,ICRUZX622S'CifYMANAGER:'SLAR:OEClR". 6:00pM ... .........7:dOpMd .... .............MiAMiBEACHCbMM,ONSfAfOS.OFWoMENfHOANSHELfX6Ts3~ClfYMANAoEitSLCjR 7:oo.pM ..............S:OO.pM .............................................................VENETiANTSLANbS.HoA.~.CLAiR:EfOMLiN..~.poLiCEbEpARfMENf.COMMONlfYR:ObM.... . ~ ~.~~~O~M ..........~.~.:~.~.~~. .........................................................~O~E~~;~~oR:~:J~~~~.~~~~~?~,~~:~~R~6~:r~~:;i~~~s~RCf.~:::~~NCE ROOM C 2000 Lotus Development Corp. 1/4100 at 10:47 AM Page 1 Calendar List 10/13/99 -10/21/99 CALENDAR.OR2 epem.. eT ovem J .5...6...7..8....9..10.H .3...4....56. 7...8....9 12"13"14"15"1617.18 10"1112 19 .20"21'.22..23. .24"25 26..2T.2B..29..30..... 7'. .8....9 "1Q"1r12"13 R.15"161T18.'19.20 2f' 22'.23..24..25" 26"27 28.29..30...... (i) Calendar I Start ~ 4:00 PM 6JjOpM" . 7:00pM 6:o(jpM"7:OO"pM" . End 5:00 PM Category Oescnptlon COMMITTEE ON THE HOMELESS, M. DELCAMPILLO X6187, 1ST FLR CONF. ROOM-uREQUESTED MARK . ..............pAR:Ks.&.R:ECR:EAfibNALFAClLifiESBb.~.K:.sMlfHX6643..~.11sf.S't.R:ECREAfibNCfR:... .. . .............BisCAYNEELEM:.CAFEfER:iA....AVAILABLEHADR:OR:A868~1721~CANCELLEb... ~ ~~~~:;M..~;~:~...... fiAsAM"11:4spM" 3:00pM.... .. '4:oo"pM 4:oopM......s:ooi'M 00 pM" . "S:30pM riP VISITOR AND CONVENTION AUTHORITY M, BUTTACAVOLI X7010 - VCA OFFICES ................COONSELfOWER:S,.LiEBMAN,.6fH.&.ALfON~M:.RUlZ.... ................ijRESENfAfiONfO.kEY.CLUB.@BEACH.HidH.~M:.RUiZX649i'" ... .......COOL.SCHObL.CONSORfiUMMfC.@FEiNBERC.F'iSHERELEMENfAR:Y~M:R:OiZX649i" . ................. ........ s:.pOiNfEAbViSbR:YBOAR:b .~. A:. Rodaiiddll'x6s82'~'i st' tloorcoiifereiicerooiii~MbS... . .......BEAUfiFiCAfibNCOMM:.j..bLbENlmR:CX73Jo~CARbENCENfER:~R:S.. 7:00pM." ...........S:oopM...... .......PRbbUCfibNiNbUSfRYCOUNCiL;.b:.LEYVAX6i21,.MAYbR:'SCONFERENCE.RbOM.~'" MARK ... ... .............6fHSfREEfRESlbENfS/fASK.FORCE~L.BbR:ELLO..sJ4~6161~.6fHSfCOMMUNifYCfR:... (no security guard need to pickup key from Darna Guardia 305-672-1704-prior to meeting) L. BERNSTEIN X 6178 .......SbUfHpbiNfEfOWER:SCONbbAsSbC:J.BiSHOp.S38~1s2i.~.4OO'Sb:'pOiNfEmUVE~Mbs'" s:oopM ....6:oopM 6:00pM ............1:o0pM ~ :~~~~~ .....~::~OA;M 3]0 pM 4:30PM . @ VISITOR AND CONVENTION AUTHORITY M. BUTTACAVOLI X701 0 - VCA OFFICES .... ......................PERSONNEL80AR:b.~.f:C..AbbERLYx6469.CbMMiSSiON'CHAMBERS~MAR:K.'... . .. .......................LbAN.REViEWCbMM~M:.bELCAMpiLLOX6i87'iSf'FLOO"R:CbNFElffiNCE... .. ROOM***REQUESTED MARK ~:~:~~1~ ..........:~:~~~~ FLAMINGO PARK NEIGHBORHODD ASSOC, J. DONNELLY 759-2843X264, MBPD II TH & WASH . ........MiAMi.BEACHHOA,.C..HONf614~9403,.14fHANb.piNE.fREE(WO"MEN'S.CLUB)~Mark'" w 7:00 PM NAUTILUS AUDlTORIUM***AVAILABLP*MS. MARTINEZ 532-3481 ~ 6:00~~ 1j!l9:00 AM 10:00 AM lO:MAMTLooAM 6:00pM ......7:00PM.. ART IN PUBLIC PLACES-J. QUINLAN X7577 CITY MANAGER'S SMALL C/R-MARK . .. ............................bESldNREViEWBbARbT.COMEZX15sO" COMMISSION CHAMBERS-JANET .. . ...............bCBAN.bR:iVE.ASSOCiAfiON,.M.CbUR:'tNEV;.3oS.s3i~44ii~pARKCEN'tRAL.HbfEL,.640..... OCEAN DRIVE, FLORIDA ROOM - JANET . .....NBbC.80ARb.MfC;.b,.SHbCkEy305~~86s~4i41;.SHANE.WAfER:SPbR:fSCbMpLEX.6s00.... INDIAN CREEK DRIVE, JANET & TRISH . ....................... ...PbLiCE/CifiZENRELAfibNS.CbMMiffEE;'rr'bELUCCAX5446;'MiAMiBEACH'pOLiCE"bEPf: COMMUNITY ROOM - II 00 WASHINGTON AVE, MARK .... ..................... .....TbWER:NbR:fHBAYR:OAbHOA,.S:.KRASSNER..612~9980;2b4oN:.BAYR:jj~jAd~"MbS" 2:oopM"3:ooPM 4:oopM........s:oopM.. . 7:00pM........ s:OOpM" ~ ~~~~oA: ........:~~~~)~M 7:00PM ......s:oo..pM 7:3opM"s:30pM riP CITY COMMISSION MEETING .. .. ..................fEMPLEBEfHSHbLbMSISfERHObbLDNCHEON~MAiUAR:UiZ..... ............. .............NEi(iHlj.OlfHOO.DS..p.iRST.CO.MMDNrrV.WOirKSliO'ij'@"sliAi,a~'WArERS"ijO'RfS ..................... CENTER-MARIA RUIZ .............................................................pAR:KViEW.pbiNf.CbNbOASSbC;.M.BREbEMEiER:s65~ssR7441.WAYNEAVE~MARk'.. FIRE AND POLICE PENSION BOARD OF TRUSTEES - C. LOCKE X7039 - 605 LINCOLN RD, SUITE 400 - JANET uuuu... ... .. .................................... COUNCILtOWER:S,. Coiitiictpersoii: LourdeiiHurtiidos32~8516,uCafderiil,2iidJlooru 533 Collins Avenue (100 - 170 residents) MARK & LYNN 2:00pM .... "3:00pM . .. ..........uuuun..FLORENCECbHANWiLLNEEbpROJECfbR:*..nu 4:00PM.... ......... 5:00pM.................. uuuu..................... ..uu udAR:bBNCBNfBR. 'AVAiLABLE. 'AMYLUfZ ~. 2024... .. 8:00 AM 9:00 AM fO:OOAMTi:OoAMu C 2000 Lotus Development Corp. 114/00 at 10:47 AM Page 2 Calendar List 10/21/99 -10/28/99 CALENDAR.OR2 epemer ovem er .5....6.. T... 8..9..10"11 12. 13' 1 4' 1 5.16.17' is '1~'.'.20 .21. .22' '23' .24"25 26"272S"29"30." . 3....4....5... .6....T. 8 ...~. 10" 1 1..12..13..14..15"16 n1S"19"20 .7'.. .B. ...9..10"11"12.''13 14.15"1S.1T1S"19"20 21 ... 22' 23..24..25.. 2S'27 28'2930" @) Calendar I Start T 6:??r.f\1 ~ II:OOAM End 7:00 PM Category Description ORCHARD & PINE TREE/LA GORCE HOA, N. SPILL, JCC, 4221 PineTree Drive, MDS & JAG 12:00 PM 6th Street Community Center, 833 6th Street Residents attending (approximately 70 - 75) Contact person: Darna Guarda 305-672-1704-L YNN & MARK . . ......MiAMi.i3EACHCAi3LE.ADViSORY.BbARO;.MMAitfiNE1X62S0;.LAkOE'CONFERENCEkOOM - JANET . ......OARDENCENtER*.AVAiLABLE..AMYLUtZ~.2024.. 3:00pM .. "4:00pM". 4:00pM ....... ....S:oo..PM.. tjI. T 6:30pM"" 7:30pM 7:30pM ........s:30pM BARRIER FREE ENVIRONMENTAL-MAGLOIRE X6709, 1ST FLOOR C/R-MARK . ............. .Crystai Hoiise Condo (no~ i 20);' sOsOColiins' Ave, Stoney W eish 305~865~5 716~MARK"" . . . .....EoUCAtiONCOMMiTEE/CHAMi3EROfCOMMERCE.~.M,ROiZ.. . . .................OARDENCENtER....AVAiLABLE..AMYLUtZ~2024..... ................CiTYWiDEMEEtiNO.ON.tHEPROrOSED.GO.BONbSAND'OTHERBALLOtQUESfiONS.~'" COMMISSION CHAMBERS . .. ..........................F'BBoBRPATTERN..CitiZENS.ADViSORYCOUNCiL.~M,ROiZ.. . ...............REPUi3LiCANCLUB~MiAMi.i3EACH.OCEANRESORtHOtEL~f.fONtANA.~.50ppi.~MAftHEW ~ ~:~~:~ .~:~~:~... 3:30PM" . .4:30"pM" 4:00pM ......s:OO..PM.. 6:00pM' ......7:00pM.. '.-"l 9:00 AM 10:00 AM UNCLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES & ELECTED PENSION BOARD - PENSION OFFICE 1ST FLR., M. Arculeo X 6429-janet . ............YOurH.EMpOWERMENTNEtWORK.CiTYWibE.MEEffNG.~~.M,ROiZ... .. ................... ..OARDEN..CENtER....AVAiLABLE..AMYLUtZ~.6584..... ... .............................pLANNiNG.BbARb.~J:.GOMEZ.X6i50.~.COMMiSSiON.CHAMBEkS~JAG... ..............iSLANOViEWpARk~OPENiNG... . . .....................COMMUNitY.DEVELOi'MENtADViSORY.COMM.J:.REVELO.X1260.~.iStPLOOR.. C/R --REQUESTED MARK . ........................ ........NAUTiLOsAUbitOiUiJM...AVAiLAi3LE..MS:.MARTiNEZ.S32~348i~430iN:MICHiGAN.... AVENUE ................................i3AY.ROADWESfAVECitiZENS.GkOUP.~.fOkTETOWEkskESiDENTS,.D.kUGGlEkO... 868-5834, 1200 W A VENUE, PENTHOUSE 4 CODE 515-(someone will be at the elevator)JAG & MARK iFi5AM" .....i1:i5rM.. . 2:00pM" "3:00pM" 3:00rM........4:oopM.. s:3opM ..........6:3DPM.. 6:00pM ..............7:oo..pM.. 6:00pM..........7:oopM.. 7:00rM........s:ooFM.. LINCOLN ROAD MARKETING, INC. ELECTION OF THE BOARD AND COMMUNITY TOWN HALL MEETING - COMMISSION CHAMBERS - RONNIE SINGER ...........n:OO.AM. ...... ..................................................LiJMMUSpARk~GROiJNO.i3REAkiNG... ...........IT:oO.AM.. . .... .................................................JCCJEWiSHCOMMUNlTYCENTER;4210"PiNETREE.okiYE~JONATHAN"ENOUsR~"'" 305-534-3206-MARK .@.SENIc:iRW6RKSHc:iP,S,SHAPIRO.5jl-2557,.2isT.LiBRARY~CANDiDATES.FORUM.~No.6NE ^ TTENDING . .... 'Rehecca towers'So' BiiifdiiigMiirtipiirpose Rooiii'i50.Ahon'Road... Contact person Bash de Leon 532-640 I-NANNETTE TO ATTEND-BILINGUAL NEEDED iiJOAM . . ......ilJO.pM ............... ........................................MiAMii3EACHSR,CENtER,6iO.ESrANOLAWAY;RARENMAZZLEiViOYCEKAGAN" 673-6060-BILlNGUAL NEEDED-NANNETTE TO ATTEND ......... ... ....... .....FiSHERisLANbpARK~GRANbOPENlNG .................BiSCAYNEELEM.CAFETERiA..""AYA1LAi3LE""AiJROkA868~1721... . . ... ........ ..qqrARKYiEWikiNGCOLE/stiLLWAfEiV&i3lsCAYNEPOlNtHOA;t:SERMAN20S~78b9; BISCAYNE ELEMENTARY CAFETERIA- 888 77TH ST - MDS & MARK 10:00 AM IlA 9:00 AM iO:ObAM iO:ObAM iO:30AMqqqqiF30AM lT30AMqqqqiDOpMq 5:30pM ... ..6:30pMq 6:00pM qqqqq7:oopMq nOrM qqqq s:3DPMq .. '" 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 6j()PMq '''7:30pM 6:30rMqqqqq7:3DPM 7:30rMqqqqS:30pM NUISANCE ABATEMENT BOARD L. MARTINEZ X6578 - COMMISSION CHAMBERS-MARK ....... . ................................ ..... ... ... MbPL,HEibCMiAMlBEACHCOMMUNitVCHDRCH~MbS&MARKq ............ .. qqqqq................................NEiGHBORHOOo.riksTOVERSiGHtqCOMMittEE~M.RUiZ... .............................................................SUNSEfiSLANDS.PROPERtyASSOC.3,.,A:.RABiN538~.i184;'SWCOitNEROf1iST&:'SUNSEt.. DRIVE (VACANT LOT UNDER TENT)-SUNSET ISLAND OPEN SPACE MDS & MARK Cl 2000 Lotus Development Corp. 1/4/00 at 10A8 AM Page 3 Calendar List 10/29/99 -10/31/99 CALENDAR.OR2 .5'" '6..7...8..9' '10"n 12'13' .14 .15 .16' '17"18 1920'21222324.25 26"27'28"29"30.. ovem r T "8".9..10 .11' '12"'13 14 "15 '16 '17 '18 .19'20 212223"2425' '26 '27 28.29'30'" @) Calendar I Start Iil, I:.nd Category Descnptlon ... 10:00 AM .. 6:0?r.~ II:OOAM 1999 PARENTING CONFERENCE - M, RUIZ 7:00 PM NEIGHBORHOODS FIRST HALLOWEEN EVENT - M. RUIZ 0'2000 'lotus "Develoflment' corp:' .......... ........... .......... ................................... ........................ ............ "1"i"ioO'at'1(:i:'4s'AM' . ........ .............. .................. ............................. ........................................ ..................",..... ....Page.4. -MB · f~;~;:!.... :~~~.~:, t i::~.'- ~~ .~ l\~ l3uilding and Sustaining Community -- Unique, Vibrant, Diverse Flamingo! An Agenda for the South Beach Residential Neighborhoods November 1996 1. Flamingo Park. Improve the way the 6. Better Bicycling Conditions. Park relates to the neighborhood by fixing Develop and implement a neighborhood both the edges of the Park and the bikeways plan in conjunction with City-wide pathways through the Park, Extend the network, north-south walkway and relocate uses that create impenetrable barriers away from the edges, 2. Shade Trees. Improve the tree canopy throughout the neighborhood to afford greater comfort for pedestrians and an overall cooler environment. Make vhatever street and sidewalk improvements necessary to assure adequate space for shade trees. 3. Traffic Calming. Slow down traffic on neighborhood streets by narrowing traffic lanes, and discourage through traffic on tertiary residential streets. 4. Pedestrians Over Autos. Use street corner bulb-outs to facilitate a shorter pedestrian crosswalk. 5. Increase Parking. Develop community consensus on preferred angled parking layouts and locations. 7. Neighborhood Access to Biscayne Bay. Improve 10th Street, 14th Street and Lincoln Road street ends at the Bay for paSSive recreation, reflection, and watching the sunset. 8. Historic Architectural District. New construction requires the continued careful attention of the City's historic preservation and design review process. 9. Diversity of People. The mixed- income, multi-ethnic diversity of the neighborhood should be encouraged, strengthened and celebrated, 10. Organization and Action. The South Beach residential community needs to continue to convene in order to speak to these important issues, The full realization of the Flamingo and West Avenue Neighborhoods as a more livable community can best be achieved through a comprehensive planning charretle, On November 2, Vote YES for Bonds to Improve Our Neighborhoods MIAMI BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 1205 Drexel Avenue · Miami l3each, Florida 33139 · Phone 305 538-0090 . Fox 305 538-2860 '" .i:: Ci :r: ~ u '" '" <( +-'M L.U C:,-< co ~~ ...... c: -' ::E 0 '-'- <( '~.r:' :E ~ ~ L..1---,CQJ o",3co >- :J: 0 'E ~ ~~.~ uu,-<::E elll' ...~ '.. ,_ . "<,"_.. .'....'....,'..'~..\."..,..~ ',:,"__"~..........,~"__""'''''' r-.'~.-"''''- . - _.- ---.-. .....-.__,......~4_. PROPOSED NEIGHBORHOOD PROJECTS! ~-'-" - "''''''''~''''''''''''',\,,_,:''--:"''-''''~''::--'-:~''-'''''''~,''ao..'''''''