Attachment 24 CI.TY OF MIAMI BEACH . CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTE:R DRIVE MIAMI BEACH. FLORIDA 33139 htlp :\\ci.m iami-beach, 11, us = COMMISSION MEMOR4.NDUM NO. <6'1-0 -9'7 TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and /Hem bers of the City DATE: Noyember Ii, 1999 FROM: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager SUBJECT: REFERRA OF THE S92 MILLION GENER~L OBLIGATION BOND ISSUE TO A JOINT MEETING OF THE FINANCE AND CITYWIDE PROJECTS COMMITTEE AND THE NEIGHBORHOOD'S COMMITTEE ADMINISTR-'\.TION RECOMMENDATION Refen-al to the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee and Neighborhood's Committee. ANAL YSIS Introduction On November 2, 1999, the voters of Miami Beach approved the issuance of an approximate $92 Million General Obligation (GO) Bonds: $57,915,000 for Neighborhood Improvements $24,830.000 for Parks and Beaches $ 9,720,000 for Fire Safety A list of projects under each category was developed with input by the community in a series of public workshops held in August of 1999. The project list (see Attachment"A") was approved by the City Commission on September 17, 1999 in support of tbe Resolution Nos. 99-2399, 99-2330, 99-2301, describing the ballot la..'1guage for each question. Each of the ballot questions included a list of projects of similar or like type of improvemenrs clearly dealing in general with neighborhood improvements, parks and beaches and facilities such as the fire stations, per advise of the City's Bond Counsel. This report describes specific implementation actions for each of the projects on the list. Upon adoption, in principle, of an implementation plan by the City Commission, the Administration will present a resolution to the City Commission adopting an amendment to the Capital Improvement Plan eelP) and appropriate amendments to existing professional services agreements and other implementation proposals. AGEi'I'DA lTEM (4-C II-Il-Cf] DATE 77 The adopted CIP is a six-year plan for public improvements and capital expenditures by the City. A capital improvement is defIned as capital or "in-kind" expenditure of $25,000 or more, resulting in the acquisitions, improvement, or addition to fixed assets in the form of land, buildings or improvements more or less pem1anent in character, and durable equipment with a life expectancy of at least five years. Recommended Implementation Plan The following list summarizes projects under several implementation strategies. A detailed description of each project, its funding starus, recommendation and timetable has been added to each of the projects in Attachment "B", 1) Issue Request for Pronosal for Professional Services These projects may be started immediatel~v with the authorization to issue request for proposals to select architectural/engineering/landscape architecture/surveying teG1!2S for the planning, design and construction documents. These projects are projected to be complet~d in years 2000, 2001, and 2002. A request for proposals for these projects can be ready for City Commission action in December, 1999 as a companion item to the acceptance of the recommendations of this report as amended by the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee and Neighborhoods Committee. - Fire Station No.2 (in conjunction with Public Works Operations Facility) - Fire Station No.4 - Public Works Operations Facility (in conjunction with Fire Station No.2) - Property Maintenance Facility - Altos Del Mar Park - Allison Park (in conjunction with the North Beach Recreational Corridor) - North Beach Recreational Corridor - 10th Street Auditorium/Beach Patrol - Belle Isle Park - Botanical Garden Center - Beach Planting 2) Amend Professio'!al Services Afreements The City is currently engaged in agreements with severa! professional services firms for ongoing ',.vork. These agreements allm!' the addition of professional services, as the park master planning process has been completed This action allows for rime savings and efficiency in implementing rhe projects. These projects are estimated to be completed in years 2000. 