Attachment 21 MUNICIPAL QUESTIONSIPROPUEST AS MUNICIP ALES #1 RENAMING "OCEAN BEACH PARK" TO "MARJORY STONEMAN DOUGLAS OCEAN BEACH PARK" Shall "Ocean Beach Park" (located generally to the east of Ocean Drive between the south right of way of 2nd Street extended, and the north right way of 3rd Street extended) be renamed "Marjory Stoneman Douglas Ocean Beach Park"? PARA CAMBIARLE EL NOMBRE DE "OCEAN BEACH PARK" A "MARJORY STONEMAN DOUGLAS OCEAN BEACH PARK" i,Debeni "Ocean Beach Park" (situ ado generalmente al este de Ocean Drive, entre la extension de la via derecha del sur de la calle 2da y la extension de la via derecha norte de la calle 3ra) renombrarse "Marjory Stoneman Douglas Ocean Beach Park"? I YES/SI NO/NO #2 $57,915,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND ISSUE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO NEIGHBORHOOD INFRASTRUCTURE To improve neighborhood infrastructure in the City of Miami Beach, consisting of streetscapes and traffic calming measures, shoreline stabilization and related maintenance facilities, shall the City of Miami Beach be authorized to issue general obligation bonds not exceeding $57,915,000 in principal amount, payable from unlimited ad valorem taxation, bearing interest at rates determined at the time(s) of sale thereof, not exceeding the maximum legal interest rate at such time (s)? EMISION DE BONOS DE OBLIGACION GENERAL POR VALOR DE $57,915,000 PARA MEJORAS INFRAESTRUCTURAL DE LOS VECINDARIOS GPara mejorar la infraestructura de los vecindarios residenciales en la Ciudad de Miami Beach, consistente en ornato de las calles y aceras, incluyendo iluminacion y cirboles, mejoras de obras publicas, medidas para aliviar el tnifico, estabilizacion del litoral, y las instalaciones de mantenimiento relacionadas, debeni autorizarse a la Ciudad de Miami Beach a emitir bonos de obligacion general que no excedan la cantidad de $57,915,000 en suma principal, pagaderos de los fondos de tasacion ad valorem ilimitados, generando intereses con indices determinados en el momento de la venta de bonos, sin ex ceder el indice legal vigente en el momento de la venta de dichos bonos? FOR BONDS/A FAVOR DE LOS BONOS AGAINST BONDS/EN CONTRA DE LOS BONOS MUNICIPAL QUESTIONSIPROPUEST AS MUNICIP ALES #3 $24,830,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND ISSUE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO PARKS AND BEACHES To improve recreational facilities and equipment, access, security and related maintenance facilities for parks and beaches located in the City of Miami Beach, shall the City of Miami Beach be authorized to issue general obligation bonds not exceeding $24,830,000 in principal amount, payable from unlimited ad valorem taxation, bearing interest at rates determined at the time(s) of sale thereof, not exceeding the maximum legal interest rate at such time(s)? EMISION DE BONOS DE OBLIGACION GENERAL POR $24,830,000 PARA MEJORAS A PARQUES Y PLAYAS z,Para mejorar los centros de recreacion, equipos, el acceso, seguridad y las intalaciones de mantenimiento relacionadas con parques y playas situados en la Ciudad de Miami Beach, debeni autorizarse a la Ciudad de Miami Beach a emitir bonos de obligacion general que no excedan la cantidad de $24,830,000 en suma principal, pagaderos de los fondos de tasacion ad valorem ilimitados, generando intereses con indices determinados en el momento de la venta de bonos, sin exceder el indice legal vigente en el momento de la venta de dicho bonos? FOR BONDS/A FAVOR DE LOS BONOS AGAINST BONDS/EN CONTRA DE LOS BONOS #4 $9,720,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND ISSUE FOR FIRE SAFETY FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT To renovate, expand and improve fire stations and related facilities located in the City of Miami Beach and acquire and equip fire trucks, shall the City of Miami Beach be authorized to issue general obligation bonds not exceeding $9,720,000 in principal amount, payable from unlimited ad valorem taxation, bearing interest at rates determined at the time(s) of sale thereof, not exceeding the maximum legal interest rate at such time(s)? EMISION DE BONOS DE OBLIGACION GENERAL POR $9,720,000 PARA INMUEBLES Y EQUIPOS PARA BOMBEROS lPara renovar, expander y mejorar las estaciones de bomberos e inmuebles relacionados que se encuentran en la Ciudad de Miami Beach, y para la adquisicion de camiones de bomberos, debeni autorizarse a la Ciudad de Miami Beach a emitir bonos de obligacion general que no excedan la cantidad de $9,720,000 en sum a principal, pagaderos de los fondos de tasacion ad valorem ilimitados, generando intereses con indices determinados en el momenta de la venta de bonos, sin exceder el indice legal vigente en el momenta de la venta de dichos bonos? FOR BONDS/A FAVOR DE LOS BONOS AGAINST BONDS/EN CONTRA DE LOS BONOS MUNICIPAL QUESTIONSIPROPUESTAS MUNICIPALES #5 CODE AMENDMENT REDUCING PERCENTAGE OF RESORT TAX COLLECTIONS ALLOCATED TO VISITOR AND CONVENTION AUTHORITY Shall the Miami Beach City Code be amended to reduce the percentage of resort tax monies allocated to the Visitor and Convention Authority from 50% of the resort tax collections in the City to 5% of said resort tax collections, with the remaining resort tax collections to be retained by the City to be used for tourism- related services, including police, fire, sanitation, beach patrol and other services? ENMIENDA AL CODIGO PARA REDUCIR EL PORCENT AJE DE LOS FONDOS RECAUDADOS MEDIANTE EL IMPUESTO TURlSTICO ASIGNADOS A LA AUTORIDAD DE VISITANTES Y CONVENCIONES (,Debeni enmendarse el C6digo de la Ciudad de Miami Beach para reducir el porcentaje de impuestos turisticos asignado a la Autoridad de Visitantes y Convenciones del 50% de los impuestos turisticos recaudados en la ciudad, a 5% de dicha recaudaci6n, reteniendo para la ciudad los impuestos turisticos restantes para ser utilizados en servicios de policia, bomberos, sanidad, patrullas playeras y otros servicios relacionados con el turismo? I YES/SI NO/NO #6 CHARTER AMENDMENT INCREASING SALARIES OF CITY COMMISSIONERS AND MAYOR Shall Section 2.02 of the Miami Beach City Charter be amended to increase the existing annual salary (established in 1966) of $6,000 for each city commissioner and $10,000 for mayor to $15,000 for each city commissioner and $25,000 for mayor, said salary increases amounting to one-half of the actual cumulative increase in the consumer price index from 1966 to 1999? ENMIENDA A LA CARTA CONSTITUCIONAL PARA AUMENTAR EL SALARIO DE LOS COMISIONADOS Y ALCALDE DE LA CIUDAD (,Debeni ser enmendada la Secci6n 2,02 de la Carta Constitucional de la Ciudad de Miami Beach para incrementar el actual salario anual que fue establecido en 1966 de $6,000 para cada comisionado y $10,000 para el alcalde, a $15,000 para cada comisionado y $25,000 para el alcalde; siendo dicho incremento de salario la mitad del incremento acumulativo actual del indice de precios al consumidor del 1966 al 1999? I YES/SI NO/NO MUNICIPAL QUESTIONSIPROPUEST AS MUNICIP ALES #7 CHARTER AMENDMENT TO CITY OF MIAMI BEACH BASE AND SUPPLEMENTAL PENSION FUNDS FOR FIREMEN AND POLICEMEN Shall the Miami Beach base pension fund for firemen and policemen (City Special Related Acts, Article IX) be amended to delete obsolete language, add a deferred retirement option plan, substitute the "prudent person rule" for existing investment restrictions, and include pension benefits currently provided in the City of Miami Beach "police officers' and firefighters' supplemental pension plan" (City Code Chapter 78, Article IV), allowing for repeal of said supplemental plan from the City Code? ENMIENDA A LA CART A CONSTITUCIONAL DE LA CIUDAD DE MIAMI BEACH FONDOS DE PENSION BASICOS Y SUPLEMENT ARIOS PARA BOMBEROS Y POLICIAS (,Debe ser enmendado el Articulo IX de las Leyes Relacionadas Especiales de la Ciudad relativo al fondo basico de pensi6n para bomberos y policias de Miami Beach para eliminar ellenguage obsoleto, agregar un plan de opci6n de retiro deferido, sustituir las actuales restricciones para la inversi6n por la norma de "persona prudente," e incluir los beneficios de pensi6n que se brindan actualmente en el "plan suplementario para oficiales de la policia y bomberos" de la Ciudad de Miami Beach (Articulo IV del Capitulo 78 del C6digo Municipal), permitiendo asi la revocaci6n de dicho plan suplementario del C6digo Municipal? I YES/SI NO/NO #8 GENERAL EMPLOYEES' PENSION BOARD: DELETING SPECIFIC INVESTMENT/ALLOCATION RESTRICTIONS AND SUBSTITUTING THEREFOR PRUDENT PERSON STANDARD Shall Article VI, Section 31 of the Related Special Acts of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, be amended to delete specific restrictions concerning Pension Board investment and allocation, and to substitute therefor language authorizing the Pension Board to exercise (in a prudent manner) independent judgment in allocating and investing funds? LA JUNTA DE PENSIONES DE EMPLEADOS GENERALES DE LA CIUDAD DE MIAMI BEACH: ELIMINACION DE RESTRICCIONES ESPECIFICAS PARA INVERSION DE FONDOS ASIGNADOS, SUSTITUYENDOLAS POR LA DE LA NORMA "PERSONA PRUDENTE" (,Debera ser enmendado el Articulo VI, Secci6n 3 I de las Leyes Relacionadas Especiales de la Ciudad de Miami Beach, Florida, para que se eliminen las restricciones especificas sobre la inversiones y asignaci6n de fondos por la Junta de Pensiones, por cuanto el texto de la ley se sustituya y autorize a la Junta de Pensiones ejercer de manera prudente su criterio independiente en la inversi6n y asignaci6n de fondos? I YES/SI NO/NO ~\.'I)~4:CI -11t).i~t:". _Jllt~"t~' ~t I."~ 4,..ltI;.-e (It~ tit 'L_' _ I,") LA CIUDAD DE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA (Q AVISO DE ELECCIONES GENERALES 2 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 1999 POR LA PRESENTE SE A VISA QUE se ha seoalado una Eleccion General pore! Alcalde y Ia Comisi6n dc fa Cilld.,d de Miami Be.ll h, Honda ell cLlll1plimiento de la Resoluci6n 99-2331Y, y sc celcbrara en la Jnencionada Ciudad desde Ias 7:00 .1.In. h.lsta IdS ;;00 p.llI. d dia 2 de no\'iclllhrc til' J (J9l.) con el pn)posito declegirdos (2) Comisionddos dc la Ciudad en IDS Crupos V y VI, respeclivMllentl', y UIl Alcdldl', cada 1Ino de IllS clIdll's Iwrmanecer,ln en sus cargos por eltt'rmino dispuesto por la Icy. VOTAMATIC SAMPLE BALLOT BOLETA DE MUESTRA PARA LAS MAoUINAS DE VOTAR CITY OF MIAMI BEACH GENERAL ELECTION, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2,1999 ELECCIONES GENERALES Y ESPECIALES DE LA CIUDAD DE MIAMI BEACH, MARTES, 2 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 1999 FOR MAYOR PARA ALCALDE - Vole lor One (1) MIKE CALHOUN 133 -+ +- 133 MIKE CALHOUN Ollly NEISEN KASDIN 134 +- 134 NEISEN KASDIN S~I",","'" -+ LESLIE MARTINEZ-BOTET 135 -+ +- 135 LESLIE MARTINEZ-BOTET MARTIN SHAPIRO 136 -+ +- 136 MARTIN SHAPIRO FOR COMMISSIONER - GROUP V PARA COMISIONADO - GRUPO V -- JOE FONTANA 141 -+ +- 141 JOE FONTANA Vote 'orGlle (1) LUIS GARCIA 142 -+ +- 142 LUIS GARCIA VottlpOI uno{1/ Ollly CHARLES SCHAAB 143 +- 143 CHARLES SCHAAB Sulanleflle -+ RICHARD L. STEINBERG 144 -+ +- 144 RICHARD STEINBERG MANNY WARSZAVSKI 145 -+ +- 145 MANNY WARSZAVSKI LEE WEISS 146 -+ +- 146 LEE WEISS FOR COMMISSIONER - GROUP VI PARA COMISIONADO - GRUPO VI VlJlt: lor One (1) MATTI HERRERA BOWER 151 -+ +- 151 MATTI HERRERA BOWER Vuleporuflo (1) Only L1L1AM LOPEZ 152 -+ +- 152 L1L1AM LOPEZ S~)I;jrl",'.lu MIKE THOMPSON 153 -+ +- 153 MIKE THOMPSON Para ...j pJ'OIll'l:-.ilo de cck:brar y conducir dicha clccci{lll, la Ciudud de Miami Beach ha sido dividida ell prccinlus dc \!olacit)ll, COli Ins coJ..~gj()S clectorales dL' tu:-, mismos COIIIO sigllcn: PCT, LOCALIZACION DIRECCION I'CT, LlICALIZAl'ION III1IECCION 011 BISCAYNE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL HOO 77 STREET 031 DAilE BOULEVARD FIIlE STATION #~ ~300 PINE Ji(EE DRIVE 013 NORTH SHORE COMMUNITY CENTER 7250 COI,LlNS A VENUE I'm MIAMIIIEACH PUIJLlC LIBRARY 2J(Kl COLLINS A VENUE 014 NORTH SHORE RECREATION CENTER 501-72ST 033 BARCLAY PLAZA HOTEL & AI'!' 1940 PARK A VENUE 015 fAIIlWAY PARK 200 FAIRWA Y DR 034 MIAMI BEACH nOTANICAL (IARDliN 2000CONV. (TK D/( OIH NORMANDY SHOIHi GOLl" COURSE 24011JIARRITZ DR 035 21st STREET COMMUNITY CliNTER 2100 WASHINGTON AVE, 019 NORMANDY ISLE MUNICIPAL POOL 1765 - 7 I ST 036 FLAMINGO PARK TEEN CENTER 1000 nth STH.F1n 021 NORTH SHORE RECREATION CENTER 501 - 72 ST 037 MIAMI BEACH CITY HAIL 1700 CON V" CTK. DH. 012 SilANE WATERSPORTS CENTER 6500 INDIAN CREEK DR, 03H MIAMI BEACH ROD & REI;L CLUII 20H SO,IBBISCUS DR, 023 MIAMI BEACH FIRE STATION #3 5303 COLLINS AVE. 039 ST FRANCIS DE SALES C1IURCH 621 ALTON ROAD 024 NAUTILUS MIDDLE SCHOOL 4301 N, MICIllGAN A VI., 040 ST FRANCIS DE SALES CHURCH 621 AITON ROAD 025 MIAMIABEACH FIRE STATION #3 5303 COLLINS AVE, 041 MIAMllIEACH FIIIE STATION # I 1051 JEFFERSON AVE, 026 21 st ST, COMMUNITY CENTER 211~l WASIllNGTON AVE, 042 MIAMIIIEACH SENIOR CENTER 610 ESPANOLA WAY 027 OCEAN GRANDE HOTEL 3651 COLLINS A VENUE 043 MIAMllIEACH POLICE DEPAllTMENT I J(KI W ASHING'IllN AVE 02H TEMPLE BETH SHOIOM 4144 CHASE A VENUE 044 OCEAN FRONT AUDITORIUM J(KlI OCEAN DRIVE 029 NORTH BEACH EI,EMENTARY SCHOOL 4100 PRAIRIE AVE, 046 SOUTH SHORE COMMUNITY CENTER H33 - 6 STREET 010 MIAMIIIEACH BOTANICAL CiAIWEN 2000 CONVEN, CTR D1RVE 04H SOUTH POINTE PARK 1 WASHINGTON AVE, La votacion sera conducida de acuerdo con las teyes del Estado de la Florida con respcclo al uso de sislemas de vol<l.ci6n c1ecIHlllicas, Todos 105 dcctores dcbcn votaren 105 colegios eleclorales. en los precintos de votacion en 105 que 105 Iibros de rcgislraciollcs oficialcs llIueslran que dicho elector reside. La rcgistraci6n de personas que desecn votar en dicha Eleccion G-encral dcbcni ser de acuerdo con la Icy gencral JeI ESlado que gobiema la rcgistracioll de votantes. Sol~uncntc las personas registradas apropiadamente estani.n calificadas para votar en dicha e1eccioll. Todas las prcgulllas reliltivas a la registracion de volantes debeCii ser dirigida al Departamento de Elecciollcs del Condado de Dade, lIt N.W. J ra, Sired, suile 19/0, Mi'lIIi Florid, 33128,lel,;fono n"mern 375-5553, EI Ullmcro del prt:Cinlo que Ie corresponde esta impreso en su tarjeta de idcnlificaci6n de e1eclor. LOS CENTROS DE VOTACION Alll{EN DE 7,00 A,M, A 7:(X) P,M, Robert Parcher, Sccrclario de la Adnlinislracion Municipal (City Clerk) Este aviso S8 publica como cortesi a y no S8 requiere porIa ley. Ciudad de Miami Ut:ach H) ... ,\It l)t~41'tJ Tn;I,lt;~". -1l.t~".