-''''-' ".' THE PROPOSED G.O. BOND PROGRAM The proposed General Obligation (G,O.) Bond program is a way of financing the cost of physical improvements to the City's neighborhoods, streets, parks, beaches, public safety facilities, and other facilities, G,O. Bonds are paid solely from property taxes, and are used to pay for projects that do not produce revenue, Proposed Improvements to Neighborhood Infrastructure $57,915,000 General Obligation Bond Issue Biscayne Point Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements - Streetscapes, traffic enhancements. landscaping, lighting, bicycle, and pedestrian improvements The City has previously issued G.O. Bonds in 1987, 1992, and most recently in 1997. As of September 30, 1999 the total amount outstanding from these is $34,725,000, This debt will be completely paid off in the Year 2007, North Shore and Park View Island Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements - Streetscapes, traffic enhancements, landscaping, lighting, bicycle, and pedestrian improvements Normandy Shores Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements - Streetscapes. traffic enhancements. landscaping, lighting, bicycle, and pedestrian improvements If the proposed bonds are approved by voters, debt service millage will continue to be charged to property owners; however, it is expected that this millage will continue to decline on an annual basis. This is because of the effect of the increasing value of all property in the City (residential and commercial), and that the cost of annual payments on the proposed bonds will be less than the cost of the bonds currently outstanding, Normandy Isle and Normandie Sud Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements - Streetscapes, traffic enhancements. landscaping, lighting, bicycle, and pedestrian improvements Normandy Drive j 71st Street Corridor Enhancements - Increased landscaping, and pedestrian improvements west of Rue Notre Dame Biscayne Elementary School Circulation Improvements - 1m prove pedestrian safety along 77th Street in front of Biscayne Elementary School La GorcejPinetree Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements - Streetscapes, traffic enhancements. landscaping, lighting, bicycle. and pedestrian improvements Nautilus Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements - Streetscapes, traffic enhancements, landscaping, lighting, bicycle. and pedestrian improvements The project list that the proposed G,O. Bond program was developed for, was created with the assistance of the neighborhood associations, and homeowners at public meetings held throughout the City. There are three G,O. Bond programs that are proposed to fund community needs and improvements over the next six years: Neighborhood Infrastructure, Parks and Beaches Improvements; and Fire Safety. Each of these programs is described below. Bayshore Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements - Streetscapes. traffic enhancements, landscaping, lighting, bicycle. and pedestrian improvements Lake Pancoast Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements - Streetscapes. traffic enhancements. landscaping, lighting, bicycle, and pedestrian improvements La Gorce Island Enhancement - Streetscapes, traffic enhancements, landscaping, lighting, and park improvements Sunset Islands Enhancement - Streetscapes. traffic enhancements, landscaping, lighting, and park improvements A G,O. Bond Oversight Committee will be formed from among neighborhood representatives to ensure that the projects are fairly carried out as proposed, and that community needs are met. Projects may be modified in coordination with the Oversight Committee and required approvals. Meetings will be held with the community prior to the implementation process. Street Ends Landscape and Pedestrian Improvements - Streetscapes, landscaping. lighting, and pedestrian access improvements, and secure, accessible restrooms at street end beach access from 25th Street to 43rd Street Indian Creek Greenway - Landscaping, lighting, pedestrian. and bicycle improvements towards creating a linear park Alton Road Enhancements - Traffic management improvements to mitigate traffic impacts for residents 40th Street Streetscape - Streetscape improvements to buffer backs of 41st Street commercial properties from residences to the south .\" " "\ '.~l ,'" :.. Alton Road, 20th Street, & Sunset Drive Intersection Improvements - Reconfigure intersection to decrease congestion and reduce cut-through traffic to lower North Bay Road Flamingo Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements - Streetscapes, traffic enhancements, landscaping. lighting, bicycle, and pedestrian improvements West Avenue / Bay Road Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements - Streetscapes, traffic enhancements, landscaping. lighting, bicycle, and pedestrian improvements Venetian Causeway Master Plan Streetscape Improvements - Streetscapes. traffic enhancements. landscaping, lighting. bicycle. and pedestrian improvements for Venetian Causeway and neighborhood cross-streets Star, Palm, and Hibiscus Islands Enhancement - Streetscapes. traffic enhancements. landscaping, lighting, and park improvements Lincoln Road Improvements - Upgrade lighting, amenities, and pool improvements Meridian Avenue Extension Streetscape - Streetscape, landscaping, and lighting for the reopened portion of Meridian Avenue from 1st Street to 2nd Street Washington and Third Street Public Plaza - Aesthetic improvements at the pump station location to integrate with public plaza Shoreline / Seawall Rehabilitation - Renovate seawalls or replace with living seawalls along City-owned shoreline throughout the City . " , I . I ,'?, .1 I Proposed Improvements to Parks and Beaches $24,830,000 General Obligation Bond North Shore Open Space Park - New recreation / nature center, expansion of the park into the Altos del Mar properties North Shore Park and Youth Center - New youth center. additional lighting and fencing in park Crespi Park - New court, fencing and lighting. Stillwater Park - Fencing and lighting Tatum Park - Fencing and lighting Fairway Park - Perimeter fencing Normandy Isle Park - Fencing and lighting Normandy Shores Clubhouse - Renovate golf course clubhouse for community center facilities Shane Watersports Center - Expand meeting and training facilities, and site improvements Brittany Bay Park - Additional lighting to complete the Parks Master Plan , ~ North Beach Recreational Corridor - Pedestrian and bicycle facilities along the beach right-of-way from 60th Street to 75th Street ~~~~~~~~:~~~1o.::~r~}~'~~~:~:\~ \-',' "'~'l"I"";>,I,'....,~ ,."""-lo!,~,,.--.,~...I',.(,'" ;, ~ ' )\_1,- 'I~ 7- ... J ~ "':_.,' I ",), '.1. >}~?",':.\':?":1\~; .\,' ...' " .f" , ) I Scott Rakow Youth Center - Provide necessary funding to complete facility renovations. and landscaping. La Gorce Park - Fencing and lighting Fisher Park - Fencing and lighting Allison Park - Renovations. beach access, and gateway treatment for North Beach Recreational Corridor Muss Park - New playground equipment, fencing, and lighting Pinetree Park - Additional landscaping. furnishings. and lighting 10th Street Beachfront Auditorium - Renovate facilities South Shore Community Center - Renovate facility with new landscaping. signage, and playground Lummus Park - Additional landscaping and widen sidewalk along Ocean Drive Flamingo Park - Field, track, and court renovations, new bleachers, new shade pavilion. expand pool with 4 additional lanes, fencing, and lighting South Pointe Park - Improvements to complement the Master Plan Collins Park - Walkways, landscaping. lighting, and amenities The Garden Center. Renovations to facilities and grounds Island View Park - Shade pavilion, fencing. and lighting Belle Isle Park - Playground. landscaping. and lighting Palm Island Park - Shade pavilion. fencing. and lighting Beach Planting - Improved planting and pedestrian paths for beach dune system throughout the City Beach Access - Improved access for disabled persons and general public to enjoy beaches throughout the City Proposed Fire Safety Facilities and Equipment $9,720,000 General Obligation Bond Issue Fire Station #2 Renovation - Full historic renovation of firehouse at 2300 Pinetree Drive Fire Station #4 Renovation - Full historic renovation of firehouse at 6880 Indian Creek Drive Fire Trucks and Apparatus If you have any questions, please call the City Manager's office at 305-673-7010 or visit our web site at ci.miami-beach.fl.us '. ,t., Citywide d Projects Propose October 1996 Flamingo Park Neighborhood Charrette lays groundwork for neighborhood Master Plan Create Vision for West Avenue Slreetscape " z . November 1999 City of Miami Beach proposes issuance of General Obligation Bonds for Neighborhoods, Parks & Beaches and Fire Safety What is a General Obligation Bond? The Proposed General Obligation Bond is a way of financing a large number of physical improvements for the City's streets, parks, and public safety facilities, General Obligation Bonds are repaid by City property taxes, They can only be used for capital projects that do not produce revenue, such as streets, sidewalks, parks and )ublic facilities, General Obligation Bonds add to the tax rate necessary for debt service; however, because of other debt obligations that are almost completed, approval of this bond would not increase taxes. Novembe Neighborho consensus ( ~TIuU~ DaD 0 = = = = = -= -= = = = = = nOaODTIODrrO Ie ~ ~ '" ~ ~I.~ ~ - ~y Net BOND 398 3treetscape Charrette builds )referred street layouts. . MeDIAN PAI2~ N . 8-lADe: T~~ . CocONLrr PAU1~ -lb' 'f"c.-irl", g(" -Sf..\ADe:: ) . 5' ~1~WAL..K~~ -0 } . PA~AU,.E;L..- ~~N'1 ~. . ,; "\ - \ ; \' . Median Parking/Neighborhood Amenities-Features: . 20 additional parking spaces per block . 24 shade trees per block . 44 coconut palms per block . Traffic calming . Pedestrian-scale lighting On November 2, Vote YES for Bonds to Improve Flamingo Park and West Avenue Neighborhoods! 2 R'I ~.,O~ 0&\0 ?f~?~ Ballot Question #2 .I Vote YES for Bonds that will include allocation of $9.2 million for Neighborhood Street Improvements Ballot Question #3 ./ Vote YES for Bonds that will include allocation of $2,9 million for Flamingo Park Improvements ,oY'~oo~ Now! OUR COMMUNITY Ballot Question #4 .I Vote YES for Bonds that will allocate $9,7 million to acquire and equip fire trucks and renovate, expand and improve Fire Stations throughout Miami Beach A.LINnVIIVIIO:J ~no ~O:l SONoa iNlON V'OO'1.AOQ.'1b!c;.N '<w -~?ftJt/( ~ ~, ~~~/A~ 11~~ 6C ~cc OP!1O!.:l 't.P0.38 !UJOlW .1008 puC; '.3nu.3^V' lexi;.lG ~OC; ~ c:.L 9L 11\IV(J3d lJ H)'v'30 IWVIW Ol'v'd 39'v'lSOd sn I NOI1'fZIN'v'9'tJO I lUO'tJd - NON 9W.~ On November 2, Vote YES for Bonds to Improve Flamingo Park and West Avenue Neighborhoods! Ballot Question #2 v"Vote YES for Bonds that will include allocation of $9.2 million for Neighborhooq Street Improvements Ballot Question #3 v"Vote YES for Bonds that will include allocation of $2.9 million for Flamingo Park Improvements Ballot Question #4 v"Vote YES for Bonds that will allocate $9,7 million to acquire and equip fire trucks and renovate, expand and improve Fire Stations throughout Miami Beach, APPROVAL OF THESE BONDS WILL NOT INCREASE TAXES, MIAMI BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 1205 Drexel Avenue · Miami Geach, Florida 33139 · Phone 305 538-0090 . Fox 305 538-2863 TO THE erS EDITOR I, Chamber .Head: Yes for the G.O. Bonds To The Editor, As the presidenr of the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce for 11 years I urge all res- idents on Miami Beach to voce for the G.O. Bond projects on the November 2 balloe. At stake arc 67 projects chat will improve the qual- icy of life on North, Middle and South Beach. These bonds which rotal over $92 million will be tepresented by three ballot questions that include: Neighborhood Improvements: Local neigh- borhoods will.. benefit from better streets, improved lighring, sidewalks, landscaping, craffic control, beach erosion and seawall reStoration. The cotal amount for this project is $57,915,000. Parks and Beaches: The beaches wi1/ bendlt from seawall restorarion and improved measures co decrease beach erosion. The community faciJ- _._._..~--,--,.- ities and parks will be renovated, improved, and expanded. The roral amOunt for this project is $24,830,000. Fire and Public Safety: Major improvements to Fire St4tions #2 and #4, new fire trucks and equipment. The COtal amounc for this project is $9.720,000. In addition, after the bonds are passed, a cit- izens oversight commirtee will be formed to ensure- thar these neighborhood improvements are implemented. Also, the mileage rare debr- service portion on properry taxes will COntinue to decrease, after bonds are sold, Do what's right for your neighborhoods and VOTE FOR these bonds! Bruce Sillg~r l\1li.Jmi &ach Chamber ofComm~r(( President Page ---~ Bond Questions Hide Real Taxpayer Cost To the Editor, The true COSts of rhe $92 million in bonds on the November 2nd Miami Beach ballot would be $140 million. These COsts arc not disclosed in the ballot questions and were nor included in the budget presentations. Interest payments over 20 years on 4 J i2 % bonds would total .$48 million. After deducting the 2% issuance fees ($1.8 million) from the proceeds of the bonds, the city would net about $90 milJion cash for construction of the projects, paying a $50 million premium for bond financing. The ciry will be paying $7 million in principal and interest paymenrs each year over a nvcnry year bond repayment period. If the city were to llse these funds on a paY<Ls-you-go basis it would rake rwice as long to fund the projects, bur S50 million in financing COSts would be saved. Vowrs would have been bener served if the city had provided a [rue picture of the costs involved. Frank Del Vecchio Author: LiliamHatfield at C-H-PO '.te: 11/4/99 11: 39 AM _.:iority: Normal TO: Mail List - #CM/ACMs TO: Mail List - #CMGR TO: Mail List - #MAYO CC: Admin Subject: SUNPOSt 10/28 ------------------------------------ Message Contents ---------------------------_________ <<File: mojazz,jpg>><<File: mayora-1.jpg>><<File: mayora-2,jpg>><<File: mayora-3.jpg>><<File: mayora-4,jpg>><<File: mayora-5,jpg>><<File: mayora-6.jpg>><<File: mayora-7.jpg>><<File: mayora-8,jpg>><<File: mayorace,jpg>> (j) m-i%?_~'~,,~~~y'" I Voters Will Have More to Decide on Than just Personalities By ERIK BOJNANSKY Staff Writer Neisen Kasdin for a second term at mayor? Or should Marrin Shapiro, Leslie Martinez-Botct or Mike Calhoun hold the tide? Should Joe Fontana, Luis Garcia, Charles Schaab, Richard Steinberg, Manny Warszayski or Lee Weiss be elected to a com- mission seat? And what about the commission race between Matti Herrera Bower, Liliam Lopez and Mike Thompson? Such are the choices Miami Beach voters will have to make come November 2, But it doesn't end with the mayor and the commission, Voters will also have to decide 'on six charter amendments on subjects such as naming a park after a century-old Everglades champion, borrowing millions of dollars for infrastructure and capital improvements and giving the mayor and commissioners their first pay raise in decades. Here they are in order of appearance: · Renaming "Ocean Beach Park" to "Marjory Stoneman · See VOTERS page 5 'J ,- C / // ( \ r iJ :n ~ :l. ( - 2:: ~ u - z ... Q) Q) n . V) c -oC:cOJ~ o 10..0 ...co _._ lU l..I ,... ..........