2001, and 2002, Amendments fO existing contracrs can be placed on the ciry Commission agenda of December, 1999, as a companion item to the acceptance of the recommendations of this report as amended of the Finance and Cirywide Projects Committee and .Neighborhoods Commitlee. - Crespi Park - Stillwater Park - Tatum Park "-'North Shore Open Space Park ~.,Jorth Shore Park and )' ourh Center - Normandv Shore Golf Course Clubhouse/CoIT'.lTIunirv Center -' . - Fairway Park - }.;ormandy Isle Park ~C' - Fisher Park - La Gorce Park .., Parks Maintenance Facility - Muss Park ~inetree Park - Scott Rakow Youth Center - Venetian Causeway Islands StreetscapelTraffic Calming - Venetian Causeway - Washington and Third Street Public Plaza - South Shore Community Center Flamingo Park - Flamingo Pool '" Lummus Park - Island View Park - Palm Island Park .4tIf!' South Pointe Park - Collins Park 3) Amend Agreements The Shane Warersports Center was developed pursuant to an agreement with the non-profit organization thaI allows for the planning, design and construction of the facility. An amendment to the agreement, extending its life allowing Ihe proposed expansion to take place under their responsibility per Ihe City's approval, is the most expe~itious vehicle to accomplish the proposed expansion of this center. - Shane Waterports Center 4) In-Ho/lse The Public Works Operations Division and Property Maintenance can implement these two projects. These improvements can be started immediatezv. - Brittany Bay Park - Lincoln Road ImproveI1?ents 5) Five Year ImlJlementation These projects require neighborhood input, coordination with underground work and establishment of priorities. Planning can start in December J 999 to develop a scope of work and timetable for implementation. This task is estimated 10 take six months and be completed by May of 2000. Adoption of the implementation plan is projected in June of 2000 for the next./lve years as part of the ClP. The majority of the Oversight Commi/tee's work will most likely be focused on these projects, - Biscayne Point Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements - North Shore and Park View Island Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements - Biscayne Elementary School Circulation Improvements - Normandy Shores Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements - Normandy Isle and Normandy Sud Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements - NOffilandy Drive171 St. Corridor Enhancements 79 _ __.L ~ ... p" -- ~_.' - .- 'I - Alton Road Enhancements - La Gorce Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements - La Gorce Island Enhancement - Fire Apparatus - Facilities Roof Assessment and Repairs- Indian Creek Greenway, 23rd to 54th Street - Street Ends and Landscape Pedestrian Improvements. 25th to 43rd Street - Nautilus Neighborhood Streetscape and Traffic Calming - Bayshore Neighborhood Streetscape and Traffic Calming - Lake Pancoast Streetscape - Sunset Islands Enhancement - 40th Street Streetscape - Alton Road and 20th Street and Sunset Drive Configuration/Improvements - Flamingo Neighborhood Improvements - Star, Palm, Hibiscus Islands Enhancement - West Avenue/Bay Road Neighborhood Improvements - Meridian Avenue Extension Streets cape - City-wide Shoreline/Seawall Rehabilitation Program - ADA Beach Access - ADA Citywide Renovations . 6) Schedule at a Glance This section outlines the schedule to address the initial implementation phase of the GO Bond program. November 17, 1999 Referral to the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee and Neighborhoods Committee Adoption of ordinance establishing an Oversight Committee November 29, 1999 City-wide meeting to obtain nominations for the Oversight Board December 1, 1999 Appointments to Oversight Committee December 5, 1999 First Meeting of Oversight Committee and creation of three subcommittees to assist the Oversight Committee in establishing procedures and review of projects December 8, 1999 Joint meeting of Finance and Citywide Projects Committee, Neighborhood Committee and Oversight Committee December 14, 1999 City Commission meeting adopting recommendations of above; issuance of RFP's; contract amendments; and appropriations. December, 1999 to January, 2000 IJ1jtiate the project development program with the Oversight Committee establishment of three district subcommittees ' 80 J3nuary to March :2000 Neighborhood meetings March to May 2000 Oversight Committee reviews projects and recommends five year implementation program June 2000 Adoption of CIP by the Ciry Commission Project Administration The City Ivlanager's Office will prOVlOe direct coordination and