~\ ~l (If~ (Jt:tlll)."e (Ie 1~'~'~' LA CIUDAD DE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA AVISO DE ELECCIONES ESPECIALES 2 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 1999 !D "OR EL PRESENTE SE A VISA QUE se ha senalado una Elecci,;n Especial por el Alcalde y la Comisi"n de I" Ciud"d de Miami Beach, ';Iorid" en cumplimiento de ld Rc.solucion 99-23319, y.se celebrara en la mencionada Chldad desde las 7:00 a,m. haslalas 7:00 p.m. cI dia 2 dc novil'lllbrc de )I)yy, en CUYd ocasi61l scr.lll somctidas a Ius votantcs debid,lmcnte rcgistrddos y calificados de 1.1 Ciuddd de t\.HillIli Bedch I.IS sigUlenll's preguntas: VOTAMATIC SAMPLE BALLOT BOLETA DE MUESTRA PARA LAS MAoUINAS DE VOTAR CITY OF MIAMI BEACH SPECIAL ELECTION, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1999 ELECCIONES ESPECIALES DE LA CIUDAD DE MIAMI BEACH, MARTES, 2 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 1999 MIAMI BEACH QUESTIONS RENAMING "OCEAN BEACH PARK- TO "MARJORY STONEMAN DOUGLAS OCEAN BEACH PARK" PROPUESTAS DE MIAMI BEACH PARA CAMBIARSE EL NOMBRE DE "OCEAN BEACH PARK" A "MARJORY STONEMAN DOUGLAS OCEAN BEACH PARK" Shall "Ocean Beach Park" (located generally to the east of Ocaan Drive between the l.Debere "Ocean Beach Park" (situado generalmente al este de Ocean Drive, eCnlre south right 01 way 01 2nd Strect extended, and the north right of way of 3rd Street la exlensi6n de /a via derecha del sur de la calle 2da y la extensi6n de la via derecha extended) be renamed "Marjory Stoneman Douglas Ocean Beach Park"? norta de la calle 3ra) renombrarse "Marjory Stoneman Oooglas Ocean Beach Park"? [~~i~~3~I~~~~.~~,l~~=~~J $57,915,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND ISSUE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO NEIGHBORHOOD INFRASTRUCTURE To improve neighborhood inlrastructure in the City of Miami Beach, consisting 01 slreelscapes and traffic calming measures, shoreline stabilization and related maintenance facilities, shall the City of Miami Beach be authorized to issue general obligation bonds not exceeding $57,915,000 in principal amount, payable from unlimited ad valorem taxation, bearing interest at rates determined at the lime(s) of sale thereol, not exceeding the maximum legal interest rate at such Iime(s)? EMISION DE BONOS DE OBLlGACION GENERAL POR VALOR DE $57,915,000 PARA MEJORAS INFRAESTRUCTURAL DE LOS VECINDARIOS l.Para mejorar la infraeslructura de los vecindarios residenciales en let Ciudad de Miami Beach, consistente en ornato de las calles y aceras, incluyendo iluminaclilfl y arboles, majoras de obras publicas, mediuas para aliviar altralico, estabilizacion del Iitoral, y las instalaciones de mantenimianto relacionadas, dobare autorizarse a la Ciudad de Miami Beach a emilir bonos de obligacion general que no excedan la cantidad de $57,915,000 en surna principal, pauaderos de lo~ londos de lasacion ad valorem ilimitados, generando inlerases con indices delerminados en el momento do la venta de bonos, sin exceder el indice legal vigente en ellllUffiento de la venta de dichos bonos? I-~~~I,~~,.'~~~, N,-Dsmj=~t 1 ~~'-~ tJtJ~fR~iEOL!)j6B,NgJos I ........ ... - .. -..--- ......-.-- ........ --...-- ..--- ....- $24,830,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND ISSUE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO PARKS AND BEACHES 10 imfJ'ove recrealional lacilllies and BLluiprnenl, access, seclJrity and related maintenance facilities lor parks and beaches located in the City of Miami Beach, shalt the City of Miami Beach be authotiled to issue general obligation bonds not exceeding $24,830,000 in prinCipal amount, payable from unlimited ad valorem taxation, bearing interest al rates delernlined at the time(s) 01 sale Itlereof, not excee(jing the maximum !tlgnllnterest rale <.:it such time(s)? I ~~~I~~~~~NDS 1~~:; $9,720,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND ISSUE FOR FIRE SAFETY FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT ro renovate, expand and improve fire stations and related facilities located in the Gily 01 Miami Beach and acquIrE: and equip fire trucks, shall the City of Miami Beach be authorized 10 issue general obligation bonds not exceeding $9,720,000 in principal amount, payable from unlimiledad valorem taxation, bearing interest at ratesdetermined at the limo(s) 01 sale Itwreof, not Oxcou(ling the maximum legal interest rate at such ticnt.:(s}? FOR BONDS 204 -> AGAINST BONDS 205-> ".- . .,- -. EMISION DE BONOS DE OBUGACION GENERAL POR $24,830,000 PARA MEJORAS A PARQUES Y PLAYAS LPara mejorar 105 centros de recreacion, equipos, vi acceso, seyuridad y las iflstaJaciones de mantrenirniellto ruladolladas con J1drqLJ8S y playas slluado~ en la ciudad de Miami Beach, debera autorLu.lfse a la ciudad do MiamI Beacll a ernitir l.lOnas de oligaci6n general quo no excedan la canlidad de $24,830,000 en suma principal, pagaderos de los fOlllkJ~ de lasacion ad valorern ililllifados, !)Bnerando inlereses call indices determinados en el momento de 1.1 venla du bonos, sin t:)(cuder ej illlJico legal vigenle en 01 momentu de la vania de didlOS lHJI10S? +- 192 A FAVOR DE LOS BONOS I +- ,193 EN CONTRA DE LOS BONOS EMISI6N DE BONOS DE OBLlGACION GENERAL POR $9,'120000 PARA INMUEBLES Y EQUIPOS PARA BOMBEROS LPara renovar, expander y meJorar las eslaciones de homlJl)ros e Inmuellles relaciollfldos que sa encuentrclll en la Ciudad d-.: Miami Beach, Y pWilla atlquisici6n de camiones de bomberos, debura CllJlorildr:;o d la Ciuddd (11;: Miami Beach a urTlltir bonos de ouh!)dci6n general 4uo no exc8tlan la cantiddd de S:1,720,OOO en surna pincipal, pagatJeros ue los londos de lasacion ad valorem i1ill1itados utillt:rando inlerl.;st:s con Indices ueterminados en el momenta do la venta de tJOIlOS, sin excedtJr el indice legal vjQ~~I~ ~n ~l ~T1omenlo dela vanta do Jichos bonus? :: ~g~ .lNFgJ~fR~ED~OCO~OBN~NSOS I Ballot Question 1 Renaming "OCEAN BEACH PARK" to "MARJORY STONEMAN DOUGLAS OCEAN BEACH PARK" Shall "Ocean Beach Park" (located generally to the east of Ocean Drive between the south right of way of 2nd Street extended, and the north right way of 3rd Street extended) be renamed "Marjory Stoneman Douglas Ocean Beach Park"? Explanation Marjory Stoneman Douglas has an international reputation as a conservationist and has authored books on conservation. She spent more than 70 years of her life in South Florida; in 1916 she lived on Miami Beach. Miami Beach had a formative effect on her writings and philosophy, and is referred to throughout her work. In 1989, at the age of 98 she fought to save Ocean Beach Park from development. Ocean Beach Park is largely reclaimed from sandy soil, and Ms. Stoneman Douglas was involved in the initial movement to reclaim the park. Ms. Stoneman Douglas, who is renown for her efforts to protect the natural resources of Florida, was presented with the Medal of Freedom by President Clinton in November of 1993 in honor of her work. Marjory Stoneman Douglas died in Miami on May 14,1998 at the age of 108 years old. A previous proposal to rename Ocean Beach Park after Marjory Stoneman Douglas was approved by the City of Miami Beach Commission on July 12, 1995, and was presented to the electorate of the City of Miami Beach as a ballot question at the November 7, 1995 Special Election. The question was defeated by a narrow margin: 4250 in favor of the renaming and 4392 against (49% in favor; 51 % against). This proposal is presented to the voters today, in an effort to recognize Ms. Stoneman Douglas for her part in saving Ocean Beach Park, and as a result of increased recognition for her work in Miami Beach. Proposed G.O. Bond Program Projects There are three ballot questions comprising the G.O. Bond Program. Ballot Question 2 $57,915,000 General Obligation Bond Issue for Improvements to Neighborhood Infrastructure To improve neighborhood infrastructure in the City of Miami Beach, consisting of streetscapes and traffic calming measure, shoreline stabilization and related maintenance facilities, shall the City of Miami Beach be authorized to issue general obligation bonds not exceeding $57,917,000, in principal amount, payable form unlimited ad valorem taxation, bearing interest at rates determined at the time(s) of sale thereof, not exceeding thee maximum legal interest rate at such time(s)? Explanation Neighborhood Improvements Includes streetscape improvements, traffic calming measures, shoreline stabilization, and related maintenance facilities. Streetscape improvements include landscaping, lighting, sidewalks, curb, gutters, street paving, and traffic control devices for the City's residential neighborhood streets. Related maintenance facilities are included. The total amount of this issue is $57,915,000 Ballot Question 3 $24,830,000 General Obligation Issue for Improvements to Parks and Beaches To improve recreational facilities and equipment, access, security and related maintenance facilities for parks and beaches located in the city of Miami Beach, shall the city of Miami Beach be authorized to issue general obligation bonds not exceeding $24,830,000, in principle amount, payable form ad valorem taxation, bearing interest at rates determined at the time(s) of sale thereof, not exceeding the maximum legal interest rate at such time(s)? Explanation Parks and Beaches Improve recreational facilities, equipment, access, and security for the City's neighborhood parks and beaches. Community facilities, community parks, and related maintenance facilities would be renovated, improved, and expanded, The total amount of this issue is $24,830,000. Ballot Question 4 $9, 720,000 General Obligation Bond Issue for Fire Safety Facilities and Equipment To renovate, expand and improve fire stations and related facilities located in the City of Miami Beach and acquire and equip fire trucks, shall the City of Miami Beach be authorized to issue general obligation bonds not exceeding $9,720,000 in principal amount, payable from unlimited ad valorem taxation, bearing interest at rates determined at the time(s) of sale thereof, not exceeding the maximum legal interest rate at such time(s)? Explanation Fire and Safety Equipment Includes renovation and improvement of Fire Station #2 at 2300 Pinetree Drive, Station #4 at 6880 Indian Oreek Drive, purchasing fire trucks and associated equipment, and related maintenance facilities. The total amount of the issue is $9,720,000 The total of the three questions for G.O. Bond issuance is $92,465,000. This is comprised of $89,946,790 in identified capital improvement program additions, and a 2% issuance cost. Explanation What is a General Obligation (G.O.) Bond? General Obligation Bonds are a way of financing the cost of physical improvements to the City's neighborhoods, streets, public safety and other facilities, parks and beaches. General Obligation Bonds are paid solely from property taxes (Ad Valorem) and are used to pay for projects that do not produce revenue. The City has previously issued General Obligation bonds in 1987, 1992 and most recently in 1997 to improve the City's parks. The total amount of general obligation bonds outstanding at September 30, 1999 was $34,725,000 and this debt will be completely paid off in 2007. General Obligation Bonds are paid through an annual tax to property owners called debt service millage. It is equal to the amount required each year to pay the principal and interest on the bonds that are outstanding. It is set by the City Commission annually and charged to property owners based on the assessed value of their property. The debt service millage has been lowered each year and has declined from 3.705 mills in 1990 to 1.199 in 2000. The debt service millage is the rate of tax per $1000 of assessed value of a property. The cost of debt service for a $200,000 home after deducting a $25,000 homestead exemption, was $700 in 1990 while in 2000 it will be $209.83. The current outstanding general obligation bonds will be paid off in 2007. If the proposed bonds are approved by the voters the debt service millage will continue to be charged to property owners. However, it is expected that the debt service millage charged to property owners will continue to decline on an annual basis. This is expected to happen because: 1) the value of all property in the City is increasing at an average rate of 10% limited to the lesser of 3% or the rate of inflation, (1.6% in 1999); and the cost of the annual payments on the proposed bonds will be less than the cost of the bonds currently outstanding. An oversight committee consisting of community residents will oversee the projects and ensure that the program is implemented within a designated timeline. Ballot Question 5 Code Amendment Reducing Percentage of Resort Tax Collections Allocated to Visitor and Convention Authority Shall the Miami Beach City Code be amended to reduce the percentage of resort tax monies allocated to the Visitor and Convention Authority from 50% of the resort tax collections in the City to 5% of said resort tax collections, with the remaining resort tax collections to be retained by the City to be used for tourism-related services, including police, fire, sanitation, beach patrol and other services? Explanation Resort Tax is collected on sales of food, beverage, alcohol and hotel rooms, and was established in 1967. The amount collected in FY 1967, the first year that Resort Tax was collected in Miami Beach, was $1,523,600. In FY 2000, the collection of Resort Tax is estimated to be $17,000,000. After the cost of collection is deducted, half of these dollars are used by the City to provide a portion of the cost of tourism-related services in the amount of $8,160,000. The other half of the Resort Tax collected $8,160,000 is transferred to the VCA. VCA uses this money to pay for special event grants and administrative expenses in the amount of $1,156,000, and to pay the cost of convention and destination marketing provided