-4 ,.... C O~VU- :1 c:::c u ::j > <1) o L..,--o _ ~ e,o..... ~ <~-o~ .... c:: _ ...2 - ""'0 o ..... OJ ::3 <-..... .- C L.. 0 0 o Q 0 'U >- .... OJ ~'E..c"'" b c ~..... r-- .::: .- o '-" 0.0 ~ -::-::::: c:: 0,...._..D >.:::~ ('l;j &.: ~..s =: u c: r~ V C';;; ~ ....... >.... . =: t!d <:..".... ,..., O.V'J'-OO v l..I -- u...o V).- o...~:1 ~ .... p.- V) 0 (J') ..... U V) c:::~ u""O""O E Q,) .- 0.. c: - c bb en ~ -a ""E .; oCO:S-; ""C::~C: 0... c:: i..... c:: ~ 0 2 x u 0 c.o 0 .... l:Q tl,) V) c: ,.....c V) l..I 'r: OJ':: u c "" C u l? 'O'C 5.9 ~ ~>._....V)v>c V) ('l;j OJ ~ 1...0 c.- ~...c: O~d:~ 8 ~^,.-:;-::~ .... {"j V'J I U .... U ~. C 0 V'J llJ C C":S C ~ C 0 ::3 0.. V'J e.5 = 0 0.... c: ~ 0 ...... .- ~ - .... --- .- <:'d C 8 ..c u . '0 ('() ~ ,....... -{A. tt: OJ 0 c- t4:I u ~ ........ - ..,., u - ('Ij tilt . 0 u C ~ E .J:: ..... ...... l- E u u E ~ OJ G.J 0 IU ...c J:: .... V) ...... V) - V'J 1:) >- ':-= ('Ij .. V) ~ (U 0.. ~ -0 .... E ~ ,... .- s:: ..... 2 .... = '- ("IS ...... ..r::: -0 c: c: ..... 0 0 0 >-. I..J V C':S V) In as fIre, police and lifeguards. The YCA offered to give 51 mil- lion, Then City Manager Sergio Rodriguez offered to draft a ref- erendum to limit the YCA to just 5 percent of resort taXes (roughly $850,000 this year). Then the YCA decided to give $2 million to tbe city, Then Rodriguez insisted on a "multi-year" agreement, a task that the VCA is forbidden to do without 5/7 v~te. \X/hen not enough YCA members voted in the affirmativt, the commission placed the item on the ballot and the YCA vowed to continue business as usual. So it goes. Rodriguez and city officials say rhar the resort taxes are need- ed to pay for the throngs of non-Miami Beach residents who come to visit Miami Beach. If it doesn't come from resort t3.xes, Rodriguez said, it will come from someplace else. But YCA Chairwoman Lisa Cole said her board has accom- plished a lot recemly in its efforrs to promote Miami Beach (such Page 1 5 as creating the first Miami Beach specific website) and bring otI- season murism to the Beach. "I don't think people OUt thete know what the YCA is all about until they get involved,>> Cole said. -Charter Amendment Increasing Salaries Of Ci ty Commissioners and Mayor. In this question, voters will decide if the mayor and commis- sioners deserve rhe tlrst pay raise since 1966, Currently the mayor is paid $10,000 a year and commission- ers $6,000 a year. If passed, the mayor will receive $25,000 a year and commissioners $15,000. , -Charter .Amendment to City of Miami Bcach Base and Supplementa! Pension Funds For'Firemen And Policemen. The amendment is designed to make the police and tire pen- . See VOTERS page 12 .. ___.._._......._.........._._..___._M_...._......__........___........_.,._.__...._."':.:.........;_.~...........__...__...._.__..._...~_.__._.___..__........._____~__ Page 1 truCKS. _,~ .Code Amendment Reducing Percentage of Resort Tax Collections Allocated To Visitor and Convention Authority; Although not a bond issue, this question is also a contra:" versial referendum since it is an extension of a conflict raging between the Miami Beach Commission and the VCA. Created in the 1960s, the VCA consists of seven commis- sion-appointed members who serve for nvo years each. Its task, originally, . was to allocate roughly half of the resort taxes (charged to hotel rooms, beverages and restaurant meals) Miami Beach takes in on marketing efforts. After 1990, ,"vhen the \rCA and the city commission agreed to become "a parrner" of the Greater rv1iami Convention and -- Visitors Bureau (G!v1CVB), much of the money that 'would have gone to the VCA v,ren): to the G~fCVE. Thus~ the orga- nization \vould be left with only about $GOO~OOO a year. In . ) 1997, the VCJ\s role was further eroded bv the Cultural Arts ) Council (which, this year, has a $1.5 million budget) which gives out money to cultural events with the commission's approval. This year, ho\vever, thanks to a $5 million {'cap" on the GMCVB, the VeA potentially had a budget of between $2 and. $3 million. Miami Beach administrators said they need- ed at -least $2 million to pay for "tourist-related services" such ,." ".' .., ~ '" ~ Voters as lie er (r m af Douglas Ocean Beach Park," ve If approved, Ocean Beach Park ar Second and Ocean Drive rt will be re-named after Douglas who, in her 1 OO-plus years ofljfe, v( has foughr for the preservarion of rhe Everglades and other envi- ronmental concern, .$57,91),000 General Obligarion Bond Issue For e< Improvemenrs To Neighborhood Infrasrrucrure. c, So far, rhe referendums rhat have received the mosr R debare are the three separare questions relared ro over $92 mil- lion worth of "GO" bonds. Proponents, including the Miami p Beach Chamber of Commerce and various neighborhood asso- ciations, have formed a political action committee called My Neighborhood Now! to get all three bonds passed. Theirargu- mem: thanks to ever-increasing property \11lues rhe rax millage rate ",,rill continue IO go down to $1.20 per $1,000 of assessed value and improvements dur have not been done for years will be in place. The use of the funds will also be watched by an "?versight" committee consisting of neighborhood associa- tions. Opponents believe that rwo our of the rhree measures promise roo many things and far too much money, They also fret about the additional debt tagged on to the city. Already the city owes $34.7 million in outstanding GO bonds as well continued from p, 1 Voters will also have to decide on six charter amendments on subjects such as namingapark~fter a century.old Everglades champion, borrowing millions 01 dollars lor infrastructure and capital improvements and giving the mayor and commissioners their lirst pay raise in decades. as $108.4 million in Redevelopment Agency bonds, $98.3 million in resort tal( bonds, $34 million in water and sewer bonds ancl$29 million in parks bonds. If approved. over $57.9 million in GO bonds are to be invested in neighborhood infrasrructures throughour Miami Beach, traffic calming measures, shoreline srabilization and the cin1s maintenance facilities. ~$24,830,000 General Obligarion Bond Issue For Improvements To Parks and Beaches, The second in the GO series, if passed the $24.8 million is to be a1locared for recreational facilities. equipment, beach access, security as well as maintenance &cili ries. -$9,720,000 General Obligation Bond Issue For Fire Safety Facilities and Equipment. So far this is the only bond issue thar hasn't incurred the wrath of the GO opponents. Even Miami Beach Commissioner David Dermer, a critic of the firsr [wo bond issues, hassupporred the fire bond. If passed. the $9.7 million will be used to fix up rhe Miami Beach Fire Department's crumbling fire houses as well as acquire and equip new fire rTllrlce: Author: ChristinaCuervo at C-H-PO .te: 11/3/99 5:49 PM ~riority: Normal Receipt Requested TO: SergioRodriguez TO: JanetGavarrete Subject: Emergency CDAC Meeting November lOth ------------------------------------ Message Contents SR, FYI-I have discussed issue below previously with Janet. CMC, " Betty Gutierrez wants to have an emergency mtg to discuss having a member(s) from CDAC address the Commission November 17th during the second hearing for the g,o, bond oversight committee," Forward Header Emergency CDAC Meeting November lOth JoannaRevelo at C-H-PO 11/03/1999 5:25 PM Subject: Author: Date: Liz, Pls confirm as soon as possible if the First Floor Conference Room is available Wednesday November lOth at 6:00 p.m for an emergency CDAC meeting, My ext is 6075 Thank you. Liliam: Pls advertise an emergency CDAC meeting for Wednesday November lOth at 6:00 p.m. Christina: FYI - Betty Gutierrez wants to have an emergency mtg to discuss having a member(s) from CDAC address the Commission November 17th during the second hearing for the g,o. bond oversight committee. Joanna Ext 6075 Page 1 - . - . c = '" ~ .c .. -c c -< ~'- . = ~ ":-0 c:: ~ ~ ~'a ~.g ~ 0 , -=..2-;: ':9..8 8 : -3:C E ~ ~ ~ .~ 1:: >.. ~ 0 -3.= 8 ~ t;d5 ?'o-=~ t ~ :::.- '$ Loo_ ).." s= V ~ a; ~ ci....c: 0 -E ~ 2 t.: :: , ~. ~ ~ $ ~ s g i.-E F ~ E ~ 9 ~'"': ~ ~~g:::~~,1:B ~~~~f~;l ~ g.: ~ c.~ 0 t ~ ~ E >-. ~ ~.9 ;:! - -0 ~ ~ .~ ;:!--....V\.l1ooo..cM~ ;: ~ ~~ -: :; ~ = ~ ~ 9' . c:: -g ~ a. 5 ~d:. "" c: C.3 1)- ~~o 3~. '8 E ~ ..; ~ g ~~ ~ ~ ...8 ~ -c:~ ~ 0 1.1~-v;iZ - ~~p [~ f ;'-6g:::;::;",I!g-'i:l::t-;:;"O.,g..::-:.:;;~ .", . '9 ~ ~ ~ t 'g ~ ... ~~ ;;'ff" ~ .... ~~ ~ ~ 1 '-1-= -; 1 ~ ~ ~ c ~ ;; ~ f! 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V'J - C =...?; .= -=: t;; ~ :: ~ eJJ-e ~ -...c ~.!'! t.,lcect'lSe.... :-~c:::;::v~5""'::2C:.. ~-::::v x":' "'u ,?: r::;:! _5 ::.._u ~_ -._~ ~ :. ~., "'- ~ :;.p-S c- =' ~ S X&; .:;; ~ ..., ~ 0 -::: _ _._ _ ~ w,' _ :.:.:- "" ~ < "c;...Q oJJ;-. 2S.. 0: ~ :;:; ~ u"~ ~.- '" c2 c' - .... et t e on t e .u.zz ons An informational meeting on the proposed Miami Beach General Obligation Bonds and other ballot questions will be at 6 p.m. Monday in the Commis- .. Chb' "" Mi.... B' ...... '.. h. ston ..... ..am'ers ot .... · aml,eac," City HallJ 1700 Con, ention Center Dr. F or more int"ormation, call 305-673~ 7010. ~onds will help entire community Editor: As a resident of Miami Beach who is active in the community, I feel it is vital to take part in our neighbor- hoods. On Nov. 2~ we have the opportunity to do so by voting for all three general obligation bond projects that are on the ballot. This $92 million bond issue includes 67 projects in North, Middle and South Beach that were identitied by us. the citi- zens, through public work- shops. I personally attended a number of meetings and had a direct input into this process in North Beach on several parks and street improvement pro- jects. These bonds directly bene- fit all of our community and are especially targeted for local neighborhood improve- ments; better parks and beaches; and improved fire and public safety. The overall effect of the bonds is to improve all of our neighbor- hoods. make the community a better place to raise our fami- lies and improve everyone's quality of lilt. The selection of these p a !J I ~ C t " s t <: .. 1 ( ~ l ( issues by the citizens and the passage of the bonds are the true meaning of grass-root acti\rism, where we ha've a chance to shape the quality of lit+efor our t~uture. JONATHAN D. BELOFF Presi,dent, Hom,eow ers' Association, of Allison --- -- --- r --.--,---. -..------ r ----- ...-- r ------ r ---.----- IIMis Vecindarios Ahorallapoya I la Emision de Bonos para C mejoras en Miami Beach "Mis Vecindarios Ahora" (My Neighborhood Now) emiti6 lill comunicado apoyando 1a Ernision de Bonos para mejo..ras en toda 1a Ciudad que se sometera ala consideracion de 105 votantes de la Playa en las pr6ximas elecciones del martes 2 de noviembre de 1999. La presidenta de la Asociaci6n de Propietarios de Hogares de Miami Beach, senora Amy Rabin de claro que "Estos proyectos de mejoras son el resultado directo de 105 que 105 vecinos de Miami Beach pidieron durante relmiones de informacion y trabajo publicos ce1ebra- das en 10$ sect0res Node, Centro y Sur de 1a Playa. Esto es el verdadero significado de lID gobierno democratico con participaci6n de la ciuda- dania, donde ciudadanos comlmes a nivel de 105 vecindarios tienen oportunidad de dade forma a su calidad de vida en el futuro. El 2 de noviembre se someteran a 105 votantes la aprobaci6n de las siguientes ernisiones de bonos: · Ivfejoras en 10s vecindarios, calles, alumbrados, jardineria y playa par 1a cantidad de $57,915,000. · !v1ejoras y ampliaciones en los parques y playas par la cantidad de $24,830,000. · !v1ejoras en 105 Departarnentos de Bomberos y Seguridad PtiblicaJ nuevas equipos para los bomberos y 1a policia por 1a cantidad de $9,720,000. La senora Margueritte Ramos, ciudadana del Norte de la Playa declaro que nosotros, 10s ciudadanos de Ivfiami Beach 1es indicamos-a lo~ funcionarios del gobiemo que proyectos ersan importantes para nosotros. :Lvlis vecino5 y yo opinamos que las mejora5 en 10s vecindarios, parques y playas, as! como en los Departamentos de Bomberos y Polida incluian 1a m.ayoria de nuestra5 necesidades cnticas para darle forma a nuestros vecindarios y ala talidad de vida de nuestra comunidad. My Neighborhood Nqwes un gropo de ciudadanos que apoya 1a aprobaci6n de la emision de bonos para mejoras en los vecindarios, parques, playas y 10s Departamentos de Bombero y Policia. Para mas informacion Harne al30S-673-1270. ON THE NOVEMBER 2ND ELECTION THERE ARE 8 BALLOT QUESTIONS THAT ARE IMPORTANT TO MIAMI BEACH VOTERS. These 8 questions, along with explanations of the issues and impacts, are provided as a public service by the City of Miami Beach to inform its voters. Please, read through the flyer, and if you have any questions, please call the City Manager's office at 305-673-7010 or visit our web site at ci.miami-beach.fl.us Shall "Ocean Beach Park" (located generally to the east of Ocean Drive between the south right of way of 2nd Street extended, and the north right way of 3rd Street extended) be renamed "Marjory Stoneman Douglas Ocean Beach Park"? Renaming "OCEAN BEACH PARK" to "MARJORY