be accountable for-- the implementation of the projects. The Public Works Department has been reorganized to include a new Division of Project Management and Construction Administration in order to address the CIP. The City Manager's Of rIce will have a direct relationship with the Oversight Committee, and will be responsible for project management of the planning, design and construotion docwnents, as well as construction administration, up to project closeout. . Upon individual project closeout, a full five year maintenance and operations plan will be developed for each of the facilities in order to insure that the proper resources are in place to meet those needs as part of the annual operation budget of the City. Starting with FY 99-00, new positions will be established to coordinate and manage the workload. It is estimated that seven positions to handle the planning and management of consultants for the preparation of design and construction documents will be sufficient for the work described in year 2000. Clerical support and financial tracking will be provided by three other newly established positions for a total of ten. These positions are proposed to initially be contract employees that remain with the City for the duration of the projects. Additionally, the Administration will continue to explore methods of project implementation such as Construction Management at Risk, and consolidation of similar projects for implementation. Also, the Administration will address changes in the procurement process to insure that professional services and consffilction contracts are awarded to companies possessing a strong track record and ability to deliver the projects in a timely fashion and within budget. Funding The project and all related costs will ultimately be financed through the issuance of one or more series of General Obligation Bonds. The timing of the issuance of these series will be determined based on the timetable established for the implementation of the projects and their integration v.rith other bond issues for Water and Sewer Improvements and Stormwater Improvements. Interim financing \viII be needed to establish the project team and to initiate the projects on a fast track basis. Such financing may be obtained from one of the Florida municipal loan pools on a short term basis and will be reimbursed at the time the General Obligation Bonds are issued. Oversight Committee The recommendation for establishment of an Oversight Committee was made during the community meetings held by the Administration. The general public was desirous of continuing their involvement and insuring that projects would be implemented in accordance with the project list. 8] ..~~---_..-..- ~.' . " ...:- ...#, . .~." ..- 1 In anticipation of the passage of the bonds, the Commission adopted on first reading an ordinance establishing an Oversight Committee. The Oversight Committee is expected to have subcommittees with representation form each of the neighborhoods to facilitate the development of a scope of work for the projects. The interest expressed by residents in this process was specifically directed to neighborhood improvements. A related item on today's agenda is the second reading of an ordinance establishing the Oversight Committee. The proposed makeup of the eleven member committee: is six members from the community; one member from the Planning Board; one member from Budget Advisory Committee; one member from the Parking and Transportation Committee, one member from the Chamber of Commerce; and member from the City Commission. Appointments are to be made by the "City Commission. The Administration has scheduled a public meeting on November 29, 1999 to receive recommendations for nominations to the City Commission for the first ~eeting in December. This action is consistent with the expressed desire of the community. The Administration recommends referral of the $92 Million General Obligation Bond Issue to a Joint Meeting ofthe Finance and Citywide Projects Committee and the Neighborhood's Committee. SRfJAG/lr T:\AGENDA \1999\NOV I 799\REGULAR\REFERRAL WPD 82 .~...:~\>\.~. <~~~~:.:';i. .~ ~.<:.:~-. .~..=.~:::!;..'1f.'1..i;....~:_:._:_.. .