under a contract with the Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau in the amount of $5,000,000. If the ballot question is approved it will reduce the resort tax dollars given to the VCA from 50% of net collection to 5% of net collection. The City will use these dollars to pay for the contract services with the Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau, as the VCA currently does, The additional $2,344,000 received by the City will be used to pay for tourism expenses (police, fire, sanitation, lifeguards) currently funded through other sources. Ballot Question 6 Charter Amendment Increasing Salaries of City Commissioners and Mayor Shall Section 2.02 of the Miami Beach City Charter be amended to increase the existing annual salary (established in 1966) of $6,000 for each City Commissioner and $10,000 for Mayor to $15,000 for each City Commissioner and $25,000 for Mayor, said salary increases amounting to one-half of the actual cumulative increase in the consumer price index from 1966 to 1999? Explanation Section 2.02 of the Miami Beach City Charter presently provides that each City Commissioner shall have an annual salary of $6,000, and the Mayor shall have an annual salary of $10,000 -- these salaries were established in 1966. Since 1966, neither the Mayor nor City Commissioners have received an increase in salary. According to the Consumer Price Index (as produced by the Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, serving as an approximation of an ideal cost of living index), the $6,000 City Commissioner salary as established in 1966 is, under 1999 dollars equivalent to approximately $30,000, and the $10,000 salary of the Mayor as established in 1966 is equivalent to 1999 dollar values of approximately $50,000. The subject ballot question proposes increasing the existing salaries of City Commissioner and Mayor by approximately one-half of these cumulative increases in the Consumer Price Index from 1966 to 1999. Therefore, under the proposed measure, each City Commissioner would earn $15,000, with the Mayor earning $25,000. Ballot Question 7 Base and Supplemental Pension Funds for Fireman and Policemen Shall the Miami Beach base pension fund for fireman and policemen (City Special Related Acts, Article IX) be amended to delete obsolete language, add a deferred retirement option plan, substitute the "prudent person rule"for existing investment restrictions, and include pension benefits currently provided in the City of Miami Beach "police officers' and firefighters' supplemental pension plan"(City Code Chapter 78, Article IV) allowing for repeal of said supplemental plan from the City Code. Explanation There are currently two pension plans for the Miami Beach firefighters and policemen. One is referred to as the "base" plan, which was adopted by Special Act of the State Legislature, and the other one is referred to as the "supplemental" plan, which was adopted by City of Miami Beach ordinance. The November 2, 1999 City referendum proposes to merge these two plans, with the supplemental plan being repealed and the base plan being the surviving plan. The benefits under the merged plan are the same benefits that they received under the two plans. In other words, the benefits will be maintained. The merged plan deletes obsolete language and creates savings of over $3.7 million in the current year as a result of reductions in administrative costs of $1.2 million and in the funding requirement of the combined plans of $2.5 million. Administrative savings are anticipated to continue on an annual basis. The funding requirements of the combined plans will continue to be determined on an annual basis by the Plan's actuary. In addition to the merger of the two plans, a new provision has been added, a deferred retirement option plan, commonly known as DROP. This provision was negotiated and agreed to by the Miami Beach Fraternal Order of Police, the police union, the International Association of Firefighters Local 151 0, the firefighters union and the City of Miami Beach. If the ballot question is approved, firefighters and policemen may elect to enter the DROP program for up to 36 months when they are eligible to retire. A DROP account would include a transfer of the monthly retirement benefits that would be paid out at the end of the DROP plan period. Under this plan the City will not have to pay money into the employee's retirement plan during this period. Employees whose chose the proposed option will no longer have retirement contributions deducted from their pay during the proposed DROP period and that at the end of the DROP period they will have accrued retirement benefits. Currently the Miami Beach base pension plan for fireman and policemen contains very specific restrictions on investments. These restrictions limit the Pension Board in investing funds. If this ballot question is approved, the amendments to the base pension plan will allow the Pension Board the same flexibility in determining how pension funds are invested and allocated among different types of investments as they currently have under the supplemental pension plan. Investment decisions would be made based on the "Prudent Person Standard". This is a common law standard applicable to the investment of trust funds which states that: " All that can be expected of a trustee in the investment of trust funds is that he conduct himself faithfully and exercise sound discretion. He is to observe how men of prudence, discretion and intelligence manage their own affairs, not in regard to speculation, but in regard to the permanent disposition of their funds, considering the probable income as well as the probable safety of the capital to be invested." This standard would require that the Board act faithfully and exercise sound discretion considering both the probable income as well as the probable safety of the capital to be invested, in making investment decisions. Ballot Question 8 General Employees' Pension Board: Deleting Specific Investment/Allocation Restrictions and Substituting Therefore Prudent Person Standard Shall Article VI, Section 31 of the Related Special Acts, of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, be amended to specific restrictions concerning Pension Board investment and allocation, and to substitute therefore language authorizing the Pension Board to exercise (in a prudent manner) independent judgment in allocating and investing funds? Explanation The Retirement System for General Employees of the City of Miami Beach contains very specific restrictions on investments. These restrictions limit the Pension Board in investing funds. If this ballot question is approved, the amendments to the Special Acts will allow the Pension Board more flexibility in determining how pension funds are invested and allocated among different types of investments. Investment decisions would be made based on the "Prudent Person Standard". This is a common law standard applicable to the investment of trust funds which states that: " All that can be expected of a trustee in the investment of trust funds is that he conduct himself faithfully and exercise sound discretion. He is to observe how men of prudence, discretion and intelligence manage their own affairs, not in regard to speculation, but in regard to the permanent disposition of their funds, considering the probable income as well as the probable safety of the capital to be invested." This standard would require that the Board act faithfully and exercise sound discretion considering both the probable income as well as the probable safety of the capital to be invested, in making investment decisions. The "Prudent Person Standard" already governs the Retirement System for Unclassified Employees and Elected Officials of the City of Miami Beach and the City Supplemental Pension Plan for Firefighters and Police Officers in the City of Miami Beach. METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA 0~l;_ #", .'\I!I "jlf' METRO-DADE CENTER OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS SUITE 1910 111 N.w. 1st STREET ~~~~~7~~5~~~DA 33128-1962 CERTIFI CA TI 0 N Mailing Address: P 0. Box 012241 Miami, Florida 33101-2241 STATE OF FLORIDA) COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE) I, David C. Leahy, Supervisor of Elections of Miami-Dade County, Florida, do hereby certify that the hereby attached is a true and correct copy of the precinct and absentee ballot counts of the votes cast for the municipal candidates and questions below at the November 2,1999 City of Miami Beach General and Special Elections. FOR MAYOR FOR COMMISSIONER - GROUP V FOR COMMISSIONER - GROUP VI RENAMING "OCEAN BEACH PARK" TO "MARJORY STONEMAN DOUGLAS OCEAN BEACH PARK" $57,915,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND ISSUE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO NEIGHBORHOOD INFRASTRUCTURE $24,830,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND ISSUE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO PARKS AND BEACHES $9,720,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND ISSUE FOR FIRE SAFETY FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT CODE AMENDMENT REDUCING PERCENTAGE OF RESORT TAX COLLECTIONS ALLOCATED TO VISITOR AND CONVENTION AUTHORITY CHARTER AMENDMENT INCREASING SALARIES OF CITY COMMISSIONERS AND MAYOR CHARTER AMENDMENT TO CITY OF MIAMI BEACH BASE AND SUPPLEMENTAL PENSION FUNDS FOR FIREMEN AND POLICEMEN GENERAL EMPLOYEES' PENSION BOARD: DELETING SPECIFIC INVESTMENT/ALLOCATION RESTRICTIONS AND SUBSTITUTING THEREFOR PRUDENT PERSON STANDARD WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL, AT MIAMI, MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ON THIS 2nd DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1999. David C. Leahy Supervisor of Elections Miami-Dade County DCL:zd CANVASS MUNICIPAL PRIMARY, GENERAL, AND SPECIAL ELECTIONS Page 4 10,14pm Nov 2 1999 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 2, 1999 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH Precincts Counted 32 100.00% Absentee Precincts Count.ed 1 100.00% Registered Voters 32,977 100.00% Ballots Cast 9,876 29,95% MAYOR A, Mike Calhoun 269 2,86% B, Neisen Kasdin 4,693 49.94% C. Leslie Martinez-Botet 543 5,78% D. Martin Shapiro 3,893 41.42% Precinct Reg Blts %Trn A, B. C. D. 0011 1477 396 26.81 13 219 20 132 0013 1549 349 22.53 16 154 36 118 0014 1459 408 27.96 10 137 25 211 0015 676 206 30,47 3 126 7 67 0018 1551 344 22,18 9 132 28 150 0019 571 154 26,97 5 89 11 44 0(121 1165 285 24,46 11 140 16 104 0022 601 205 34.11 6 124 18 50 0023 1703 524 30,77 8 191 14 293 0024 1247 401 32.16 13 234 8 145 0025 1084 307 28,32 2 102 12 176 0026 46 10 21. 74 0 4 1 5 0027 805 220 27,33 14 71 15 106 0028 1204 432 35.88 8 218 10 183 0029 1149 411 35.77 10 243 27 120 0030 2249 802 35.66 13 458 19 299 0031 891 281 31,54 8 160 6 101 0(132 1266 371 29.30 4 201 17 135 0033 1003 295 29.41 7 103 20 148 0034 439 96 21.87 7 51 9 23 0035 712 149 20.93 3 69 9 65 0036 1225 289 23,59 8 137 21 104 0037 314 52 16,56 1 26 4 20 0038 436 111 25.46 7 64 7 32 0039 1019 251 24.63 9 109 18 99 0040 1126 317 28.15 7 123 31 131 0041 1500 388 25.87 16 207 29 123 0042 1144 312 27,27 7 147 17 124 0043 477 136 28,51 4 69 9 42 0044 423 148 34.99 2 67 13 41 0046 1527 432 28.29 14 169 36 170 0048 939 310 33.01 2 173 15 107 N001 0 484 22 176 1'0 225 CANVASS MUNICIPAL PRIMARY, GENERAL, AND SPECIAL ELECTIONS Page 5 10,14pm Nov 2 1999 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 2, 1999 COr-IMISSSIONER - GROUP V A. Joe Fontana. 2,177 24,54% B, Luis Garcia 3,091 34,84% C, Charles Schaab 1,062 11 ,97% D. Richard L, Steinberg 1,678 18,91% E. Manny Warszavski 625 7.04% F, Lee Weiss 239 2,69% Precinct A. B. C, D. E, F. 0011 98 121 28 70 39 8 0013 84 116 15 52 28 8 0014 131 99 17 91 19 3 0(115 61 64 15 46 6 5 0018 94 73 28 78 26 5 0019 31 72 11 22 9 3 0021 64 94 5 56 20 3 0022 45 82 17 39 4 4 0023 214 109 32 100 19 5 0024 90 117 75 72 22 11 0025 92 72 25 69 12 8 0026 1 5 0 1 3 0 0027 39 40 14 76 10 12 0028 74 92 89 119 14 10 0029 85 149 65 75 9 11 0030 122 256 117 212 28 23 0031 49 72 65 53 16 7 0032 63 198 24 45 12 1 0033 88 103 17 21 16 8 0034 12 46 7 9 4 4 0035 31 54 23 14 14 2 0036 43 104 57 22 13 5 0037 13 21 1 11 4 0 0038 18 38 14 23 6 4 0039 58 90 24 26 21 4 0040 78 79 36 37 32 3 0041 81 135 54 27 29 14 0042 52 102 46 29 34 13 OIJ43 25 49 13 15 11 2 0044 22 54 4 20 18 0 0046 86 140 40 43 40 7 0048 44 142 33 14 33 6 N001 89 103 51 91 54 40 CANVASS MUNICIPAL PRIMARY, GENERAL, AND SPECIAL ELECTIONS Page 6 10,14pm Nov 2 1999 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 2, 1999 COMMISSIONER - GROUP VI A, Matti Herrera Bower 4,545 50.57% B, Liliam Lopez 2,960 32.93% C, Mike Thompson 1,483 16,50% MIAMI BEACH QUESTIONS RENAMING OCEAN BEACH PARK D. Yes 4,719 59,86% E. No 3,165 40.14% BOND ISSUE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO NEIGHBORHOOD INFRASTRUCTURE F. For bonds 4,283 54.18% G. Against bonds 3,622 45.82% Precinct A, B. c. D. E, F, G. 0011 157 148 58 204 152 204 157 0013 145 102 53 154 110 159 112 0014 217 93 54 174 126 143 155 0015 66 67 65 122 68 132 58 0018 137 89 90 162 105 158 115 0019 63 50 32 82 58 85 62 0021 153 72 31 114 104 110 98 0022 95 64 27 102 77 104 74 0023 230 211 52 277 171 213 233 0024 205 114 73 265 119 219 168 0025 141 95 46 155 99 123 131 0026 4 2 1 6 2 4 6 0027 66 94 33 92 58 95 55 0028 140 180 87 221 148 190 187 0029 168 163 57 250 140 202 189 0030 452 194 118 506 248 453 301 0031 130 78 53 170 90 136 123 0032 145 173 29 184 111 158 147 0033 154 71 35 98 102 91 109 0034 45 30 9 34 23 35 27 0035 68 49 23 79 40 63 59 0036 141 80 34 127 89 121 99 0037 30 10 5 22 21 24 21 01J38 54 34 20 67 39 51 56 0039 131 62 34 110 85 102 94 0040 136 84 57 129 111 115 117 0041 188 103 50 168 129 172 120 0042 145 81 44 132 97 134 87 0043 67 36 15 51 45 56 41 0044 73 38 8 29 41 36 36 0046 204 116 60 139 135 126 147 0048 180 81 20 108 96 106 85 N001 215 96 110 186 126 163 153 CANVASS MUNICIPAL PRIMARY, GENERAL, AND SPECIAL ELECTIONS Page 7 10,14pm Nov 2 1999 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 2, 1999 BOND ISSUE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO PARKS AND BEACHES A. For bonds 4,507 56,94'0 B. Against bonds 3,408 43,06% BOND ISSUE FOR FIRE SAFETY FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT C. For bonds 5,379 68.51% D. Against bonds 2,472 31,49% CODE AMENDMENT REDUCING RESORT TAX ALLOCATION E, Yes 5,117 66,35% F. No 2,595 33.65% Precinct A. B. C. D, E, F, 0011 213 142 251 98 244 94 0013 162 92 174 84 172 81 0014 158 134 196 92 189 93 0015 130 56 157 30 139 51 0018 159 107 186 87 169 95 0019 86 55 93 48 99 40 0021 116 92 130 71 136 76 0022 118 60 129 50 120 54 0023 236 213 312 141 274 171 0024 231 159 274 108 276 94 0025 135 119 159 102 167 84 0026 4 4 5 3 6 2 0027 107 54 104 40 110 46 0028 185 195 255 119 253 115 0029 212 181 279 112 274 113 0030 473 288 573 180 509 220 0031 138 118 177 78 162 89 0032 165 139 198 111 187 97 0033 95 108 131 66 115 84 0034 34 25 39 22 43 15 0035 62 63 75 49 79 41 0036 117 101 150 68 135 75 0037 25 19 29 16 27 16 0038 48 59 64 44 73 31 0039 107 91 132 60 126 67 0040 129 99 153 77 148 82 0041 182 113 200 97 170 118 0042 140 84 144 72 124 88 0043 57 41 57 36 51 44 0044 45 31 49 26 40 33 0046 126 145 148 130 155 109 0048 122 76 128 61 119 72 N001 190 145 228 94 226 105 CANVASS MUNICIPAL PRIMARY. GENERAL. AND SPECIAL ELECTIONS Page 8 10:14pm Nov 2 1999 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 2. 