STONEMAN DOUGLAS OCEAN BEACH PARK" Explanation Marjory Stoneman Douglas has an international reputation as a conservationist. In 1989, at the age of 98 she fought to save Ocean Beach Park from development. In 1998. Marjorie Stoneman Douglas died at the age of 108 years old. This proposal would rename the park after Ms. Douglas, who fought to maintain the usage of the land as a park, II Neighborhood Improvements Improvements to Neighborhood Infrastructure $57,915,000 General Obligation Bond Issue for Improvements to Neighborhood Infrastructure. To improve neighborhood infrastructure in the City of Miami Beach, consisting of streetscapes and traffic calming measures. shoreline stabilization and related maintenance facilities, shall the City of Miami Beach be authorized to issue general obligation bonds not exceeding $57,917,000, in principal amount, payable from unlimited ad valorem taxation, bearing interest at rates determined at the time(s) of sale thereof, not exceeding the maximum legal interest rate at such time(s)? Explanation This proposal would allow the City to improve streetscapes, implement traffic calming measures, provide landscaping. repair sidewalks and curbs and gutters. pave streets throughout the city's neighborhoods, and perform shoreline stabilization and improve related maintenance facilities, II Parks and Improve Beaches ments Improvements to Parks and Beaches $24,830.000 General Obligation Issue for Improvements to Parks and Beaches. To improve recreational facilities and equipment, access. security and related maintenance facilities for parks and beaches located in the City of Miami Beach, shall the City of Miami Beach be authorized to issue general obligation bonds not exceeding $24,830,000 in principal amount. payable from unlimited ad valorem taxation, bearing at rates determined at the time(s) of sale thereof, not exceeding the maximum legal interest rate at such time(s)? Explanation This proposal would allow the City to improve recreational facilities, equipment. access, fencing, field and court lighting for the City's neighborhood parks and beaches. Community facilities, community parks, and related maintenance facilities would be renovated, improved. and expanded. ~ ~ Fi re S f E ~ ety and qUlpment Fire Safety Facilities and Equipment $9,720,000 General Obligation Bond Issue for Fire Safety Facilities and Equipment. To renovate, expand and improve fire stations and related facilities located in the City of Miami Beach and acquire and equip fire trucks, shall the City of Miami Beach be authorized to issue general obligation bonds not exceeding $9,720.000 in principal amount, payable from unlimited ad valorem taxation. bearing interest at tes determined at the time(s) of sale thereof. not exceeding the maximum legal interest rate at such time(s)? Explanation This proposal would allow the City to renovate and improve Fire Station #2 at 2300 Pinetree Drive, Station #4 at 6880 Indian Creek Drive, purchase fire apparatus, and improve related maintenance facilities. PROPOSED G.O. BOND PROGRAM PROJECTS There are three ballot questions comprising the G,Q, Bond Program ID Neighborhood Improvements @ Parks and Beaches Improvements @ Fire Safety and Equipment What is a General Obligation (G,O.) Bond? General Obligation Bonds are a way of financing the cost of physical improvements to the City's neighborhoods, streets, public safety and other facilities, parks and beaches. General Obligation Bonds are paid solely from property taxes (Ad Valorem) and are used to pay for projects that do not produce revenue. The City has previously issued General Obligation bonds in 1987, 1992 and most recently in 1997 to improve the City's parks. The total amount of general obligation bonds outstanding at September 30, 1999 was $34,725,000 and this debt will be completely paid off in 2007.General Obligation Bonds are paid through an annual tax to property owners called debt service millage, It is equal to the amount required each year to pay the principal and interest on the bonds that are outstanding. It is set by the City (omission annually and charged to property owners based on the assesed value of their property. The debt service millage has been lowered each year and has declined from 3.705 mills in 1990 to 1.199 in 2000. The debt service millage is the rate of tax per $ 1000 of assesed value of a property, The cost of debt service for a $200,000 home after deducting a $25,000 homestead exemption, was $700 in 1990 while in 2000 it will be $209.83. The current outstanding general obligation bonds will be paid off in 2007, 1f the proposed bonds are approved by the voters the debt service millage will continue to be charged to property owners. However. it is expected that the debt service millage charged to property owners will continue to decline on an annual basis, This is expected to happen because: 1) the value of all property in the City is increasing at an average rate of 10% each year: 2) the increase in the assesed value of homestead property is limited to the lesser of 3% or the rate of inflation, (1.6% in 1999); and the cost of the annual payments on the proposed bonds wlU be Less than the cost of the bonds currently outstanding. An oversight committee consisting of community residents will oversee the projects and ensure that the program is implemented within a designated timeline. Code Amendment Reducing Percentage of Resort Tax Collections Allocated to Visitor and Convention Authority _,nall the Miami Beach City Code be amended to reduce the percentage of resort tax monies allocated to the Visitor and Convention Authority from 50% of the resort tax collections in the City to 5% of said resort tax collections, with the remaining resort tax collections to be retained by the City to be used for tourism-related services including police, fire. sanitation, beach patrol and other services? Explanation Resort Tax is collected on sales of food, beverage, alcohol and hotel rooms. The amount collected in FY 1967, the first year that Resort Tax was collected in Miami Beach, was $1,523,600. In FY 2000, the Resort Tax is estimated to be $17,000,000. After the cost of collection is deducted, half of these dollars are used by the City to provide a portion of the cost of tourism-related services in the amount of $8,160,000, The other half of the Resort Tax collected is transferred to the VCA ("Visitor and Convention Authority"). The VCA uses this money to pay for special events grants and administrative expenses and to pay the cost of marketing provided by the Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau (GMCVB) in the amount of $5,000,000. Tf the ballot question is approved it will reduce the 50rt tax dollars given to the VCA from 50% to 5% of net collection. The City will use these dollars to pay for the contract services with the GMCVB, as the VCA currently does. The additional $2,344,000 received by the City will be used to pay for tourism expenses (police, fire, sanitation, lifeguards) currently funded through other sources, Charter Amendment Increasing Salaries of City Commissioners and Mayor Shall Section 2.02 of the Miami Beach City ~harter be amended to increase the existing annual salary (established in 1966) of $6,000 for each City Commissioner and $10,000 for Mayor to $15,000 for each City Commissioner and $25,000 for Mayor, said salary increases amounting to one-half of the actual cumulative increase in the consumer price index from 1966 to 1999? Explanation In 1966, salaries for the Mayor and Commission were established. The salaries that were created in 1966 are the same salaries that the Mayor and the Commisioner are paid today. Each City Commissioner has an annual salary of $6,000, and the Mayor has an annual salary of $10,000. The ballot question .oposes increasing the existing salaries of City ,mmissioner and Mayor by approximately one-half of the cumulative increases in the Consumer Price Index from 1966 to 1999. Therefore, under the proposed measure, each City Commissioner would earn $15,000, and the Mayor would earn $25,000 per year, Charter Amendment to City of Miami Beach Base and Supplemental Pension Funds for Firemen and Police Officers Shall the Miami Beach base pension fund for firemen and policemen (City Special Related Acts. Article IX) be amended to delete obsolete language, add a deferred retirement option plan, substitute the "prudent person rule" for existing investment restrictions, and include pension benefits currently provided in the City of Miami Beach "police officers' and fire fighters' supplemental pension plan" (City Code Chapter 78, Article IV) allowing for repeal of said supplemental plan from the City Code. Explanation There are currently two pension plans for the Miami Beach firefighters and police officers, One plan was adopted by Special Act of the State Legislature. and the other one plan was adopted by City of Miami Beach ordinance, This proposal would merge these two plans with the supplemental plan being repealed and the base plan being the saving plan. Benefits will remain the same. The merged plan deletes obsolete language and creates savings of over $3.7 million in the City's current fiscal year, Administrative costs savings will occur annually. In addition to the merger of the two plans, a new provision has been added, a Deferred Retirement Option Plan, commonly known as "DROP", This provision was negotiated and agreed to by the Miami Beach Fraternal Order of Police, the police union, the International Association of Firefighters Local 1510, the firefighters union and the City of Miami Beach, If the ballot question is approved, firefighters and police officers may elect to enter the DROP program for up to 36 months when they are eligible to retire, General Employees' Pension Board: Deleting Specific Investment / Allocation Restrictions and Substituting Therefore Prudent Person Standard. Shall Article VI, Section 31 of the Related Special Acts, of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, be amended to specific restrictions concerning Pension Board investment and allocation, and to substitute therefore language authorizing the Pension Board to exercise (in a prudent manner) independent judgment in allocating and investing funds? Explanation The Retirement System for General Employees of the City of Miami Beach contains very specific restrictions on investments. These restrictions limit the Pension Board in investing funds, If this ballot question is approved, the amendments to the Special Acts will allow the Pension Board more flexibility in determining how pension funds are allocated among different types of investments and invested. The Pension Board will follow the "prudent person" standard in making such allocations and investments. VOTING PRECINCTS PRECINTOS DE VOTACION 011 Biscayne Elementary School 800 - 77th Street 013 North Shore Community Center 7250 Collins Avenue 014 North Shore Recreation Center 501 - 72 Street 015 Fairway Park 200 Fairway Orive 018 Normandy Isle Municipal Pool 2401 Biarritz Drive 019 Normandy Isle Municipal Pool 1765 -71 Street 021 North Shore Recreation Center 501- 72 Street 022 Shane Waters ports Center 6500 Indian Creek Drive 023 Miami Beach Fire Station #3 5303 Collins Avenue 024 Nautilus Middle School 4301 North Michigan Avenue 025 Miami Beach Fire Station #3 5303 Collins Avenue 026 21st Street Community Center 2100 Washington Avenue 027 Ocean Grande Hotel 3651 Collins Avenue 028 Temple Beth Shalom 4144 Chase Avenue 029 North Beach Elementary School 4100 Prairie Avenue 030 Miami Beach Botanical Garden 2000 Convention Center 031 Dade Boulevard Fire Station #2 2300 Pinetree Drive 032 Miami Beach Public Library 2100 Collins Avenue 033 Barclay Plaza Hotel & Apartment 1940 Park Avenue 034 Miami Beach Botanical Garden 2000 Convention Center Drive 035 21st Street Community Center 2100 Washington Avenue 036 Flamingo Park Teen Center 1000 - 12 Street 037 Miami Beach City Hall 1700 Convention Center 038 Miami Beach Rod & Reel Club 208 South Hibiscus Drive 039 St. Francis de Sales Church 621 Alton Road 040 St, Francis de Sales Church 621 Alton Road 041 Miami Beach Fire Station #1 1051 Jefferson Avenue 042 Miami Beach Senior Center 610 Espanola Way 043 Miami Beach Police Department 1100 Washington Avenue 044 . Ocean Front Auditorium 1001 Ocean Drive 046 South Shore Community Center 833 - 6 Street 048 South Pointe Park 1 Washington Avenue EN LAS ELECCIONES DE NOVIEMBRE 2, HAY 8 PROPUESTAS DE IMPORTANCIA PARA Los VOTANTES DE MIAMI BEACH Como un servicio a la comunidad y para informar a Los votantes, la Ciudad de Miami Beach provee estas 8 propuestas, junto a sus explicaciones e impactos. Favor de leer este foLleto. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor, llame la oficina del Administrador de la Ciudad al 305-673-7010 0 vi site nuestro web site a ci.miami-beach.fl.us Para Cambiarle el Nombre de "Ocean Beach Park" a "Marjory Stoneman Douglas Ocean Beach Park" ,Debera "Ocean Beach Park" (situado generalmente al este de Ocean Drive, entre la extensi6n de la via derecha del sur de la calle Zda y la extension de la via derecha norte de la calle 3ra) renombrarse "Ma~ory Stoneman Douglas Ocean Beach Park" Explicacion Marjory Stoneman Douglas tiene una s6lida reputacion internacional como conservadora. En 1989, a Los 98 anos de edad, luch6 para salvar el parque Ocean Beach Park del desarrollo urbano, En 1998. Marjory Stoneman Douglas fallecio a la edad de 108 anos, Si esta propuesta es aprobada, el parque sera rebautizado en honor de la senora Douglas, quien lucho con vehemencia para lograr que Los terrenos permanecieran como parque. II Mejoras a Vecindar' las Improvements to Neighborhood Infrastructure ,Para mejorar la infraestructura de Los vecindarios residenciales en la Ciudad de Miami Beach. consistente en ornato de Las calles y aceras, incluyendo iluminaci6n y arboles, mejoras de obras publicas. medidas para aliviar el trafio, estabilizaci6n del litoral, y las instalaciones de mantenimiento relacionadas, debera autorizarse a la Ciudad de Miami Beach a emitir bonos de obligacion generaL que no excedan $57,915,000 en suma principal. pagaderos con un impuesto ad valorem ilimitado, generado intereses con indices determinados en el momento de la venta de bonos sin exceder el indice de inten!s maximo por la ley en dicho momento? Explicadon Esta propuesta permitira que la ciudad mejore Las calles, implante medidas de mitigacion de trafico. arregle areas verdes, repare aceras. bordillos y cunetas, pavimente calles de Los vecindarios de la ciudad y realice 'eas de estabilizaci6n de Las costas y mejoramiento de Las instalaciones de mantenimiento relacionadas. - - Mejoras a Parques y Playas Improvements to Parks and Beaches ,Para mejorar Los centros de recreaci6n, equipos, el acceso, seguridad y las intalaciones de mantenimiento relacionadas con parques y playas situados en la Ciudad de Miami Beach, debera autorizarse a la Ciudad de Miami Beach a emitir bonos de obligacion general que no exedan la cantidad de $24,830.000 en suma principal. pagaderos de Los fondos de tasaci6n ad valorem ilimitados. generando interes€s con indices determinados en el momento de la venta de bonos, sin exceder et indice legal vigente en el momento de la venta qe dichos bonos? Explicacion Esta propuesta permitira a la ciudad mejorar instalaciones recreativas, equipo, accesos, cercados. campos e iluminacion de canchas en Los parques y playas de la ciudad. Las instalaciones comunitarias, parques comunitarios e instalaciones de mantenimiento relacionadas seran renovados, mejorados y ampliados. ~ ~ Inmuebl Par a : ~ ~ bE qui p 0 s eros Fire Safety Facilities and Equipment ,Para renovar, expander y mejorar las estaciones de bomberos e inmuebles relacionados que se encuentran en la Ciudad de Miami Beach, y para la adquisici6n de camiones de bomberos. debera autorizarse a la Ciudad de Miami Beach a que emita bonos de obligaci6n general por una suma capital que exceda tQ,720,000, pagaderos de Los fondos de tasacion ad valorem ilimitados, generado intereses a un indice se determinara en el momento de la venta de Los bonos, sin exceder el indice de interes legal vigente el momenta de la venta de dichos bonos? Explicacion Esta propuesta permitira a la ciudad renovar y mejorar la Estacion de Bomberos NO 2, en 2300 Pinetree Drive, y la Estacion NO 4, en 6880 Indian Creek Drive. comprar aparatos de combate de incendios y mejorar Las instalaciones de mantenimiento relacionadas. PROYECTOS PROPUESTOS DEL PROGRAMA DE BONOS DE OBLIGACION GENERAL El programa de bonos de obligaci6n general comprende tres propuestas que se someteran a votaci6n fl) @ @ Mejoras a Vecindarias Mejoras a Parques y Playas Inmuebles y Equipos Para Bomberos ,Que e5 un bono de obligacion general (G.O,)? Los bonos de obtigaci6n general son una forma de nnanciar el costo de las mejoras fisicas a vecindarlos, calles, seguridad publica y atras instalacianes, parques y playas de la ciudad. Los bonos de obligaci6n general se pagan exdusivamente con impuestas sabre inmuebles (ad valorem) y se emplean para pagar proyectos que na generan ingresos. La ciudad ya ha emitido bonos de abligaci6n general: en 1987, en 1992 y, mas recientemente, en 1997 para mejorar los parques de ta ciudad. El manto total de Las abligaciones de deuda general en circulaci6n al 30 de septiembre de 1999 era de $34,725,000. Esta deuda se pagara par completo en 2007. Los bonos de abligaci6n general se pagan mediante un impuesto anual aplicada a propietarios de inmuebles, llamado impuesto de milesimos de d6lar para servicio de la deuda. Et impuesto es igual a la cantidad requerida cada ana para pagar el capital y Los intereses de Los bonos en circulaci6n. El impuesto es establecido anua1mente por 1a Comisi6n de la Ciudad y se aplica a propietarios de inmuebles a partir de la valuaci6n de Los inmuebLes. EL impuesto de milesimos de d6lar para servicio de la deuda ha bajado ana can ana, de 4 milesimos en 1990 a 1.199 milesimas en 2000. Elimpuesto de milesimos de d6Lar para servicio de la deuda es La tasa por cada $1000 de valuaci6n del inmueb1e. Et costa de servicio de la deuda para una vivienda de $200,000, despues de deducir la exenci6n de $25,000 por hagar, fue de $700 en 1990; en 2000 sera de S209.83. Los bonos de ob1igaci6n general que actualmente estan en circulacien seran pagados en 2007. Si Los votantes aprueban Los bonos prapuestos, el impuesto de miLesimos de d6lar para servicio de la deuda seguira aplicandose a Los propietarios de inmueb1es. Sin embargo, se espera que eL impuesta de milesimas de d6lar para servicio de La deuda siga bajanda ana con ana. La razon por la cual se espera esta reduccien es la siguiente: 1) el valor de las inmuebles de 1a ciudad aumenta en pro media un 10% anual; 2) el incremento en la va1uacion de Los inmuebtes de vivienda esta limitado al 3% 0 el indice de inflacion (1.6% en 1999). lo que sea menor; y el costo de Los pagos anuales de Los bonos propuestos sera menor que el costa de 10s bonos actualmente en circulacion. Un comit€! supervisor, integrado por residentes de la comunidad, supervisara Los proyectos y asegurara que et programa sea implantado de acuerdo con un calendario designado. 9'10L 'ON lIW~3d l~ 'HJ1f38 IWIfIW 39lflSOd sn SSlflJ lS~]j a31~OS3~d Enmienda Al Codigo Para Reducir El porcentaje De Los Fondos Recaudados Mediante El Impuesto Turistico Asignados A La Autoridad De Visitantates Y Convenciones (Debera enmendarse el C6digo de la Ciudad de Miami Beach para reducir el porcentaje de impuestos turisticos asignado a la Autoridad de Vistantes y Convenciones del 50% de los impuestos turiisticos recaudados en la ciudaad, a 5% de dicha recaudaci6n, reteniendo para la ciudad los impuestos turisticos restantes para ser utilizados en servicios de policia, bomberos. sanidad, patrullas playeras y atras servicios relacionados con el turismo? Explicadon El impuesto turistico se aplica alas ventas de alimentos. bebidas, alcohol y habitaciones de hotel. EI monto recaudado en el ano fiscal de 1967, el primer ano en que se aplico el impuesto turistico en Miami Beach, fue de $1,523,600. Para el ano fiscal 2000 se estima que ascendera a $17,000.000. Despues de deducir el costo de recaudacion, la mitad de este dinero es utilizado por la ciudad para cubrir una parte del costo de los servicios relacionados con el turismo, por la cantidad de $8,160,000. La atra mitad del impuesto turistico recaudado se transfiere a ta VCA (Visitor and Convention Authority). La VCA utiliza este dinero para pagar subvenciones y gastos administrativos de eventos especiales y para pagar el costa de los servicios de comercializacion provistos par la Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau (GMCVB), por la cantidad de $5,000,000. Si la propuesta sometida a votacion es aprobada, la cantidad monetaria del impuesto turistico que se entre9a a la VCA se reduciria del 50% al 5% de la cantidad neta recaudada. La ciudad utilizara este dinero para pa9ar los servicios contratados a la GMCVB. que en la actualidad son pa9ados por la VCA. Los $2,344,000 adicionales recibidos por la ciudad se usarian para pagar gastos relacionados con el turismo (policia, bor sanidad, salvavidas) que hoy en dia se financian con otras fUt Enmienda A La Carta Constitucional Para Aumentar El Salario De Los Comisionados Y Alcalde De La Ciudad tDebera ser enmendada la Seccion 2.02 de la Carta Constitucional de la Ciudad de Miami Beach para incrementar el actul salario anual que fue estabelcido en 1966 de $6,000 para cada comisionado y $10,000 para el alcalde, a $15,000 para cada comisionado y $25,000 para el alcalde; siendo dicho incremento de salario la mitad del incremento acumulativo actual del in dice de precios al consumidor del 1966 a11999? Explicaci6n En 1966 se establecieron los salarios del alcalde y los comisionados, Estos salarios fijados en 1966 son los mismos que hay en dia perciben el alcalde y los comisionados, Cada comisionado de la ciudad tiene un salario anual de $6,000; para el alcalde, el salario anual es de $10,000. La propuesta sometida a votacion comprende el incremento de los salarios actuales del alcalde y de los comisionados, en una cantidad aproximadamente i9ual a la mitad de los aumentos cumulativos del indice de precios al consumidor de 1966 a 1999. Par 10 tanto, segun la medida propuesta, los salarios anuales de los comisionados de la ciudad y del alcalde serian de $15,000 y $25,000, respectivamente. Enmienda A La Carta Constitucional De La Ciudad De Miami Beach Fondos De Pension Basicos Y Suplementarios Para Bomberos Y Policias ,Debe ser enmendado el Articulo IX de las Leyes Relacionadas Especiales de la Ciudad relativo al fondo basi co de pension para bomberos y policias de Miami Beach para eliminar ellenguage obsoleto, agrerar .un plan de opcion de retiro deferido, sustituir las actuales restricciones para la inversion par la norma de "persona prudente," e incluir los beneficios de pension que se brindan actualmente en el "plan suplementario para oficiales de la policia y bomberos" de la Cuidad de Miami Beach (Articulo IV del Captitulo 78 del Codigo Municipal). permitiendo asi la revocacion de dicho plan suplementario del Codi90 Municipal? '6661: lap '^ON ap G lap uOlJJala el e opadsal UOJ alue+Jodw~ a6essaw un S31NV10^ 30 VIn9 'uo~pala 6661: '2 MN a4l 6U!UlaJUOJ a6essaw lU e+Jod w l U e 30In9 SM310^ 6EW:: 1:1 '4J2a8 ~W2~W a^f.lO JalUa) uoquaAUO) DOL I 112H ^m H)V38 IWVIW :10 ,UD ~ Explicacion En la actualidad hay dos planes de pension para los bomberos y los policias de Miami Beach. Uno de los planes fue implantado mediante una Ley Especial de la Le9islatura del Estado, mientras que el otro fue implantado mediante una ordenanza de la ciudad de Miami Beach. Esta propuesta combinaria los dos planes, rechazando el plan suplementario y utilizando el plan basico como plan de ahorro. Los beneficios serian los mismos. El ptan combinado eliminaria las cUiusulas obsoletas y generaria ahorros para la ciudad superiores a $3.7 millones en el ana fiscal actual. Asimismo, se obtendrian ahorros anuales en costos administrativos. Ademas de la fusion de los dos planes. se ha anadido una clausula nueva: un Plan de Opci6n de Jubitacion Diferida. comunmente conocido como "DROP" por sus siglas en ingles, La clausula fue negociada y aprobada por la Fraternidad de Policias de Miami Beach, el sindicato de policia., la Junta Local 1510 de la Asociacion Internacional de Bomberos. el sindicato de bomberos y la ciudad de Miami Beach, Si la propuesta sometida a votacion es aprobada. los bomberos y policias podran optar por inscribirse en el programa DROP durante un periodo maximo de 36 meses cuando ten9an derecho a jubilarse. La Junta De Pensiones De Empleados GeneraLes De La Ciudad De Miami Beach: Eliminacion De Restricciones Especificas Para Inversion De Fondos Asignados, Sustituyendolas Por La De La Norma "Persona Prudente" ,Debera ser enmendado el Articulo VI, Seccion 31 de las Leyes Relacionadas Especiales de la Ciudad de Miami Beach, Florida, para que se eliminen las restricciones especificas sabre la inversianes y asignaci6n de fondos par la Junta de Pensiones, por cuanto el texto de la ley se sustituya y autorize a la Junta de Pensiones ejercer de manera prudente su criteria independiente en la inversion y asignacion de Fondos? Explicacion El Sistema de Jubilacion para Empleados Generales de la Ciudad de Miami Beach contiene restricciones muy especificas en wanto alas inversiones. Estas restricciones limitan la capacidad de la Junta de Pensiones para invertir los fondos. Si esta propuesta sometida a votacion es aprobada. las enmiendas alas Leyes Especiales permitiran que la Junta de Pensiones ten9a mayor Ilexibilidad para determinar la forma de asignacion e inversion de los fondos de pension entre tas diferentes tipos de inversiones. La Junta de Pensiones seguira la norma de "persona prudente" al efectuar estas asignacianes e inversianes. . o ('0. ."C C>Q) C. "C.2 Q) Q) tJ) > o Q) c.c 2 E a..ns L.. C) o L.. ....0.. ~-g o 0 :I:m .c: "'C CJ s:: ca 0 (1) to tn tn tn to "'C s:: (1) 't- (1) s:: 0 "'C .c: .- 0 0 0 ~ E tn .- CJ .- .... 0 ca .... ~ 0 .... tn ~ ca Co ca (1) .c (1) .- ca C) L. L. m ca :!: E 0 .- ~ .E 0 tJ) L. - a JJ ~ 't- E c. JJ (1) 0 0 .... .c tn L. ~ (1) 0 C) .- ~ en .c - - .- ~ LL .... ca - (1) L. .- J- ca 0 L. Z ca (1) m c.. (1) s:: .c (1) J- e> U> U> 0 0 U> 0 Q) ro "0 I- - ->.:0 rn ;:~ .OG:::S~ E":~.B 0.0 ~2Cm .B C)'- :::s .- Q) - oo.EO..c:"O"O ....roEc_Q)Q) o.Oo~ E~ "0 0 it= 0.... "OQ) .......... 