~. . ....... :' .' ". ..."71 North Beach Neighborhood Improvements Biscayne Point Area Neighborhood Streets cape Improvements Area-wide street improvement (integrates Municipal Mobility Plan Project 1:2) Funding includes traffic calming planning, struelures and monitoring, sidewalk improvemenls, street pavemenl, lighting, bike facilities, landscaping and imgation, and increased on-slreet parking concepts North Shore and Park View Island Neighborhood Streets cape Improvements Area-wide street improvement (integrates Municipal Mobility Plan Projeel 1:2) Funding includes traffic calming planning, struelures and monitoring, sidewalk improvements, street pavement, lighting, bike facilities, landscaping and irrigalion, and increased on-street parking concepts Area inCludes all areas nonn of 63rd Street, and east of Indian Creek and Tatum Waterway This area includes Park View Island Biscayne Elementary School Circulation Improvements Improve traffic circulation, pedestrian safety along 77th St in front of 6iscayne Elementary School (Municipal Mobilty Plan Projeel #4) Normandy Shores Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements Area-wide street improvement (integrales Municipal Mobility Plan Projecl #2) Funding Includes traffIC calming planning, struelures and monitoring, sidewalk improvements, slreet pavement, lighting, bike facilities, landscaping and irrigation, and increased on-stre<ot par1\ing concepts Includes an areas of Normandy Island north of the canal Normandy Isle & Normandy Sud Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements Area-wide street improvement (integrates Municipal Mobility Plan Projeel 1:2) Funding includes traffic calming ptanning, strUctures and monitoring, sidewalk improvements, street pavement, lighting, bike facilities, landscaping and irrigation, and increased on-stre<ot parking concepts Includes all areas of Normandy Island south or lhe canal, including the Normandy Sud neighbortlood Normandy Dr. /71 st S1. Corridor Enhancements Provide increased landscaping and pedestrian amenities along Normandy Or & 71s\ 5t Continuation of existing slreetscape west from Rue Notre Dame 10 City LimH (Municipal MobilHy Plan PrOJeel #5) $4,150,000 $4,150,000 $36,250 $3,400,000 $4,150,000 $293,000 . -' ........~.. _. North Beach Parks and Beaches Improvements Crespi Park New restroom, renovate basketbaU courts, tOllo!, landscape, and irrigalion Proposed GO Bond components include new basketball court, court and secumy lighting, and perimeter aluminum picket fencing $150,000 Sti/lwater Park New recreation build.ng and basketball courts, limited securrty hghling, landscape & irrigation Proposed GO Bond components InClude court :lOd security lighting, and perimeter aluminum picket fencing $160,000 Tatum Park Building renovations, playground, landscape & irrigation, limited security lighting & entry gate Proposed GO Bond components include court and securrty lighling, and penme!er aluminum picket rencing $150,000 North Shore Open Space Park New Recreation I Nature Center, renovate restrooms, lighting, landscape & irrigation, funded by CIP Proposed GO Bond components Include expanded Nature Center, addilional beae., planlings, security lighting and fencing, and provides ror expansion inlo Ahos del Mar ExpanSIon includes conversion to passive park of eleven contiguous lots in Ahos del Mar, renovate or move hlstonc structures, provide infrastructure, and extend Ocean Terrace 10 76th St $3,200,000 North Shore Park & Youth Center New recreation center, tennis courts, renovate bandshell, lighting, landscape & irrigation, accessible playground Proposed GO Bond components inClude baseball field lighting, perimeter aluminum picket fencing, and $1,000,000 forYoulh Cenler $1.350,000 Shane Waters ports Center Expansion of the Shane Wsterspons Center to provide meehng rooms, appropriate facllrties for training, and related site improvements Addilion will include the constructIon of a second story on to existing building $300,000 Normandy Shores Golf Course Clubhouse I Community Center Phase II Renovalion and restoration of 90ff course and club house Proposed GO Bond component to provide additional resources per community request for ClUbhOuse renovatIons and development of communrty cenler facilities for the nelgnborhood residents ' $750,000 Fairway Park Building, basketball and tennis courts renovation, lighting, piayground, landscape Proposed GO Bond components include penmeler aluminum pickel fencing $250,000 Normandy Isle Park Renovate pool and fields, new recrealional center, basketball courts, securrty lighting. 