1999 CHARTER AMENDMENT INCREASING SALARIES OF COMMISSIONERS AND MAYOR A, Yes 3,260 41.52% B, No 4,592 58.48% CHARTER AMENDMENT TO PENSION FUNDS FOR FIREMEN AND POLICEMEN C. Yes 5,341 69,33% D, No 2,363 30, 67% GENERAL EMPLOYEES' PENSION BOARD PRUDENT PERSON STANDARD E, Yes 3.967 54,84% F. No 3,267 45.16% Precinct A. B, C. D. E. F, 0(111 135 218 226 112 182 143 0013 101 155 165 88 12.8 111 0014 90 204 185 105 142 130 0015 104 88 137 48 122 57 0018 105 169 178 92 131 121 0019 51 90 90 47 76 62 0021 61 148 129 82 91 99 0022 90 91 129 46 90 75 0023 171 275 311 140 207 204 0024 174 212 283 90 231 134 0025 106 151 164 97 123 112 0026 4 4 7 1 6 0 0027 51 103 115 35 76 63 0028 140 223 255 101 185 148 0029 163 222 280 103 212 150 0030 431 323 576 161 451 245 0031 127 132 181 68 132 99 0032 120 171 202 84 148 133 0033 63 136 134 68 81 102 0034 32 25 40 20 32 26 0035 45 78 69 45 58 50 0036 89 131 135 71 98 101 0037 11 33 24 18 21 19 0038 48 59 71 29 57 40 0039 86 109 142 52 94 81 0040 90 142 157 71 101 105 0(141 114 180 182 108 150 131 OfJ42 111 106 159 56 112 85 0043 39 5"1 67 28 44 41 0044 27 47 46 28 31 34 0046 82 189 149 109 124 121 0048 79 116 140 57 97 84 NOO1 120 205 213 103 134 161 1999 Fall Municipal Elections Miami-Dade County, Florida November 2, 1999 CERTIFICATION PUBLIC LOGIC AND ACCURACY TEST OF THE TABULATION EQUIPMENT We, the undersigned City Canvassing Boards' representatives appointed to act during the municipal elections to be held on November 2, 1999, do, by our signatures hereto, certify that to the best of our knowledge: 1. On November 1, 1999, commencing at approximately 2:30 p.m., the Supervisor of Elections had the tabulating equipment based in the Elections Department at the Stephen P. Clark Center tested to ascertain that the equipment will correctly count the precinct and absentee ballot votes cast for all candidates and questions. 2. The unde'rsigned compared the test results with the predetermined totals for each choice and pursuant to the requirements established in Section 101.5612, Florida Statutes, observed the performance and results of all required tests and verified the correctness of the program, precinct header cards and test ballots, as well as any replacement of said materials required by said tests, subject to said tests, 3. At the completion of this public logic and accuracy test, the verified logic and accuracy report, ETNet log, program microdisk (seall\.-/1> ~~ ) and test ballots with precinct header cards were placed in the custody of the Supervisor of Elections under seal number b(\"'1 'b'i '2 S SVASSING BOARD REPRESENTATIVES: City Clerk Robert Parcher City of Miami Beach Page 1 0'3 1999 Fall Municipal Elections Miami-Dade County, Florida November 2, 1999 CERTIFICATION LOGIC AND ACCURACY TEST PERFORMED PRE. AND POST-PRECINCT AND ABSENTEE BALLOT COUNTS We, the undersigned City Canvassing Boards' representatives appointed to act during the municipal elections to be held on November 2, 1999, do, by our signatures hereto, further certify that to the best of our knowledge: 4. On November 2, 1999, commencing at approximately 6:00 p.m., the Supervisor of Elections had the tabulating equipment based in the Elections Department at the Stephen P. Clark Center tested to ascertain that the equipment will correctly count the precinct and absentee ballot votes cast for all candidates and questions. Seal number O()78:7 cf'l ' used to secure the testing materials and seal D 0 7 g '-I ..t S- , used to seal the program microdisk, were broken in our presence and the contents were used following the procedures of paragraph (2), to complete this pre-count logic and accuracy test. 5. At the completion of this pre-count logic and accuracy test, all precinct and absentee ballots cast were counted. Except as otherwise specifically set forth and declared in this Certification, in our presence and sight, no ballot card was removed from or added to any ballot card container, ballot card tray or other segregation of ballots, and no ballot card was in any manner altered or tampered with by any person, and no person touched any ballot card container, ballot card tray or ballot card, except a person authorized to do so pursuant to Section 101.5614, Florida Statutes. 6. At the completion of the precinct and absentee ballot counts, the automatic tabulating equipment was again tested to ascertain that the equipment correctly counted the precinct and absentee votes cast for all candidates and questions. 7. At the completion of this post-count logic and accuracy test, all voted ballots with their precinct header cards, and duplicated and spoiled ballots, were stored in cabinets with seal numbers _ A DO'1SI.f L.l. C 60') 8 2.1..c.f , d'" f>D' Bi.f 10 , r "Inti 3 :I.:? , Page 2 0'3 1999 Fall Municipal Elections Miami-Dade County, Florida November 2, 1999 Similarly consigned and sealed were the verified logic and accuracy reports, ETNet log, program microdisk (seal (,,~,/'3 ~~:~ ), broken seals, and the test ballots with precinct header cards and stored under seal number () 0" i "3 S >' All items, sealed as described above, were placed in the custody of the Supervisor of Elections of Miami-Dade County, Florida, for subsequent delivery to the respective City Clerks. CANVASSING BOARD REPRESENTATIVES: ~._~ ~~ ~ City Clerk Daniel F. DeLo~ch ----- ~~h . -i .-J "C"_, 7~~ City Clerk Walter Foeman Ci of Miami ~ Ci Clerk Robert Parcher City of Miami Beach Page 3 of3 METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA ..D t) METRO-DADE CENTER OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS SU ITE 1910 111 N,W. 1st STREET MIAMI, FLORIDA 33126.1962 (305) 375.5553 Mailing Address: P. O. Box 012241 Miami, Florida 33101-2241 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL AND SPECIAL ELECTIONS NOVEMBER 2, 1999 CER TIFICA TION We, the undersigned, City Commissioner Nancy Liebman, City Commissioner Jose Smith, and Assistant City Manager Mayra Diaz Buttacavoli, members of the City of Miami Beach Canvassing Board, do hereby order that all valid absentee ballots for these elections may be opened starting at 2:00 p.m. on Monday, November 1, 1999. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CANVASSING BOARD: '~~~A~ 1ommissioner ancy ie man Commissioner Jose Smith ~l.dJ.~.~~ Assistant Cl Manager Mayra Diaz Buttacavoli OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY ~tf~1lmM F L o R o A MURRAY H. DUBBIN City Attorney Telephone: Telecopy: (305) 673-7470 (305) 673-7002 COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. 801-99 DATE: NOVEMBER 3,1999 TO: MAYOR NEISEN KASDIN MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION CITY MANAGER SERGIO RODRIGUEZ t\t\'~ '- MURRAY H. DUBBIN \..,,"/ ~ CITY ATTORNEY FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF MIAMI BEACH GENERAL ELECTION RESULTS AND CALLING RUN-OFF ELECTION The attached Resolutions formally adopt the certificate of results of the City of Miami Beach November 2, 1999 General Election, adjourn the Canvassing Board for said election, and call for the City of Miami Beach November 9, 1999 Run-Off Election, made necessary as a result of no candidate for Mayor and Commission Group # V from the General Election having received a majority of votes cast. Accordingly, and pursuant to Miami Beach City Charter Section 2.01, a Run-Off Election shall be called for November 9, 1999 between the two candidates for Mayor and Commission Group # V receiving the highest number of votes in the General Election. JKO\kw AICMEMQ\BRUN-QFF N99 lJS{*2 Agenda I tern R I Date ll/3.1 q i 1700 Convention Center Drive - Fourth Floor - Miami Beach, Florida 33139 _ _ ~~......"-' ." "-''-'.''~''. ._".......... .-..;.' .&.. ..~ ..............11...-<....:; ~.4C ..:?~'~-' LA CIUDAD DE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA !Q AVISO DE ELECCIONES ESPECIALES 2 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 1999 - POR EL PRESENTE SE A VISA QUE se ha senalado una Elecci6n Especial por el Alcalde y la Comisi6n de la Ciudad de Miami Beach, Florida en cumplimiento de la Resoluci6n 99-23319, y se celebrara en la mencionada Ciudad desde las 7:00 a,m. hasta las 7:00 p,m, el dia 2 de noviembre de 1999, en cuya ocasi6n seran sometidas a los votantes debidamente registrados y calificados de la Ciudad de Miami Beach las siguientes preguntas: VOTAMATIC SAMPLE BALLOT BOLETA DE MUESTRA PARA LAS MAaUINAS DE VOTAR CITY OF MIAMI BEACH SPECIAL ELECTION, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2,1999 ELECCIONES ESPECIALES DE LA CIUDAD DE MIAMI BEACH, MARTES, 2 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 1999 MIAMI BEACH QUESTIONS PROPUESTAS DE MIAMI BEACH RENAMING "OCEAN BEACH PARK- TO PARA CAMBIARSE EL NOMBRE DE "OCEAN BEACH PARK" "MARJORY STONEMAN DOUGLAS OCEAN BEACH PARK" A "MARJORY STONEMAN DOUGLAS OCEAN BEACH PARK" Shall "Ocean Beach Park" (located generally to the east of Ocean Drive between the i,Debera "Ocean Beach Park" (situado generalmente al este de Ocean Drive, entre south right of way of 2nd Strect extended, and the north right of way of 3rd Street la extension de la via derecha del sur de la calle 2da y la extension de la via derecha extended) be renamed "Marjory Stoneman Douglas Ocean Beach Park"? norte de la calle 3ra) renambrarse "Marjory Stoneman Dooglas Ocean Beach Park"? I YES 163 -+ +- 163 si I - NO 164 -+ +- 164 NO, $57,915,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND ISSUE FOR EMISION DE BONOS DE OBLlGACION GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS TO NEIGHBORHOOD INFRASTRUCTURE POR VALOR DE $57,915,000 PARA MEJORAS INFRAESTRUCTURAL DE LOS VECINDARIOS To improve neighborhood infrastructure in the City of Miami Beach, consisting of i,Para mejorar la infraestructura de 105 vecindarios residenciales en la Ciudad de streetscapes and traffic calming measures, shoreline stabilization and related Miami Beach, consistente en ornato de las calles y aceras, incluyendo iluminacion y maintenance facilities, shall the City of Miami Beach be authorized to issue general arboles, mejoras de obras publicas, medidas para aliviar el tratico, estabilizacion del obligation bonds not exceeding $57,915,000 in principal amount, payable from Iltoral, y las instalaciones de mantenimiento relacionadas, debera autorizarse a la unlimited ad valorem taxation, bearing interest at rates determined allhetime(s) of sale Ciudad de Miami Beach a emitir bonos de obligacion general que no excedan la thereof, not exceeding the maximum legal interest rate at such time(s)? cantldad de $57,915,000 en suma principal, pagaderos de los fond os de tasacion ad valorem ilimitados, generando intereses con indices determinados en el momento de la venta de bonos, sin exceder el indice leg'al vigente en el momento de la venta de dichos bonos? I FOR BONDS 178-+ +- 178 A FAVOR DE LOS BONON~ I AGAINST BONDS 179-+ +- 179 EN CONTRA DE LOS BONOS , $24,830,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND ISSUE FOR EMISION DE BONOS DE OBLlGACION GENERAL POR $24,830,000 PARA IMPROVEMENTS TO PARKS AND BEACHES MEJORAS A PARQUES Y PLAYAS To improve recreational facilities and equipment, access, security and related i,Para meJorar 105 centros de recreacion, equipos, el acceso, segundad maintenance facilities for parks and beaches located in the City of Miami Beach, shall Y ias instalaciones de mantrenimiento relacionadas con parques y playas situados en the City of Miami Beach be authorized to issue general obligation bonds not exceeding la ciudad de Miami Beach, debera autorizarse a la ciudad de Miami Beach a emitir $24,830,000 in principal amount, payable from unlimited ad valorem taxation, bearing bonos de oligacion general que no excedan la cantidad de $24,830,000 en suma interest at rates determined at the time(s) of sale thereof, not exceeding the maximum principal, pagaderos de 105 fondos de tasacion ad valorem ilimitados, generando legal interest rate at such time(s)? intereses con indices determinados en el momento de la venta de bonos, sin exceder el indice legal vigente en el momento de la venta de dichos bonos? i FOR BONDS 192 -+ +- 192 A FAVOR DE LOS BONOS I t AGAINST BONDS 193 -+ +- 193 EN CONTRA DE LOS BONOS] $9,720,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND ISSUE FOR EMISION DE BONOS DE OBLlGACION GENERAL POR $9,720.000 PARA FIRE SAFETY FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT INMUEBLES Y EQUIPOS PARA BOMBEROS -.