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Mrs, Douglas, at the age of 98 (she lived to the age of 108!), spoke at a rally in Ocean Beach Park in 1989 that opposed the ciry developing it for parking. But her connection with the park dated back to 1916 - a summer in South Pointe that confirmed what was to be a lifelong commitment to the environment. "The First Lady of the Everglades and Beloved Friend of Ocean Front Park." (Barbara Capitman, introducing Mrs. Douglas to media at the Ocean Front Park preservation tally, March 26th, 1989.) "We can't prevent growth. We cannot keep all growth down, and we wouldn't want ro...but we need above all, to protect our nat- ural resources from the growth that we have here," (Mrs. Douglas, speaking at the park preservation rally, March 26th, 1989). Miami Herald, Monday, March 27th, 1989, article by Dan Holly: "Beach group enlists Douglas. Activists hope ro save park, name it after con-' servationist." . "Miami Beach opened up for me what I'd always felt was the true Florida world...! realized then I was a saltwater person who'd never be happy living inland." From Voice of the River, Mrs, Douglas's autobiography - recounting her summer of 1916 living in South Pointe, (then known as "South Shore",) Many dedicated conservationists and activists publicly endorsed naming this park in honor of Mrs. Douglas, including: Rabbi Irving Lehrman; David Lawrence (former publisher of the Herald); Commissioners Liebman and Gotrlieb; Teresa Montiaro (founder of RAIN and UNlOAD); Nancy Brown, president, Friends of the Everglades; Joette Lorian, former president, Friends of the Everglades; Dr, Robert Kelly, president Audobon Sociery of South Florida. Recent endorsements include: Juanita Greene, Friends of the Everglades; Stuart Reed, Esq.; Arthur J. Marcus, AIA; Denis Russ, MBCDC; and associations, businesses, and homeowners in , the immediate neighborhood of the park. i :t Frank De! Vecchio I Miami Beach... \Tot-e j J ~ ~ Bei+ey ~~-,---.......-.._~;...-...._-"-...--_._,-,<",--,--.-.,---",-,,........-..........-..--< Neighborhoods Punch #178 ---_.--,.- -~ -.-. ._--_.- --._--~._..~--_...... Parks & Beaches Punch #192 Fire &, Public Safety Punch #204 ~ .: .l' I' I j ~---"'__....--._.,_.-.._...,-._~..._..._.--..,.~..._....-......_- yo~ O\Ske&A -Pov iT! 1 I '::.1:crr5;~:;e"~?~~;;:::~:~r;:~:"::;Z\;,,:!~~;;;i-.:!~~~_~,:.~~~~~:.-:;;~':11.t.!'Z1J-:~~j. :;~~:::L;';~.:":.:~::L:: ....:..:~. '_;:.~~,r':'~"'" '::~ _:~-::':-'~::' : M ,~ ;':~ .,r< .~V.. i; O'~. '0" ~ i?&~ .....-..,"".. : .:....c~-'<.'i"~ .... '1:'.. -, ....,....,,'. c-<>o;.Y.>' :'.~ Wo.""-'! >';_" "L ..:.:~ .,;- ",-,,,,,,,:.--:>'~~-.._t"'J.:<._~~.,"""''',~,,i.-'.~J'', ",.:"c',; .';".'.;,,: :;....,"., "-'.'" " ~y Nei~hboY'hoo6\ t-.tOw! BONDS FOR OUR COMMUNITY ~. ".,,',-. - J Mri"MNEACH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE nOVfffiSfR 1999 Miami Beach govern- ment has finally lis- tened to WE THE PEOPLE, the citizens of Miami Beach and its many diverse neighbor- hoods. We told them we wanted to improve local neighborhoods, parks, beaches as well as upgrade public safety facilities. Now its up to us, the citizens, to follow through. ~~. ) ~)~j ~y ~ei~k'boY'ko~ ~O\N! BONOS FOR OUR COMMUNITY MY ~ NOW! is supporting three general obligation bond issues that focus on improving quality of life on Miami Beach: · PublIc Safety - public safety enhancements and improvements will provide for the future safety needs of the Beach for you and your family, thus helping to improve the quality of life in your neighbor- hood, .NeigMIorhoads- your neighborhood will benefit from improved streets, lighting, sidewalks, landscaping, traffic control and gardens, thus increasing your quality of life and your property values. · Parka and Beacll8a - parks and beaches will benefit from improved .. recreational facilities, equipment, access and security. Community . facilities will be renovated and expanded to ensure that. Miami : Beach remains an attractive place to live for everyone. ' These issues affect our communities as we move into the next mil- lenium. By voting YES! on November 2nd, you will bevoting for specific neighborhood improvement projects that the citizens of Miami Beach selected through public workshops. These bonds direcUy aUect each of our communlUes. These bonds ensure that all MIami Beach nelghbll'hoods uphold a quality of life that you and YOII' fami- ly dllSllrve. WE ASK YOU TO SUPPORT All THREE ISSUES VOTE YES! In NOVEMBER 2nd lIiI:a'eti Amy Rabin Sunset Islands 3 & 4 . Homeowners Assoc. Margueritte Ramos Herrera NOI'Irulndy Sud Homeowners Assoc. Jim Schlobohm Alton Road Homeowners Assoc. PAGE 25 · The .SUN POSt · THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1999 . ";. 0 zO l Z J1 z .:; ;:) ce 0 5 ;:)0 ~ ~ UJ ~ Z << ~~ " UJ 0 i2 UJ cocb .... CO :J 'tl Q. 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E -;.. ,~.~ vi C - V,)..c U OJ.z: :1 "'d ] ..... :.a "'. =s <l) ~~~~~~~~_~__ 0"' uu;~oo.o~ ~~]OO'~ U,J:...c:""O~~-~~~OOE .- "t,') ~ c 0.='-::; 0 - I b _ 5 ~ E <.8 ~ 8 ~.5 ~ ~ .E S B 0'- E ~ ., N ~ r s:: -q: ~ OJ S ell ~ -B ~ ~S-_=~~~u~~-_o _=~~.__h-'''_~'~~' d oo~~~t:~. ~o~->..... ~- ". - ~ \OJ - :> ~N ~""'0.E'~ ~ ~ OJ ~ ~ p..~.- - - ~.... . 2. ~ ~ d ~ U ~ '~_~s......~.~__-~_._.c.._"".co ___~ _,__.co:o>co ",0 ro~(1)_~ ......~~_v, _~~ ~ u-~o~~-=_ ,.-u-=~ o~ ~~N~~->'~O~.t:: ~ 0 - ~ - <l):3 .Qj ~ 8 ~ ~ S ~ ~ N ~ ~ g .s s u.= ....:: ~ ~ ~'S ~ ~ ~ 25 ~ 0 0 CD ~ ~~E~~g ~'=c~~~..oE~ ~~~~B= ~t8 ~UCl"l~Ep..~~~~N,5 ~ ~. :< '" < ~ < z :i Q cO .. ... ... \ .. ~ Voters face 8 questions BY SARA OLKON and PETER WHORISKEY solkon(cilherald,com Miami Beach residents will be iaced with eight baUot ques- tions when they go to the polls '""MW~! ~EACH Tuesday. including three bond- issue proposals and a charter amendment that would in- crease the salaries of the mayor and commissioners. Here's a look at the ballot ini- tiatives; beginning with the three general obligation bond proposals: >> Ballot Questions No.2, 3 and 4: Voters are being asked to give the city the. go-ahead to take out $92 million in general obligation bonds that property owners wOl!ld pay back in ta,,' es, Here's the. break down: Bal- lot Questiont';o. 2 would allot $57,9 million fOr neighborhood improvement. including street repairs and shorelmestabiliza- tion; Ballot Question No. 3 wou Id raise $24.8. million for parks and beaches. including adding fencing and lighting at parks and improvip:gbeach ac- cess; Ballot Q.uestionNo. 4 w()uld give the city $9.72 mil- lion (or(irefi~tingand safety equipment; including renovat- ing the fire stations at Pine Tree and1n<iian Cre~ drives, lIow.mt1~h will the bonds cost homeowners? The answe;deplllldson in- terest rates. overall city prop- erty value. and whether the bonds are issued at once, Under a worst-case scenario sketched by City Finance Di- rector Patricia Walker. the cost to the owner of a $200,000 home with the homestead ex- emption would fiucluatefrom $10 the first year, rising to SUO in the lOth year, and falling to $84 in the 20th year. The scenario assumes the overall city property value ris- es at three percent a year; that the average bond interest rate is five percent {the last time the city sold bonds. in 1997, the average rate was 4,6 percent. . PtL\Sf SUBONDS. 15 \l~ \)~ ~~ ~~ ~~ :IJ ~ :il Z TJ ~ -< :J :) r./'J ~ ~ o ~ ~ (l) 5 > e .~ 8 .~ S ~ o ~ · ?-"'1 U ~ B r./'J ~ ~ o >- ,.0 ~ (l) CO --< :; ..!...~ ~ a ~ u"3 ~ ~ o e--:5 ~'u o..c - .- ;.::: ...c: u - -- .-... t!"'O- :::: 0< >,~u 00"=8 ?;-Sdi:"'~~e-" , _ '"' ~'" 0 ..:_ ';:: 0,:: bO":': u ~ u - -.... u .. ~ 'U .~.g gf,;!l t ~ ~ .5 ~ ~ r~ 2bl)\-o-:>c# I1Jc("3,-, o..<=o.."~""O..ou",<= .-- '~"T'I V} ~ = - ts Clj (/) E c: 0 ~ >. r.:I...... 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' I Although 56 percent of the voters approved the neighbor-i hood bonds and those fori parks and beaches, there wast widespread apprehension over:, the prospect of influence in ~ bond contracts, and the city'S' capacity to effectively manage the program. The Oversight' Committee is a vehicle for concerned citizens to monitor the process. FRANK DEL VECCHIO Miami Beach Obligation bonds' oversight is critical Editor: . At its Dec. 1 meeting, the City Commission will appoint six residents as members of an ll-person committee to over- see the spending of $90 million in general obligation bonds authorized by the voters in the Nov, 2 election. Before Wednesday, nomina- tions may be made to the city manager's office, fax number 305-673-7782. Needed are the nominator's name and tele- phone number and the name of the nominee and whether they live in North, Middle or South Beach. There will also be a community meeting where nominations will be accepted at 6 p.m. Monday in the City Hall Commission chambers. , .,. 7' ~ -- .~ .. "' City seeking nominations for bond panel Miami Beach will host.a com- munity meeting accepting nominations for its General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee at 6 p.rn. Monday. The meeting will be held in the City Hall Commission Chambers, 1700 Convention Center Dr. Nominations are needed from each part of the city - North, Middle and South - to sit on the oversight committee. The nomination list will be for- warded to the City Commis- sion for the appointment pro- cess Wednesday. For more information, call the City Manager's Office at 305-673-7010. Stand up for your rights and watch Action Line standright behind you, Q ~ :""'."%~""''''~~''f1W~''f1'''__ ' ~~~ CJu~ @ fa - - f .ai E.. :)0 .... .... "'QI ...... GIftS C" ~:; <all E .\,;1 e :c= c ~i '-'- <<So ~::c .cC- 1::; 0.. z'-' ,," => .., .,"~ , =~~ t:: tl ~ >.>.....~ o.....g U ~ ~ " " ..g 'i: 0 t:: ~ ... - 0 ... c: 0 ...c:. ._ ~ 11 ~ ~, · ~u a . e Cl ..0 '" ~ =.,,~. u EEo >'0 ;t; ~ ~... .'" ........ ..0 _.." ~ B-u c:: VI g 5CE bOZOZO...c:. ~ :;; c:; <lft"$<lf"~> ~c:: ClJ).... 's.... :2..0 ~ 1j u ,(.. , 'OJ. "" & "d II ~ ~g ,lG u Z ~ -" 0 . G 11:! 3:! >.~ q ~o = . ~ .~z ~ ' ... 0..... 0 .....,... ft -< 'V'l c: w 'C u " O""d ... "": . Cl -!;""lU! "-""'Eq, n,. 1."..:2 "'~r.EuO:2..,...q. w~ti o 0 ~ -" il..o "':r: e .g o..'E " >. -"" . ~ '" :r: '., 0 '. '" . C:::oe~~. ~oo EOVl......:~..x;-g<<'li:O u .- ." c:: U\-4-- <If'' ~...c:. :: ~ ~ c: >...." .... . .~O U I'- __ tl ~ 0 u ,0 ~...::: t:: O:J \I.,..:. ~ O. . ...c:. Q., (i;.- O...c:. . 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I I I EDITORIAL n. ~ L.JJ eCf pp V1'2f1 v-, Public Safety Election Issue Number 1: But to bring about real change in the crime rate in Miami Beach will take true visionary leadership. Crime is not just an issue of the perpetrator and the victim. It is far more pervasive than that. 1;"'/.i yrar, JS ill pasl t!tc!lon cycf(J, ItJ( SUIlPOst 5~d'j to iJrnrijj ;hr mOlt hnportilrJt USZif$ J8 ,be general public at !.Jrl! going i1/(o a /'rfjami Beuh ri,c:ion. In /ht w'/:(,I:, ,. com.. wllfeh ,hir 'faa as SunPou C<1.stJ light fJn thou issues rhut ,he puhlic ShO;4ld srrious{y tllk~ into i:fJmidnmion .whol making ?v(f/wal dtcl,-inm "" which 'alldid41fI and b.dlo' itml! drr in in b~Jf inuTrsr. SunPOJf J4illeJ thes( HHifJ :J~ll~;i Z~ mpjjl}fam ~~ry~J tiH~ ~~a ZH~ t'ri:"wr.4/ bQilrd~' uniqur insighr. lOur commt!m.'ll)Y as alwiJ)'s. is wf.it:om~. The number one issue of mosr mCUtr poli"lO municipalities is public safety, and ,\liami Reach is no din"refll, This is both J lign of rh" condirions of urban regions today. md the lIery real notion that the very !tflJ' a govemmenrlhould be abl" ro do i, prorect ill citizenry. In Miami Beach, public safery is a colossal issue - one thar aiTects virtually every resident in one way or anorh- er. Since ~1iami Beach's per cJ.pica crime fate is higher ,han other municipalititS such as Miami and Hialeah, it make., sense rhat public safery is a priorir;r concern. Miami &Jch is blessed with both an etTecrive police deparrment and one of rhe nation', tlnest tire departmcnr,. That said. both are very much in need of commission attention ro keel' pace with popularion growth - and the rate of serious incidents. Seeing as the problem of youth crime in the South Beach and North Beach ~reas has continued unabard since ir reached the crisis point several years ago, the police are in need of more resoun:es and llew thinking in what ha.s turned into an epic struggle. 'While some may try [0 find fault with rhe poTice to cover their OWll inacrion on the city hall level, the public is encouraged to see this J.$ what it i,,~ dection ye-.u posirioning, The police department does not need ro be rold it hasn't bem doing i,s job, since in the majority of the rime, i, iJ doing its job :J.S best it can, A ,e:lsonahle and Forward thinking po,i. ti0l1 on policing Miami Beach would need to indud~ some 'kind of community policing pm. gram, sllch as the one insrirutcd with success eadi- er rhl, VOM in North Beach. Patrol officets familiar ~HfI(p:1fm:ttt11 Hg~IBHHltlt:tl ~~ teUm:~:mr :f~ officer> berrer prepared to deal with problemJl;c situ;J(ions J$ they arise. Since this is a rouris(.dri- ven economy, it makes ,ense thar a rea.,onable approach to law enforcement i>sue.s would also indude an expansion ot' ,he number of officers on the meet. Whether this becomes a budget prionty or something that C3.n be accomplished by re-org"- ni'r.ing the existing personnd is sub jeer (0 reason. able debate. Poliricalleadership emalls listening to thll needs of the depatrmenr and finding a W:ly to fuliill the,e needs in the mosr expeditious rnea1l5 available. But to bring about teal change in the crime rate in Miami Beach will take true visionary leadership, Crime is not jllst an issue of the perpe- uator and the victim. It i. far more pervasive than thar, Some sections of Miami Beach laok, afrer dark. like places where crime oecurs. lnadeqwtte lighting. litter on the strc::ers, meets that arc deten. o..uing, a conS,Jnt vagrant presence - thesc are all symproms of a community open to crimin.l acrivity. Unless these pares of the city are madt ro look less inviting to a criminal dement, then no amount of officers on the street will make a differ~ encc. Youch crime stems from the failure of fami. lies and social service networks, too. The cnminal jU$uce system in this country is a failure, and no leadership from Miami Beach can alter that. However, to tmly put ao end to the yourh-dtiven (rime Wolve ~ngulfing r-...liami Be1ch, rhe ciry wi.lJ need to tlnd a way to work in conjunction with county ot1kiaJs. juvenile jWiricc experts and social service agencies to seck solutions that start IHfor(' apprehension by the overworked MBPD, Miami B""ch's proud fi refighters are ia need or mention as welL It isn', mrpeising that the Miami B""ch Fire Deparrmenr i. one of the coun- un ~gt; .