101 101 landscape & irrigation Proposed GO Bond components inciude security IIghlln9 and penmeter alummum pickel fencing $300,000 ___l~l_.. i ...'. ..~-_. _......__.-._'~ .' Middle Beach Neighborhood Improvements Alton Road Enhancements Operational improvements to mitigate traffic impaC1 along Anon Road Traffic calming improvements may include: landscaping and irrigation, lighting improvments, pavement restoration I improvments, curb (. gutler improvements, roadway markings, signage, signal improvmen:s, biCYCle tacil;:;es, and lor tranic calming stJ'\Jclures such as rondos Funding includes planning process Capital cost identined bl' MUnicIpal Mobilitl' Plan (MuniCIpal MObihty Plan Projects #14 (. #24)) La Gorce Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements Area-wide street Improvements on City-owned roads (except Allon, LaGorce, Pinetree) Coordinate with Municipal Mobility Plan Project #14 Complements the MDC OPW Traffic Calming pro}ed with addltlona/landscape, hghlrng, irrigation, and sIgn age Complements Allon Road Enhancements La Gorce Island Enhancement Traffic enhancements, tandscaping, signage, lighting, and park improvements on LaGorce Island Indian Creek Greenway (24th to 54th Street) Streets cape alng Collins and Indisn Creek Drive: landscape, street furniture, irrigalron, lrghllng to create a linesr pedestnan park and bikeway along Indian Creek lrom 23rd SI to Lake Pancoas: 10 54lh SI Connects Collins Canal Bikeway and North Shore Beachwalk (MuniCIpal Mobility Plan Projects #15 &. #44) Partial funding to start Completion requires conlrol and/or use of shorehne properties in private ownership, and FOOT participation Street Ends Landscape and Pedestrian Improvements, 25th to 43rd Street tmprovements to improve pedestrian comfor. and enjoyment for beaCh access at street ends (25th to 43rd StS) Eigl1teen street ends are included at approximately $200,000 each for pedestrian facilities, streetscspe restorations, Itghting, and .ignage Add~ional funding provide torlhe localion of secure, accessible restroom a:ld shower facilities where needed Nautilus Neighborhood Streetscape and Traffic Calming Area-wide street improvement (integ"'tes MUl1lcipa/ Mobilny Plan Project 1117) Funding Includes traff.c calming planning, structures and monitoring, SIdewalk improvements, street pavement, I'ghting, bike facilitIes, landscaping and irT/galion, and increased on-street parking concepts Bayshore Neighborhood Streetscape and Traffic Calming Area-wide .treet Improvement (Not Itsred In MuniCIpal Mobility Plan ProJoc1 Bank, reqUIres coordination w~h Projecls #17, #18, and 1124) Funding includes traffic calming planning, Slr\JClures and monitorrng, sidewalk improvements, 51reet pavement, lighting, bike facili1ies, Jancs:aping and irrigation, and increasea on.street parking concepts Lake Pancoast Streetscape Streetscape, roadway, curb & guner, stonn drain, landscape, irrigation Runof. debris and Collins slce as pan of seawalls and greenway (Not lis led in MuniCIpal Mobility Plan proJec:: 8ank, reqUIres coordInatIon with ProJee! 1:18) , Sunset Islands Enhancement Traffic enhancements, la:10s:aplng. sl;nage II;htlng, and park :mprovements on Sunset Islands 40th Street Streetscape Streetscape, roadway, drainage. side......alk. cu~& guner, lan:!.:ape along .tC'tr. Slree! from Chase Avenue to Pinetree Dnve ProJeCl complements Orchard Park Imorovmems, and provlaes needed buffenng between reSidential ne'ghbort1hood and the back o~ commercial uses along the A 1 51 Stree1 business dlsui::: (Not IlsteC in MU01::'lpal Mo~ilily Plan Proje~ 8anK, requires coordmatlon WIth Project #18) Alton Road & 20th Street & Sunset Drb'e Reconfiguration / Improvements Reoonf.gure Interse::1,o"s to Increase ::aoaoit>' a,:: reduce cui-through Irafflc 10 Nonn Bay Road Tnls prole~ mlllgales tra~lc Impa~s to the North Bal' Road resldent,a, .omn1unny from 20lh Streel 10 the Chase Avenue mlerse::tlon (Munlolpal r~~obj"ly Plan #28. requires coordlantlon wr.n Pro.'e~ ::2~) $8,9,000 $200,000 5200,000 $300,000 $4,300,000 $5,150,000 $3,400,000 $900,000 $200,000 $500,000 $75,000 ;,. ~ ._~"-4'.1-,"~.-"",:,.';"'.'