--- To renovate, expand and improve fire stations and related facilities located in the City i,Para renovar, expander y meJorar las estaciones de bomberos e inmuebles of Miami Beach and acquire and equip fire trucks, shall the City of Miami Beach be relacionados que se encuentran en la Cludad de Miami Beach, y para la adquislcion authorized to issue general obligation bonds not exceeding $9,720,000 in principal de camiones de bomberos, deb era autorizarse a la Ciudad de Miami Beach a emitir amount, payable from unlimited ad valorem taxation, bearing interest at rates determined bonos de obligacion general que no excedan la cantidad de 59,720,000 en suma at the time(s) of sale thereof, not exceeding the maximum legal interest rate at such pincipal, pagaderos de 105 fondos de tasacion ad valorem ilimilados generando time(s)? intereses con indices determinados en ei momento de la venta de bonos, sin exceder el indice legal vigente en el momento de la venta de dichos bonos? I FOR BONDS 204 -+ +- 204 A FAVOR DE LOS BONOS i AGAINST BONDS 205 -+ +- 205 EN CONTRA DE LOS BONOS] LA CIUDAD DE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA AVISO DE ELECCIONES GENERALES 2 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 1999 m CITY0FMIAM.BEACf~ POR LA PRESENTE SE A VISA QUE se ha senalado una Elecci6n General por el Alcalde y la Comisi6n de la Ciudad de Miami Beach, Florida "n cumplimiento de la Resoluci6n 99-23319, y se celebrara en la mencionada Ciudad desde las 7:00 a,m, hasta las 7:00 p,m, el dfa 2 de noviembre de 1999 con el prop6sito de elegir dos (2) Comisionados de la Cilldad en los Gmpos V y VI, respectivamente, y un Alcalde, cad a lIDO de 10s cuales permaneceran en SllS cargos por el termino displlesto por la ley, VOTAMATIC SAMPLE BALLOT BOLETA DE MUESTRA PARA LAS MAaUINAS DE VOTAR CITY OF MIAMI BEACH GENERAL ELECTION, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2,1999 ELECCIONES GENERALES Y ESPECIALES DE LA CIUDAD DE MIAMI BEACH, MARTES, 2 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 1999 FOR MAYOR Vote for One (1) Only MIKE CALHOUN NEISEN KASDIN LESLIE MARTINEZ-BOTET MARTIN SHAPIRO 133 _ 134 _ 135 _ 136 -+ FOR COMMISSIONER - GROUP V Vote for One (1) Only JOE FONTANA LUIS GARCIA CHARLES SCHAAB RICHARD L. STEINBERG MANNY WARSZAVSKI LEE WEISS 141 - - 141 142 -+ - 142 143 -+ - 143 144 -+ - 144 145 -+ - 145 146 -+ - 146 FOR COMMISSIONER - GROUP VI Vote for One (1) Only MATTI HERRERA BOWER L1LIAM LOPEZ MIKE THOMPSON 151 -+ 152 -+ 153 -+ - 133 - 134 - 135 - 136 - 151 - 152 - 153 PARA ALCALDE MIKE CALHOUN NEISEN KASDIN LESLIE MARTINEZ-BOTET MARTIN SHAPIRO Vote por uno (1) Sola mente PARA COMISIONADO - GRUPO V JOE FONTANA LUIS GARCIA CHARLES SCHAAB RICHARD STEINBERG MANNY WARSZAVSKI LEE WEISS Vote por uno (1) Solamente PARA COMISIONADO - GRUPO VI MATTI HERRERA BOWER L1L1AM LOPEZ MIKE THOMPSON Vote por uno (1) Sola mente .I el prop6sito de celebrar y conducir dicha elecci6n, la Ciudad de Miami Beach ha sido dividida en precintos de votaci6n, con los colegios electorales de ros mismos como siguen: PCT. LOCALIZACION DIRECCION PCT. LOCALIZACION DIRECCION 011 BISCAYNE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 800 - 77 STREET 031 DADE BOULEVARD FIRE STATION #2 2300 PINETREE DRIVE 013 NORTH SHORE COMMUNITY CENTER 7250 COLLINS AVENUE 032 MIAMI BEACH PUBLIC LIBRARY 2lO0 COLLINS A VENUE 014 NORTH SHORE RECREATION CENTER 501 -72 ST 033 BARCLAY PLAZA HOTEL & APT 1940 PARK AVENUE 015 FAIRWAY PARK 200 FAIRWAY DR 034 MIAMI BEACH BOTANICAL GARDEN 2000CONV. CTR, DR, 018 NORMANDY SHORE GOLF COURSE 2401 BIARRITZ DR 035 21st STREET COMMUNITY CENTER 2100 WASHINGTON AVE. 019 NORMANDY ISLE MUNICIPAL POOL 1765 -71 ST 036 FLAMINGO PARK TEEN CENTER lOOO 12th STREET 021 NORTH SHORE RECREATION CENTER 501 - 72 ST 037 MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONV, CTR, DR, 022 SHANE W A TERSPORTS CENTER 6500 INDIAN CREEK DR, 038 MIAMI BEACH ROD & REEL CLUB 208 SO, HIBISCUS DR. 023 MIAMI BEACH FIRE STATION #3 5303 COLLINS AVE, 039 ST FRANCIS DE SALES CHURCH 621 ALTON ROAD 024 NAUTILUS MIDDLE SCHOOL 4301 N, MICHIGAN AVE, 040 ST FRANCIS DE SALES CHURCH 621 ALTON ROAD 025 MIAMIABEACH FIRE STATION #3 5303 COLLINS AVE, 041 MIAMI BEACH FIRE STATION #1 1051 JEFFERSON AVE, 026 21st ST. COMMUNITY CENTER 2100 WASHINGTON AVE, 042 MIAMI BEACH SENIOR CENTER 6lO ESPANOLA WAY 027 OCEAN GRANDE HOTEL 3651 COLLINS AVENUE 043 MIAMI BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT 1100 WASHINGTON AVE. 028 TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM 4144 CHASE A VENUE 044 OCEAN FRONT AUDITORIUM 1001 OCEAN DRIVE 029 NORTH BEACH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 4100 PRAIRIE AVE, 046 SOUTH SHORE COMMUNITY CENTER 833 - 6 STREET 030 MIAMI BEACH BOTANICAL GARDEN 2000 CONVEN.CTR DIRVE 048 SOUTH POINTE PARK 1 WASHINGTON AVE, La votaci6n sera conducida de acuerdo con las leyesdel Estado de la Florida con respecto al uso de sistemas de votaci6n electr6nicas. Todos los electores deben votar en los colegios electorales, en los precintos de votaci6n en los que los libros de registraciones oficiales muestran que dicho elector reside. La registraci6n de personas que deseen volar en dicha Elecci6n General debera ser de acuerdo con la ley general del Estado que gobiema la registraci6n de votantes, Solamente las personas registradas apropiadamente eslaran calificadas para vOlar en dicha elecci6n, Todas las preguntas relativas a la registraci6n de votantes debera ser dirigida al Departamento de Elecciones del Condado de Dade, 111 N, W, Ira, Street, suite 1910, Miami Florida 33128, telefono nlimero 375-5553, METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA .ID ~"'~ lIiA~ ~-~ ~Jl~ METRO-DADE CENTER OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS SUITE 1910 111 NW 1st STREET IvIIAMI, FlORIDA 33128.1962 CE,RTIFICATIONT (305) 375.5553 Mailing Address: PO, Box 0122cl1 I\liarr: ;::,or Gd 33101.2241 STATE OF FLORIDA) COI:.JNTY OF MIAMI-DADE) I, David C. Leahy. Superv'isor of Elections of Miami-Dade County. Florida. do hereby certify that the hereby attached is a true and correct copy of the precinct and absentee ballot counts of the votes cast for the municipal candidates and questions bdo\\i at the November 2, 1999 City of Miami Beach General and Special Elections. FOR rvl-\ YOR FOR COtvu'vUSSIONER - GROUP V FOR COMMISSIONER - GROUP VI RENAMING "OCEAN BEACH PARK" TO "~L-\RJORY STONE;\HN DOUGLAS OCEAN BEACH PARK" S57,915,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND ISSUE FOR I;\-fPROVEMENTS TO 1'<cIGHBORHOOD fNFRASTRUCTURE S24,830,000 GE~'ERAL OBtIGA TION BOND ISSu'E FOR IIvfPROVEMENTS TO PARKS AND BEACHES S9,720,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BO~TI ISSlTE FOR FIRE SAFETY FACILITIES AND EQL1P;\rE;-..rT CODE AMENDMENT REDUCING PERCENTAGE OF RESORT TA,..X COLLECTIONS ALLOCATED TO VISITOR AND CONVENTION AUTHORITY CHARTER A;\fENDMENT INCREASING SALARlES OF CITY COl'vLYUSSIONERS AND tvL'i. YOR CHARTER AIvfENDME;-..rT TO CITY OF MIAMI BEACH BASE AND SUPPLEMENTAL PENSION FU0I'DS FOR FIREMEN AND POUCE.\-fEN GENERAL El'vfPLOYEES' PENSION BOARD: DELETING SPECIFIC r.-.:VESThfENT/ALLOCA TION RESTRICTIONS A~TI SUBSTITUTfl\iG THEREFOR PRUDENT PERSON ST A~1)ARD \vlTNESS MY HA2ID AND OFFICIAL SEAL, AT MIPuvfI, ~l \ 'u David C. Leahv \ Supervisor of Elections ' Miami-Dade County MIAMI-DADE COlJf'-.iTY, FLORIDA, ON THIS 2nd DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1999. DCL:zd CANV.=-..SS 10,14pm Nov 2 1999 Pr-e'::::-.::: 1)1)11 O:J 1 3 (',"" 1 ,f .) ,) _ "ll C;] 15 0;) 13 01) 19 0021 0'022 0'023 0024 0025 0025 0027 0023 0029 0030 0031 0032 '13 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0043 /1001 1';"7'7 lS4~ 143~ 1--' 1155 601 1703 1247 10a4 40 805 1204 1149 2249 , " 891 12~o 1003 439 712 1'" 314 435 1019 1126 1500 1144 477 423 1527 939 o ?eg " 0 5"'1 5~:~ ',7::-:1 J':'J 26,81 J ' , ~: ::.53 "-.9-5 3 ") . .; ~ 3 ~~ 22,13 25.97 24.4; 3~.11 30,77 32.15 23.32 l~. -~ ..::.~: :c:: s::~ 4n 307 10 21,;4 2:0 27.33 35.33 35.77 35.50 31.54 29,30 29,41- 21.87 2'0.93 23.59 10.50 25.46 24,63 432 4:1 8' , ,- 231 3_, I~ 295 95 1.49 239 111 :5: 317 333 3' ~ 23,15 25.87 ..,- ""7 - I, _. 13 :5 23,51 34,99 23,29 33,01 1 .- _,0 432 3' ^, . , , ,~... Ht.f!'IICI?;L P?,'::'L;""~':.', GE~IE?':"r.... ~ID SPE.:r.-\L E:"ECTr~NS M L".I,I: -C.".CE COUN7'" E"LOP.:C,". 1!C;E:13E? ;:, 19 'J 9 P'VJ" .j CrT'! OF M:.;:1: SE:.;CH P=~cinc':s C'~'l:-.::'-3d ~~s~n':ae P::--3~inc~~ Co~n~~d 32 1,'J :J 1)11'';'; 1 1.J0 o L1'~ 32, 977 1 'j I) o 'J \ 9, 876 29 95~ P~gi5t8::-~d VO:~::-3 Ballots Ca:;: r.!';'{f)P A. ~;~~ Calhs'~~ E. rI~:.::;--?:-,. K6.::~";':':--. C. L~sli~ ~!3r::~~=-30t~: C. M~=:~n S~a;:~: 13 1.'; :) 3 , 1 6 2.:4 8 19: 234 102 4 71 21.3 243 4S3 151 13 2 o l-i 8 1') 13 8 4 7 7 ~~1 ~-.; - 103 SI 69 137 3 3 ::. 7 9 7 15 7 64 109 123 2,)7 147 4 53 2 6/ 14 159 173 17 ; 2 ,~ --" 21) 1::: . --, 137 !..:.; 33 14:) 25 , " ) , ~ - - , 4 59 3 ~ 9 .; , S .j 3 - " , - , S J 3 .; - ~- , C, J ..; 1] 2 d8 ....: T loJ , , ~~ 1'; 1 :: 14 lr)~ 5.J 293 s 145 176 5 106 133 120 299 I'll IE 148 1.: .:. 15 10 :; '-' 20 9 9 21 23 6S 104 20 , , 7 32 13 31. 29 17 9 13 35 15 IS 99 131 123 l:-i 42 41. 1"70 107 2:5 c.:...: rJ4;S3 LO,14pm Nov 2 1999 Nt.nl:':IPAL PRI:'L\P."i, GE!JE?4;L, A:IC S?~('rA:' E:'':::T::2:;'; M:Al'fI -C.;DE CO~JTY, fL.OE::;.; rJo\iE~1BER .:;, 19 J 9 A. B. C. 0, E, F. COH~.!ISSSrOnEF - GFOUP i.I Jo", F,)nr:ar-,d. Luis Ga::-cia Cl1a=l~s Schaa.b Richa::-d L, S~~inb",::-] Ma:1ny Wars::~'..ski L.::~ w~iss :,177 3,091 1., IJ 62 1 673 ?r~r::.:-:.c': ,;, E c. ;:;, E. OOl!. 98 12 2, -'i 39 0013 S": 11 1.S 5: GGl... l' , 9 '-: 19 o _ - 0013 6 :. 6"; ~5 .;; 6 001.3 9..; 73 ~ ~ -, :..; :) I} :.? ] ~ I>l:':' "~ 9.; - - - - , - 00:2 ,:; S2 ~ -- , ~ I: iJ 2 ] ..:....~ lG~ 3 : , 19 0024 9 ;) 117 is 0025 9: i:' J - 6:: 12 _J 0026 1 5 0 1 3 ~ 0027 3:? 4 ~J l-i 7'; 1') 0023 i~ 92 8, 1 ' ~ 14 0029 85 149 65 i5 9 0030 1"" 256 1:7 21: 28 0031 49 7: 63 53 16 0032 63 198 24 45 12 0033 83 103 17 16 0034 1: 4'; 7 9 4 0035 31 ~ . 23 14 14 ... 0036 43 104 57 :2 13 1"""'17 13 " ' 1 11 4 ~~ 3 18 33 1'; 23 6 l)u39 53 90 24 "', ~ 1 "'. 0040 73 79 36 37 32 0041 SL 135 S4 27 29 0042 52 102 46 ~ ~ 29 34 0043 ....::: 49 13 15 11 0044 22 54 , .: !J L3 .. 0046 85 140 40 43 4'J 0043 44 142 33 l~ 33 rI001 89 103 5l. 91 54 f, ~ 12- a ~ '0 1: 1') 11 23 7 1 8 4 5 o 4 4 1... 13 2 o 7 6 4:J Pag", 5 6: S :... . 5";'~ 3~.84' 11,9., 13,9:' " I 04; .... -, J _ 0 . :. b:~ C.;':;--IASS 10,14~m Nov 2 1999 ? :-.;-: ::-.::: ~ 00:3 Q I): 9 0021 00:::: 'f. Gill:> 0024 <:.~ .~ ,/ CQ.Q.;2) 0023 ./: OO;Z v'c-l.Q) j1 003:: 'I.. c:uo33) 0034 0035 V~ 0037 0033 0039 30 54 131 135 133 1.43 73 204 13') 2I5 ~3 6-5 13/' 63 153 95 23J 205 ,., -..- 4 6'; 94 130 163 194 78 173 71 30 49 80 10 34 62 84 103 81 35 38 11 8 9 1"1 _..u 158 ,,- , ..J~ 13,] 145 154 45 53 141 oi 8. 1 .... ..."t'=' 1') 2 93 5- 89 5,] 7: 64 211 114 95 :; 5 20 34 57 5,J 44 15 8 60 20 110 Mt.~IICIP';L PP.1:~1AP'i. CE:IE?AL. ArID SPE:::::AL E~E':7: ):::3 t1L\.t1I - C.'ti:S COUtlT'" FLOP-ICA NGI;E~18EP- 2, 1999 A. 8, C. COMMISSIOtIER - G?0UP VI Matti H~rr~ra Eow~~ Lilia.m Lop'9= Mi:c~ T::cmpson 0, E, 11:.0"...1I BS.'.C:J QUSST:GtI..; RE:IAl1!:!JG 0CE.='-lI !3S.;CH P.;?1-: y-?s !Jo F' G, BeIID ISS~'E F'JP r:,!??.rY/E:'f!:::rrs T') r~EIGHEOF.HCC'D r:IF?_='-.3T?('}C7UF.E F'or bc:oncs .=-.gainsr: b'Jr.d~ C S3 53 54 63 91J 32 31 0- ..I 52 73 46 1 33 87 57 113 53 29 35 9 23 34 11.0 129 153 132 51 29 139 108 la6 -'."\ . _. .. ":'=-"'t 1~4 122 152 82 11.4 102 2ii 255 !.SS 6 9:: 221 250 SO; 170 184 93 34 . 79 I'" 22 oi 39 85 III 129 97 45 41 135 96 125 E IS:: l11J 12 .; 63 1') 5 53 1.04 i7 171 119 99 2 53 143 140 248 90 III 102 23 40 89 21 1')2 115 1'72 '134, 55 35 126 <<106' 163 F', .... ..", :..) ~ ~S--; 1s} 1.43 "l32 15,'3 85 110 104 213 219 123 4 .95 190 202 453 136 153 91 35 53 L1~ 155 1<. ~:;.. 5:3 ~--' \... t_1. 11 S ............ ,< :l 1- I Y :J. ; _, 6 2 - :..:.: ""...""..., ~j-. ..., -,) _- t-, ..,. 12 ~ 137 ..... ~ 18 9 .;... \~ _. 301v'.:. \':)r. 123 ...1:; 1-:7 ... \ \ 1'; 9 X ..::'.1''0,) 27 -t ~ 59 -'"'t 99"/ .,.;C~ 2:!. ~3 56 ~) 94 +q 117 )(.(;;..> 120 l..-' .;-=s~ 87./~;';'7 41 .;.\S 35 - 147 'I. (J..I> 35 ./ +d-.\ 153 ~IC -~,~ ,J'....~., r ::'jf-:"" l' 24 :1 c.,;"::. ::.. -'I. - -.. r .. ( ")~:-- .:;( 4 5.;5 ::, 9 ,;,) 1. .; ,3 J ,,*, "7 ~ q 3 , . ' .. 4, 233 3 . -......., :. ~ -~ , ,....\ - I' ,) -:1 ~'- , '" ;'-;:: .--, P-3.g~ 0 5~.57~ 32,93. 10. Sl)'~ 5 ~ ') ~ <( "t _ . l~:" 5 ~ . .J. ,j ~ .: ,3> . " CArflASS 10'14pm Nov 2 1999 ?='=':':':1C:' ...., 13, ~' ..r---, .-., (c I) 1'" 1" -- - ,- /~n 1" -, ... 9: "- v '-.:_:>_ ).~ 0014 153 134 ,.~lS) 13 ,) 7~ s; '~ Or i3 159 5.:.. 1:;-: 00:'9 36 -.,1 55 0021 115 ~4 9: 0022 113 58 50 /~ 236 1..3> 213 J Olr;Z'4 231 i;" 159 0025 135 Ji, 119 0026 4 .:: 0:)27 ,~- - ... 5-4 .01 f-. ~ 135 <'~) 19 5 o -,9 212 31 131 ./ j) 4'73 'i,5 233 ~ _ Jl 13 3. ~) 113 0032 ' ,- " 139 ."~ "'- 'f-. cQ:Q1}) 95.(")108 0034 34 c) 25 0035 6: <./) 53 0036 1'- 1(, 101 _.1 ~ 25 (., 19 r 43 (' ,'- 59 .... 03 'I' 0039 1G7 ,.; 91 0040 129 ~D 99 /(Q041) 13: ~ 113 /,' 00...:: 1.';0 ~~ 84 0043 5'7 'C 41 0044 45 ,'-I ]1 -I--~ 126 .(lq)14 5 0048 1.22 J~ 1 " 11001 190 Lf5 145 V -"' .- r '7 ~ Y ,'-:; d'-I:, V 'I . :J,-:J j -) ---L ~ii (' '-< WRIIC !?AL PR!M.'..R:i, GE:IER.'\L, AiID 52E:::r.;:. ELS'::T:,.):;3 ML"J1!-DAr:E COU!ITY, FLOP.IOA 1l0VE:H3E? 2, 1999 A. 8, 80ND ISSUE FOP. U1PRO'/E:IE:JTS T'J PAPY.S A!lD 8EACHES For bonds Against bond:; C. D. 801m I3SUE F0P. F.;CILITIE:; i\1le For l::'Jnc:; Against b0~.d~ E'~UI Pt,U:::i'I' FIPE .- . .... ..........~ ~ .;l.......r::... 1 CODE A:'1En"Ct.IE:!~ P.'=:J(}I: rlh~ P.E:.JGF:' .........'. .;SLOCATI'Jir E '1 -?:3 F, t!o ~ , - , .. :51 93 "".' 94 -,,, ,- , 34 1 -.... 8~ ..L.i, -'- 1 - - 92 139 93 -,," 1 -- 3 :) 139 5 ' ~-;;i J- 1% 3'7 1 -" 95 "- 93 ' , 99 40 ,,~ 130 '71 135 76 129 50 120 S4 312 141 274 1'71 2/4 103 275 94 159 102 16'7 84 5 3 6 2 104 4') 110 46 255 119 253 115 279 112 2i4 113 573 180 509 220 177 73 1-~ 89 "- 198 111 13'7 97 131 66 115 84 39 22 43 15 i5 ~ ,,49 79 41 150 ... 63 135 75 29 1 - ry- 16 -" - I - , 4.. '73 31 0" 132 60 126 6'7 153 i7 148 82 2tJO 9'7 1'70 118 l' , '-' 1'::4 83 .." 5'7 35 51 4~ 49 ~- 40 33 -" He 130 1-- 109 ~~ 123 <51 119 72 223 94 ~-- 105 "'....::~ <::~_: ... -;.\ (', '- .~~~/' - --- (~ J' J~ . _--r 'J . \ ; .. C2I'Z- e J .... '.' ,,-;( -:C:l,-J.' ,.-- \ Dor c. \ Q.L1 t I ./-"" : I 'V'j , ,. ~ C 1..;--"(' --':;(\C I ( -il --' .):: 0 --0 ~c?~, CJ\...__ "I l../11" 1 <=) _ 1- 1 7 'i '" ,( :...- 5, 3 - 9 : 4-: _ ::'J -- y /' " -' 4,5,)'7 3 . ~,] 3 5~.9..P~ 43.0 ci" .; ~ , 5:. ';.; J !. . 4 ~ ~ ':l::.J5~ J J . ':: :: '" ~;~J,' '_1 '-1-' . "ag'o: '7 ----/ --,. e,r',{: , :-:... ~ \ ~-'---- .. ; ,: '--'- ( '0...' "-.):.1-' C "'] : (' c'- '- ' \, [, .