~~ g ~~:p:~~:::g ~~~:~ ~~~ D:~::~~ ~!~:~ a~( ;u sr:;cond homes. for these brave men and women have been allowed ro deterior3\e, Presumably this is an issue important enough to be on ,he city's colk'ClivII mind these day,.-- bur .ction will ,peak louder than words. The science and technol~g)' of firdighting and paramedic work is more expansive than most people ate aware of, and all efforts ,hould be made to makc su'e the MBFD remains on the curring edge of technique, tmining and equipment, In one form Ot another. the next cirv commission will have to confront tbe issue of m";'datcd tire sprinkler. in the city's high. riscs, and only a t[llly educated and inlom1cd com. mi..ion will be able to make the be.t decision IUr the public. Too ofi:en in the past, Miami BeJeh has been willing [0 C<lmm;t vast resources roward try- ing to sell the image of the city :>s a safe, dean tourist destination, Ir is not safe. and most parrs arcni very clean. If thi, city is ever going {o escape its colorful - if less than scrupulous - history. and become a world.-dass des,ination and a world- class home town, then these resources need to be committed to making this image into reality. SunP05t recommends the public consid. er issues of public s:lfety when intcracring with or researching rhe qualifications and platforms of candi6tcs in this Novetnbcr's !'vIL1m; Beach Citv Commission elections. ' 6~UD ulff1l~fu LA COMISJON VOTO POR IMPOR- TANTES TEMAS En la reciente reunion de la Comision, la misma acordo poner a eleccion del votante en noviembre 2 la aprobacion de $92 milIones en bonos para mejoras en la comunidad, que irfan a $9,72 miIlones para renovar y expandir las estaciones de incendio: $57,91 millones para proyectos que incluyen reparaciones de calles y mantenimiento de las playas y $24,12 millones para parques y areas de recreaci6n. Otra de las preguntas que iran al re- ferendum en las proximas elecciones es la de incluir $456,000 para anadir cua- tro sendas para una nueva piscina en Flamingo Park y $300,000 para expandir el Shane Watersports Center, , La directora de Esta- cionamientos, Jackie Gonzalez, informo que su departa- mento esta insta- lando 2,:300 apa- ratos electr6nicos en los parqufme- tros para ayudar a evitar los vandal is- mos y robos en los mismos. Otro de los temas que se dis- cuti6 en la comi- sion fue el de 105 continuos proble- mas que estin oca. sionando las gan- gas en horas de la noche hasta el amanecer en las calles del sur de la Playa, Los comerciantes se quejan que las autori- dades tienen que ser mas estrictas para poder lim- piar el area de j6venes menores de 18 anos, im- plantando multas a los padres que sus hijos vio- len esta prohibici6n Ios viernes y sabados, EI jefe de la Polida, Richard Ba- rreto manifest6 que elIos estin trabajando en ese senti do y que han hecho 800 arrestos durante el presente ano, "Se requiere mas personal para re- forzar nuestro trabajo", comenta Barreto. La Voz de Miami Beach Septiembre, 1999 Page 1 Chamber Forms PAC to Support Bond Issues By ERIK BOJNANSKY Staff Writer At a morning press conference held at ehe Garden Center, Tuesday. the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce announced the formation of a political acrion committee -that will push me Beach eleccorate to pass over $90 million worm of bonds. "It is going co affect everyone, "said Gerald K. Schwam, chairman of the board of the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce. Besides deciding who should fill ehe mayor's seat and cwo commission poses, on November 2nd Miami Beach residents will have a chance co vote for or against eight ref.. erendums, including ehreegeneral obligation (GO) bond ballot questions. Called My Neighborhood Now!. the PAC will try to CD"'f":ru'''_ A.A':"'......: R.,......,..h un........... ,._ __~ ....11 Ulree. cnrce. The questions: -$9.7 million worth of capital improvements for Fire Stations Two and Fo u r. Both stations, which also serve as a part- time residency for Miami Beach firefighters, are in dismal condition. -$24.8 million for parks and beach improvements. -$57.9 million for streets, landscap- ing, traffic control and neighborhood enhancements in North. Middle and South Beach. Schwam said the PAC will mainly consist of neighborhood activists and associa- tions who have pushed for improvements for years. "It is really a grass roots effort," Schwartz said. "The fact is, i[you want improve- ments we have to be willing to payforthem," said Jim Schlobohm. president of the Alton Road Homeowners Assodadon. How much taxpayers will have eo pOly wasn't cle3.r at che press conference. $<:hwarrz said it would COSt the average prop- erryowner less than a. monthl}' cable or America Online bill. South Pointe activist David Sine said he heard that property taxes would aCtu- ally go down. "I don't bdicvc: your taxes will go down," Schwartz said. "They never go down. They are nor supppsed to go down.: Actually, the tax rate for debt ser- vice" will go down, explained Finance Director Trish Walker. Since October, the rio?n "$I:4~Ppear;UUlf'ofasJ.ssed..lvifiie~M trom :U.4li per :U.lJUU ot assessed value to $1.20. Due to rapidly increasing property values. Walker said the debe mHlage rare will conrinueto plummet, "That is a much more sellable argu- ment." Sine said. At the same time, debt millage won't go away anytime soon. The $90 mil- lion in proposed bond improvements will be added to the $34.7 million the city still owes for prior GO.bon~.-jncre:lSing ~hedebtro over $124 million. Miami Beach also owes millions in bond issues not requiring a refer- endum such as $108.4 million in Redevelopment Agency bonds, $98.3 million in resort tax bonds, $34 million for water and sewer bonds and $29 million tor parks bond.... A votacion.bonos en La Playa RUt FERREIRA EI Nuevo Herald Silos electores de Miami Beach no aprueban' la e~isi6n de bonos que se llevara a votaci6n el pr6- xlmo martes, los planes de desarrollo de la ciudad sufrinin un serio retraso, advirtieron autoridades municipales, "Tenemos algl;1nas alternativas, pero son muy costosas para la ClUdad y sus ciudadanos", dijo el miercoles el aciministrador municipal, Sergio Rodrf- guez. EI 2 de noviembre, entre las ocho cuestiones sobre las que los electores decidiran, hay tres que, si son aprobadas, permitiran implementar planes valo- rados en casi $92 mill ones para remozar much as areas en la ciudad. "Necesitamos este mecanismo para hacer mejo- ras en los vecindarios, a nivel de calles, alcantari- lIado, alumbrado publico y flujo de tdfico, asf como en los parques. y las playas, Tambien necesita- mos nuevos equipos de rescate para los bomberos y ampliar _las estaciones", explico Rodrfguez, . La emision de bonos sed presentada en tres par- tes .separadas por cuestiones legales; sin embargo, s.e Integran a un plan. global, que empezo hace hempo, y pretende segUlr por CIllCO ailos mas, Ade- mas, de su aprobacion depende directamente la Ile- gada de fondos esratales que elevarfan a $150 millo- nes el total de las obras. "Si alguna de estas propuestas no es aprobada, el plan quedani trunco de momento. Tenddamos entonces que ir a los bancos a pedir dinero, con unos intereses mas al~os, y ver que dinero nos queda del presupuesto, al fIn de ano, que puede ser des- el Nuevo Herald/PANORAMA ;'.\ viado para estos fines", dijo el administrador. Las tres preguntas en cuestion -Ia 2, la 3 y la 4-- piden al electorado permiso para que la Ciudad emita bonos por valor de $57,9 millones destinados a mejorar las infraestructuras en los vecindarios, La emision de bonos surgio a rafz de 87 consul- tas hechas al electorado durante los ultimos seis meses. "La comunidad se ha envuelto en esto desdc el principio. Personas que al inicio se oponfan, empe- zaron a hacer sugerencias en las reuniones, y practi- camente nos obligaron a incrementar la cantidad, porque fueron proponiendo mas y mas obras", explico Rodrfguez, , Ademas, dicen las autoridades municipales, esas mejorfas suben el valor de las propiedades y bajan los impuestos, , Sin embargo, las obras no empezanin inmediata- mente una vez aprobados los bonos. En el caso de Miami Beach, una vez aprobados los bonos, estos eneararan dos demoras, Una se debe a la cotizacion que la Ciudad tiene en el mercado finaneiero, etapa fundamental para materializar la emision de bonos, ya que determina el valor ex acto del interes. Segun Rodrfguez, Miami Beach tiene una de las cotizaciones mas altas del sur de la Florida. Por otro lado, las obras tendran que ser imple- mentadas durante la temporada baja del turismo, para noprovocar trastornos a la principal industria de la ciudad, y fuera de la epoca de huracanes, Aun asf, ailadi6 Rodrfguez con optimismo, "si todo sale bien, en cinco anos Miami Beach tendd otra eara". ' ":.,' . i MIAMI, VIERNES 29 'DE DCTUBRE DE 1999. ." ,'t.. 4 .' ~ ~ , , . ".. ,. ICily seeking l1ominations for bond panel , . '~ ., .-, , . Miami Beach will bosta com.. ,munlty, meeting, a~ccepting .no~:Q:atio~~or' its G~neral Ob,Ug~iiqn Bond Oversight coImtrlftee:,'at () p.m.' Monday. n~pte~ting: wiJ). be he~d .in the Ci~y B.all Commission Chambet's, 1700. Convention Center:'-I>r. . Nominations are needed 'from eacli :parf of the city - :Notth,;Middle'JUld South - to · th...'.. h" . . I SltOD:' .':eQv.~,:~g,: t~commlttee. , The'DominationJiSt will be foro. ward~a t<?,;-the, 'C:~tYCommis- :siQ'P__:f~r')~'e~;apll~int1Dent pro- ce$sWednesday., It:6r. ,mcire information, call th.~ ':'y~ty'~'ariage,t's Office. at :30S.;.673~7010. _1 Stand un for vour rit!hts and 11/<728'/ Cf9 EDITORIAL ... /O/~8/9? And the SunPost Recommends... Election '99 may rUl( be ,he wJtershed evenr that was Election '97, but it still ofTers vOlers many choices of both candidates and visions of Miami Beach's lluure. In addition to the races to fill two commission sealS and mayor's chair, there are a number of ballol items for the electorate to consider (see p.l this edition. "Decision Day" for details). After a lengthy editorial board process, Sun Post has reached consensus on every item on the November 2 ballot. . BallO( item: ~m..ing "Ocean Beach Park" to "MarioQ' Stoneman Douglas Ocean Beach Park. .. Sunrost recommends: YES Ballot item: $57,915,000 General Oblifuion Bond Issue For Improvements To &!~borhood lnfr.utructurc. BaJJar item: $248,0000 General Obligation Bond Issue For Improvements To Parks and Beaches _ . Ballot itcm: $9,720.000 General Obliption Bond Issue For Fire Safety Facilities and Equipment Comroversy surrounds lhese GO Bond initia- tives. Few items have stirred SlKh debate among ciry lead- ers. Fewer still have had such eloquent arguments made on both sides. De)'ond mere eloquence and run-of-the-mill cJllips, however, both sides have good points. However, SunPost has long believed thai Miami Beach's residential areas and parks are in desperate need of infrastructure improvements and the fire station improvemenu are a top public safety priority. And one thing Bond critics h3ve ret to olTer is this: if not this way now, then how and whm. Combined with the fact that the city's debt structure over the past several years has contributed [0 Beach municipal bonds actually being obj<ctivcly "pgrad,d. the benefits of funding these improvements now vastly outweigh the pOlemial downside. With the strong - and thoroughly understandable - 2nti-tax feelings in Mi2mi Be2ch, these bond items have a long, arduous road (0 ever passing. But in this ca.~e, it's a shame if they don't. Because, these are the kind of things government is J"prOJ~d [0 do. . Sunl10st rcctll1um:nds: YE..1:i on three hond items . Ballot item: 0>.<k..b-'!lffi~!!lli!g &rsmt~,~~fu Collections Allocated To Visitor M'!d C.onvention Authority. The VCA's refusal to give into the dubious srrong-arming facrics of rhe ciry :Idministratioll caused this irem to be placed on the bailor. And that's all [he reason in thc world [0 deny this thug-like plot. Sun Post recommends: NO . Ballot ilem: Chuter Amendmenc Increasin, SaJuics Of City Commissioners and Mayor Perhaps Beach politicians will begin acting like professionals when Ihey are paid like professionals. With this nOI-unreasonable increase, Ihey'll be a liule closer. SunPo~t recommends: YES . Ballot ilem: Charter Amendment to City of Miami Beach n~c and Supplenu!!ntaJ Pem:ion Funds For Firemen And Policemen Sun Post recommends: YES . Ballot itcm: ~tK(LEmplov<cs' Pension Board' Ddetin.: Specific Investment/Allocation Restrictions and Substituting Therefor Prudent Person ~ SunPosr recommends: YES eJ&mmission GcoulLY The competition (or the Group V is fierce with six candidales vying to filllhc sh(}e.