_.. Middle Beach Parks and Beaches Improvements Fisher Park Shade pavlllion, restroom, 101 lot, security lighting, landscape, decorative fencing Proposed GO Bond components include securily lighting and perimeler aluminum pickel fencing $150,000 La Gorce Park New 101101, security lighting, landscape & irrigation Proposed GO Bond components include securily lighting and perimeter aluminum picket fencing $50,000 Brittany Bay Park General lighting per tile Parks Master Plan $10,000 Allison Park Renovalions, gateway, and beach access Project added by community request Specific components to be further defmed $170,000 Muss Park Renovate recreational building, sports courts, court lighting, lot lot, landscape & irrigation Proposed GO Bond components in:Jude repl~cement ~Iayground e'1ui~menl. irrigation, pe~irneler aluminum picket fencing, security Ughting. and court lighling $75.000 Pinetree Park Parking lot, landscape, irrigation, pedestrian walkways Proposed GO Bond components include seOOty lighting, addilional landscaping, and site furnishings $90,000 Scott Rakow Youth Center New ice rink. building renovation. parking 101, and landscaping Proposed GO Bond components provide funding necessary to complele parks Bond Fund renovations listed above $150,000 ~~---.;.,.....:-:..-'-~ . ,.);. South Beach Neighborhood Improvements Flamingo Neighborhood Improvements Area-wide street improvement (Municipal Mobility Plan Project # 33, and 1135, requires caordination wHh Projeel #37) Funding includes traffic calming planning, structures and monHoring, sidewalk improvements, streel pavement, lighling, bike facilities, landscaping and irrigation, and increased on-Slreel parking concepls Capital costs based on right-of-way related projects proposed through the Flamingo Neighbortlood Charrelte in 1997 West Avenue I Bay Road Neighborhood Improvements Area-wide street improvement (Not listed in Municipal MObility Plan Project Bank, requires coordination with Projects tl33, and #35) Funding includes traffic calming planning, struelures and monitoring, sidewalK improvements, street pavement, lighting, bike faci/Hies, landscaping and Irrigation, and increased on-street parking cancepls . Venetian Causeway Master Plan Phase I-Venetian Islands Infrastructure and landscaping improvements tor Venetian Islands, Including San Marino, Oi Lido, Rivo Allo, and Belle Islands, and a seelion from Anon Road to Island View Park Includes sidewalk, curb and gutter, lighting, landscaping, traffic cantrol device improvements, and gateway treatment Phase 1 improvements include island sideslreets (Not listed In Municipal Mobility Plan Project Bank, requires coordinalion with MM? Projeclll32) Venetian Causeway Master Plan Phase II-Causeway Infrastructure and landscaping improvements for the Venelian Causeway, from the Dade Boulevard inlerse:lion to the City Line Includes sidewalk, curb and gutter, lighting. landscaping, traffic conlrol device improvements, and gateway treatment Phase 2 improvements are for the causeway only (Municipal Mobility Plan 1132, requires coordination with MMP Project #30) , Star, Palm, Hibiscus Islands Enhancement Traffic enhancements, landscaping, signage lighting, and park improvements to Star, Palm, and HibiSCUS Islands Lincoln Road Improvements Improvements 10 Uncoln Road to upgrade lighting. pools, fountains, and other amenities for the purposes or replacing maJlunclioning and/or unservicable equipment with equipmenlthat can provide fo, b,ener maintenance and pertorrnance Meridian Avenue Extension Streetscape Streetscape. landscape, lighting, tor reopening of Meridian Avenue from 1st Street to 2nd Street Not covered under RDA funding (Coordlnale with Municipal Mobility Plan ProjeC1 #<:2) Washington and Third Street Public Plaza Provide aeslhetic improvements at me pump stalion locallon to inlegrale with a p:;blic pla2a Improvement al interseclion of WaSnlngton Avenue, Third Street, and Euclid Avenue $7,400,000 $1,800,000 $3,844,150 $1,827,000 $600,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 , ___..:.'-....~........