- r f_ .""',' -f ~, -' " , - I' ,~ -' .~.-. -..\ =./"""- y' 'j,...:; (..-'- .::. '::; '-'D_ .;.- : C-~,\, ....... ,..~, i",' _'" ~' ~..;,.-' ;:-- ;:.. -_.0.1'.::.:...:........; OlIVASS 10,14pm Nov 2 1999 MUNICIPAL PRIMAE"" GE1IEHAL, AND SPEC IAL ELEC7IONS MI.~1r-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA NOVEMBER :;, 1999 CHAP,T;::R A11EllDMENT INC HE.::"S ING SALARIES OF COMMISSIONE?S AND MAYOR A, '{..as B, No CH.;RTER AME!1Dt1E:IT TO PE1IS:ON FUN!:S FOP. FIP.E:1E:l A1m PO L ICE:'lEl! c. Y.a$ D, No GE1!E?_::"L E:1PLOYE:::S' p.:::;srON BOAPD PRUDE/IT PE?,SOtl ST.;:ID.';"Q1] E, Yes F, No P r'?c::. ~.C ~ A. - ' c. '-. E F, 0011 135 ::'3 :2S ' ~ j 132 1-13 0013 101 1 :::: 163 33 123 111 ~-- 0014 90 :: I)... 133 105 142 131] 0013 lO-,t 83 137 43 1"' 57 0013 105 16? 17.3 92 131 1" 0019 3.:. 9J 90 47 76 62 0021 51 143 129 82 91 99 0022 90 9: 129 46 90 75 0023 171 :"75 311 140 207 204 0024 17-1 ..., ";' 233 90 231 134 "--- 0025 106 15: 164 97 123 112 0026 4 4 7 1 6 0 0027 51 103 115 35 76 63 0028 140 223 255 1n 185 143 0029 163 -,- 230 103 212 150 .:......::. a030 431 323 576 161 451 245 )31 1-- 132 181 63 132 99 -'I v032 120 171 202 a4 14a 133 0033 63 136 134 63 a1 102 0034 32 25 40 21] 32 ,~ _0 0035 45 73 69 "'..... 45 sa 50 0036 a9 131 135 .. "." n 9a 101 0037 11 33 24 18 21 19 0033 48 59 n 29 57 40 0039 a6 1,09 142 S2 94 a1 0040 90 142 157 il 101 105 0041 114 130 182 loa 150 131 0042 111 106 159 56 112 85 0043 39 57 67 23 44 41 0044 27 47 46 2a 31 34 0045 82 139 149 109 124 121 0043 79 116 140 57 97 84 NOOl 120 205 213 103 134 161 3,260 4,592 5,341 2, ] 63 ] I 967 1 ...--- ... , ..."'; I P''J.g.. 3 41,52... 53,48... 59.3J~ 3 J . 67" :: "* . s.;.~ "* S . 1-5 ~ , City of Mia.mi Beach Page 1 of2 Voting Precincts City of Miami Beach VOTING PRECINCTS PRECINTOS DE VOTACION 011---------- Biscayne Elementary Schoot 800 - 77th Street 013 North Shore Community Center 7250 Collins Avenue 014 ----- North Shore Recreation Center 501 . 72 Street 015"- .... Fairway Park 200 Fairway Drive 018 -------- Normandy Isle Munidpal Pool 2401 Biarritz Drive 019 ~-----------. Normandy Isle Munidpal Pool 1765 ~71 Street 021 North Shore Recreation Center 501- 72 Street 022------. Shane Watersports Center 6500 Indian Creek Drive 023 --------- Miami Beach Fire Station #3 5303 Collins Avenue 024----Nautilus Middle School 4301 North Michigan Avenue 025 ----.-..-..- Miami Beach Fire Station #3 5303 COUiIlS Avenue 026 - 21st Street Community Center 2100 Washington Avenue 027 --------..-- Ocean Grande Hotel 3651 Collins Avenue 028 ------------- Temple Beth Shalom 4144 Chase Avenue 029 ...------------ North Beach Elementary School 4100 Prairie Avenue 0.30 -------- Miami Beach Botanical Garden 2000 Convention Center http://www.ci.miami-beach_fl.us/newcity/election/precinct.htm 11/03/1999 City of Mmmi Beach Page 2 of2 031 Dade Boulevard Fire Station #2 2300 Pinetree Drive 032 --..---- Miami Beach Public Library 2100 Collins Avenue 033 "-----.-., Barclay Plala Hotel & Apartment 1940 Park Avenue 034 Miami Beach Botanical Garden 2000 Convention Center Drive 035 21st Street Community Center 2100 Washington Avenue 036...------ Flamingo Park Teen Center 1000 - 12 Street 037 Miami Beach City Hall 1700 Convention Center 038 .,.-..........., Miami Beach Rod & Reel Club 208 South Hibiscus Drive 039 St. Frands de Sales Church 621 Alton Road 040 St. Francis de Sales Church 621 Alton Road 041' Miami Beach Fire Station #1 1051 Jefferson' Avenue 042.------- Miami Beach Senior Center 610 Espanola Way 043 Miami Beach Polke Department 1100 Washington Avenue 044 ----_. Ocean Front Auditorium 1001 Ocean Drive 046.---.. South Shore Community Center 833 - 6 Street 048 .n_.......... South Poi nte Park 1 Washington Avenue http://www.ci.miami-beach.fl.us/newcity/electionlprecinct.htm 11/03/1999 Metro-Dade County Elections Dept. Race Results Go To ==>I;lectiQ!l H_<2I11ejJllge ,"vfialt1i-nadl! = E.-l\;[ail: <grs@co,mial7li-dode.jlus> \Iunicipal. Primary, (;cllcral and Special Flectiol1s \l!\\II-J)\DF CO!'\"!'" FI,()I{IDA Tuesday, \member 2, I (,I ()I) ~<,_'\' I ~,,~, Voter ['ul'l1oul: .2l)" () I~e~isllT\..'d \\lll..'rs: .~.2()77 13~t1LltS C1St: ()~7() : :",' PerceI1tage Reported: I ()()o/I) Prccill(ts ill "rhi:1 r\~lCC: ~., Precil1Cts Cl1uI1ted: lvliami Beach Charter ,\ll1cnclll1eI1t COll1ll1issiol1crs/i\layur Pay Raiscs No 4502 Y..:s :3.2 () () http://elections,metro-dade.comlELE99306/RACEO 14.HTML Page 1 of 1 '11\..,C i ;1'~ r:~ 1\..,; J '._1 i : l~; ,-\ J'i-' ;:i'< , -, , 58,51)/0 4I,5?<) J 1113/99 Metro-Dade County Elections Dept. Race Results Page 1 of 1 Go To ==>f:le_~tiQ!LtIg111eQ<lg~ ,'-yfio7lni-nad~ = F;.::.~lail: <grs@.co,l71ial71i-dode.j7./Is> Mllnicipal. Primary, Ceneral and Special Elcdillns i\IL\\II-D,\DE ('Ot\TY. FLOI{IIL\ T lIe~;day, \' OH III he r 2, Il)l)l) : 1"'_'1,' i ::Cl ~ ! ,.li Il~ Regislcred \luter:): 32977 B:l1luts ClSt' <1S7(\ ! ~~ ~lC~' Vl)lcr TUrI1uUl: 2l)"" : <: i' '- :\".l-: tJ t\..'i,.' Ii ,:__ 1: 1 i<',i __ PrL'cincts in This R~lCL' ~2 Precincts ('()ulllecl: " , Pereent:lge Repllrted' I (J()O" IvliJmi Beach Code Amendment Reduce Resort TJ\: Allocation Yes ~ 117 66.4% No 2595 .3:' .6~o http://elections.metro-dade.comlELE99306IRACEOI3.HTML 11/3/99 Metro-Dade County Elections Dept. Race Results Go To ==> f:kc;tj91l H9Dl.~Q?ge ,"Yfi<1lt1i-nad~ = E-Mail:<:..gl.s@co.l71iami-dadejll1s> D.T"';~_, . , , " ~. "J' ," i\Iulllclpal. Pnmary, . ,I, f. 11)," ," ( . I I \.: 'I I' I . ,l'nl'ra ant ,..,pCCla .~ cLtlOllS '.ll\\l[-I),\DF COt ~T\:, FLOi{lJ),\ TUL'sd:l\. \' O\l'1J1 her 2. ]l)(}\,l I',~,',.,:':,',..,',' I, Regiskl,'ed V(),krs: Jc<)77 . ,) Hclll()h C1St: <)S7G L-1 V,'lL': I lIl'l1UlIl: ,2()IJ() ::11.: :1.',-' I)ercent~lge Reported: I ()(In lJ Precinch in This Race: PrL'cincts Cl1l1ntcd: i\liami Lkach Chartcr Amcndmcnt Pensil1n Funds - Fire and Policc Ycs 5~-t1 2363 http://elections.metro-dade,com/ELE99306/RACEOI5.HTML Page I of I /, '< , .., , ~ ' ()lU ~ (J, 11/3/99 Metro-Dade County Elections Dept. Race Results Go To ==>1;lectigI1Hg}neIJ~ge !Hlalni-nan.. = E-A[{{i!: <grs@co.miollli-dudej1.us> ~TT~~ ' r;----:.~ i\Iullicipal, p,'imary, , ''''r:J'!'.ifLr:r u (, t, ( , I I L' . I 1'1 ' !j~l;_..",..,.",>, .ClICI'<l, :111(, ,~pCCI<l '.:CC11;;11\ !.~'!:E:~j!::..t.L.. .,.,___J \l! \\:[.]' \!>F ('()\ "\'''\', FLO!{!l),\ Tm'\d::\. \()\(,Illhcr 2. [I;I)\) [) )',_'l'; :-. !Zl'~i~k'I\~d V()llT'i .~~()7~ 1)~1!I()ls ('us!.: 'JS7() Page I of I \"(1[(1 I umuul, 2')'; l) Precincts in Ihis f<'Jce: ~.., , h\~cill(t" ("ULll1l.'d .. .., , PercenLlge !Zel!l1n,~d: liJ()" u YL'S ~9Cl7 l'vliallli Beach [mplc)ycc Pl'l1siull n()~lrd hudelll Person Stancbrd ;\0 '3267 :'-+.S(~,~ I -+5,'::"~ http://elections.metro-dade.com/ELE99306IRACEOI6.HTML 11/3/99 Metro-Dade County Elections Dept. Race Results Page I of I Go To ==>J;kctiQD_ HODlep'!,g~ ,.,"lmt1i-T)ad" = E-i\;[ui I: <grs@co,l1liul1li-d(/dej7. liS> ~ IVlunicipal,l>rinlar:';, LE en &/\:,.... - eenera[ and Spedal Elections i\I1.-\\II-DADE COUNTY, FLOIUD,-\ Tuesday, ]\o\elllher 2,1 <)()() 1,"'"";>fi'"W.""'~,..,,, I ., ? '. I l ~\ I :}1)r...~jnd:. 'j I":',X" e end j n ~~" ;1' '. ') '-/, l'-'~:"<,_ ~ ,,>/~ I (.",'..."'.' ( !,) )"...'C i til~ t:~ \\.'ll~lill~ Registered V olers: _12l)77 Balluts C,sl: l)S7(1 V uler Tumuut: 2l)f) IJ 1 \:' t',.: :_') \ 'i,-'l:.; i I i !~ ~ ll": L' Prccincts in This Race: 32 Pl'ccincls Counted: 0, ) Percentage Repurted: 100% Miami Beach Bune! Issue Impruve Neighburhuod Infrastructure I, 01' bonds 4283 54,2(:;, ,\gainst bunds 3622 45,8(j() http://elections.metro-dade.com/ELE99306/RACEO 1 O.HTML 11/3/99 Metro-Dade County Elections Dept. Race Results Page 1 of 1 Go To ==>fle_~ioILHonl~~g~ ~~~~~~~ '-kffis Jo?{{f6Flliallli-dade.jl.lIs> h L [OJ :\ :\f\fE;;-;'iV!etro [)ade County iE kction:0 ht.'~fiRal'ent!-qlHEr, uPJL I] J NA\fL="NWQ '0011" i Gelleral and Special EI,e,ct.iolls . I I i\1J..\!\II-DADE COlIN 1 ,\, , I ~ I , I'LORIDA ;..._._._...__~..; T 1I esd ay, N o\elll he r 2, ll)l)l) l)l'~'i_' i :1L't.< !)r'-']1~iit1~ D Registered VOl,ers: 32977 D Ballots C1St: 9870, l.ist ()I'\I'('~I'; Votel'Turnuut: 'l)1l1l L__ \'-'';1 1\:ICI_' D Precincts in 'I his R,tc\.' , i2 i', .', "I." II' [<,'e Precincts CUUlllL'd' 32 PCl'centage Rql\)rlcd: ] om;) \liami Beach Bond Issuc Fire Safety Facilities & Equipment For bonds Against bonds 5379 68.5% 2472 31.5% http://elections.metro-dade.comlELE99306/RACE012.HTML 11/3/99 Metro-Dade County Elections Dept. Race Results Go To ==>Election Honl~R(lge ,\.fi(llrri-n,ld~ = E-Jfai!:5grs@c().17Iia17li-dude.}!./!\ > e~ :\Iunicipal, Primal'\', LECTU~'\,'" .. , . . . {,cneral and ~~c~lal.E.lcct.\()ns :\ 11..\:\ I 1- D ..\ DEe 0 l :\ T\ . F LOR ( J) ..\ Tucsday, :\oHl11hcr 2. ll)l)l) PrcvimlS Race [ ','";,.fd",I <r ~>"'l " '0\3 i't".'CiilClS in 1~~ICI': tvliami r3each Bond Issue . Improve Parks and Beaches i~ I Registered Voters: I~' Ballots Cast: i..---:'-/ ! ~~ \'I)lCrll!l:lC)ut: 32977 987('; =()'11" ~tre(i'~ ,;5!CJ...?,.tl.".,\. i (Pre~i net) ~.inR ,j '\ ace /I ,?" '~~~"'':t'7.4''~ ' ' Prccincts in This R~!cc: Precincts Ce,u:lled: Percentage Rep\.lrtcd: I ()()I;U For h\.)nds 4507 ...;J.Y"'~" /'" ') " I;' , " / . . } ,""'" ...,. I: :1Jrl:"_lrLt_0 l'l,.l'2Ih~:n,:2; f' , .....- I ' , I ! ' ~, .'- ~ ., .'- 56.9'J ----- - --- Against bonds 3408 ~:.1 0 'J http://elections.metro-dade.com/ELE99306/RACEOll.HTML Page 1 of 1 =: ", '\_' ~:-.. 1113/99 METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA ..liD ~,,~ liij;.Aa .JIII!.~ ~"l~ METRO-DADE CENTER OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS SUITE 1910 111 NW. 1st STREET ~~~~~7~~~~~DA 33128.1962 CERTIFICA TION Mailing Address: P O. Box 012241 Miami, Florida 33101.2241 STATE OF FLORIDA) COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE) I, David C. Leahy, Supervisor of Elections of Miami-Dade County, Florida, do hereby certify that the hereby attached is a true and correct copy of the precinct and absentee ballot counts of the votes cast for the municipal candidates and questions below at the November 2, 1999 City of Miami Beach General and Special Elections. FOR MAYOR FOR COMMISSIONER - GROUP V FOR COM:MISSIONER - GROUP VI RENAMING "OCEAN BEACH PARK" TO "MARJORY STONEMAN DOUGLAS OCEAN BEACH PARK" $57,915,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND ISSUE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO NEIGHBORHOOD INFRASTRUCTURE $24,830,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND ISSUE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO PARKS AND BEACHES ., , $9,720,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND ISSUE FOR FIRE SAFETY FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT CODE AMENDMENT REDUCING PERCENTAGE OF RESORT TAX COLLECTIONS ALLOCATED TO VISITOR AND CONVENTION AUTHORITY CHARTER AMENDMENT INCREASING SALARIES OF CITY COM:MISSIONERS AND MAYOR CHARTER AMENDMENT TO CITY OF MIAMI BEACH BASE AND SUPPLEMENTAL PENSION FUNDS FOR FIREMEN AND POLICEMEN GENERAL EMPLOYEES' PENSION BOARD: DELETING SPECIFIC INVESTMENT/ALLOCATION RESTRICTIONS AND SUBSTITUTING THEREFOR PRUDENT PERSON STANDARD WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL, AT MIAMI, MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, David C. Leahy Supervisor of Elections Miami-Dade County ON THIS 2nd DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1999. DCL:zd CANVASS MUNICIPAL PRIH.;WI, GElIEPAL, AND SPECIAL ELECTIOllS Page 4 10:14pm Nov 2 1999 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA NOVE11BER 2, 1999 CITY OF l1IAMI BEACH precinct.s Counted 32 100,OO'~ .rillsentee Precincts Counted 1 100. OO'~ Registered Voters 32,977 100,OO'~ Ballots Cast 9,876 29. 95'~ MAYOR A. Mike Calhoun 269 2,86', B, !leisen Kasdin 4,693 49,94', C. Leslie t'lartine::-Botet 543 5.78', D. Martin Shapiro 3,893 41.42. Precinct Reg BIts '~Trn A, B. C, 0, 0011 1477 396 26.81 13 219 20 132 0013 1549 349 22.53 16 154 36 118 0014 1459 408 27,96 10 137 25 211 0015 6~- 206 30,47 3 126 7 67 10 0018 1551 344 22.18 9 132 28 150 0019 571 154 26.97 5 89 11 44 0021 1165 285 24,46 11 140 16 104 0022 601 205 34,11 6 124 18 50 0023 1703 524 30.77 8 191 14 293 0024 1247 401 32,16 13 234 8 145 0025 1084 307 28.32 2 102 12 176 0026 46 10 21.74 0 4 1 5 0027 805 220 27.33 14 71 15 106 0028 1204 432 35.88 8 218 10 183 0029 1149 411 35.77 10 243 27 120 0030 2249 802 35.66 13 458 19 299 0031 891 281 31. 54 8 160 6 101 0032 1266 371 29.30 4 201 17 135 0033 1003 295 29.41 7 103 20 148 0034 439 96 21. 87 7 51 9 23 0035 712 149 20.93 3 69 9 65 0036 1225 289 23.59 8 137 21 104 0037 314 52 16.56 1 26 4 20 0038 436 111 25.46 7 64 7 32 0039 1019 251 24.63 9 109 18 99 0040 1126 317 28.15 7 123 31 131 0041 1500 388 25,87 16 207 29 123 0042 1144 312 27.27 7 147 17 124 0043 477 136 28.51 4 69 9 42 0044 423 148 34,99 2 67 13 41 0046 1527 432 28,29 14 169 36 170 0048 939 310 33.01 2 173 15 107 N001 0 484 22 176 15 225 CANVASS MUNICIP."'.L PRII1ARY, GENEPAL, AND SPECIAL ELECTIONS Page 5 10,14pm Nov 2 1999 MINH-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 2, 1999 COMMISSSIONER - GROUP V A. Joe Fontana 2,177 24.54', B. Luis Garcia 3,091 34,84', C. Charles Schaab 1,062 11.97', D. Richard L. Steinberg 1,678 18,91', E. Manny Wars:::avski 625 7.04'!5 F. Lae Weiss 239 2,69% Precinct A. 8, C, D. E. F, 0011 98 121 28 70 39 8 0013 84 116 15 52 28 8 0014 131 99 17 91 19 3 0015 61 64 15 46 6 5 0018 94 73 28 78 26 5 0019 31 72 11 22 9 3 0021 64 94 5 ~' 20 3 _0 0022 45 82 17 39 4 4 0023 214 109 32 100 19 5 0024 90 117 75 72 22 11 0025 92 72 25 69 12 8 0026 1 5 0 1 3 0 0027 39 40 14 76 10 12 0028 74 92 89 119 14 10 0029 85 149 65 75 9 11 0030 122 256 117 212 28 23 0031 49 72 65 53 16 7 0032 63 198 24 45 12 1 0033 88 103 17 21 16 8 0034 12 46 7 9 4 4 0035 31 54 23 14 14 2 0036 43 104 57 22 13 5 0037 13 21 1 11 4 0 0038 18 38 14 23 6 4 )039 58 90 24 26 21 4 0040 78 79 36 37 32 3 0041 81 135 54 27 29 14 0042 52 102 46 29 34 13 0043 25 49 13 .. ' 15 11 2 0044 22 54 4 20 18 0 0046 86 140 40 43 40 7 0048 44 142 33 14 33 6 N001 89 103 51 91 S4 40 CANVASS MUNICIPAL PRIMARY, GENERAL, AND SPECIAL ELECTIONS Page 6 10:14pm Nov 2 1999 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 2, 1999 COMMISSIONER - GROUP VI A, Matti Herrera Bower 4,545 50.57% B, Li1iam Lopez 2,960 3:;.93'ls C. Mike Thompson 1,483 16,50% MI.