~ of Sm;111 Goulich, who was prohibited from running again because of Beach term limits. literally, ever)' one of Ihe six: has serious posi- tives to consider. In fact, SUIIPoSt could not reach accord on a single candidate in Ihi~ race and recommends two for the public [0 consider. Joe Font<tna C.10 be bomhastic, comlMtive alld harder in Ihis election dun anyone and after years as one of the people advoc.lting for change in ciry hall, this might be the time for him to show what he can do from the inside. Luis Garcia, retired Miami Beach Fire Chief, spent 25 years in public service with rhe department, working his way up the ranks. Garcia has some solid ideas, particularly about ways to augment public safety concerns and make government more user. friendly. He also would like ro bring the dispatate community together to draw up a Citywide Quality of life Maner Plan and find ways to implement it. Luis has also heard a steady stream of com. plaints from citizens about cronyism and influence-ped. dling and would SUPPOTt legislation to reign in the selling of influence. A man of character and courage, luis' reaJ challenge, if elected, would be to remain both independent and reform.orienred when it comes to dealing with the bureaucracy inside city haJl. There is a lot of talent and potential in the other four conrestanrs for rhe Group V commission seal. Charles Schaab. who succeeded D3.vid Dermer as chair of Save Miami Beach after Dermer was elected [0 the com- mission two years ago, is an experienced, extremely bright activist who at times has bridged the gap belWeen the beliefs of SMll and Ihose of developer!" operating on the Beach. Unfortunately, Schaab has nor expanded the para. metets of SM II de~pite a viTru.J public mandate to do so afler Dermer's election. Activists don't alwap make the best politicians, and in Schaab's case --.:.. make no mistake about it - [he city is best efT with he and 5MB acting as warchdngs. Young 13each native Richard Steinberg offers a political legacy (he is the son of former state Sen. Paul Stcinberg), understanding of general political processes and vigor Ihat the ciry's political scene needs. Alrhough he shows signs of drawing strong support for a fresh.faced ncwcomer ro city hall circles, he is probably a couple of years of strong civic involvement away from being [he major candidate he could be one day. Lee Weiss has some cruly innovative ideas, .3nd the hean to mnch. 8mh he and the wildly charismalic Manny Wars1.avski should be encouraged to continue to participate in civic affairs. SunPost recommends: Joe Fontana/Luis Garda . Commission Group VI A smaller group of candidates arc trying to ceplace MJrty Shapiro in the Group VI race, but 110 less taJented. Choosing between three candidates as qualified as those in ,his race is not an easy thing. Fortunately, even the two who will not go on to victory are likely lO be reg. ular contrihutors to the community into the future ~ wbich spe;tks volumes about all rhree. Liliam Lopez, president and executive director of the South Beach Hispanic Chamber of Commerce bridges communities around Miami Beach. At one time, she is a progressive businesswoman with knowledge of eco~ . nomic development and tourism - and ;1 critic of some of [he high-money boondoggles [hat have defined Beach gov- ernment this decade. Liliam olTers an energy and enthusi- asm as well as the ability to successfully integrate knowl. edge and concern of business interests with prudence and wariness of elaborate and usually disastrous municipal pro. jects. More so than any other single candidate in the race, liliam rC'presents the new generation of Beach leadership. In competition with liliam arc long.time com- munity leader Matti Bower and North Beach activist Mike Thompson. Both have demonstrated passionate commit- ment to O('Jch residents. Bower has long heC'n a voicc for pres('rvatioll :IS well as an advocate for children and the needy. A retired den rOIl as.~istant whose reputation has been built at Ihegrassroots level. Dower has never-the-Iess run in three consecutive city commission elections. Unfortunately it is difficult to have run three big-money clmp:lil;llS f~)r office and not been saddled wilh political time elected officials, both men went to Miami Beach High and have deep roots in the community, and both ace attorneys. Until this election. though, th('ir rivalry had really been ahout policy and not pmonaJiry, And when it comes to policy, there are serious differences. For example: Shapiro was a critic of the Portofino deal before there was a Save Miami Bcach; K.udin supported controversial developer Thomas Kramer's project, Shapiro is often referred to as anri.development, but has routinely support. cd what he thought were rtasonablt developments. Kasdin supportS the abomination called Portofino and OIher sky- scraper deals, thcn calls for height limits for other pans of the ciry and would like to be considered a moderate in the development debate. Shapiro was long a critic of many of the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency's grand failed projects: Kasdin has remained supportive of the RDA to this day. Shapiro has often railed against tax increases and other financial hardships on the public; ~din sc('ms more fascinated with rhe mechanisms of government and even helped lead the charge for Miami-Dade Mayor Alex Penclas' failed 15.4 percent sales tax incceas(. None of which is to say that Kasdin's fim term . was a disaster. It was not. Kasdin is the consummate ~ politician with an admir;lhle mind and great potential. But ,f fUsdin's political savvy has led him to waiver. KasJin ;;.: launched the reconsideration of the city's less.than.equi- , [ahle relationship with the Greater Miami Convention & :f Visitors Bureau, [hen disappeared from the fray when the ;., county power ncucture turned its collective eye to the ~, Deach. Kasdin was nowhere to be seen as a city "Blue ~ Ribbon Commiuee" whitewashed the entire discussion i and inked a new de.J with the Bureau. Kasdin first helped champion Penelas' "transportation tax," then faded when it became obvious that the tax was going to slaughtered by the electorate. . Unril rhe commission election of 1997, I, Shapiro was long the only voice trying to slow the steady stream of one-sided development de.Js and grand projects ' . dreamed up by his fellow commissioners and developers with mong political influence_ Shapiro's specific Icgislation i has addressed the need to stop public money from going ((l private interests; to make sure that any land deals with t developers arc equitable for the public; and to force disclo. J sure of developers' money paid to neighbors to ease public discourse. Shapiro also has the strongest chance of cutting the fat out of bloated city departments and a municipal budget that has escalated at an alarming pace. It was hoped that Kasdin would make this government more lean, but the opposite has been true. With Shapiro, the city commission would be less contentious than it has been. Kasdin cuns more disci. plined meetings than did the ineffectual Seymour Gelber. Bur Kasdin has not curbed the hostiliry. Kasdin's apparent distaste for - or fear of - Commissioner David Detmer sometimes drives the city's business. KJsdin seems unable [0 forge coalitions on most issues; [00 ofren he displays 'with me or againn f!1e' behavior. Still, Shapiro has a challenge ahead of him to ever sit in the center seat on the dais and tculy lead this city into its future. To ever be the mayor he would like to be, Shapiro must assert himself. He must expand the areas where he is deftly proficient, and must learn to defer when he needs to. To be a leader, he must expand his perspective. Like many Americans, Shapiro has shown a knee.jerk aver. sian to [he machinations of government. To he a SUCCeSS. ful mayor, he must sometimes look beyond these reactions. Shapiro, though. has demonstrated the dedica- tion, consistency and strength of character to do just that. The other two COntestants in the race oITer more than just distraction from the [itle bout. Leslie MacrinC'Z.Botet is running a second rime, and has brought cner~, im;1~jnation and a .Hrong sense of what is right :lnd ;' ~ ,~ I~ .~ ~ ,;1 ~ l~ ~ o S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ = l.,g OJ ~ = '0 :~ Q) ~ i ~ "0 ~:=3 ~:a ~ ~ g.~ ~ r; ~ 'g ~~ ~ ~ (~ 0 ~ ~ 9 .~o~~a~ o'~~ ~~~~ vv,'uQ c~~J5~ r"O - - _ .::: "0 v -::J v: ' ~ , o'~:-:=.......c..V!o c-j VJ fJ,_ c-j-' "'d ~E u~~ ~eV 622 b~ ~:)~~d~d ~~~~~ ~=s ~.~~~ ~~~E~~~ ~~.......~ [f, ,..,)2_Q~,8~ ~v. ~,,:.=.gel~'uc:; ~ '..... '... _ -' r-' ~ ~.J ~ '':J -' :::., ::. v. 1; \-I 6 .g ~..:::::i ...... O' ~ ... ~,"',_ oJ: r.:.... 0" :J c.. ~ . U ;.1;...-. v. -- 0 A" :./ ~ :-. :..._.oJ...... ;,..... ~ ..... :-2 C u ....... c... 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WEINSTEIN Columnist Mayor Neisen Kitsdin's re-election campaign slogan Neighborhoods First is riding on voter approval of all three bond deals on November 2nd's ballot. It's a wobbly political wager considering the voters overwhelmingly rejected the recent ballot question to increare the city's sales tax by a whopping 15 percent. A.Co'S COLUMN ELECTION SCHEDULE ocr. 14 GROUP 6 CANDIDATE OVERVIEW A:ong wich choosing the nat mayor and fiUing two open commission a, the VOters of Miami Beach will also be deciding whether or not to go for- ward with any number of city~financed pro. jeca in the form of three "'parare bond deals on the November 2nd ballor,. Although the city administr:iuion, chamber of commerce and a couple of sitting members of the com. mission will be actively campaigning for. its passag<. the cumulative $92 million bond deal is a far cry from a done deal. Voter scrutiny and overcoming recent bond deal Scandals in the county may be government's toughest road to hoe in getting all three bond deals passed. The city administration and cham~ ber of commerce have built a dismal ballot track record in recent years in their co-part- nering endeavors to convince Voters to go along with their land we and tax increase programs. One wouJd like to think the city's administration and largest organization rep. resenting bwincss interests on the Beach wouJd have a more accurate grasp on popu- lar public sentiment toward preserving pub- lic beach-front open space and decreased taxation. ' In the mOSt recent example, jWt weeks ago the chamber of commerce, administration and Mayor Neisen IU.sdin joined forces to push for the. passage of Miami-Dade County's so-called "penny tax". The Voters thrtw that baJlqt question right back up their kuoo when they learned it would translate into a 15 percent sales tax incrC2SC across the board for Miami' Beach residents and businesses. Why would the chamber of commerce, administration and mayor campaign so vigorowly for such a heavy handed tu increase wi,hout fully dis- closing its true financial impact to voters? It's mind-boggling. But cerrainly, nothing ncw. Two yeus ago, the administration and chamber of commerce hdped spearhead developer Thomas Kramer's $2 million sludge cam- potign againS[ David Dermer's grass roO[ Save Miami Beach ballot ini. tiative. The charqber of commerce even placed paid ads on Kramer's behalf in newspapers. But once again, the e1ec~ torace saw through the: political lies and decep- tion fostered by the administration and cham- ber of commerce, and Kramer's big money cam- paign dropped right back inco irs own litclc sHmy Ct"5Spool. There arc other exampJes where the administration and cham- ber of Commerce locked legs to influence public opinion on matten slated for the ballO(. Although they always seem '0 be tied in wi,h me big money campaigns, the administra- rion and chamber of commerce have an astonishing record of tripping over their own impotence while trying to procure votcr approval. Which brings us back '0 what this column is really all about: the three "'parate bond deals on the November 2nd ballot totaling more than $92 miUion, . And here we go again. The admin- istration, chamber of commerce and the mayor's office are about to embark on a fuH COUrt press to convince vocen to Vote yes to all three bond deals on the November 2nd ballot. This is what the neighborhoods want, is the party line being espoused by the administration, chamber of commerce and mayor. In fact. Kasdin is so confident the three bond deals will pass, his re-election ampaign slogan Neighborhoods First is tid- ing on that very same Voter approval. And it now appears the chamber of commerce will be raising money to finance a poJicicaJ acrion committee to push the mree bond deaJs as well. So what else is new? What began a few years ago as a sincere and noble effort to improve the deplorable condjtions of the city's fire how- es. an issue this column has advocated in the SunPost 17 times and continues to support. has now turned into a gravy train of bloated spending which will only add ano,her layer of debt to lhe RDA's already existing S 108 million burden on Beach residena and busi- ness. The administration, chamber of com- merce and K.sdin are only using the popu- lar fire house issue '0 fuel and drive all three bond deals. "'s quintessential big money politics the Voten have $Cen play out and often reject in recent years. What to apect in the few weeks leading up to election day on November 2nd? The admini.nration yvill spend caxpay- er dollars '0 push all three bond deals via the media and direct home maHings. The cham- ber of commerce will send their maS( charis- matic spcak~rs OUt on tour pushing aJI three bond deals. And K.sdin, as he did with the Coun- ty's 15 percent .uJes tax increase, will keep his eyes to the polling to see how the VOters are responding to the campaign pwhing the ,hree bond deals. If it appears the Voters arc buying into it, K.lSdin wiJI stay with the cam- paign. If polling indic.ues Voter caution, Kasdin will retreat and try to disasso- ciate the three bond deals with his re-eJection cam- paign. And now you know why it has taken so many years co just Hx up a few fire houses. Mercy! ocr. 21 GROUP 5 CANDIDATE OVERVIEW ocr. 28 MAYOR AND . . COMMISSION RACES AND RECOMMENDATIONS