~..L_._ L South Beach Parks and Beaches Improvement~ 1 Dth Street Auditorium I Beachfront Aud. (Beach Patrol Hqrts) Renovate 10th 51 Auditorium I Beach Patrol Headquaners, including ADA requirements, painting, and restoration 0: deteriorated facllnles South Shore Community Center Renovation ant: rcconstruc:ion of complele facility, wnh new landscaping, irrigation, Slgnage, and playground Flamingo Park New pool, renovate all spons facilities, tot lot, landscape, and signage Proposed GO Bond components includ.e: pel aiumlnum pickel fencing, secur"y lighting, football field renovalions, new bleachers, track resurfacing, completio~ of tE court improvements, court lighting, new shade pav,lI,on, and a new irrigal/on system Renovation and buNering for compatibility of the Property Maintenance Faci/ily in Flamingo Park is funded separately Flamingo Park Pool - Expansion Additional funding lor construction of new pool to have 4 additional lanes Lap pool entargement will be approximately N by 75ft to be added to I coordinated with construellon of new pool listed under Flamingo Park improvements, CIP tI ! Lummus Park Renovate restroom, renovate serpentine sidewalk, new playground equipment, landscape, & irrigation Proposed GO E camponents include additional landscaping, and widemng of the Sidewalks on the east side of Ocean Drive Island View Park Playground surface, landscape & irrigation Proposed GO Bond components include security lighting, perimeter aluminl picket fencing, ana shade pavillion Palm Island Park Repair existing shade pavillion, new basketball courts, new playground eouipmenl, accessible routes, Proposed GO Bor components include court and security lighting, and refurtlishment of tennis courts Belle Isle Park Improvements Proposed GO Bond fundin! to provide playground. landscape, irrigalion, site fumishlngs, pedestrian, and lighting improvemenls South pointe Park Improvements Improvements to South Pointe Park Collins Park Construct pari< improvrnents: walkways, lighting, landscape, amenity, eta Garden Center Renovation Renovations to building and ADA compliance ORDINA2'lCE NO. 99-3214 '", A1~ ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE III OF THE MIA.lYII BEACH CITY CODE ENTITLED" AGENCIES, BOARDS AND COMMITTEES" BY ESTABLISHING A THIRTEEN (13) MEMBER GENER~L OBLIGATION BOND OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE COMPRlSED OF T\VO RESIDENTS FROM THE NORTH BEACH AREA, T\VO RESIDENTS FROM THE MIDDLE BEACH AREA, T\VO RESIDENTS FROM THE SOUTH BEACH AREA, ONE MEMBER FROM THE BUDGET ADVISORY COMMITTEE, Oi'l"E ME~mER OF THE PLAl'.j'NING BOARD, O~'E ME~mER FROM THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, ONE MEMBER FROM THE PARKING AND TR~NSPORTATION COMMITTEE, ONE MEMBER FROM THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE (NON-VOTING), ONE MEMBER FROM THE CITY'S HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD (NON-VOTING), AND ONE MEMBER FROM THE CITY COMMISSION FOR THE PURPOSES OF PROVIDING GUIDA1~CE AND ASSURANCE THAT THE PROPOSED GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND FUNDED PROJECTS ARE IMPLEMENTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROJECT LIST APPROVED BY THE l\'lA YOR AND CITY COMMISSION, SAID APPOIN:rMENTS TO BE MADE BY THE CITY COMMISSION; PROVIDING FOR SEVER~BILITY, REPEALER, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. \VHEREAS, throughout the public inputprocess with the community on August 10, II, 12 and 23, 1999, regarding the proposed General Obligation ("G.O, ") Bond issue, the community stated its desire to participate in the implementation of the projects that are to be financed by the G.O. Bond Program; and \VHEREAS, in the focus groups and public workshop, it was suggested that a committee be formed to oversee and coordinate the implementation of the aforementioned projects; and \VHEREAS, the purpose of the committee would be generally to assure that the program projects are implemented, and that any modifications are made in a participatory and fair framev,:ork; and \VHEREAS, the committee \vould provide a venue for neighborhoods to determine and prioritize specific projects within each neighborhood; and \YHEREAS, the Community Development Advisory Committee and the Historic Preservation Board are City boards having a limited scope and purpose, along \.vlth specific expertis~ in their respective areas of concern, it is desirable to have input to the Oversight Committee ITom each of them on a non-voting, advisory basis; and \vl1EREAS, the Administration recommends the following composition for an Oversight Committee: thirteen (13) members consisting of nvo residents from the North Beach area. two residents from the Middle Beach area, tvvo residents from the South Beach are:l, one member from the Budget Advisory Committee. one member from the Planning Board, one member from the Chamber of Commerce, one member from the Parking: and Transportation