~I BEACH QUESTIONS RENAMING OCEAN BEACH PARK D, Yes 4,719 59.86" E, No 3,165 40,14, BOND ISSUE FOR HIPROVEI1ENTS TO NEIGHBORHOOD INFRASTRUCTUPE F, For bonds 4,283 54,18" G, Against bonds 3,622 45. 8::i~ Precinct l<., B, C. D. E, F. G. 0011 157 148 58 204 152 204 157 0013 145 102 53 154 110 159 112 0014 217 93 54 174 126 143 155 0015 66 67 65 122 68 132 58 0018 137 89 90 162 105 158 115 0019 63 50 32 82 58 85 62 0021 153 72 31 114 104 110 98 0022 95 64 27 102 77 104 74 0023 230 211 52 277 171 213 233 0024 205 114 73 265 119 219 168 0025 141 95 46 155 99 123 131 0026 4 2 1 6 2 4 6 0027 66 94 33 92 58 95 55 0028 140 180 87 221 148 190 187 0029 168 163 57 250 140 202 189 0030 452 194 118 506 248 453 301 0031 130 78 53 170 90 136 123 0032 145 173 29 184 111 158 147 0033 154 71 35 98 102 91 109 0034 45 30 9 34 23 35 27 0035 68 49 23 79 40 63 59 0036 141 80 34 , 127 89 121 99 0037 30 10 5 22 21 24 21 0038 54 34 20 67 39 51 56 0039 131 62 34 110 85 102 94 0040 136 84 57 129 111 115 117 0041 188 103 50 168 129 172 120 0042 145 81 44 132 97 134 87 0043 67 36 15 51 45 56 41 0044 73 38 8 29 41 36 36 0046 204 116 60 139 135 126 147 0048 180 81 20 108 96 106 85 N001 215 96 110 186 126 163 153 CANVASS MUNICIPAL PRIMARY, GENERAL, AND SPECIAL ELECTIONS Page 7 10,14pm Nov 2 1999 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 2, 1999 BOND ISSUE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO PAFRS AND BEACHES A. For bonds 4,507 56,94', B. Against bonds 3,408 43,06', BOND ISSUE FOR FIRE SAFETY FACILITIES AND EQUIPI1EIIT C. For bonds 5,379 68,51', D. Against bonds 2,472 31. 49. CODE ;'11E!Wt1ENT REDUCING PESORT TAX ALLOCATION E. Yes 5,117 66, 35. F, No 2,595 33,65. Precinct ;... B. C. D, E. F. 0011 213 142 251 98 244 94 0013 162 92 174 84 172 81 0014 158 134 196 92 189 93 0015 130 56 157 30 139 51 0013 159 107 136 87 159 95 0019 86 55 93 48 99 40 0021 115 92 130 71 136 76 0022 118 60 129 50 120 54 0023 236 213 312 141 274 171 0024 231 159 274 108 276 94 0025 135 119 159 102 167 84 0026 4 4 5 3 6 2 0027 107 54 104 40 110 46 0028 185 195 255 119 253 115 0029 212 181 279 112 274 113 0030 473 288 573 180 509 220 0031 138 118 177 78 162 89 J032 165 139 198 111 187 97 0033 95 108 131 66 115 84 0034 34 25 39 22 43 15 0035 62 63 75 49 79 41 0035 117 101 150 68 135 75 0037 25 19 29 16 27 16 0038 48 59 64 44 73 31 0039 107 91 132 60 126 67 0040 129 99 153 77 148 82 0041 182 113 200 97 170 118 0042 140 84 144 72 124 88 0043 57 41 57 36 51 44 0044 45 31 49 26 40 33 0046 126 145 148 130 155 109 0048 122 75 128 61 119 72 N001 190 145 228 94 226 105 CANVASS MUNICIPAL PRIHAP.Y, GENEPAL, AND SPECIAL ELECTIONS Page 8 10:14pm Nov 2 1999 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 2, 1999 CHARTER A11ENDMENT INCRE.::"S ING SALARIES OF COMMISSIONERS AND MAYOR A. Yes 3,260 41.52', B, No 4,592 58,48% CHAP.TER A11ENDMENT TO PENSION FUNDS FOR FIREMEN AND POLICE~'IEN C, Yes 5,341 69,3H D, No 2,363 30,67'. GENERAL Et1PLOYEES' PENSION BOARD PRUDENT PERSON STANDARD E, Yes 3,967 54.84% F, No 3,267 45.16% Precinct A. B. C, D. E. F. 0011 135 218 226 112 182 143 0013 101 155 165 88 128 111 0014 90 204 185 105 142 130 0015 104 88 137 48 122 57 0018 105 169 178 92 131 121 0019 51 90 90 47 76 62 0021 61 148 129 82 91 99 0022 90 91 129 46 90 75 0023 171 275 311 140 207 204 0024 174 212 283 90 231 134 0025 106 151 164 97 123 112 0026 4 4 7 1 6 0 0027 51 103 115 35 76 63 0028 140 223 255 101 185 148 0029 163 222 280 103 212 150 0030 431 323 576 161 451 245 0031 127 132 181 68 132 99 0032 120 171 202 84 148 133 0033 63 136 134 68 81 102 0034 32 25 40 20 32 26 0035 45 78 69 45 58 50 0036 89 131 135 '. 71 98 101 0037 11 33 24 18 21 19 0038 48 59 71 29 57 40 0039 86 109 142 52 94 81 0040 90 142 157 71 101 105 0041 114 180 182 108 150 131 0042 111 106 159 56 112 85 0043 39 57 67 28 44 41 0044 27 47 46 28 31 34 0046 82 189 149 109 124 121 0048 79 116 140 57 97 84 NOOl 120 205 213 103 134 161 ...' ,'. ~ :. 1 ~ ~ ~ ;! j ill sl.t ~!S ~~i o .!! ... 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Cl Project Name and Description Total Capital Cost CIP Funded FIRE SAFETY FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Fire Apparatus Replacement 625 Replacement of 5 fire/rescue vehicles (2 ladder trucks, 3 pumpers) $2,700,000 Fire Station #2 Renovation 2300 Pinetree Drive 495 Full historic restoration, renovation, new apparatus bays and living quarters $5,180,625 Fire Station #4 Renovation 6880 Indian Creek Drive 494 Historic restoration and renovation, including new apparatus bays and living quarters $2,475,525 Related Maintenance Facilities Restoration - Fire Safety 574 Ten-percent (10%) share of Property Maintenance Facility renovation ($215,750), which $215,750 provides maintenance services to fire and rescue facilities, Property Maintenance Facllty (#574) includes: replacement of 10,000 sq,ft, maintenance and warehouse facility, parking for 40 City vehicles, 40 employee vehicles, ADA compliance, Present facility is unsafe for workers and in need of full restoration, $0 $494,176 $550,000 $0 Proposed GO Bond Funding $2,700,000 $4,686,449 $215,750 FIRE SAFETY FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT TOTAL $10,571,900 $9,527,724 $1,044,176 Proposed G,Q, Bond Project List Page 1 10/20/99 Project Name and Description Total Capital Cost CIP Funded NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENTS Biscayne Point Neighborhood Biscayne Point Area Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements 632, 341, Area-wide street improvement (integrates Municipal Mobility Plan Project #2), Funding 342,343, includes traffic calming planning, structures and monitoring, sidewalk improvements, street 411 pavement. lighting, bike facilities, landscaping and irrigation, and increased on-street parking concepts, $300,000 Section 108 Loans to be used in CDBG area oniy, $100,000 Gas Tax funding allocated from #343, #341, #342, #411 $4,550,000 North Shore Neighborhood (includes Park View Island) North Shore and Park View Island Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements 632,341, Area-wide street improvement (integrates Municipal Mobility Plan Project #2), Funding $4,650,000 342,343, includes traffic calming planning, structures and monitoring, sidewalk improvements, street 411 pavement, lighting, bike facilities, landscaping and Irrigation, and increased on-street parking concepts, Area includes all areas north of 63rd Street. and east of Indian Creek and Tatum Waterway, This area includes Park View Island, $400,000 from Section 108 Loans to be used in CDBG areas only, $100,000 Gas Tax funding allocated from #343, #341 , #342, #411 Biscayne Elementary School Circulation Improvements 632 Improve traffic circulation, pedestrian safety along 77th St. in front of Biscayne Elementary School (Municipal Mobilty Plan Project #4) $72,500 Normandy Shores Neighborhood Normandy Shores Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements 632, 341, Area-Wide street improvement (integrates Municipal Mobility Plan Project #2), Funding 342,343, includes traffic calming planning, structures and monitoring, sidewalk improvements, street 411 pavement, lighting, bike facilities, landscaping and irrigation, and increased on-street parking concepts, Includes all areas of Normandy Island north of the canal. $100,000 Gas Tax funding allocated from #343, #341, #342, #411 $3,500,000 Normandy Isle Neighborhood Normandy Isle and Normandy Sud Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements 632,341, Area-wide street improvement (integrates Municipal Mobility Plan Project #2), Funding $4,550,000 342,343, Includes traffic calming planning, structures and monitoring, sidewalk improvements, street 411 pavement, lighting, bike facilities, landscaping and irrigation, and increased on-street parking concepts, Inciudes all areas of Normandy Island south of the canal, including the Normandy Sud neighborhood, $300,000 from Section 108 Loans to be used in CDBG areas only, $100,000 Gas Tax funding allocated from #343, #341, #342, #411 Normandy Dr. /71st St. Corridor Enhancements 632 Provide increased landscaping and pedestrian amenities along Normandy Dr & 71 st St Continuation of existing streetscape west from Rue Notre Dame to City limit (MuniCipal Mobility Plan Project #6) $1,465,000 $400,000 $500,000 $0 $100,000 $400,000 $0 Proposed GO Bond Funding $4,150,000 $4,150,000 $3,400,000 $4,150,000 $293,000 Proposed G,Q, Bond Project List Page 2 10/20/99 Project Name and Description Total Capital Cost CIP Funded Proposed GO Bond Funding La Gorce Neighborhood Alton Road Enhancements 632 Operational improvements to mitigate traffic impact along Alton Road, Traffic calming improvements may include: landscaping and irrigation, lighting improvments, pavement restoration / improvments, curb & gutter improvements, roadway markings, signage, signal improvments, bicycle facilities, and/or traffic calming structures such as rondos, Funding includes planning process, Capital cost identified by Municipal Mobility Plan, (Municipal Mobility Plan Projects #14 & #24)) $4,095,000 $0 $819,000 La Gorce Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements 634 Area-wide street improvements on City-owned roads (except Alton, LaGorce, Pinetree), Coordinate with Municipal Mobility Plan Project #14, Includes $300,000 realocated from Gas Tax funding (#341,#342,#343,#411), Includes unfunded need of $500,000 from Pinetree and LaGorce Traffic Calming Project (#634) which complements the MDC DPW Traffic Calming project with additional landscape, lighting, irrigation, and slgnage, Complements Aiton Road Enhancements, $500,000 $300,000 $200,000 La Gorce Island Enhancement 633 Traffic enhancements, landscaping, signage, lighting, and park improvements on LaGorce Island, $200,000 $0 $200,000 Oceanfront Neighborhood Indian Creek Greenway (24th to 54th Street) 346 Streetscape alng Collins and Indian Creek Drive: landscape, street furniture, irrigation, lighting to create a linear pedestrian park and bikeway along Indian Creek from 23rd St & Lake Pancoast to 54th St. Connects Collins Canal Bikeway and North Shore Beachwalk, (Municipal MObility Plan Projects #15 & #44), Partial funding to start, Completion requires control and/or use of shoreline properties in private ownership, and FDOT participation, $4,200,000 $0 Street Ends Landscape and Pedestrian Improvements, 25th to 43rd Street new Improvements to improve pedestrian comfort and enjoyment for beach access at street $4,300,000 ends (25th to 43rd Sts,), Eighteen street ends are included at approximately $200,000 each for pedestrian facilities, streetscape restorations, lighting, and signage, Additional funding provide for the location of secure, accessible restroom and shower facilities where needed, $0 $4,300,000 Nautilus Neighborhood Nautilus Neighborhood Streetscape and Traffic Calming 632, 341, Area-wide street improvement (integrates Municipal Mobility Plan Project #17), Funding 342,343, includes traffic calming planning, structures and monitoring, sidewalk improvements, street 411 pavement, lighting, bike facilities, landscaping and irrigation, and increased on-street parking concepts, $100,000 Gas Tax funding allocated from #343, #341, #342, #411 $5,250,000 $100,000 $5,150,000 Proposed G,O Bond Project List Page 3 1 0/20/99 Project Name and Description Total Capital Cost CIP Funded Bayshore Neighborhood (includes Lake Pancoast Area, and Sunset Islands) Bayshore Neighborhood Streetscape and Traffic Calming 632, 341, Area-wide street improvement (Not listed in Municipal Mobility Plan Project Bank, requires 342,343, coordination with Projects #17, #18, and #24), Funding includes traffic calming planning, 411 structures and monitoring, sidewalk improvements, street pavement, lighting, bike faCilities, landscaping and irrigation, and increased on-street parking concepts, $100,000 Gas Tax funding allocated from #343, #341, #342, #411 Lake Pancoast Streetscape new Streetscape, roadway, curb & gutter, storm drain, landscape, Irrigation, Runoff debris and Collins side as part of seawalls and greenway, (Not listed in Municipal Mobility Plan Project Bank, requires coordination with Project #18) Sunset Islands Enhancement 633 Traffic enhancements, landscaping, signage, lighting, and park improvements on Sunset Islands 40th Street Streetscape new Streetscape, roadway, drainage, sidewalk, curb& gutter, landscape along 40th Street from Chase Avenue to Pinetree Drive, Project complements Orchard Park improvments, and provides needed buffering between residential neighborhhood and the back of commercial uses along the 41 st Street business district (Not listed in Municipal Mobility Plan Project Bank, requires coordination with Project #18) $3,500,000 $900,000 $200,000 $500,000 Alton Road & 20th Street & Sunset Drive Reconfiguration !Improvements 632 Reconfigure intersections to increase capacity and reduce cut-through traffic to North Bay $375,000 Road, This project mitigates traffic impacts to the North Bay Road residential community from 20th Street to the Chase Avenue intersection, (Municipal Mobility Plan #28, requires coordiantion with Project #24) $100,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 Proposed GO Bond Funding $3,400,000 $900,000 $200,000 $500,000 Proposed G,O, Bond Project List Page 4 10/20/99 Description TotalCapital Cost CIP Funded Flamingo Park Neighborhood Flamingo Neighborhood Improvements 632, 341, Area-wide street improvement (Municipal Mobility Plan Project # 33, and #35, requires 342, 343, coordination with Project #37), Funding includes traffic calming planning, structures and 411 monitoring, sidewalk improvements, street pavement, lighting, bike facilities, landscaping and irrigation, and increased on-street parking concepts, Capital costs based on right-of- way related projects proposed through the Flamingo Neighborhood Charrette in 1997, $100,000 Gas Tax funding allocated from #343, #341, #342, #411, $33,000 developer contribution from Crown Royale mitigation, $7,500,000 West Avenue Neighborhood West Avenue I Bay Road Neighborhood Improvements 632, 341, Area-wide street improvement (Not listed in Municipal Mobility Plan Project Bank, requires 342, 343, coordination with Projects #33, and #35), Funding includes traffic calming planning, 411 structures and monitoring, sidewalk improvements, street pavement. lighting, bike facilities, landscaping and irrigation, and increased on-street parking concepts, $100,000 Gas Tax funding allocated from #343, #341, #342, #411, Includes $300,000 developer contributions from Parkshore and Grand Flamingo, $2,200,000 Venetian Islands, Star Is., Palm Is., Hibiscus Is. Venetian Causeway Master Plan Phase I-Venetian Islands 340 Infrastructure and landscaping improvements for Venetian Islands, including San Marino, $13,091,150 Di Lido, Rivo Alto, and Belle Islands, and a section from Alton Road to Island View Park, Includes sidewalk, curb and gutter, lighting, landscaping, traffic control device improvements, and gateway treatment. Phase 1 improvements include island sidestreets (Not listed in Municipal Mobility Plan Project Bank, requires coordination with MMP Project #32) Venetian Causeway Master Plan Phase II-Causeway 577 Infrastructure and landscaping improvements for the Venetian Causeway, from the Dade $9,874,970 Boulevard intersection to the City Line, Includes sidewalk, curb and gutter, lighting, landscaping, traffic control device improvements, and gateway treatment. Phase 2 improvements are for the causeway only. (Municipal Mobility Plan #32, requires coordination with MMP Project #30) Star, Palm, Hibiscus Islands Enhancement 633 Traffic enhancements, landscaping, signage, lighting, and park improvements to Star, $600,000 Palm, and Hibiscus Islands, $100,000 $400,000 $9,247,000 $8,047,970 $0 Proposed GO Bond Funding $7,400,000 $1,800,000 50 $1,827,000 $600,000 Proposed G,Q, Bond Project List Page 5 10/20/99 Project Nall'leand. Description Total Capital Cost CIP Funded City Center District Lincoln Road Improvements 620 Improvements to Lincoln Road to upgrade lighting, pools, fountains, and other amenities for the purposes of replacing malfunctioning andlor unservicable equipment with equipment that can provide for better maintenance and performance, $300,000 South Pointe Neighborhood Meridian Avenue Extension Streetscape new Streetscape, landscape, lighting, for reopening of Meridian Avenue from 1st Street to 2nd Street. Not covered under RDA funding, (Coordinate with Municipal Mobility Plan Project #42) $200,000 Washington and Third Street Public Plaza new Provide aesthetic improvements at the pump station location to integrate with a public plaza improvement at intersection of Washington Avenue, Third Street. and Euclid Avenue $100,000 City-Wide Shoreline I Seawall Rehabilitation Program 414 Replace and repair deteriorated City-owned seawalls, For, bulkhead seawalls with $10,300,000 drainage outfalls, deteriorated outfall to be repaired and bottom in immediate vicinity dredged to remove siltation and restore runoff efficiency, This component including approximatey 350 outfalls for $3,5-million is a stormwater runoff function, and is to be funded by water and sewer revenue sources, Seawalls without outfalls include Collins Canal, Indian Creek, Lake Pancoast, Parkview Island, and street ends throughout the City, except in South Pointe RDA (RDA funds allocated for South Pointe seawall restoration, Other seawalls are vertical bulkheads at approximately $800 I linear It, or living seawalls at approximately $100 I linear It, Many of these seawall sections are coordinated with other projects and will be incorporated into their cpaital costs, including bikeway I greenway projects along Collins Canal and Indian Creek ($2-million) Related Maintenance Facilites Related Maintenance Facilities Restoration - Neighborhoods 479,534, Shares: 65% of Property Maintenance Facility renovation ($1.402,375) which maintains $4,114,569 574 City structures and street property, 72% of Public Works Facility renovation ($2,280,024) which maintains public rights of way, and 72% of Parks Maintenance Facility renovation ($432,170) which maintains landscaping in public rights of way, Property Maintenance Facilty includes: replacement of 10,000 sq,ft, maintenance and warehouse facility, parking for 40 City vehicles, 40 employee vehicles, ADA compliance, Present facility is unsafe for workers and in need of full restoration, Public Works renovation includes: renovation of 20,000 sq,ft, facility, 5,000 sq,ft, expansion, ADA compliance, access road, environmental remediation, paving, drainage, lighting, parking, and fueling facility for City vehicles, Parks Maintenance renovation includes renovation of building and greenhouse, security lighting, screening landscape, and new employee lot Funded amount from 72% share of Parks Maintenance Facility Funding ($432,170) $0 $0 $0 $0 $432,170 Proposed GO Bond Funding $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 $4,800,000 NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL $91,088,189 $20,127,140 $56,776,799 Proposed G,Q, Bond Project List Page 6 10/20/99 Project Name and Description PARKS & BEACHES Biscayne Point Neighborhood Crespi Park 528, 637 New restroom, renovate basketball courts, tot lot, landscape, and irrigation, Proposed GO Bond components include new basketball court, court and security lighting, and perimeter aluminum picket fencing, Stillwater Park 536,637 New recreation building and basketball courts, limited security lighting, landscape & irrigation, Proposed GO Bond components include court and security lighting, and perimeter aluminum picket fencing, Tatum Park 537,637 Building renovations, playground, landscape & irrigation, limited security lighting & entry gate, Proposed GO Bond components include court and security lighting, and perimeter aluminum picket fencing, North Shore Neighborhood North Shore Open Space Park 547, 637 New Recreation / Nature Center, renovate restrooms, lighting, landscape & irrigation, funded by CIP, Proposed GO Bond components include expanded Nature Center, additional beach plantings, security lighting and fencing, and provides for expansion into Altos del Mar, Expansion includes conversion to passive park of eleven contiguous lots in Altos del Mar, renovate or move historic structures, provide infrastructure, and extend Ocean Terrace to 76th St. North Shore Park & Youth Center 546,637 New recreation center, tennis courts, renovate bandshell, lighting, landscape & irrigation, accessible playground, Proposed GO Bond components include baseball field lighting, perimeter aluminum picket fencing, and $1,000,000 for Youth Center. Shane Waters ports Center new Expansion of the Shane Watersports Center to provide meeting rooms, appropriate facilities for training, and related site improvements, Addition will include the construction of a second story on to existing building, Normandy Isle Neighborhood Normandy Shores Golf Course Clubhouse I Community Center 612 Phase II Renovation and restoration of golf course and club house, Proposed GO Bond component to provide additional resources per community request for clubhouse renovations and development of community center facilities for the neighborhood residents, Fairway Park 541,637 Building, basketball and tennis courts renovation, lighting, playground, iandscape, Proposed GO Bond components include perimeter aluminum picket fencing, Normandy Isle Park 545,637 Renovate pool and fields, new recreational center, basketball courts, security lighting, tot lot landscape & irrigation, Proposed GO Bond components include security lighting and perimeter aluminum picket fencing, TotalCapital Cost CIP Funded $384,232 $482,918 $425,383 $5,187,900 $4,788,321 $300,000 $5,587,258 $1,244,611 $2,708,823 $234,232 $322,918 $275,383 $1,987,900 $3,438,321 $4,837,258 $994,611 $2,408,823 r:>roposed GO Bond Funding $750,000 $250,000 $300,000 Proposed G,Q, Bond Project List Page 7 10/20/99 Name and Description La Gorce Neighborhood Fisher Park 529, 637 Shade pavillion, restroom, tot lot, security lighting, landscape, decorative fencing, Proposed GO Bond components include security lighting and perimeter aluminum picket fencing, La Gorce Park 531,637 New tot lot, security lighting, landscape & irrigation, Proposed GO Bond components include security lighting and perimeter aluminum picket fencing, Oceanfront Neighborhood Brittany Bay Park 637 General lighting per the Parks Master Plan Allison Park new Renovations, gateway, and beach access, Project added by community request. Specific components to be further defined, Nautilus Neighborhood Muss Park 532,637 Renovate recreational building, sports courts, court lighting, tot lot, landscape & irrigation, Proposed GO Bond components include replacement playground equipment, irrigation, perimeter aluminum picket fencing, security lighting, and court lighting, Pinetree Park 535,637 Parking lot, landscape, irrigation, pedestrian walkways, Proposed GO Bond components include seurity lighting, additional landscaping, and site furnishings Bayshore Neighborhood Scott Rakow Youth Center 548 New ice rink, building renovation, parking lot, and landscaping, Proposed GO Bond components provide funding necessary to complete Parks Bond Fund renovations listed above, Total Capital Cost CIP Funded $253,809 $153,164 $10,000 $170,000 $272,871 $275,624 $3,180,000 $103,809 $103,164 $0 $0 $197,871 $185,624 $3,030,000 Proposed GO Bond Funding $150,000 $50,000 $10,000 Proposed G,O, Bond Project list Page 8 10/20/99 Flamingo Park Neighborhood 10th Street Auditorium I Beachfront Aud. (Beach Patrol Hqrts) 554 Renovate 10th 5t Auditorium / Beach Patrol Headquarters, including ADA requirements, painting, and restoration of deteriorated facilities, South Shore Community Center 553 Renovation and reconstruction of complete facility, with new landscaping, irrigation, signage, and playground Flamingo Park 542, 637 New pool, renovate all sports facilities, tot 101. landscape, and sign age, Proposed GO Bond components include: perimeter aluminum picket fencing, security lighting, football field renovations, new bleachers, track resurfacing, completion of tennis court improvements, court lighting, new shade pavillion, and a new irrigation system, Renovation and buffering for compatibility of the Property Maintenance Facility in Flamingo Park is funded separately, Flamingo Park Pool - Expansion new, 542 Additional funding for construction of new pool to have 4 additional lanes, Lap pool enlargement will be approximately 28 fl.by 75ft to be added to / coordinated with construction of new pool listed under Flamingo Park improvements, CIP # 542 Lummus Park 544 Renovate restroom, renovate serpentine sidewalk, new playground equipment, landscape, & irrigation, Proposed GO Bond components include additional landscaping, and widening of the sidewalks on the east side of Ocean Drive, West Avenue Neighborhood Island View Park 530, 637 Playground surface, landscape & irrigation, Proposed GO Bond components include security lighting, perimeter aluminum picket fencing, and shade pavillion, Venetian Islands, Star Is., Palm Is., Hibiscus Is. Palm Island Park 533, 637 Repair existing shade pavillion, new basketball courts, new playground equipment, accessible routes, Proposed GO Bond components include court and security lighting, and refurbishment of tennis courts, Belle Isle Park Improvements new Proposed GO Bond funding to provide playground, landscape, irrigation, site furnishings, pedestrian, and lighting improvements $690,000 $1,350,000 $4,920,482 $400,000 $2,031,229 $374,144 $349,691 $600,000 $0 $2,420,482 $931 ,229 $224,144 $274,691 $0 $0 $690,000 $1 $150,000 $600,000 Proposed G,O, Bond Project List Page 9 10/20/99 Project Name and Description South Pointe Neighborhood South Pointe Park Improvements 603 Improvements to South Pointe Park, $5,000,000 $3,000,000 City Center District Collins Park 550 Construct park improvments: walkways, lighting, landscape, amenity, etc, $2,530,000 $730,000 ,800,000 Garden Center Garden Center Renovation 613 Renovations to building and ADA compliance $1,500,000 $0 Beaches Beach Planting 557 Development of landscape design and plantings for beaches dune system on beach throughout City, $1,850,000 $850,000 North Beach Recreational Corridor 558 Bicycle and pedestrian facility on Beach ROW from 60th Street to 75th Street. To be coordianted with Allison Park improvements $2,600,000 $2,100,000 ADA Beach Access new Wheelchair accessible over-dune access, with decked, railed, lookout point, wi shade trees, and additional parking space, made out of bar grading in the sand -srew anchored below grade with large deck area at seaside with rails (similar to 5th Street) $225,000 $0 ADA City-Wide Renovations 480 Renovate City-owned facilities to improve safe access to persons with disabilities $1,000,000 $0 Proposed G,O, Bond Project List Page 10 10/20/99 Project Name and Related Maintenance Facilities Related Maintenance Facilities Restoration - Parks 479,534, Shares: 25% of Property Maintenance Facility renovation ($539,250) which maintains City $1,579,319 574 structures and street property, 22% of Public Works Facility renovation ($696,674) which maintains public rights of way, and 22% of Parks Maintenance Facility renovation ($211,343) which maintains landscaping in public rights of way, Property Maintenance Facilty includes: replacement of 10,000 sq,ft, maintenance and warehouse facility, parking for 40 City vehicles, 40 employee vehicles, ADA compliance, Present facility is unsafe for workers and in need of full restoration, Public Works renovation includes: renovation of 20,000 sq,ft, facility, 5,000 sq,ft, expansion, ADA compliance, access road, environmental remediation, paving, drainage, lighting, parking, and fueling facility for City vehicles, Parks Maintenance renovation includes renovation of building and greenhouse, security lighting, screening landscape, and new employee lot. Parks Facilities Roof Repair Plan 486 Provide for comprehensive roof surveys of large facilities roof needs plus replacment and $700,000 repair This is 80% of the Roof Repair Plan, 10% is incorporated into the Public Works Facility, and 10% into the Property Maintenance Facility, $132,052 $0 PARK & BEACHES TOTAL $53,124,779 $28,782,512 TOTAL BOND ISSUE $154,784,868 $49,953,828 $90,646,790 Proposed G,Q, Bond Project List Page 11 10/20/99