Committee. one member from the Community Development Advisory Committee (non-voting), one member from the City's Historic Presen'ation Board (non-voting) and one member from the City Commission to be appointed by the City Commission; and \VHEREAS, the mission of this committee is to assure that the G,O, Bond Program. as developed by the Administration with input from the neighborhoods and passed by the \oters on November 2, 1999, is implemented accordingly; and \VHEREAS, it is recommended that three subcommittees: one each for 0;orth Beach. Middle Beach and South Beach (the "District Subcommittees"), be established. Two of the members of the Oversight Committee from each of the above-referenced areas of the City \vill be the same individuals that serve on the respective District Subcommittee; and \VHEREAS, the number of members \vill be determined by the District Subcommittees: and \VHEREAS, the mission of these District Subcommittees is to receive input from e:lch of the neighborhoods as to the program for each of the G.O. Bond projects and priorit),.. NO\V, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOL VED BY THE MAYOR.-\.. ~D THE CITY CO:\[MISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that: Section 1, The Mayor and City Commission hereby amend Chapter 2. Article III of the Miami Beach City Code entitled "Agencies, Boards and Committees" by establishing a General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee a) comprised of t\VO residents from the 0."orth Beach area. t\.';o residents from the Middle Beach area, nvo residents from the South Beach area. one member from the Budget Advisory Committee. one member from the Planning BOJrd. one member from the Chamber of Commerce, one member from the Parking and Transportation Committee. one member from the Community Development Advisof!" Committee (who shall be a non-voting member). one member from the City's Historic Preservation Board (\vho shall be a non-\"oting member) and one member from the City Commission for the purposes of providing guidance and assurance that the proposed General Obligation bond funded projects are implemented in accordance \vith the project list approved by the Mayor and City Commission pursuant to Resolution :';os, 99-23299.99-2.3300 and 99-2330 1 adopted on September 17, 1999, as the same may be amended from time to time. and b) said appointments to be made by the City Commission. Section 2. hereby repealed. All ordinances, resolutions or parts in conflict herewith be and the same are ~ Section 3. If any section, sentence: clause or phrase of this ordinance is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, then said holding shall in no way affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect ten (10) days after its adoption. PASSED and ADOPTED this 17t1:J. day of November, 1999. ~ MAYOR ATTEST: e' /1 I :) J I/L-cc{} r eLL UlL,\. CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION ~~o1-U-" After Action November 17,1999 City of Miami Beach C2M Commission Memorandum No. 819-99 Request for Approval to Award a Purchase Order to Sloan Pump Co. Inc., in the Amount of$II,128.70 Pursuant to Bid No. 19-99/00 for the Purchase of a Hydraulic Power Unit/Trash Pump Set. Funding: Public Works Budget Account. Administration Recommendation: Approve the award. (Public Works) ACTION: Award authorized. Michael Rath to issue Purchase Order. Julio Grave de Peralta to handle. C4 - Commission Committee Assignments C4A Referral to the Beach Preservation Committee - Consider the Beach Concession Rules and Regulations. Recommendation: Refer the matter. (Requested by Commissioner David Dermer) ACTION: Referred. Bruce Henderson to place on committee agenda. C4B Referral to the Community Affairs Committee - New Nominations for Great Floridians 2000. Recommendation: Refer the matter. (Requested by Commissioner Nancy Liebman) ACTION: Referred. Judy Hoanshelt to place on committee agenda. City Clerk's Note: See item C7H for additional referral. C4C Commission Memorandum No. 820-99 Referral of the $92 Million General Obligation Bond Issue to a Joint Meeting of the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee and the Neighborhoods Committee. (Attachment Under Separate Cover) Administration Recommendation: Refer the matter. (City Manager's Office) ACTION: Referred. Patricia Walker and Ronnie Singer to coordinate ajoint meeting. 9